Monthly Astrology February 2023 – HUGE CHANGES

Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 2023 – HUGE CHANGES
With our astrologer Elena
That reputation and image get a blue tick
Love the moment you’re in
Get Your In and Out Astrology Hacks!
Let’s talk 29 degrees in astrology, Aries. Or, to simplify it, what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign. Put it this way, it’s a big deal!
This month sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time at 29 degrees, so it will be at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, we can either accept or fight the process. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful. Suppose you have been operating from a place of ethics, integrity, responsibility, and honesty. In that case, Pluto’s move to 29 degrees of your 10th (career/reputation zone) can hand you the transformative power of rewards and recognition. A move on up. Your personal and professional stock soars. Your cred is blue-ticked.
Like a supernova event, Pluto energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto entered Capricorn. What occurred then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male, and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy. Especially if they have abused their power.
Elsewhere in the sky, Saturn now moves to 29 degrees Aquarius and your 11th (friendships/collaborations/internet) on the 27th. Restrictions you have been under regarding friendships, goals, and even social and professional mobility will intensify before a massive shift when Saturn enters Pisces and your 12th (magic/secrets revealed/intuition) next month.
Saturn rules structure but also fears. It is Capricorn’s ruling planet. If those at the top fear losing control over the people, this heralds the sum of those fears. For you, cement your friendships and connections now. And look at the inroads you have made toward your goals over the past 2.5 years. Spiritual truths, beliefs, and a deep re-framing of your past lie ahead.
Electric dreams and twists you don’t see coming – especially around love, being loved, showing love, and doing what you love along with reawakened passion and a desire to shine are what the full Moon in your 5th promise you. The Sun in your 11th and waxing Moon makes a T-square to Uranus on the 5th, urging you to look where you deny yourself or keep up those barriers.
This is the Snow Moon, Storm Moon or Chaste Moon. Despite its names, this can be a romantic, creative, and generous full Moon which wants to bathe you in recognition of the spotlight. It’s about who or what you attract now. Attention, lovers, good times. Don’t deny yourself, Aries. More in your Full Moon in Leo Moonscope.
We’re in a rare period of planetary direct motion aside from Ceres which party-poops backwards in your 7th on the 4th. The good news is that along with Mercury clearing retroshadow on the 7th, miscommunications get clarity.
The 14th is all about fun, lightness and flirtation thanks to a love-struck alignment between Jupiter in your sign and the Moon in Jupiter’s ruling sign of Sagittarius and your 9th. Yes, Juno in your sign along with Vesta from the 8th, could push you to get serious and go all-in. But for now, enjoy the moment and keep the mood romantic yet easy. This luminous loved-up feeling lasts right into the 15th when Venus and Neptune meet in your 12th promising a love reawakening or a desire to intertwine with someone on a more spiritual level. If single, don’t go looking for love in all the wrong places however.
The Sun meets Saturn just before entering Pisces and your 12th. Time to look at what needs to be released ahead of Saturn’s arrival in here next month. What do you most fear? Often strangely this is the thing we want the most. Deep dive into this with the new Supermoon on the 20th which coincides with Venus’s arrival in your 1st the same day. How open and vulnerable are you willing to be? Old resentments need to be dragged out into the light of day and re-examined. As to those hurts. Do not however re-hash the past. This is about releasing it for good and healing yourself in the process as Venus opposes Ceres on the 24th.
Old flames could be rekindled, but don’t rush back in head and heart first if they do. Start again from the beginning and get to know one another all over again. Keep in mind this month that the tried and true, accepted values and honesty, integrity and self-control are what you need to reach for when faced with changes. There’s a saying: Discipline is the horse you ride. You can be first past the winning post if you show the world you are powerful and in control of your path this month.
In a nutshell: Pluto and Saturn move to their final degrees of Capricorn and Aquarius. Get ready for permanent and powerful shifts around rewards and those connections. You’re in a position to make a power move, Aries. But when it comes to love – be in the moment.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (7th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (5th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (12th to 3rd)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 12th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (10th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (1st)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (1st)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (11th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (10th)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (1st to 9th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (11th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 1st)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (12th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 10th)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (12th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (1st)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (1st to 7th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (11th to 3rd)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (1st to 7th)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (11th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (1st)
Love is the transformational element
Evolve those ambitions
You are not a spectator in life – participate!
No more sacrifices in the name of love, Taurus! But just where is the love this Valentine’s month? This may surprise you.
First up, we need to talk about anaretic astrology, Taurus. Or, to simplify it, what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
First, you need to check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Especially if those factors are at either Capricorn and your 9th or Aquarius and your 10th. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
This month sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time anaretic so will be at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, we can either accept or fight the process. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful. If you have been operating from a place of ethics, integrity, responsibility and honesty, then Pluto’s move to 29 degrees of your 9th can hand you the transformative power of freedom to literally ‘move on up’. Help from those in high places, stunning opportunities, and restriction-busting solutions. You break out and away from something that has confined you or not worked for far too long.
You feel intensely passionate about the need for something bigger and more soul-defining. You suddenly crave the change you have been resisting. But if you still refuse to engage, rather than embracing it – watch out. Like a supernova event, Pluto energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto entered Capricorn. What occurred back then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy. Especially if they have abused their power.
For you, you may have used this time to explore studying, travel, legal issues, the mass media, or the great outdoors. Becoming obsessive about a subject matter or a place can be common. And now at an anaretic degree, in here Pluto asks you to look at whether or not you have gone too deep or become too focussed on one way, path, or topic. If so, and if doors have remained closed or restrictions remain in place, you need to look at how you rebalance this. Rather than let Pluto do this for you.
Elsewhere in the sky, Saturn now moves to anaretic Aquarius and your 10th on the 27th. This is Saturn’s ruling house in your chart. And also its ancient ruling sign before the discovery of Uranus. We say it is ‘at home’ here because the old rulerships still apply. Again, look now at what you have been working towards, your reputation, or the image you have established for yourself. And whether the doors open wide or continue to remain closed no matter how hard you knock. Gatekeepers, those in positions of influence and authority either offer a helping hand and rewards or block your progress. Do look to what occurs around the 16th for a clear indication if you are on the right path. Again, if held back or blocked, you have some serious thinking to do about the path you have chosen and/or the way you go about things. Do take any feedback you receive now seriously.
This is the energy of The Tower in the Tarot made manifest. Foundation shaking and awakening at the same time. You may suddenly be presented with a freedom-creating opportunity with the full Moon in your 4th (the Moon’s ruling house) on the 5th. There could also be a shift in the balance of power around you. Due to Vesta’s arrival in your 12th on the 8th. This can see women finding their voices and power. If you identify as female, and have daughters, this can be a vital full Moon for you as the Sun in your 10th and waxing Moon make a T-square to Uranus in your 1st.
Equality, inclusivity and fairness are themes close to home and also professionally that this Snow Moon, Storm Moon or Chaste Moon highlights. Being held back or expected to conform to a certain behaviour or role due to your gender. Again, this sees you wanting to be seen as a person, not as a gender. To shine as a human in your own right. Take that opportunity if offered. More in your Full Moon in Leo Moonscope.
We’re in a rare period of planetary direct motion aside from Ceres which party-poops backwards in your 6th on the 4th. There’s going to be a new deal on love on offer when it returns to your 5th. Do be ready for that too, Taurus. Barriers will drop or vanish completely ahead of Anaertic Pluto once Mercury exits retroshadow in your 9th on the 7th. You’re going places now, Taurus. Old commitments get re-examined on the 8th when Juno meets Chiron in your 12th. You choose the name of love and your continued self-evolution now. Ruler Venus edges closer to Neptune in your 11th on Valentine’s Day and they meet the following day. Remember me saying that love could be found where you least expect it? For singles this holds true. Love could now spring from an existing friendship or contact. Or else you find yourself flirting and exchanging details with someone at a place and a time where meeting someone new was the last thing on your mind.
Be open to friendship revivals and also new and more spiritually aligned connections as the Sun moves into your 11th on the 18th. The 20th brings you two important transits. A new Supermoon in your 11th and ruler Venus’s arrival in your 12th. This can literally put you in the right place, at the right time if you heed your intuition. Or you may get that unshakeable feeling that you are about to hear from someone – and you do. Creativity, your psychic abilities and imagination are unleashed. And you may set yourself a new star to aim for as you imagine a fresh set of goals. There is no time like this new Supermoon to commit to setting these in motion. Once Saturn arrives in here it will hand you the staying power and practical tools to attain them.
