Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I had a reading with Arya last night which was spot on. She picked up on a matter that is slowly getting resolved which was unbelievable as I’d only received a letter detailing as much that day.

Arya also knew of the knew him mentioning his star sign before I had a chance to picking up on the complex nature of the relationship. With a friendly and calming voice the messages she gave me were reassuring and insightful.

A great reading which has me looking forward to what’s coming x

Thank you.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

Arya is a warm and empathic psychic who is very non judgemental and gets to the heart of the issue. She was spot on with my current situation and could even pick up on things and places energetically that I hadn’t mentioned. She uses her guides in her readings and they provided me with some very validating information. Thank you Arya.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I had a reading with you a couple of weeks ago about my job. I promised that I would let you know what happened.

You were right, the job interview was successful and that I would be told of the outcome very quickly (within an hour of my interview ending).

I am starting my new job on Monday and I am really excited. You mentioned device intervention, and the night of my interview I saw my nana, who had passed away over 35 years ago, smiling at me and waved at me. I knew then that it was my nana who made this happen.

Everything you have told me so far as happened, and just waiting (patiently ) for the final bit regarding my love life.

Thank you for giving me hope and I will be returning to you when I am next unsettled in my life.

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Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

Arya has become a friend. I don’t have a lot of them in my life but I trust her. We have worked a lot together especially since my Dad passed two years ago. Her psychic abilities have helped me to believe in a connection that came back from 3 years ago and I struggle to believe that it’s real. She has a way of connecting with me and all my insecurities and I think she is one of the best on this site. I have been a member of Michele’s for quite a few years and have tried almost all of them, so I know.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

Please pass on my unwavering gratitude to Arya – who really did give me that goosebumps moment and extra supportive nudge to potentially find a career path that is better for my soul. She has a very special gift.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I recently had a call with Arya and the information she gave me was spot on and very helpful and gave me pointers on what to do next in a tricky situation that was keeping me from not sleeping.  It really reassured me and I was able to sleep peacefully.  I am very grateful to Arya.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I just wanted to write a review for Arya, who is AMAZING!

I saw the monthly discount code on Michele FB page (who I follow) and decided to call straight away!

The lady answering the call was lovely and helpful and I chose to speak to Arya. Not only is Arya really easy to connect with, but communication felt open and natural and she really was great to listen to and talk with.

My questions were around abundance, career, and employment and Arya was “spot on” when talking about specific dates and elements of some of the projects that my partner and I have been looking at.

I can’t recommend Arya enough. When I call in the future I will ask for her again and again.

Thanks so much for the positive vibes, the good advice and the information coming through. A really positive and worthwhile call. 10 out of 10.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I just wanted to write a lovely review for Arya. I follow Michele Knight on YouTube and never thought about a personal reading from one of her chosen psychics. I really needed help today on a situation in my life and somehow came across the Michele Knight website, by chance and booked a 10 minute reading with Arya. The 10 minute reading ended up being 20 minutes. Arya was fantastic with me. She was warm, kind hearted, soft spoken, sweet and most of all, completely accurate with my situation and what I needed help with. She also gave kind advice outside of her mediumship. I am eternally grateful for finding her. I really feel the Universe brought me to her tonight in my time of need. I feel stronger coming off of our call and guided in the right direction.
Thank you so much, Arya. I will most definitely be back for a longer reading.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I had an amazing reading with Arya, she gave me some very sound advice on how I was feeling and how to deal with the situation I called about. She also picked up on my energy and the energy of my POI telling me what was going on with him. I felt very uplifted after speaking to her and ready to do the things she suggested to improve my life and I look forward to things working out how she predicted which I’m sure they will. She is my go to reader now as she is kind, open and honest I could talk to her for ages. Thanks Arya

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

My sincere thanks and gratitude to Arya who did a quick 20 minutes reading for me today. She answered all my questions and she is also very warm, straight to the point and wastes no time.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

Her reading was amazing, and I am deeply grateful for her clarity, encouragement and straight forward portrayal of her insights. So powerful, and so full of information. Thank you!

