7th September 2020 Weekly Horoscope

michele knight weekly horoscope

Beloved Soul,

A Grand Earth trine delivers good vibes for a stable future. It’s time to seize the day and put long-held plans into place.

Passionate Mars goes Retrograde

Mars the planet of passion and war, desire, and life force, is going retrograde for two months. September is not the time to high tail it into the future. Mars retro is a space to reaccess where we want to put our energy. We can gather our strength and get to know what and what energizes us.

Lucky Jupiter goes direct

Having said that, Jupiter the planet of good fortune, the planet that loves stretching our horizons is going direct. Jupiter brings us hope, optimism, and possibility now. We hunger for knowledge, and seek new experiences,. Gather yourself, wonderful one, you have the courage to explore and expand.

Here’s your weekly astrology

Love M

PS Don’t forget to listen to your rising sign and Moon sign video too.


For your Written Astrology click here

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