Discard those old ambitions which no longer suit that vision of your future. Opt for well-being as the ultimate symbol of success and wealth. Power broker Ceres in your 6th opposes ruler Venus in your 12th on the 24th signifying it’s time for a more sustainable, long-term plan when it comes to how you live your life. This is about alignment, health and satisfaction. Of greeting each day energised and embracing the best possible version of yourself. You now have a set of tools to negotiate this or bring this about. This is all part of the transformative freedom process for you this month, Taurus. Don’t resist. Participate – mind, body and soul.
In a nutshell: Own the direction your heart wants you to head in now. Taurus. This year promises expansion and to totally reset those worldly ambitions. You’re set to succeed in being the real you, Taurus.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (6th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (4th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (11th to 2nd)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 11th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (9th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (12th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (12th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (10th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (9th)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (12th to 8th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (10th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 12th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (11th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 9th)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (11th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (12th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (12th to 6th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (12th to 6th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (10th to 2nd)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (12th to 6th)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (10th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (12th)
Boos and baes make the love go round
Enter the crucible of changes
Brave, fierce, audacious you needs a showcase!
First up, we need to talk about ‘anaretic’ astrology, Gemini. Or, to simplify it, what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
Do check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Especially if those factors are at either Capricorn and your 8th or Aquarius and your 9th. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
This month sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time anaretic so will be at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, we can either accept or fight the process. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful.
This is Pluto’s ruling house in your chart. Where you are forged in the fires of alchemy and can rise like a phoenix. Your card in the Tarot would be Judgement. Pluto’s stay in here has seen you battle your inner fears and slay them. You may have had to deal with sub-themes of domination, power and control. Who has it in your relationships and how it is wielded? Power in the right hands is a force for good. In the wrong, we flip from the card of Judgement to the card of The Devil. Pluto has asked you to break those chains if so. And if you are open, always shows you how to take back your power if you have given it away. Expect this to intensify.
In mythology, Pluto rules the underworld. What lies buried deep. As well as fears and insecurities, there’s a positive aspect of this. Pluto guards the treasures and can open up the vault. Especially when we have shown ourselves as worthy by engaging with change. Pluto ‘outs’ hypocrisy, however. Those who manipulate or abuse their power. If yours has been used for good, Pluto hands you the map with the big ‘X’ marking the spot where you can dig for riches. Or shows you the path to simply freeing yourself from those chains and ascending above any prisons you may have created.
Like a supernova event, Pluto energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto entered Capricorn. What occurred back then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy. Especially if they have abused their power.
Pluto is comfortable in your 8th. It has asked you how comfortable you feel stepping into your power? Also your sexiness. How well can you integrate the light and dark that is in all of us? In what you may have thought unacceptable or what you feel you need to keep hidden from others, lies your power. Pluto’s task has been to bring this into the light. Relationships which have transformed you, and stronger bonds created by being fearless around who you are are Pluto’s gifts. As can be handed more money or resources. Think ‘Plutocrat’. Expect this to begin a final, intense phase now.
Elsewhere in the sky, Saturn now moves to anaretic Aquarius and your 9th on the 27th. This is your house of one world, integration, inclusivity, and what divides us. Usually just our own thoughts or ideas. Ahead of Pluto’s arrival in here, anaretic Saturn tells us there are no ‘others’. We are all on this journey of life together. If travel, movement, expansion and learning have been hard work or restricted these past 2.5 years the good news is that barriers to movement and progress begin to fall. The only thing standing in their way may be your own beliefs. And we all know you are the most open to learning of all the signs, Gemini. So look to a new world view. One where barriers between you and others, dissolve.
Embracing this is easy thanks to the full Moon in your 3rd on the 5th which along with the Sun forms a T-square to twist in the perspective Uranus in your 12th. The news or surprising point of view you did not see coming or had not considered. It opens up so much potential and options for you. Don’t remain closed off whatever you do. Become intrigued, and willing to explore. We are not our ideas or beliefs. This Full Moon reminds us of that. And someone can have a different view to ours but that does not mean we should see this as a threat. Integrate don’t feel the need to defend. And life gets more interesting as a result.
This month sees ruler Mercury exit retroshade in your 8th and brings up an opportunity to rise or change something as it meets Pluto on the 10th. One day before Mercury lands in your 9th, Pluto is officially ‘anaretic’. This is a big shift or release. The only astral body now backwards is Ceres in your house of lovers, babies, parenting and creativity. Which could mark for you the need to integrate the old with the new. One of the best days for goal commitment will occur on the 16th when the Sun and Saturn meet in your 9th. Go for the big vision which can now be enhanced with practical steps. Don’t allow others to dilute your intention by telling you that you can’t either. And silence those self-doubts or inner critics. There’s a need to set your own rules around where you go and what you want to attain or even how you get there with Juno, Vesta, Chiron and Jupiter all in your 11th. Big picture thinking, Gemini.
Hold that vision or thought, and let your imagination run riot when it comes to how you see yourself in the future and what you can achieve and attain. Those ambitions get infused with new inspiration as Venus and Neptune meet in your 10th on the 15th. This carries forward the big romantic energy that may have been hallmarked for you in more ways than just a card on the 14th. When Jupiter in your 11th trines the Moon in Sagittarius and your partnership zone. Fat Cupid’s arrow could just hit that mark! And please, if you have no squeeze, don’t ignore the love of friends. It is every bit as satisfying and lasting. So, make a date with someone even if it’s not a boo but a bae!
Pluto hands you the power so use this to kick-start those ambitions from the 18th when the Sun enters your 10th. The new Supermoon in here turns the light on your public image, professional rep and street cred. Are you seen as someone who doesn’t just talk a good game but knows how to bring it? Ahead of Saturn’s arrival next month, it’s time to get yourself taken seriously. Not just around your career but in all your relationships. Look to your image. Now is your time to relaunch or make that second chance impression if you need to. Define yourself and also what success means to you for the next 2.5 years. This is your path and it leads one way – up if you are prepared to put in the work. More in your New Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope.
Second chances and redefined deals in love and other areas abound. Again, where’s that wriggle room, adjustment or compromise you need to make? Venus arrives in your 11th on the 20th and along with Jupiter and Chiron brings you a dose of outrageous fortune and glossy good luck. But this now rests on putting on your brave pants and not being shy to stand out! What dare you try or attempt or simply push yourself forward? This is no time to be shy, Gemini. The 24th has Venus oppose Ceres which is a day for you to try again if at first you did not succeed in filling that goal or dream. Be daring, fierce and audacious in your approach. It could not only change the way others see you. But how you see yourself. That’s your take-out.
In a nutshell: All the planets direct this month hands you green lights in any area. Being open to change and where it wants to take you is your key to entering the Now Age of Aquarius which is opening the door to freedom and opportunity for you, Gemini.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (5th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (3rd)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (10th to 1st)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 10th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (8th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12tht)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (11th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (11th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (9th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (8th)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (11th to 7th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (9h)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 11th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (10th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 8th)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (10th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (11th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (11th to 5th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (11th to 5th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (9th to 1st)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (11th to 5th)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (9th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (11th)
You’ve been looking for something
 That’s not in your life
 My intentions are true
 Won’t you take me with you
 And baby you can sleep while I drive
Baby, you can sleep while I drive – Melissa Etheridge
Has Pluto’s journey through your 7th of marriage, partnerships and long-term unions of all kinds had you looking for something (or someone), that’s not in your life? Or have you allowed someone to have too much input when it comes to the direction your relationship journey has taken you? Have you been asleep at the wheel? Or in the driver’s seat?
Of course, just like the words in the song, your intentions are always true, Cancer. And hopefully, Pluto’s transit through this house in your chart has shown you that your co-driver on this route has the same kind of integrity and intent as you show. How has love transformed you? What form did it take? Pluto can turn up in person when it hits a personal planet. Did you have a date with the ruler of the underworld? Watch Pluto in here as it can have you going straight to mate and leaving out the date bit!
Intense love experiences or even themes of control (hence the question of who is driving), can occur with Pluto in this house. As can you witnessing the power of transformative love in its most alchemical form. You are changed by knowing someone. As are they and neither of you are ever the same again. It’s the process, not the duration of it which is important to Pluto.
So, with Pluto the hot topic, let’s talk ‘anaretic’ astrology, Cancer. Or, what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
Do check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Between you, another and what you share. Especially if those factors are at either Capricorn and your 7th or Aquarius and your 8th. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
This month sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time anaretic so will be at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, we can either accept or fight the process. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful.
Like a supernova event, Pluto energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back at the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto first entered Capricorn. What occurred back then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy. Especially if they have abused their power.
The other anaretic planet this month is Saturn. It too now moves to anaretic Aquarius and your 8th on the 27th. Expect change, change, change. Perhaps between you and another. Power sharing, who is now driving and even around the home as you now have Ceres – the other major power player in the zodiac, retrograde in your 4th this week. The changes you need to make will be clear, however. Because, unlike Pluto, Saturn gives us fair warning. Is it just your mind you need to change? You may realise you cannot change someone else. But you can change how you think. That soul GPS could show you a new highway to take. One less travelled but which gets you there faster.
