Free Tarot Reading – What’s coming up next?

Free Tarot Reading – What’s coming next?

This free Tarot reading focuses on the upcoming energy for you. Where are you at the moment and what is around the corner? Focus on the 4 cards and see which one speaks to you? Are you drawn to one of the cards? Does the colour of one of the cards look stronger to you? Don’t listen to your head but to your own psychic intuition.

When you have chosen your Tarot card then scroll down and read the interpretation. Leave a comment with your feedback.

Much love

Michele x

Card 1

4 of wands

4 of Wands – Completion – Celebration

You may have had some issues around you home and family life. Perhaps the balance was off? It has been a long slog. However, this card is all about completion. Now is the time you can finally chill and rest, you are about to have a long awaited piece of heavenly harmony.
You’ve earned the approaching time as you never gave up but persevered against all the odds.

If you’re looking to move or have just moved, or want to change the energy in your home, this card gives you a big thumbs up. Family problems are likely to ease.

Card 2

8 of penticals copy

8 of Pentacles – Skill

You’re working hard, and perhaps you wonder if you’ll make it or if it’s all worth it? The 8 of Pentacles assures you that it is! You are doing what you’ve got to do, and through your diligence and effort, the rewards will come.

If you’re looking to change the energy at work or get a new job this card is a fabulous sign. Work, work, work, work, work as Rhianna sings, now is the time to push on. Believe in your value and skills and go for it.

Card 3

8 of cups
8 of Cups Abandonment

Yikes, no one likes the word abandonment! However, in this instance, the term takes on a whole new meaning. Sometimes it’s essential to abandon something to achieve a greater sense of union and achievement. Is this one of those times?

You are seeking the missing piece, the last cup, the chalice of happiness. What is it that you truly want? Do you have to let go of someone or something to find it? Do you need to abandon an idea, a belief system or a person? You already know what it is, are you brave enough for the adventure into the unknown? Now is the time for a quest toward your fulfilment.

Card 4

2 of cups

2 of Cups – Unity

Hooray, great love vibes are coming and possibly a union of note! I always see this card as the real essence of soulmates. The 2 of Cups shows a union of souls, a deep connection, respect and understanding. If you’re in a relationship, this can be an incredible moment of happiness and healing. If you’re single and looking for love, keep your eyes peeled! The energy is ripe for a different kind of union.

Not all soulmates are lovers. When we meet certain friends that blend with us and enhance our energy when we feel totally safe, and at peace with someone, they too are a soulmate. Everyone needs these connections to flourish and grow, and it’s your turn.

2 thoughts on “Free Tarot Reading – What’s coming up next?

  1. I was drawn to 2 and then 1. I am being evicted and was really really REALLY wondering if my life choices in the end were going to be worth all this struggling and soul clearing. The exact words I used were is all this going to be worth this agony of not knowing where I’m going, losing a majority of my stuff and so on.

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