18th November 2019 Weekly Written Astrology
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs October 21 2019
- Strike a bargain with freedom
- Expect a win/win moment
- There’s a new deal on the table – and a new world to be explored
The deal on the table for you this week offers that Aladdin moment. It’s a whole new world, baby. You’ve the chance to enter into a wonderful cycle of mind broadening exploration or opportunity. Jupiter and Ceres meet in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s ruling sign and the 9th house. Jupiter rules expansion while Ceres is all about the Art of the Deal. Yes, freedom or even accepting that ‘golden’ opportunity, having what you want, requires you to make a concession somewhere. But it’s oh-so-worth-it. Both of these want to show you the advantages of a win/win solution. The compromise that works for both.
This could involve striking a deal over something you share with someone. The day after these two meet the Sun arrives in your 8th of shared resources, joint assets, mortgages, taxes, inheritance, loans, marital assets and anything you share with anyone or is shared with you in turn. Say a bed or even the key to the executive bathroom. Your salary is ruled by the 8th as are the perks and benefits that may come with your job. There’s always a trade-off which is of course, what Ceres brokers. For example, your mortgage application is accepted and you can buy that home, but this means you can no longer take those exotic, extended trips at the drop of a backpack because you need a regular job. This week has you very aware of what you may be giving up – but to have something bigger or better over the longer term. Strike that bargain, Aries. It’s very much in your favour.
In a nutshell: You’ve got a ticket to ride this week, Aries. There’s a deal on the table which has the potential to expand your world. Compromise may be necessary. But so worth it.
- Make that love-centered deal
- Share – and be shared with in return
- New worlds of love potential open up
There’s always pros and cons to any deal – even if it is in fact, loaded in your favour, Taurus. This week has you very aware of this as Ceres and Jupiter meet in your 8th. Something between you and someone close to you, may be up for renegotiation. This can involve your marriage partner or long-term lover, your boss, family dynamic or a business partner. Renegotiating the terms of an existing arrangement may feature in order to create something so much more workable, for instance. Your 8th house rules marital assets, mortgages, inheritances, maintenance agreements, pay-outs, benefits and your salary amongst other things. What you share with another and what is shared with you in return. This also includes the kids and the chores if you live with someone!
The Sun arrives in your 7th the day after the Ceres/Jupiter deal maker shining on partnership opportunities both present and potential. Some of you may make the decision to move in or marry. Independence and freedom are therefore brokered for long term love and security. That’s the kind of deal dynamic you’ll be looking at. If you are in a partnership and it’s not working, this week offers you the opportunity to put it on a new footing. Or to walk away without either party feeling hard-done by. You’re entering into a new realm of relating and loving compromise this week. Your natural talent for diplomacy means you are focussed on that win/win outcome from the outset. Do the deal with love this week, Taurus.
In a nutshell: It’s time to make a deal that shares the love, Taurus. Between you and the other party. Whether it’s a business or personal partnership, the two of you can emerge with what you want now.
- Say ‘I do’ to the deal
- Love flows from one area into another
- The journey is simply better with a travelling companion
A new kind of partnership opportunity could be on the table for you this week, Gemini. The person who is opposite you could be holding open a door that leads to a new world of loving or just redefines what a duo can do, achieve or accomplish together. Do you see love or working with someone as a journey? An adventure to be explored? Yes, there’s a trade-off involved as Jupiter and Ceres meet in your 7th. But that involves letting go of the need to go it alone. Let’s face it – any venture in life is better experienced with a like-minded travelling companion. Concessions may have to be made for it to work but that’s fine. The sum of the two hearts is so much greater than that of them beating alone. This applies to work, business or any kind of collaboration as well as love. This week simply wants you to say ‘I do’ to the deal.
What this may also usher in for you is a new sense of wellbeing or better way of working. It could enhance your routine, boost your energy or restore your purpose. You won’t be able to separate the areas of your life such as how the work you do affects your body, emotions and yes, your relationships – and vice versa now. All courtesy of the Sun shining on all these issues as it enters your 6th on the 23rd. The partnership some of you enter into could be a new job or business one. Feeling that love is flowing through you translates into you rediscovering the joy and your capacity to generate ideas around work or your routine. Love really is all around you this week and striking a deal with it in one area, just means boosting that loved-up feeling in another.
In a nutshell: Do you believe love is a journey and an adventure to be lived? Work that metaphor this week Gemini. A new travelling companion could appear as two paths converge in a fresh direction!
- The better you feel – the more you can attract
- Make the compromise that results in wellbeing
- Work that deal in your favour!
