25th September 2017 Written Weekly Astrology

Changing Lanes
Love crossroads
Fly free but fly safe
Darling Aries, you are arguably the most impulsive sign of the zodiac. You love leaping into the unknown, hoofs happily trit-trotting toward the next experience. You are impetuous at the best of times but this week you may feel compelled to stretch, transform and evolve at any cost. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is opposite Uranus the spontaneous in your sign, so tread carefully. It’s fantastic that you are bold enough to listen to your warrior heart. You’re the original wildling, you’re beautifully brazen and dance to the tune of your own drum. You have a call to the wild and refuse to be contained, or Goddess forbid, controlled. But, remember, there’s a big difference between being impulsive versus being reckless.
Before you ditch a lover, leave a long-term relationship or jump in all horns blazing with a soul connection, it might be wise to take your time. What’s the rush? Dial it back a bit and give it a month or two before you rent the moving van and box up the cats. Reflect on the soul lesson and ground your decisions. On top of that, Venus is opposing Neptune, which could have you thinking in extremes. An ex-love interest becomes a villain and new love you place so high on a pedestal you can barely see their feet! We are all guilty of writing the characters in this spiritual movie called life. If you want things to work out, take a chill pill, reflect on your past relationship patterns and see the bigger picture.
People are like stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed
only if there is a light from within.
~ Elizabeth Kübler-Ross ~
Shady Pluto has been going retrograde leaving you confused about which direction your career should go in. Perhaps you lost your self-belief? How have you been feeling about work? Thankfully Pluto tips forwards and it’s all change.
When Mercury goes into your relationship zone on the 30th, you’re longing for harmony and balance.
In a nutshell – Easy Tiger! You’re incredibly spontaneous, and some might say audacious. Yes, you’re known for your impulsive ways but this week they are super sized as your soul seeks expansion at any cost. Pluto is giving you a break in your career and it’s go, go, go
Tough warrior
Walk on by
Breaking free
Are you struggling with a commitment? You might feel that you’ve imprisoned yourself with a past promise that you are now struggling to keep. Are there any power imbalances in your life? If so, it all comes to ahead on the 25th when Mercury tussles with Saturn. You don’t want to feel second best or pushed into a corner. The Bull in you is pawing the floor. Jupiter, the expansive, opposing Uranus, the rebel, are poking your buttons and you long for freedom and to do what you want. Fair enough, but how did you come to be in this situation in the first place? Did you compromise out of insecurity? A fear of not being lovable? Take some space to decide what you do want. Whether it’s a lover, job or society that you feel is restricting you, do some of the inner work. What does freedom mean to you? When Pluto turns direct on the 28th, you should start to feel that anything is possible, the clouds clear and you’re back in the sunlight again! Mercury is giving you the focus to take care of the details at work and shift paperwork, clear the decks before the opportunity comes knocking.
“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” – Golda Meir
In a nutshell – You are the most loyal sign in the Zodiac, but even you have to walk away or adjust plans sometimes. Don’t give yourself a hard time. Find the middle ground, or you might regret letting go of the whole cat and caboodle!
Sharp Thoughts
Inspired Genius
Wild Abandon
Gemini, what’s up? It’s all change this week as you move towards a cosmic pleasure zone, BUT there may be a bit of tricky navigation on the way! Mercury, your ruler, is square Saturn, the serious, in your relationship zone. You might find yourself compelled to have a conversation about what family and love mean to you. How do you feel about love? Do you feel supported? Are you encouraging yourself? The Universe is always listening, and right now you might find yourself tempted to make a run for freedom. Hold your horses, rein in your twin selves and LISTEN to your inner wise woman.
“You yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha Trust this!
