Your Monthly Astrology December 2019 – Empowerment calling! Jupiter switches it up!
Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs December 2019
- Write your own definition of success
- Past events shape your future
- Get ready for recognition
Self-author a success story to take you on into 2020. Time to walk your talk, Aries. To speak and act with authority, authenticity and truth. Big opportunities abound now but they ask that you own your path, past choices and decisions. Time to walk a higher path and to reach for that better solution.
Jupiter arrives in your status setting 10th on the 2nd. It’s been 12 years since Jupiter was last in this sector of your chart. If you were 18 or over back then, think back to the opportunities or events which directly impacted on your career, status and how you are seen. This also applies to events further back than that. 19 or even 38 years ago if you were a fully-fledged adult back then. This is linked to the South Node in Capricorn. We’re going to experience Venus, Ceres and the Sun conjunct the South Node this month. For all of us, this will bring something ‘full circle’. If there’s a sense of déjà vu around this, you’re being handed the opportunity to change the story for the future. This begins with the choices you made in the past which have brought you here and owning them.
See your Jupiter in Capricorn forecast for an in-depth look at Jupiter’s ability to open doors for you that lead to you writing a new kind of success story in 2020. And how you can take action to make this happen in a better way. For now, as Venus on the 3rd and Ceres on the 8th meet the South Node, a new and better way forward can be forged. Venus rules balance while Ceres rules amongst other things, the Art of the Deal. Career and status decisions – if not yours personally then those of your partner, can be made now.
Acting with integrity, taking yourself seriously, could bring serious rewards. Owning those choices which did not work out without blaming others, can bring you release into something better. Your 10th is your ‘public’ house. Where you are ‘on show’. It rules our reputation so this month as well as the next, is going to let you know how others – especially people in positions of influence, authority and power, see you. You have the ability to change this for the better this month if that is your goal.
With Mercury out of retroshadow on the 7th and entering your 9th from the 9th, it’s time to push forward with those work and career plans. Send that pitch, proposal or CV winging out there! Travel is also back on the agenda with Mercury now in the sign of mass transportation and long haul trips.
Crafting that message you put out there which tells your story will be an important factor this month. ‘Authority’ contains the word ‘author’. Write a new chapter with confidence and be aware that others are reading it closely. You’ll also note ‘authentic’ stems from this too. Get ready to sell yourself and your message as just that as the full Moon appears in your 3rd of communication, messages, the internet, publishing and commerce on the 12th. Also be prepared for your ideas to be challenged. Provided you know your stuff, ruler Mars in its ruling house (8th) trine Neptune in your 12th on the 13th, makes for inspired action.
This full Moon occurs right between two important transits of this major 10th house weather for you. The 11th sees Venus meet the ruler of your 10th – Saturn. The 13th sees it interact with Pluto. This points to powerful and lasting transformations to your career path or status, recognition and rewards if they are due. If you are on the right path now, expect doors to open wide. Jupiter will trine Uranus in your money zone on the 15th while the Sun makes the same angle on the 24th. You could be looking at ending the year on a high note with bonuses, benefits or a pay rise on offer.
Venus leaves your 10th on the 20th and arrives n your 11th. Be aware that this transit is about the love of friends rather than romantic love. Your social life should be lit up with holiday sparkle. Others could benefit from the generosity of friends or even connections opening doors to progress for 2020. Again, with the party season underway, please be aware at all times of your public and professional image.
The Sun’s entry into your 10th on the 22nd marks the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the summer one in the Southern. An important eclipse appears in here on the 26th with the new Moon. It falls within one degree of Jupiter. Eclipses always indicate something being covered up. Total eclipses mean we are completely in the dark over something. This eclipse is an Annular Eclipse. This means the Moon is further away from the Earth than in a total eclipse so appears smaller than the Sun. This results in the ‘ring of fire’ effect. In other words, the aura of truth still burns brightly. Is it your burning ambition or talent, skills or even a wish to head in a new direction that you have kept hidden?
As this is family time for many, this eclipse may trigger issues around living up to your family’s expectations rather than your own. Did you choose your career or was it chosen for you? The same goes for partners. Was your choice influenced by your family, heritage or roots rather than your heart? Authorship means living our truth and owning our path.
That way ahead could be open wide to opportunity as the Sun and Jupiter meet in here for the first time in 12 years on the 27th. Mercury also enters here on the 29th making it possible for you to convey those ideas and to sell yourself effectively.
If you are on the wrong path, nothing and no one is going to be able to keep you there during 2020. Jupiter always offers freedom and solutions if we are prepared to reach for them. That path you’re on – you’ll be able to see clearly if course correction is required on the 30th as the Sun meets the South Node and Mercury trines Uranus. 2020 offers you release into a new self-defined success story. Make the most of the opportunity, Aries.
In a nutshell: Opportunities stem from being authentically you. And from actions you set in motion in the past. It’s time to own your path. And define for yourself what success means to you, Aries.
- Travel and expansion beckon
- Opportunity (and the world) knocks
- Release yourself into freedom
Jupiter enters its ruling 9th in your chart for the first time in 12 years. If you were 18 or over back then, think back to the opportunities for travel, learning or ‘lucky’ breaks which presented themselves back then. Which did you accept? What did you say ‘No’ to and now regret? Jupiter always invites. It is up to us how we RSVP. 2020 will offer you a chance to choose again, and differently this time if you harbour any regrets over your choices. For more on this see your full Jupiter forecast for Jupiter in Capricorn on this site.
You’re entering a cycle of freedom, expansion and opportunity like no other. The chance to see and experience the world in new ways. Long distance travel is very much on the agenda for the next 12 months so ensure your passport is up to date. The ‘heavy’ Capricorn weather we are all experiencing this month and on into January, has a slightly different vibe for you than it does for other signs. This is down to Jupiter being in its ruling house along with your ruler, Venus until the 20th. While all signs have work to be done, for you the work could revolve around a release into something bigger, better and more freeing. Especially if you have been in a long-term situation which has confined or restricted you for far too long.
This may be liked or tied to events that were set in motion 19 years ago. Orr even further back than that if you have been living out some family karma. Something may be new but oh-so-familiar now. Is there a pattern that’s repeating itself? This will become apparent as the month progresses as first Venus on the 3rd, then Ceres on the 8th and finally the Sun on the 30th, all meet the South Node in here. This may raise for some of you questions around where you belong as well as your personal freedom. Solutions like no other could be at hand unwrapped by Jupiter personally as its angle to Chiron hands you the ability to come up with radical, blue sky thinking that simply would not have occurred to you before now.
Change is in the air as well as a need within you to have, experience or even achieve more. Your ambitions are being subtly ignited now as well as your desire to expand your knowledge of the world. Even if you are not travelling now or in January, Mercury leaving retroshadow and entering your 9th points the way towards initiating changes and fully embracing the power of your ideas.
Ruler Venus makes two freedom defining alignments this month. Both bracket the full Moon which appears in your 3rd on the 12th. The 11th sees Venus meet Capricorn asking you for a serious commitment towards what constitutes living your success story and freedom for you. The 13th will see it meet Pluto indicating that whatever has held you back for so long is about to transform in a way which will release you into new possibilities. The full Moon in your 3rd makes long overdue conversations possible. It also allows your ideas to take flight. How far can they take you? It’s time to share not suppress them along with your thoughts and feelings. Whatever you’ve been putting off saying, this full Moon asks you to say it anyway.
