Monthly Astrology Forecast For All Signs February 2021 – Love is all around

Monthly Astrology Forecast For All Signs February 2021
By our astrologer Elena
Get a load of Love for the Now Age
Show others how much you care
Give your goals the attention they deserve
Now Age love is at its peak this month Aries. On the day the new Moon appears in your 11th on the 11th, we have a major stellium in here comprising of the Sun, Moon, retrograde Mercury (direct from the 21st), Jupiter and Saturn. This is the ‘love shall rule the stars’ line-up. But take it there are as many forms of love as there are planets in here now.
Venus arrives in here at the top of the month. Please remember that although this is Valentine’s month, Venus in this house is about the love of friends rather than bringing you that one special person. I am not saying that love could not spring from a friendship further down the track. Just that if your intention going in is to find romance, this is not your transit under which to do it. Even if it were to start off filled with promise, it is likely to de-evolve into a friendship (nothing wrong with that!), or just end up fizzling out entirely.
However, due to the presence of that stellium, Mercury retrograde hitting Jupiter again and Venus and the Sun meeting Jupiter, there is an exception to this rule. If you are already friends and this is the next step for you both, then February could be the month where you both realise there is more to your connection than just friendship.
Cupid aims the Arrow of Fate
If you are settled, then the whole retroactive and Crazy Cupid buzz around this year’s Valentine’s Day in the sky could see you both remixing the chemistry that brought you together in the first place. Yes, we are in lockdown in many parts of the world. Single? Well, there’s Zoom over which to get together with friends for virtual Galentine’s, Brolentine’s or gender neutral Palentine’s get togethers. This is a month to show friends how much you care about them. And no, it is not pathetic to be single or on your own on Feb 14.
As well as retro Mercury conjunct Jupiter for the second time on Feb 14, we have a spiritual union of higher love potential happening in your 12th between asteroid Cupido (yes, him with the bow and arrow), Ceres and the Moon. All will square that mysterious part of the galaxy – the Centre which is located in Sagittarius and your 9th. We don’t really know what is at the heart of this – yet. Physicists believe a supermassive black hole.
But what we do know astrologically is the Galactic Centre has a big role to play in the grand design of our lives. As do our friends, contacts and wider networks which stretch out like the arms of our galaxy. So, if you have no boo, reach out and tell people how much you care. You may be utterly amazed at what comes back.
People Make the Magic Happen!
If not love, then it is a month to be pouring love into your goals as well as those connections. You’ve a whole lot of help happening. State your intentions for the future as Venus meets Saturn on the 6th. Many of you could see opportunities, benefits, gifts or solutions manifest via friends, professional contacts or who you know. Jupiter in your 11th is all about making not just one wish but three. And to expect at least one to manifest during its stay in here. Usually via your connections.
Let’s talk about the New Moon in your 11th on the 11th. It’s a new Moon of invention and innovation. To follow up your most ingenious ideas. Because yes, it is all about setting those goals in motion for the future. And astrologers have long associated this particular new Moon with doing exactly that. This is also the new Moon which ushers in the Chinese New Year – the Year of the Ox. Again, an important time for new beginnings. So, set your intentions. And then act once Mercury heads direct in here once again on the 21st.
Tight aspects to ruler Mars in your 2nd also tell you its people power that you need to harness if money and other resources are on that goals list. Dates to watch as the 1st – Sun square Mars, 19th – Venus square Mars and a power move trine between Mars and Pluto in your 10th on the 25th. By all means open the dialogue or plan the move, by try to delay final negotiations until after the 21st.
You will be aided by intuitive superpowers from the 18th when the Sun crosses into your 12th. Venus follows on the 25th. Ceres will enter your 1st on the 21st. It is the planet of win/wins and compromises. All this has you looking at the ‘you and me’ aspect of all your relationships. And the give and take that takes place in all of them. This month points to the giving that flows via friends.
This month’s full Moon on the 27th is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
The full Moon in your 6th asks you to use intuition when it comes to habits and wellbeing issues you have carried with you into 2021. And gives you the opportunity to revise and shed if necessary. The Moon rules Cancer – the sign of nurturing and which rules the stomach. This full Moon is therefore an excellent one under which to instigate those new eating habits – and stick to them. And also, if you need help – to buddy up. Which is your key to success in any goal for the Now Age.
In a nutshell: Love potential for the Now Age peaks this month along with the planets in your 11th, Aries. Just remember – love takes many forms this month. But starts with those connections.
Love that uniqueness
Make that promise to future you
Show you’re love and success enabled!
Ruler Venus arrives in your Now Age 10th at the start of February. Career matters, your status, public image and reputation will be your main focus this month. Due to the massive planetary activity in here. On the day of the new Moon in here on the 11th, we have a major stellium comprising of the Sun, Moon, retrograde Mercury (direct from the 21st), Jupiter and Saturn.
Time to focus on invention, innovation, entrepreneurial projects and what it is that makes you stand out from others in your chosen field. Even if you do not engage in paid work right now, this line up is set to elevate your status or that of your partner’s, or image in some way.
Rewards for adulting and yes, your ability to diligently stay the course could be on their way as Venus meets Saturn, Jupiter and retroactive Mercury. You could go from being behind the scenes to front of house, collecting accolades, promotions or acknowledgments. Above all this month is about not feeling guilty for wanting what you want. That’s the up-side to adulting and taking yourself seriously. Serious commitment to dreams. And knowing you deserve them to happen.
See Yourself as Others See You
Be aware that your image and how you are perceived – especially by those in influential positions, is going to play a major role too this month. It’s about your connections and the place you have earned yourself in the grander scheme of things. So, you need to be extra-specially mindful of this now. Are you seen as someone to respect and who is reliable? This isn’t about bending yourself out of shape to ‘conform’ at all. But what it is about is the impression you have created for yourself.
Dates to watch and make a point of trying to see yourself as others do are the 1st when the Sun in your 10th squares Mars in your 1st asking you to reach for cooperation balanced with self-assurance. And the 19th when you can truly project some charismatic confidence when Venus makes the same angle to Mars.
This also applies to romance. Unlike those Aries-next-door, this month could in fact bring Valentine’s love for some Taurean singles. This could even be with someone connected to your professional network. Your 10th doesn’t just rule how high you can climb or what you can achieve. But your partner’s path too. Ruler Venus could therefore deliver that love prospect who is quite the catch.
Take the initiative now with career matters and ensure you project the right image. But please avoid any confrontations with anyone in a position of authority. Mars will trine Pluto, the final remaining slow-moving planet left in your 9th, on the 25th. Making all the right moves could just hand you the release into something better you’ve been waiting for, Taurus.
If you have been contemplating a career change but have yet to take that first step, the new Moon in your 10th on the 11th is one which shines on those goals – especially those connected to your career. Or even that romantic status! Astrologers have long associated this particular new Moon with future plans according to the house it appears with. So, anything that represents a step up.
This is also the new Moon which ushers in the Chinese New Year – the Year of the Ox. Again, an important time for new beginnings. So, set your intentions and make your plans. And then act once Mercury heads direct in here once again on the 21st. Just be aware of the potential for things to swing back and forth until mid-March however. Adapt strategies and remain flexible.
Is Love The Change You Need?
The 14th has retro factor Mercury rekindle big dreams – including those around your biggest loves, once more as it meets Jupiter for the second time. This day also has a line up in your socially-diverse 11th between asteroid Cupido, Ceres and the Moon. All three squaring the Galactic Centre in your 8th. Does having what you want or love to experience require a change?
Love with a foreign flavour or far, far away could attract. It’s pulling you towards new potential if you will let go and let it. This can also link you to experiences, beliefs, studies and the mass media. Then of course there’s those ambitions to consider and the love of what you do.
Connections, friendships, networks, bands, groups, professional organisations, higher causes and who you know as opposed to what will be in focus from the 18th when the Sun enters your 11th. Ruler Venus won’t be far behind as it too arrives in here on the 25th. Time to re-engage with who you already know. And look to ways to broaden your circle and also involvements even if socially distanced now. This cycle sets the tone for your social life and your future for the coming year. Stagnant or expanding? It’s up to you.
