Your weekly horoscope 10th September 2018
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs September 10
- Make it happen
- The universe wants to say ‘Yes!’
- Know what you want
Mars re-enters your 11th your social zone wheeeeeeee!. Time to make things happen for yourself when it comes to heating up that social life or goal capture. You’ve the energy to spare so use this. But just a small word of warning: if you have been holding on to simmering resentment around a friend, reencountering them now may lead to disagreements and blow-ups. Also, take care when out and about and don’t rush even if you’re running late. Seek out people who support you and anything to do with attending group events/activities is awesome right now, and while you’re at it, get outdoors and let off steam.
All this renewed energy can also be channeled into making those career moves. Long-term financial or work goals can be realised now thanks to Jupiter and Venus in your 8th making powerful aspects to Pluto and Saturn respectively in your house of rewards and reputation. You are oozing power and charisma, you’re deeper than the vast blue ocean instinctively knowing what makes others tick.
Someone in a position of power or authority could say ‘Yes’ to you now. To that request for a loan or mortgage, that job, that order or that promotion. You are in a position to impress so take yourself and what you have to offer seriously. This week is very much about taking control of your destiny and driving it in the direction you want it to go.
In a nutshell: You have got a strong desire to reach lofty dreams now and the guts to do it, Aries. Especially around your work and career. Know what you want, and don’t be afraid to ask for it this week.
- Be a magnet for your desires
- Don’t hold back
- Bigger, better, brighter experiences beckon
Fabulous fated love aspects light up your chart this week, Taurus. You’ve the Sun and Mercury in your 5th of love/soul affairs, children and self-expression. Plus you have ruler Venus in her ruling house (7th) along with Jupiter in here too. Step into a week like no other when it comes to attraction and giving yourself permission to have what you want – or at least the freedom to pursue it.
Very often we want something and then blame others for not having it. Our jobs, our partners, our family, our responsibilities, our lack of time or other resources. Yes, there may be barriers and you are one of the last signs to shirk your responsibilities. But very often these are just excuses. The only thing holding us back is us. This week is issuing you an invitation and like all invitations, it is up to us whether we RSVP in the positive – or not.
OK, Venus is making a tense angle to your North Node in your 4th says you may be resisting your fate while other factors in the sky just want to set you free. So, give yourself the permission you need to set yourself free to have that love, that experience or that goal. Once you do, you set the cycle of attraction in motion. A bigger, better love or opportunity wants to enter. RSVP in the positive this week.
In a nutshell: This week invites you to step into one of the most powerful cycles of attraction this year. Don’t hold yourself back now, Taurus. Say ‘Yes’ to life – and love
- Create a soul-sustaining lifestyle
- Use intuition for wellbeing
- Change that routine for the better
This week asks you to look to your long term needs, Gemini. What needs to change in order for you to align with these? Have a close look at lifestyle and quality of life issues. Also what you need to sustain you over the long term whether this is around your home, your work and career or just what you do on a daily basis. I could ask you if there is anything around you that is making you feel out of sorts? If something suddenly popped into your head when you read that, then please pay attention to it. This can often be something we are unaware of. Stress over work, money or bills. That social life (or lack thereof), that leads us to eat and drink too much. That toxic or high-needs person who drains us. You see where I am going with this. Put yourself first this week.
Ruler Mercury and the Sun are in your 4th of home, family and security. Both are asking you to look at what you need to sustain you and also, what you really cannot continue to sustain over the long term. Use those intuitive insights to make adjustments. Jupiter in your 6th wants to enhance your wellbeing – and your way of working. To make it more rewarding on every level. But ensure Jupiter’s capacity for expansion has not extended to you physically. Jupiter here can lead to over-indulgence and you also have Venus, the planet of pleasure here too. Both want to bring you benefits so please ensure they are the right kind. You will find it easier to make those changes this week than at any other time. You are naturally the Goddess of the communication so speak about your needs for once and prioritise health and home now.
In a nutshell: What supports you? What drains you or is just having a negative impact on your overall wellbeing? Time to put your lifestyle under the spotlight this week, Gemini.
- If you can dream it, you can do it
- See yourself as a living work of art
- Take a chance on love
Lucky days! This week has Venus planet of love and pleasure and Jupiter planet of luck and expansion both in your 5th of romance, creativity, children, lovers and fun. Both energise Saturn and Pluto in your sector of partnerships and long-term love. Add to the mix the Sun in your 3rd along with Mercury in its ruling house. If ever there was a week to dare to do, to take a chance on something then this is it!
It’s a time to believe that anything is possible – if you just take a step towards making it happen for yourself. Lucky breaks, synchronicities and being in the right place at the right time also feature. Invitations, communications, ideas and meetings, travel adventures, could bring you additional benefits aside from the obvious ones. This week is all about self-expression, of following your interests, enjoying yourself and above all, making connections and getting out and about. Showcase yourself in as many ways as you can come up with and be creative about it. Think of yourself as a living work of art. How are you going to display yourself? You are in a position to get yourself noticed in all the right ways this week. Whether it’s love or a professional opportunity or just a chance to enjoy yourself, you’re in a position to attract it now.
