Weekly Written Horoscope – All Signs 24/06/2019


What really matters

The love you give is what you receive

Explore a deeper intimacy

Love and emotion and what surrounds you are your real gifts this week, Aries. The love you give, the love you receive – these last long after the wrapping paper has been recycled and the festive season is over. Your feelings towards others are what they treasure and how you express your sentiments could prove to be lasting gifts. It flows both ways as what others express to you is your biggest take-away to treasure this holiday season as Venus enters your 10th and meets Saturn in here. I’ve pointed out that on the surface these two have nothing in common. The goddess of love and abundance meets the father of time and austerity. But both stand for what really matters, our values and who or what forms the basis of our foundation in this life.

It’s more than just gift giving but deep, intimate connections that top your Christmas wishlist. Make a shift towards deeper expression as ruler Mars in his ancient ruling house trines Neptune in his on the 28th. The final day of 2017 sees Jupiter also in your 8th square off against the cosmically and karmically charged North Node in your 5th. It’s all about the love you give and creating new karma by doing so. Love isn’t just for Christmas. That’s your gift this week.

In a nutshell: This holiday season is all about the gift that keeps on giving. Love, connection and intimacy. Unwrap the passion this week.


  • Is it time for lasting love?
  • Who do you want to be with?
  • Enjoy that special closeness you crave

Ruler Venus is on the move into your 9th of expansion and freedom where she encounters Saturn in here for the first time in 29 years. Is this the sign of a cold, austere Christmas? Actually it’s an invitation to take feelings to new heights and also to apply everything you’ve been learning over the past 2.5 years about intimacy and getting close. Especially as your 9th rules higher learning. Open up and give a little. This may also mean not having your own way all the time. Insisting that you do could see you left out of the flow or just not getting that special closeness you know you secretly crave. Are you covering up your need for this by seeking out social activities when really you just crave that one-to-one contact? Is it time for some self-love? By all means socialise but don’t substitute true connection for connectivity.

Of course, you can achieve a balance between both. There’s a shift occurring around home and family matters and one to one relationships vs. where you want to be and who you want to be seen with. Suddenly you may realise you may have been focussing on one to the detriment of the other. If so you’ll find a way to share yourself and share the love across all areas of your life without anyone feeling short-changed (and that includes you!). Spread the love as we head into 2018.

In a nutshell: Open up. Give a little and get a lot in return. Like the freedom you know you secretly crave, Taurus.


What needs to change around love, Gemini? Does it need a firmer foundation? More depth and intimacy? Love can be the gift we need the most and often, the one we most need to give to ourselves. What kind of love do you need to receive this holiday season? That’s the question you may be asking as Venus enters your 8th on the 25th (the house of things you share and which are shared with you) and meets Saturn in here. These two planets are hardly snuggle buddies but between them they want you to accept it’s time for that lasting kind of love that allows you to open up and experience true intimacy. Yes, this is your house of sex and sexual relationships. But it is also your house of deep feelings and fears. What these two are telling you is that true love is fearless. It allows you to be yourself and express yourself. This cuts across all relationships – not just the ones with romantic and sexual partners. You can lock down fearless love now. This is their gift for you.

It may be the holiday season but that doesn’t mean you haven’t already got your eye on next year’s prize, Gemini. Go-for-it planet Mars in your work sector is revving up with Neptune in your career zone. Plans can be formulated and Mars grabs these and brings them down from the world of just ideas and impels you to take action. As the year draws to a close Jupiter also in your work sector impacts on the karmically charged North Node in your 3rd. Got an idea? Something to say? A blog, a book, a business? Yes, there are barriers to push through but imagine your sense of achievement. That idea has places to take you now. Follow it into 2018.


Christmas Day sees Venus arrive in her ruling house in your chart bringing you the gift of love, creativity, sensuality and beauty. Unwrap these now. One thing about them is that they come wrapped in the promise of lasting for a very long time. Why? Because Venus is meeting Saturn in here for the first time in 29 years. If you’re serious about what you want from love (and also know what that is!), then you have the opportunity to lock it down for the long term.