The 21st sees Mercury finally direct again in your 10th and also Ceres arrive in your 12th. What’s the compromise you need to strike now between those personal ambitions and drive to succeed? What has to be relinquished or let go of? Having it all is so last century. Nobody gets that. Having something better – so today. This is asking you to pick and choose. A process that you have been refining during this Mercury retrocycle. So, focus on what’s truly important, Taurus. And that which defines you now.
This month’s full Moon on the 27th is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
It will shine on issues relating to romance, children and creative self-expression now. As well as what might be missing with regards to goals and good times to share with others. Sure, it can be hard right now to join in and connect. But look to how necessary this is for your wellbeing. It forms an integral part of your success story this month. Having it all may not be possible. But reaching those ambitions and benefits via who you know? All on offer this month, Taurus.
In a nutshell: You gotta love your ambitions this month, Taurus. Take them seriously. You could be about to up your game in both the love and career stakes. You may not get to have it all – just what matters most to you!
Big Up that Love
If you want to aim high you need a firm foundation
Mercury retro gets Romantic!
Yes, ruler Mercury remains retrograde in your 9th until the 21st. And then it will be in retroshadow until next month. Don’t despair however, Gemini. You still have plenty of key dates for going places and ticking those ‘Must Do’s’ off your agenda.
Retro-factor Active!
If you’ve been following your forecasts lately, then you know this is a retrograde like no other. Due to Mercury encountering Jupiter in what is Jupiter’s ruling house twice during this cycle. Once this month and then again when it heads forward. You also have Venus landing in here too. So, take it that even while Mercury is backwards, you have certain days when the retroactive gravity decreases around you or simply no longer applies. Think of this as your flash sale up to 90% off usual Mercury mayhem!
So, there are days when substantial progress can be made or opportunities appear. Even if they then stall or vanish for a while. You can take it that they will revive or return. There is a bit of stop and go involved this February and you are strongly advised to listen to your intuition when it comes to when to push forward and when to do nothing.
It’s Valentine’s month of course and for you, this is about big loves. Not just for a person – although this may feature. But what you do, what to do, see, experience, learn and dream about. Especially in the big wide world, no matter how locked down you are feeling. Venus’s arrival in your 9th at the top of the month is all about these kinds of loves. The kind you dream about. Maybe it’s time to ask yourself why you want or dream about having them? And alternative means to get there.
This especially applies on the 1st to coincide with Venus’s arrival as the Sun in your 9th squares Mars in your 12th.Call this a reality check and also a compass re-set if you have discarded a dream you wanted. This is asking you why, for what or who? Afraid of upsetting the apple cart/status quo/someone if you do? You’ll be asked the same question around personal love on the 19th when Venus will make the same angle to Mars.
This is a cycle of innovation, experimentation and individualisation like no other. One that electrifies and frees you. While asking you to be true to yourself. Of course, some people may not like this. And you could even meet resistance or obstacles on the 6th when Venus and Saturn meet in here. But also this sees you determined to stay the course.
You are in for the long haul and aiming high. What you seek or where you want to get to will also be linked to people and who you know. If there is only one kind of exploring you can do this month, then make it exploring and restoring connections – new and old in any way you can. People are the catalysts for those dreams.
Your Lucky Stars!
This month is Go Big or Go Home. Yes, you may already be home. But aiming for something for your future is still possible. The 11th is your first dream direction date as we have a new Moon in your 9th and this is the same day as Venus and Jupiter meet in here. This is all about starting off on a journey fuelled by a big love. And with a boost, blessing or opportunity to kick-start it like no other you have seen for a long time. This is also the new Moon which ushers in the Chinese New Year – the Year of the Ox. Again, an important time for new beginnings. What is says is: Begin it now. That first step on a larger journey towards that goal for your future. And do make it a big one!
Retroactive and renewal benefits could be heading your way as your retro ruler also meets Venus on the 13th and then Jupiter on the 14th. It’s a Valentine’s Day like no other as this could see Jupiter acting as Fat Cupid and firing off those arrows in all directions for you. This day is also excellent for long term career matters if you stay practical and prepared to accept something new. All thanks to a major conjunction between Cupido itself, Ceres and the Moon in your 10th squaring the Galactic Centre in your 7th. This could show you what is possible for you if you are willing to let go of what others may think – and dare to go after what you want.
The Sun’s arrival in your 10th from the 18th will ignite those work ambitions. But it is time to stay grounded and be practical and professional about these. Mercury’s shift to forward motion from the 21st is more an amber light than a green one. It still has to clear its retroshadow next month. But don’t forget – this adds up to another Jupiter meeting and the return of solutions and opportunities!
The 21st also sees Ceres land in your 11th promising new deals around friendships especially the empowering, female variety. Venus enhances your public and professional reputation from the 25th when it joins the Sun in your 10th. This day also offers a powerful transition for you as it sees Mars in your 12th trine Pluto in your 8th. It’s a time where you can finally reclaim your mojo, confidence and soul direction. Especially if others have been draining you or standing in your way instead of offering support. You will no longer concern yourself with fears around this. All that matters will be those goals.
This month’s full Moon on the 27th is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
This Moon is in its ruling house in your chart – your 4th. Shining on home, lifestyle, living arrangements, family, the people you live with or share your home with – this includes lodgers, and also what you need to feel that all-important sense of emotional security and safety. This is a full Moon which encourages us to nurture ourselves. To tune in to our intuition, to be open about our vulnerabilities and needs with those close to us – and above all to look closely at what we need to do to create a secure base from which we can set out in the direction of our future.
If you are going to aim high, you need a launch pad, Gemini. And also, a base to return to. You’ll see something important come within reach this month. Or a way open to make it possible. Do the ground work and watch how your goals take root and grow from that.
In a nutshell: Love says you’re going places this month, Gemini. For once, Mercury retro isn’t putting blocks in your path. Time to embark on a new journey. Seize the day – and the opportunity this February!
Change offers freedom and empowerment
Say it your way
The new, Now Age of loving is here!
Venus and Jupiter as well as the Sun, a new Moon, Mercury and Saturn in your Now Age 8th point to all kinds of mischief around this Valentine’s month, Cancer.
This is your house of transformations, endings, sex, rebirth, sharing and other people’s money, Flings could get flung now – or at the very least that flirtation at a social distance takes an XXX-rated turn. You may want a walk on the wild side whether you are able to actually take it or not. As a result, settled Cancerians may be in for a sizzling time. If you’ve been looking for ways to fire things up between you and your boo, let your imagination open the door to that unexplored pleasure room in your head now!
All this passion has to be expressed somehow. What is simmering within you demands to be let out! Don’t try to keep a lid on your feelings. And remember, if someone does push your buttons this month, your first reaction to this is almost certainly the right one. So, don’t second-guess yourself.
Yes, for some this month may indeed sizzle hotter than lava on a beach. But there’s a big difference between sizzling and simmering dissatisfaction. The latter could just reach boiling point if you don’t tackle it while you are cool-headed. Watch for the squares between the Sun and Mars (1st), Venus and Mars (19th) and the conjunction between Venus and Saturn on the 6th as dates where the wrong kind of heat can erupt.
Get Ready for Together Times
However, this is also a month of freedom, inspiration and positive, empowering change. Rebirth and new beginnings are foreshadowed. The heavy line-up of planets in your partnership zone over the past few years should have shown you that the old patterns of partnerships, marriage, long term love or any double act, required a new way of relating.
Pluto is the only slow-moving planet left in your 7th now. Jupiter and Saturn having moved on into your 8th. This tells you there is a new dynamic in play. And what better month to launch a fresh kind of togetherness than Valentine’s month? You or the person you are with may be the one who wants something new. What is obvious is you can’t stick to the old patterns. They aren’t working. Watch for the heat-making trine of the 25th between Mars in your 11th and Pluto on the 25th to see exactly what’s hot – and what’s not between you and someone else!
