April Horoscopes All Signs 2022 – MAJOR Transformation and healing

monthly astrology april



Follow the magic to your dream

Love is your mirror

Reset your beliefs for soul healing

Time to take flight at the very beginning of April, Aries. The new Moon in your sign on the 1st says you’re no fool when it comes to initiating anything new now. You’re feeling super charged, confident and ready for something freshly baked. The direction you ignite may take you by surprise as it may upend everything you have tried previously. But you won’t hesitate when it comes to pushing ahead into uncharted territory now.

April is your month to re-set those ideas and attitudes, Aries. Seeing as the focus is all on the novel, new and electrifying dynamic, don’t get hooked back into anything which replays old patterns now. This can be anything from that past lover who resurfaces with that birthday message hoping this leads to them sneaking back in through the bedroom door to that friend who turns every situation into an opportunity to talk about themselves. There’s decisions to be made on your part if any scenario like this occurs during the first week. You may have to take a stand once and for all about what are or aren’t prepared to put up with from here on in.

Go directly to your dream

It is extremely important now that you examine the past and the lessons you have learned from it. To look at what has worked, still does and what needs to be retained. As well as honestly admitting what doesn’t, holds you back or needs releasing. This includes pain or memories that need releasing for you to be healed and free. Go deep into letting go and also forgiveness as what is the biggest event of ‘22 and also in 160+ years

Mysteries, memory and the future meet alongside the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in your 12th on this day. Secrets spring open like puzzle boxes to reveal the truth, opportunities and solutions you never knew existed make themselves known – and spring from the past. Heaven sent inspiration unlocks fresh potential. This meeting can heal past trauma, bring pay it forward karma and dissolve barriers between you and what you truly seek.

The emphasis on this house will continue all month long – even after the Sun leaves your sign for your earthly, enriching 2nd on the 20th. Your ruler Mars ushers in the desire to follow through on those revelations and soul intentions when it arrives in your 12th from the 15th. Prepare for breakthroughs. Juno brings a touch of spiritual integrity to all your connections when it joins the planets in here on the 21st. While the meetings between Venus and Neptune (27th) and Venus and Jupiter (30th) could see you connecting to the love potential that has been hidden in plain sight all along. This includes that within you, Aries.

But what this is telling you is that if you have a dream – whether this concerns a relationship or other party, or just something you want to achieve for yourself – a vision you have for your future and who you can be; then go directly towards it now. No detours or missteps, Aries. You have your dreams for a reason. To live them or at least, experience the pursuit of them and how this can lead to yet another dream. Go for it!

Love is now your mirror of truth at the time of the full Moon in your 7th on the 16th. Are you ready for its truth now ruler Mars is in your 12th, Aries? This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon.

This Moon reflects backatcha, Aries. Someone holds up that mirror or is it for you in some way. Are you hatching a plan and they represent what qualities you need to attain it? Are they the love or partnership potential you seek to crack open? Take note now as this could be all tied into that dream or the love that’s been in plain sight all along.

Relationships which are assets to you will be in focus now the Sun is in your 2nd and you will also be involved in sharing your ideas, thoughts and ways to boost that bottom line once Mercury enters its ruling 3rd for you on the 29th. Bear in mind that the long retro-free season we have enjoyed since last month is now coming to an end as Mercury entered its retroshadow in your 2nd on the 26th and Pluto heads backwards in your 10th on the 29th. It is now time to slow down, stocktake and look carefully at your next step when it comes to your money, investments, income, shared assets and that all important self-worth as we enter eclipse season.

This month brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your 2nd at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros. The power of this eclipsed new ‘black’ Moon is in what you choose to release immediately prior to it. Remember, eclipses conceal. A partial eclipse which is what this is, shows us only part of a given picture. And it’s going to be linked to our values, our money and all the emotions which are tied to this. This is how we harness the promise of renewal that all new Moons want to hand us.

Taurus is a strong, fixed and practical sign. Don’t think bull in a china shop but bull grazing peacefully in an abundant field. It tells you take your time and chew things over. Your 12th is your house of secrets and if you rush you could miss a better option or key information. Don’t be pressured to sign on the dotted line. This includes signing your heart away too, Aries. Instead hold fast to the bigger dream that is beginning to emerge for you. And is set to manifest in some way in May.

In a nutshell: These are the days of miracle and wonder – thanks to the once in a lifetime line up in your mysterious 12th, Aries. The planets point the way forward towards dream attainment. It’s a cosmic shortcut revealed. Go directly down that path.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (1st)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (1st)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (1st)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (12th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (11th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 11th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (1st to 11th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 10th)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (2nd)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (12th)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 11th)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (12th)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (7th)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (2nd)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (2nd to 12th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (2nd)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 10th)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (2nd)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (12th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 11th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 12th)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (2nd)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (2nd)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 10th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (3rd)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (10th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (2nd)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (12th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (2nd)


You have more than one star to wish on

Be part of something bigger

Happy birthday, sensual Taurus!

Are you ready for wish fulfillment, Taurus? Better yet – are you ready to be surprised by what you actually need as opposed to what you think you want? No matter what your dream is – take it the universe can come up with something better, more fitting and soul-evolving now. So, don’t limit yourself when it comes to those goals. By all means have them and embellish that vision with those vivid details. Immerse yourself in it. Feel it, draw it in so it permeates every atom of your being. But then add ‘This or something better’. And prepare for that request to be answered in a surprising way.

The new Moon in your 12th at the start of the month exposes that goal you’ve nurtured and kept hidden in your heart. The truth around those dreams or desires hits you. They are part of you. But it is now time to look at why you have it, it’s importance when it comes to who you are and your beliefs around what you can have. And also how to make it all oh-so-real.

Serious cosmic backing for those plans is yours thanks to the massive stellium in your 11th house of groups and goals. Ruler Venus arrives in here on the 5th and action inciting Mars follows on the 15th. What occurs in between is first the arrival of Mercury in your sign on the 11th handing you the pre- birthday gift of painting pictures with your words. Whether it’s selling in your ideas or simply all you have to offer on a strictly personal level, your ability to communicate is enhanced now. You could have a captive audience hanging on your next word – or post for that matter. So look to all the ways you can get that message across. Both on-line and off.

Your 11th co-rules the internet as it connects us to groups and the larger whole. And of course you have Uranus, ruler of this house in your 1st adding that extra personal touch. So, don’t dilute what you have to say. Or parrot others, Taurus. This is strictly about your take on things.

That push towards achievement or career goals occurs on the 5th when Mars meets Saturn in your 10th. It’s a day to bring your best game and also follow through. Ensure you are taken seriously as you could be interacting with those who want to see how good that game actually is, Taurus. How is this tied to those goals? That wish fulfillment I spoke of? Reach for that highest goal on that list as new paths to attainment open as Jupiter and Neptune meet on the 12th.

Just ask is this algined to your highest path or potential? You are being asked to stretch or reach for something. Not a goal you could reach easily but that star you thought you would never grasp. Here it comes, falling towards you to land in the palm of your hand. Hey, what can your creativity and imagination come up with Taurus? And how far will you attaining it send out those ripples of benefits? Does that goal benefit more than just your career or personal ambition? Is this bigger or more inclusive than even you imagine? Embrace the bigger picture.

Under this transit, join in. There’s a touch of magic in the air when it comes to friendships, groups, contacts and associations. It’s about what you can achieve together. All for one and one for all.

The full Moon in your your 6th on the 16th asks you take an over-watch position on your daily workload, studies, wellness and routine. This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon.

What needs to hatch out into your life is self-care and extreme self-kindness – not criticism, Taurus. Look at those habits and self-soothing behaviours you use to cope. But without judgment. What are those coping mechanisms you instinctively reach for when you feel tired, vulnerable, in pain (physically or emotionally) or stressed? Gently probe the reasons behind them. Yes, they may keep you on that treadmill or provide short term relief. But do they actually support you or do you good in the long term?

This is a wonderful full Moon under which to examine every aspect of your daily life and routine. And to heal and replace those habits if need be.

Enter the Becoming Cycle

By now the changes are in motion that simply showcase you, wonderful you as the Sun brings on your birthday season on the 20th. Along with the planets in your 11th it really is now a time to define what you want from the next 12 months. And who you want to be for that matter. Along with this comes a powerful, inner shift. You may not yet be ready to fully expose the powerful transformation that is taking place however. Ruler Venus meets Neptune in your 11th on the 27th – the same day as the Sun aligns to Eros in your sign. A new dream or star to aim for comes into focus. And this could simply revolve around how you want to be seen or become. But if you are still not ready to share this – that’s fine.