Uranus in your 1st isn’t just about radical shifts to your image, title, look, style, appearance or how others see you. It’s also about shaking you free of those confinements. The thing to remember about Uranus is that it awakens us so we can evolve. Uranus simply does not do stagnant or the status quo. Any attempts we may make to hang on to ‘the way things were’ just amplify Uranus’s ability to shock us out of our comfort zone. What we need to remember is that no matter what Uranus sends us, soul freedom is always its goal. Be open to what opportunity looks like around the 15th and also the 24th and 30th, when first Jupiter and then the Sun and Mercury trine Uranus. Flexibility and a willingness to embrace change when it appears could simply offer you a better way to reach those long-term goals. Or that much needed release factor.
Ruler Venus is on the move on the 20th enhancing your public and professional image in your 10th. With Mercury now safely out of retroshadow, look at what you want to achieve in the upcoming year. Does your image accurately reflect how far you’ve already come? Venus offers insight into this with a tight angle to Uranus on the 22nd. Is that Christmas gift to yourself a makeover or image enhancement? Consider this an investment in your future if so.
The Sun’s entry into your 9th on the 22nd is like a searchlight shining on your future path. But are you ready yet to reveal where it is going to take you? You’ve a new Moon in here on the 26th. This new Moon always marks the start of a real or metaphorical journey. However, this new Moon triggers an Annular Solar Eclipse which in turn, is just one degree from Jupiter. An Annular eclipse is one that creates the ‘ring of fire’ effect with the Sun’s corona visible. This is because the Moon is further away from the Earth than in a total eclipse. So, it appears smaller and does not completely cover the Sun.
Eclipses conceal and cover up. So, your direction ahead is either not yet completely clear or else you are not revealing it. Is it that big dream, Taurus? The Sun and Jupiter meet the day after the eclipse and while the entire map may not yet be clear, the next step or big opportunity certainly is for you. That journey starts here.
Mercury’s entry into your 9th on the 29th, brings the total number of planets in this house to six plus the South Node. (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto). You’re on a journey now towards a fresh destiny. Long distance travel, the law, academia, the mass media, airlines, the outdoors, philosophy and religion as well as freedom, are themes you may be embracing. As we head into 2020, Mercury and Uranus will trigger an aspect which says the journey you are on now is highly personal and will not only evolve you, but redefine you on some deep inner level. Remember 2020 contains a bigger experience than you may have allowed yourself to have up until now. Start to live it large this month, Taurus.
In a nutshell: You’re on a journey towards soul freedom now, Taurus. Watch how barriers to progress vanish in unexpected ways. Live life on a larger stage, this December!
- Opportunities, breakthroughs and solutions are yours
- Welcome to a new kind of sharing
- Be the change you want to see in your life
You’ve had the benefit of Jupiter in your house of partnerships for the past year. The first month of December sees it on the move into your 8th. Powerful changes are now forecast. This is your house of shared assets and resources. What is shared with you and what you share with others in turn. It rules legacies, mortgages, wills, taxes, your salary, loans and partnership and marital assets. There’s a massive line up in this house of your chart, pointing to a major transformation taking place. For more on what Jupiter in this sector of your chart can deliver in the next 12 months, please read the Jupiter forecast for your sign.
It’s been 12 years since Jupiter last visited this sector of your chart. However, last time Saturn and Pluto were not in residence. Pluto of course rules this house while Saturn rules Capricorn. Serious commitments and massive changes are likely now. December marks the start of these. You may get some idea of what this month and also January 2020 may deliver if you look back 12 and then 19 years provided you were 18 or over at the time. It’s not just Saturn and Pluto which are making the difference this time around. But also the South Node in here.
The South Node is linked to karma. It’s a bit like the movie Groundhog Day. In case you missed this one, Bill Murray plays a cynical TV weatherman who finds himself trapped in a never-ending cycle where he must repeat the same day over and over again. That is, until he learns to act differently. Well, the South Node is a lot like that. The South Node can see us facing the same people, circumstances, issues and situations over and over again until we learn to react to them differently. Big opportunities to do this abound this month. It’s a chance to step free of the cycle once and for all.
What you face this month could have its roots way back 19 years ago or further back still. Are you living out a theme which has been handed down from generation to generation within your family for example? This is your house of legacies after all and this is about karmic legacies. You’re being asked to go through a big inner transformation now in order to transform your outer world. The message here is: when nothing you have tried works, the only thing you can change is yourself.
This could include how you react to others. Are you trying to change someone? Or are you trying to be someone you are not in order to please others? Being the authentic difference is your way to step free and into your personal power. And paradoxically, into the kind of relationship you’re seeking. The Sun remains in your partnership zone until the 22nd. As an added bonus, ruler Mercury exits its retroshadow phase on the 7th and also arrives in your 7th from the 9th. Love is back on the menu again as are any conversations to be had around partnership matters.
Venus and Ceres are offering you the chance to re-work that karma between you and someone intimately close to you. Or just your fears around intimacy, money or empowerment, as they meet the South Node on the 3rd and the 8th. Intense but sexy encounters or influential friends could offer both freedom and solutions on the 9th when Jupiter angles to Chiron in your 11th. Dare you try something different? Be different? Choose different this time around?
Full Moons bring peak experiences and the challenge of balancing our feelings with what actions we need to take. This month’s full Moon appears in your 1st on the 12th. Full Moons shine their light into the house opposite to the one they appear in. In this case, your 7th. Partners, your closest friends, long term lovers, business and working relationships, activity partners or collaborators or even that enemy, rival or opponent. The light shines on the person ‘opposite’ you now and your relationship to them is set to transform. Again, this transformation is triggered by changes you are making within yourself. Think back to all the times in the past where you have faced challenges. Chances are the situation transformed simply because you did. This is no exception as this full Moon falls between two important conjunctions in your 8th between first Venus and Saturn on the 11th and then Venus and Pluto on the 13th.
It may take a few days before you become aware of just how big an impact your changing perspective has had. Dates to watch this emerge include the 15th when Jupiter trines Uranus in your 12th, the 24th when the Sun makes the same angle and also the 30th when ruler Mercury brings news or a conversation which confirms just how you have become the very change you needed.
Important papers and documents may be signed and agreements reached as the year draws to a close. Venus moves from your 8th and into your 9th on the 20th. Some of you may be heading overseas for the holiday period as this is your house of long-distance travel. Benefits may come your way via people or companies based overseas, the mass media, learning or the law. This is your house of big dreams and yes, with Venus in residence, big loves. The changes you make could be giving yourself permission to pursue just that now.
The 22nd sees the Sun’s arrival in your 8th.the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest in the Southern. It’s a day where the year pivots. Where we can look back on what we achieved over the past year and set our course for the coming one. December and January are all about reaching for a different kind of solution and a higher path. For yourself and for others Gemini. It’s about knowing YOU are the difference in any equation now. The 26th brings a new Moon of positive change for you. But it comes with an Annular Solar Eclipse. This produces the classic ‘ring of fire’ eclipse where the Sun’s corona is clearly visible. As you know, eclipses conceal. Total eclipses mean we are completely in the dark over something. An Annular eclipse has a literal ‘ring’ of truth to it. But we don’t have the full picture yet.
Again, this may relate to yourself and another party and something you both share. Anything from a bed (as your 8th is the house of sex) to money, financial agreements or even a horse. Expect the T&C’s to be unclear, under renegotiation or subject to changes. Change does not necessarily mean anything negative. This holiday period can bring changes via big commitments for some such as entering into a new partnership phase such as an engagement or marriage as the Sun and Jupiter meet in here on the 27th. Or you are the beneficiary of someone’s generosity in other ways.