If it’s not quite here yet, don’t worry. Mars in your romance zone adds a sexy determination and sizzle while Neptune in your 9th links you to possibilities you may not have imagined are out there. Are you prepared to explore them now? You’re on the brink of a new journey when it comes to relationships that’s opening up for you in 2018. Remember, your 7th rules all kinds of close relationships and not just the marriage or long term love kind. But anything that involves you and at least one other person. Long term friends, collaborators, activity partners, business partners or even an animal companion. The message here is – it is all love but you are also being asked to look at where love is an asset for you. This links back to what I was saying about knowing what you want from love. The kind of love that forms your support structure is in focus as Jupiter in your romance one impacts on the North Node in your asset house. Don’t forget, the things you love to do support you and make your heart sing too. One of these loves could hold the key to not just support, but abundance for you in oh so many ways. Long live love in 2018.

In a nutshell: Long live love in 2018. The gifts you unwrap last way past Christmas Day if they are based on emotion. It’s all about gifts of and for the heart now.


  • Be the love this holiday season
  • Step into a success dynamic ahead of 2018
  • Is giving a two-way street?

Venus in Capricorn and your 6th needs some explaining. Venus meeting Saturn in here – even more so. As you may be aware, your 6th is not where Venus likes to be. It’s all a little too mundane and boring for her. She craves sensuality and adoration and this is your house of your day job and tasks like taking out the trash. Saturn is all about responsibility and he also rules our reputation and long term career. Now, if there is one thing Venus is concerned about it’s how she is coming across. And she loves the trappings and the adulation that accompanies success. Saturn sets us up to achieve this and all of a sudden, instead of seeing a disconnect with these two meeting on the 25th, we have a Christmas synergy happening instead. Also this is your house of health and wellbeing. Let’s face it – love is good for us. All you need is love. This Christmas the message for you is perhaps your job is to spread it and be it. You know how you love to shine, Leo. So radiate out that generous heart of yours. That golden glow may be just what people need. Share the Christmas spirit by being loving. Now that’s not such a chore now, is it?

Neptune in your 8th is linking you to a deeper sense of compassion. Just ensure you’re not allowing anyone to take advantage of this however. As we hurtle through the last days of 2017, Mars in your 4th (another not so great house for this planet to be in) just asks you whether someone has overstepped the mark with you or taken advantage of that generosity. Be the love but don’t give it away to an unappreciative audience. The North Node is spinning away in your 1st house and along with Jupiter also in your 4th, is letting you know that it’s okay to ask for love in return – or even support if you need it. It’s all about giving and receiving this Christmas. Ensure the flow is a two-way treat.

In a nutshell: Share the Christmas spirit but giving everyone a dose of that Leo lovin’. That golden glow is contagious. Time to live it – and share it.


  • Embrace a lasting holiday spirit
  • Tune in to intuition
  • Get with the glitter and glamour!

Long may the Christmas spirit continue for you this festive season, Virgo. Venus enters your 5th sprinkling you with glitter and sparkle. You’re feeling generous, out-going, creative and filled with love and warmth. This may not be fleeting but a feeling you are going to take with you on into the New Year as Venus also encounters Saturn in here on the 25th.  You’ve a serious need to show others how you feel and also to enjoy yourself. While Saturn can be oh-so-serious at times, in this instance it’s about being seriously present in the spirit of the season. This holiday season could just hold some extra special closeness and connection for you as you tune in to Neptune in your 7th. Mars is in your 3rd and you’ll want to express how you feel to the people around you showing your appreciation. You’re immersing yourself in whatever is going on around you now. There’s no present like the present – or present company for that matter. But the good feeling you take with you lasts long after the party is over.

Fate may be spinning like the Wheel of Fortune card in the Tarot and sending you off in a new direction for 2018. Watch what is revealed for you on the final day of 2017 as Jupiter in your 3rd nudges the North Node in your house of secrets and intuition to give you some much needed insight. You may get a feeling about something or someone and then receive validation. Or have the vibe something is going to happen – and it does. This is your Christmas message from the cosmos and it’s an important one. Use it to chart a course in 2018.

In a nutshell: Time to express that Christmas spirit, Virgo. You can show the love in so many ways. Get ready for serious fun.