Who is part of this evolution of ‘becoming’ may play a role too. Partners and how they fit into this – or your future vision of that perfect partnership, is wrapped up in a black velvet cloak of mystery still. This month brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your sign at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros.

You are not fixed but an ever-evolving spark and this eclipse is one that marks another shift in a longer cycle for you, Taurus. This may last into 2023 as you reset and redefine your image, appearance, message and who you believe you are. And what that new version of you needs. What will be eventually revealed by this eclipse is going to show you how necessary it is to engage in this evolutionary process. Events show you that staying the same or standing still is simply no longer an option. You may keep your ultimate plans to yourself as we head into May, Taurus. But may no mistake, April puts you in touch with the fierce new you that you are becoming.

In a nutshell: Your birthday cycle is one of ‘becoming’, Taurus. Of fully stretching into your potential. Who do you believe you are? Enter what is a defining year. And watch how people pave the way to goal fulfilment.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (12th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (12th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (11th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (10th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 10th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (12th to 10th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 9th)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (1st)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (11th)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 10th)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (11th)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (6th)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (1st)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (1st to 11th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 9th)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (1st)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (11th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 10th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 11th)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (1st)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (1st)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 9th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (2nd)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (9th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (1st)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (11th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (1st)


Write a new kind of success story

Break out of orbit

Define that dream

Serious moves can be made this month and success redefined and stories re-written. But just one word of warning – you won’t suffer fools gladly this April. Your soul boundaries are strong and woe betide the individual who steps over these. If they do, you will have no hesitation in letting them know they have crossed the line. But the fact is, if this does occur, chances they have pushed their luck in the past. The only difference this time around is that you are pushing back, Gemini.

Knowing what you want and how you expect to be treated forms a key part of this picture for you. Once your ruler Mercury arrives in your sign at the end of the month you will have no problem conveying this. You will also be in a position where you can sell yourself and your ideas more effectively than at any other time. You will however hold others accountable when it comes to what they say and do now.

The new Moon at the start of the Moon opens up a new faith in yourself and your ability to manifest your goals as it takes place in your 11th of friends and the future. Aligned to this is your soul truth and standing by your individuality. Hence, you are no longer content to go along with others or bend yourself out of shape just to fit in. You’re taking a What You See Is What You Get approach. And if anyone has a problem with that well – you won’t make it yours.

New connections beckon as the Sun meets ruler Mercury and Chiron on the 2nd. An invitation or meeting could give you entree into an exciting social circle or introduce you to someone who opens your eyes to enticing possibilities you can achieve. All in alignment with you wanting to be around people with whom you can be yourself – no filters needed! Say yes to all invites now especially if they take you into areas or circles you may not have had access to before. The joy is discovering like minded souls where you may least expect them! Or who inhabit very different packages than you might imagine. Watch the 5th for a portal opening to a bigger experience.

Follow that higher path, harness your inner knowing and then apply it in a practical way to your chosen path. Mercury lands in your 12th on the 11th – the day before Jupiter and Neptune meet in your 10th of public image, strength and status. Rewards and recognition may feature. As could someone removing that rope which cordons off the VIP section. It’s time to make your move or mark. To put insecurities and self doubts behind you. Boss moves feature just days later when Mars enters here.

Just Do It

This is your moment to strike out in the direction you know you need to take. Ask yourself what separates you from those who are doing whatever it is you want to achieve – and enjoying the rewards of their success. The answer is just that – they put themselves out there and did it. They may not have more experience, talents or smarts than you. But they pushed through doubt and did it anyway. You won’t get another chance like this. So take it to make it, Gemini.

Let’s bring on the love jujus along with a full Moon in your 5th on the 16th. This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon. This is a full Moon of gestation and conception as this is your house of babies, children and parenting. Let’s not forget for one moment that other kind of ‘child’ we can give birth to – the ‘children’ or concepts of our creativity. Your 5th rules creative self-expression.

Children, good times, pleasure and yes, romance are in the pink under this full Moon. It’s a full moon under which to capture and rapture – from that lover to that audience attention. You’re on a roll, a lucky streak and again, not caring what others think. So plunge into divine self-expression, let go and just be yourself under it.

Once the Sun lands in your 12th from the 20th, you’ll enter a more contemplative, inner period. The month before your birthday always offers a new road towards self-discovery and inspired ways to attain those goals for the coming year. You may take time out to align to your intuition and inner wisdom now. And fill this time with contemplation, inner work, honing those psychic skills or clearing away whatever stands between you and those desires and dreams.

A new goal or you returning your attention to a past one which stills calls may emerge from your process due to Eros in here. Watch out for the return of past lovers but do remember – the past can be a trap if they come calling again. This especially applies after the 26th when ruler Mercury enters its reroshadow phase in here just prior to entering your 1st (29th).

Just ensure everything is legit now and that others back up what they say with credible action. Above all, keep your own intentions 100% pure. If you do, rewards may feel like heaven sent blessings as Venus meets Neptune on the 27th and Jupiter on the 30th. Something may be concealed or covered up now. Especially as your 12th is all about secrets, hidden truths, espionage and sabotage (this includes self-sabotage!).

Denial is not so much a river in Egypt but an ocean if you ignore what your gut is telling you at the end of the month. The 30th brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your 12th at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros.

Eclipses always represent a cover up or a concealment. Never more so than in your 12th. Yes, this is a partial eclipse so you do have part of the picture. Don’t rush into anything now as you need to wait for the missing pieces to emerge. Eclipses are neither good nor bad. They just are. This one could hand you divine inspiration. But if so, it is telling you to now do your research or put the work into that idea. It’s not yet ready to launch.

This eclipse clears the way in order for something new (that goal or desire Eros is pointing you towards). In order for it to emerge, you have to release something to make room for it to manifest. Only you know what that is, Gemini. It may be a wound, a thought, a situation or even a connection. In fact, it may be that person who was pushing at those boundaries at the start of the month. Chances are you know exactly what or who this is. And what needs to be done. So, close a door on the past and step into the space where creation can take place for you. May brings you a new route towards those dreams.

In a nutshell: Once in a lifetime aspects in your career zone enable you to claim your true path and purpose, Gemini. Success is self-defined from here on in. But when it comes to your next move – take your time.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (11th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (11th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (11th)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (10th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (9th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 9th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (11th to 9th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 8th)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (12th)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (10th)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 9th)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (10th)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (5th)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (12th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (12th to 10th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (12th)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12th)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 8th)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (12th)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (10th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 9th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (12th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (12th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 8th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (1st)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (8th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (12th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (10th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (12th)


Get ready for a bigger love

Launch those plans

Start a new journey

Love or doing something you love is set to take you places this month, Cancer. Above all, put yourself out there, seek out something bigger and to any invitation or opportunity – whether this is romantic or otherwise – just say ‘Yes’. Don’t hesitate or over-think it.

Far away places, travel, expansion, learning, movement, foreign affairs of all descriptions, exploration, the mass media, law, philosophy, beliefs, the great outdoors, sports and large animals could play a role. Have you always dreamed of going on safari? Making that ‘I’d like to thank . . .’ speech at the Oscars or launching that big idea? Then this month like no other acts as a launchpad towards something bigger. This of course includes a bigger love experience too. Desire is your rocket but love is the warp factor that gets you to the stars thanks to a super-charged stellium in your 9th house.

First, a status setting new Moon launches those career goals for you in your 10th house. As the Moon ruled sign, any new Moon brings bigger potential than for other signs. This one is all about your path and your way to achieving authenticity when it comes to what you are here to accomplish and achieve. Your key word is: dharma. It’s not about success as such although this plays a role. It’s about the validation and satisfaction that what you do hands you.

Look to this now and if you present trajectory isn’t giving you this, now is an excellent time to take steps to change course if needed. Time to harness that inner soul determination, Cancer. And to bear in mind that anything worth having requires commitment and sustained effort. Some of you could see doors to progress opening now. Or news arrive which validates that long term commitment you have made to your path or progress.