Ruler Mercury’s arrival in here on the 29th brings the planetary headcount to six – Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto plus the South Node. The penultimate day of the old year sees the Sun meet the South Node and Mercury trine Uranus in your 12th. Unexpected news could put a different spin on the New Year. However, the real difference is how you receive this. This could relate to someone or something which comes full circle once more. But you are now the link which breaks the chain. If others have thought you oh so predictable, you could simply confound them by your response or the choice you make now. Be the change you want to see in your life. And life will follow your lead on into 2020, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Jupiter brings opportunities and amazing breakthroughs. It arrives in your transformation sector this month. Embrace the power of positive change, Gemini!
- Destiny connects you to love
- There is no such thing as coincidence – just synchronicity
- It takes two like never before, baby!
For the next 2 months if not the majority of 2020, it’s going to be all about you and that opposite number, Cancer. Welcome to Jupiter in your 7th house. Of course, we’ve not only Jupiter in here. We’ve a slew of planetary bodies which will peak at six plus the South Node this month. (Sun, Mercury, Venus, a new Moon, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto). In other words, you have never experienced a dance quite like this one!
It’s also been 12 years since Jupiter was last in residence in here. If you were 18 or over back then, think back to who you were dancing with. If you are single, at some point during the next year, Jupiter should present you will at least one possible contender for your heart. Or you may benefit by a partnership of a different nature. A business partnership, collaborator, close friend, travel companion or working relationship. For more on this, read your forecast for Jupiter in Capricorn on this site.
Intuitive Cancerians (is there any other kind?!) will have already figured out that all those planets in your 7th are opposing your Cancer Sun (or will be) plus any other planets you have in your sign. Plus you will have joined the astro dots so to speak and worked out if the South Node is in your 7th, the North is in your 1st. The Nodes rule fate and karma. Also cycles. Again, if you were an adult 19 years ago (node cycles are 19 years), think back to that time. What was happening with partnerships, your marriage or your love life?
This does not mean you are necessarily entering a repeat performance but it does mean you need to be aware of any themes repeating themselves. Also, please bear in mind that while Jupiter rules breakthroughs and solutions, it cannot and does not fix something broken beyond repair. Especially with Saturn and Pluto also in residence. If something between you and someone else has been lived out, it will however make it possible to part ways with possibly less acrimony than at other times.
It’s all in the timing as December begins. Venus rules your 7th and meets the South Node on December 3rd while Ceres which rules compromise and deals, engages with the Node on the 8th. For some of you, this could see you entering into an important new phase in a partnership where commitments of one sort or another are made. An existing connection could go to the next phase for example. Especially as Venus makes first a ‘put a ring on it’ conjunction to Saturn on the 11th. Saturn always asks for serious commitments. One way or another. Venus makes the same aspect to Pluto on the 13th marking a transformation point in a key relationship – or alternatively, your relationship status.
Mercury exited retroshadow on the 7th and arrives in its ruling 6th on the 9th. Your daily routine, workload (paid or unpaid), wellbeing and even your pets if you have them, will feature now. Look at how you are supporting that body. Information that seems aimed directly at you may jump out via the internet, books, magazines or even via a character in a film or TV show. Mercury rules amongst other things, synchronicity. Yes, this is a message for you so use it.
In between the two major conjunctions Venus makes in your 7th, we have a full Moon appearing in your 12th. This is your house of secrets, of metaphysical and spiritual matters. Full Moons as well you know, shine their light into the house opposite to the one in which they appear – in this case your 6th. Look for connections between how you feel and what you do. Are you truly listening to what your intuition is telling you? Is it time to act on this finally especially if a situation is affecting your energy or wellbeing? Time to follow your emotional truth.
Uranus and your 11th house is where your future gets created. New and future defining connections can be made this month thanks to Jupiter aligning to it on the 15th. The 20th has Venus enter your 8th adding passion and depth to those intimate relationships. Re-ignite the sizzle in an existing relationship or take that new one to the next step. The Sun’s entry into your 7th on Solstice Day keeps the spotlight very much on partnership matters and the run-up to Christmas could see someone charismatic cross your orbit as the Sun also trines Uranus on the 24th.
Your new cycle of relating officially begins with the new Moon in here on the 26th. However – this comes with an eclipse. The eclipse also occurs within one degree of Jupiter. In fact, the Sun will conjoin with Jupiter the following day. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse which results in the ‘ring of fire’ effect around the Sun. Eclipses always conceal something. Total eclipses mean we are utterly in the dark. Annular eclipses – we have a flash of insight but not the bigger picture. This all points to you either not knowing the possible potential around a new connection or not yet being certain of the way forward with an existing one. Play the waiting game. At least until January. But the Sun/Jupiter meeting points the way forward towards a bigger love experience.
Mercury in your 7th from the 29th fuels both love and working relationship discussions. It tells you no matter what – it’s all love. Collaborative efforts are favoured now for those of you back at work or even thinking about that new job for early 2020. Fate could be at work once more, bringing someone or something full circle or into your life at precisely the right time for you to experience it. All thanks to the Sun’s meeting with the South Node on the 30th. The same day Mercury trines Uranus. For you, the new year begins right now. Be out and about and be seen. Destiny in the form of someone, is seeking you out this December, Cancer.
In a nutshell: It’s all about the person opposite you now, Cancer. That long term lover, marriage partner, business or working relationship or close friend. Embrace a new era of relatedness now.
- Get ready for the feel-good factor!
- Add a new meaning to what you do
- Set your status to ‘Sparkle’
You’ve had 12 months of indulgent Jupiter in your house of romance, children, creativity, holidays, fun and pleasure. How many of these themes have you experienced? The vibe changes at the start of December as Jupiter moves on into your 6th on the 2nd. Get ready as Dr. Feelgood is in your house of health, wellbeing and your day job. This cycle is going to be all about enhanced work opportunities and wellbeing. If you have been looking to change jobs or return to the workforce, Jupiter should usher in at least one golden opportunity for you. For more on this cycle, please read your personal Jupiter in Capricorn forecast for Leo.
If you were 18 or over 12 years ago, think back to what opportunities appeared back then on the work or study front. Diving into a role that simply works for you is one benefit Jupiter in here can bring. Whether you do paid work or not. If your energy has been lagging lately, Jupiter in here should restore your joie de vivre.
You should expect big changes to either your job or your attitude towards your own wellbeing to appear this month ahead of possibly even bigger changes in the next. We are entering Capricorn weather even though your ruler, the Sun remains shining in your 5th right up until the 22nd. Yes, the focus remains on all those themes close to that golden Leo heart of yours. ‘Tis the season to party, indulge yourself and attract. Mercury exits its retroshadow phase on the 7th and brings invitations and amps up the flirt factor from the 9th when it too enters your 5th. A full Moon in your 11th this month on the 12th also allows you to shine like a star on top of that tree. Plus love and romance – wrapped in long term promises under the mistletoe, remain on that wishlist as Venus enters its ruling 7th in your chart on the 20th.