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

Arya was amazing and I’m so happy I got a reading with her. She told me what I need to hear and not what I wanted to hear. She was the strong best friend I needed in that moment. I greatly appreciate her. She doesn’t realise how much permission she gave me to be strong and assertive just by her being that way. I will get readings with her from this point forward.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I’ve had several readings with Arya over the last couple of months regarding my POI who had just split up with me. I was so hurt and distraught as the break came out of the blue. Not only did Arya predict he would come back and reconnect, she predicted times and circumstances and what he was thinking and how he was going to connect….ALL came true these last few days. I am speechless. Everything that Arya told me was going on in his life and the reasoning behind why he did what he did was confirmed by him to me. It was like I was hearing it for the second time!!! Arya has an amazing gift. Truly amazing. Her sense and clarity and flow is simply incredible and she doesn’t waste time and tells it as she sees it and it all makes perfect sense.

She told me by September he would reconnect properly and although he has reconnected and we are taking things slowly, he has asked me to go away with him for a few days…….in September !!! I can’t recommend Arya enough. She not only gave me hope (even though I didn’t believe her at the time), she gave me hard facts and times …..all of which came to fruition. Arya is a total godsend and I can’t believe my luck and good fortune to have met this wonderful person.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

This lady is a brilliant reader, she is the best one on the site, I have been using this site now for over two years and I only have a reading from Arya. She tells it how it is and very straight to the point! She is kind caring and takes her time but always right. Thank you Arya

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

Hi, I’ve had readings with Arya since December, I like her direct ,but also caring approach, she will tell you what you need to know, not just what you want to know, which to me is important.
Arya has picked up on things, only I know, will also give guidance on situations too, to try & help the matter, having my best interests to heart, but will also see the prob from all sides ,her honest way is the best way in my opinion, I will be in touch  again when I need guidance or when things come to light, as you’re so detailed with your answers.
Thank you Arya  x