Full Moons are always big deals and pack that emotional punch. Those feels peak on the 5th as you understand that change within has to be followed by outer change due to the full Storm or Snow Moon in your 2nd, forming a T-Square to Uranus in your 11th. Just remember, Uranus operates a lot like Pluto. It’s sudden, electrifying and twisty. It crackles, shocks, supercharges our intention. It also makes us feel alive, capable and awake when it propels us to act or try something new. Go with this under this full Moon energy. Release that emotional dam, Cancer! More in your Full Moon in Leo Moonscope.
What Saturn is about to teach you when it reaches your 9th is that creating structure and working within certain rules and boundaries ultimately creates freedom. It’s a paradox you will be getting your head around over the next 2.5 years. Movement – literally in terms of travel or long-term ambitions, will be restricted for you until the fully grasp this. When you do, doors fly open and you sprout wings!
All the planets are now direct once Mercury clears retroshadow in your 7th on that day aside from Ceres. Deals can be brokered. Contracts signs. Decisions are made and buttons pushed on launches. You have a couple more months remaining of Jupiter in your 10th boosting your career and upping that status. This house also contains Venus from the 20th, Chiron, Vesta and Juno indicating big choices and moves ahead for you. Lucky break? Entirely possible. Punching well above your weight in love? It’s a knock-out, Cancer! And you’re driving.
Conversations revolve around your feelings, the feelings of others, your desires for the future and your wishes and dreams. You are seeking emotional support which is always more important to you than the physical or material kind. If you have that, you know there is nothing you cannot do or achieve. The arrival of the Sun in your 9th and a new Supermoon in here two days later (20th), puts on the table a new way forward for you. Emotional truth, how the other party feels or supports you, what plans you have long nurtured but now demand you act in the name of them, propel you onwards towards positive change. You were aware of the need to act or take that step on the 15th when Venus and Neptune met in here. Now you gather your intention and knowing where both your vision and your support system lie, you take off and run with it. More in your New Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope.
Mutuality, contentment, what sustains and supports you, your reputation and public image (online and off), recognition and satisfaction are all on the table to be re-envisioned or recrafted as Venus in your 10th opposes Ceres in your 4th on the 24th. Ceres is in Venus’s ruling sign of Libra. This is the sign of balance as symbolised by the scales. We can say Ceres is comfortable in here as it rules the compromise or win/win which we have to reach for in order for balance to be achieved. And Venus in the mix says that unlike the disparity we see in other opposites, both planets are striving to find that sweet spot. Especially around home matters, family, who you live with or what creates that all-important foundation for you. Be this emotional, material or physical.
Deals and agreements can be reached which leave both parties satisfied and on the same page. Again, this may come from one or both of you being prepared to be utterly transparent and frank about your needs or what you are thinking. When it comes to who is driving or who is not yet in your life but may now appear, it’s time for equal time at the wheel of that relationship or decision, Cancer. As both of you agree to the destination.
In a nutshell: Jump into the driver’s seat when it comes to where you want your relationship to go. Or be ready to take the exit ramp towards something more satisfying, Cancer. The GPS of your soul tells you what destination love wants to take you now.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (4th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (2nd)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (9th to 12th)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 9th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (7th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (10th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (10th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (8th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (7th)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (10th to 6th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (8th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (8th to 10th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (9th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 7th)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (9th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (10th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (10th to 4th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (10th to 4th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (8th to 12th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (10th to 4th)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (8th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (10th)
Big up that passion
Go with the Now Age vibe
That’s the power of love, baby!
It’s a wonderful month for a Moondance, Leo, thanks to the full Moon in your sign on the 5th. And also a wonderful, lust-driven February where passions get supersized and Cupid could go crazy thanks to an alignment between Jupiter in its ruling 9th and the Moon in Sagittarius and your love zone on Feb 14! You want to express those feelings in a big way or someone else could surprise you.
The Power of Love is a long-term cycle you are set to explore in the Now Age of Aquarius. So, before we look at what else is happening in your sector of the sky, let’s take a deep dive into that.
Don’t take money, don’t take fame. Don’t need no credit card to ride this train. Funny as Pluto in your 7th can deliver a cashed-up love interest. But also show you the alchemical side of love. If you want to know how this works, chat with the Cancerians next door who have experienced Pluto in this house in their charts since 2008.
Before Pluto arrives in here next month, we have two important transits to talk about. They involve anaretic astrology. Or, to simplify it, what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
Do check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Especially if those factors are at either Capricorn and your 6th or Aquarius and your 7th. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
This month sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time anaretic so will be at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk about ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’, which Pluto promises, we can either accept or fight the process. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful.
Work, your day job and daily responsibilities, your studies, co-workers, employees if you have them, where you spend your time, your health and habits, well-being, therapy, medicine, complementary healing, pets and what you expose your body to or fuel it with – all may be subject to a major shift. This can even come about from outside factors which nonetheless, result in a change or impact on your personally. This is because the outer planets are generational markers and rule events which impact on large groups of people and society in general.
Like a supernova event, Pluto energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto entered Capricorn. What occurred back then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy. Especially if they have abused their power. That boss or manager who has made your job so much harder could suddenly find themselves looking at their P45. That could be Pluto’s final farewell for you.
Saturn in your 7th has asked for commitment from you. Knowing what you want from your long-term partnerships and relationships. It could also however have made love hard work, or hard to find. Even if you were in a close relationship, you may have felt at times wondering what your partner was thinking. Or struggling to express your own feelings. Someone you thought would be a permanent part of your life could have changed their mind. Or maybe you changed yours. While others may have discovered that the slow burn is what delivers long-term satisfaction.
The good news is that any feelings of going it alone begin to lift from the 27th as Saturn prepares to exit this house and moves to an anaretic degree of Aquarius. Saturn has been all about knowing what you need while here and no longer wasting time on the connections that cannot deliver that. It has been about making those bonds tighter if you know it is right. As in ‘put a ring on it’. Being unafraid to hold out for what you know you deserve. And walk away from what doesn’t fit the bill. You author your love novel now. Saturn rules authority which contains the word ‘author’. Have you written a new chapter or an entire book?
Now that we’ve talked about the big Now Age switch, let’s look at the rest of February. All the planets are direct this month right up until April aside from Ceres about to offer you a return or re-run in your 3rd. Mercury clears its retro-shade in your 6th (which it rules) on the 7th and meets Pluto on the 10th which could reveal what anaretic Pluto has planned for you. Attend to self-care and reassess your priorities.
The full Moon in your 1st is an important one as it forms a T-Square with Uranus in your 10th and ruler the Sun in your 7th. One particular duet, double act or dynamic or dramatic duo which is linked in some way to your status – either relationship or professionally, will get the anaretic Saturn treatment too. Call this your final exam before Saturn exits. Draw on your learning around what works and what doesn’t. Especially if this comes with an invitation to enter a different dance or dynamic. And don’t be afraid to suggest one to that existing partner either. This can be a Strictly moment for you when you are perfectly in step with someone. Trip the light fantastic with your Full Moon in Leo Moonscope.
Get talking once Mercury lands in your 7th on the 11th. If there has been any misunderstandings between you and someone close to you, you arrive at kiss and make-up by Valentine’s Day and that superb Jupiter/Moon alignment. You regain that glowing clarity and generosity of spirit you may have felt was missing. You’re oh so open for business again when it comes to love and showing it to those you care about. And if no boo, there’s always that bae. If you feel love actually IS all around you, that is what you will find. Adjust that vision if needed as a fresh perspective or way of seeing relationships opens your eyes to so much more to love and be grateful for thanks to the conjunctions between Venus and Neptune (8th house/15th) and your ruler the Sun and Saturn (7th and 16th).
Your ruler is on the move on the 18th into your sexy and empowering 8th. And if you don’t feel all of that, now’s the time to look back on why? Or what has stolen that mojo? This can occur in such small increments we don’t notice until we are suddenly totally depleted. The new Supermoon in here on the 20th – the same day as Venus lands in your 9th, sees you take all that power and va-va-voom fabulosity back.
You’re not in the mood for small measures. You want it all as the new Moon is in your house of passion, and now Venus is in your house of expansion and full-throttle self-confidence. Unafraid to state your terms or to take the direct approach, you’re here to slay and while your regal soul always leaves wriggle room for the other party, you also know what you will and won’t compromise over. This is the you that is ready for the power of love in the Now Age. Own it, Leo.