But you won’t be able to ignore the fact that when it comes to your daily duty, changes are occurring and even fate may be at work. This is due to that big planetary build up in your 6th as well as planets impacting on the South Node in here. Again, if you were 18 or over 19 years ago, think back to the work themes or opportunities around you then. They could come full circle now. Especially in terms of rewards for past efforts as the South Node is linked to your karma. Venus will meet the South Node on the 2nd and Ceres on the 8th. Looking to escape the daily grind or want to look forward to Mondays again? Jupiter’s angle to Chiron in your 9th on the 9th offers a solution that appears both bold and audacious. If you are applying for a new position or promotion now, make this your stand-out moment.
Super 6th house weather is going to take you on into the new year. Status making angles occur between Jupiter and Uranus in your career zone. Ruler the Sun will make the same angle on the 24th. Unexpected opportunities, positive shifts in a fresh direction could be yours to explore. The new Moon in your 6th on the 26th is usually about bringing fresh meaning to the work you do. Or exploring that mind/body/spirit/routine link. However, this new Moon will trigger an Annular eclipse of your ruler. It also falls conjunct Jupiter in here. Yes, there’s an opportunity around you but you don’t have the big picture. Just a ‘flash’ of insight or a possible new direction for you. An Annular eclipse is one where the Sun’s corona remains visible. The classic ‘ring of fire’ image we often see during eclipses. You may not yet see the full potential of something or that bigger picture. However, this may begin to emerge around the 27th when for the first time in 12 years, your ruler and Jupiter meet in here. Doors to that new world of working and feeling may open wide. If it works – work it!
More information is going to come to light especially around wellness issues or your work. Before Venus enters your 7th, it will meet both Saturn (11th) and Pluto (13th). This points to rewards for past efforts and transformation. If however, you are the square peg in the proverbial round hole with what you do, nothing and no-one will keep you there during Jupiter’s transit of this house. Expect a better fit to appear. And a fitter you.
Mercury’s arrival in what is its ruling house on the 29th brings the total number of planets in here to six plus the South Node. (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto). You may be ending the year asking questions around what is my path and what am I destined to do? You need work with meaning now. Ruler the Sun conjunct the South Node on the 30th provides insight. This is also the day when Mercury makes a reputation enhancing angle to Uranus. This could propel you out of that career rut – or see you taking radical steps to make that happen.
The year ends with you feeling you are ready to conquer the world. Or at least your little corner of it when it comes to what you do and how you feel. Aim higher as we head off into 2020, Leo.
In a nutshell: That higher purpose, working with true meaning and the path you are here to walk are in focus now. Opportunities could appear out of the blue now. If it works – work it, Leo!
- Fall in love with love again
- Get ready to party and play
- Be swept away
Supersize the love this December, Virgo! It won’t matter how many times your tender and pristine Virgo heart has been broken in the past. Here comes Jupiter to restore your belief that love truly is, all around you. And to make romance fun again.
Settleds could re-kindle that rush of the early days of their connection. Or make babies as this is the house of children. If you already have children expect to share fun, play and good times. Jupiter could also open doors to the right school or university. Singles could attract more than one potential romantic partner who could be free-spirited, breezily sexy and unfortunately for you, messy. If so, this is telling you to let go and lighten up. Love isn’t something you can file away or tidy up. For more on Jupiter in here, read your Jupiter in Capricorn forecast for your sign.
As 2019 draws to a finale and we head into 2020, you are going to be doing so under Super 5th house weather. At the start of the month you have Venus, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in here. The South Node is linked to fate and karma. What goes around, comes around. Cycles we continue to live again and again until we learn from them and step free. As well as Jupiter’s ability to heal a broken heart, you are also being offered the opportunity to create some fresh love karma. A different outcome is on the table this time around.
Venus meets the South Node in here on the 3rd and Ceres on the 8th. If you were 18 or over 12 or 19 years ago its time to look back and examine what was happening in your love life, with your children if you had them, or with creative projects if you were involved with those. Something comes full circle but with a difference. That difference is you, what you have learned from this and the choice you can make now.
Ruler Mercury is out of its retroshadow this month. It arrives in your 4th on the 9th. Family matters, your home, your flat, buying, selling, renting or leasing property are all favoured as are any long term decisions which enhance your security. It’s time to take your ambitions seriously too. To project a professional image at all times – even if people set out to rattle you. There’s a saying that there is no emotion in business. Please bear this in mind as a full Moon appears in your house of career and status on the 12th. Especially if you are dealing with higher-ups or people in positions of power or authority. Keep your cool in public and your game face on now. This may also call on you to maintain a practical approach to a home or family matter. Full Moons reflect their light back into the house opposite to the one they appear in. This would be the Moon’s ruling 4th in your chart. You may find yourself being the voice of reason when it comes to those you live with or home matters.
Venus will meet Saturn and then Pluto in your 5th on the 11th and 13th respectively. Your romantic status may change during this time. Again, this is all down to timing and fate (Saturn rules both while Pluto rules sex and transformation). It’s either on like Pokemon Go or off like Super Mario in search of a mushroom. Whatever happens, you won’t be able to resist the forces at work now. So, don’t even try. Singles may be powerless and swept away by something irresistible. But if it’snot meant to be – it won’t be.
You however are fine either way as you are embracing a lighter, freer side of love now. Jupiter’s angle to Uranus on the 15th could release you into an unexpected opportunity for romance or even recognition. Venus shifts from your 5th and into your 6th on the 20th. Venus in here enhances your work status making you appear desirable to employers both present and potential. However, Venus in here can also highlight any love relationship that has tipped into the ‘hard work’ category. If this is the conclusion you come to – don’t forget you have solutions to hand thanks to Jupiter.
The Sun’s arrival in your 5th on solstice day says ‘Lighten up’, if so. And that there could be something bigger on your horizon. The new Moon is your 5th brings in the desire to create something. A new love perhaps or to revive an old one as this is your house of pleasure and hobbies. This new Moon will trigger an eclipse however. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse which delivers that ‘ring of fire’ effect where the Sun’s corona is clearly visible during it. As eclipses conceal this means something has the ‘ring of truth’ to it but you don’t yet have all the facts. The eclipse also falls within one degree of Jupiter in here. Something big is brewing. In fact, the Sun and Jupiter will meet the very next day when further revelations may begin to appear. However, you may have to wait until 2020 to see the big picture.
Ruler Mercury arrives in your 5th on the 29th. You now have a total of six planets in here plus the South Node which the Sun conjuncts on the 30th.What is emerging is part of your destiny now and is set to awaken or release you from something confining, into something that offers more freedom and learning than you have previously experienced. If you have been dealing with long term issues which have held you back, expect startling revelations or opportunities which unshackle you as Mercury trines Uranus on the 30th. Love may take you in an entirely new direction as you head into 2020.
In a nutshell: Big up that love. Or what you love, Virgo. Broken hearts can be healed. And love truly is all around you now. All thanks to Jupiter’s arrival in your fabulous 5th!
- Unlock the door to really living
- There’s no place like home now
- Get ready for festive star quality, Libra!
Have home or family matters been ‘heavy’ going of late, Libra? Perhaps you have wanted to move, expand or change that lifestyle. But have kept on encountering blockages to doing this. Expect to be handed the key to a door now Jupiter arrives in your 4th from the 2nd.
Jupiter is always set on expansion. So, many of you may move to a bigger, better home during this transit or simply find your money buys you more than what you bargained for. Others may extend their home and this could be due to expanding family needs. Because Jupiter rules long distance travel and foreign affairs, some of you could even emigrate or make a major relocation to another part of the country with Jupiter in here. Where calls to you? Where is it you truly feel ‘at home’? For more insight into what Jupiter in here can deliver please see your personal Jupiter in Capricorn forecast for Libra. But take it that at some point in the next 12 months, opportunity will come knocking.