This February could bring in someone new for some. Be open to the role this person will play but know they are a catalyst for that wild, passionate experience you are driven to seek out. This is all happening in your 8th so as well as sex, this is your ‘other’ money house. So, this person could just as easily be your employer, someone powerful who opens up their connections or other resources to you; or even an entity in the form of a bank or other institution that grants you access to more financial resources in the form of a mortgage or loan for instance. All are transformational.
Seriously Minted Choices
Fabulous, forever choices are heralded for you as Venus and the Sun transit your 8th. Solutions around partnerships or money which ultimately leads to more freedom are all part of the package of Venus moving through this house. You also have Mercury retrograde in here until the 21st. Power moves can be made and magnetic attraction is yours as doors to something cosmically changing open wide for you.
Dates for self-determination, action and empowerment are the 8th when the Sun and moonwalking Mercury meet. The 11th changes the face of love, money or sharing when Jupiter and Venus hook up. Get talking on the 13th as there’s revival in the air around a key negotiation or personal matter when Mercury meets Venus. While the 14th could bring that Valentine’s game changer as Mercury and Jupiter meet for the second time.
Know that if something is meant to be or happen it will now. Mercury will meet Jupiter in here a third and final time when it is direct again next month. So, if something blows hot then cools down or stalls, provided you have done all the can, embrace the power of letting go and waiting. And also the power of choices too. Know you have more than one you can make now. The only limits may be your own hesitation or fear.
Look to your financial goals for the future at the time of the new Moon in your 8th on the 11th. This is the same day as Mercury and Venus meet in here too. Venus rules your bank account while Mercury rules contracts, commerce and transactions.
On a soul level however, this is a fabulous new Moon under which to reclaim your mojo if you feel it’s been lost along the way these past few years. Especially as this new Moon is the one that brings in the Chinese New Year of the Ox. Making it perfect for a re-birth within. You are what you believe you are or can be under this new Moon.
Power workouts lead to freedom!
Feeling powerful and in charge of your destiny leads to a sense of freedom once the Sun lands in your 9th on the 18th. For some, this may be reflected in career making moves as powerhouse Ceres moves from here and on into your status sector on the 21st – the same day as Mercury begins forward motion again.
Big loves, embracing new visions and again, following that desire for more passion and a sense of wonder and wildness, are the themes you’ll encounter once Venus also arrives in your 9th on the 25th. Your intuition now is telling you the direction you need to go in to find this. Just where is that, Cancer? You need to explore where your imagination is taking you. Simply because this may be more real than you think. Especially later this year between May-July.
You’re the Voice
Full Moons always exert a strong emotional pull on you. This month’s full Moon on the 27th is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
This full Moon waxes in your 3rd of communication, learning, commerce and ideas. This is a Mercury ruled sign and house in your chart. And Mercury is direct once more from the 21st although not clear of retroshadow until next month. So, remember what I said about energy needing an outlet or expression.
Something you thought done and dusted may reappear or else you realise there is no putting off what needs to be said under this full Moon. If you have been reluctant to have that conversation, you will do it under this full Moon. Also look closely at any frustrations you may feel around your daily routine, chores etc. Are you feeling you are taking on more than your fair share? Is there where the changes really need to happen? Don’t be afraid to voice this.
This month wants to show you that you are more capable and powerful than you ever imagined. It will also demonstrate that when you come from a place of authenticity and don’t try to supress your true feelings, the only result you end up with is empowerment and positive change. Act with integrity and passion, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Passion reawakens you to change this month, Cancer. You’ll be reclaiming this or anything else that’s been missing in your life lately. The Triple X Factor? You own it in February!
Long live love in the here and now
Don’t let small obstacles get in your way
Inspired solutions and strategies for success appear
Venus lands in its ruling 7th at the start of the month. Joining ruler the Sun in here along with Mercury retro and of course, lucky Jupiter. And making this one of the best Valentine’s line ups you’ve seen in a very long time, Leo. Especially as at the time of the new Moon in here on the 11th, we will have a grand loved-up total of six planets in here. Talk about love ruling the stars.
Venus will meet Saturn in here on the 6th. Think serious love or any kind of partnership or double act. Many astrologers associate Saturn in your 7th with attracting an older partner. This is due to Saturn’s association with age – or should I say wisdom? However, in my experience, Saturn in your 7th can bring in a relationship where age can be a factor one way or another. Yes, an older partner is a possibility. But so is a younger one. You may be the older partner – not the other way around.
Remember – it’s just a number and love doesn’t do that. If it doesn’t worry the other party then it shouldn’t worry you either. Settleds could be taking existing unions to a deeper level of commitment. But please bear in mind that even Venus and Jupiter working together can’t fix anything broken beyond repair. Saturn also rules time – and this includes saying ‘Time’s up!’. And having the wisdom to know when it is.
Your status and your ambitions will also feature this February. This includes your job status, the title on your business card, your relationship status and also your public and professional image. How you are seen or want to be seen by others. This is always an important area for any Leo. You will feel the push to act and to pursue permanent, positive shifts around these areas as your ambitions soar due to Mars in your 10th. This of course goes hand-in-hand with the confidence to make them!
Strategies for Success
If a square involves your ruler the Sun, or enchanting, diplomatic Venus, then take it that while you may have to push through initial obstacles or make that determined effort, the outcome is going to be to your advantage. Any Leos seeking work or wanting a new direction will feel the impulsion to take hold of their destiny and act on the 1st when the Sun squares Mars. And again, around the 19th when Venus squares Mars. The same goes for anything you want to tackle regarding relationships and partnership matters of all kinds. Act in the name of love. Despite Mercury retrograde in your 7th until the 21st, if you are seeking love, put yourself out there.
This is a Mercury retrograde like no other as new beginnings are possible. And so are revivals, reconnections and returns. Those ‘re’ words still apply but this retro, embarking on something entirely fresh is no longer a no-go activity. Sure, it may go back and forth for a bit. At least until Mercury is finally clear of retroshadow next month. But the important thing to remember is you can begin it NOW. Or at the very least see the first signs of what will manifest appear.
News or progress around this could arrive around the 8th when your ruler meets retro Mercury. The 11th comes gift-wrapped with potential. The new Moon in your 7th is always one of the most important of the coming year for you. It is a time to focus on what you want from love in the next 12 months and to set your intentions. Or any kind of double act for that matter. Do not look back at the past. Know that if it still has a place in your life it would reappear anyway. But if it did it would have to be in a different form or a new deal would have to be worked out.
Make Love your Goal for the Now Age
This new Moon also marks the start of the Chinese New Year of the Ox – again making it a key one under which to set your goals. And it is also no coincidence that on the same day Venus and Jupiter meet in here. The promise is there of a big love experience for you for the upcoming cycle.
Or even right now. Venus meets retro Mercury in here on the 13th which could see the return of a lover or else something to celebrate for Valentine’s Day. V-Day itself is beautifully starred for you as it is the day Mercury has its second encounter with Jupiter in here. You have one more to come when Mercury is direct again next month. So, again, something may appear or be on the horizon but go back and forth until then. Understand if love is meant for you – or any opportunity for that matter, you don’t need do anything but relax and wait.
Let’s talk about the Galactic Centre as well. It is permanently in your 5th house – Sagittarius. And of course, this is your house of all things Leo-centered too! Around which your world revolves. Astrologers are now beginning to embrace the importance of this in our charts. Its gravity is so powerful it is literally ‘the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart’. In other words, our entire galaxy spins around it! At its heart is a supermassive black hole. This is where the laws of time and space break down. So we can also say, what we know or imagine is possible.
Valentine’s Day hands you a significant aspect between the Galactic Centre and a super-conjunction between Cupido (in mythology Venus’s son and yes, Cupid!), the Moon and Ceres in your 8th. Powerful and even cosmically driven changes around relationships or money could occur now. Bear in mind, this could be the beginning of something which may peak from May to July.
Your ruler is on the move from the 18th, arriving into your 8th of sizzling passion, shared assets and money. Don’t be surprised if someone offers something to you now or gives you access to greater resources. Especially around earning, income, shares, assets or even influence. Sometimes what someone offers is simply entrée which can be the most powerful catalyst of change or them all.
