Suzy Greaves’ July Column

Hi, I’m Suzy Greaves, and I’m a life coach and author and I’m a BIG believer in thinking BIG. By that I don’t mean living a flash lifestyle with fast cars and fancy holidays (although there’s nothing wrong with that!) but I’m talking more about thinking and creating the life you want  from that expanded, creative, higher self – your BIG self – versus making decisions and creating your life from the contracted, fearful small part of you.

BIG thinking creates BIG living. It allows you to work with what you have right here, right now and to train your brain to constantly reach to find a BIGGER way to live your life.

But what does that actually mean? If you live a BIG life:

  • You will wallow in self acceptance on a daily basis.
  • You will let your standards drop and watch the quality of your life rise
  • You’ll stop trying to prove yourself to others and start recognising your own self worth by doing the things you’re naturally good and enjoy.
  • You’ll exchange a list of shoulds for a list of wants.
  • You’ll have sad/mad/bad moment and recognise that this is totally OK.
  • You will embrace your humanness – your brilliance and your crappy bits – and focus on your brilliance and have a sense of humour about the rest.
  • You will lead a loving life.

Over the coming months, I will be exploring with you how we can train our brains to think BIG and create a blossoming garden of new neural pathways in the brain (new brain science shows that it is literally a process of brain training.) And how in a practical, real way we can leave more loving, peaceful and fulfilled lives.

It’s very simple, if not always easy. But to start us off, I want you to try this one simple exercise for the rest of this month. I call it ‘watching the thought-bubbles’.

Ponder these questions for a moment. What is a thought? Where does it come from? Is it real?

I want you to get used to the idea of observing what you think about yourself, of noticing your inner experience. I must admit the first time I did this I was fairly alarmed and immediately started judging myself: ‘I am nuts. I am so negative. If people knew what I was thinking, they’d lock me up.’

So don’t be worried at first if you find yourself having a dialogue about your inner dialogue. Just go back to observing your thoughts – as if you were merely describing a scene inside a character’s head in a novel.

With a pen and paper, start observing your thoughts – totally non-judgementally, as if they were in a thought bubble. Write down what you see or hear in that bubble and then let it float away. You can draw bubbles on your page and write your thoughts within them, if that helps.

Just commit to spending 15 minutes every day watching your thought bubbles and start to observe your thoughts versus being in them.

Let me know how you get on!

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