Testimonial for Carmela by B - January 11, 2024

For the last few years, I have been having an awful time at work and more recently in my personal life. I found myself looking to psychics for balance and calm. Carmela provided solace and safe space perfectly. She was compassionate, understanding, caring but more importantly for me she was strong and stood by her guidance despite my displeasure (at times) it was exactly what I needed.

Carmela has provided guidance on work situations with astounding clarity (issues with colleagues and employment) travel, contact and relationship with my estranged son, she’s advised me when to keep my powder dry when I wanted to go into battle – every time she has been on the money. Recently I thought my world was collapsing around me she kept insisting it was my lesson and not my sons. She was right, I had a monumental shift, an epiphany (maybe).

I do not want these to be just words on a page. I want people to understand the gravity of the situation and appreciate why I feel so lucky to have connected with her, she has been a God send any my absolute rock. My life is so much richer for her being part of this chapter. I can never thank you enough.