Mercury is finally direct from the 21st and you may now see what has been stalled or simply hanging around take on new life. Venus also enters your 8th on the 25th. If you’ve got that hottie in your sights now, expect the temperature to rise. But again, along with the Mars/Pluto trine the same day, this should give you that edgy, sexy confidence when it comes to going after what you want. Be it someone or something.
This month’s full Moon on the 27th is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
This full Moon is all about self-worth and self-esteem. It sends you deep into areas around what you deserve, attract and even how you are treated by others. Don’t forget the other lesson during this full Moon – how you value yourself, your skills and your talents. With your ruler now in your 8th this is all about empowerment and how comfortable you feel with that. Hopefully it shines on self-belief and go-getting desire that propels you on into March now, Leo.
In a nutshell: Love could rule the stars for you this Valentine’s month, Leo. Expect duos and all kinds of double acts to feature. It’s love for the Now Age and the future. But to be lived in the here and now.
Create everyday love
Fire up the heat
Small stuff leads to big growth opportunities
The more you show the small stuff the love, the bigger the benefits on a larger scale, Virgo. You begin the month with ruler Mercury still retrograde in its ruling 6th. Along with a slew of other planets in your house of daily living for the Now Age. Wellbeing and reclaiming your mojo if you lost it, should be your focus. As should be your daily work (paid or unpaid), studies, habits and routine.
Tiny little shifts now bring big results. As you may know, this is a Mercury retro like no other. Sure, you need to keep those retroactive rules in mind. Especially with Mercury retrograde in a ruling house. But as you know, Mercury will encounter Jupiter for a second time in here this month. Plus we have Venus and the Sun also meeting it in here as it travels backwards. This is Mercury Retro Lite. The beta version not 2.0. It offers new beginnings woven from old. Gold from straw.
Reawaken the Magic!
You know the magic spells for a Mercury retro. They all contain ‘re’ words. Reawaken. Revise. Return. Reapply. Recommit. Review. Reconnect. Revive – especially when it comes to those mind, body, spirit issues. The Now Age for you really does begin with a renewed focus on you, your body and your health. Taking better care of yourself. Looking to what you put in your body. And also, what you expose it to. I’m talking atmospheres, negativity and even toxic thinking. Not just junk food! So, your way forward this month is to start with junk thoughts – and put yourself on a diet from those!
Tune in to what your body is communicating. How your energy goes up or down depending on what you are doing, thinking, consuming or who you are interacting with. What boosts you and what drags you down? Sure, we all have mundane tasks we have to do to get on with the business of living. But are there better ways to do or schedule these? This is in your super-power area, Virgo. You got this!
If you are seeking work or looking to change jobs, the retro rules are lifted from the start of the month. Venus adds a touch of glamour as it arrives in your 6th on the 1st. It is set to enhance any work or wellbeing activity. And if you are seeking work or that new job or way of working, there is a promise in the air of long term moves as Venus meets Saturn on the 6th. Running rings around the competition or even those chores could be part of this. But this also promises rewards for long term efforts or something permanent on offer.
Push forward with those work plans as doors to opportunity open wide or solutions designed to propel you up, up and away out of that rut or drudge factor appear. News could arrive or you could be the one broadcasting it in the form of that submission, application, project or plan or simply shaking up that routine when the Sun and retro Mercury meet on the 8th.
Re-Capture the Love!
The 11th promises all kinds of new beginnings thanks to a new Moon in here which has you looking to how you want to work, live and feel for the future. This new Moon really is future-focussed as it marks the start of the Chinese New Year of the Ox. It just happens to coincide with the merging of Venus and Jupiter on the same day. Venus will then hook up with Mercury on the 13th. As I have said before, this cycle is about creating a life you can fall in love with. And living it each and every day.
As Mercury and Jupiter meet for the second time on the 14th, love could spring from your daily life or literally be found all around you. Recapturing that love could be your V-Day task for settleds. Have you been making enough time for it? Give this priority. Some of you could simply feel how loved you are via friends around now. Or literally feel you have fallen in love with where you live and the lifestyle you are creating. Or even co-creating with someone or people you work and live with.
Valentine’s surprises around emotional satisfaction, living arrangements or family could be your gifts thanks to a beautiful superconjunction in your 7th between Cupido (yes, him with the bow and arrows!), Ceres and a sensitive, loved up Moon. All these square the cosmic and mysterious Galactic Centre in your 4th. Something or someone you love could be here to stay.
The Sun arrives in your 7th from the 18th putting even more focus on partnerships, double acts and duos of all descriptions. Venus rules this house of course and it too lands in here on the 25th. There’s been a certain amount of passion, fire and heat around you all month, Virgo. It would have given you the impulsion to make those daily changes. But it is also firing up the need inside you for something bigger, freer and yes, more exciting. Don’t forget this really does include those work and career factors too.
Remember what I said about this being a special Mercury retrograde? Days to push through resistance or make your move around your career are the 1st when the Sun in your 6th strikes Mars in your 9th, and the 19th when Venus in your 6th makes the same angle to Mars. You don’t have to wait until Mercury heads direct again on the 21st. Doing what you love is a big factor in feeling good about your life each and every day.
Ceres’ arrival in your 8th could see you renegotiating something important such as a new job offer, pay rise or even living arrangements. Perhaps freeing you up to pursue what you really want to do as opposed to what you have to do. Pent up passion or simply your desire to express what you are feeling could make the 25th hotter than Valentine’s Day for you as Mars in your 9th trines Pluto, the final slow-moving planet left in your 5th on the 25th. If you are seeking love, this is also a fab day to double up on your efforts. You’re crackling with the force of attraction now.
Wrap it up
Of course, your moment to bring anything you start this month to a grand conclusion is the full Moon of the 27th in your sign. This full Moon on the 27th is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
This marks the end of one cycle and the start of the next. Especially around love, partnerships and all kinds of It Takes Two related activities. It could be this Moon reflects on one person in particular. Or an empty space in your life which needs filling. But what it will shine on is love in some way, shape or form. Love for someone. A space where love can move in. Or simply love of what you do. One over-arching theme of this month is do the small stuff to make way for the big. When it comes to everyday wellbeing, love in all its forms, really is the best medicine!
In a nutshell: Your feel good Now Age wants you to have a daily dose of every day love, Virgo. But the Sun’s arrival in your 7th from the 18th could just bring you the more personal kind.
Focus your intentions
Time to fall in love with life
Embrace the pleasure principle!
If ever there was a month filled from start to finish with love and creative potential – this is it, Libra. New beginnings, conceptions, creations, romance and opportunities surround you. Yes, we will still be in a Mercury retrograde until the 21st. But this is a Mercury retrograde like no other. Where people and opportunities can re-appear. Second chances abound. Or alternatives to what you originally thought you wanted turn out to be so much better!
Love will rule the stars
Along with Leo, you are the sign where love rules the stars this Valentine’s month, Libra. How are you going to choose to express this? Venus arrives in your fabulizing 5th at the start of the month. Think passion, love, creation, freedom, music, art, romance, sensuality, pleasure, fun and possibly every single thing that you can imagine that is the complete opposite to Covid related restrictions. Not that this means breaking any rules that keep you and others safe. Love means not just taking care of you, but others too.
What you have imagined, thought about or even feared, could pop up this month simply to show you the power of intention. What we focus on we attract. Once you understand this is a force a bit like gravity you’ll see not just how powerful you can be, but also that its simply like responding to like. So, hone those thoughts but also know that whatever you do draw to you isn’t anything (or anyone!) you can’t handle.
Balance the heart and the head
This may not be negative. But it could well be changing and this may initially present you with a challenge. Especially if this means leaving your comfort zone to get it! What it will ask you to do however is balance your heart with your head. Look at things from every angle. Dates to work this based on what manifests are the 1st when the Sun in your 5th squares Mars in your 8th. The 19th when ruler Venus does the same.
