Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs June 2021

june astrology

Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs June 2021



Nurture all the facets of YOU

Embrace a little long-distance magic

Kick-start that new path!

Your needs, your path and self-care will feature in a big way this month, Aries. You are also going to have to tune in to that warrior wisdom and go with what that inner voice is telling you to do at the time rather than sticking to hard and fast plans.

The fact is, one moment you may feel like blazing a trail like a comet. The next, withdrawing and showering yourself with self-love and soothing. You are at your most dynamic this month. Yet at the same time, your most vulnerable and complex too! Hence the need to remain true to what your inner voice is telling you to do in the moment, and following its guidance.

Why this push/pull between that runway version of you in all its glory and soothing, meditative, hideaway you? First you have Venus landing in your home sector on the 2nd. Plus, a whole slew of wonderful, soul inspiring trines which inspire and take you deep within. Expect your psychic and creative abilities to soar under these.

And intuition and insight open up new roads to healing and soul satisfaction. You’ll have a greater appreciation for your home or surroundings. Or else be able to tap into what I can only describe as a deep, soul certainty as to the steps you can now take to change this and put it right for yourself.

High above our heads in the month of June – magic happens. Not just in one of the most creative and solution bearing aspects of the year which is the Venus/Jupiter trine on the 3rd and the Venus/Neptune trine on solstice day. But the migration of the Painted Lady butterflies. Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland, in search of the perfect ‘home’ or place to mate. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are right for them. Or if not they will continue onwards. So, they too are in search of the right home but at the same time – exploring and adventuring and ready to stop or carry on in the moment, depending on their needs and what they find. As ruler Mars lands in your 5th from the 11th, these butterflies perfectly embody the sense of daring combined with the need to find your path and purpose that you are playing with this June.

A Nelly song? That’s your anthem, Aries. But finding your home, path, place or purpose – on offer for sure. Just bear in mind that all this water sign energy right now is making you extra-specially sensitive and unusually vulnerable. So please bear this in mind around the 5th when ruler Mars still in your 4th opposes Pluto in your 10th. You may fly off the handle especially if this relates to anything to do with those needs or if someone pushes those buttons around deep-seated insecurities.

Deep Fake the Darkness

This month’s new Moon in your 3rd comes wrapped in a solar eclipse. This is an Annular eclipse and what this means is that the Moon is so far from the Earth its disc doesn’t completely cover the Sun like we see in a total eclipse. We get that ‘ring of fire’ appearance instead. There’s a couple of things to bear in mind around this eclipse.

The usual in that eclipses conceal and this is in your house of ideas, information, communication and contracts. And that Mercury which rules this house is retrograde in here. So please, avoid launching or signing anything, fact check as this is a ‘deep fake’ eclipse and take nothing on face value. If you can delay, do so.

The shadow of this eclipse will directly cross the North Pole. Cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather!

Jupiter has just dipped a toe into the deep, resonant ocean of truth that is your 12th. Two things keep you on course and grounded this month. One is your enhanced intuition which Jupiter in here hands you – even after it turns retrograde and heads back towards your 11th on the 20th. The second are your values which underpin your home and living arrangements which Uranus has been revolutionizing in your 2nd. You’ll strike a balance or know clearly what you will or won’t compromise over on the 11th when Ceres and Uranus meet in here. This may also see you renegotiating an existing arrangements as this coincides with a Sun and retro Mercury conjunction in your 3rd. Don’t be afraid to suggest a new and better deal that does not involve you selling out on some level.

Put change in motion

The Sun’s arrival in Cancer and your 4th marks the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the solstice – the point where the year pivots. With your home, family and where you belong illuminated now, what better time to look to what you need to change? This process should nor be easy and free-flowing thanks to a grand water trine the following day between Venus in your 4th, the Moon in your 8th and Neptune in your 12th and another bringing deep healing and release into something truly sustaining, between the Sun and Jupiter on the 23rd.

Plus, you now have Mercury stationary direct also on the 22nd. Yes, it will take another three weeks to clear its retroshadow. But you now have a green light to proceed. Just stay tuned to that vast resource of inner knowing as there are still eclipse shadows about.

This month’s full Moon takes place in your status-setting 10th. This full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. This is a time for your game-face at least out there in the big wide world. It will also highlight the need to create that home or perfect place to retreat or recharge.

Mars in your 5th is a real heart-starter. It fills you with confidence and the desire to go after what you want. You’re unafraid to stand out, to show your passion and to wear your heart on your sleeve. And be unafraid to do so. So, your 5th house is one where you are ‘on show’ – hence the push/pull between your ruler in here and other planets in your 4th. Your 10th is the other house in your chart where you stand out but in a slightly different kind of way. This is your house of public and professional image and reputation.

How others see you – especially those in positions of authority and influence. So bosses and those at the ‘top’. You’ll be judged by how well you ‘own’ yourself and also your ability to keep your word.

Get your act together and take it on the road to success!

Owning’ yourself means being in control of your reactions. Hence the need to reach for that game face. Full Moons bring peak experiences. This one possibly around your job or that interview or pitch process or even dealing with those authority figures, government bodies or anything or anyone who makes up the ‘establishment’. Be seen as someone to be taken seriously. Unlike that old saying, it’s not that there is no room for emotion in business. It’s just that it may not be the right time to express it. That’s why you have your fortress of nurturing to retreat to.

This full Moon is an invitation to all of us to determine our path for the next six months based on those. Act accordingly.

This full Moon is important as its about looking at what you have accomplished since the start of the year. And resetting your priorities for the rest of it. Again, this goes back to those values. Additional clarity around these and what literally is your truth is available when Neptune heads backwards in your 12th from the 25th.

Venus joins Mars in your 5th from the 27th and you are about to enter one of the best periods of the year for romance and attraction. You’ll feel the desire to cocoon and comfort lift now to be replaced by openness, free spirited fun and the desire for love and pleasure. Plus, you’ll seek out ways to express this. Venus and Mars will meet in here next month so be sure to read more about what this means here. Summer is about to get a whole lot hotter. Bring the heat, Aries. Whether on that runway where you are personally on show. Or home to where your heart feels safe.

In a nutshell: This month sees a need to recharge vs. the desire to go after what you want, Aries. Just take it if you pace yourself, you can do both. Setting those plans for the rest of the year in motion means taking the time to ensure they are the right ones this June.



Continue the great experiment of redesigning your life!

Don’t resist the call to change

Time for that river deep, mountain high love experience

Long before Covid asked all of us to adapt to the new ‘normal’ you’ve been experimenting with change or having to evolve and adjust, Taurus. The reason for this has been the arrival of Uranus, planet of revolution and evolution, in your sign for the first time in 84 years. So, we are talking for most of us a once-in-a-lifetime transit.

Uranus in here wants you to focus on what really matters. And to show you what doesn’t and to free you from it. In other words, time-wasting is simply something Uranus doesn’t ‘do’. Often when things don’t work out the way we thought, it’s Uranus at work. Doing us a cosmic favour by stopping us from going further down what is a dead-end. But of course, we may not see it like that at the time.

So, keep this firmly in mind especially mid-month and at the end of June. Something may have to be renegotiated or be back on the table. And if a compromise or new understanding can’t be reached, then you may need to be philosophical if you have to accept it has no future (which Uranus rules). You may surprise everyone and yourself by turning your world on its head in order to begin anew when Ceres and Uranus meet in your 1st on the 11th.

The 30th also asks if you can maintain things as they are, due to a tense T-square between Uranus, Mars in your 4th and Saturn in Uranus’s ruling sign of Aquarius and your career zone and Saturn’s ruling house. Just remember if you are faced with an ending or something which just appears to have a direction all its own that carries you along with it, this is all designed for your long-term benefit. No matter what it may look like at first.

Go higher and deeper ‘ As Above, So Below’

But it’s not all so serious. And neither is it tepid which you don’t have to settle for any longer. Because ruler Venus always adds that touch of love, enchantment and magic flow. That’s happening now as a higher, deeper, more resonant future calls to you. Self-expression, a free-flowing path and a river deep, mountain high kind of love experience is all part of what’s on offer. First Venus enters your 3rd on the 2nd. Business, the internet, writing, ideas, anything you communicate simply gets that Venus boost of attraction, creativity, allure and diplomacy.

The following day brings you the kind of opportunity or a new cycle that only Venus and Jupiter working together can create. Venus makes a trine to Jupiter newly arrived in your 11th of goals, wishes, dreams, connections and the future. What you say or send out there, or even your intention when it comes to your goals, attracts back in kind. Needless to say, this is an excellent transit for anything from business to love.

High above our heads in the month of June – magic happens. Not just in one of the most creative and solution bearing aspects of the year which is the Venus/Jupiter trine on the 3rd and the Venus/Neptune trine on solstice day. But the migration of the Painted Lady butterflies. Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland, in search of what’s right for them. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are right for them. Or if not, they will continue onwards. So, they too are prepared to go ‘river deep, mountain high’ to find that’s exactly right for them. And as we are talking about Jupiter which rules exploration and long-distance journeys, be prepared to leave behind what you know in order to get what you know it right for you.