Take it you are now on someone’s radar when it comes to recognition or career progress and project the right image accordingly. Have a long term outcome in mind in anything you undertake. This also includes those personal ambitions as your 10th house rules your partner’s status as well as yours. So, ensure you take this area just as seriously this month. Invest that love but please – ensure that opposite number is willing to make equal investments and wants the same thing you do.

Explore Strange New Worlds

There’s a once in many lifetimes line up in your 9th which certainly will not occur again in this one for you. This is Jupiter’s ruling house and sign and Neptune’s ruling sign. Both planets are at their most expressive and able to deliver on those visions you have on what you want to have and experience while in here. This is no time to dream small, Cancer. This month is one of the luckiest you will ever experience. But just remember – luck turns on our actions and ability to take steps to make those dreams a reality. It’s like the old joke about the man who wants to win the lottery and prays to god to make it happen. But doesn’t buy a ticket. Ensure you have skin in the game now.

Stepping into a larger experience, big breaks, overseas people and places, study, mass media and positive outcomes are yours to explore with the Jupiter/Neptune meeting on the 12th. Mars joins Venus in here just three days later marking that point where daring to dream turns into daring to DO. You have two other dates where what you imagine yourself to be having, being or experiencing or magical solutions appear occur and these are the 27th and 30th when Venus meets Neptune and then Jupiter. Get ready for breathtaking events which propel you into a new world.

Curiosity, open-heartedness, empathy and the desire to uncover spiritual truths and explore new facets of love, are your soul tools while Jupiter and Neptune are in here and dancing with Venus in the sky. Love becomes an adventure, a journey to take. This also applies to experiencing what you love to do. Ask; what can I still learn from this? And as you do, watch this big up those opportunities this month wants to deliver.

This month’s full Moon appears in its ruling 4th in your chart. So expect its effects to be profound on you. Yes, you may feel extra specially sensitive or even vulnerable. But these feelings hide the high tensile strength of soul forged emotional steel. This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon.

This Moon wants you to understand that even as you are being asked to stretch or leave that comfort zone, you have the resources to do so. You are safe. Sometimes we have to go in search of our lives. And we simply can no longer stick with the familiar. We need to know we have got this. And also that admitting we feel scared or vulnerable isn’t weakness if we are trying something new for the first time. It’s actually a sign of strength and opening. Be balanced and embrace both dynamics of this. Your strength and vulnerability combine to create true stability you can fall back on.

Right place, right time

You and another could come together with a joint purpose to aim for. Chances are they have the staying power or resources you both need to get to that goal. Someone who fits this description may appear once the Sun enters your 11th. Surprise invitations or social dynamics kick in from the 18th when Mercury and Uranus meet. Don’t be too attached to plans and if they change – go with it. You could end up unexpectedly right where you need to be.

This month brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your 11th at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros. Remember your eclipse playbook. Something is being concealed or hidden. Especially now you have Mercury in your 12th and in retroshadow. This is a partial eclipse so you have an edited version of a bigger picture. A blurry screen grab if you like.

Ask yourself who is doing this editing? Is a friend or someone you know giving you an Insta-filtered version of what is really going on? As always, your intuition sees through any attempts to distort the facts. Ground those feelings and look at what is going on to back up those impressions. Chances are this is the pathway to seeing things as they really are – not as someone is telling you they are. Be wary of anyone who friend bombs you under this eclipse. Or that friend who comes up with one excuse too many to cancel at the final second (again).

You are being invited to step into something bigger this month, so don’t allow yourself to be held back by petty, inauthentic behaviour or those who will hold you back, Cancer. Spread those wings and venture into the magic of the unknown instead!

In a nutshell: A new pathway or bigger experience opens in front of you, Cancer. Don’t forget, ancient astrologers associated your sign with explorers and seekers of brave new worlds. Make the journey the goal.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (10th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (10th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (10th)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (9th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (8th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 8th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (10th to 8th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 7th)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (11th)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (9th)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 8th)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (9th)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (4th)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (11th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (11th to 9th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (11th)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 7th)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (11th)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (9th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 8th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (11th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (11th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 7th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (12th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (7th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (11th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (9th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (11th)


Transformation brings freedom

Access all areas you need for progress

Get ready for rebirth!

Is someone trying to rain on your parade, Leo? Or just being super unkind or critical? You won’t take kindly to anyone attempting to dull that shine or throw shade in your direction. No matter who it is. Frenemies, rivals or opponents may throw up obstacles or someone may shock you with their disregard for your feelings but none of this will hold you back for long. Not when a powerful new Moon in your 9th shows you the higher path to take or offers an opportunity to simply leave them and their limited thinking behind you. Just remember – success is always the best revenge.

Big new reboots and opportunities follow. Transformation, transmutation and transcendence are your themes this month thanks to the mega stellium in your 8th house. It’s all about change – for the better. Sometimes this is as simple as changing our usual reaction or how we now see something. This shift releases us from the situation and we effortlessly sail away from it. This is very much what can happen if someone disappoints you or you suddenly see their behaviour in a new light. This puts the April Fool on them. Other times, we have to consciously set the gears of change in motion with a specific result in mind.

Time to explore just what resources you have at your disposal now. The incredible depth and breadth of them. Yes, these may be material. But they could just as easily turn out to be magical, intangible skills or knowledge you can utilize in powerful ways to transform your entire existence.

Along with a greater appreciation of what we have, comes the realisation we cannot afford to waste it. This includes that love, those talents and abilities, those intuitive and creative insights and ideas. April and all the planets in this house want you to harness your full power. Especially when Mars arrives from the 15th. The real power playas in here are Jupiter and Neptune however. Intensifying those desires and driving you off in pursuit of them. This can take you from the bedroom to the boardroom and back again.

Your mojo is a gravitational force as Jupiter and Neptune meet on the 12th. What are you handed or offered? What empowered changes are you directing or initiating? If healing is needed around feelings of inadequacy and powerlessness, this meeting between two giants, hands you solutions. A rebirth even. What you choose to invest in – financially and emotionally – is yours to define. If you decide something is no longer worth all your effort, watch how another opportunity appears.

The response or results of what you set in motion during the first part of April could reach you mid-month at the time of the full Moon in your 3rd of news, contracts and communication. This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon.

Hatch those plans, time that application, meeting or launch. That confirmation lands in your inbox. It could be time to say yes or take that deep breath and start that conversation. Asking the questions you need answers to hands you emotional satisfaction. Or completion. You need to know and if you are been hesitant to ask, now is the time to get your answer. Especially if someone has left you hanging.

Public perception and your path are highlighted once your ruler lands in your 10th. It is now time to leverage all those achievements to date, Leo. Or to take those ambitions seriously. Radiate self-possession and an authoritative swagger that conveys you mean business. You’re the boss act, the CEO of your personal corporation and everything you say, do or send out needs to reflect your personal brand values.

The alignment between Jupiter and Neptune can open doors to the vault of recognition and rewards, success, the key of the corner office or to simply seeing all we have to offer as a unique and valuable asset which isn’t to be wasted. The planets moving through your 10th are all about how you choose to work what benefits come your way from this.

This month brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your 10th at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros. What’s your heart calling you to attain or achieve now? Because this new Moon is eclipsed, this may be that hidden ambition or path not taken. Perhaps you felt under pressure to pursue a direction that was not of your choosing? Examine this now.

This Moon tells you to get your head and your heart working together in a practical, grounded way to realise those long term goals. It’s all very well to be ambitious. But we need to do the work to make it happen for ourselves. In your 10th and the sign of pragmatic, earthy Taurus this is telling you there are no short cuts. But there is the promise of real satisfaction at the end of it. Attainment can be yours if you do the work. And also answer the true call of your dharma or path.

This month is all about knowing who you are and the realisation you are a powerful being able to direct your resources and your future in the direction you want to go in. Under the eclipse, look to how you have undersold or underestimated yourself in the past. Re-calibrate now, Leo. The Sun is now shining on the victory parade.