But try to delay final decision until after the 21st. Yes, this is the day Mercury is direct again. But it is also the day Ceres planet of new deals and compromises lands in your 7th. You may be surprised at how you can turn anything around now to your benefit (or mutual benefit!). You are in full power potential mode on the 25th when Mars will trine Pluto, the only slow moving planet left in your 4th of home, family, living arrangements and security. Focus on what really matters to you. Don’t forget, you may attract it but you have the final say whether your answer is a yes or a no.
Love is in the Air and Lucky Stars
Feeling lucky? You should be in the mood to take a chance this month. Jupiter rules luck and is asking you to take a chance. Perhaps it’s letting someone know you like them – the V-Day way or any other. Taking that chance could be around your creative skills, hobbies or applying for that dream job. Lucky breaks are possible. As is getting yourself noticed. Focus on what allows you to sparkle and shine. Showcase this now. Again, this is the power of attraction at work.
Fate plays a role as does timing this month. Venus meets Saturn on the 6th. Saturn rules fate, time, karma and commitments of all kinds. What this is saying is it is time for love, pleasure or even success now.
Your 5th rules children as well as lovers and romance. It is the sign of Aquarius which rules the future. So, if you believe the children whether yours or someone else’s, are indeed part of your future, then you may see young people, babies, millennials or relationships which can bring these into your life feature more than usual this month. Especially on the 8th when the Sun and retro Mercury meet.
This is a fabulous day for reviving or returning to a creative project too. Perhaps updating it. Ideas you can fall in love with, share with others and they embrace too are filled with potential. Are there any locked in your head that need to be let out of play? That website, blog, business, design, art, photography or that stand-up routine for instance? If you can create it, share it.
One word of warning as Cupid is set to go crazy now, firing off those arrows in all directions: If you do not wish to become a parent right now, please take extra precautions to ensure this does not happen. Jupiter likes to expand. In all ways. So, family expansion is one way this can happen. If you want that now, fine especially when ruler Venus and Jupiter meet on the 11th, the same day as the new Moon appears in here.
This is a new Moon of the future and new beginnings. It coincides with the start of the Chinese New Year of the Ox. This is also the day where the planetary activity peaks in here with a total of six planets – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Big new beginnings are possible. Focus on what you want love, or doing what you love, to bring for you in the future. Above all, you know what to do now – it’s all about your intention.
Cupid always rings twice!
Missed opportunities or a past love could reappear on the 14th when retrofactor Mercury meets Jupiter for the second time. Don’t forget – Mercury will meet Jupiter again next month when it is direct. So, what I am saying is if something appears but stalls, don’t panic. It’s not over until the Fat Planet sings in March!
For many Librans this could be a day where you and that big love get to celebrate in some way. Or you could receive news or a breakthrough around something you have been aiming for, working towards or wanting for some time. Valentine’s Day brings you a mega-love in between Cupido, Ceres and the Moon in your 6th. They align to the Galactic Centre in your 3rd of news, commerce and communication. This could even deliver something unexpected. But in a good way. And with long term benefits thrown in.
Striking a new deal or bargain may be part of this. Especially if it touches on your work, studies or wellbeing in general. Cosmically charged changes could leave you feeling the love on a daily basis. Astrologers are now beginning to embrace the importance of the Galactic Centre in our charts. Its gravity is so powerful it is literally ‘the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart’. In other words, our entire galaxy spins around it! At its heart is a supermassive black hole. This is where the laws of time and space break down. So, we can also say, what we know or imagine is possible. See how this ties in to the direction those thoughts have taken and what you have focussed on? Focus on the potential wonder.
The 18th has the Sun arrive in your 6th bringing practical matters to the fore. Infusing that everyday routine including self-care with love and also that creativity will be your priority once Venus also arrives on the 25th. It’s not just about feeling the love one day a year. But on all of them. You’ve inspiration to draw on that stretches the boundaries of your imagination on the 27th when the full Moon appears in your 12th.
This Moon is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that. The time when for you love blooms in full force.
Your intuition and insight will be supercharged. Listen to it. Channel it into what your imagination is telling you to create. If it giving you information on a person or situation, act on this. Something could begin now or you could set it in motion, that peaks between May-July. February gives you something or someone to love. With more to come later, Libra.
In a nutshell: Fun, pleasure, creativity, romance. Time to welcome back love and playfulness. Treat these as spiritual pursuits this month. You’ve permission to go and indulge yourself – and those you love, Libra.
Showing love sends it bouncing back to you magnified
Re-imagine what living means for you
Home is where the heart is – or moves into
Let someone else have the limelight this month, Scorpio. Or tell them how much they or what they do means to you. Let me tell you, a little appreciation or acknowledgement goes such a long way now. So, if you’re after that loved-up feeling, make it a ‘we’ not a ‘me’ month.
If there is no ‘we’ right now in your life– then focus on the work or friendship front where someone can benefit from you showing them how much they matter. And while it is a month to show others how much they matter, you do need to look to your needs too. There’s nothing selfish in that. Especially when it means taking whatever steps you need to take care of you.
Palentine’s or Galentine’s love is all around you and this month wants you to focus on what love you do have, rather than the kind which may be missing. So, keep this in mind as the month progresses. It is an excellent time for home matters, love of family, those you share your home with, emotional security, property and what you and those who matter to you, need for their future.
Usually Mercury retrograde in your 4th would mean a stop sign on any property dealings, moving or even career matters. But this Mercury retro is slightly different to others. I am not saying the retro rules are entirely suspended. They still need to be kept in mind. But returning opportunities, renovations, re-financing or the one that got away, could see you making some kind of new start and moving on up.
Bear in mind your 4th house is not just about lifestyle, family and where and how you live. There’s a secret room in this house that not many people know about! This is where you claim and own your own path. Not your ancestors. Not your parents. Your family’s or your roots. Yours. Now, yours may be the same as theirs. And that is always wonderful when that happens. But if it’s not, the Now Age of Aquarius and February in particular offers you the chance to claim yours and make it yours – once and for all.
Love Comes Home
Venus arrives in here on the 1st and will meet Saturn in here on the 6th. So, think commitment to a place, lifestyle or yes, path. But the 1st is also one of the days where showing your appreciation to someone matters as the Sun in here sears ancient ruler Mars in your 7th. Don’t let anyone feel they are taken for granted now. If disagreements occur, they could well arise from someone feeling this. So, take it your best tactic is to let them know how much or why they matter.
Later in the month you have Venus also square Mars again. This should make doing this easy for you. And the fabulous trine between Mars and modern-day ruler Pluto – the only slow-moving planet left in your 3rd on the 25th, is perfect for letting anyone know how much you care. This also includes letting that present or potential client or employer know how much you would like to be part of their business. Honest appreciation makes love, your world – or business, go round.
This month is about quality of life above all else. Not just now but for your future. Our work and income is of course, linked to this. Chances are the past few years have seen you looking at what needs to be done or let go of to achieve that better work/life balance. For those looking for or seeking to change their job, despite that Mercury retro, you can move forward with positivity and confidence on the 8th (Sun conjunct Mercury), and especially at the time of the new Moon on the 11th.
This new Moon coincides with two important events. First it marks the start of the Chinese New Year – the Year of the Ox. A time for setting new goals and powerful new beginnings. Second, this is the day when Venus and Jupiter meet. Both wanting to bring you home centred expansion, solutions and benefits.
Mercury will meet Venus on the 13th and then have its second encounter with Jupiter in here on the 14th. So, it’s not just about someone to love but somewhere too! If you are settled then even without any restrictions, you would feel the desire to celebrate intimately and at home. If you have no one special to have that Zoom V-date with, then again, look to who amongst your friends just might appreciate that invitation instead or simply hearing from you that you are thinking of them.
Your relationship with your money and relationships you consider valuable – not only the romantic kind, could also feature on your V-Day appreciation list too. A superconjunction in your romance zone between Cupido- yes, the dude with the bow and arrows, Ceres and the Moon aligns to the Galactic Centre in your 2nd.
Astrologers are now beginning to embrace the importance of the Galactic Centre in our charts. Its gravity is so powerful it is literally ‘the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart’. In other words, our entire galaxy spins around it! At its heart is a supermassive black hole. This is where the laws of time and space break down. So, appreciating what you have could simply set these forces in motion. Especially when it comes to attracting more to appreciate. So, treasure your connections. And let them know. Be grateful for all you have. What better way to attract more to love?