For you, destiny could be a place now. Where you are meant to be. Ruler Venus is also in your 4th and meets the South Node on the 3rd. Ceres which rules deals and compromises also conjuncts the Node on the 8th. Deals can be struck and arrangements entered in to which suit not only you but those you live or even work with now.
The scene is being set for the long term. Jupiter will spend 12 months in this house. Look back if you are old enough 12 years to when Jupiter was last in here. What opportunities did you have to make yourself secure? Also think back 19 years. Again, provided you were a fully-fledged adult back then. The Nodes are linked to 19-year cycles. Where and how were you living back then? Similar themes may emerge now. As could family karma for a chance to be healed. This cycle wants you to remember this is your life to be lived your way. It’s time to do some adulting and to leave your karmic childhood behind.
Know this month major decisions can be made and each one you make will enhance your feeling of security for the future. Life is flowing in a new direction so follow this. Mercury which rules contracts and important papers exits its retroshadow on the 7th and arrives in its ruling 3rd in your chart on the 9th. The very same day as Jupiter offers you a major solution or opportunity to unwrap as it angles to Chiron. This may be radical or even unexpected. Dare to agree and say ‘yes’ as this could literally be an answer to those home and living centered prayers.
Venus will meet Saturn in your 4th and then Pluto on the 11th and 13th. This points to that big property or long-term decision that transforms your current arrangement. Especially as both of these fall either side of a full Moon of release in Jupiter’s ruling 9th in your chart on the 12th. If money matter have been holding you up, Jupiter’s angle to Uranus in your 8th of shared resources and assets could open up the way to make that move. Or simply put those long-term plans into action.
Venus showers you with holiday sparkle as it arrives in your fabulous 5th of romance, pleasure and attraction on the 20th. Putting you in a party mood at the very least. You’ll be the star on top of the tree wherever you go now. You’re also in a generous mood but please don’t blow your budget when it comes to showing your love to others via expensive gifts. However, Venus in here could snag you that new lover or see you bask in someone else’s generosity when it comes to that wishlist.
Foundation making moves for 2020 can now be made as the Sun enters your 4th on Solstice Day (22nd). This is the Moon’s ruling house in your chart. The new Moon in here often sees a change for the better appear in your circumstances. Again, this relates to any blocks or that ‘heavy’ going around home or career matters I touched on earlier. This new Moon is no different in that respect. Especially as it appears within one degree of Jupiter. But the difference with this one is that it triggers an eclipse. By now you know that eclipses cover something up. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse. The kind that gives us the amazing ‘ring of fire’ effect around the Sun where we can see the corona. So, you have a ‘flash’ of insight but not the bigger picture now.
This could relate to an upcoming move, where your ‘gut’ feeling is telling you that you need to be, or even that feeling you should wait a bit before making that decision around a property. Whatever it is you intuit, please follow its advice. More may be revealed sooner than we would usually expect with an eclipse due to the Sun and Jupiter meeting in here the day after it and the Sun’s conjunction to the South Node on the 30th.
Fate simply may wash you up exactly where you are meant to be. Mercury’s entry into your 4th on the 29th bumps those planets up to six plus the Node. (The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto). Mercury’s angle to Uranus on the 30th could bring a positive answer around a mortgage or finance or point to an upswing in business. Others could benefit from a helping hand from someone.
This month is the start of a year where the saying ‘There’s no place like home’ takes on a new meaning for you. It should hand you the keys to a door behind which you can create just that. Wherever in the world you feel most like you belong.
In a nutshell: Where in the world do you want to call home, Libra? From Kensington to Kansas, Jupiter offers you the key to a new doorway. Or a bigger, better way to live that suits you.
- Speak with authenticity and love
- Your word is your bond
- Ideas take you further than you ever dreamed possible
Words have wings and are your winning formula now Jupiter arrives in your 3rd this month. It’s time to discover just how far an idea or message can take you, Scorpio. It’s been 12 years since Jupiter was last in this house of your chart. So, if you were 18 or over then, think back to what opportunities appeared. Not just around writing, speaking, publishing, study and the internet. But also travel and business too.
How many ways can you think of to get your message out there? Time to try as many as you can. You have something to say now so explore all possibilities when it comes to saying it. Some of you may even opt to learn a foreign language with Jupiter in here. What you say has sparkle and you’ll be adept at weaving a compelling story. Whether this is a personal one or one around the idea, product or company you represent. Put simply, you can sell sand to the Saudis now. For more on what Jupiter in this house is set to deliver, read your personal Jupiter in Capricorn forecast for Scorpio.
Although the Sun remains in your money and financial zone until the 22nd, you are already entering the Super Capricorn 3rd House cycle that will define 2020 for you. The month starts with Venus, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn and ruler Pluto in here as well as the South Node. Peak activity in here will occur on the 26th – the day of the eclipse, with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto all in residence. And again from the 29th when Mercury arrives in what is its ruling house in your chart.
Mercury begins the month in your 1st and finally ends its retroshadow phase on the 7th. It will enter you 2nd of money, personal worth and assets on the 9th. As well as communication and how we get around, Mercury rules contracts and the important papers we sign. Venus is of course, the ruler of our 2nd and our bank accounts but is in Mercury’s ruling 3rd where it meets the South Node at the start of the month. Ceres in here also conjoins with the Node on the 8th. Ceres rules compromises and also new deals. With Jupiter angling to Chiron in your work sector on the 6th, deals around work could be done which result in financial improvements for you. This is a win/win scenario which sees both parties benefitting over the long term. News could arrive which kick-starts 2020 for you mid-month as Venus meets Saturn on the 11th and your ruler Pluto on the 13th.
In between these Venus transits we have a powerful full Moon in your 8th on the 12th. Balance your emotional needs by making long term decisions now. What you share with others, what is shared by you, big financial agreements and terms and conditions – even around relationships can be discussed. Don’t allow any fears or shortcomings get in your way under this full Moon. Know your worth.
Love out of the blue or unexpected shifts in your relationship status such as going from single to coupled up or meeting that exciting love prospect when or where you least expected to, could occur shortly afterwards. The 15th sees Jupiter trine Uranus in your 7th, while the 13th sees ancient ruler Mars make a passionate outreach to Neptune in your romance zone. Mid-month sparkles with holiday romantic spirit. Venus moves into your 4th on the 20th promising warm family gatherings and cosy nights entertaining at home. One warning with Venus in here over the holiday season – guests may enjoy being in your home so much they may be reluctant to leave!
Walking your talk, saying what you mean to say with truth and authenticity and also listening closely to what others say, will be taking you on into 2020 as the Sun enters your 3rd on Solstice Day (22nd). Mercury which rules this house follows on the 29th. Your theme for January 2020 is speaking or reaching for your higher truth. See yourself as beacon of truth in a world where fake news dominates. Above all now, do not promise more than you can deliver and let your word be your bond. And don’t fudge the facts or spread gossip.
