Testimonial for Sam by Ann - June 11, 2013

“Hi, back in May I had a reading with Sam (2170) with regards to a man I had met online and although we had been talking on the phone for the past 6months, we hadn’t met due to him holding back.  I wanted to know if we would ever meet.  Sam told me that we would meet in summer, between June and September.  She also told me that this man had real feelings for me but he was scared because he had been hurt in the past and I would need to stand back from him to come forward.
Well… On 2nd June, this man gave me a call and asked if I was available to meet the next day! I was gobsmacked! We met the next day and WOW!  Thank you Sam for shedding light on my doubting heart because I had all but given up and if it wasn’t for your reading, I would have missed out on the most amazing thing ever!”