Psychic Love Heart Reading

Your Psychic Love Heart Reading
What are your questions about love? Focus on the six crystals and see which one is calling you. Don’t go for your favourite crystal but the one that seems brighter. Tune into your psychic senses and feel and see which crystal appeals to you in this moment. Scroll down and see what your love message is. It would be great if you comment or share.
Lots of love
Michele x
Psychic Heart One – Rutilated quartz
Zap! Kaboom! This heart stone gives you two diverse things; firstly it gives you the security to know you have the power to heal your love life as well as your old wounds and secondly it awakens you to body or love issues you may have been denying. This bright heart brings you a message of courage. It assures you that you are loveable. Watch out as the real truth reveals itself, pay attention as a dream may even bring it up from your unconscious.
If you have found it difficult to cope, your message is one of not only hope but strength. Even if you have the good fortune to be in a great relationship the psychic message is to spice things up as it takes you to the next level. Rutilated quartz comes to you because you are ready.
Psychic Heart Two – Lapis Lazuli
You are an intuitive queen, the psychic message today is one of power and magic. Do you play it small to please other people? You are a genuine psychic and have all the answers already. You were born with greater awareness. Has this caused you a few problems in life, especially in your love life? You might have drawn lovers to you who needed help or healing or always had relationships where you felt you had known the person before, that it was a timeless love?
Now is the time to stand in your power and be the Queen that you are. To honour yourself (and of course to see others as sacred Queens and Kings too) and to tune into your natural psychic ability. You are like the High Priestess in the Tarot; it’s time to unveil the secrets between the pillars or in this case the pillows!
This sacred stone assures you that you can have the love you desire (as long as you are not ignoring your intuition and barking up the wrong tree!)
Psychic Heart Three – Tigers Eye
Tigers Eye Heart stone is the protection stone; it delivers the psychic message that you are protected. Do you feel you need protection in your love life? Have you been wounded by love or gone into love without looking after yourself? Do you ask the right questions when you meet a lover and are you listening to the answers?
Tigers eye has been used to ward off negativity and to galvanise us into action. It is time to act, to balance the positive and negative and see where your love life is.
What about your other relationships and not just your lovers? The Universe wants you to be happy, free and safe. Time to remove any unwelcome grinches. You are grounded enough to make the changes you want to make.
This stone can also mean that you meet a lover who is the Yin to your Yang but also assures you that you have every aspect you need already inside you. When you become aware of this everything falls into place.
Psychic Heart Four – Red Jasper
You may be dealing with an old wound or hurt; perhaps you felt dominated in the past? The message of this heart is that your roots are healing. A shock to your system may be making you feel protective of yourself? Even if this is a situation that occurred many years ago the psychic message is that your roots are growing strong.
The past shapes us but it does not have to define us or repeat. Examine your belief system. Do you feel lovable? Your message is that you are strong and capable, you are a warrior of love. You are stable enough to feel secure and through this love blossoms.
Psychic Heart Five – Yellow Calcite
Confidence and self-esteem increase your ability to open to love. You’ve been working on your sense of self and have come on leaps and bounds. The psychic message of this stone speaks to you about self-love. When you love you, love flows. You have put immense energy into healing yourself, and the rewards will flow.
Love for you is not just about chemistry but an intellectual and soul connection, you can now attract people on the same wavelength. You boost your confidence and step into a new way of being; you’re glowing as you put the past behind you and know your worth.
Psychic Heart Six – Green Aventurine
Green for go! The psychic message of your heart is that it has healed. You are open, excited and full of potential. If you’re in a relationship, it is likely to be balanced. You’re full of love and grounded in your approach. You may be a healer or someone that others turn to for emotional support. You’re devoted to living the best life possible and lead with your heart.
The next phase is all about adventure and exploration. If you’ve held back due to other commitments you are now free. What will you do with your freedom? What does it mean to you to be free? It’s an active and exciting time which could also bring abundance in other areas.
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
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I chose yellow quite true for me st the moment