In a nutshell: Plug into self-empowerment this April and soar effortlessly away from limitations and restrictions. You shed fears and self-doubt like a butterfly does a chrysalis, Leo. Unfurl those wings. Time for a complete rebirth.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (9th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (9th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (9th)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (8th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (7th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 7th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (9th to 7th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 6th)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (10th)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (8th)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 7th)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (8th)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (3rd)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (10th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (10th to 8th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (10th)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 6th)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (100h)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (8th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 7th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (10th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (10th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 6th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (11th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (6th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (10th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (8th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (10th)


Love is the journey you take now

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The super-stellium in your 7th this month is a once-in-a-lifetime line up. Actually once in several lifetimes as the meeting between Jupiter and Neptune in here on the 12th has not taken place for over 160 years. To say love is in the air is a massive understatement. For singles, this is your best ever cycle to date and mate. In a way that comes pre-packaged with promise. Settleds could pledge their love anew or find solutions to any issues which have come between them and true togetherness.

Singles should feel the potential swirling around them as a status changing new Moon appears in your 8th on the 1st. You’d be foolish not to be making the most of this. Of course, all the magic in the sky can’t fix what’s broken beyond repair. And we need to always be mindful that no matter how painful it may be, we all have the right to change our mind about a soul contract at any time. The good news about this particular time is that if consciously uncoupling is your only option, then you should find this easier than at any other time.

Because this is your ‘other’ money house that partnership potential could be tied to a job, your salary, income or promotion. Others could experience the flow via taking out a joint mortgage or loan with your significant other as this is your house of joint and shared resources. Especially marital ones. Entering into a marriage, long term live in situation, engagements, signing on the dotted line feature now. The Sun’s meeting to your ruler Mercury on the 2nd also entangles Chiron. It’s powerful, edgy vibe could heal and also bring value-added news. Yes, boosting the bottom line and empowerment at the same time.

Love literally IS all around you

Venus joins the divine line up in its ruling 7th from the 5th and Mars adds the passion from the 15th. As well as the meeting between Jupiter and Neptune which promises a divine heaven sent partnership dynamic to explore for you, other key dates are the meetings between Venus and Neptune (27th) and Venus and Jupiter (30th). Keep those lines of communication between you and your intuition open especially on the 30th. It just may be that the love potential which arrives around that day could come in disguise. A bit like angels visiting unawares. You therefore need your heart to guide you to look beyond the obvious. A love experience in disguise could therefore be your angelic visitor – and the gift the planets want you to experience. If it will evolve your soul – embrace its difference, Virgo!

The full Moon on the 16th opens the portal to this kind of receptivity. It takes place in your 2nd house and with the planets including ruler Mercury in Taurus and your 9th, this is all about your openness to receiving more and your value system. This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon. Think nest egg, Virgo. Those savings and investments.

This full Moon can bring a financial matter to a climax. Or ask you to stand by those values I mentioned earlier. If you are the recipient of extra cash or a new source of income following it, then think nest egg rather than spending it. Look deep within at that expectations. How you expect to be treated by others emotionally. This tells you where your self-worth resides. And also your ability to receive.

The Sun’s entry into your 9th offers sheer brilliance when it comes to expansion, forward motion, learning and travel opportunities. You step out of the forge of transformation which occurs in your 8th, shining and ready for freedom. We’ve all enjoyed an extended period where all the planets have been direct since March. Be aware however that this is now coming to an end. Ruler Mercury enters retro-shadow phase from the 26th and Pluto is stationary retrograde in your 5th on the 29th. Time to begin to shift to a slower approach when it comes to love now and also what you adore to do.

This month brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your 9th at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros. If traveling, do just as you would during a Mercury retro. Allow for delays, changes, cancellations or plain snafus to occur and have a back-up plan or route just in case.

You could find you left home without something you needed. Anything from that Covid passport to the facts. Eclipses always conceal and this one being a partial eclipse – well, take it you have part of what is a bigger picture. Events far away or outside of your control could impact your journey or plans. Don’t make a large purchase (especially horses), gamble, sign legal documents without first getting professional advice or venture too far off the beaten track. You’re in unknown territory or part of that map is missing!

That being said, aiming high is what you are being asked to do this April. This includes aiming for the biggest, widest, most soul shifting version of love you can imagine yourself experiencing with another, Virgo. Discover just where letting go of any barriers between you and that love, can take you.

In a nutshell: Redefine that love experience and enter a new partnership paradigm as the once-in-a-lifetime line up in your 7th brings duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions, Virgo. Love is a journey. It’s all about the one you take with someone this month.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (8th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (8th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (8th)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (7th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (6th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 6th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (8th to 6th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 5th)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (9th)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (7th)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 6th)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (7th)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (2nd)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (9th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (9th to 7th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (9th)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 5th)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (90h)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (7th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 6th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (9th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (9th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 5th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (10th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (5th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (9th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (7th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (9th)


Get love-ready

Focus on the small stuff

Everyday change delivers big magic!

You are on the cusp of a brand new partnership dynamic, Libra. Where duos, duets and double acts feature in ways they may not have for many years. By the middle of the month you should have a very good idea of who this may revolve around. Still guessing? Or waiting? Take it that order is on their way even if they have not yet put in an appearance as April begins with a new Moon in your 7th of opposite numbers.

Look to whose messages fill your inbox, who you spend your time talking to or interacting with. Single? Ditch your usual ‘type’ if this is the template you’ve been focused on. You need dynamism, chemistry and magic. And if you’re still seeking this should tell you those past choices don’t deliver. So, choose different. By the time we reach May new and daring partnership dynamics will be on offer. One more reason to ditch the tried and tie-died, Libra.

Also, be prepared to ditch the presently disappointing too. Sure, that sounds harsh. But if this needs to be done by the time the full Moon of the 16th lights up your sign, you’ll know the kindest thing is freedom for you – and them. You only have so much love and time to give – so don’t waste it, Libra.

Bold new beginnings don’t just apply to that potential new boo but for settleds your present one too. Bring the lovin’ back and work those changed attitudes towards what you and your partner can achieve together. You’re more than willing to do the work when it comes to bringing you closer, repair any rifts or simply initiate a new goal the two of you can aim for. Yes, part of that new attitude is knowing that love requires work. But the investment is so worth it, Libra.

Bring the passion!

Your start the month on a sizzle thanks to Mars spicing up your romance zone. But it will also show you if the fire is fizzling out too. Ruler Venus joins the mega stellium in your 6th from the 5th and Mars follows on the 15th. Don’t underestimate the power of the Jupiter/Neptune meeting in this house on the 12th. This hasn’t happened in over 160+ years. Rare and special doesn’t even come close.

Oh but, this house is so mundane. It’s about what you have to do, not what you love to do (or who!). Habits, responsibilities, routines. Work and wellbeing. How organised you are. Or not. Your 6th house can be dismissed as dull or simply unimportant. Yet if we don’t feel our best how can we enjoy whatever else life and love offers us? We spend most of our lives at work. And even billionaires can’t escape the things that only they can do so don’t think becoming one lets you off the hook when it comes to that routine. And more money can just fuel those bad habits we know don’t do us any good in the long term.

This month offers you a once in a lifetime opportunity to design yourself an everyday life filled with satisfaction, vibrancy and passion. To escape that rut you may have fallen into. Be it that dead-end job to those self-soothing behaviours which may see you coping in the short term but leave you empty, drained and filled with guilt over the longer term. It’s the small things we do on a daily basis that have a big impact on all the other areas of our lives. From our ability to fully participate in it to living and loving.

Tap into inspiration and healing as the meeting between Jupiter and Neptune hands you the power of everyday magic. You understand what true self-care actually is. And realign your priorities accordingly. For those of you seeking to change your job or who are seeking work, this is your moment to act and apply for that new role that works the way you want to. Others could completely design their diet, exercise or daily schedule to create more energy and time for what really matters to them. You may even shift your environment in some way. This is what everyday magic looks like and its effects are powerful.

Now you see what changes the magical blend of everyday changes and true self care can hand you, it’s back to that togetherness factor, Libra. The full Moon in your sign (16th) should be one of fulfillment when it comes to moving love forward. Or show you the direction you now need to head in. This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon. What’s hatching in that heart of yours?

There’s no doubt you’re ready for something more when it comes to relating now. Loving someone else is easy for you. But how is your capacity to receive it? Look at this as this full Moon waxes. Is love easy to accept? Or is it hard work? Not just with you receiving it but do you ensure you won’t get it by choosing the wrong people to love? The unavailable either in status or emotionally, the distant, the one who won’t commit. Face these issues with love and bravery and break yourself open to receive more now. This full Moon can be a watershed moment that marks the point where love comes rushing in.