It’s important that you stick to these rules no matter what you communicate or how now. Also, while you can rely on the truth of your own words, this may not be the case with what you are told, read or hear from others. You are advised to pay close attention to sub-text, ask questions, read the fine print, wait for more information and also see if the actions match the words. The new Moon in your 3rd can be a launch pad for that new job or job search, website, blog, business plan, course or sending out that manuscript or screenplay. However, the one on the 26th triggers an Annular Solar Eclipse. That’s when the classic ‘ring of fire’ effect is produced with the Sun’s corona clearly visible. So, you only have a flash of the big picture as of course, eclipses conceal. This one also falls within one degree of Jupiter in here. And the Sun and Jupiter meet the next day. So, there’s an opportunity here but it may not be clear. Or someone is withholding the information you need. It may be you yourself have missed something when it comes to a project you want to launch or send out there. So please, go back over things carefully before you do.
News you receive around the 30th may have a familiar feel to it as the Sun meets the South Node. The question is how you react or what you do about it this time around. Others may dance with an opportunity that takes you back to what was set in motion in the past. The years end also sees Mercury trine Uranus. What’s love got to do with it? When it comes to you and another – everything. Dare to strike up a truthful conversation now. Words open doors to partnerships both present and potential when you speak your truth.
In a nutshell. Play with the power of ideas. Words have wings and your ideas can take your further than you imagined now. The same goes for love when you speak your inner truth, Scorpio.
- Changes to how you see yourself bring the changes you want in the outer world
- What’s that money story you’re telling yourself?
- Yes, you ARE worth it!
Your self-image should have received a massive boost this past year thanks to ruler Jupiter in your 1st. Now the fat planet of opportunity heads off into your money zone on the 2nd. Although it is still Sag Birthday Season until the 22nd, the astral vibe out there is Super Capricorn Weather. And for you this means a big focus on your money, assets and self-worth. Jupiter in your 2nd says Big and Rich. Handling larger sums of money than usual as your actual worth increases is one aspect of this. At some point during the next 12 months, Jupiter should hand you the opportunity to earn more. However, be aware Jupiter also says ‘Hey, big spender!’. Especially as you begin this cycle with Venus in here which rules this house.
Curb that urge the splurge if you can now and plan for your financial future. For more on this read your Jupiter in Capricorn forecast for Sagittarius. Think back 12 years to when Jupiter was last in this sector of your chart. What money making opportunities were you handed? More importantly, what were your thoughts and beliefs around deservedness? Your beliefs around money? December and January could see these transform and pivot.
Also, look back 19 years if you were 18 or over that time. To the year 2000 or even further back to 1981. What was happening with money and net and self-worth back then? What has been the family financial DNA you have inherited? That money is the root of all evil? Hard to come by? That you have to ‘make do’? If the message around what you can attract and earn needs to change, you are in a unique position to do that as the year draws to a close.
Your Super Second House Weather asks you to step off the financial merry-go-round once and for all if money issues have been a theme over this timeline. Financial decisions or indecisions you made 12, 19 years or even longer repeat or come full circle now as Venus and then Ceres conjunct the South Node in your 2nd on the 3rd and the 8th. The south Node rules karma and what keeps on circulating until we learn or change it. Venus in its ruling house and Ceres together offer a new way forward. A fresh deal on the table between you and the material world.
Mercury’s arrival in your 1st from the 9th puts you in a mood to sell yourself and what you have to offer. It’s out of retroshadow now so time to launch those ideas and plans ahead of 2020. Jupiter simply wants to enhance ways to make you feel good and show you what you’re worth if you dare to try something different. How you see or value yourself is reflected by what you attract. You may be amazed at what simply changing a thought around this can have. Beaming in on the vibe could be something you never thought you could attract, have, experience or come about as Jupiter aligns to Chiron in your 5th.
Saturn always favours long term plans, structure and discipline. People may say Saturn in your 2nd makes making money harder than usual. This is only partially true. There are many many millionaires and even billionaires who were born with natal Saturn in their 2nd house. The trick is to work within Saturn’s rules. If we do this, the planet of karma turns into the most generous planet in our charts. Yes, even more than your ruler! Step free of that financial history if you need to as Venus meets Saturn in here on the 11th and then Pluto on the 13th. You may experience a transformation around your earning ability or simply your attitude to your money. Again, think long term in any decisions you make – now and on into January 2020. Others could be rewarded for past efforts now.
How your self-worth impacts all this will become clear via how the world and others are treating you now. This month’s full Moon in your 7th on the 12th provides valuable feedback. Full Moons reflect their light back into the house opposite to the one they appear in. So, think of this as someone standing opposite you and holding up a mirror. This is how they see you – and it also reflects how you see yourself and your sense of self-worth. Bear in mind that this person could be your partner, a close business or work colleague, a bff or even that enemy, opponent or rival. No matter who it is, take it as valuable feedback. Adjust that reflection if needed within rather than simply reacting outwardly. This is how you feel about yourself – not necessarily how the other person feels about you. So avoid putting an emotional charge on what you are shown.
Surprise benefits via work or even an unexpected feel-good factor could be the fallout to this as a series of superb alignments to Uranus in your house of work and daily routine occur between Jupiter (15th), the Sun (24th) and Mercury (30th). We’re almost at the point where the Super Weather peaks this month. First Venus changes signs and enters your 3rd on the 20th. Business and communication matters get dusted with diplomacy, creativity and a splash of love. Show that emotion now Sag and let people know how you feel. Venus in here says share the love in any way you can.
The Sun arrives in your 2nd on Solstice Day (22nd). The 26th brings us a new Moon in here and a peak in that planetary activity with the Sun, Moon, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and the South Node all in residence. It also delivers an eclipse which falls within one degree of Jupiter in here. A new money-making opportunity or even a valuable relationship could be emerging for you. But as with all eclipses – you do not have the big picture – yet. This is an Annular Eclipse of the Sun. This results in that ‘ring of fire’ around the Sun. So, unlike a Total Eclipse where we are utterly in the dark about something, we are in a situation where we have a glimpse or flash of insight.
With your ruler so closely aspected and a meeting between it and the Sun the following day, what you may not yet see or know has benefits attached. An opportunity may come in disguise in other words so it will be up to you to discover its full potential.
Mercury’s arrival in your 2nd may deliver some insight or news around this. Again, this cycle is all about big plans for your future and working within a structure. Especially to take you into 2020. You may find yourself reading books on financial planning now even if they would not normally be on that reading list. The Sun’s alignment to your South Node on the 30th tells you that your present circumstances have been shaped by your past choices. The miracle of December is that if you don’t like today, tomorrow can be very very different when you make a new, future thinking choice. It all begins by knowing you are worth so much more now, Sag.
In a nutshell: Jupiter in your money zone doesn’t just boost your bottom line. It tells you that you are worth so much more, Sag. Your self-worth is set to increase – and so is your power of attraction.
- Celebrate all you have become and can create
- To your own self be true
- Step into a once-in-a-lifetime birthday cycle!
Get ready for a birthday cycle like no other you’ve ever experienced, Capricorn. Nor will you again in this lifetime (no pressure!). Even though the Sun remains in the sign of Sagittarius and your 12th until the 22nd, we are already in Super Capricorn Weather. In other words, ‘tis the season to raise your sights higher and know where you want to go.
To achieve whatever it is you want to set out to conquer – be it hearts or that take-over, ruling the world or your little part of it, depends on how well you know yourself. The entrance to the Oracle at Delphi was in fact inscribed with the words: Know Thyself. This is the sentiment echoed by Shakespeare in Hamlet when Polonius says ‘To thine own self be true’. The answers we seek are always within. Success for you this month and in the coming year rests on you living, acting and speaking with authenticity, authority and soul truth. If you come from this – well, no matter what else happens in the world around you, you won’t go wrong.
