Testimonial for Carmela by Jacqueline - February 1, 2021

“Carmela is Outstanding! And I’ve spoken to many clairvoyants in my lifetime. She is up there with the very very best in my experience. Her ability to tune into you and your situation, is like that of a human x-ray machine with super powers. Her insight is razor sharp and needs no prompting. Carmela is honest, direct and compassionate. I found her to be such a heart-warming, uplifting, inspirational and beautiful soul, who makes the reading feel as if you are chatting to a trusted best buddy.
She truly is a powerhouse of a talent. Her psychic abilities are on fire! There was hardly any need for me to prompt her with anything. She jumped right in and was SPOT ON with details, events, people in my life, love life, future career plans! I honestly had the best reading of my life! It was an absolute honour and epic pleasure, to have connected with someone as gifted as this beautiful ray of sunshine. Carmela is awesome beyond measure – unparalleled in her extraordinary abilities. I felt so emboldened and uplifted to charge forth with my endeavours after speaking with her. Without a shadow of a doubt, we shall speak again. It’s readers’ like the lovely Carmela, who keep the reputation of Michele Knight’s psychic company so high. Carmela is a major asset to the Michele Knight team. Keep shining fabulous Carmela!”