This in fact sets you up for the Sun and Venus to arrive in your 5th of attraction and romance on the around your day job, wellbeing or your routine. With Mercury now clear of retro active shadows also from the 21st, promises and plans around home and living should now come to fruition or can be moved forward.
With the Sun and Venus now in your 5th, its time to reclaim romance, joy, fun, self-expression and yes, a little bit of glamour and indulgence. Children if you have them may feature and if you are a parent having to home-school, look to ways to make this engaging for you both. Immerse yourself in hobbies and pastimes you love. Again, if you have children, introduce them to what you used to do to have fun before the Xbox was invented!
This along with your 11th is a house of attraction. So, raise your vibe now in any way you can. If you want a relationship but have none, do whatever you can to feel loved up in the present. Or to feel you have what you are seeking in some way, shape or form. Maybe this involves getting your glam on by dressing up to stay in? Treating yourself to a special self-pamper? Showing off your latest creative project or what you are engaged in with your children?
Work on perfecting this and also those activities that you get so lost in, time stands still. Right up until the time of the full Moon on the 27th. In fact, see this as your ‘opening night’ on some level and get ready to take to the ‘stage’ and launch yourself.
Remember what I said about your 5th and 11th houses being linked to attraction? This full Moon activates this axis in your chart. It’s in your 11th which is all about goals and your future. What you want to attract in other words.
This Moon is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
So, as February winds down, ask yourself what you are ‘hungry’ for. What is it you need for your future? This full Moon for you favours creative visualisation, goal alignment with your energy and also delving deep into blocks that may be between you and what you want. Read up on anything and everything to do with entrepreneurship, success setting mindsets and also, practical steps you need to take to get what you want. This full Moon favours fusing emotional desire with a strong pragmatic approach. You’ll leap frog over blocks and on into March if you do. Own that path, Scorpio!
In a nutshell: Looking for love or to share more with those you truly care about? No matter who they are, tell them how much they matter to you. The more you give, the more you get this Valentine’s month.
Ideas can take you anywhere
Say it with love
Cosmic order that dream!
You start the month with Mercury retrograde in its ruling 3rd house. But this is a retro like no other as you know, thanks to ruler Jupiter. More on this shortly. What you need to do this month is broadcast yourself. Because whether you realise it or not, you have an audience waiting to listen.
You have a crowd of planets in your Now Age house. Venus from the 1st joins the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn making five. When the new Moon arrives on the 11th this brings the total to a stellium of six! Now let’s talk you and your ideas. Venus’s meeting with Saturn in here on the 6th simply adds structure and power behind them. Just take it that what you say makes sense to whomever you say it to. So, think about that interview, pitch, proposal, big talk or even roping in others to act as your messengers. Because they will get behind your ideas now.
Entrepreneurship, business, commerce and the internet could all feature. Find ways to work your brand, website, social media feed and all you may have to offer professionally. This is also a wonderful time to be studying (or apply for that course), send out that manuscript, finish that thesis, collate that portfolio.
Explore Bigger Possibilities
Success could come door-knocking this month and positive answers could be heading your way. Your work load could also increase but you not only welcome this – there could be the knock-on effect with your finances. Just be aware that some people may not be as happy things are moving forward for you as you would like or expect. Also, some of your ideas may challenge people whose mind-set is stuck in the past. It’s honestly not worth expending your time and energy trying to sway them either! Instead focus on all the people who DO want to hear what you have to say.
Days to be aware of this kind of resistance are on the 1st when the Sun in your 3rd squares off against a rather stuck and snarky Mars in your 6th. Don’t butt heads with bosses or authority figures on this day. If you bide your time and re-present your case or idea slightly differently, you may get an entirely different outcome on the 19th when Venus makes the same angle.
Reviving, revising or reapplying for something is also favoured on the 8th when the Sun and Mercury retro meet. As well as the 13th when Mercury aligns to Venus. News you have been waiting on could arrive.
Your real ‘star date’ of the month is the 11th however. This is a day of new beginnings and when goals can be launched or even realised. It is the day when Venus meets ruler Jupiter in here as well as the New Moon which marks the start of the Chinese New Year of the Ox. So, this is an important time on every level for new beginnings.
Tune in and ask the universe for a panoramic snapshot of what your future can be now. Tap into the realm of your ideas and where they could take you. But don’t leave them there! You need to be doing something with them. By meditating on just where they could take you at this time, you will tune into added inventiveness and guidance. If people’s names or even those of organisations pop into your head, make a note then do your due diligence and act after Mercury heads direct again on the 21st.
Cosmic Order Your Love!
Lucky you, Sag as this Valentine’s Day comes with a Hallmark card just for you. Retroactive Mercury meets ruler Jupiter exactly on this day. Cupid could go crazy just for you but Valentine’s could be about more than just cards and flowers. We have a super-conjunction in your 4th of long-term emotional satisfaction between the Moon (which rules this house), powerful Ceres and Cupido. Yes, the Valentine’s dude himself with his bow and arrow!
All three will square the Galactic Centre in your 1st. Now, the Galactic Centre does not move. Our entire galaxy spins around it. You might want to check your chart for where your Sag factors are. Do you have anything at 26 degrees which is where it is? If so, expect this V-Day to be especially significant for you. If you are unsure, one of our astrologers will be happy to help you.
Astrologers are now beginning to embrace the importance of the Galactic Centre in our charts. Its gravity is so powerful it is literally ‘the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart’. In other words, our entire galaxy spins around it! At its heart is a supermassive black hole. This is where the laws of time
and space break down. What is impossible or improbable becomes the opposite in fact. So, is it time to think about what has been out of reach when it comes to love or even success, Sag? Visualise yourself casting your cosmic order into the heart of the galaxy – and knowing something will come back for you.
A new deal on love, children, parenting or the talent that makes you stand out and shine could be just one thing you’ll receive when Ceres arrives in your 5th on the 21st. The same day as Mercury finally heads direct once more. The Sun (18th) and Venus (25th) are also now on the move into your 4th of home, living arrangement, family matters and what you need to sustain you over the long term.
Property and career matters will be in focus and you could experience positive change around these. Or even the resources at your disposal. Especially when Mars in your 6th trines Pluto, the only slow-moving planet left in your money zone, also on the 25th. This could literally see you bank the rewards of those ideas or what you have been ‘sending out’, Sag!
The full Moon of the 27th shines out from your 10th of career and status and fellow mutable sign of Virgo. This Moon is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
So, wrap up those ideas now. Make your pitch and bring any career matters to some kind of completion or to a key stage if you can. Above all under this full Moon, be professional and project an air of someone who knows what they are talking about and what outcome they are after. You should see those ideas bring you a brand new beginning on some level this month, Sag. Spring could just come early for you.
In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter acts as Fat Cupid this Valentine’s month, Sag. Doors open to opportunities. Love and other big ideas propel you forward into something bigger and more heart-starting. Aim higher!
Gratitude is your love super-power
Know where to direct your passion
Time to exhale and appreciate
Venus enters its ruling 2nd from the 1st and it’s time to enter the world of Now Age finances, values and that all-important self-esteem, Cappy.
This month offers you more than that however. It hands you room to breathe. To stop feeling you are constantly at the mercy of the winds of fate. To relax, go within and above all, to appreciate what you have as opposed to chasing after more. The key to more is in fact, gratitude. It simply generates more to be grateful for.
Take time and release
Breathe in that feeling and stop for a moment to appreciate all you have, done and accomplished. Practice this especially around the 6th when Venus meets your ruler Saturn in here. Go deep within and have a soul audit. Add up not just the material stuff but the inner gains you have made over the past three years. The challenges you have met that have made you stronger. Think about all you have accomplished not just professionally, but in terms of personal growth. Add it all up and feel that sense of achievement warm you from within. Feels good, doesn’t it?