Continue to strengthen your compassion and love towards yourself all month long as Venus moves through your 6th. Do you have problems with boundaries, saying no but do this because you fear you won’t get the love you want if you do? As Venus meets Jupiter and Neptune some everyday healing magic can begin.

Work this new found strength as the Sun powers into your 8th on the 20th. You could find yourself with a new sense of what you will and won’t accept. And yes, that’s sexy, Libra. You could find yourself intensely focused on a goal in the last part of the month due to the Sun’s alignment with Eros. Just step back and ask yourself why you desire this so much (or that bedroom floor is lava new boo for that matter!). Is someone dangling something in front of you – money, promotion, promises, themselves – with some kind of agenda or simply to manipulate you?

This month brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your 8th at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros. Yes, you may want what you want. Or fear you may not have enough to get it. Just ensure your own motivations are clear and above all, take your time. This is your ‘other’ money house so this eclipse tells you that something is on the down-low when it comes to your cash, investments, borrowing, accounts, maintenance etc.

This is also your house of power, domination, manipulation and control. Just who is in control now? Hopefully you know that’s you, Libra. If in doubt – time to put the brakes on. This is the day your ruler and Jupiter meet. Take it they have your best interests at heart. Go towards what you know instinctively is good for you. Everyday magic cuts through eclipse confusion. You are the magician who wields it.

n a nutshell: The Sun in your 7th is just the start of one of the best cycles for partnerships you’ve experienced in 12 years. April hands you the tools to make each and everyday better in every way. Don’t underestimate the power of the small stuff.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (7th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (7th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (7th)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (6th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (5th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 5th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (7th to 5th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 4th)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (8th)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (6th)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 5th)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (6th)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (1st)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (8th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (8th to 6th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (8th)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 4th)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (80h)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (6th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 5th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (8th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (8th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 4th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (9th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (4th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (8th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (6th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (8th)


The present is a gift – use it

Greet the future with wide eyed wonder

Romance rules

If one door closes take it that at least two more open wide this month. If you are faced with an ending at the beginning of April, take it from me that by the time we reach October you’ll see it in a very different light, Scorpio. As in thanking your lucky stars. Because luck – or the stars, are on your side this month. And in a way they may never have been working for you before. So, if plans don’t work out the way you hoped, or if someone tells you it’s over, just take it there’s a reason behind this. The reason being a better alternative is on its way.

First the new Moon in your 6th comes wrapped in everyday promise. Not yesterday, tomorrow or worse – someday (that day never happens) -but TODAY. It falls close to the immediacy of Mercury which rules this house. In fact, the Sun meets both Mercury and Chiron the following day. This is your Carpe Diem moment. Seize the day. Not just today but everyday. Not when NOW when it comes to making changes to what you do and how you feel.

Let’s talk more about that, Phoenix. Have you been told what you should be doing or how you are meant to feel, behave and look by others that simply doesn’t sit right with you? I am not talking about disregarding medical advice as this is your house of health, wellbeing, practitioners, therapists and doctors. And of course one is entitled to get a second or third opinion if you feel this is warranted.

I am talking about hidden wellbeing wounds. Perhaps you being told you don’t have what it takes to be or do something. Maybe you took on messages as a child that something was beyond you because (insert here a fear-based but well-meant reason). You grew up thinking your options were limited. And continue to operate under this as an adult. You took on how your family ate and exercised (or not) and continued that. Even though it doesn’t support your body or make you feel good.

This new Moon and Jupiter’s arrival in here next month awakens you to better alternatives you can put into practice right now. And which heal you in the process. The real, vibrant you rises from the ashes of your old habits and ways of thinking like the phoenix you are. It’s an invitation to try something new and make adjustments to your work or daily routine. And to see the improvements that work for you – not against you arrive quickly.

There is good reason to do this work. Your 5th and 7th houses of romance, pleasure and partnerships are filled with once-in-a-lifetime line-ups. To take advantage of this you need to be feeling on fire and renewed. Venus arrives in your 5th on the same day. We are building to the biggest ever attraction event you will have experienced. Where imagination, inspiration and pure intention fuse to bring something special into your life. So, focus, believe and ignite the force of attraction now.

Welcome back joy

To attract we must radiate. So, one more reason to work at that feelgood experience. And we then must make a move towards what we want. Plunge into a sea of love (this includes doing what you love as well as who, Scorpio!) and immerse yourself in pleasure. Let go of caring about what others think. Go forward with the joy and wide-eyed wonder of a child as you do. In fact, babies, children, young people, the relationship that could turn you into a parent or step-parent, conceptions, creativity, centre stage sparkle, lucky breaks and standing out from the crowd are what the meeting between Jupiter and Neptune on the 12th promise.

By now, Mercury is in your 7th of long term love and partnership matters. It’s time to talk and flirt. To click and swipe. To express your love, joy and creative life force. And to dance with desire and believe in miracles again. As well as the once in 160+ year meeting between Jupiter and Neptune in here, Venus will meet with both giving you that extra serving of magical attraction on the 27th and 30th. Put these dates into your diary.

Mars adds the confidence, the passion and the head-high desire to make the most of those opportunities. It too joins the party from the 15th. Just in time to ignite the fire. Something new is waiting to enter your life now. Something wished for and mysterious. You have a powerful full Moon in your 12th on the 16th. This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon. You may not see it or know it yet, but something new is waiting to be born. Your own creative spark reignites. Love revives or renews you. Fresh potential with your psychic abilities, healing or yes, a new pathway to express love appears, Conceive the inconceivable and imagine that becoming real.

Your annual focus on duets, duos and double act dynamics begins on the 20th further boosting the love-laden influences in your 5th when the Sun enters your 7th. We have had an unusually long retro-free period since March when all the planets have been direct in the sky. Now, things begin to slow down perhaps giving you pause to catch your breath, Scorpio.

Mercury enters its retroshadow phase in your 7th on the 26th and your ruler Pluto turn backwards in your 3rd from the 29th – the same day as Mercury enters Pluto’s ruling 8th in your chart. What’s the message here? Pause for thought in love and ask those questions now. The #1 way to forge true connection and intimacy is the question asking. Use this superpower from the 29th when Mercury enters its ruling sign of Gemini and your house of sexy, empowered transformation.

This month brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your 7th at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros. The eclipse has nothing to do with it being termed ‘black’ incidentally. This is a partial eclipse so a piece of what is a bigger picture is missing. Another reason to slow down, ask those questions and simply stocktake when it comes to any kind of partnership matter now.

Ask yourself about your expectations. How do you expect to be treated? If this thought process involves a specific relationship – whether existing or emerging, what is it you want or need from the other person? What are you seeking in the long term? This is your starting point for your investigations into the nature of the partnership you have or is on offer for you. Ask and really listen to what the other person is saying.

Under this eclipse and the slow factor Mercury a blast from the past could reappear. This is where those questions truly come in as you need to know what they are seeking this time around with no room for misunderstanding. If you have been avoiding asking your current boo what’s going on with them, you now need to. And again, be open to what they tell you. For those of you seeking or looking to where that newly manifested opportunity could go, the questions you ask or will ask, should be a true refection of inner truth when it comes to your expectations. The alignment of this eclipse to Eros says don’t dodge the bullet – or the subject. Lay your love cards on the table this month. Yes, your Tarot card IS The Lovers. And watch what doing so creates for you.

In a nutshell: A once in a lifetime line-up in your house of lovers, children and creativity along with the Sun in your 7th puts love within reach. Or sends you plummeting down a new pathway to experiencing joy, Scorpio.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (6th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (6th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (6th)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (5th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (4th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 4th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (6th to 4th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 3rd)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (7th)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (5th)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 4th)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (5th)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (12th)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (7th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (7th to 5th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (7th)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 3rd)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (70h)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (5th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 4th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (7th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (7th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 3rd)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (8th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (3rd)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (7th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (5th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (7th)


Head towards what you love

Expand your living space

There’s no place like home

Love, joy, belonging and keys to a door. April tells you that there’s a threshold to abundance to be crossed this month which involving living and loving large, Sag.

Just watch out for jealousy. Either directed at you or you left feeling the bridesmaid instead of the main event. Ruler Jupiter is about to deliver and in a big way. If however what is delivered doesn’t match the description you had in mind, please don’t dilute the blessing by taking an ‘It shoulda been me’ comparison to others. Or if you are on a roll, allow someone else’s petty envy to tarnish the shine of that victory. You should be above all that now Sag. Especially as your mission this month is to big up that lifestyle and get happy. Unlike the Rolling Stones, April wants you to get satisfaction – and keep it. And the more you try the more you will have to be satisfied with.