In a nutshell: Dare to dream – and then dare to do whatever you can to make it real, Cancer. When it comes to love or other dreams – take a chance this week as luck is on your side.
- Rewrite family karma
- Create something which sustains you
- What can you build on?
Home, family, property dealings and anything that enhances or adds to your sense of belonging are all favoured this week. The reason being you have both Venus and Jupiter now in residence in your 4th house. If money or rather more money or work, form a necessary part of this picture, then the good news is that ruler the Sun makes some cash-inducing aspects to both Jupiter and Pluto in your 6th this week. This could trigger a beneficial upswing on the financial/work front. It’s time to set some priorities this week and that sense of security – whether it comes from your home, the people you live with, your self-worth or your job, needs to be your #1 now. Family karma around how you have been brought up to think you should be living could also feature. Is it time for a new arrangement?
Mars now very much direct again arrives back in your 7th of partnerships. The planet of passion is still in retro shadow for a while longer. Who needs to be brought in as part of any plans you are making? Involve them and get them on side if you can. If you have come to realise that your vision and theirs has diverged, time to be honest. Look to what you can build on and from this week, Leo.
In a nutshell: It’s all about the Lion’s Den this week, Leo. Creating a home, a space or a sense of belonging that makes you feel secure. And also who share this with you.
- Be your future today
- Create a new set of self-beliefs
- Be confident in your ability to attract
What are you starting now, Virgo? This birthday cycle carries the promise of new beginnings and fresh starts like no other. It’s a time to be sure about what you want and also to be more confident about yourself than at any other time. Uncertainty when it comes to who you are or what you are capable of attracting or achieving should have no place in your mindset now. Your new cycle of attraction which is what this is, depends on what you are projecting. Set that self-belief to high and above all, act like the person you want to become. Who will you be, how will you feel/dress/act in a year’s time when you have attained your goals? Imagine that version of you and now be them today. That’s all it takes.
Ruler Mercury remains in your 1st making connections across your entire love sector. Venus and Jupiter in your 3rd are intent on getting you to think about yourself in a more creative, loving way. There’s that self-belief factor. Jupiter also connects to Pluto in your 5th while Venus makes a karmic angle to the North Node in your 12th. It’s a destiny driven angle of attraction where a soul contract or a karmic debt gets paid. You suddenly get a glimpse of the fact there just may be a Grand Plan and more aspects to your life than you dreamed possible. And that future self that you’re evolving into has a major role to play.
In a nutshell: It’s time to begin something new. And to do this you need to know what you want. Watch how your confidence in your ability to reach for your dreams soars skyward this week, Virgo.
- What do you take into the future with you?
- Take a new approach to money
- Invest in that long term view
The Sun in your 12th is always a time of seeing what you no longer need – and shedding this, Libra. This can be anything from those few extra pounds, that clutter in your closet that you know you will never use or wear again, to that one-sided connection that drains you. Ask yourself if you really want to take it (or them) into a new cycle with you? You already know the answer to that. Yes, you are the zodiac’s diplomat. So, I am certain if you have to sever ties with someone it will be done as diplomatically as only a Libran can manage. Please don’t feel guilty. This may even involve more than one person as karmic ties between you and a larger group are in play here.
Ruler Venus now in her ruling house opposes unpredictable Uranus in your sector of shared money, salary, loans, mortgages and debts. What is happening now is that you are being invited to take a radically different approach to your income, savings and investments. Part of this may involve a new and unexpected source of income or way to boost it. There’s a way forward here that can put you in a much better position not just right now but on into 2020 where you can consolidate what begins now. Invest in the long view. It’s going to be more than interesting, Libra.
In a nutshell: Time to look at what you need – and what you don’t. It’s a time of preparation for a new cycle. Declutter and shed the excess – from the weight to what holds you back, Libra.
- Work a little magic
- Just do it
- Who makes it happen?
With both Venus and Jupiter in your 1st right now and co-ruler Mars in forward action once again, this week puts you in a unique position out of all the signs to go for what you want. You’ve not experienced both Venus and Jupiter together in your 1st for 12 years. And you’ll wait another 12 years for this to happen again. So, the first thing I have to say is do not hesitate this week. Please please please remember that neither of these planets acts as Fairy Godmothers or Santa. You have to set the wheels in motion or accept the invitation that is given. If you want love, try everything you can to at least be seen by a potential lover. Same goes for success. Apply for that job, showcase your work or talents. Connect with people and tell them all about you and what you want to achieve. Then you activate the forces that bring you that so-called ‘lucky’ break, abundance or pleasure we associate with these two.
With Venus and Jupiter as well as the Sun in your 11th, making positive angles to Saturn and ruler Pluto in your 3rd, news, an invitation or a journey could turn out to be that opportunity you have been waiting for. But in the words of Sigourney Weaver in the classic 80’s film Working Girl: Who makes it happen? You do.