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I would really like to pass on my huge thanks to Arya who was incredibly generous with her kindness assisting me through this transition from the person I was before, to the person who will have succeeded in integrating and deepening the experiences of losing someone, knowing yourself at more depth, knowing them at more depth, and being called on to accept a requirement of spiritual expansion you weren’t expecting.  It’s quite something to be able to handle a person’s raw humanity so skilfully with such palpable care. As much as we are unprepared for grief, I was also unprepared for the care I would find in others, which only reveals itself to us in the moments we are in need.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I have had many readings with Arya over the last 2 years that have left me speechless in such a positive way. Everything she has predicted has come true and her compassion for my situations has blown me away. She even logged on for me on Christmas Day which I will never forget, nor will I ever be able to thank her enough for.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I had a mediumship reading with Arya. I needed some closer because I never got to say goodbye to my Dad who passed away last year unexpectantly. He did come through along with my grandpa who actually was my father figure for most of my life. Arya is a fantastic medium. The details that came through were so detailed. My grandpa’s name was the first thing, the way they both passed, my dad described how he was there at my nursing pinning, and it was just so healing for me to know he was there. He told me how to deal with my brother’s greediness and with some other issues in life that I’m coming across. He can hear me speak to his pictures and let me know that he is never going to leave my side as long as I need him. I truly needed this and I can say without a doubt that if you need healing I would recommend you ask for Arya to help you connect with the other side.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I had a reading with Arya and I have never felt more at peace. She has read for me a few times, and I had waited to review to see if things really came to pass; and they did! She absolutely nailed the description of my then partner, and totally described my new (current partner) before I met him. She knew about struggles he and I would have, and WHEN we would. But most importantly she gave me heartfelt and direct advice about how to handle it. Absolutely indebted to this woman. Thank you for the accurate reads, the crazy accurateness on timing, giving me hope when everything feels a mess, and empowering me to move forward and how to do it. Absolutely fabulous. Feel so at peace knowing I have Arya in my corner.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“It feels like Arya and I have been together on a journey. I had a first reading with her in January this year when I was wondering where to take my career and my studies to. I cannot remember the actual reading, but I know she supported me in following my heart saying that through commitment, everything that seemed impossible was doable. So I joined a Master’s in neuroscience. It turned out to be exactly what I wanted to study and I would never regret this decision. A couple of weeks ago, I was struggling to find the energy to work on an assignment and intuitively I knew that Arya would give me that boost and guidance. She could not remember me, understandably, I told her I needed a reading about my studies. She very quickly picked up on my energy saying I was exhausted but I needed to stay focused and my result for that assignment would be 84. I totally ignored that score thinking it was her wishful thinking for me. My marks up to that point were around 70-74 on average. Last night I received my result and it was 84. Looking at that mark in bewilderment, I thought they had made a mistake but then remembered Arya’s prediction saying: ‘I can see the paper in front of me and it’s 84’. Beautiful! Thank you!”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“I turned to MK psychics for help when my beloved cat went missing and the campaign to find him drew a blank. I had a fabulous reading with Arya who picked up on lots of things that were affecting me at the time, including work. Arya told me that my cat was not far away and was locked in somewhere, he was trying to get back to me. A few days later, he was found in a nearby shed, all safe and sound. I can’t thank Arya enough.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Arya is a spiritual compass when someone is lost on life’s path. She is passionate about her work and healing time with you. Arya jam packs each one of the prepaid minutes with a bounty of supernatural insights. She is multi talented, able to read on so many layers through the use of her many intuitive abilities. Time and time again she has floored me with specific details. Arya reminds me with each call just how much her clients mean to her. She offers time availabilities that seem like no matter what she’s available through out different times in the day. Arya cares about her clients to the point she offers to be on call in booking for clients. She doesn’t want her clients worrying or stressed out nor left in the dark. If a situation requires more than one reading she is happy to re assist by answering additional questions of more insight to the matter. She explains timelines, manifestations and relationships with expert knowledge. She is a phenomenal reader that wastes no time. Arya will have a seeking soul full of understanding and healing energy within minutes of connecting through a phone call. Thank you Arya.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“She is the real deal. She’s connected honest and insanely accurate. I cannot recommend this lovely lady enough. I have had many readings over the years and this time I am beyond super impressed. I will be back sooner rather than later. Big love to you and thank you again for your time and accuracy it was a wonderful reading and experience. One of the best 20 minutes of my life.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Arya is phenomenal. I have spoken to many physics over the years and I have to say Arya is my go to and here’s why: she is incredibly accurate and time and time again her predictions have come true, not only that she picks up on a deep level of details and energy around situations that allows you to work through specific issues. During my calls I often get goosebumps and am blown away time and time again by her level of accuracy. Arya is also very practical and I often leave the calls with little snippets of information or helpful suggestions that have been relevant to our discussion, like a certain book or film that comes to her – I will then reference it and it raises some deep insight for me. A very special lady who is deeply authentic and who I think anyone who has to pleasure to connect with her should treasure. One of a kind.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