Plus, it can go deeper if you follow up on your intuition now. Acting on that inner voice is both your superpower and part of your secret to success. Especially later in the month when Venus will trine Neptune also in here. Don’t ignore those messages. Any creative or psychic gifts you have will be supersized now and you are being asked to use this and channel them towards those soul desires. Got a list? Make a wish and then when an opportunity arrives to make it manifest, act with surety and above all, love Taurus.

Jupiter will turn retrograde on the 20th so part of this journey you are on may be turning back to a true love or something you have let go. Especially when we still have Mercury retro in your 2nd until the 22nd getting you re-examining those values, and Neptune retrograde in your 11th from the 25th.

Watch where the money goes

The 10th-11th not only delivers that Ceres/Uranus conjunction but an Annular Solar Eclipse at the time of the new Moon also in your 2nd. Plus the Sun will meet retrograde Mercury the next day so we can say this Mercury also falls under the shadow of this eclipse which will directly cross the North Pole.

Cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather! But personally for you, this is about your money, income, what you value and simply put, what you need to look closer at with regards to selling yourself short, selling out or just your relationship to your money.

Have you had an ‘easy come/easy go’ attitude to finances? Remember, eclipses hide but what is hidden doesn’t come to light all at once. A better picture emerges after the solstice when the Sun moves into your 3rd.

Children may feature if you have them also from the 11th when Mars shifts into your 4th and Venus will follow on the 27th. So, if you are a parent, part of this financial soul audit may also be around them. School fees, college funds, financial planning for their future, child support etc.

Love needs you to relax and not chase it. Thanks to those Venus/Jupiter/Neptune trines this month you’re charismatic and fun to be around. But this may be more about the love of friends than the romantic kind. The free-flowing Grand Water Trine of the 22nd however is an exception when Venus trines the Moon in your 7th (Venus’s ruling house) and Neptune in your 11th. But again, if you do attract a potential partner, allow plenty of time to get to know them. This is a fabulous transit for date night with your boo or simply enjoying the company of like-minded friends along with the trine between the Sun in your 4th and Jupiter on the 23rd.

However, the opposition between Venus and Pluto in your 9th on the same day and a full Moon in your 9th on the 24th, may only emphasise anything that isn’t working for you. This full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. You’re craving something bigger but again, don’t rush with long term changes. This is however a powerful full Moon under which to bring long term plans around your career or projects to a conclusion or key stage. And to prepare yourself for moving forward with self-assurance in July.

So, listen to that inner voice. But wait for the right time to act on it. Opportunity or the best way to make long term changes may take a while to reveal itself. Rushing in won’t help. Just know if you stay tuned to what you know is right for you, then you’ll also know the right time to act, Taurus.

In a nutshell: Time to ditch that emotional Sea Level and go for the higher, deeper more resonant path. Resisting change only means change makes the decision you need to take without you. So, deep breath and step into the flow this June, Taurus.



Reclaim your truth – and your path

Who you believe you are defines what you experience

Bring your future into focus

Whether you realise it or not this month, Gemini, you are your own best work in progress. Works of art take time. So, the first piece of advice I have for you is not to rush. Especially if this involves your appearance, image, style, brand, personal message, look or profile.

The reality show that is Keeping Up With You is changing now. And yes, that can mean new cast members too! However, the full impact of this or the best way about it may not yet be clear. June could therefore have the feel of a great experiment or rehearsal. Surprise revelations, hidden truths, realignments, reinventions, revivals and relaunches. Have you become someone you’re not or let go of parts of who you are to fit in or please others? If so, the reclamation process begins here.

Makeover your future!

You begin the month with ruler Mercury still retro in your sign right up until the 22nd. And smart Geminis (is there any other kind?!) know that you have three weeks of Mercury retro lite to follow until it clears retroshadow. Put all plans on hold except those makeover ones. Use this time to continue to refine you. In terms of every possible facet of who you are. More on this shortly.

Venus leaves your sign on the 2nd and lands in its ruling 2nd in your chart. Bringing you the most stunning alignment with Jupiter in your status sector the following day. Despite your ruler still backwards, this is one of the best alignments of the year for you for career matters or to consolidate any kind of long-term plan. The first week of the month is all about serious, power moves as Mars also in your 2nd opposes Pluto in your 8th. What you can achieve or acquire is also linked to who you believe you are and that self-image. Project one that is worthy of what you want to attract or achieve.

You are on the cusp of an important new beginning or major transformation. But this may take some time to emerge. Or you may not realise at the time just how pivotal a change you set in motion will turn out to be. This includes deciding to shake-up that image to better broadcast who you are. Like all good things, it may be hidden from view at first.

Just like high above our heads in the month of June – magic happens. Not just in one of the most creative and solution bearing aspects of the year as in that Venus/Jupiter trine or the Venus/Neptune trine on solstice day. But the migration of the Painted Lady butterflies. Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland. And then go full circle back to where they started.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are right for them. Or if not, they will continue onwards. So, they know what is right for them. Butterflies don’t suffer from existential angst or an identity crisis. But the life cycle of a butterfly is all about constant change and transformation. Your next big cycle of this begins with the new Moon in your 1st on the 10th. Which also triggers an Annular Solar Eclipse.

Hidden Dreams and Desires Point True North

What keeps tugging at you but you’ve told yourself that it isn’t realistic, sensible, practical or what would others think? Does it involve an idea you can’t let go of or even a way you’ve always wanted to dress or look? Have you been made to feel you need to give something up you love to do because you now have to get down to adulting? Or is that grown up voice in your head busy telling your inner child they need to act/think/dress age appropriate now? Or that this is it – make the best of what you’ve got because otherwise you’ll end up with nothing?

The dream you still want to pursue or that buried part of you could be wrapped up in this eclipse. Plot your reboot, relaunch, ultimate fab five fabulizing fearless makeover or simply reclaim those lost parts of who you are – and rebrand yourself with them. It doesn’t matter if you are not yet ready to reveal all this to the world. Projecting a little mystery is so you right now, Gemini. Believe me, you wear it well.

The shadow of this eclipse will directly cross the North Pole. Cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather!

Indulge your deepest desires

This month’s full Moon takes place in your ‘other’ money house – your 8th. This full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. Your 8th is also your house of things you share and are shared in turn with you. It’s also your house of desires and passion.

Yes, strawberries are wonderfully sensual and indulgent. But this full Moon wants you to look at where you are holding yourself back. What are you denying yourself? More passion? Not just in terms of a relationship but what you allow yourself to have in other areas too. Success? More money? Are you ‘settling’ for something because you have told yourself its probably all you can get? Or fear if you let something you know isn’t right go, you’ll end up with nothing at all?

If any of this has pushed a button, then its time under this full Moon to set a new set of expectations. And to feel the fear but no longer simply settle anyway. If you do, you’ll step free of restrictions with a new sense of self-worth. A lighter but stronger being in other words. Dare to be incredible now. Venus landing in your 3rd on the 27th adds creativity and allure to anything you say. This includes selling yourself when it comes to your ideas, message or even on a personal or professional level.

That change in how you see yourself or what you are willing to have simply adds to all you have to offer, Gemini. That’s how you change your reality up this June!

In a nutshell: Time to own or acknowledge what you really want, Gemini. Not just what other people tell you that you should. This goes hand-in-hand with owning who you are. The eclipse in your sign acts as the dressing room. Prepare to step back out and reveal the real you this June!



Good, good, good karmic vibrations!

Make the change to let love in

Happy birthday like no other, Cancer

Your birthday season begins early when Venus planet of all-out attraction and gorgeousification, invites you to indulge yourself and get creative about your image when it arrives in your sign on the 2nd. And the next day it aligns to newly arrived Jupiter in your 9th. Jupiter is not just in its ruling house but its ancient ruling sign. Making this not just one of the most beautiful, lucky and solution bearing aspects of the entire year – but of the past 12! Call this an early birthday gift. Look at what it is you want to attract (or who!), Cancer.

Love is in the air!

It’s a month which hands you a series of incredible, door opening, free flowing aspects in a series of trines. Venus will trine Neptune also in your 9th on the 21st – the day the Sun lands in your 1st. The 22nd a Grand Water Trine between Venus, your ruler the Moon in your 5th and Neptune bringing heaven-sent love, enhanced creativity or divine psychic insights while the Sun in your 1st will trine Jupiter on the 23rd – again, for the first time in 12 years.

Opportunities which open your heart and your world and literally take your breath away could be on offer. But first, understand that for us to have those, something has to change. We can’t just bolt that dream on to our existing life and things go on exactly the way they were before. It doesn’t work like that! For instance, say your deepest wish for the coming year is for that one special person. To have the relationship with that person you need to make room for them. Everything from closet space to that schedule. You have had to change things but what you receive in return is so much better.

Serving empowered change

If you want career success, you know you have to work longer hours or upskill to get that better job or promotion. And then you have to continue on that path. You have made a change to get a positive change. But change is always needed to get what we desire. If we are not prepared to do this, then we may get what we want – but not keep it. Or find deal breakers. Not always however.

Make or break – both ask for change and this is what you are doing this month leading up to the eclipse in your 12th at the time of the new Moon on the 10th. Prior to this we have Mars in your 1st opposing Pluto on the 5th, and then the Venus/Pluto opposition on the 23rd. And in between – a touch of magic high above our heads. And not just with those trines. But as above, so below as nature reflects what is happening in the heavens.