Jupiter in your creative, pleasure, soulmate house is kicking off with Uranus, the unpredictable. You might meet someone in a crowd who shakes you out of your comfort zone, or perhaps you meet up with a dream team, but it just isn’t the right time or place? Big things are coming your way, and you are flowing with inspiration. When Pluto goes direct on the 28th, you can put your insecurities behind you, leave those shadowy fear realms and understand your power. Mercury, your ruler, shimmies into your joyous, love, pleasures and delights place. You’re on top form, and folk love your easy charm and witty repartee. Do you believe in your brilliance? Now is the time to follow through!
You are the most loyal sign in the Zodiac, but even you have to walk away or adjust plans sometimes. Don’t give yourself a hard time. Find the middle ground, or you might regret letting go of the whole cat and caboodle!
In a nutshell -There’s potential for a stunning soul uplifting week. You’re bonding, dancing, opening to joy BUT one word of caution, thanks to Jupiter and Uranus you might run away to join the circus and email a lover or boss before you’ve thought it through! In other news, the shadows are lifting as Pluto goes direct bringing you back into your power! Boom!
Balance your clan and work
Sensual uprising
Home is where the heart is
You have had to be an all-round warrior recently, and you are soft, sensitive and very receptive to other peoples moods. It may have felt as if the Universe had placed your soul in a cosmic spin dryer and slammed the door. This week, you are standing your ground, brushing yourself off and finally putting yourself first. There’s a temptation to go too far though as Jupiter opposes Uranus and Mercury squares grumpy old Saturn. Your ideas and input are spot on, but it’s all about the delivery!
We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Work shifts which may leave you disconcerted and with a lingering desire to break out and run for the hills. Avoid any rash decisions based on sudden emotions and do a spot of mindfulness to see where these feelings are coming from. When Pluto goes direct on the 28th, your intimate relationships and partnerships feel quite a bit lighter, you are more in control and seek harmony in all things. There is the potential for a sensual breakthrough as your confidence soars, and you connect to your inner Goddess.
In a nutshell – Mercury is shifting signs and making you keen to connect with those closest to you. Talks about your home and family are easier as you know just what to say. Pluto liberates your relationships and you can rebond.
Light my fire
You regain control
Soul awakening
Jupiter and Uranus have their third and final standoff this week. You might find yourself feeling very impatient with people, especially ones that are all talk. You want to explore, travel, and throw yourself into the wild. Try to avoid eye-rolling and arguments with folk you feel are stuck. Yes, your desire to spread your wings can’t be held back, just plan it and do it with your usual style and power! No rushing off to Hawaii with a toothbrush and one running shoe. You’re also prone to being blunt this week, fair enough but put the claws away, sure, give it to them straight but do it with kindness. When Pluto goes direct, you’ll start to feel a lot ‘safer’ in the world. Pluto has been going retro, stoking your fears about financial and even emotional security. Pluto direct allows you to slowly regain your footing and if you play your tiddlywinks right, you can secure a financial turnaround at work and enhance your health and well being! Yeah! Do be a little careful around the 30th though, as Venus and Neptune may stoke an obsession and this is not the week to loan money, especially to a lover. As Mercury goes into your connection zone, your razor wit wins friends and influences people, go girl.
In a nutshell – There’s a soul uprising, and you’re leading the charge. Jupiter and Uranus give you a brilliant idea BUT don’t try to pull it off without plotting and planning or it could slip through your paws. Pluto shifts this week allowing you to feel more in control of your health and well-being and Mercury brings the conversation you’ve been looking for.
Dreamy love
Witty banter
Flying free
Mercury, your ruler, is messing with Saturn. However, as Mercury is in your sign, you have exceptional communication skills. Your ideas are flowing, and you’re funny and optimistic. Serious Saturn is bringing a family issue to the surface. Are there any control patterns in your intimate relationships? Do you feel restricted or do you check up on a partner because you feel unsafe? Don’t get caught up in a circular argument but think about how you can fly free from repeating patterns. Be a tad cautious on the 28th though, when Jupiter has his third opposition with maverick Uranus, you’re keen to have financial freedom at any cost, see the contradiction there! If you take a short cut, it might lead you to have to work even harder to reach your goal. You have the brilliance to pull off radical change but use your analytic skills to plot your course.
