Your Free Psychic Love Tarot Reading – Pick A Card – Message of Love
Your Free Love Tarot Reading – Pick A Card
‘In all situations, if we come from a place of love things change and transform. Sometimes this is hard especially if you feel there has been an injustice or if we feel that life is not giving us what we need. Remember, all we are is love. Just for today, try to see things from Love tinted glasses.’
Hello Beautiful Soul,
The above quote was from my free reading ‘the love oracle‘ and it inspired me to bring you another psychic love reading. What do I mean by psychic love reading? A Tarot reading where you can tune into what is approaching, and what you can heal using the Tarot card you choose, AND perhaps most importantly your own psychic ability.
We’re all psychic and often ignore that wise inner voice that tries to guide us.
Relax, take a breath, and cast your eyes over the four Tarot cards. Tune into what it might reveal and then scroll down for your answer
Love Michele x
Love Tarot Card One – The Star
The Star is a magnificent card of deep healing inspiration. Your arms are opening to a fresh chapter of love. You’ve come through all sorts of stormy battles and are about to have a moment of inner peace and inspiration.
You have discovered the powerful truth that the love you seek is within you. When you embrace that, all kinds of external love follow. You may decide to do something creative as your inner muse is wide awake and eager to create.
The Star is loving you and helping you love yourself and your body. Feel The Star stirring your compassion. Open up to not only accepting, but celebrating yourself. A new pathway of love is forming, get ready to receive!
Love Tarot Card Two – The Fool
Hey, Daydream Believer! The Fool is a fabulous card to receive! The Fool is the true magic of the deck and reveals that if you have trust, faith and are pure of heart you can leap into situations beyond your dreams and expectations.
You are urged to shake things up, to be spontaneous in love, and to know that you can trust your inner psychic compass. See the emotional landscape that stretches ahead as an adventure. Know that there are many emotional, sexual and love adventures that are yet to be discovered.
Love Tarot Card Three- The Queen of Swords
Queen! At the moment you are detaching from your heart and coming from your head. Perhaps you need to set boundaries and draw the line? Or maybe you have been hurt and are feeling defensive?
Be careful that this sense of heart protection and detachment have not crept in because of past hurts. If you are in an unhealthy emotional relationship or you have let close ones overstep the mark then it is good to say no. Equally, if you are closed down because of the past, it’s difficult for others to reach you and give you what you need.
Trust that the past is over and that you can set a new emotional beginning for yourself, where you are nurtured and can release your softness.
Love Tarot Card Four – The Ace of Cups
Yeah, Baby! You have pulled the holy grail of love card. An emotional avalanche of joy is heading your way. So, expect a moment of being filled with unconditional love, self-acceptance and an outpouring of positive emotions. Your soul and heart chakra are being refilled and rebooted.
Happiness and healing surge through you. It’s time for you to flow with sweet, sweet bliss. It’s time to honour your journey so far; your bravery, your unrelenting courage in dire circumstances, and to embrace those that matter.
Feel the love that exists in your right now. In short, open your heart and mind to love. You deserve inner peace.
Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.
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