In a nutshell: Be the master magician in your own life this week, Scorpio. You have powerful forces of attraction at your disposal. But only you can set them in motion. Make it happen.
- Repeat performances feature
- Step free of an old cycle
- It’s all karma
The past has a major role to play this week, Sag. Ruler Jupiter has been joined by Venus in your 12th. Past lives, past loves and above all, karma feature. Karmic debts and credits fall due or are paid off. People from your past are likely to reappear or you meet someone and there is just this spooky feeling of familiarity about them. Please watch who helps you and who hinders you this week. And also who you help or who you (uncharacteristically) feel you would not under any circumstances. Yes, you’ve done all this before.
You are about to experience a release from a long term situation. Now, this can be a release from that cosmic, karmic tango you’ve been in for eons with another. Or it can be a situation that has seen you trapped or taken you deep below into the underworld. It can mark the end of a cycle of restriction or feeling nothing is working. Consider if this has been happening that this too was karma and you had to remain in place. What have you learned from this? The debt is paid or the lesson is complete and you’re free to move forward again. Destiny is the horse you ride now.
In a nutshell: Past loves, past lives, past karma. One or more of these is in focus this week. Destiny is clearing a debt for you, Sag. And clearing the way for you to move forward into the future.
- Where is it you want to get to?
- Re-think what you want
- Then accept something new!
This week asks for some self-reflection before moving forward again, Capricorn. The Sun in your 9th is all about travel, expansion, opportunity and also learning. Jupiter which rules your 9th is in your 11th along with Venus. Wishes, dreams and goals are all in focus and this is where that reflecting may come in. Time to re—think what it is you truly want. Surprises may be in store this week. Possibly around something that could bring a lot of joy or even boost your finances. If you are ready to accept something that may look different or feel different to what you would usually choose, what flows from this may simply astound you.
Mars moves away from your 1st and on into your 2nd. It is still in retrograde shadow this week but feel the return of a passionate desire to have, do and achieve more. Now Mars is direct again and once you know what it is you want, you’ll be upfront with everyone you meet about what that is. And if that wish is for someone special – if they cross your path you won’t bother hiding your interest. There’s a special kind of attraction that comes with knowing what it is we need. Take the direct approach to your dreams now, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Take some time to get in touch with what you truly want and desire now. That investment in inner reflection pays interest. Once you know what it is, go directly to it.
- No limitations, no imitations
- Do it now
- Bring your best game
What you have not been expressing needs to come out or be said now, Aquarius. Mars arrives back in your 1st and hands you back the gifts of passion, confidence and empowered action. You need to say what needs to be said, tackle anything you may have been putting off and above all, channel that rising tide of energy into something. This could be anything from a goal, to a creative or work project, an activity or dare I even mention this – a lover? But no more sitting on anything. Whether this is what needs to be said or done or your butt.
Career opportunities or the chance to head in a new direction are also topping the agenda for you this week. You have both Venus and Jupiter in your 10th for the first time in 12 years! Put your best professional face forward and bring you best game too. You’ve a chance to impress the people that matter be they bosses, would be bosses, superiors, clients or the world at large as you stand out with your smarts and ability to charm. Venus will oppose ruler Uranus in your 4th this week, bringing through a long term shift that could turn out to be very much to your benefit. What’s more, this is very much about what you and only you bring to the table. Don’t imitate others and please don’t be a ‘Yes’ person. This week could hand you success with all the satisfaction of the classic Frank Sinatra track: ‘I did it my way’.
In a nutshell: Take action this week, Aquarius. There’s no more excuses when it comes to saying or doing what you need to. Success comes from your unique individual approach.
- Make it real
- Look past wishful thinking
- No more timewasting
Are you ready to get real, Pisces? Especially when it comes to love and partnership matters? You are seeing people and situations for how they are this week – not how you would like them to be. And believe me when I say you want it this way. It’s either the real thing (and I’m not referring to a soft drink here), or you don’t need it. You have the Sun and Mercury in your partnership sector plus Jupiter and Venus both in your house of expansion, opportunity and freedom. This week sees Mercury move to oppose your ruler Neptune in your 1st. Both planets are in their ruling signs you will note as your 7th is the sign of detail and fact checking Virgo. Mercury therefore clears away any illusion, delusion or confusion around partnerships or close connections.
For singles, this is therefore a wonderful week to meet someone because you can fall in love with a real human being as opposed to someone you put up on a pedestal who is destined to fall off it. You’ll either see the real potential in the connection or say ‘No, thanks’ because you’ll know they can’t deliver. Existing connections now play to their strengths and you thank your lucky stars. Or you stop wasting your time and head off towards something bigger, better and more freeing. Don’t settle for anything less than the real deal this week, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Love needs to get real this week, Pisces. You’ll know one way or another if you have the real thing. Plus you’re in a position to find just that now.
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