  • Is this about Christmas present or Christmas yet to come?
  • Live in the moment, plan for the future
  • Bring dreams into the realm of reality

This Christmas could see you already looking ahead to the next one. Ruler Venus in your 4th offers you good times close to home or with people close to you as she arrives here on Christmas Day. The other house guest in here is Saturn and unlike Venus who is very much about what you are loving about this moment, asks you to look further forward. Where do you want to be this time next year? This is more than just about a Christmas wishlist. It’s about your lifestyle, who you share it with and above all, what underpins all that. You’re receiving a vision about this in the present, for you to unwrap in the future.

Taking steps towards that – at least practical ones, propels you forward into 2018. Dreams or even lifestyles require funding. You’ve a cosmically cashed-up money zone at the moment with Jupiter in here and also Mars who fires up your earning ability. Neptune could just provide you with some much needed inspiration. Perhaps for a side-hustle for 2018 or just insight into working within a more intuitive framework when it comes to what you do – and being paid for this. Ensure you follow through with action however otherwise this will all remain in the realm of dreams rather than concrete goals. Jupiter squares the North Node –a karmic point in your chart presently in your goals sector. But this house also rules friends, groups and contacts. This is alerting you to the fact that the key to making this happen may lie with people you already know. If you get a hunch you should talk to someone do so. For you there are less than six degrees of separation when it comes to who you know and your dreams.

In a nutshell: It’s not just about the now for you this holiday season, but about all your future ones. You can imagine – and you can take steps towards creating this.


  • Re-experience the magic of the holidays
  • That festive spirit you exude is irresistible
  • You’ll never know if you can fly till you spread your wings

Flirt with love. Flirt with ideas. Flirt with life. Flirt with the festive season! Above all, flirt with possibilities. Venus the ultimate flirt arrives in your 3rd on Dec 25. You’re in an unusually playful mood this holiday period. In fact, you may be tapping back into that feeling of magic you experienced as a child. But somehow it’s more special now you are an adult. Venus meets Saturn in here and this is allowing you to appreciate this period from both a childlike and an adult perspective. Siblings and neighbours may play a part in this. There’s good times to be had and you may not have to look far to find them. Remember when you were younger and all that really mattered was the excitement of the holiday spirit? Well, you could just recapture this now. You may not travel far this holiday season, either in terms or duration – the spirit of Christmas is close to home for you.

You’re also in a mood to make things happen when it comes to your personal goals. Ancient ruler Mars is telling you to get a head start on 2018 when it comes to the pursuit of a higher love as he mixes his sexy magnetism with Neptune’s ethereal glamour in your romance zone. The result may just be impossible to resist. If love is not your goal, then creating something or working to turn that passion into a profession could be. Inspiration and determination fuse and are yours to command to create anything from a new image to a new venture. Reach for that spinning wheel of destiny – a.k.a the North Node in your career and status sector. Jupiter linking to it from your 1st on the final day of the year says it may be a stretch but you’ll never know until you try. Try and you could do more than fly – you can soar in 2018.

In a nutshell: You could just be in love with just about everything this holiday season. From the Christmas spirit to someone special, spread that jingle-bell feeling, Scorpio!


  • Who or what is there for you?
  • Appreciate the love that lasts year round
  • What do you need to know to set you free?

Talk about bankable unions. Are you able to make one now, Sag? Venus is in her ruling house in your chart and Saturn is in his ruling sign. This week they are the ultimate power couple as far as you are concerned. Of course, the union you could forge could be between yourself and your own worth. This could be your gift from the Venus/Saturn meeting on the 25th. But this is also about your money, assets, what you have and the people who surround you who are assets to you in so many ways. You’ll be in a position to appreciate this now.

Before the year ends, Mars in your sector of secrets looks to Neptune in your 4th. If someone confides in you, please keep their confidence. Conversely, if you need to confide in turn, ensure you can trust the person in question. There is a feeling here of security and with it the possibility of it being breached. With Mars in your 12th you will not take any betrayals lightly. Ruler Jupiter is also in your 12th and points towards something you need in order to free yourself or move forward. This may mean confronting something that you would rather not as he squares that spinning wheel of destiny the North Node. But the universe is saying you are ready to know. Now you have the knowledge, act on it. It’s all about freeing yourself to live your purpose in 2018.

In a nutshell: The people you can rely on, love that lasts and relationships that you can bank on light up your Christmas, Sag. Something you need to know is revealed to free you.