Fly high, butterfly

High above our heads in the month of June – magic happens. Not just this year of the birthday trines for you, but every year. It’s just solstice coincidence this is happening this year right when you are served so much potential. I’m talking about the migration of the Painted Lady butterflies.

Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland, in search of the perfect conditions to stay and to mate. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are right for them. Or if not they will continue onwards. So, think of this as a metaphor – they explore and go in search of the perfect place to attract love and what they want. And are willing to make the change to do this. A future setting meeting between Ceres and Uranus in its ruling 11th could send you off in search of a whole new world – or simply a goal on the 11th. And you won’t be afraid to leave behind the status quo to get it.

This occurs the day after a soul-defining eclipse in your 12th at the time of the new Moon on the 10th. Eclipses always conceal and if this occurs in your 12th, whether or not the eclipse is a total one – this isn’t, this will plunge you into darkness. Take it you have a blind spot now. The truth is hidden, the curtains drawn, it’s a total blackout. So, use caution, wait and try to avoid either jumping to conclusions or making big decisions if you are able to. Especially as you also have Mercury still retrograde in your 12th until the 22nd.

The truth is obscured but your intuition isn’t. Don’t ignore what you know deep down inside to be correct. No matter who is telling you that it’s wrong. Time will prove which one of you is right and here’s your hint: it’s your inner voice.

As a general role to remember: the shadow of this eclipse will directly cross the North Pole. Cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather!

Once in a lifetime

This is a birthday cycle like no other. In fact, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime packed with limitless potential one. Why? Because when the Sun arrives in your 1st it does so at the same time both Jupiter and Pisces are in your 9th house and their ruling sign of Pisces. This can only happen approximately once every 165 years! The Sun will of course, trine both planets as it moves through your first. Jupiter in its ruling sign and house is at its most generous, open-handed and lucky. Expect opportunities and solutions.

While the Sun’s alignment to Neptune brings enhanced creative and intuitive visions and the ability to see what stands in your way – and dissolve blocks and barriers to freedom effortlessly.

The Sun’s trine to Jupiter will also expose anything still lurking in the shadow of that eclipse. Think of Jupiter as acting like a searchlight seeking out the truth hidden within the mists. Your own cosmic lighthouse keeper guiding you towards clarity. Remember, sometimes the truth is hidden in plain sight.

It’s also a time of good karma. Especially when it comes to you and another as we build towards the full Moon in your 7th on the 24th. The day before this, we have Venus in your 1st opposes Pluto in here. One relationship may transform now or it could be your relationship status transforms. One person opposite you acts as a mirror. Or there is a mutual attraction taking place now as sometimes we mirror each other.

This full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. So, look to what duo, double act or duet ‘ripens’ under it! Or plant those seeds for something to ripen later this year.

So, imagine yourself entering a cycle of opportunity like no other as your new cycle starts, Cancer. Venus moves off into its ruling 2nd on the 27th. Does that vision need backing? Venus in here gets you appreciating what you already have at your disposal to leverage towards getting what you want. This includes your talents, abilities and skills. And the people who can help too. Your self-esteem will be in focus now and next month when the Sun exits your sign and follows.

Knowing you deserve having that dream come true and newer, better experiences, is your first step towards experiencing and having them. Don’t forget – if your dream is not coming true it’s because you need a bigger dream., Cancer.

In a nutshell: Welcome to your new cycle which has been 165 years in the making. Between now and ’22 prepare for a cycle of attraction like no other. Got some good karma credits? This birthday sees them paid in interest, Cancer!



Release the old to make way for the new

Play with the powers of fantasy, imagination and dreams

Explore the relationship between cause and effect

Just bear in mind you have a couple of aspects happening this month that may result in crossed wires or misunderstandings, Leo. These will be cleared up if they occur however. Most likely y the 22nd. It always helps to be mindful that this could occur however. That’s why this is a ‘forecast’. It’s just altering you that you may need an umbrella but it may not necessarily rain.

Now you know, you can begin your annual soul detox in preparation for your fresh cycle. But be mindful if any disconnects happen around friendships or contacts now. And if one name has jumped to mind, this connection may need extra attention or your friend may need some TLC now. Pay close attention as this month’s focus is on friends, networks, professional and personal contacts as opposed to partners and lovers.

Turn on, tune in – create

Your creative and intuitive abilities are enhanced this June. And with them you can bring about healing or create something with a touch of enchantment to it. The past may also feature as Venus lands in your 12th on the 2nd. It could return repackaged or offer you a second chance at something. Path and purpose will align this month via a series of opportunity creating trines which could see you effortlessly soar free of old blocks to progress.

Dates to note when this could occur are the 3rd which sees Venus trine Jupiter in your ‘other’ money house – your 8th, the 21st when Venus trines Neptune also in here and the 22nd when Venus trines not only Neptune but the Moon in its ruling 4th in your chart. For you however, the best day to embrace solutions and soul-empowered changes is the 23rd when ruler the Sun newly arrived in your 12th trines Jupiter. This is asking for the truth around what it is you truly desire. And that if you own it, and commit to it, the universe will work with you if you find the courage to step towards it and claim it.

Part of this courage will involve letting go of what no longer works for you. And facing up to that. Days to acknowledge this and to know this is part of that soul detox I was talking about fall between the 5th and the 11th. In fact, the 11th sees Mars arrive in your 1st handing you the confidence you need to tackle anything which you now see you have outgrown or simply holds you back.

The 5th could highlight this as Mars in your 12th opposes Pluto in your 6th. You may suddenly just ‘get’ the link between a particular person or situation and how you feel. Or perhaps even what someone has been subtly trying to say to you. Again, if there is someone in your circle who needs your support, the Annular Solar Eclipse at the time of the new Moon in your 11th could bring this into your consciousness if you have not seen the clues. When your ruler is covered up as it is in an eclipse, you are in the dark. This eclipse delivers that ‘Ring of Fire’ effect which I always say is the flash of insight which leads us to the truth. Hold on to this now.

This could equally deliver the insight that the old resonance you used to share with someone is no longer there. Or even the that aligned you to a group, party, association or movement. Just understand this is part of that soul detox if so.

As you are ruled by the Sun, major solar/lunar events effect you more than other signs. Except of course for those Cancerians next door who are ruled by the Moon. The 11th sees your ruler the Sun meet retroactive Mercury – so we can say Mercury is also in the shadow of this eclipse. So, the thought or insight you may have now may not be a new one. It may have occurred to you before this. If so, this is asking you to now pay it some serious attention between now and when Mercury heads direct again on the 22nd.

Flying free

High above our heads in the month of June – magic happens. Not just this year with those solution carrying tries, but every year. This year it is however a metaphor for what is happening with you, Leo. Your willingness to enter the process of releasing that which holds you back. Including painful memories, self-sabotaging behaviours, situations which no longer serve, and energy vampires. This is the migration of the Painted Lady butterflies.

Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland in search of the perfect ‘home’ or place to mate. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are right for them. Or if not, they will continue onwards. Searching for what is. So, hold up the past and see if it still measures up. If so, keep it. If not, move on lighter and towards what is now perfect for you.

You know what this is deep down, Leo so don’t ignore those inner whispers. The meeting between Ceres and Uranus in your 10th on the day after the eclipse is all about this. Yes, this month is about the people you know and being part of a wider circle. But it’s also about you knowing what is right for you – just like those butterflies. Sometimes knowing what is right for you and sticking to that is the way to get a win/win strangely enough.

Generally, because the shadow of this month’s eclipse will directly cross the North Pole and this IS your ruler, you need to take extra precautions travelling. Because retro Mercury is caught in it, In the wider world, cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. So, allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather!

Back to love

Jupiter will be heading back towards your 7th of partnerships when it turns retrograde on the 20th. So, really you need to see the process as not just a soul detox but it having the additional benefit of freeing you up for a bigger love experience for the rest of the year. Now the Sun is in your 12th from Solstice Day, you will fully embrace that cleansing process. Ridding yourself of anything you no longer need. Including negative beliefs.

You will have more fearless fire in confronting your own ideas and what limits you than usual now. This isn’t just due to Mars in your sign but also the full Moon which appears in your 6th on the 24th. Full Moons always reflect their light back into the house opposite to which they are in. And this is of course, the light of your ruler. The Moon is in your house of your day job (paid or unpaid), study, habits, routine, wellbeing, health, diet, exercise (or lack thereof).

This full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. So, think a new focus not just on your five a day but on that diet and daily habits. If you decide to change these under this full Moon, you have a better than usual chance of making them permanent.

Looking at what ‘eats’ your life could also form part of this. That Nefflix addiction. Time spent looking at your social media feed. Not supporting your body with the right foods. That dead-end job you tell yourself is ‘okay’. That narky connection who subtly or not so subtly puts you down but you write off with excuses its ‘just their way’. Suddenly you may see there are no excuses. And that your time and energy is too precious to be consumed by them.