Chances are now you have taken the time to do this, it adds up to more than you thought. Especially around the 8th when the Sun meets retrograde Mercury in here. It is a month of checks and balances. Of knowing who or what is worth your time, love, attention, talent and emotional investment. If there is a deficit now, you will address this – one way or another. The choices you make or what you ask for reflect your own self-worth.
This includes your relationships too and also the areas where you direct your passion into. There’s a defining moment or two happening this month when you’ll make decisions around these areas. The 1st has the Sun in here and Mars ask you where the passion or take-out is for you around a person, relationship or project? Your answer may take a few days to emerge or in typical Capricorn fashion, you will take your time weighing up the pros and cons.
The way forward one way or another will be clear from the 19th when Venus makes the same angle to Mars. And certainly, by the 25th when Mars trines Pluto – the only remaining slow-moving planet in your sign. Also, push past barriers and make that extra effort when it comes to love and money now. And don’t settle for less than you know you deserve.
As well as greeting what you already have with a fresh appreciation, February brings answers solutions and opportunities around financial matters. Just be aware with Mercury retro in here until the 21st, these may take their time to unfold. However – this is retrofactor activity like no other. Sure, the usual retro rules apply and please bear them in mind. But at the same time, offers and inroads around money are all around you now.
As this is also your house of self-worth, this applies to love too due to it being ruled by Venus. Plus that retrograde cycle means something you have been waiting on or missed out on, could well re-appear. Anything from money owed, that answer or that lover! Look at the 6th – 8th for signs around this as after Venus meets your ruler on the 6th, you have the Sun and Mercury aligned on the 8th promising news around something stalled or delayed.
More than Money Can Buy
The biggest feel-good days for you are the 11th – 14th. Mid-month is when new beginnings appear or are set in motion. Or something that money can’t buy nonetheless makes you feel like you hit the rich list! The new Moon on the 11th offers you an important fresh start when it comes to income, resources or self-esteem. Or a new beginning around love or a soul-boosting connection thanks to Venus and Jupiter meeting on the same day. This new Moon marks the start of the Chinese New Year of the Ox. And is traditionally linked to setting goals for your future.
In this instance, look to those around abundance in all areas. Delve into what you need to attain what you want. It’s more than about just money. It’s about connections, talents, skills and a readiness to receive it. Worth it? Of course you are!
Valentine’s Day delivers the second of three meetings between Mercury and Jupiter in here. Tune into the energy of the card of the 8 of Wands in the Tarot today. This card is not only about messages, news and activity. But the wands also represent passion and the ‘arrows of love’. Who fires these? Cupid of course! Something finds its target today as Cupido, new dawn Ceres and the Moon all meet in your communications sector.
All three align back to the Galactic Centre in your mysterious 12th of psychic abilities, fate and the past. Astrologers are now beginning to embrace the importance of the Galactic Centre in our charts. Its gravity is so powerful it is literally ‘the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart’. In other words, our entire galaxy spins around it!
At its heart is a supermassive black hole. This is where the laws of time and space break down. This could mark something which sends you down an important soul path. Or it could see something return which we say ‘has your name on it’. What you don’t think is possible becomes probable.
Wait until the Sun (18th) and then Venus (25th) arrives in your 3rd before thinking that nothing is happening! Of course, some of you may not have to wait that long. Mercury heads direct from the 21st which is also when Ceres moves into your 4th. Take the initiative when it comes to home matters now. This includes looking at that work/life balance and also who does what around the home. Is it time to negotiate something different – especially based on what you now know to be fair?
You’ll be able to see a clear path to freedom, away from something restrictive that has been holding you back at the time of the full Moon in your 9th on the 27th. This Moon is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
Your emotional compass is guiding you in the right direction now. Look closely under this full Moon about what you are not attempting out of fear. This could be fear of upsetting others. Fear of failure. Or even fear of success. Sometimes we simply fear trying because we would have to step away from what we know is familiar to us emotionally to do that. Human beings are hard-wired to stay with what’s familiar. Even if that isn’t actually benefitting us anymore. Or has never been for that matter.
This month has taught you so much about what you are truly worth and deserve. By the time we arrive at this full Moon, settling for less simply shouldn’t be an option any more, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: This month could see you stop, breathe and finally release that weight you’ve been carrying these past years, Capricorn. Lighten the load and feel gratitude and appreciation flood in. Love could just follow.
The future is more than a ‘someday’ – it’s a promise you make to yourself
What goal has your name on it?
The Now Age is here to stay!
You are on a learning curve for the Now Age, Aquarius. Think of it this way. Saturn in your sign sets you the curriculum and then the exam. You commit to this. Then Jupiter hands you the rewards. If you encounter any learning curves, blocks or challenges, see these simply as tests to pass in order to get where you’re going.
This is one of the most exciting periods of your life so please make the most of it. And don’t be deterred by the odd stumbling block in your path. Without it you won’t know just how powerful, capable and worthy you’ve become!
Make that Future Promise – to Yourself
Committing seriously to a goal this month – one deeply personal and part of who you are, is likely to form part of this. This cycle has your name on it. And there’s a reason for that. It wants you to give yourself priority. To become the headline act in your own production. So, putting yourself Goal First is an important part of your Now Age evolution. This month is about new beginnings and rebirths.
It begins with the arrival of Venus into your sign at the very start of February and peaks on the 11th with the new Moon when we will have six planets in your 1st house – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Holy Now Age House Party!
Get Back to What Makes You Unique
Reclaiming those lost parts of who you are, reviving your fierce side if it’s been dulled lately, and seeing something important kick-start or return for you is what you can expect from the Now Age planets and Mercury retrograde in your 1st.
It’s a Mercury retrograde like no other. You can reinvent yourself under it. Rebrand your look, image, message and also your priorities. You will be focussed on only what matters and being true to yourself now. As a result of all of this, you’ll see clearly who is aligned with you and who isn’t.
Sure, the usual retro rules are still in place. But new beginnings are possible as this is a retro time like no other. First you have the Sun meeting retro Mercury on the 8th. This could deliver news you have been waiting on. Something may have been on hold or going back and forth. This could mark the revival or green light for you.
Begin it Now for the Now Age
Exciting new directions, opportunities and developments are set to appear at the time of the new Moon in your sign on the 11th. They may not crystallise fully until after the 21st when Mercury heads direct again. But you should have a clear picture around this time of what the future holds for you. This new Moon has always been associated with fresh starts and goal setting. It also marks the start of the Chinese New Year of the Ox – giving it extra importance when it comes to embarking on new ventures or setting those future intentions.
This is all tied up with big dreams and what you love. This is one of the best periods of the year for you. When it comes to partnerships and attracting love and romance, Venus and Jupiter in our 1st house can often offer a more powerful cycle of attraction than being in our 7th! The day of the New Moon also sees these two meet in your sign. Unfurl your wings, butterfly! Show your colours and radiate. Remember, we attract what we are or what we feel we are!
You should be feeling unstoppable, optimistic and above all, confident in your beauty inner and outer and unafraid to show who you really are. The more you express this, the more you will set this cycle effortlessly in motion. Be aware this process is supposed to be fun! The 13th sees Venus meet blast-from-the-past Mercury retro which could also bring just that for some of you this Valentine’s Day.
The 14th hands you the second of three meetings between Mercury and Jupiter. Again, this could see the return of an opportunity. Or it moving forward to the next stage. You may take the initiative yourself in going after something you have wanted for a while. As I said, this Mercury retro allows for those kinds of moves. This day also aligns you back to your most important goals and dreams. And the way or resources to get to them.
Explore this and also how your connections fit into the big picture as V-Day brings a superconjunction between Cupido (dude with the bow and arrows), Ceres and the Moon in your house of assets and self-worth, angling to the Galactic Centre in your house of the future and friends.
Astrologers are now beginning to embrace the importance of the Galactic Centre in our charts. Its gravity is so powerful it is literally ‘the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart’. In other words, our entire galaxy spins around it! At its heart is a supermassive black hole. This is where the laws of time and space break down. Thinking of this as playing with quantum mechanics. Where your superpower of being able to think different is what is needed when it comes to your future. You are in the process of being the you for the Now Age. Doesn’t it follow your goals are too?