In a nutshell: The Now Age of Aquarius is going to be all about the power of love to transform you deep within and also your outer relationships. Are you ready to be more open than ever before as to the form it will take? And go where the power takes you.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (3rd)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (1st)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (8th to 11th)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 8th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (6th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (9th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (9th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (7th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (6th)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (9th to 5th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (7th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (7th to 9th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (8th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 6th)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (8th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (9th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (9th to 3rd)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (9th to 3rd)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (7th to 11th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (9th to 3rd)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (7th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (9th)
You know what you’re seeking
Open to trust and exploration
Nothing but real love will do
Integrity, honesty, commitment, emotional maturity and intelligence and spiritual depth. If that lover wants serious consideration from you, they had better be bringing all of the above to the table. In spades. Your sensitive, caring and fragile soul is never interested in the superficial anyway. But as we enter the big sign change period, you will be more choosy than ever before when it comes to protecting your heart. And only granting access to it when someone proves themselves to have the qualities you seek.
February sees all the planets direct once your ruler Mercury is out from behind the retro-curtain on the 7th. Aside from Ceres in your 2nd which retrogrades on the 4th. Its return to your sign will hand you an outstanding opportunity to re-balance a key relationship or area in your life. And yes, you are in a relationship with the material world too. Where does this need nurturing? More care and consideration? Ceres rules growth don’t forget. After things have been cut back so think about planting new seeds to harvest for your future.
However, the hottest topic in February’s sky has to be assessing existing relationships and self-protect with new ones until you know the other party has earned your trust. This involves anaretic astrology. Or, to simplify it, what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
Do check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Especially if those factors are at either Capricorn and your 5th or Aquarius and your 6th. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
This month sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time anaretic so will be at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, we can either choose to accept the process – or fight it. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful.
This is your house of parenting, children, teenagers, adult children, Gen Z, heirs and spares, lovers and that person with whom you could become a parent or step-parent; the next generation, romance, indulgence, fun and pleasure. It is your powerhouse of attraction. Where you sparkle and shine. Where you can turn a talent or hobby into something of star quality. Pluto anaretic in here is going to be an especially potent cocktail for you due to its meeting with now direct Mercury on the 10th. This can bring a powerful change or even conception of an idea, relationship, news or a long-awaited sea change around a child, lover, dating, or creating. Be careful who or what you wish for now. It may appear.
Like a supernova event, Pluto energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto entered Capricorn. What occurred back then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy.
The other In and Out planet this month is Saturn. It too now moves to anaretic Aquarius and your 6th on the 27th. Yes, the shifts you still need to make around work, routine, and well-being. But you are comfortable with 6th house energy, Virgo. Take care of the business of mind/body/spirit and prioritise these. Do not neglect health matters. If there is anything you have ignored or thought ‘I’ll get to that later’ – later turns into Right Now.
Unlike Pluto, Saturn gives us fair warning. It’s been telling you via your energy levels or how you feel, what needs to adjust now. Don’t shirk – do the work. Someone you are so good at. Especially on the 16th when you truly need to take care of business on something which now cannot be deferred or delayed any longer. Resist procrastination from the 11th when ruler Mercury arrives in here.
Existing relationships will enter a spiritual evaluation phase from the Sun’s arrival on the 18th and then for the next 2.5 years. Single as a Pringle and ready to mingle? What’s your usual type, Virgo? You may opt for someone completely different. And be drawn to artistic, creative and spiritual souls. Just watch for any tendencies to ‘rescue’ or ‘fix you’ to quote Coldplay. We can only fix ourselves. Your job is not to fix anyone else.
Venus’s meeting with Neptune on the 15th happens to be one of the most loved-up of the year for you. Where every scene of your life gets that rom-com touch. Streets are filled with florists, cupcake shops, bridal boutiques and loved-up couples arm-in-arm carrying bags of baguettes and wine. Be blissed out and walking on air – but just ensure that this isn’t simply a Once Upon a Time. You fall for the story someone is weaving – again.
If someone says they have changed, you need to give them time to prove they have made that permanent shift. If you meet someone new, take your time to get to know them. The days of all in, all at once should be behind you. Don’t allow the meeting between the Sun and Saturn in your 6th (16th) to be a return to reality with a bump. But if you’ve been waiting for that Happily Ever After, it could materialise with Saturn in your 7th. Slowly as Saturn is concerned with laying foundations first. I’ll have more to tell you in next month’s forecast.
Your important Moons this month are the full Moon in your 12th on the 5th. This is your house of hidden truths, intuition, psychic skills, creativity and imagination. But what you are feeling isn’t fleeting. Like Saturn in your 6th – you’ve been given a heads-up on this issue before. And again, those feels well up and ask you to do something or look closer. And don’t shy away from deep conversations. Especially if that vibe says someone is holding something back. More in your Full Moon in Leo Moonscope.
Of course, the new Supermoon in your 7th on the 20th is the perfect reset button for all unions. Or simply to clearly define what you are seeking from relationships in the upcoming Saturn cycle. With Pluto on its way out of your 5th when this supermoon appears, this adds up to both houses of love and attraction being magnestised by the ions of change. Past, present, potential partnerships – business, work, collaboration, deep long lasting friendships, that fellow mischief maker – any or some can feature now.
But the key catalyst in this new dynamic is gorgeous you, Virgo. Which is why it is so important that you get very clear on those needs. And the qualities you seek in the other. Anyone who simply drifts won’t work for you. Neither will anyone who has no idea of what they want. To say have a shopping list of those qualities I mentioned at the start of this forecast and check them off, isn’t far off what you need to do now. And be prepared to walk away if the other party can’t offer them.
Venus moves out of its ruling 7th and into your 8th on the 20th. This is a ‘because you’re worth it’ move where you need to know where the compromise can be made or where you need to hold out for what you know you need and deserve. Venus in here is loud and proud. It says: ‘I know what I want – and I want it NOW!!!’ Those final defences tumble and vanish. You become the supernova which blazes forth and nobody was expecting.
This house rules what you share with another. The joint business or marital assets for instance. Your salary, benefits, legacies, investments (financial and emotional), loans, and mortgage. Your bed – you know what you want there too! Renegotiations may feature or something new could be on the table as Venus opposes retrograde Ceres in Venus’s ruling sign of Libra and your 2nd on the 24th. It may take you until Ceres returns to your 1st to see whether that deal can really be done. Don’t be in too much of a hurry to go with the first offer on the table, Virgo. Ensure love and money align with those Must Haves or else go seek something better.
In a nutshell: Get ready to let down your defences, Virgo. Love is going to ask that you take it seriously. But once you know you have what you’re seeking, you allow your vulnerability and tender heart to express themselves. And someone else is about to respond in kind.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (2nd)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (12th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (7th to 10th)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 7th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (5th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (8th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (8th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (6th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (5th)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (8th to 4th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (6th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (6th to 8th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (7th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 5th)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (7th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (8th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (8th to 2nd)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (8th to 2nd)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (6th to 10th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (8th to 2nd)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (6th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (8th)
Crush those must-dos and turn them into done deals
What does freshly baked love look like?
Passion – redefined and ready
If there is a touch of unfinished business around you, it will be closed off or completed between now and Ceres returning to your sign in June. Ceres is the only planet retrograde in the sky right now. We have a rare window of powerful direct motion and momentum once Mercury clears its retroshadow in your 4th on the 7th. Which will propel all of us forward into April. Get it done now, Libra – no matter what ‘it’ is!
This is power-tripped by ‘anaretic’ or to simplify it, what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
Do check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Especially if those factors are at either Capricorn and your 4th or Aquarius and your 5th. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
February sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on the 11th. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time hovering at either 29 Capricorn or 0 Aquarius, so will be at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, we can either choose to accept the process – or fight it. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful.
This is your house of home, property matters, family, those you live with or share space with, what underpins your security, your roots, country, and traditions. Your landlord or council. What shelters you. And your path in life. Pluto has asked you to define this on your own terms if you have felt you needed to conform to expectations handed down by your parents. Or even society in general. Final decisions, moves and your security settings get a final adjustment now. Do watch for important news or a decision on the 10th when now direct Mercury meets Pluto before entering your 5th.
Like a supernova event, Pluto energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto entered Capricorn. What occurred back then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy.
If how you have been living or working is not right for you, expect a breakaway. And March’s forecast will deal with Pluto handing you the love mojo to magnetise those desires!
The other In and Out planet this month is Saturn. It too now moves to anaretic (29) Aquarius and your 5th on the 27th. Lovers, what you love, babies, children, Gen Z, parenting, adult children, what makes you sparkle, shine and stand out. All these may have felt restricted, hard work or your usual creative zest missing. Good times, romance and pleasure may have been in short supply. Saturn in this house brought us Covid and lockdowns. So, now this energy shifts and you are released. This process begins on the 16th when the Sun meets Saturn in here. The end is in sight. The card of The Sun in the Tarot always shows it shining after a period of dark skies. This is you now, riding that white horse with the fearless and open-hearted confidence of a child!