Your intuition is simply super-sized this month. And yes, the secret is you know what people want and tailor your approach to deliver it. Hate to say it but this includes knowing what’s on that lover’s mind too. So you can become their perfect fantasy especially once Venus and then Mars move into Pisces and your 4th. What boosts this and the once in 160 year line up in your 4th is the new Moon in your 5th on the 1st.

Residual feelings around past hurts or feeling your are not good enough/talented enough/sexy enough are about to be healed as the Sun. Mercury and Chiron meet in here the day after that new Moon. You’re sexy and you know it now. Or you should do. If your upbringing or family has caused you to feel ‘never enough’ the presence of your ruler Jupiter, Neptune and the Pisces stellium sees you reclaiming your power and your path.

It’s time to initiate, radiate, let go, scintillate and attract. To allow freedom and fun to govern you. To make that first move free of fear of judgment or rejection. And if that does happen to now be able to simply shrug and move on. To the next best thing – the better option that beckoning.

Get ready for a homecoming

Yes, despite the fact your 4th is associated with home and family matters, that all-time favourite Sag activity of travel is back on your agenda. Far flung places and exploration beckon. As could where you love in the world thanks to the arrival of Venus in here on the 5th and bold, boundary breaking Mars on the 15th. Yes, property matters, lifestyle, family and who you live with and where feature but you need to remember that home isn’t just where the heart is but where the travels start and finish too.

Ruler Jupiter and Neptune are aligning on the 12th. The first time this has occurred in this house for over 160 years! This could hand you the keys to the door of a new home (literally), see you expand your living space or send many of you on a moving experience. If you have dreamed of relocating or even emigrating, this is all about the freedom and resources to do that. Jupiter wants you living large. Neptune tells you this needs to be in alignment with where or how your spirit feels at home. Just where is that? Take that step towards that place you can call your own or that corner of the world that smiles at you.

Dates for decisions, deals and key stages of moving in, on or towards that place are the 27th (Venus conjunct Neptune) and 30th (Venus/Jupiter conjunction). These are the dates to lay the foundation stones for that future based on your real needs. And for some of you that may be calling the entire world your home.

The Moon is the natural ruler of this house and the 16th brings a full Moon in your 11th of goals, community and connections. People in a place may form a key part of your decision making process when it comes to where and how you live. This is no full Moon under which to be an island, Sag.

And let’s talk lovers as well as friends now as this full Moon reflects its light back into your 5th. Yes, you DO need a lover or partner who you feel is also your best friend. And who gets that lifelong crusade of yours to explore. You get an unfair rap when it comes to that don’t-fence-me-in ‘flighty Sag’ stereotype which is so untrue. Your loyalty and ability to commit is without question. You simply need a fellow free spirit to go on a lifelong adventure with. Make this your #1 criteria.

This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon. A friendship, meeting or contact hatches future influence. Whether this is romantic or simply platonic. But the important element is that bff factor.

Freedom in some form beckons as the Sun enters your 6th. Not the big trip, globetrotting variety but the everyday kind you can harness when it comes to escaping that rut or tired routine. A better way of working or wellness should be your aim for the coming month. Rearranging that living space or lifestyle may form the backdrop to this.

But you’re now in a period where your day job, study, exercise, habits and mind, body, spirit connection can be reviewed or rejuvenated. Mercury, which rules this house is now in your 7th of partnerships, but is slowing in preparation for retrograde when it will return here next month. If you are looking for work or to change your job, get those applications in ahead of this.

Insights into those habits and work arrangements sends benefits rippling out into other areas of your life. You want what you do each day to add value and meaning. Look at how to create that now. Or to make changes so what you do delivers.

This month brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in this house at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros. It’s occurring the same day as Venus and your ruler Jupiter align in your 4th (the Moon’s ruling house). It’s an extra special day for work, security and property matters. But you need to remember – eclipses conceal. This is just a partial one so we can say you do have part of the picture. But one piece of the puzzle is missing.

The present moment is the gift of self-care

New Moons always usher in powerful new emotional beginnings in the area ruled by the house they appear in. In your 6th however, you need to allow your head as well as your heart to be heard. To think in a practical, grounded and organised way. Especially if the new Moon in here is eclipsed. So, take some time out if needed to do just that.

Yes, your ruler and Venus may see good news or doors opening for you today. If necessary, pause and ask yourself how it adds to your happiness in an every day way over the long term? A new, fresher, bigger living space? A job or routine that hands you more time? A topic that opens doors to increased knowledge to study? A habit which energises and revives? A side hustle which feels like pure play? This is your house of self-care. So, if it brings more happiness and yes, sparks everyday joy go for it. Otherwise – watch, analyse and wait, Sag. As April ends its all about the power of the choices you make in the present moment. So, make them a gift to yourself.

In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter makes a once in a lifetime meeting to Neptune in your house of home, family and belonging, Sag. Just where in the world do you call home – or want to? You could be handed the keys to unlock living larger this month.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (5th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (5th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (5th)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (4th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (3rd)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 2nd)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (6th)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (4th)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (4th)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (11th)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (6th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (6th to 4th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (6th)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 2nd)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (60h)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (4th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 3rd)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (6th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (6th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 2nd)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (7th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (2nd)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (6th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (4th)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (6th)


If you can imagine it, you can experience it

How far can that idea take you?

Get interacting

Welcome to the Imaginarium, Capricorn! Where those ideas, the seeds you plant in your imagination and what you send out has the capacity to launch you skywards this April. You’d be a bunny not to be exploring just where this can take you as once in many lifetimes aspects in your 3rd of communication, tell you if you can think of it, you can do it or make it a reality.

The new Moon at the start of April speaks to those emotional needs, Capricorn. Take a step back from business or career matters and focus on what you need for that support. Don’t be afraid to ask for it. Or to let others into your inner world. Yes, exposing those vulnerabilities takes huge amounts of courage. But it’s a necessary process for us to get the comfort and closeness we crave.

This Moon is in its ruling house and is all about a move forward for you. It blesses real estate dealings, family matters and moves. But it also puts you in a position where you are unafraid to share that emotional truth without fear of coming across as needy. And you want the unedited version of other people’s needs in return. You’ll demolish those barriers to closeness now and that fierce bravery gets others baring their souls in return.

That being said, you’ve also no time for emotional manipulation, gas-lighting or inconsideration. Anyone who isn’t willing to listen or take your feelings into account may be in for a shock around the 5th. Yes, you have Venus wanting peace and offering a diplomatic approach when it enters Pisces on your 3rd on this day. But this is also the day when Mars meets ruler Saturn in your 2nd. If your feelings and opinions aren’t taken into consideration you’ll take a no-prisoners approach.

What’s working in your favour is that once you have said what needs to be said, you don’t hang on to anger or resentment. So the outcome is very much up to the other party. If they continue to throw their toys out of the pram you’re unlikely to buy into their tantrum by picking them up however. You’ll just leave them to it.

See, say, share, interact

The possibility of someone’s tantrum yoga aside, April is a shining path to launches, progress and opportunity. April is all about doing your hustle, Capricorn as once in many lifetimes alignments take place in your house of communication, commerce, writing, studying, speaking, sharing and the internet.

You are overflowing with ideas and the desire to do something with them. And that’s how the magic happens as the once in 160+ years alignment between Jupiter and Neptune takes place in your 3rd on the 12th. This is about how far an idea or click can take you now. This is no time to be keeping those genius flashes to yourself. Or simply talking up what you intend to do with them. You have to take action.

Big up your message in a way which inspires. Be it what you share on social media or that job application, manuscript or pitch. Travel may feature for some of you. As could the worlds of mass media, academia, the law, metaphysics, science and anything that breaks boundaries. If you have problems selling yourself in, this meeting should remove barriers to shyness. If you work in a creative, research or healing field, you could be hit by what can only be called divine inspiration and your mind makes a massive leap. Again if this occurs don’t just sit on it – to something with it.

You should see the impact or the results of what you say or send out now. That acceptance or offer letter wings its way back to you. You sign a contract. That pitch wins. You suddenly have 10K followers. The sky is literally the limit. You’ll take the initiative and follow through even if you have hesitated up until this point once Mars hands you the confidence and impetus when it too arrives in here on the 15th.