Do the deal with the work/life balance. And then – live the love, Cancer! The meeting between Jupiter and Ceres in your 6th this week could pave the way for a fresh way of working or new job opportunity for some of you. Certainly, if you are seeking work or to return to the workplace, this is one of the best weeks to see that job offer materialise. Setting your priorities when it comes to wellbeing also feature. Everything about your body and how it feels and functions will be in focus. There’s a deal to be done here. It may involve a compromise on your part but the pay-off will be increased energy and wellbeing. Perhaps this involves giving up sugar or taking more exercise. You relinquish that comfort food or watch less Netflix and opt for heathier choices and exercise instead. Sure, there’s a feeling of letting something go but the pay-off is you looking and feeling so much more vibrant and renewed. That’s the kind of deal I’m talking about.
Feeling better about yourself, engaging in meaningful work, emerging feeling like a winner – all feel good factors which put you in a mood to shine. And accept more of the good stuff the universe has to offer. All this is timely this week as the day after the Jupiter/Ceres meet-cute occurs, the Sun sashays into your 5th of utter fabulousness and self-expressed radiance. Time to shine and see what or who you attract in turn. Feeling good means your signal is set to ‘Open for business’ – and this means love too as this is your house of romance. Good times, holidays, parties and pleasure could offer opportunities to discover just what that increased sense of feeling great about yourself can actually bring you. Put that new you out there this week. This isn’t work – it’s play, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Work that work/life balance in your favour, Cancer. There’s a feel good factor emerging that translates into a brand new deal – and way you feel! The outcome – you’re set to attract!
- Make a deal with passion
- Love broadens your world in truly amazing ways
- Home is where the passion is
It’s all about the passion this week, Leo! You know your 5th is a treasure house stuffed with all things Leo-ruled. Creative self-expression, holidays, shining opportunities, romance, children, parties and playtime! With Jupiter in here it’s all about learning and opportunities that come through these and broaden your horizons in truly amazing ways. There may be a compromise involved though as Jupiter falls conjunct Ceres in here on the 22nd. This could be say the decision to become a parent which of course means giving up a certain amount of freedom for the next 18 years. But the benefits you get are beyond price. Jupiter also expands so it ‘bigs up’ the deal that Ceres is offering. Love and passion rule now but again, there is a compromise involved in this. Taking more time to pursue that hobby you love means less time spent on something else. Others could find themselves falling for someone who already has children from a previous relationship. Again, this involves that compromise.
This week also sees the Sun arrive in your 4th shining on living arrangements and your long term security. This is not just the house of where you reside – your home or flat, but also where your heart calls home – your homeland. This may or may not be where you currently reside. Decisions around living arrangements, where you hang your hat or even your career can feature. If the Ceres/Jupiter meeting involves your family expanding or a new person or job entering your life, it’s easy to see how these areas are connected. Again, this could mark a career or property deal that’s very much in your favour, Leo.
In a nutshell: Get ready because the good times are gonna roll for you this week, Leo! There’s a new deal around love or what you love happening. Time to open your arms to something so much better.
- Make that winning move
- Extend your living arrangements
- Build on that lifestyle dream
The house always wins this week, Virgo. Or should I say for you that property or security deal could be loaded in your favour? If you are thinking of buying, selling, renting, leasing or even Airbnb-ing your home, expect big benefits to come your way courtesy of the Jupiter/Ceres meeting in your 4th. If you’re selling, you could get your asking price or close to it. Buying or renting? You get more for your money than you imagined. Others could see the arrival of a new flatmate who brings with them built-in benefits such as helping out in ways you never imagined. Ceres is always about a new kind of deal on the table. Jupiter is about expansion. Therefore moving to a bigger home or extending your present one could be on the cards for you or exploring a new kind of home, making money from your home or living arrangement.
Ceres rules the Art of the Deal and it is your 3rd house which rules paperwork and contracts. Expect to come to an amicable agreement and to be signing on the dotted line from the 23rd when the Sun arrives in here. Important documents feature as does news which this house also rules. This is of course the house ruled by Mercury, the ruler of your sign. Security is linked to our job, work, career or business so those papers or agreements could also be connected to these areas. Get the key to a door which leads to a new deal on the table. House rules, Virgo!
In a nutshell: Home, security or living arrangements open doors to new ways of living. At the heart of the deal is you knowing where to call your own. It’s your house rules this week, Virgo.
- Make a deal you can bank on
- Send that message winging out there
- Holding patterns evaporate releasing you into something bigger!