Act on these changes and send a statement to the universe that you are ready for something better as Venus arrives in your sin on the 27th. If you have been procrastinating over tackling an important issue. The crackling high tensile aspect on the 30th electrifies you into taking action without worrying about what others may think. Again, sometimes going with your truth and doing right by you is the only way forward. Next month brings one of the most personally powerful alignments for attraction of 2020. Think of this as detoxing to clear the way for that, Leo.

In a nutshell: get ready for a soul detox process that sees you release situations, old hurts, thoughts and even people who simply no longer do you any good, Leo. If you couldn’t see the link before, this June offers an expose which sends you back towards real love again.



Work in tandem towards fulfilling that potential

Wear your heart on your sleeve and dress for love success!

Set your intentions in the right direction

We’re still in big mutable weather this month, Virgo. So please – check your chart factors. Big benefits Jupiter remains at an early degree of Pisces and your 7th. This is going to be all about duos, double acts and duets. One of your best cycles for higher love and working with someone towards your highest potential that you have experienced not just in 12 years. Especially if you have early Virgo factors. But for all Virgos in 165 years.

Now I have your attention, wear your heart on your sleeve and your eyes on the future and how you want to design this. Yes, this includes your relationship future. But also want you want to have, achieve and experience. As well as your 7th and 10th houses being illuminated due to this mutable weather, we also have planets moving into your 11th of friends, goals and future possibilities. Starting with Venus on the 2nd which then trines Jupiter on the 3rd.

The future turns on who you know

Mars in here will oppose Pluto in your 8th on the 5th while Venus will do the same on the 23rd. Powerful new connections could appear but also, you may discover one no longer holds that resonance it once did. You may let it go as a result. As you may also see your goal focus change and shift too. Again, this is all about your highest potential wanting to be expressed in a way that is right for you.

This all adds up to freedom at the end of the day. Uranus rules your 11th but presently sits in your 9th as well you know – Jupiter’s ruling house and therefore, your house of freedom. Watch what happens around the 11th. This is an important day and you’ll see why as you read on as it involves your ruler and those mutable factors. Uranus and Ceres meet in the fixed sign of Taurus on this day telling you that nothing is set in stone. Be ready to change direction if need be. And if something propels you out of the predictable – or what you thought would not change, then know it is designed with what you need in mind. Which is way different to what you want.

Let’s also talk about your highest calling, Virgo. Your true path which may be different from what society defines as worldly success. Success your way in other words. And how to tap into and discover this if you are unsure. That’s what’s on offer this June. So, release yourself into your highest potential. (This includes that love potential too!).

Start your engines

Ruler Mercury will remain retro in its other ruling sign of Gemini until the 22nd. This adds to that mutable factor. This is your status sector but it’s not just backwards facing Mercury which has you looking at re-writing that success story and how high you can fly now – but on your terms. We have the Sun in here until Solstice day, the North Node and on the 10th the new Moon in your 10th triggers an eclipse.

This is all about delving deep into your path. The one you have taken and where it has brought you. Eclipses conceal as you know. Pay attention to any undercurrents in your present job. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse. Yes, that ‘ring of fire’ effect which gives us a flash of insight which is gone just as fast. But it contains the truth. If you receive this now – hang on to it.

Your ruler is caught up in the shadow of this eclipse as the following day the Sun meets it in here. So, you may be given an edited version of what is really going on. Need help getting to the truth even if you’re scared of what it is? Help is on its way in the form of Mars in your 12th the same day.

But we also need to look at that 165-year factor. Just what is this and how does it relate to you? Exactly. It’s all about relating. Neptune takes 165 years to orbit the Sun. So, that’s how long it’s been since it last paid your 7th house a visit. Jupiter lands in here once every 12 years. But again, these two can only ever be in here at the same time approximately once every 165-year cycle. Sure, Jupiter has just ventured a short way in here this visit. It turns back towards your 6th on the 20th. But the good news is that when it returns to your 7th at the end of 2021, Neptune is still in here and these two will make a historic meeting in 2022.

Move up towards a higher destiny

This month offers a real preview of your love or partnership karma that is ahead. Starting with the trine between Venus in your house of the future and Jupiter on the 3rd. Jupiter is of course, in Venus’s ruling house. Look at who or what partnership dynamic past, present or future, is in focus now. Especially as karmic love connections get triggered by the Venus/Neptune trine on the 21st.

Just like high above our heads in the month of June – karmic love magic happens. I’m not just talking of the trines – of which June delivers four major ones including a Grand Water Trine. But the migration of the Painted Lady butterflies. Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland, in search of the perfect ‘home’ or place to mate. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are right for them. Or if not they will continue onwards. So, they too are propelled by their karmic path or destiny in search of love. Or are willing to move on to find it. But knowing they will if they do.

So, as the shadow of the new Moon eclipse will directly cross the North Pole AND hits your ruler, you could find yourself directly impacted by issues related to climate change if travelling. On a deeper, global scale, the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Watch the media as there may be more in the news about this. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. You know the Mercury retro rules backwards Virgo. If travelling, allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather!

The Sun’s arrival in your 11th awakens your warrior spirit when it comes to those goals. And once your ruler Mercury is direct, you’ll be ready with an action plan too. Above all, proactively seek out opportunities and people who can help you. Put yourself out there and its not just your heart you need to wear on your sleeve but your dreams, wishes and ambitions too.

The Grand Water Trine of the 22nd links Venus, Neptune and the Moon in your 3rd. Someone you hear from or connect with now could be central to that wish fulfilment. The final week of June is all about attraction. Hone your desire like a laser beam and focus it on your most vivid and heart-starting wish. Love? A work or study opportunity? That business idea? The adventure of a lifetime? The 23rds sees the Sun align to Jupiter in the month’s best trine. Someone could just make that wish reality. With a little hands-on destiny driving from you. So, take the wheel now and steer in the direction of those dreams.

Venus in your 11th opposes Pluto in your 5th adding to the intensity. Transformations could occur around romance, children or even what you do that makes you shine. Creating, performing, holidays and pleasure may form part of this for you as this month’s full Moon appears in your 5th on the 24th. This full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. It’s a fruit associated with indulgence and the ‘sweet’ things of life.

This is a fabulous full Moon for date night or to just allow yourself to do whatever it is that you love to do irrespective of whether you are partnered up or not.

Look closely at what this is if so. Is this the path towards love you should take as in what you love to do? Sometimes our passions are merely our purpose in disguise. Examine the path now both Jupiter and Neptune are backwards in your 7th and Venus moves into your 12th on the 27th. Next month will hand you extra path defining intention. For now, trust that once in 165 year direction is the right one for you, Virgo.

In a nutshell: You’ve been given a sneak preview of what 2022 may hold for you, Virgo. Now, tweak that vision. Past, present and potential partnerships feature. As does who you know or meet now.



Explore how far an idea can take you

Prepare for soul-igniting freedom

Not just someday – today, Libra!

Soul irrigating solutions which sweep away blockages just like a fresh, summer tide could be flowing your way this June, Libra. All thanks to your ruler Venus of course working closely with Jupiter now in your 6th of practical, everyday magic.

Venus enters your 10th on the 2nd. This is all about aiming higher but in a way which supports you as opposed to just success for its own sake. You know there’s a huge difference between the two, Libra.

Fall in love everyday

If this requires you looking back and making adjustments, don’t be afraid to do so. The 3rd brings the first of a series of truly awakening trines designed to help you create the life you can fall in love with and wake up to with joy – each and every day. Venus trines Jupiter on this day. One of the best transits of the year for all of us. But especially for you as this involves your ruler. Venus will also trine Neptune on the 21st – solstice day and the day the Sun joins Venus in your 10th.

The 22nd will bring a Grand Water Trine involving Venus, the Moon in Venus’s ruling 2nd and Neptune. The Sun will also trine Jupiter on the 23rd – the day Venus opposes Pluto in your 4th of security, home and supportive pathways. What does this all add up to, Libra?

A better job, a more authentic path for you to pursue, a healthier lifestyle, an energising work/life balance, more energy. Ditching habits that hold you back. More time for what you love to do as opposed to what you have to do. A better way of working, doing what matters and yes, being rewarded for that. Something may begin to emerge at the time of the Venus/Jupiter trine and then finalise or manifest in magnificent, satisfying form on or around the 23rd when the Sun trines Jupiter. So watch these dates.

Keep your cool around the 5th however and remain the boss of your responses. Mars also in your 10th will oppose Pluto in your 4th on this day. Do not get into disagreements with superiors or anyone in a position of influence or authority. Tap into your talent for diplomacy and if necessary, withdraw. You do not have to have the last word. Later this month on the 23rd, the Venus/Pluto opposition will hand you a better way of dealing with this.

Explore a hidden path to freedom

Yes, you have solutions and opportunities to hand this month. But you may have to either wait for them to manifest or else they may ask you to go down a previously unexplored path. Right up until the 21st when the Sun crosses into your 10th, Jupiter’s ruling 9th remains the point of focus for you. This is your house of long-distance travel, foreign affairs, academic study, philosophy, the law, mass media, sports, the outdoors, big dreams and large animals – bigger than a sheep and especially horses.