Cosmic timing is working for you now as a full Moon appears in your all-important 10th. Reputation, rewards and results feature. This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon.

Those ideas hatch or bear fruit for you now. Walk your talk. Believe in yourself, your ideas and what you have to offer. If you can, schedule those all important interviews, meetings or even that launch date, for this full Moon. Wrap up those plans or bring them to some kind of fruition. Look at how far you have come in this time. Where it has got you and congratulate yourself. Pause if need be to prepare and plan for your next phase.

We have been through an extra long retro-free period where all the planets in the sky have been direct. A rare portal for progress. This full Moon can also shine a light on what stands in your way of making further progress. If so, please take this on board and see it for the gift that it is. And make whatever adjustments are necessary during the upcoming Mercury retrocycle which begins with retroshadow on the 26th. Personal priorities or even your image can undergo a transformation once Pluto in your sign heads backwards on the 29th.

Your ideas and anything you say now gets further infused by the divine spark of love, creativity and joy as the Sun enters its ruling 5th on the 20th. Your smorgasbord of joy contains romance, fun, pleasure, children (and the child within), holidays and sensuality. It’s all about the love now but also its a wake-up call if all you’ve been focused on is business or realising those ambitions Capricorn.

The planets in here always tell us that life isn’t meant to be a serious business. Time for parties and play. This is a wonderful time for romance and if you are single and seeking you should be making the most of this period. Especially as it coincides with attraction bearing meetings between Venus and Neptune (27th) and Venus and Jupiter(30th). The important thing to remember during this cycle is to let go, live in the moment, enjoy what is on offer for what it is, and to feel lightened by it. Anything that drags you down or prevents that from happening, needs serious examination now and the 30th provides you with that opportunity.

This day brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your 5th at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros. In your imaginarium, look closely at where you have set aside those dreams and told yourself it’s not possible to have them. Is love something that happens to other people but not you, for instance? Do you feel life or the ‘good stuff’ goes to others who don’t deserve it but not you? These are deep questions which may arise under this eclipse.

In the outer world, remember that love or simply flow, isn’t meant to be hard work. So please look closely if something has turned into that. Remember too, eclipses conceal. This one partially. Go with that gut and if a potential new lover appears now, do take it slowly. If you feel you are having to chase or push, this may not be a red flag but it is certainly an amber one.

This eclipse combined with the Venus/Jupiter conjunction which also occurs the same day can have you seeing that something you dreamed of having isn’t impossible after all. Yes, you may have to take a different route or approach – perhaps in your own head, to get it. Explore those ideas and aim big, Capricorn. This April leaves no room for limited thinking.

In a nutshell: What’s the next big idea, Capricorn? Could it in fact be you or what you’re thinking? This is no time to keep those ideas or plans to yourself. But time to share and launch. April is set to take you further. Get ready to make headlines.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (4th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (4th)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (4th)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (3rd)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (2nd)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 1st)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (5th)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (3rd)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (3rd)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (10th)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (5th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (5th)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 1st)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (50h)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (3rd)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 2nd)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (5th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (5th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 1st)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (6th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (1st)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (5th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (3rd)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (5th)


Love and money – two sides of the same coin

What’s your ‘currency’?

Send your self-worth soaring

There’s a magnetic intensity about you that’s hard to ignore this April, Aquarius. That confidence and self-possession is oh-so-unmistakably sexy. Maybe its your ability to simply walk your fierce talk thanks to the new Moon in your 3rd on the 1st. It is close to Mercury which rules this house and the Sun, Mercury and Chiron meet in here the next day. You’re unafraid to speak your truth and tell it like it is. There’s a buzz and disarming charm about you combined with a powerful, direct intention. You say what you mean and mean what you say. Watch the 5th for the results this brings you.

Venus leaves you sign on the 5th also. Making this a day where you are unafraid to make those values and work that self-worth. This is Venus’s ruling house and it joins the once in many lifetimes line up in here. Expect a massive emphasis on your money, income, possessions, talents, skills and self-esteem now. Even more so after Mars’s arrival mid month.

Get rich or die trying

What’s in store? Something which bigs up your experience of abundance and handling your money. But without having to sell out or sell your soul over. The meeting between Jupiter and Neptune on the 12th hasn’t happened in over 160 years. It could be a 50 Cent moment for some of you. What occurs now is a direct reflection of your attitude and relationship to your cash, income, earnings and what you feel you deserve to have. Remember – it is our inner worth that sets our ability to receive. And also determines how we are treated by others.

Generous Jupiter always wants to expand while Neptune links us to the more spiritual side of the material realm. Remember, money is a spiritual tool too. Not the root of all evil. You should be looking at more of the folding stuff heading your way now. Usually through your own efforts to increase it as this house is more about the money we make than what is shared with us. Or lottery wins or legacies. This transit tells you if you make the effort to make or create more, you should see this pay off literally now.

Other days for that cashed-up feeling are the 27th (Venus/Neptune) and 30th (Venus/Jupiter). Just remember, that rich abundant feeling can come from experience and personal achievement just as it can from looking at that black bank statement.

Just be aware of where you direct all your resources this month. And if you do find yourself with extra money to spare – just like the card of the 6 of Pentacles which this transit embodies for you, ensure that if someone is to be the recipient of your generosity, that they deserve it. The planets in your 2nd stir your compassion and empathy. You may contribute to a charity or cause that you feel deeply about.

But ensure that you are not enabling that relative or friend who simply lurches from one financial crisis to another. They can play to your soft spot now. If you are to lend someone money, only do so if you can afford to write it off over the long term. I am not saying they may not mean to pay you back. But if this turns out to be delayed or not possible, an open-handed philosophical approach ensures there is no enduring resentment. If you can afford to be generous do so. But mimic Jupiter’s open-handed approach.

This month’s full Moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon. It appears in your 9th on the 16th – Jupiter’s ruling house in your chart. This could bring money matters to a positive conclusion. Especially if money has been a stumbling block to your plans.

It’s also asking you to take a balanced approach to personal freedom vs. togetherness. And to break through any indecision or lack of confidence to take action where it is needed. This full Moon is your shining path, your beacon which lights the way forward for you. If money were no object what would you do? Where would you go? What choices would you make? Ask yourself if it is possible to have or experience that right now in some way? Then go towards it with confidence. This full Moon is all about a journey to be taken. Or to set foot once more on the path not taken.

Be aware that we are now re-entering retrograde weather. We have had an unusually long retro free period where every planet has been direct in the sky. This begins to come to an end from the 26th when Mercury begins its retroshadow in Taurus and your 4th. It will move on into Gemini and your 5th from the 29th and then reverse back into your 4th next month. Use all due caution in property dealings and also new romances. You know the drill, Aquarius.

Pluto also retrogrades in your 12th on the 29th. This is your house of what you cannot see. Expect revelations but this also tells you that you have a ‘blind spot’ now. In fact, you may have more than one. More on this in a moment.

The Sun’s entry into your 4th from the 20th brings your yearly emphasis on home, lifestyle, family, people you live with and property dealings of all descriptions. Buying, selling, renting, leasing and Airbnb-ing. Some of you may be looking at upgrading, moving or simply redesigning that lifestyle to suit you. It’s about creating that highly individual lifestyle or living space that works for you and your needs with your ruler Uranus in here. Again, if money has been holding up the changes, this month could bring the improvements you need to make the home-based ones.

You will be seeking out solutions that not only suit you, but those you live with or share your space with. If you are unsure about this, what you will find this month is that stepping out of your usual space and into the outdoors will give you the perspective you need. So, garden or simply go for a walk. Ground yourself and you’ll find answers breeze in like a breath of fresh air.

Keep this in mind at the end of April. Especially as you may have a blind spot happening (or more than one). This month brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your 4th at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros.

This is of course, the Moon’s ruling house. Yes, you may get intensely emotional about something. Or feel your sense of belonging or security is being threatened. But is it really? Try to avoid jumping to conclusions about someone’s behaviour under this eclipse. You need to ask for explanations. Remember, no matter how intense this feels – feelings are NOT facts. Especially under an eclipse.