We are hard-wired to be social creatures, butterfly! To seek out like-minded souls and create communities. Get into the party spirit with the full Moon in your 11th on the 5th. This Full Moon forms a t-square with the Sun in your 5th and Uranus in your 8th. Surprise twists, last-minute invites, shifts around social circles, access all areas and lovers will be in this full moon’s spotlight. It picks out your people for you. Or illuminates where the resonance no longer shines.
Go towards your core essence and express this under this full Moon. Engage in activities which turn up your glow. Gravitate to the company where you feel you can be yourself without second guessing how you may be coming across. Your Full Moon in Leo Moonscope is all about the company you keep so check it out.
Ruler Venus gets together with Neptune in your 6th on the 15th bringing inspiration, and creativity and infuses those everyday tasks with blissful beauty. Please don’t just coast however or tune out. You can create something special from the mundane or extract a real sense of pleasure from what you do. This is an especially good day for anyone who works in the psychic, creative or healing fields. Seek out the beauty in your surroundings. If you now spend most of your time working from home, then what can you do to make it your source of inspiration and energy? Allow your creativity free rein but do stay within your budget. And if it doesn’t spark joy – you know what to do.
This happens ahead of the Sun’s arrival in this house on the 18th and a new Supermoon on the 20th. Ahead of you and Saturn’s arrival in here lies creative efficiency around that day job (paid or unpaid), studies, well-being matters and those habits, routines and default settings. You can create a system which supports and sustains. This new Moon is about regeneration. Planting seeds for your future. If you have been planning to look for a new job now is the time to send those applications winging out there. Thinking of changing your lifestyle habits? Eating better or a new exercise regimen? Begin it now as this is the new Moon under which changes are likely to be cemented for the long term.
Ruler Venus is on the move into its ruling 7th where it joins Jupiter, Juno, Vesta and Chiron. Your yearly love and partnership peak is off to an early start ahead of the Sun’s arrival next month. What is it you want from love? Not just now but in the future? Venus knows and also won’t allow anything to stand in its way. Juiced-up love jujus fuel your confidence. And that fierce, fuelled boldness is oh so attractive.
Venus will oppose retrograde Ceres in your 1st on the 24th. You now have the opportunity to do things differently, to renegotiate and yes, to close off that unfinished business if there is any. Bold bravery also leaves you unafraid to ask for what you need.
Jupiter will remain in here until May and there’s a sense of opportunity and something lasting in the air. Seeing as you are the sign which needs the balance of an opposite number, this period should bring you the chance to reset the scales in one way or another. And yes, you are hard wired to know how to bring this about, Libra.
In a nutshell: Ceres in your sign is the only planet retro right now. But it will allow you to complete any unfinished business. Ruler Venus enters its ruling 7th and lasting love forms part of restoring any imbalances in your life, Libra.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (1st)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (11th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (6th to 9h)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 6th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (4th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (7th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (7th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (5th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (4th)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (7th to 3rd)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (5th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (5th to 7th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (6th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 4th)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (6th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (7th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (7th to 1st)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (5th to 9th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (7th to 1st)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (5th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (7th)
The truth gets out there
Say what you need to say
Love needs to do what it says on the label!
Time to face or tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, Scorpio. We say Sagittarius is the truth monster of the zodiac. But while ruler Pluto has been transitting your 3rd of ideas and communication, this has all been about how communicating your truth transforms relationships and your ideas. As well as what you say.
Pluto reaches the final degree of this house this month. Holding back, especially when it comes to your values, how you are treated in relationships and those expectations is going to prove impossible. Even if you have managed to keep a lid on things up until now. There’s no escaping the truth which demands release.
This is ‘anaretic’ astrology at work. Or, to stick to the KISS mantra, what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
First, you need to check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Especially if those factors are at either Capricorn and your 3rd or Aquarius and your 4th. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
This month sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time either at 29 Capricorn or 0 Aquarius. Which puts it at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, you of all signs knows that we can either choose to accept the process – or fight it. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful. But hey – I’m preaching to the choir here!
Pluto demands truth or consequences of its opposite. Hopefully, your life is an open book. Lies will be exposed now. And if others have been telling you porkies, they will be caught out. You need to ensure that you back up what you say with actions and deliver on it. Pluto does not do empty promises. Contracts can be signed and entered into especially on the 10th when now direct Mercury in its ruling house meets Pluto. Especially when combined with Ceres now retro in your 12th. New deals can rise out of old agreements. You reframe the T&Cs to reflect your core values and integrity. If not, you’ll simply walk away.
Commerce, communication, writing, publishing, the internet – don’t post it if you don’t stand by it. Do your due diligence. Assemble your facts and that plan. Applications, interviews, pitches and launches take off. Siblings and neighbours are also impacted. Can you turn disagreements into a new dynamic? Or is it better to just rise about it all?
You’ll demand the same level of honesty from others this month. If they promise something, you will hold them accountable. And they have to be what it says on the label when it comes to lovers. Misrepresentation is likely to be outed. More on this shortly as this also involves Saturn’s move into your sector of lovers, romance and pleasure.
Like a supernova event, Pluto energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto entered Capricorn. What occurred back then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy. Especially if they have abused their power.
Elsewhere in the sky, Saturn now moves to 29 Aquarius (anaretic ‘out’), and your 4th on the 27th. For the past 2.5 years, you have been asked to create a support structure and to establish your foundations. Home, lifestyle, family and even your career may have required a greater investment from you. But the rewards should be that enhanced sense of security and being able to plan for your future knowing you are the one who is in control of it. The infrastructure you rely on – physically, materially and emotionally, should now be in place but if not, use the final weeks of Saturn in here along with Mercury from the 11th, to determine your future direction. And do again talk frankly with others if you feel they can help you achieve more.
This month’s full Moon (which of course rules your 4th), is in its opposite house – your 10th. Bring the focus to the future – those ambitions, your purpose and whether or not your chosen path grants you access to the accolades and recognition you are seeking. You need to distance yourself emotionally from any feelings you have around not being seen, rewarded, or receiving the recognition you deserve. This may be harder than you think. This is your house of business and there’s a saying there is no sentiment in business. Of course, we know that’s not true as so many decisions even at the top, are based on an emotional response. But do try to become the observer of your journey under this full Moon rather than just the emotional participant.
What are the returns on your investment in your career or even your personal relationships? Do you get back at least the same as you put in? Do own your choices even if you now realise you have not received what you hoped from them. This Full Moon wants you to own your part (more truth-telling!), learn from your choices and now move on using the retro-free energy around you. Do not blame others. Say: This is my life to direct. I reclaim the power to change my course. It’s about truth, reputation and intention. And for some this full Moonbeams in recognition and rewards. If so, congratulations. Being true and delivering paid off.
You are about to enter your yearly pleasure and celebratory peak. Love is in the air for you but again, it needs to be real and deliver on its promise. The reality must live up to the expectation. The alignment between Venus and Neptune on the 15th transports you to another level of connection, spiritual union and feeling at ‘one’ with the universe. Your creative and psychic gifts are heightened. This can see you dive head-long into a dreamy, fantasy, pleasurable experience. But it also tells you not to get lost in it. Or project qualities onto someone they may not have. The opposite can be true as you are cloaked in such an aura of glamour now, someone may place you on a pedestal and be ready to worship. Truthtelling means letting them know you appreciate this but are all too human. Love the real you first and then others will simply mirror. No surprises, no tumbles.
The Sun arrives in here on the 18th and a new Supermoon asks you to embrace pleasure-seeking as a spiritual path on the 20th. Express yourself in every beautiful and dynamic way you can envisage. On line and off it. You are set to attract but do keep it real. Don’t flirt unless you mean to follow up. And do watch for the lover who seems happy to message online but reluctant to actually move the connection forward and meet. This could be a red flag.
In focus for the next month – divine and spiritual, romantic love (not lust!), conception, creation, babies, children, and attraction. Ahead of Saturn’s arrival, it promises a commitment. We commit when we turn just dating into being exclusive. When we become a parent. When we begin a project which is a passion. No sticking your toe in the water. You (and the other if there is one) need to be up for the deep dive. Or else you are navigating the wrong waters.