Pluto has been messing with your sense of happiness recently, but he is about to lift the burden and go direct. PHEW! Suddenly you find your creativity and joy. A sensual reawakening gives you a thrilling few months. When Mercury goes direct on the 30th, you can build on your plans and give your happiness wings.
In a nutshell – Avoid tussling with family and focus on following your passionate spirit. There is no need to convince people that you are right, get on and show them! Pluto has been retrograde making you much more serious than usual as you’ve been pondering past soul mates. A brand new cycle awaits and it’s got joy written on it.
Fantasy Play
Look before you leap
Family magic
There’s magic and mayhem for the first few days of this week. Your ruler, Mercury, is squaring up to Saturn. Are you confused about what a love interest or new friend is saying to you? On the one hand, you might feel a profound connection, and yet the boundaries keep shifting and it’s hard to pin things down. When Jupiter opposes Uranus for the third time on the 28th, you are very tempted to be wildly impetus and let go of security for the sweet call of freedom. Don’t base any decisions on a fantasy connection that hasn’t grounded yet. Make sure that you aren’t overreacting as you are exceptionally intense right now and prepared to sacrifice security to follow a dream. When Venus, your ruler, opposes Neptune, your love life is far from clear. Enjoy the fluffy ride but don’t make any crazy decisions. Thankfully Mercury gives you a helping hand. on the 30th when he whisks into your sign. Thankfully you have communication super powers for a while and can persuade folk to see things your way.
Pluto may have been causing mayhem with your tribe but when he goes direct on the 28th, you should see positive change and a new beginning.
In a nutshell – Venus is confusing you but also tickling your fancy! Enjoy the ride but look before you leap. Pluto eases family issues and a move might be on the cards.
Daydream believer
Magical compadre
Psychic skills
It’s not like you to be indecisive. Scorpio’s tend to go after what they want with purpose and intensity. This week you might find yourself swinging to extremes. You seek spiritual enlightenment and want to know what your life purpose is. You’re kind of deep at the best of times but Pluto’s last couple of days retro have you dragging up past conversations and examining each minute detail. Some past conversations displease you. Yes, perhaps you feel you could have done things differently. Regret is about as useful as nail polish to a snake. As long as you have tried to make amends or accepted your part in it, it’s time to move on.
Thankfully, when Pluto goes direct on the 28th, you start to feel the heaviness lift, and on top of that, you are once again the Phoenix flapping out of the flames. Your words have a massive impact, and you feel back in your power. You’re aiming to make your life more meaningful and authentic. Watch out for an interesting character who pops up and makes an excellent fellow adventurer. When Mercury goes into your spiritual zone on the 30th, you are very psychic and perceptive, having said that, it’s also easy for you to fall face first into a delightful fantasy, your imagination, your desires and heart want to see the best in all communication.
In a nutshell – Pluto, your ruler, is going direct, hooray! Fuzzy thinking vanishes and you can now push your agenda.
Free spirit
meaningful unions
Wheeeeeeee! You might feel like a very over excited horsey this week as you ruler, Jupiter, is tussling with crazy, impulsive Uranus. This vibe has come and gone for you this year but each time there’s be a stirring in your heart for freedom. Perhaps you have already left a group connection to follow your bliss? As this is an opposition, it’s imperative not to go too over the top and chuck everything away to live in the hills with a silk scarf and a pocket knife. Your mind, spirit and soul is craving expansion, and you are getting some of the answers. Give it time, give it space and make a plan. You’re right though; there does need to be a few changes for you to get your happiness mojo back on. Creativity and soul connections are popping up to show you the way.
Pluto, the shady transformer, has been going retrograde. He’s been asking you to examine your relationship to money and security. What are your patterns in this area? What were your parent’s patterns and what can you shift to liberate yourself. Your Pluto journey into the underworld has probably been challenging, perhaps you felt unsafe or not as sure-footed as usual? Pluto is going direct on the 28th, and in the following weeks, you have an opportunity to transform your finances. Mercury is shifting signs and entering your sociable zone, all sorts of interesting projects are coming your way, get out and find a tribe that supports you.