People will always be your best assets during the time Jupiter is in your sign. The 18th sees you looking at assets of a more material variety as the Sun shifts from your 1st. Venus which rules this house follows on the 25th. any money, business, work or financial issues that have swung back and forth should shift forward by the 21st when Mercury heads direct in your sign and also win/win Ceres lands in Mercury’s ruling 3rd. Expect agreements to be reached and deals to be finalised.
This also includes any changes to your home or living situation. Property matters or simply your living space may have been another area in flux or subject to negotiations all month long. Now with the trine between Pluto in your 12th and Mars in your 4th on the 25th, you are finally in a position to close or state your own terms if necessary.
Your ‘other’ money house – your 8th, is where this month’s powerful full Moon appears on the 27th. This Moon is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
It’s time to access those regenerative and reinventive powers within you. To look back at see how you have risen above problems or simply bounced back in the past. Avoid joining the ‘dark side’ under this full Moon. By that I mean, don’t give in to depressive thoughts or the belief you cannot change things. Because you can.
This Moon can link you to deep inner resources of empowerment which is the other aspect to it. It can show you that you have more choices or resources at your disposal than you previously thought. Dig deep within and you’ll see this is true. A more powerful you for the Now Age can emerge under this Moon. This is who you are born to be for the Now Age.
In a nutshell: This month asks you make a promise to yourself over a key goal, wish or dream, Aquarius. The Now Age is also about appreciating all you have to offer. Be your own Valentine – after all, there’s no-one quite like you now, is there?
Ditch those outdated 12th house expectations
Step into healing, dreaming and future creating
Happy birthday, Pisces!
The Now Age of Aquarius is all about what lies beneath for you. Your hidden depths and dreams – Your creativity and psychic ability – Your past. Not just in this lifetime but others too. Secrets could also feature this month. Secret loves and also secret goals. Perhaps the things you want but you won’t want to admit to. Either to others or even yourself.
Working behind the scenes or on something you are not yet ready to reveal is favoured this month. Investigations, healing, charity work, occult studies and also something or someone from your past reappearing could also feature. Especially if you have thought this was a chapter than was closed.
Put a ribbon around the past
It’s also a time to bring projects to completion, tie up loose ends, have a serious declutter and look at what you want to take forward into the next 12 months with you. While the past may indeed reappear now, ensure that the only elements of it you bring with you into the future are those which support you, hold meaning and uplift you.
Your Now Age 12th is a very different place to what traditional astrologers would have you believe. Forget all that doom-and-gloom about self-sabotaging behaviours and denial. Institutions and hidden frenemies. Instead, embrace deep joy, inner knowing and a touch of magic if you use your intuitive gifts. You can heal now, reconcile your past and seek out not just spiritual truths, but connections too!
Self-care, meditation, connecting to what truly energises you, ditching what doesn’t – see this as your gift to yourself to get you new-cycle ready. Moving out of stagnation and back into flow and optimism. Let your creativity out to play. Give your intuition free rein. Suspend disbelief. Write down what you feel and you could be surprised as how spot-on you are.
Above all, observe how everything makes you feel and how it affects your energy on a physical, mental and soul level. What lifts you up and what drags you down? Who makes you feel good simply by talking to them and who drains you? Again, you may want to jot all this n your journal and look for patterns that emerge.
You will feel the tug of fate, time or karma at the start of the month when Venus arrives in your 12th. It will meet Saturn on the 6th and Saturn rules all these themes. Something could return or come full circle. If it is meant to be, then you will see doors open as if by magic. Or simply things fall effortlessly into place. But if it has been lived out, Saturn also says: Time’s up!
Try a Little Self-Tenderness
Take responsibility for your past choices too this month. And if you regret them or they didn’t work out the way you hoped, please be gentle with yourself. Your 12th is the house of self-forgiveness too. You did the best you could at the time. Now, move on. Especially if you are looking at blow-back from past actions around the 1st and also the 19th. Both days involve tense angles between the Sun and Mars (1st) and Venus and Mars (19th).
That being said, past debts could be paid, good karma catch up with you, someone from your past could return or something you had thought was over, revive in a spectacular fashion. Second chances are what Mercury retrograde in here is all about. As well as the past being re-worked so it has fresh relevance. Or returns in a new way as something better.
Dates to watch for what gets paid forward or begins anew for you are the 8th when the Sun and Mercury meet, and the 11th when the new Moon in here coincides with Venus and Jupiter meeting. Because although Mercury will stay retrograde until the 21st this is a Mercury retro like no other. Instead of red or amber lights, it hands you green ones when you act with intuition.
This new Moon is always associated with powerful new beginnings. To set our course towards our goals under. It also coincides with the start of the Chinese New Year of the Ox. Another reason for it to be linked to potential. So, set fresh goals based on your deepest dreams and longings. Start a new creative venture. Take that first step towards getting what you want.
Venus and Mercury meet on the 13th while Mercury will meet Jupiter for the second time in your 12th on the 14th. Whether you know it or not, you are embarking on a journey into a new reality for yourself that will colour the upcoming year and your relationships too.
Valentine’s Day could bring up shades of the past. Or is that the ghosts of lovers’ past, Pisces? One thing is certain this V-Day month, it’s the time after Valentine’s Day that is going to be best for love for you. In other words, once the Sun lights those birthday candles from the 18th and definitely following the arrival of Venus in your 1st on the 25th.
However, as well as that Mercury/Jupiter Palentine’s Day date happening in your 12th, you also have an intensely personal love-in happening in your sign between Cupido (yes, him with the arrows and the crazy aim!), Ceres and the Moon, and the Galactic Centre in your 11th.
Now, the Galactic Centre does not move. Our entire galaxy spins around it. You might want to check your chart for where your Pisces factors are. Do you have anything at 26 degrees? If so, expect this V-Day to be especially significant for you. If you are unsure, one of our astrologers will be happy help you.
Astrologers are now beginning to embrace the importance of the Galactic Centre in our charts. Its gravity is so powerful it is literally ‘the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart’. In other words, our entire galaxy spins around it! At its heart is a supermassive black hole. This is where the laws of time and space break down. What is impossible or improbable becomes the opposite in fact. It is asking what you think is ‘out of reach’ for you. Perhaps in a past, present or potential relationship? Because the message here is the only barrier between you and what you want is your thoughts.
The Sun in your sign from the 18th brings you your first birthday for the Now Age. Look to what has emerged for you during the past three weeks. Or is showing signs of a new beginning. This is a preview for what will manifest in full force for you between May – July this year.
If your deep dive into secrets and mysteries has seen you do a temporary disappearing act for the first part of the month, your birthday cycle and Venus arriving in your sign on the 25th sees a new you emerging from this. You should have received valuable information during this time about your past and your past choices. Insights into past and present connections may have emerged too. Now, as Mercury heads direct on the 21st and Ceres leaves you sign for your 2nd, use these to focus on creating a fresh reality around love and your future for yourself.
Again, go back to those notes you have been making about the impact people, situations, places and even what you think, eat or do, these past week as the full Moon appears in your 7th on the 27th. It may shine on one relationship or person in particular for you. Look to see if anything you have written could refer to them.
This Moon is known as the ‘Snow Moon’ – although January’s full Moon is sometimes also called that. It is called the ‘Hunger Moon’ by some native cultures owning to the fact that food was in short supply. February in Romani tradition is called ‘Little black month’ – a reference to its short duration and also the winter depths. We are however now a month away from the spring equinox so remember that.
The person this full Moon illuminates is a reflection of some part of you. They could even show you what you are becoming. Or are capable of should I say. Is this someone you admire or look up to? Someone you think of as punching above your weight? Or as more talented/beautiful/deserving than you? If so, understand all they are showing you is yourself.
Or perhaps this person shows you how much you are loved? If so, that’s what you’re taking forward into your new cycle. Or the ability to get exactly that, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Weave a little 12th house magic for the Now Age, Pisces. You of all signs knows how much potential you can create for your new cycle. If you can imagine it, you can have it. Happy birthday!
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