You are the master of your ship and the captain of your soul now. Jupiter enters your sign for the first time in 12 years on the 2nd. Joining Venus, Ceres, ruler Saturn and Pluto as well as the South Node. Time to look closely at how you want to be seen. Venus in here enhances your personal charisma but do ensure the outer ‘you’ reflects your inner truth. It’s all about integrity this cycle and staying true to yourself. This is your secret to success. Jupiter wants to ‘big up’ your image. Needless to say, makeovers, styling, image changes, cosmetic surgery or even upgrades to that title on your business card may happen now. You will actively seek out ways to show the world the beautiful truth of who you are via the image your project. For more on what Jupiter means for you in the coming year, please read your personal Jupiter in Capricorn for Capricorn forecast.
If you were over 18 12 years ago, think back to what you did back then to change how people saw you. What was the result of this? What did you attract in that was different? Also, ask yourself who you have always believed you were meant to be. Just who are you anyway? One way we define ourselves is via our relationships. Clever Capricorns will have made the connection that if the South Node is in your 1st this means the North sits in your 7th of partnerships – past, present and potential in fact. There’s a new era of relating via a key partnership or even a new deal between you and another forecast now thanks to Venus and Ceres encountering the South Node on the 3rd and the 8th respectively. This reflects the true and possibly new you. It tells you how far you have come when it comes to owning yourself.
Solutions which were not available to you before now could unexpectedly present themselves especially when it comes to a personal conundrum or issue. The 9th sees Jupiter and Chiron open up new possibilities for you. Mercury’s entry into your 12th also on the 9th could have the effect of uncovering valuable information or nudging you towards discovering that solution you had no idea existed. Follow up on that intuition and above all, be alert for signs, omens and synchronicities. These are not random at all but evidence of fate, destiny or karma at work.
Choices or decisions you made 19 years go or even further back than that – to 1981 if you were an adult back then, or even your family karma or past life decisions, feature. Remember, not making a choice is also a decision in its own way. As well as owning who you truly are, this birthday cycle asks you own your choices, actions and inactions too. They have brought you to where you find yourself today. The choices you make now, are creating your future. Again, provided you act authentically, you will make the right ones.
Ensure you make these with your long-term wellbeing firmly in mind. Be aware of who or what lifts you up and conversely, what drains or depletes you. This month’s full Moon in your 6th on the 12th, shines on these kinds of links that you may not have been aware of before. It comes sandwiched between two of the most important conjunctions of the month for you. Venus meets ruler Saturn on the 11th and then Pluto in your 1st. A key relationship may transform or a new one be set to transform you or your world totally. I will have more to say about this in a bit. If you are seeking to attract a lover, the run up to the New Year could see in lure one like no other thanks to Jupiter ((15th), the Sun (24th) and then Mercury (30th) align to Uranus in your zone of fun and romance! Get a little end of year alchemy happening between you and someone new.
Venus enters its ruling 2nd in your chart from the 20th. Gifts, generosity and end-of-year bonuses may feature for some. Just be aware that Venus in here can have us exceeding our budget. Yours is one of the signs that while you work hard for your money, you can be extremely generous with those you truly care for. Yours is usually the serious gift. One you may have put a lot of time and thought into. Plus you have a tendency to buy only the very best. I’m not saying curb that generous spirit. Simply don’t go overboard.
Your birthday season begins with Solstice Day on the 22nd. The day the year pivots as this is the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest in the Southern. No matter where in the world you are located, it’s time to set out to climb a higher path in the coming year. So, again, know where you want to get to and aim to get there in a way where you demonstrate your truth by the actions you take. Jupiter in your 1st opens doors and offers solutions and opportunities. Provided you operate with complete integrity and authenticity.
Next month brings an accounting for those who have not come from a place of soul truth. So this is why it is so important to be living yours – no matter what others may be doing. Lead by example now. Be your own leader and be seen as someone others can rely on. The new Moon in your 1st is always the true start of your new yearly cycle. No matter what date in your sign your actual birthday falls on. This one is again, extremely unusual as it not only falls within one degree of Jupiter, but delivers a powerful Annular Solar Eclipse.
As you know, eclipses cover up or conceal. We don’t yet have the bigger picture. Yet, Jupiter is always about just that. Big picture thinking. An Annular eclipse is one where the Sun’s corona is visible giving us that ‘ring of fire’ effect we see in so many eclipse photos. This is the ring of truth, the flash of insight that points us in the direction of the full facts or possibilities. The Sun’s meeting with Jupiter the very day after this may bring more revelations. As I indicated earlier, this could involve a past, present or even potential partnership which accurately reflects the real truth of who you are. Or conversely, you become aware that with someone, this is simply not the case any more.
Mercury’s arrival in your sign on the 29th brings the number of planets in here to six – Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto plus the South Node. To say fate has a plan for you and possibly another, is going to be an understatement. December asks you to understand this is karma or fate you have created. You can change this if it has not brought you the success you were seeking simply by being true to who you really are. It’s honestly that simple. The penultimate day of 2019 sees the Sun and South Node meet. Are you yourself or are you being who others want you to be? Your birthday gifts this year include the gift of being yourself. Plus wonderful solutions to create a fresh future more fitting for glorious new you. Isn’t that worth celebrating, Capricorn?
In a nutshell. You are the sign with the mostest. So showcase who you truly are, Capricorn. Being true to yourself brings you better relationships, new solutions and a clean slate for success in 2020!
- Ask your angels
- Soul secrets are uncovered and set you free
- Find your true purpose
Prepare to explore the mysteries of your soul, Aquarius. Right now you have 12th house weather like no other. And this is going to take you all the way into 2020. Your insight and intuition will be functioning at an enhanced level so when they speak – please listen.
This could herald a private, inner time of deep secrets and higher learning. Working alone or behind the scenes is favoured. As are any studies into astrology, Tarot, past lives, mediumship – all the way through to psychology, theoretical maths and quantum physics. You are going to be dealing with what cannot be seen or quantified but which nonetheless exists now Jupiter arrives in your 12th on the 2nd.
Actions you have set in motion in the past, people from your past and karma will begin to come full circle. You’ll be able to make connections between all of these that you were simply unable to see before. Jupiter rules philosophy and religion. So, during its year long transit of this house, expect your belief system to expand in some way. For more on what Jupiter in here can deliver, please read your personal Jupiter in Capricorn and the 12th forecast for Aquarius.
If you are old enough now, think back 12 years to when Jupiter was last in here. What did you learn about the grand scheme of things and most importantly, yourself? Jupiter in this house brings lasting and intangible benefits. Insights into our soul and opportunities to step free of negative patterns which have held us back. This is the house of secrets including those we keep from ourselves. One benefit of Jupiter in here is that you will see where you have been blocking yourself.
Look to who helps you and who hinders you during this cycle. Because this is the house of past lives take it that you have done the same for them before. Jupiter in here says help is available for you in all kinds of ways. You simply need to ask.
The karmic books have to balance now. Tying up those karmic loose ends, paying it forward or being paid in turn, stepping free of a cycle that you have been carrying with you once and for all, is what the South Node in here offers. There’s a new deal to be struck perhaps between you and someone with whom you have a history. Venus and Ceres conjunct the South Node in your 12th on the 3rd and 8th points to a change within that brings a change without. Perhaps between you and someone else or perhaps just between yourself and the universe.