In a nutshell – You’re soul surfing on the edge as you crave danger and excitement. Yes, you are going to get it but please keep it grounded. You have the potential to secure your dream if you take it one step at a time.
Power ranger
Work success
Just be you.
Hooray! The heavy energy that’s been circling you is lifting! You have been through a challenging time and perhaps questioned everything including your identity. Pluto has been driving you towards radical change, but when he was retrograde, all sorts of issues from the past can rattle your chains. On the 28th, Pluto stations direct. He is about to bring you into a new cycle where you feel more comfortable in your power. You’re evolving, growing and are ready to be true to yourself. Yay! You deserve this break, use it to your advantage.
Before that, on the 28th, you might feel as if you have to make a decision around your home, family and your career. Jupiter is offering you a chance to expand and excel in what you do (of course you have to push yourself and take action) but Uranus might throw a curveball as a family matter catches you off guard. You are not in the mood to be distracted or let anyone stand in your way BUT this transit has the ability to make you reckless. Try to take 24 hours to think things through, especially around any life-changing decisions. Mercury is entering your career zone too on the 30th. Others are standing up and taking notice, you got this.
In a nutshell – HOORAY! Pluto goes direct in your sign releasing you from doom and gloom and reigniting your power.
Join forces
A Magical mystery tour
Your ruler is kicking off with Jupiter, the Planet of expansion, making you even more of a courageous voyager than usual! You go all Tin Tin and want to solve complicated problems and travel free. If you’ve been bored, you find the right conversations and solutions to do things differently. Having said that, this energy is so full on you could act without thinking. Your soul is screaming out for excitement and expansion. Broaden your horizons by enrolling in a course, get out and join inspiring groups. You might find yourself planning an awfully big adventure but don’t forget to explain things to your loved ones. You’re not just going on a physical or intellectual journey but also a spiritual one. Pluto, the lord of transformation, has been going retrograde in your mystical zone. You’ve probably taken a rocket ship back down memory lane and thinking of the times you were off balance? Where there people or experiences you were addicted to? Were you naive in believing in a love interest or even a group with high ideals? In the coming cycle, you embrace your own wise woman who has been right beside you all along. What do you KNOW but are ignoring? What does your body say to you about trust? Use your soul Satnav, and you can’t go wrong. Mercury is also going into your adventure zone drawing free thinkers, rebels and unique souls your way.
In a nutshell – Thank goodness pesky Pluto is going direct and releasing you from a past life connection that would not let go. Or perhaps you’ve been confused by another’s lack of boundaries? Grab the reins and gallop to your destiny
It’s all change this week as you forge ahead with a better understanding of your own power. Steady though Pisces, before you fearlessly swim toward the sharks, make sure that you are doing the right thing. You have a strong desire for independence and also to express your sensuality, power and intuition. All of this stuff is already your strengths, accept them, nurture them but don’t let the wild thoughts of this week make you too cavalier!
OOH ER! Jupiter and Uranus are bringing awakening but can make you foolhardy and unaware of the consequences for rash action. You got this, take it easy! When Venus opposes your ruler Neptune, you might find yourself idealising a lover or fantasising about someone new. Fair enough, and yes, you might have a soul attraction but keep one fin on the ocean floor. You view love with rose-tinted Raybans but might only have a small part of the selfie! Take your time so that you can see the full picture. Pluto has been messing with your social Mojo, perhaps you have felt isolated or on the outside looking in? When Pluto goes direct, you should regain your confidence, find a new tribe and enjoy getting out there. Mercury is shifting too, making you brooding, sexy and mysterious.
In a nutshell – Trust in your instincts and your charisma. You’ve been through some tough times, but the circle now turns. Mercury is making you magnetic and intense, but avoid making any impulsive cash decisions.
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