  • Make your own love rules
  • Show that sassy side
  • Love those connections

Venus enters your sign on the 25th. Is it time to pucker up under the mistletoe as the goddess of love and glamour arrives? There’s a sassiness about your sign other people just don’t get. Why? Because they focus on all the other qualities associated with Capricorn like hard work and your commitment to seeing things through. In other words, all the qualities we associate with your ruler Saturn. Plus a few more besides. You know – lack, restriction – that stuff which has nothing to do with the festive spirit and general ho-ho-ho-ing that everyone else is embracing. Boy do they have you wrong. And by dint, your ruler. Saturn is just that. He’s about the rules. You can even make your own and provided you stick to them, Saturn supports them. Intertwined with Venus he’s all about your new love rules. And love rules as we head into 2018. Determine yours and play by them now.

Your social sector is set to expand as is your capacity to reach your goals. Connecting to people who can make things happen for you. Invitations can flow thick and fast. Accept them. There’s an element of fate and a shift occurring which could see you benefitting from new connections or someone who puts their resources at your disposal. Jupiter square the North Node in your power zone pushes you out of your comfort zone and in to a new one. Look for the unusual, different or something that requires your courage to grasp it this New Year.

In a nutshell: Love rules as we head towards 2018. Make some now and stick to them. It’s more than a resolution – it’s a new way of loving for you.


  • Embrace a more mystical holiday spirit
  • Christmas past comes calling
  • What’s your ambition for 2018?

Secret Santa? There’s something a little bit mysterious about this holiday season for you. You could be feeling unusually generous or just filled with an all-encompassing love. Venus in your 12th is all about spiritual love while her meeting with Saturn is all about karma and the links that stretch from the past, to the present and on into the future. Cosmic Christmas? It’s a little bit like that! Look to who you are with. Doesn’t matter whether they are family members or not. Chances are you’re related by karma if nothing else thanks to Venus meeting Saturn in your 12th on this day. The past features for many of you – and not just in terms of sentiment either. Yes, this is a time when we tend to look back at the past but there could be a return of the past literally with you returning to somewhere or running into someone from your past. The past gives birth to the present – our ‘present’ quite literally. Just as your present now contains the seeds for your future. Look to your time line if you want to create a very different Christmas next year.

The moves you want to make in 2018 in terms of your career may already be on your mind. You have Mars heating up ambition and he angles to Neptune in your money zone. Have you spend too much or has the holiday period just brought up the desire to achieve more in the future? If so, you won’t wait for that chequered flag of Jan 1 to rev your engines! Jupiter also in your career and status zone nudges at the North Node in your 7th on the final day of the year. Is working with someone or even attaining a partner another goal you aspire to? It may require an effort but then anything worthwhile always does. Stretching yourself and reaching further than you have allowed yourself to do in the past triggers a new destiny. Grab 2018 with both hands.

In a nutshell: there’s something a little bit magical happening this Christmas. No matter your beliefs – connect to that feeling of one-ness and giving.


  • Your holiday, your way
  • Find your own meaning
  • Get set for bold moves in 2018!

It’s all about a highly individual Christmas for you, Pisces. What is meaningful for you? And how and who do you want to share it? It could be with the family you were born in to, or with one you have created. Welcome to your circle, your tribe, your soul group – whatever you want to call them. You could be looking at Christmas spent with more than just family members but perhaps friends too. The holiday season is yours to define and celebrate in your own way. Saturn rules tradition so why now start your own? It can be anything from what you eat, what you do, what you watch, who you are with, what you give. Venus adds beauty, creativity, love and meaning. It’s the perfect setting to create something that you can return to in years to come.

Ruler Neptune has a belated Christmas gift for you on the 28th propelling you forward into the New Year with a heart-rate increasing angle to action planet Mars in your 9th. What do you want to see, explore, experience in 2018? You have Jupiter in this house in your chart which he rules and please don’t forget – he is also your ancient ruler. The old rulerships still apply. Jupiter squares the North Node on the final day of the year. That spinning vortex of fate which sits in your 6th of health, work and service. You may need to look to change a habit, a routine or even your job as the New Year kicks in. The message is that something better awaits you if you make a push towards it. It’s time to explore your potential and something bigger in 2018. You set for the journey now and it starts here.

In a nutshell: This holiday season is all about celebrating in a way that’s meaningful for you. You can create your own tradition now. And treasure this for years to come.


With thanks to Helen for helping with these!

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