Mercury remains retrograde in here until the 22nd and you also have the North Node in here. Taking you back 19 years to themes that were beginning then. Due to the Mercury retrograde and the eclipse in here on the 10th, you need to exercise all due caution if you are travelling now. For some of us, things are opening up again. But this is all happening in a mutable sign which tells you things can change.

Ideas have hidden powers

The new Moon in your 9th is always about seeing how far one of your ideas can take you. It’s a time of launching, exploring and mining the stratosphere of possibilities that circulate in your head. But due to this new Moon being wrapped in an eclipse, and Mercury being retrograde and caught up in the shadow of it (the Sun and Mercury in fact meet the next day), it’s the time to refine, review and lab test that plan rather than werk it right now.

Also, disinformation and deep fake rule now. So, you need to fact check or adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach to anything you hear or are told under this eclipse. Look beyond the obvious in fact. Up to that stratosphere where there’s more going on than meets the eye.

Take a look and broaden your vision as another kind of journey is taking place high above our heads in the month of June. It also brings a touch of everyday magic and involves long journeys and the natural world – all 9th house issues. This is the migration of the Painted Lady butterflies. Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland, in search of the perfect ‘home’ or place to mate. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are just right for them. Or if not, they will continue onwards. So, they have a destination in mind, but they are prepared to keep going, exploring and adventuring, depending on their needs and what they find.

So, with this eclipse, be prepared to change course if necessary, depending on what you hear or discover. Remember, eclipses are neither good nor bad. Because this eclipse is in Jupiter’s house, this tells you that what you want or are seeking, may be hidden right in front of you. This is an annular solar eclipse, the kind that produces that ‘ring of fire’ effect. So, we get a flash of insight. Your may be to look closer at what you have in the here and now. If you get a flash around this, wait as there is more to be revealed.

In the big wide world out there, as well as Mercury, the shadow of this eclipse will directly cross the North Pole. Cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather!

Technology, your car, appliances etc may be prone to breakdowns. Remember the rule – unless something is broken beyond repair, don’t buy any of these until Mercury is direct once more and certainly not under this eclipse!

Set that value system

Is time something you value? What about your energy, wellbeing, the value you bring to what you do? In the wake of this eclipse what you are or aren’t prepared to sacrifice or sell out over could just see your life spin out in a new and unexpected direction thanks to new deal Ceres and visionary Uranus collide in your 8th the day after the eclipse. This day also sees Mars leave your 10th and head on into Uranus’s 11th house. So, think freedom, new goals, fresh visions and worlds to be conquered But via having fun, feeling empowered, allowing yourself to shine and with a touch of charisma nobody can miss!

Exciting new people may cross your path now. So what about the love I hear all those single Librans ask? Venus follows Mars in here from the 27th. Next month brings the star-struck meeting between these two. Also, Chiron remains in your 7th. So, while we might usually be saying this is about shared passions with friends, Chiron says all bets are off now. Powerful, influential or radically different friends may feature and what starts as a friendship could turn into more. Or who you know or meet provides that key introduction. Whatever your goal now be it personal or professional, who you know could well hold the key. Circulate, Libra!

If you’ve been deferring projects and plans, then Mercury’s move forward from the 22nd gives you an amber light to move forward. Just remember, it will take another three weeks to fully clear its retroshadow phase. So, you can launch or move forward now, but know there could still be refinements or delays.

This month’s full Moon takes place in the Moon’s ruling 4th on the 24th. The day after Venus in your 10th opposes Pluto in here. This is a challenge and asking you to rise to the occasion. Perhaps by seeing success to terms of sticking to those values and not selling out in the pursuit of status or ‘stuff’. This full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. So, something you have been working towards for some time could literally be ripe now. Visualise the card of the 7 of Pentacles in the Tarot to tune in to more insights around this.

With Jupiter and Neptune both in reverse in your 6th keep focused on your daily routine and the small tasks you can undertake that result in a big difference when you add them all up. Focus on where you spend your day especially if you are now in permanent hybrid working. Ensure your space is energizing. It doesn’t have to be Marie Kondo minimalist, But it does have to feel free flowing, spark energy and be free to distractions like those dirty dishes or piles of unopened bills!

Venus’s arrival in your 11th from the 27th is as good a reason as any to get this done. Then you are free to explore exciting connections old and new and focus on your goals. Bear in mind next month sees Venus and Mars meet in here, igniting daring and passion. Plus, Jupiter is heading back into your 5th of romance and creative self-expression. Just call this month your preview, Libra with the best yet to be revealed.

In a nutshell: It could be an idea you dismissed has over-looked potential, Libra, If so, revive it now. June shows you there’s more to be experienced or explored than you realised. Hidden in plain sight in that everyday life.



Feel the flow!

Step into something bigger

Soul freedom calls – how will you answer?

If there’s a bright centre to the universe – you’re it this month, Scorpio. Yes, everything may seem to gravitate to where you are and revolve around you. It’s a month where water signs – you, Pisces and Cancer, own that mojo between you. Other signs can only look on and gasp in envy.

Now, I’m not saying you get everything flowing your way. Just that for 99.9% of the time it should right now. The other 0.1%? I’ll deal with that for you shortly.

Double your pleasure, double your fun? This month offers choices. Two possible paths or even two loves. Just ensure you don’t feel pulled in two directions. Now, this could be a choice between say needing to spend more time on something you love right when you meet that potential new lover. It doesn’t have to be between two people. But it could. After ages spend in a love Sahara you suddenly find yourself in multiple oasis territory for instance. If so, lucky you. Just know if you do feel the pull between two competing paths, situation or yes, even people, you do have the ability to find that middle ground and a win/win. Especially around the 11th when brilliant solutions are on hand.

First, Venus lands in your 9th of travel, learning, foreign affairs of all kinds, expansion, luck, the law, publishing, the mass media and the outdoors on the 2nd. Even if like so many of us, you are still not travelling far right now, expect your world to open up in some way. You’ll be feeling more extrovert, alive and expansive than usual now. Willing to seek out something new and also to take a chance. This is the start of big 9th house action which takes you on into July . It’s important to push yourself out there, leave your comfort zone and dare to try something to engage this energy fully.

Above all, it’s time to be noticed, to radiate and attract. Venus trines Jupiter in your 5th in one of the most magnetic, lucky and free-flowing trines of the year on the 3rd. This June is the month of the trines. This is the first. You have three more all across your 5th, 9th and yes – your sign too. Emotional satisfaction, love, pleasure and deep yearnings are answered now.

What lies beneath

Both your rulers old and new as well as an eclipse in your 8th on the 10th, are responsible for any break in that mojo flow. At least up until the 23rd. The 5th represents a clash between the old and the new and could see news arrive which pulls you in two directions or puts you in the position of the Hanged Man or 8 of Swords in the Tarot. In other words, you are in limbo and/or not sure how to move on this one.

Mars opposes Pluto in your 3rd from your 9th. This may also come as an interruption. A snafu or reversal just when things were flowing so nicely! You can look to two dates when the way forward or solutions are available for you around this. Especially if this involves a partnership, working relationship or any kind of duo, double act or duet.

The 10th hands us an Annular Solar Eclipse on the day of the new Moon in your 8th. This eclipse style is the one which produces that ‘ring of fire’ effect we see in many photos. As you know, we are in the dark under an eclipse. We have a blind spot. A total eclipse means a blackout. A partial one, we don’t have the big picture. An Annular one like this – we get a flash of insight. Then it’s gone.

So, hold that thought and then watch and wait, Scorpio. More will be revealed to you from the 23rd when Venus in your 9th opposes ruler Pluto. And you experience one of the luckiest and most desire-realising angles of the year between the Sun and Jupiter on the same day. This eclipse catches retro Mercury within its shadow. So, this could involve something returning you thought you had dealt with.

Above all, avoid confrontations now. Especially as your ancient ruler Mars crosses into your 10th of career and status the next day. You are poised on the brink of breakthroughs which are scheduled to happen next month, Scorpio. It’s important you come across as someone in control of their own path. And their emotions. Take the higher ground and understand that sometimes withdrawing or saying nothing is your winning move.

Fly with the Trines!

That’s the 0.1% you need to be aware of. So, now we have that done and dusted and you fully prepped. Prepare to fly with a series of trines that ignite opportunity, solutions and freedom!

What happens above us in the heavens is always reflected down here on earth. That’s why we say: As Above, So Below. High above our heads in the month of June – magic happens as thousands of Painted Lady butterflies make their annual migration. Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland, in search of the right opportunity, conditions and climate to mate. They are willing to go as far as they need to find this. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are right for them. Or if not, they will continue onwards. So, they too are exploring and adventuring and ready to stop or carry on in the moment, depending on their needs and what they find.

You have your 9th lit up now and fully illuminated from Solstice Day when the Sun arrives in here. You need to keep this in mind when it comes to travel or those big plans. Yes, expansion and movement even on an inner level is your key. But you also have Mercury and the shadow of eclipse crossing the North Pole. Cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather!

Higher love, being drawn towards somewhere or something you love – not just a person but a place, belief, idea, experience, is a possibility as new doors to experience open with the Venus/Neptune trine on the 21st – the day the Sun arrives in your 9th. The 22nd sees the Moon in your 1st trine both Venus and Neptune. Even if you are staying home, you could find yourself exploring new dimensions, dreams and possibilities via creativity, belief systems, fantasy and the realm of pure imagination. Dream up something bigger for yourself. And know if you can dream it – you can experience it on some level for real.