If you feel you need time alone however, honour that and unplug. Self-forgiveness may be needed if you find yourself filled with regrets over the past. This is an excellent new Moon under which to purge yourself of them. This eclipse can bring up issues around your family or your past that needs to be healed. It takes place the same day as Venus and Jupiter meet in your money zone. The upshot of this can be you realising that despite what mistakes you may or may not have made, you now deserve so much more. Move on up into something better.

In a nutshell: The mega-stellium in your 2nd puts your focus on your money, income and all important self-worth, Aquarius. Up those expectations around how you expect to be rewarded and treated. Above all, value yourself. You are your own best asset so invest.

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (3rd)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (3rd)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (3rd)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (2nd)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (1st)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 12th)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (4th)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (2nd)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (2nd)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (9th)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (4th)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (4th to 2nd)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (4th)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 12th)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (40h)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (2nd)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 1st)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 2nd)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (4th)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (4th)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 12th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (5th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (12th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (4th)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (2nd)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (4th)


Cultivate an abundance mindset

No more limited thnking

Stars were born to shine – so go brightly

Why settle for the Moon when you can have the stars instead?! Time to embrace unity and oneness. Within you and with the universe. That’s when the stars get delivered. Right into the palms of those outstretched hands, Pisces!

Despite the fact the Sun left your sign last month and reaches your 3rd on the 20th, you remain the sign where all the major planetary activity is taking place. The once in many lifetimes conjunction between your two rulers – Jupiter and Neptune, on the 12th, being the main event of ‘22. This has not occurred in over 160 years! Are you ready for this, Pisces?

First a new Moon appears in your 2nd at the start of April. Setting your feet firmly on a path towards more prosperity and self-worthy rewards. This is a wonderful new Moon to rebuild your relationship to your money. To start a new money making enterprise like a side-hustle for instance. To apply for that better paying job or simply to look closely at where you direct your resources – financial, material and emotional. The Sun’s meeting to Mercury and Chiron on the 2nd repairs any issues around receiving and could see you striking out towards something more rewarding and soul satisfying. You will no longer allow lack on any level to define you. Or your future, Pisces.

Get your glow on

The undeniable glamour that surrounds you draws the moon, stars and your desires to you now. Luck and attraction are on your side. How do you engage with this process? By being yourself. Venus arrives in your sign on the 5th which could mark a beautiful rebirthing from past limitations. Time to dream a bigger dream for yourself. A cool, bold, adventurous dream that can take you further than ever before. The meeting of your two rulers wants to deliver this for you.

An open approach as well as seriously committing to living the dream for real works wonders now. You will also see yourself, your image, profile, brand, style, appearance as an extension of this. And your own best calling card. Ensure your image aligns with those intentions. Broadcast what you want to be or have via how you look, your personal message and how you come across to others. Yes, this is your personal approach to dressing for success if you like. Stand out in your own individual way.

If you are seeking entree to new social or professional circles – look like you belong. If you are seeking to attract a mate – based on how you imagine that person to be, think and feel, what do you think they would notice about you first? Emphasise that. If you have a dream you want to attain, how will that you look when you do? Become that now.

If you can be close to the ocean this month – even just for a short visit, you will find yourself more aligned and in sync with this energy. It is time not to just dream but to take any steps you can to bring those stars closer or make that dream real. Follow through once Mars arrives in your 1st on the 15th.

The 16th brings you a game-changing full Moon in your 8th which promises empowered rebirth and transformation. This moon is known as the Pink Moon, Sprouting Green Moon, Hare Moon, Budding Moon – for obvious reasons. This is also the full Moon which determines the date of Easter each year – its other name is Egg Moon. Hence, the link to rebirth and a new you being hatched. As well as fresh potential around self-directed change.

This Moon throws fears and self-doubt into sharp relief. You won’t be able to escape them now. But it also can cut them down to size and show you that you have nothing to fear except ‘fear itself’. Along with this bolder, fiercer, more authentic you comes the desire to no longer be imprisoned by any fears. Or even fears of other people’s reactions for staying true to what you know is right for you. This full Moon therefore offers you a release.

Look closely at anyone you feel is restricting you or opposing you under this full Moon. This can be covert or it can be obvious. It can be subtle undermining disguised as ‘helpful’ criticism. Or outright and overt control, gas lighting or manipulation. If you have avoided tackling this in the past, this full Moon hands you the courage to push past fear and set some new rules and boundaries.

We have enjoyed an unusually long period where all the planets have been direct in the sky. This month marks a change as we re-enter retrograde weather. Don’t worry, this won’t slow or stop those benefits reaching you, Pisces. It could even hand you a much needed pause to catch your breath and simply enjoy all you’ve achieved to date before finding a new star to aim for! Mercury enters retroshadow in its ruling 3rd from the 26th. It will continue to move forward but at a slower pace on into your 4th on the 29th. It will enter full retrograde next month and return to your 3rd before moving forward again. Be aware if Mercury retrogrades in a ruling sign/house its ability to create retro pandemonium is increased. And for you this time it will do both. Forewarned avoids the fracas.

Pluto heads retrograde in your 11th from the 29th. Friendships may be tested or goals undergo a refinement period. You may either revive an old one which forms part of that intensely personal wishlist. The dream that is in fact part of who you are. Or else set yourself a new one aligned to this new, refined and rebirthed you.

From the 20th onwards the Sun in your 3rd is asking how you communicate all this. You’ve been focused on the very visual message and first impressions. Yes, they count more than at any other time, Pisces. But now it’s all about your ideas and what you say, share and send out. Your 3rd rules communication, commerce and your commute (if you still have one) or how you get around. The message and the medium. The internet. Writing, speaking, publishing, design, photography. Applications, pitches, launches and channels.

It’s all very well to have ideas. But they won’t amount to anything if you do nothing with them. In your 3rd you get to test them out. To ground them and turn them into reality by taking practical steps to do so. It’s no use saying you want a better job. You need to apply for one. Seek out solutions and new experiences now. And if you have an idea, your audience is out there so go seek it. Whether it is that potential employer or those followers.

Above all, don’t avoid the truth around a situation now. And if you feel someone is not telling you the truth, you need to pay close attention as the 30th brings us a rare ‘Black’ Moon – the term coined for the second of two new Moons in a month. And the one which appears in your 3rd at the end of the month is rarer still as it comes eclipsed and conjunct asteroid Eros.

Ensure you remain the shining beacon of truth in your own life. If you promise something, deliver on it. Don’t distort or fudge the facts as you will be caught out. If you don’t know something – admit it. Don’t give in to pressure from sales people, real estate agents and watch out for fake news or clicking on that dodgy link or email. If you are signing papers, you need to read the fine print. Yes, this all sounds terribly Mercury retro and the retro rules will serve you well during this eclipse. Especially as Mercury is in retroshadow phase.

Your bright shining light or beacon on this day is the meeting between Venus and Neptune in your sign. You’ll know if someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes as your intuition is heightened. As is your creativity and your ability to draw your dreams out of the hidden realms of imagination and make them reality. Remember – what an eclipse can conceal is the hidden power of our ideas. Become your next best idea or thought of what you can be this very special April, Pisces.

In a nutshell: Your two rulers Jupiter and Neptune, meet in your sign on the 12th. This hasn’t happened for 160+ years, Pisces. The effect could turn you into the brightest star in the sky. And what do stars do? Shine and attract!

Apr 1 2022 New Moon in Aries (2nd)

Apr 2 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (2nd)

Apr 2 2022 Sun, Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (2nd)

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (1st)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (12tt)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 11th)

Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (3rd)

Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (1st)

Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)

Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (1st)

Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (8th)

Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (3rd)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces (3rd to 1st)

Apr 18 2022 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (3rd)

Apr 18 2022 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 3rd)

Apr 18 2022 Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 11th)

Apr 20 2022 Sun enters Taurus (3rd)

Apr 21 2022 Juno enters Pisces (1st)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 12th)

Apr 24 2022 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)

Apr 26 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Taurus (3rd)

Apr 27 2022 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)

Apr 27 2022 Sun and Eros conjunct in Taurus (3rd)

Apr 28 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 11th)

Apr 29 2022 Mercury enters Gemini (4th)

Apr 29 2022 Pluto stationary retrograde in Capricorn (11th)

Apr 30 2022 New ‘Black’ Moon in Taurus – Partial Solar Eclipse (3rd)

Apr 30 2022 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces (1st)

Apr 30 2022` Sun, ‘Black’ Moon and Eros conjunct in Taurus (3rd)


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