Arya has a light and loving energy, and right away I felt relaxed, supported and safe. She is truly gifted at pinpointing the issues immediately with clarity integrity and gentleness. I am very grateful for her insights and kindness, and the detailed and extremely accurate information I received. Thank you, Arya.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“I have been having readings with Arya since February 2022 and this testimonial is long long overdue. To say that Arya insight is astonishing is no understatement. I called her initially about my POI ,she repeated word for word a conversation we had the night before. I’m in a long distance relationship and she said that my POI would make a decision to leave the Army in September, he just told me today that he’s leaving the Army as predicted by Arya the exact month she told me back in June. She’s my go to psychic and never let’s me down. What a amazing gift she has, time and time again her predictions and timings have come true. Please give her a call you won’t be disappointed I guarantee that! Arya thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help in this journey which has been a very difficult one. Your honesty and predictions have kept me going and I now see light at the end of the tunnel.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Arya is my go-to reader, she accurately predicted me getting a new job, then getting a promotion, and another new opportunity. Amazingly she was super accurate about timing (October) and very precise in describing my relationship with my co-workers and new boss. Needless to say Arya is my sanity check when it comes to relationships, and helped me immensely in getting out of a particularly draining emotional connection. She is a real gem in Michele’s team.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Had a reading with Arya on Saturday 10th September, blown away, there was no way she could have known so much that was personal to me. In my opinion she is the best reader on Michele Knight, if you want genuine, the real deal, this beautiful soul is the one to go to. Arya I cannot thank you enough, there are no words to express my gratitude. I’ll be in touch again.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“What a lovely lady! Very inspirational and supportive. I will definitely be calling Arya again.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Arya is amazing, kind and an exceptionally talented psychic. She connected immediately with her guides and the information given was true and her guidance helped me with several important decisions (one specific relationship). Her compassion and encouragement guided me during a very difficult time in my life.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“My reading with Arya was great. She did immediately pick up the connection with my person of interest. She was straightforward in telling me that my approach was incorrect and she made a suggestion as far as how I handle the situation. I followed her advice and she was correct. Within seconds my person of interest and I were back on track. I greatly appreciate her gift and advice. I will call back with an update after he & I see each other.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Arya is an absolute pleasure to speak with. What comes through is spot on- The information just flows through her so and she is direct and straight to the point, yet sharing that information sensitively too. Thank you so much Arya for the giggles and a really helpful reading!”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“I’ve had a few readings with Arya and they have really blown me away, especially the last one!Previously she told me that a book I was writing was descript manifest i.e I was writing about things that were going to come true, Bit now her guides have told me that a character from my book has manifested for me in the shape of new love! How magical and wonderful! Thanks Arya for all your wonderful readings!”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Felt compelled to write a further review for Arya as the predictions she gave me last April have come to fruition. Arya has remained consistent in her readings and sometimes these have been many months apart. There have been messages through Spirit that only I could know and further to that an unexpected promotion happened in May, just as she said it would. Her energy is infectious and her messages delivered with integrity and love. She is a joy to speak to.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“I spoke to Arya for the first time a month ago at 4am when I could not sleep due to a situation that came as a shock to me and I was crying devastated in need of clarity. Arya made me feel calmer, was gentle and gave me advise on how to deal with the situation. I was able to go back to sleep and give another chance to my relationship. She picked up on a job opportunity that was coming up with less hours, more money and yesterday I had the interview for a position like that. I will definitely speak to Arya again.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“I’ve had several readings with Arya over the past few months regarding a work matter that was causing a lot of anxiety and her insight into the situation has been spot on. Arya is able to tune in and describe the relevant people involved with stunning accuracy and predicted a positive outcome which came to fruition. Arya doesn’t mince her words and will also tell you what you need to hear, not just what you want to hear! A reader of high calibre and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Just got off the phone from another phenomenal reading with Arya. Her high vibration energy and the way she immediately tunes in is incredible. Arya gives spiritual advise as well as practical guidance and is also very on point with details as to the energy around me, and other people around me. She is mindful of your time and is an absolute pleasure to talk to. Literally like you’ve known her forever. I always come off the call feeling lifted and having a much more clear direction.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“I was drawn to speak to Arya for few times now and I am so glad that I have called her and she had become a regular reader for me. She lifts me ups, she shows me the light in my life and she keeps me going. She is lovely to speak to and what she delivers its truly amazing.  