Time to explore and make bigger, better connections with business or the world at large, Libra. Ideas, opinions, that message, script, blog, Instagram feed, pitch, screenplay, presentation or anything that has your name attached to it could wing its way further than you ever dreamed possible and bring back an offer with it in return. Trains, planes, automobiles, public transport – how you get around, could see you taking a journey with a deal to be made at the end of it. All thanks to Jupiter and Ceres meeting in your 3rd this week. Don’t stay home or if you do, connect via the message, internet, phone, latest apps in any way you can think of. If you don’t broadcast yourself far and wide this week, you could miss a golden opportunity. Deals can be struck and contracts signed that are to your benefit. Or news arrives which simply introduces you to a whole new cycle or way of being. Go forth!
The day after this meeting, the Sun leaves you sign and arrives in your money zone. Is cash or the lack thereof what has been holding you up? That stuck feeling could magically evaporate thanks to either direct benefits you can bank on or you having access to new resources. This could mark the start of a new way to make your bread, save or invest. There are options to explore – perhaps more than you previously considered. Any boost in business, offer or deal you strike now has the knock-on effect of you seeing just what money can and does buy you. Freedom and experiences, Libra. How’s that for a deal that’s all in your favour?
- Explore what true abundance means to you
- New ideas take you further than you could ever imagine
- Happy birthday, Scorpio!
Happy birthday to all the phoenixes out there! It’s time to rise from the ashes reborn as the Sun arrives in your sign on the 23rd. After the inner work you’ve been undertaking the past few weeks, time to unfurl a whole new element of yourself. And let the world step back and gasp in wonder! You’re stepping into a year when your ideas, what you say, write, publish and communicate has the capacity to take your further than you ever imagined. For now, it’s time to ensure that the outer you is reflecting the inner changes. And also the person you are evolving into. Show a new side of yourself to the world as part of your phoenix-rising rebirth process. It’s all about new beginnings now.
The day before the Sun arrives in your 1st, Jupiter and Ceres meet in your house of money, assets, possessions and self-worth. This is about what you have, hold or earn rather than what is shared with you. New ways of handling your finances or earning your dough could result for some of you. You may see what you have in a radically different light. That ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ moment. It may not be about what you have although this conjunction could bring about a new source of income or pay increase for some. If so, this comes about solely due to your efforts. You earned this. However, this is also about the smart money. And the smart money says it’s your relationship to what you have that results in you feeling so much more cashed-up and capable when it comes to your finances. Jupiter is all about expansion while Ceres rules the deal. The deal could simply be with yourself with what you want to do with your money in the future. You may buy into the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) philosophy for instance. Or the deal is with that employer, customer or business venture. You’ll give up something – perhaps instant gratification, to invest in something so much more worthwhile over the longer term. What a gift, Scorpio!
In a nutshell: Your birthday season comes with extra gifts, Scorpio! Such as a new ability to attract abundance. You’re seeing yourself in a new light. And this extends to what you have, too.
- Self-love and acceptance is the new deal on the table
- Be who you think you are
- Reclaim the lost parts of your soul
Just who do you think you are, Sag? This week your name, face, brand, image and reputation is going to say it all. So – work it. You could be centrestage or simply ready for that close-up now. All eyes are going to be on you as Ceres and ruler Jupiter meet in your 1st on the 22nd. You could find yourself (or alternatively your fame!), heading into fresh territory. Or taking you further than you thought possible. If you have issues with your appearance – your face, style, weight, presentation, then this week says there’s a new you and a new deal with yourself on the table. Others could discover their face, image or message has been received in the most far-flung places. Or find themselves heading there in person. There’s a desire to find what’s ‘out there’ for you and you will find the world welcoming you with open arms if you take that first step towards it. Update everything from your look to that CV. This is a week like no other to stand out and get yourself noticed. And to do any kind of deal based on what you and you alone are all about.
Whatever you do, own those parts of you that you may have been told you should be ashamed of or ‘cover up’. This can directly relate to body image issues as the Sun arrives in your 12th this week. But it can also refer to those aspects of our personality we’ve been led to believe are somehow unacceptable. Or which we fear if others know about will lead to them rejecting us or being ‘unlovable’. The Sun in here reminds you that in these lost parts of your soul resides your true power and beauty. If other people judge you negatively for these, that is their problem not yours. It’s time this week to embrace the power of true self-love and abandon self-shaming once and for all. Once you do – well, that new deal with yourself sees a whole new one struck with a wider audience, Sag.
In a nutshell: Self-acceptance and your right to shine, be recognised and noticed, is the new deal on the table, Sag. This week says: Don’t undersell any part of you. The world wants what you’ve got.