Venus moves into your 6th joining Jupiter, Juno, Vesta and Chiron in here on the 20th. Bringing beauty to what you do every day. You rediscover it in all the simple things. You may well be looking at diet, fitness and well-being. As well as that work/life balance now. Your desire is for the time to engage in what you want to do as well as getting what you need to do, done. And taking pleasure seriously means you want to be glowing within and on the inside to make the most of it. So, attend to work matters or those habits. You can seek out or create a better deal as Venus opposes Ceres on the 24th. By next month a sense of empowerment and freedom will have set in. Don’t waste a moment now. That’s the truth.
In a nutshell: Ruler Pluto moves to a truth or dare degree in your house of news and communication. The truth can’t be held back. Whether yours or another’s. It changes everything. Including your future, Scorpio.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (12th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (10th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (5th to 8th)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 5th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (3rd)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (6th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (6th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (4th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (3rd)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (6th to 2nd)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (4th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (4th to 6th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (5th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 3rd)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (5th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (6th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (6th to 12th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (6th to 12th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (4th to 8th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (6th to 12th)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (4th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (6th)
Channel those resources
Rich is a feeling
Turn on, tune in – broadcast love
How has your career path evolved or your income changed since 2008, Sag? What transformations have taken place in how you earn your money or the relationship you have with it? Money for you usually adds up to freedom. Your aim is to buy experiences as opposed to ‘stuff’. You need a way to make money which allows you a great deal of freedom, stimulation and exploration to be happy and satisfied. You know you bore easily. You have all the focus and staying power you need to deliver and get the job done. And provided you are working for someone or in an environment which allows you a certain flexibility to work it your way, you achieve amazing results and success.
How has this all added up for you during Pluto’s stay in your 2nd house of money, assets and all-important self-worth? Your challenge could even have revolved more around your self-esteem than just your cash. Although these are linked. As they are to love and how the world treats you in general. Now Pluto moves to an ‘anaretic’ or final degree of your 2nd, look back at how events and challenges have helped you set a new value on yourself, your time, your talents and the love you give and get.
Yes, it’s time to talk ‘anaretic’ or simply what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
First, you need to check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Especially if those factors are at either Capricorn and your 2nd or Aquarius and your 3rd. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
This month sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time anaretic so will be at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, we can either choose to accept the process – or fight it. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful.
Like a supernova event, Pluto energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto entered Capricorn. What occurred back then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy. Especially if they have abused their power.
Standing by your values, knowing your worth, and reaching into the reservoirs you have of talent, lead to you embracing what feeling truly rich is. Pluto is associated with Plutocrats – money makers, oligarchs, and billionaires. I am not saying you are necessarily joining their ranks or winning the lottery. But I am saying that Pluto guards the doors to the fault where the money and other valuable resources are kept. Opening the doors for you to access more based on your own assessment of your ‘worthiness’ and ability to receive. If you are ready for an experience where you have or handle more, this could arise possibly from something linked to past efforts. Watch the 10th for this as Mercury and Pluto meet.
Anything you act on, begin or launch now could turn out to be a big asset or earner for you. The energy in the sky is like a universal perpetual motion engine as once Mercury clears its retroshadow on the 7th, all the planets are now direct until April aside from Ceres retro in your 11th from the 4th. This can be worked to your advantage however as Ceres is in your house of goals and the future. This can see you re-evaluate or adjust your path when it comes to what you are aiming for.
Elsewhere in the sky, Saturn now moves to 29o ‘out’ Aquarius and your 3rd on the 27th. Restrictions placed on ideas, moving around or up or around how you get yourself across, turn out to have been in your favour. You have had time to research, refine and fine-tune communications so that they are strategic, timely and leave no one in doubt of your meaning. Yes, it is now time to apply for that job, launch that project, submit that manuscript or bring those elements together.
Open your mind to flexibility and changing direction under the freedom flight night of the full Moon in your 9th on the 5th. This is the Storm or Snow Moon. There’s a lot of fixed energy around this full Moon which means you need to break free or away and take a fresh path. To step out into something bigger. It urges you to go in the direction which feeds your most intense passions and your biggest desires and dreams. Or go home. This year also offers a naughty, nice and so spicy Valentine’s Day for Sagittarians as the Moon in your sign on the 14th links to ruler Jupiter in your romance zone. And if you don’t have a fellow wild pony to kick up those heels with, organise something with a friend. But bring out your most playful side now.
Mercury moves into its ruling 3rd on the 11th leaving you with no excuse not to do something with those plans. Aquarius and your 3rd is the sign of the innovator, inventor, maverick visionary and entrepreneur. The one who walks to the beat of a different drum and who changes the soundtrack for all of us by simply doing so. Rock out and above all, be an original. You are the idea whose time has come now. The Sun’s meeting with Saturn in here on the 16th merely adds credibility to anything you say or send out.
With Saturn about to enter your 4th, a meeting between Venus and Neptune in here on the 15th and the Sun (18th) and new Supermoon (20th) the energy shifts to emotional and material support and sustainability. Time to get real about this. And yes, even wild ponies need that pasture to graze in. If you are looking at Pluto-style rewards in the form of money or any other resources you can use, do now direct them into your home or make long-term investments for your future.
This is the Moon’s ruling house in your personal chart. And a new Supermoon – what I like to call a ‘secret’ Supermoon, bigs up the potential to grow something bigger if even small seeds are planted now. The price of freedom is usually buying into something which you can fall back on or call home. And also, there is no point in having big dreams if you are living small. Room to move is what you seek literally and figuratively, Sag. So direct your resources towards creating this. More in your New Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope.
The way to all this may just involve doing or following what you love. Venus joins Jupiter your ruler in your 5th on the 20th. You have a full house in here with Chiron, Juno and Vesta also in residence. Jupiter is staying with you in here until May. Watch how things become easy and effortless. Self-worth (Pluto in your 2nd) leads to effortless attraction (Jupiter and Venus and then the Sun next month – in your 5th). Lasting love, bright shiny people everywhere asking you to join them, creativity or talents which take you higher and get you noticed – if you end up having to work too hard, this tells you that you are out of flow. Getting back into it again is easy but something may have to be let go of on the 24th when Venus opposes retro Ceres. Actually the lightness tells you that’s no loss, Sag. You’re free to gallop towards the next, bestest thing. Home on the range.
In a nutshell: Love needs a place to call home, to return to after those wild pony adventures, Sag. Time to define where those roots are. In your terms. Meanwhile, Venus joins ruler Jupiter putting love and luck on your side this Valentine’s month.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (11th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (9th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (4th to 7th)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 4th)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (2nd)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (5th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (5th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (3rd)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (2nd)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (5th to 1st)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (3rd)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 5th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (4th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 2nd)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (4th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (5th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (5th to 11th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (5th to 11th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (3rd to 7th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (5th to 11th)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (3rd)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (5th)
Caterpillar sheds his skin to find a butterfly within
Caterpillar sheds his skin to find a butterfly within
First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is
First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is
Yes, you are the goat. Agilely climbing that steep path which leads you to the top. With the staying power and the courage to perch high on a ledge, above all the others and enjoy the view. But had you ever considered you are also the mountain too? That sounds like a Buddhist conundrum and indeed it is. The sound byte from the ’60s song by Donovan above was inspired by an 8th Century Buddhist teaching. We think of the mountain as this big, fixed, permanent thing. But it isn’t. We can see ourselves as in fixed situations or being who we are where we are forever. That is when we are the mountain. But we are not. We rise above who we once were and transform. We are both the caterpillar and the butterfly. That’s been the action of Pluto in your sign.
As Pluto enters its endgame in your 1st, look back to 2008 when it first arrived. What shifted and changed? A rumble within you that turned into an avalanche of transformation. The mountain changed and so did you. Or you saw you and the mountain as one and the same. Not fixed and unchanging but ever-transforming.
Let’s talk ‘anaretic’ astrology, Capricorn. Or, what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
First, you need to check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Especially if those factors are at either Capricorn and your 1st or Aquarius and your 2nd. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
This month sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time anaretic so will be at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, we can either choose to accept the process – or fight it. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful.
If you have been operating from a place of ethics, integrity, responsibility and honesty, then Pluto’s move to 29 degrees of your 1st can hand you the transformative power of rewards and recognition. A move on up. Your personal and professional stock soars. Your cred is blue-ticked. Your prime and most intimate relationships may also have received the Pluto treatment. Again, this has called on your to be your most authentic and do the right thing. And owning your feelings honestly without pretence. No matter what they were. Or are now.
Like a supernova event, Pluto energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Like those emotions if you have been repressing those feels.
Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto first entered your sign. What occurred back then had been building for some time. The sub-prime crisis didn’t just ‘happen’. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy. Especially if they have abused their power.