What is possibly the best door opening transit of the year for you will occur on the 23rd when the Sun in your 9th trines now retrograde Jupiter in your 5th. This means in your personal chart, these two are in one another’s ruling houses (mutual reception by house). So, think of this as super-sizing the potential for you. As the Sun moves through here it is going to trine first Jupiter and then Neptune next month. Something that has not occurred in 165 years! Lost opportunities and second chances may also feature if you are willing to take the risk.

Because the theme of this month is freedom, This month’s news-bearing full Moon of the 24th promises just that. This occurs the day after Venus in your 9th opposes ruler Pluto also in your 3rd where this full Moon appears. News, an idea or even something you see, read or are told via the internet for instance, breaks you out and takes you up, up and away now from a situation which has been holding you back.

If you have bene worrying or thinking this cannot happen, the solution could turn out to be effortless after all. This full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. Strawberries give us a taste of the sweet life. And it could be that idea or what you hear results in life looking sweet once more.

For many of you, this could simply be the result of you being willing to take that chance and throw your hat into the ring. If so, around the time of this full Moon you could find success tastes sweet indeed. The end of the month sees Neptune head backwards in your 5th. Love gets a reality check especially as Venus moves into your 10th the following day asking you to get serious about what you want. And also, to showcase yourself for success. You should now be confident in your ability to get results or at the very least, to attract new potentials in love or opportunities, Scorpio. Continue with living up to your 99.9% potential on into July!

In a nutshell: A series of high-flying, once in a lifetime aspects are heaven sent and could send you soaring, Scorpio. What you radiate you attract back in kind. And stars are just designed to do one thing – shine!



Duos, duets, double acts of all kinds add spice

What’s someone really saying?

Get ready to rock!

With the South Node in your sign plus the Sun, retro Mercury, the North Node and an eclipse in your 7th plus ruler Jupiter in your 4th all this adds up to a big, fat mutable mash-up this June, Sag. What’s it serving up? Answer: change.

Changes begin with the small stuff. How are those habits? What about those resources too? And what will you or won’t you compromise on or over? You are about to take a magnifying glass to these areas now. Peering deeper into them than you ever have before and understanding what really matters. Especially around the 10-11th when we have an eclipse in your partnership sector (10th) and a deal-making or breaking meeting between Ceres and Uranus in your 6th (11th). Yes, you will be willing to compromise. But not if it’s at the expense of what you value the most. Freedom and wellbeing being at the top of that list.

Love talks so listen in

The build-up in your 7th of past, present and potential partners, double acts, duos and duets asks you to pay extra attention to what your opposite number is saying. Especially around the 10th and the day of the new Moon and the annular solar eclipse in here. Now remember, that we use more than words to communicate. There’s non-verbal communication and the facts that actions or inaction, often speak louder than words. Sub-text rules under an eclipse in here as eclipses conceal and you have retrograde Mercury caught up in the shadow of this eclipse. And Mercury rules communication.

So, even if you ask, you may not receive all the facts now. There may be many reasons for this and this could just as easily come from a place of good intentions rather than the opposite of that. This applies to that business relationship, that bestie just as much as it can your spouse or long-term love. Look deeper at what they are saying and listen to what this is on every level.

If misunderstandings occur at this time, try to step back and look at whether what you have said could have been misinterpreted. This is not a good eclipse under which to undertake a serious conversation via any medium that can be interpreted ambiguously. So, think texting, Whatsapp, email etc. In fact, you are advised to put off important discussions until at least after the 22nd when Mercury will have moved direct and the shadow of this eclipse has passed.

I should also not need to remind you that entering into a new relationship around this time is not a good idea. There is likely to be something about that new boo you don’t know – and later wish you did. That deal-breaking ‘It’s complicated’ for instance. If someone does appear, take it extremely slowly.

Live the journey but know the destination

Is love a journey for you? Often this is a metaphor we use. It’s an adventure we undertake but we do need to have some idea of where we want to get to eventually. There’s a big one happening high above our heads in the month of June. A pilgrimage with a touch of magic. The migration of the Painted Lady butterflies. Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland, in search of the perfect ‘home’ or place to mate. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are right for them. Or if not, they will continue onwards. So, love is a journey to explore but they know what’s right when they find it. So, the personal message of this eclipse is to see relationships as a journey. But also to know where you want to get to in the end. And not to be afraid to head out alone if the one you’re with has a different destination in mind.

The shadow of this eclipse will directly cross the North Pole. So, collectively for the planet, Cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather!

Get ready to rock da house!

Ruler Jupiter is in your 4th of home, living arrangements, security and owning your own direction along with Neptune. Your 4th is fellow mutable sign of Pisces and both rule this sign. It’s al a bit special as it’s been 165 years since both planets were rooming together in here. So, think extra big, extra depth defying benefits on offer. Especially next year when Jupiter and Neptune meet in here.

Jupiter turns back towards your 3rd from the 20th while Neptune follows on the 25th. Start to think about what you file under ‘Like’ as opposed to ‘Love’. Do you ‘like’ where you live or your job for instance? You’re being prepped for that upgrade in 2022 from like to love. Think about what that entails.

The start of the month sees Venus enter your 8th and trine Jupiter on the 3rd. You also have Mars in here oppose Pluto on the 5th. What are we talking about? Empowered change now, Sag. For some of you, remain sensitive to undercurrents in your workplace now up to and just after the eclipse. But what this all adds up to is the start of a major transformation cycle which brings you something better. For the long term.

You have a series of trines this month which are designed for empowerment and may even deliver financial improvements for many of you as your 8th is your ‘other’ money house. Jupiter always wants to expand. Because this is your house of empowerment – playing by someone else’s rules will no longer be an option for you. Unless you and they are in agreement about those rules. Creating your own playbook may be part of this as in saying goodbye to what you may have been convincing yourself that you ‘like’ – and opting for something more fulfilling and passion igniting instead.

You will actively pursue this from the 11th when Mars enters your 9th. You’re serving sexy, devil-may-care confidence now. With extrovert, show-stopping style. Handing you daring, confidence and seeing you expressing your fierce, signature extrovert style. Combined with what’s happening in your 8th now, this is your rockstar cycle.

The second trine of the times between Venus and Neptune on the 21st has you hooked in to new currents of creative inspiration you can utilize Do not drift or you will waste this. Just like knowing the destination for that love journey, you need to focus all this on the outcome you want to achieve. This is solstice day – when the Sun ignites your 8th. It’s that time of the year where you go deep into the mysteries, Sag. When you simply aren’t interested in anything superficial. Or anyone for that matter.

Your 8th is also your sector of sharing and yes, sex. Sure, other astrologers don’t like to go there or skim this over, but as I said, you’re not interested in superficial explanations. The Rockstar in you is looking for meaning and depth. So, this can be a time where you go deeper into a joint partnership. And as this is your ‘other’ money house, this can just as easily be a business or financial one as it can be the passionate, sexual kind. What matters to you is the intent – and intensity you and the other party bring.

The Grand Water Trine of the 22nd links Venus in here with Neptune in your 4th and the Moon in your 12th. Don’t be surprised if what is going on is something you want to keep just between you and the other party for now. The best trine of the month is the one between the Sun and ruler Jupiter on the 23rd. This could literally hand you the key to something lasting for your future.

Access to more resources, assistance or backing, a beneficial shift around how you handle your money, time or talents, that major move. This month’s full Moon in your 2nd on the 24th, marks the point where you can make it. Or get it, Sag. Especially as it occurs the day after the Venus/Pluto opposition. Pluto being in Venus’s ruling house. This full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. Look to what financial or soul-satisfying event, comes to fruition around now. Something could just ripen ready to be picked!

Venus moves on into your 9th on the 27th. You’ve gone from Rockstar playing stadiums to now Rockstar on tour. The energy of the 9th is where you are most comfortable. Events and people are going to open your mind and your horizons. Luck is once again working for you. June should have seen you establish something thanks to Jupiter. Now use this as your launchpad. And prepare to rock on into July!

In a nutshell: Love is talking but you need to pay attention to the sub-text. Especially under this month’s eclipse in your partnership zone, Sag. While ruler Jupiter powers you up to make that big, bold statement move!



Shake up that status quo

Bring love into focus

Practice extreme self-care

Look beyond the obvious this June, Capricorn. Especially if something happens to turn your world or simply your plans, upside down. And give them a good shake to boot. Because if something doesn’t go exactly to plan, it could be because the universe simply has a better one in mind for you. And what is more, if that’s the case you won’t have to wait too long to discover what this is.

Before I get to the frankly miraculous movements across your news and partnership sector, let’s look at the unexpected. Uranus rules this of course. It works with the element of surprise. Sometimes upending our plans and turning our world upside down in the process. But there’s always a plan behind the random twists Uranus produces. That’s for us to gain our freedom on some level. So, bear this in mind this month. Especially in the middle and at the end of the month.