Radical solutions could appear as Jupiter makes a surprising angle to Chiron in your 3rd. This could be news that alerts you to the fact you are now on the right path. Despite the ‘inner’ vibe of your journey, this doesn’t mean you have to turn into a hermit. Far from it. The Sun remains in your 11th up until the 22nd. You also have Mercury, bringer of invitations zooming into your 11th of all things Aquarian from the
The secrets you unpack now are sent to help you break free. Inner wisdom or treasure can never be taken from you and transcends lifetimes. As well as a time of soul freedom, this is also the time of secrets. Your 12th rules the secrets you keep or which are kept from you. These will have a tendency to come to light now. This especially applies to family secrets but also covers anything clandestine or confidential. If you are taken into someone’s confidence now, please keep this in the vault. If you wish to confide in someone in turn, ensure that they are equally trustworthy. If you have doubts, confide in a professional instead – anyone from your doctor, priest, lawyer or a psychic.
I cannot emphasise this enough. If you are hiding something or involved in anything clandestine, understand it will come out now despite any efforts to suppress it. Either due to your higher self wanting to come clean or simply due to events beyond your control. If you feel someone is keeping something from you, probe deeper. But again, the truth will emerge anyway. Expect massive revelations to come to light this month and on into 2020. This could be anything from a secret love to the secret to your success as Venus moves to conjunct Saturn in your 12th on the 11th and Pluto on the 13th. Hidden dynamics within relationships will also be laid bare.
You have a full Moon in your 5th on the 12th. This is your house of romance, children and creativity. If you have recently met someone new, take your time getting to know them. This is a wonderful night for a date night, but don’t let the magic carry you away. Venus arrives in your 1st on the 20th dusting you with the attraction factor. Good karma could come spinning out of the stars for you as you radiate effortlessly. You want to express yourself and show the love in any way you can now. And others can’t help but be drawn towards that vibe!
The Sun enters your 12th on the 22nd plus the 26th brings us a new Moon in here. This will trigger a powerful ‘ring of truth’ eclipse. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse. It delivers that ‘ring of fire’ effect which we see in so many eclipse images. Where the Sun’s corona is clearly visible. This is due to the Moon being further away from the Earth than during a total eclipse so it does not completely cover the Sun. As you know, eclipses conceal. In your 12th, there’s a cover up going on. The eclipse falls within one degree of Jupiter in here. In fact, the Sun and Jupiter meet the very next day. So, you have a flash of insight into what this secret is. Just not the whole picture yet. If your job involves any kind of research, detection or surveillance – know you are on the right track.
That ‘gut’ feeling is telling you to probe further so please don’t ignore it. Mercury arrives in here from the 29th. You now have six planets in here – the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn and Pluto plus the South Node. Remember – Saturn is your ancient ruler and the old rulerships always apply. Saturn rules your karma, time plus acts as your Guardian Angel. Just take it that if you need to know something now, ask your angels. The truth will come to light in surprising ways especially at the end of the month when the Sun meets the South Node on the same day that Mercury trines your modern-day ruler Uranus in your 4th. What you intuit or learn now enlightens, awakens and ultimately frees you. The year ahead promises the most exciting journey of all. A trip to the heart of who you really are. You’ll find your true purpose and ditch what has held you back. Explore your inner space now. The potential is limitless.
In a nutshell: Begin a journey into the biggest mystery of all, Aquarius. Who you really are. The truth is about to set you free. And release you into limitless possibilities.
It’s not what you know but who now, Pisces. Jupiter in your 11th is about to deliver some amazing new connections. Friends who open doors to opportunity, solutions and good times. Some of these may be from overseas or have very different social or religious backgrounds to you. Vive la difference! If so they are in your life to expand your knowledge of the world in some way. Groups, clubs, bands, associations, networks bring you benefits. Even if you usually don’t consider yourself a joiner – now is the time to sign up for something.
Despite people entering your orbit whose path or background may be radically different to your own, you feel you are on the same page in so many ways. Existing friendships will either grow with you now or simply fall by the wayside. You may witness some friends grow, evolve and succeed now and as they do, you may also take the journey with them. This cycle is really about the karmic group you have reincarnated with. This is due to the South Node in this house as well as Saturn which rules our karma.
Don’t forget that Jupiter is your ancient ruler. And as I always like to remind people -despite your sign being ruled by Neptune – the old rulerships still apply! For more on this please see your personal Jupiter in Capricorn and your 11th yearly forecast for Pisces.
Fated connections can be made now with friends who offer entrée into a whole new world thanks to Venus (3rd) and Ceres (8th) conjunct the south Node. The Sun in your 10th of career and status until the 22nd makes a tight angle to ruler Neptune on the 7th. It’s asking you how you want to be seen by those who matter. Do you know where you are going and what you want to achieve? You need to ensure your message and your image align now. Career inroads can be made now Mercury arrives in your 10th from the 9th. This is the same day that Jupiter makes the same kind of tight angle to Chiron in your 2nd. The connections you make could turn out to be your most valuable asset now. This could bring you powerful and influential friends in high places. Never forget you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. So make yours count.
Once particular connection could influence your future or totally transform it thanks to Venus meeting both Saturn and Pluto on the 11th and 13th. The 13th also sees Mars in your expansive 9th make a passionate plea to your ruler for a bigger slice of life. Go in pursuit of this. In between these alignments, we have a full Moon appearing in its ruling 4th in your chart. This marks the beginning of a cycle where you are going to re-build your life in some way. Home, family or moving may be on your mind now.
Venus moves into your 12th on the 20th. Although you are the social butterfly of the zodiac now you need to exercise caution when it comes to love. The main emphasis on your chart right now is the love of friends – not the romantic kind. Venus in here can bring an old lover back. But if they are claiming they have changed you need to ask yourself have they really? Take things slowly if you meet someone new as they may not be what they appear to be. Forewarned is forearmed.
The Sun arrives in your 11th on Solstice Day and we have one of the most important new Moons of the year for you occurring on the 26th. The new Moon in your 11th always marks setting the future in motion in some way. This one however comes wrapped in the enigma of an eclipse. It also falls within one degree of Jupiter in here. In fact, the Sun and Jupiter meet the very next day (27th). This is an Annular Solar Eclipse. This means the Moon is further away from the Earth than during a total eclipse. So, it does not completely block out the Sun but gives us that ‘ring of fire’ effect we see in so many eclipse images. So, we have a flash of insight into what the eclipse is concealing from us but that is all.
Due to the proximity to Jupiter, this could mean that you are presently unaware of the significance of a particular connection or the influence they will have. Mercury could well aid you in discovering more when it arrives in here on the 29th. This could also see you in early party mood when it comes to seeing in the New Year. Pay close attention to who crosses your path as destiny is very much at work as the Sun conjuncts the South Node on the 30th. The same day as Mercury trines Uranus in Mercury’s ruling 3rd. Unexpected new, invitations could form part of the excitement you are feeling now. You are being pushed towards certain people, places, groups or contacts. Be flexible with your plans and go with the flow. Spontaneity is your key to success as is open mindedness now. Understand there is no such thing as something which is ‘not my scene’. Just different experiences to explore. Opportunity or that all-important contact could be found where you least expect to find it. Cast that Pisces line into every pool you are invited to. Where you least expect it – there will be a very big fish.
In a nutshell: Friends in high places, unusual friends from many different backgrounds feature now. They offer entre into exciting new experiences and bring benefits. Get connecting, Pisces!
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