She picks up on a situation very early and she knows why you have called her, and if you call her for specific thing you get so much clarity, information and directions. She once describes a park where I have meet someone, described it like she was there with us standing next to us, truly amazing. I always look forward speaking to her and I can speak to her for hours – which sometimes I do.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Thank you Arya for your uplifting and inspiring reading! Arya gave precise details about my current situation that she could not have known and which made great sense. She helped to clarify what has been going on in my life and I’m looking forward to seeing what the end results will be!”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“I have had a few readings from Arya and they have all be so accurate. She is very down to earth and has a lovely calming reassuring manner. She is also incredibly helpful and kind. She is a real credit to Michele Knight and a definite go to reader for me. Thank you Arya for going above and beyond.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“I wanted to tell you how wonderful Arya is. She dives into your energy and situation straight away and comes back with super sharp and absolutely unique insight. I felt likes she reads my thoughts and feelings. I was in touch with her several times from November 2021 up until now, and everything she said about my job and personal life came to pass and on time! She helped me immensely throughout some very difficult time of my life and her guidance kept me going. Thank you so much Arya, you are a very beautiful soul.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“I have just come away from another reading with Arya, who I must say is absolutely astounding. Everything that Arya picked up on today and described is 100% spot-on. Outstanding! Thank you. I have said this before and I will say it again, Arya is the real deal.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“I read with Arya today (14/2/22) for the first time and had been drawn to speak with her for a while. I know why now, as she is just amazing. I have read with many psychics over a long period of time but Arya is without doubt the one of best. She immediately connected and read about someone who is very important to me and read everything around them and our connection which is incredibly powerful and spiritual. She helped me see that the energy I pick up on with this significant person is totally real and this person and I are destined as it is a soul connection. She picked up on my own spiritual/psychic ability and gave me guidance on how to really develop this and told me I would be great at it. Arya gave me huge reassurance to enable me to understand how I need to develop myself too. This lady is warm and compassionate but will convey truth to you with no fluff. Arya is a huge asset to this company and to say I would recommend her to anyone contemplating a reading is an understatement.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Arya is the best reader that I have been using for years. The things she tells me are always right and she leads me to the right path.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Today I called Arya very excited to tell her that she was spot on with the date of hearing from my person. We had not spoken for over 2 months, and on the day Arya said I would hear from him, my phone rang in my pocket. When I looked at it, the name showing was his I was freaked and hung up. It showed that I had called him.  His number was no where close to be easily dialed.  After hanging up I received a text from him saying he was at work and he would call me back. Which he did soon after. So, the universe had to of been the one that dialed because it wasn’t me. Just very glad it did happen.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Without a doubt Arya is the best psychic I have ever had the pleasure to speak with – not only did she pinpoint exactly what was happening in my life – she also gave accurate time frames to events she could see occurring – having done psychic work myself for many years I am blown away by her clarity & vision – she has a lovely aura and is such a pleasure to speak to – she doesn’t need prompting and will give you precise information in a kind and thoughtful way – I have enjoyed three readings with her so far and I can’t recommend her highly enough! Thank you for the gift of you Arya – you really are a star!”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“This is to leave a review for Arya. In 20 mins she brightened my path, gave me peace of mind, and reminded me to shift the focus on what I wanted. I really enjoyed the reading and I would definitely call her again.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Arya is a very special psychic with the most extraordinary capabilities. I have had several readings with her now and she never ceases to amaze me with the information that she gives. She described the house that I wish to buy with unbelievable accuracy and even named where I was born – it is not a well-known place. I was at a crossroads in my life and she gave me such a powerful reading that has completely changed the trajectory of my life. I can’t recommend her highly enough.”

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

‘’I’ve just had an amazing reading with Arya! Absolutely brilliant and unique delivery. She’s really lovely too. I’m stunned at the things she picked up on. Everything she said resonated and she gave really helpful guidance. I’m clear on my next steps and feel very excited about what’s ahead. I will definitely reach out to Arya again.’’

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

“Arya was simply incredible. I came to her at a time when literally I had lost the will to live. I was so down, there was no where else for me to go. One conversation with Arya not only cleared the air, gave me hope where there was none, she also gave me a strategy which would help her prediction along the way. No messing about. She told me categorically what to expect. Right now, that seems like a dream, but if that comes to fruition, then I will be back on this site reminding everyone of this testimonial! Arya picked up on so much, gave me clarity and told me the gist of a letter I had just received without her even reading it. I can say no more. She is simply lovely and very straight to the point.”