This could involve a lover, your children if you have them, your adult children or even a creative project. The 11th sees Uranus and Ceres meet in your 5th. While the 30th has Uranus form a tense T-Square between ruler Saturn in your 2nd and Mars in your 8th. Hang on to that value system and don’t compromise if you know it simply isn’t right. If you have been ignoring something for far too long, maybe just letting it slide, then this will show you that you simply cannot afford to do this any longer. Prepare to stand your ground if so.

You also have two major oppositions occurring between Mars (5th) and Venus (23rd) in your partnership sector, and Pluto in your 1st. Again, if you have been avoiding something, these key dates could make them unavoidable. Don’t let things drag on however. Uranus in the mix here means that if we don’t deal with things, sooner or later the universe steps in and deals with it on our behalf. Usually in a way that is a big wake-up call. This month hands you massive servings of midsummer magic. So, don’t allow lack of attention or cruise control to mess with this, Cappy. And again, look beyond the obvious and go beyond your usual reaction too.

Practice Extreme Self-Care

June is all about the love for you, Capricorn. Or the future of a partnership. Venus arrives in its ruling 7th on the 2nd. And then trines Jupiter in your 3rd on the 3rd. This could deliver news that’s simply too big to miss across a personal or even a professional relationship. Again, this could be unexpected but in this instance, oh so beneficial. We’ve a series of duo, duet or double act forming trines this month. This one being the first.

Before we get to the others, pay close attention to what happens around work or wellness around the 10th and ask yourself what self-care actually means for you? Yes, we know what Instagram images of this look like. But the reality may be very different indeed. That’s what the eclipse in your 6th on this day wants you to delve into.

This is an Annular Solar Eclipse – so one that produces that ‘ring of fire’ effect that we see in eclipse images. As you know, eclipses are a cover up, a blind spot in our lives or an act of concealment. Total eclipses mean we are utterly in the dark. An Annular eclipse means we get that glimpse of the truth. A flash of insight – but as this is fleeting, we may not give it the attention we should.

This occurs in your house of your day job (paid or unpaid), your health and wellbeing, study, diet, exercise, pets if you have them, habits good or bad, and your routine and daily responsibilities. Mercury is the natural ruler of this house and it is retrograde in here plus is caught up in the shadow of this eclipse. So, if that ‘flash’ you have echoes a thought you have had before around any of these areas, you need to pay close attention. And also understand that extreme self-care sometimes doesn’t look like candle-lit baths, but is actually doing the things we know we need to get done so we no longer worry about them.

Get a serving of Midsummer Love Magic

This simply realisation can be all you need to release yourself to take full advantage of the magical series of attraction-in-action trines that define this June. Jupiter heads backwards in your 3rd from the 20th and will land back in your money zone shortly and then spend the rest of the year in there. With Mars (11th) and then Venus (27th) in your 8th and ‘other’ money house, expect assets and resources to take on new meaning that goes beyond what money buys you or how much you earn. It’s all about how you handle it and how you experience it rather than actual amounts.

The 21st-22nd puts love and all kinds of twosomes into the spotlight. The Sun arrives in your 7th on Solstice Day (21st). This same day also brings you a beautiful trine between Venus in here and Neptune in your 3rd. High summer could simply translate to a higher love experience. Or the pursuit of it. The 22nd ripples with love and relating potential as Venus and Neptune now link to the Moon in your 11th. Look to your love expectations now. And having done the extreme self-care work around the time of the eclipse, know just what or who you need to support you.

If you have no partner at the moment, you are now in one of the best period of the year to attract a new potential partner or relationship experience. Especially when the Sun trines Jupiter on the 23rd. But the Venus/Pluto opposition is a reminder to know you are complete on your own and you don’t need anyone to complete you. You especially don’t need the wrong one. These trines can bring someone new into our orbit, but also along with that Uranus rollercoaster in your 5th, release you if something is no longer working.

Maybe to pursue the magic again. Because that’s what’s happening high above our heads in the month of June – magic. I’m not referring to those trines either although they are straight out of Disney sparkly. But the migration of the Painted Lady butterflies. Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland, in search of the perfect place to mate. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here, the conditions are just right for them. Or if not, they will continue onwards. So, they too are in search of the right experience, the right time for love and to weave a new chapter. If not, they fly on alone. But knowing that if they do, they will find what they are looking for.

So, use this as a metaphor this month. This applies to each and every one of us but in different ways as we are all on a bit of a quest right now. For you, this is about duos and double acts. For other signs, work with meaning and yet others, that perfect ‘place’ to build a life.

Butterflies use the earth’s magnetic field to navigate by. As do migrating birds and whales. The shadow of this month’s eclipse will directly cross the North Pole. Watch as cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather!

Who is in the spotlight now?

This month’s full Moon appears in your sign on the 24th. Remember that full Moons shine their light back into the house opposite to the one they are in. So, this will highlight one particular past, present or emerging relationship for you, Capricorn. As we head into July look closely at this connection be it with that love partner, that bff, that working relationship, activity partner, collaborator or even that empty position that’s highlighted. And ask yourself how this all fits in with your commitment to self-care.

Because if you can’t love yourself – well, we all know you can’t love somebody else. This full Moon is traditionally known as the Strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. So, new or potential love could be doing just that, a new working dynamic could be off to a flying start, a friendship forged or you just fly higher buoyed by that self-love promise to only commit to anything or anyone that truly supports and enhances who you are. You are complete already, Capricorn. Self-love is that realization.

In a nutshell: If you’ve been neglecting yourself lately, this month tells you to make self-care your priority. You’ll be glad you did, Cappy. It’s all about the love come midsummer. Try a little self-tenderness first.



New rules have a silver lining

Get relationship ready

Chart a course True North

Passion heats up later this June. They don’t call it ‘flaming June’ for nothing. Even if the weather disappoints, then Mars in your 7th from the 11th, tells you the heat is on when it comes to partnerships. With July set to be even hotter due to Venus arriving in here at the end of the month.

Ruler Uranus along with Ceres could see something suddenly work out you had given up on or else bring surprising news which opens up a fresh direction for you also on the 11th. This occurs in your 3rd which also rules the internet of course. As does Uranus as it also rules social media, connections and along with Mercury, ideas and means of conveying them. This is a good month to be putting yourself out there or searching for what you want. But you need a playbook this month – especially when it does come down to love, Aquarius.

Your Silver Linings Playbook for June

What has a silver lining? An Annular Solar Eclipse. It’s that ‘ring of fire’ image we see in so many eclipse photos. So, no matter what happens, you know there is a silver lining. You glimpse it. Then it’s gone. But the fact it was there gives you something to hold on to.

This eclipse occurs in your 5th which rules romance, children and creativity. For some of you, it could mark a landmark stage with your child or adult children. Becoming more independent, dating, preparing to leave home. Because eclipses conceal, stay tuned to your child’s behaviour or mood. If they are teenagers, there may be something more going on than just teenage angst. Don’t be a helicopter parent but do stay observant.

If you do not want to become a parent at this time, then your playbook says take extra precautions. This eclipse catches Mercury retrograde in here and also Neptune in your money zone. Spending money on expensive items or something that appears to be a ‘bargain’ could see you falling out of love with it later. Talking of which, romance needs a cautious approach too. That playbook recommends taking it slow and getting to know the real person before risking that heart.

If you work with ideas or in a creative field, you may hit on an idea that has more potential than you realise at first. Nurture it in the laboratory of your imagination. If there is anything hidden within this eclipse, take it that it will be uncovered after the 23rd when Venus in your 6th opposes Pluto in your 12th. This is the day after Mercury finally heads direct again.

Fly high with the Trines

If the build up to the eclipse sees you or your boo feeling moody or overly-sensitive, then June tells you that this is just temporary. What’s more, it offers you a series of stunning trines that promise rewards, progress and also increased energy. Jupiter has briefly left your 1st to give your money zone a brief boost before heading back towards you once more from the 20th. This month however sees it involved in a series of stunning, solution bearing trines allowing you to cash in on Jupiter’s open- handed vibe.

The first arrives on the 3rd – the day after Venus enters your 6th. This could see rewards around work or that side hustle open up. Stay connected to your method and don’t waste those resources as Venus trines Neptune in your 2nd on the 21st. Don’t forget Neptune and Jupiter sit in Venus’s ruling house in your chart.

I spoke with your Capricorn neighbours about the need to practice self-care this month. And this also applies to you, Aquarius. The Sun lands in your 6th of ultimate wellbeing and that day job on Solstice Day. The same day as that Venus/Neptune trine is telling you to take care of business and that little things mean a lot. Like your habits, diet, routine for instance. Are these based on self-care or checking out and over-indulgence which actually have the opposite effect to the one you want?

Running on empty could be an issue as well as lockdown languishing. Yes, that is a thing and yes, you are justified in feeling so meh, so drained, so uninspired and daunted at just the thought of trying to re-boot your life for the new normal. If this touches a nerve, the good news is that the Grand Water Trine of the 22nd which links Venus, Neptune and the Moon in your 10th offer solutions.

Ready to fly higher?