- What you unearth could hold the key to your future
- Expand that social circle
- Good karma pays with interest
Sometimes the biggest benefits life hands us are the ones that are invisible. This does not make them any less valuable however. Jupiter in your 12th removes those barriers which keep us trapped in the prison of limited thinking. It can also help free us from negative thoughts with a lightning bolt of illumination which leads us to understanding exactly why, how and where we have been getting in our own way. None of this may be obvious to others. It’s not like the tangible rewards we are handed when we get that payrise or new job for instance. But that does not mean we have not just authored a massive success story that can sustain us over the long term. Jupiter gives us the spiritual frequent flyer miles to explore our inner psyche. The discoveries we make ultimately free us. What happens goes on under the radar or beneath the surface. Jupiter’s meeting with Ceres this week clears the path ahead for you. This does not mean it cannot present a worldly opportunity. A job working behind the scenes, or in areas such as healing, counselling, physics, psychic development, charity, hospitals or even prisons. You are an unsung s/hero now but this does not make your achievement any less notable.
Benefits from good karma could be now repaid. The Sun’s arrival in your 11th this week pulls you out of your inner world and back into the outer one. It’s time to socialise and with your fresh insight, chart a course towards the future. This is where you begin to craft it. It’s time to mix it up with friends and to take any opportunities that come your way to expand your social and professional networks. This is your house of people power. The future could be shaped by who you know – as well as those deep, soul changing insights, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Uncovering hidden soul treasure paves the way for outer success, Capricorn. Dig deep because what you unearth now could set the future on a fresh course. Soul contacts play a role.
- What you want and what you need – the universe knows the difference
- Set your future in motion
- Get some Aretha happening! That’s r-e-s-p-e-c-t!
Your 11th rules all things Aquarian. This includes your friends, social circles, groups, bands, parties, clubs and associations. And of course, your future. This house is where we innovate our lives. New ways to do just that could present themselves this week as Jupiter and Ceres meet in here. Who is offering you some kind of deal or entrée into a whole new social or professional scene? If it takes you out of your usual one – you need to say yes. An opportunity could present itself that has the ability to change your direction. Thing is – it might not look exactly like you imagined. You need to know it’s better before you say no to it. One example I can hand you is a friend who set her heart on a job in the film business. Instead she got offered out of the blue, a job in the theatre. It turned out to be her calling. Be open minded as Ceres is all about compromise and that new deal which results in something so much better.
This week sees the Sun enter your 10th. This is when you are ‘on display’ and your public persona, reputation and how you are seen by the world at large is more important than usual. Time to impress and to take yourself seriously. Because if you won’t – how do you expect others to? You’re showing up on the radar of those at the top. It’s about what you are known for, want to be known for and rocking your story. Even if you don’t engage in paid work or are retired. You want to be seen by others in a certain way. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. First yourself. The rest of the world will then see you exactly how you want to be seen.
In a nutshell: An opportunity could set your future in motion in surprising ways. This week asks you to see beyond the obvious. Because what we want doesn’t always look like we thought it would.
- Deal that winning hand
- Get set for recognition and karmic kudos
- A higher power sets your feet on a new path
This week could see an offer you can’t refuse or perhaps shouldn’t refuse being made which is set to add to that career kudos, Pisces. Jupiter and Ceres are meeting in your 10th. Jupiter alone in your 10th usually delivers big new career opportunities. Or a new path entirely in some cases. For anyone who does not work, the benefits of Jupiter in here may come via their partner’s success. Ceres is about deals and compromises that may have to be made in order to reach them. The good news with Ceres always is that both parties are aligned and want the same outcome. Doors open wide and there may not only be a big deal on the table. But you could be set to be a very big deal indeed once the deal is done.
Don’t forget, Jupiter is your ancient ruler and even if our sign has been assigned a modern day ruler, the old rulerships still apply. Jupiter rules your 9th house and the Sun arrives in here the day after Jupiter and Ceres start wheeling and dealing on your behalf. Freedom on some level is the likely outcome for you. Your 9th rules travel, learning, big business, the mass media, airlines, the law, the outdoors and also your faith in a higher power. If there’s a big goal you’ve wanted to achieve but have felt you would have to move mountains to conquer it, this week could simply show you they are nothing but molehills in your path. Have faith in your own ability to negotiate for the outcome you want and claim your prize this week. Two rulers simply means you double your chances for success.
In a nutshell: That big deal? You are it this week, Pisces. Time to embrace success. And to know when it comes to the outcome you’re seeking – you have the ability to bring it about.
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