Testimonial for by Tracey - February 16, 2013

“I have just had a reading with Hazel and WOW she completley amazed me! She gave me so much information in 20 mins I could barely write my notes quickly enough! How did she know a house sale has been thrust upon me? From my dear ones in spirit it seems and I am 100% convinced they were there giving me messages through her. She knew I was looking at property and debating between old and new. I am so happy to hear that all will go smoothly and quicker than I think and with less financial worry than I was anticipating. Hazel has told me I will meet someone new or it may be someone I know…(it could be him if he drops his barriers) but whoever it is will be right for me! Hazel is incredible and has such a wonderful connection and empathy, I can truly say she has lifted me, I was in a mess 24 hours ago, now I am looking forward and am excited about the future.”