Elsewhere in the sky, ruler Saturn now moves to 29o ‘out’ of Aquarius and your 2nd (27th). It’s all about your money, assets, resources and what is priceless or ‘precious’ to you. Maybe not in a Gollum-like way. But it can show you where you have taken yourself out of the abundance flow. Here is the energy of the Four of Pentacles in the Tarot. The figure holds on to what they have in this card tightly. It’s all very well to protect and conserve what you have. But this card asks ‘How long have you been holding on?’. So tightly that all flow is now blocked. Yes, the figure probably has enough but they feel they don’t. And also, they are blind to more abundance available which is symbolised by the castle in the background.
You may need to let something go to gain more with Saturn at the final degree of this house. You may be afraid to do this as you fear losing what you have or not having enough afterwards. You stick to that well-paid but otherwise unrewarding job because you fear not finding one that pays as well. You stay in a stagnant relationship because you have jointly amassed assets. Letting go means walking away with less. But the alternative means sticking with the misery of a half-life. Saturn’s rings represent fears but also dealing with realities. It asks you to define what is most valuable to you. And then pay the price. One way or the other. Cash up or cash in. Make or break. Own your decision now.
The full Moon on the 5th offers more opportunities for changes and also the need to know what you stand for. In both your professional life and your personal one. It makes a tight t-square with the Sun in your 2nd and Uranus in your 5th. Is it joy and rewards for you or are you back to hanging on and resisting change like the figure in that card? Release under this full Moon and don’t be overtaken by fears. Ask what is the worst which could happen? Then what is the best? The rewards will outweigh the risks. But wait to communicate or enact that choice until the 10th or even the 16th when two conjunctions – the first between Mercury and Pluto (10th) and the second Sun/Saturn (16th) put you in a position of powerful intention. The 16th is also a day which can hand you serious improvements or results from seeing you and the mountain as one ever-changing entity.
Mercury moves out of your 1st and into your 2nd on the 11th further facilitating money talk and any actions you take to better that bottom line. Bankable you will receive a further boost as Venus lands in your 4th from the 20th. We are now in a rare period of fast-paced momentum and forward motion. Once Mercury clears its retroshadow in your sign on the 7th, all the planets aside from Ceres in your 10th are direct into April. For you, this could be a time of satisfaction. But also hands you a window to ensure your personal, professional and public ambitions honestly reflect who you are. Seize that moment to renegotiate on the 24th when Venus opposes Ceres. This could be a win/win with both sides getting what they want and need.
Do however read the fine print, look closer and if something appears to be too good to be true, consider that it probably is as Venus and Neptune meet in your 3rd on the 15th. The advantage to Saturn’s arrival in here next month is that everything gets very factual and less flim-flam. You will instinctively know if someone is stretching the truth or pulling the wool over your eyes. At its best, this transit can bring you the news or results you have been hoping and waiting for. At its worst – a long con in love or something just turning out to not be what you were led to think it was. Don’t project qualities onto that person they may not have. And yes, until you see it’s real or is signed on the dotted line, it remains abstract. Just so much talk.
Stick to the facts, ensure your questions are answered and watch for misdirection as the Sun lands in here. You ask someone a question and they try to deflect you by changing the subject, turning it into a joke, gaslighting or telling you they feel uncomfortable. You need to persist and insist on answers if you are not satisfied.
Research and due diligence, facts and plans are what push those projects towards success. The new Supermoon in your 3rd (20th) is when you need to launch, submit, apply, attend that meeting or interview, pitch or start that conversation. What you hear, send or say is about to take you places. If you are still putting off starting something because the task looks so enormous, go back to the fact you are made for this. Agile, far-seeing but also secure in the path you are taking. One step at a time. Avoiding having that talk? It’s now time to air your truth and not avoid it. There honestly ain’t no mountain high enough that you cannot scale or conquer, Cappy. The past 15 years have shown you just how powerful being both the goat and the mountain can be. Don’t allow any remaining molehills to stand between you and your truth.
In a nutshell: You are both the journey and the goal now Pluto moves to the last degree of your sign before exiting next month. See yourself as not static but ever-changing. Especially when you look back to see just how far you’ve come, Capricorn.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (10th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (8th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (3rd to 6th)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (1st)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (4th)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (4th)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (2nd)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (1st)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (4th to 12th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (2nd)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 4th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (3rd)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 1st)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (3rd)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (4th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (4th to 10th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (4th to 10th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (2nd to 6th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (4th to 10th)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (2nd)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (4th)
Ready for rebirth?
Leave pain in the past
Reframe how you see others – and the glory that is you
Expect a profound rebirth to commence next month, Aquarius. Perhaps you were expecting this to occur while the Sun was still in your 1st. What you can look forward to this February is however a major release from restrictions and that persistent feeling everything is oh so heavy and serious. Any residual narks and niggles begin to dissolve. Maybe that lighter vibe you’re radiating has something to do with it? You are about to perform a rise and effortless release, Aquarius. A shooting star arc into the future. The simple act of seeing things differently rather than pushing for change actually brings you the change you were seeking.
That’s the paradox and the promise as both Pluto in your 12th and Saturn in your sign move to an ‘anaretic’ degree this month. Or, what I like to simply call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
First, you need to check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Especially if those factors are at either 29 Capricorn and your 12th or your own sign. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
February sees Pluto move to 29 degrees of Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time in or out – 29 Capricorn or 0 of your sign. Making it pure transformative alchemy. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, we can either accept or fight the process. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful.
This can release you from painful past memories or issues. Expose secrets, subterfuge and the truth. Bring you rebirth and hand you the tools for personal transformation via healing, therapy, revelations, spiritual awakenings and your creativity. Those who are not 100% with you have their true colours exposed for all to see. Hopefully, you have no skeletons in your own closet as Pluto will open the door and show them off to the world. Once it arrives in your sign you will be called upon to be your powerfully brave and authentic self. Know you have been waiting for this, even if you did not acknowledge this.
Like a supernova event, Pluto’s energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto first entered Capricorn. What occurred then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy. Especially if they have abused their power. Their agenda is no longer hidden if someone has been less than honest or manipulative, using covert control tactics.
Elsewhere in the sky, ancient ruler Saturn now moves to ‘anaretic out’ – 29o of your sign on the 27th. You are readying yourself to leave personal limitations and restrictions behind. You may know the change is coming, feel the charge of energy in the air. But not yet be certain of what form it will take. You are coming out of this cycle with a feeling you have the tools and experience to meet anything head-on. Especially when it comes to long-term security, success and satisfaction. What you need to strengthen over the next few weeks is the surety of knowing exactly what you want and committing to that. And no longer allowing others to cause you to doubt your own ability or waver in your intention.
Decisions and the scent of destiny lies in the air around you like an early appearance of spring. You know it is time to move on into something new. And are itching for it to arrive. Patience, Aquarius. It is on its way. The full Moon hands you a glimpse of which way things are headed. Especially when it relates to you and someone else. That boo or bae. That duo or double act. Their emotional response to you or actions tells you all you need to know about the future of your relationship under the full Moon in your 7th on the 5th.
There is an intense energy around this for you. More than you would usually experience under a full Moon. The reason for this is that the Sun in your sign and the Moon make a T-Square to Uranus in your 4th. Sudden outbursts, lightning strikes of revelation, triggers which produce thunderstorms of intense emotions or electric attractions can and will occur. Something shifts in a seismic response to this within you. And things – for better or for worse – are never the same again. Love or the simple power of two sends you off in a new direction. If something has been lived out – that’s obvious. Just as quickly – something heart-starting and new can commence under this full Moon.
We are in full direct momentum now Mercury clears retroshadow on the 7th. Watch for those exposes on the 10th when it meets Pluto just before entering your sign on the 11th. Unsure of your next move or what to do? The Sun’s encounter with Saturn in your sign on the 16th along with an inspiring connection between Venus and Neptune on the 15th leads you to the right answer.
However, don’t sublimate those feelings in spending or stuff you don’t need, Aquarius. Part of Pluto’s truth-telling experience is outing your own emotions. Sit with them, don’t numb them with shopping/self-soothing/substances. Within 20 minutes you’ll see they honestly aren’t the scary monsters under your subconscious bed you thought they were. Cut down to size, you feel and then deal with them. Some things simply thrive in dark places. Out of the closet and into the light – suddenly not so big after all. Use the smarts Saturn has handed you over the past 2.5 years. That’s your superpower.
The Sun’s arrival in Pisces and your 2nd (18th) and a self-esteem-boosting new Supermoon in here (20th) could open up a fresh, satisfying source of income or side hustle. Once Saturn moves in here focus not on what you don’t yet have but on utilising what you do far more effectively. Call this your life budget as this includes all your resources. Your talents, time and expertise. Your possessions. Your insight and your life. Conserve these and direct them to where they are truly needed and also appreciated. The people in your life are going to become not just more important, but integral to your self-development and realising your potential over the next few years. All the more reason to be discerning when it comes to sharing all you have to offer. More in your New Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope.