Sure, success should be self-defined. For some this is the corner office and all the perks. For others, it can be simply more freedom or working smarter, not harder. Whatever your success story looks like, a new chapter is opening this month with the trine between the Sun and Jupiter on the 23rd. The same day as the Venus/Pluto opposition promises a transformation around something which may have had you stuck for a while. Don’t forget – Mercury is now direct once more handing you a green light to go for it.

If you are seeking to return to the workplace or just seeking a better way of working, then this alignment between the Sun and Jupiter offers you one of the best opportunities to achieve just that.

Spread your wings because high above your head in the month of June – this is what is happening. I’m not just talking those trines. But the migration of the Painted Lady butterflies which is basically a metaphor for all that’s happening in our own lives (As Above, So Below at work!). Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland, in search of what they to succeed. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are right for them. Or if not, they will continue onwards. So, they too are in search of the right home but at the same time – exploring and adventuring and ready to stop or carry on in the moment, depending on their needs and what they find.

Are you heading to your True North?

Butterflies use the earth’s magnetic field to navigate by. As do migrating birds and whales. The shadow of this month’s eclipse will directly cross the North Pole. Watch as cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather! But when it comes to that success story – are you heading towards your idea of what this should be? Or trying to live up to someone else’s?

Expect revelations around the time of this month’s full ‘Strawberry’ Moon in your 12th on the 24th. This appears the day after the Venus/Pluto opposition and the day before Neptune turns retrograde in your 2nd. A change of course or direction could follow around anything to do with your job, routine, study or simply whether something is ‘worth it’ in terms of your time and energy – or not.

Ideas ripen and inspiration is ready to be picked – just like the strawberries this full Moon take its name from. Venus is on the move shortly afterwards into its ruling 7th on the 27th. That adding up whether something is your that long term investment or TLC will now extend to partnership matters too. Especially when ruler Uranus forms a now or never angle between ancient ruler Saturn in your 1st and Mars already in your 7th on the 30th. Love could take a surprising twist or else the universe simply decides it’s time for that love decision.

This could range from flying free like a butterfly to find someone new or else understanding you already have what’s perfect right where you are. That’s true north where success lives, Aquarius

In a nutshell: Love may experience interruptions this month but don’t worry. Normal transmission will resume by July. Look to what’s worth your continued investment in terms of time, love, money or energy. You’re worth it. But are you getting what you deserve in return?



Get ready for a good karma cash-in

Where will you be in ’22? This month offers a clue

Take a once in a 165 year opportunity to go after that dream

2021/2022 is your once in 165-year cycle, Pisces. So, what is happening now with both your rulers in your sign, will not happen again in your lifetime. That is how magical and special this is.

I’ve talked before how the world right now needs you, sweet you, Pisces. Your gifts of empathy, compassion, imagination, dreaming and fantasy. Think of it this way – every invention or breakthrough we have started out as a dream or ‘What if?’ in someone’s mind. Their imagination took them on a leap into a possible future. And then they took that one step further to see if they could make it real.

You can only have both your rulers ancient and modern in your 1st at the same time once every 165 years or so because that is how long it takes your modern-day ruler Neptune to orbit the Sun. We all know Jupiter pays you a visit once every 12 years. So you experience the benefits your ancient ruler as to offer many times during your lifetime. So, keep in mind just how rare and special this time is. And don’t waste it, Pisces.

You glorious, you!

It isn’t as simple as to say this cycle is all about you. But it is naturally. It’s all about your relationships too this month. That past, present and potential partner. It’s also about attraction due to a series of truly magnetic and desire-aligning trines. The first one at the start of the month. Venus in your 5th from the 2nd will trine Jupiter in your 1st on the 3rd. A long-sublimated goal or desire could be activated now thanks to Mars also in your 5th opposing Pluto in your 11th. Are you ready to embrace the empowerment and transformation having what you want can bring? Because it takes courage to claim what you want.

The vibe is ever-changing and mutable due to your rulers in your sign, the Sun, retro Mercury and North Node in your 4th as well as an eclipse on the 10th. And the South Node in your 10th. The eclipse occurs at the time of the new Moon. In what is the Moon’s ruling house. It also catches retro Mercury and your ruler Neptune in its shadow. So, take it that you may feel its effects more than usual. But the result – simply glorious.

No more lurking in the shadows for you. Sure, eclipses always involve a cover-up. But you are the one thing that needs to leave the shadows. So look to what may be keeping you there.

We’re in the dark and this could well involve something from your past. Maybe something you took on board but honestly has no bearing on who you are. Consider the source if so and take back your power. Or perhaps something has been feeling a little ‘off’ for some time. In fact, if anything just jumped to mind (or anyone), then it is likely to revolve around this. Especially if this touches on family, your home, property, landlord, tenants, buying, selling, leasing or your security. This is an Annular eclipse which gives us that ‘ring of fire’ vision we see in eclipse photos. So, we get a flash of the truth. Then it’s gone. Which is why it is so important to hold on to any ‘gut’ feelings you may have.

With Mercury retro in here until the 22nd, try to avoid property dealings until then. But if this cannot be helped, at least steer clear of the two days before and after the eclipse if you can. Above all, understand there are things you simply cannot control. Especially if this involves family members or people you live with. If something does not go to plan – especially if this involves real estate, don’t panic. There may be a reason behind a delay or basically major derailment, that you don’t know yet. But could breathe a sign of relief over later.

Again, look at what is holding you back from going after what you want. Especially if this involves the messages you received growing up about what was ‘expected’ of you. Or even criticism from past lovers. These have no place in your life anymore as deep healing allows you to radiate your true glory.

This month’s trines hook in to your two rulers for fabulizing effects. It’s not just about who you love, but how this June, Pisces. And what you make and create too. It’s time to be playful and engage with others with the openness of childlike wonder. That’s way different to being childish.

It’s not just your rulers allowing you to express yourself. But the planets in your 5th house. Especially the Sun which rules this house and arrives in here on the 21st – Solstice Day. The trines which form this month all involve one of your rulers in your 1st. Yes, that 165-year factor again. It’s all about the art of becoming and this can take a few lifetimes.

Butterfly Karma

High above our heads in the month of June – magic happens. No, I’m not just referring to those trines which ignite the magic of you, Pisces. But the migration of the Painted Lady butterflies. Each year at this time, clouds of these beautiful butterflies arrive. Their paper-delicate wings having brought them all the way here from Africa. And they continue on from here, up into the Arctic Circle – to Norway and Iceland, in search of the perfect ‘home’ or place to mate. And then they return.

This is a 12,000 km round trip and no single butterfly completes it. It takes several generations to head north and then back again. When they arrive here the conditions are right for them. Or if not they will continue onwards. But they always end up right where they are supposed to be. So, see this 165-year cycle as your butterfly karma. And you flying into a new cycle of attraction, inspiration and creativity.

Your keys dates are the 3rd – Venus trine Jupiter. The 21st – Venus trine Neptune; the Grand Water Trine of the 22nd – Venus trine Neptune trine the Moon in your 9th, and the 23rd – Sun in your 5th trine Jupiter in your 1st. The latter one being the best transit of the year for what you want to attract as the Sun is in its ruling house. Jupiter heads backwards towards your 12th from the 20th. Don’t worry, it will be back for a 165-year delivery of even bigger benefits in 2022! Neptune will also turn retrograde from the 25th.

As you know, your ruler spends almost half the year retrograde. It will not leave your sign unlike Jupiter however. But it will lift the veil and allow you to glimpse what shadows still lie between you and living your full, glorious potential.

Butterflies use the earth’s magnetic field to navigate by. As do migrating birds and whales. The shadow of this month’s eclipse will directly cross the North Pole. Watch as cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather! Head towards the light on your own personal journey, Pisces. Enough of the shadows. Especially if this involves living in someone else’s.

The shadow of this eclipse will directly cross the North Pole. Cover ups could occur around climate change and the effect this is having on the earth’s magnetic core and orbit. Again, this is related to those butterflies and their migration. If travelling, you really do need to allow extra time for delays, cancellations, detours or even the weather!

This month’s full Moon puts the focus on friends, connections and your goals, wishes and dreams. Ditching a goal simply because it sounds good could happen now as you realise it was just that. You didn’t actually want it. It was someone else’s dream not yours. Again, being on the fringe or in the shadows could feature. That take-charge friend for instance and how you always end up doing what they want. Never the other way around.

This full Moon can either deliver good times with like-minded souls, or show you just where the term ‘friend’ begins and end. It’s known as a strawberry Moon as this is the time when we would see them ripen – before air transport made them available year-round. While the Sun remains in your 5th its also a wonderful full Moon for romance or that date night.

Venus is on the move on the 27th so take that good times vibe and now apply it to that day job, your study, work or routine. The month is going to end with you seeing very clearly who or what holds you back or has been lived out as Mars opposes Saturn in your 12th and both square Uranus in your 3rd. Someone may surprise you with what they say or do. If so, take it you won’t be eclipsed by their shadow any longer. Others could see a new way of working opening up with this finalizing next month. It’s not just about shining when the trines happen or once every 165 years Pisces. July could just hand you the ability to do that every day.

In a nutshell: Do you know just how glorious you are, Pisces? This month’s once in a lifetime transits are designed to ensure you never take yourself for granted again. Just take it the world is ready for your special kind of magic. Are you ready to take it out there?















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