Venus is on the move on the 20th infusing all you say, share and send out with love and alluring promise as it joins Jupiter, Chiron, Vesta and Juno in here. This is a time to do something with those ideas, act on impulse and take a chance. And yes, flirt up a storm if the mood takes you. Whatever you are selling either personally or professionally – people want it now. You could grow your following online. Receive offers – of work, acceptance, invitations and dates.
A conversation you begin takes you further than you would have thought. Deals can be done, agreements reached and contracts signed or lines redrawn in your favour as Venus opposes retro Ceres in your 9th. Travel or movement onwards is on offer. Saturn has handed you the gift of knowing if something is right for you. If so, just say yes to it. And leave the nos where they belong. In the past.
In a nutshell: Ahead of Pluto’s fierce charisma in your sign next month, others show you where they are coming from. That revelation could change your dynamic one way or another from here on in. Restrictions which have held you back since 2020 are removed.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (9th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (7th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (2nd to 5th)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 2nd)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (12th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (3rd)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (3rd)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (1st)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (12th)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (3rd to 11th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (1st)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 3rd)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (2nd)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 12th)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (2nd)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (3rd)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (3rd to 9th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (3rd to 9th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (1st to 5th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (3rd to 9th)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (1st)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (3rd)
Serve realness
Love shows you its best, most refined version
Happy birthday, Pisces!
Boundless love can mean others take advantage of you and cross your boundaries, Pisces. You may not even be aware this has occurred until well – that incursion has stolen all your stardust and faith in the power of love. Your capacity for compassion, empathy and spiritual love has you always seeing the highest potential in others. The disappointment arises when you discover that they are unable or unwilling to rise to it. Despite all the understanding and support you offer.
You can’t hurry others on their spiritual journey. But wouldn’t it be nice if you could simply avoid this kind of painful scenario in the first place> Especially if it’s a pattern with you? If this is now your wish, February brings a change in your modus operandi when it comes to relationships. And hands you a new operating system – Pisces 23, for the future! Part of this process is going to stem from embracing a new reality. And seeing things as they are – not how you would wish them to be. Or how others tell you they are. No more Babes in the Wood getting lost in love for you.
It’s all going ‘anaretic’ this month as your birthday cycle begins, Pisces. Or, what I like to call ‘In and Out’ astrology. This is when a planet reaches the very last or very first degree of a sign. So, 29 degrees of the sign it is about to exit. And then zero degrees of the new sign.
Do check your chart. Do you have anything in any sign/house at 29 degrees? If you do you are about to undergo a powerful shift and transformation. Especially if those factors are at either Capricorn and your 11th or Aquarius and your 12th. This includes your ascendant, descendant, IC, MC and the Nodes. This is the ‘Out’ phase. I will be dealing with the ‘In’ impact in next month’s forecast.
Pluto moves to ‘out’ – 29o degrees Capricorn on February 11. And over the next 18-24 months it will spend most of its time at either 29 Capricorn or 0 Aquarius. Making it powerfully and potently at its most powerfully transformative. When we talk ‘transformation’ and ‘rebirth’ which Pluto promises, we can either choose to accept the process – or fight it. Unfortunately, if we choose the latter, it may be painful.
This will cement or change your contacts, connections, friends, those groups, clubs, bands, associations, movements, and parties you are aligned with or joined. People in high places can feature too. Someone you know may move into one. A goal could be reached. Or you set a new one. Old connections can be renewed but if they have been lived out, they fall away making way for new ones. The people you know or have met, have transformed your path or outlook in some way these past years. And are set to become more depth driven and catch you up in momentous and empowering change.
Like a supernova event, Pluto’s energy bursts forth. Some might say like a reactor meltdown. But like a sudden burst from a distant star, when we examine the past, we see it has been building for a long time before it burst into scorching reality! Look back to the GFC of 2008. This is when Pluto first entered Capricorn. What occurred back then had been building for some time. So, we may see shake-ups in the financial sector, governments, corporations, and anything that represents ‘the establishment’ or to use a quote from the 60’s – ‘the man’. Cis-gendered power structures where the pale, male and stale set the rules for the many and keep the goodies to themselves, will be especially prone to Pluto’s shock therapy. Especially if they have abused their power.
If a friendship has become too intense, one-sided or you feel you have grown apart, Pluto is about to sweep it aside. And you most probably know exactly who I am talking about if you are in this situation. You need people who share your desire to reach for the higher path, to show compassion, and seek spiritual truth. The superficial need not apply as Saturn now moves to 29o ‘out’ Aquarius and your 12th on the 27th. This is a true colours position for you. Where you cannot avoid the reality of who someone is or the consequences of their actions. Or continuing to allow it to happen.
You will have run out of excuses for them if they have taken advantage of your forgiving nature too often. It catches up with you both in the present now. Saturn in your 12th is about taking responsibility for your choices and decisions. This solidified viewpoint means you expect others to own theirs too. And if they don’t – you will stick to yours and move on.
The arrival of Saturn in your sign next month will see you actively embracing the truth and no longer wanting to run or hide from it. You will only be interested in connections which offer longevity and security. And in those who support you rather than see you as someone whose gentle strength they can plunder to compensate for their own weaknesses. Those days are gone Pisces. Welcome to the new personal dynamic of Pisces ‘23.
Rock with the changes appearing and the free-flowing forward motion in the heavens with all the planets except Ceres (retro in your 8th from the 4th) direct once Mercury clears retro-shade on the 7th. It all gets the real feels and there is no dodging what is and isn’t right for you with the full Moon in your 6th on the 5th. You’ll quietly review the impact that the people around you, what you do and feel, the energy levels that go up and down and how this affects you mentally and physically under this Moon. The body keeps the score and you may read more about this. You will also probably integrate, mulch and reflect on what insights appear. But wait to take further steps until the 16th when the Sun and Saturn merge in your 12th.
Blissful Valentine’s moments could take your breath away and bring back beauty, hope and your innate belief in the higher power of love as the Moon in your 10th angles to ancient ruler Jupiter in your 2nd on the 14th and Venus and Neptune have the ultimate love-in on the 15th. This is overall, one of the best months of the year so far for you. And the 15th is the best day ahead of your birthday cycle. You are reawakened to all the love within you and your inner fire reignited. The Sun infuses you with fresh radiance and a desire to embrace the future when it arrives in your 1st on the 18th.
Ahead of you this year, as well as Pluto and Saturn changing signs, you will continue to enjoy Jupiter’s open-handed generosity in your money zone right up until May. After which travel, studies, commerce, communication and how far an idea can take you will whisk you up and take you to new places once Jupiter moves into your 3rd.
The day of the new Supermoon in your sign (20th) also sees Venus exit your 1st and enter Aries and its ruling 2nd house. Time for some worth-working moves on your part as this Supermoon says: Begin it NOW. And don’t delay. Especially if your goals relate to resources, money or love. Time is your greatest asset and the one we often feel is in the shortest supply. Have you noticed that the more tools we have which are supposed to save us this, the less of it we seem to have? What’s eating yours, Pisces? Scrolling? Too much time spent on others rather than your own goals and dreams? Do you feel you have to keep up with the Jones’s expectations regarding work, your kids, and how clean your house is? The new Supermoon asks you to detach and reclaim that precious time from anything which does stretch it.
The Venus and Ceres opposition (24th) could see you backtrack and in fact, re-negotiate or reboot something which hands you more. Be this time, money or emotional resources. Don’t hesitate to be upfront about what it is you want and need as you can craft something better. Provided you take your own needs as seriously and see this in fact as a selfless act. You give, give, give to others without questions Pisces. Ahead of Saturn’s arrival next month, time to turn this talent to yourself.
In a nutshell: Love lifts you higher. But lovers need to be ready to rise with you. Whether they are capable of this or not will be apparent from here on in. The year ahead is all about the real deal, Pisces. Don’t accept anything less.
04 Feb 2023 Ceres retrograde in Libra (8th)
04 Feb 2023 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)
05 Feb 2023 Waxing full Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
05 Feb 2023 Full Moon in Leo (6th)
05 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (1st to 4th)
06 Feb 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 1st)
07 Feb 2023 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (11th)
08 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 3rd)
08 Feb 2023 Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries (2nd)
08 Feb 2023 Vesta enters Aries (2nd)
10 Feb 2023 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)
11 Feb 2023 Mercury enters Aquarius (12th)
11 Feb 2023 Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn (29 degrees) (11th)
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (2nd to 10th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (12th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 2nd)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (1st)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 11th)
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (1st)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (2nd)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (2nd to 8th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (2nd to 8th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (12th to 4th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (2nd to 8th)
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (12th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (2nd)
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