Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 2021

Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 2021
Get in touch with that secret desire!
Upgrade your ability to receive
Tear down barriers to freedom
Desire swirls around you at the time of the new ‘secret’ Supermoon on the 4th. This new Moon in particular is linked to rebirth and transformation as well as self-empowerment. We’ve an end to the Mercury retroshadow just two days before. There’s a call to move forward and also for change as the Sun and Moon oppose Uranus in your 2nd. This may simply be an inner change – valuing yourself more or taking those wants and needs more seriously. Or something may literally need to be changed. Possibly by you taking action. The thing is – you want the change to occur. It’s all part of the desire. Now’s your chance, Aries.
Mercury will enter your 8th on the 5th – the same day Venus moves into your 10th of career and status. That shift is going to have a big impact on your career path or how others see you now. Ruler Mars is also in your 8th throughout November. Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio and your 8th house. So, basically Mars loves your 8th. It hands you passion, determination and fearlessness. A fierce, irresistible magnetism and a desire to succeed at whatever you try.
The Force is with you all month long but especially on the 10th when Mars and Mercury meet in here. Sure, they square off against Saturn in your 11th. Why do we need squares? To push through barriers (usually internal) to our goals which in turn hands us a sense of achievement. Which we would not experience unless we did. Face down any insecurities and fears now and prepare to astound. A powerful shift propels your future onto a fresh path. And you are the one who makes this happen, Aries!
So, let’s talk eclipses. The eclipse axis is shifting for ‘22 along with the Nodes (both are linked). The next Nodal/Eclipse axis is going to be across your 2nd/8th houses. Think money, possessions, income, assets, joint accounts, payouts, loans, mortgages, insurances, benefits, legacies, what you share with your spouse or live-in bae and what is shared in turn with you. If you have deep-rooted issues around self-worth or money in general – then these are going to be triggered under this cycle. As could rewards and receiving in line with your ideas on your general ‘worthiness’.
This cycle will be about long term money karma and even those family scripts around money. But again, Mars in your 8th gives you the confidence to deal with this. And also pursue what you are entitled to (including how you are treated by others). While Uranus in your 2nd has you refining and redefining those values in line with what really matters.
The eclipse of the 19th takes place in your 2nd at the time of the full Moon. This Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured and this is around the themes I have outlined above. This is therefore not a good period allowing for two days either side, for major financial decisions especially if they are motivated by your emotions or unprocessed and outdated financial scripts you may unwittingly be following.
As always, work within to gain the clarity you need here. Be brave enough to go deep and explore your beliefs around abundance, prosperity and self-esteem. Look to who or what is mirroring these beliefs but perhaps in a subtle way due to this being an eclipse. The connection is there if you explore beyond the obvious!
Armed with this knowledge which you can claim just like the guidance of a powerful dream, November offers extraordinary opportunities for progress. And enhanced intimacy too. Mars allows you to let down any barriers you may have subconsciously put up which prevent you from achieving that connection you desire. You’re letting others in now.
Venus in your 10th is all about a softer, more considered approach to success instead of your usual head first, heart later strategy. Not only does Venus enhance your professional and public image while in this house, but if you are single and seeking, it can snag you that suitor who is serious and successful in their own way too! Do however get very clear about what you want now – both in love and professionally.
Connection is a two-way process
And understand that dating and interviews are two-way processes – something we can forget along the way. Align to those values and if others are on the same wavelength, this month’s combination of both Venus and Mars could hand you the outcome you’ve been desiring all along. Even taking into consideration the pause for the eclipse! You may have to enter new territory, take a chance or even push those boundaries when it comes to career and love this November. Again, if you are willing to go there, the take out will be a sense of achievement, sexiness and satisfaction with your results.
The Sun’s entry into your 9th on the 22nd is like a portal to opportunity opening. Solutions, freedom, the ability to chart your own path towards what you want and a fresh sense of optimism reignite the fire within. Mercury follows two days later, while it and the Sun oppose the North Node in your 3rd. Travel, movement, news, potential – all swirl around you in a tantalyzing, potent mix asking you to cherry pick what opportunities you want to explore further. After going deep earlier this month – now comes the release, Aries. Get ready to step into something bigger.
In a nutshell: Passion and its pursuit send you tumbling fearlessly and head-on into November, Aries. Look closely at whether or not you’ve taken on the negative thoughts or limitations of others. Just whose fear is this anyway? Not yours now!
Duos, duets and double acts turn dynamite!
Togetherness takes you into ‘22
Seek out the truth in love
This month is going to be all about you and someone close to you. That past, present or potential partner. That duo, duet, double act or duel. It could be your spouse, a working union, that opponent or rival, that best friend or that potential long term lover. One relationship whether it is a current one or an emerging one, will have your attention all month long thanks to intense activity in both your 1st and your 7th.
Ruler Venus enters your 9th on the 5th so you will be yearning for that bigger, more breathtaking love experience. And possibly too a desire to escape the mundane. If you are feeling confined, you’ll gravitate towards freedom and excitement now. If love has been MIA recently, you’ll go in search of it.
You have a new Supermoon in your house of marriage and partnerships on the 4th. All new Moons are linked to setting something new in motion. This one links you to desire, transformation and a love rebirth. To sudden shifts and unexpected freedom as the Sun and Moon will oppose Uranus in your 1st. This includes rebooting that passion with your bae if things have turned too vanilla. Or if you have known for some time something isn’t working, then taking action one way or another to change up the situation.
Mercury has now cleared its retroshadow and lands in your 7th from the 5th facilitating all conversations that involve you and at least one other person. From flirtation to finance, that romance or that job application, Mercury opens up the dialogue and tells you to get talking. Please do this ahead of the move of the Sun and Mercury into your 8th from the 22nd. Understand no matter what the status quo is – if it’s not working perfectly for you now, you should not attempt to preserve it. That includes being single! Instead turn into an active seeker of truth around love. Take a fearless approach to this. Connection is your goal. Look to see if you have it already or how to get it if you don’t.
Access that success story
Above all, come from the heart space where no matter your situation, you want to change this for the better whether it’s just you and your future partnerships or an existing one.
Access all areas success stories around relationships, your status and path as well as rewards, recognition and your public persona feature as Mercury and Mars in your 7th square Saturn in its ruling 10th on the same day. What you have achieved, committed to or need to do next deserves your serious attention, Taurus. This comes ahead of the major shift in the eclipse axis which is going to impact on you personally and your closest relationships.
The eclipse axis is shifting for ‘22 along with the Nodes (both are linked). The next Nodal/Eclipse axis is going to be across your 1st and 7th houses. And the North Node will be visiting your 1st for the first time in 19 years bringing love and partnership karma full circle or igniting a brand new long term cycle around these themes. Closures and fresh starts may co-exist simultaneously as one phase ends and a new one begins. What you have chosen in the past may no longer be relevant for you or the results of your choices come full circle. What you begin now will have soul setting potential but this may not be immediately obvious.
Uranus in your sign has been re-working that value system and what you want from love and life in general. So, take it you will be able to put this into action now. Unclear about what action to take? The heart is your best compass during an eclipse season which begins on the 19th when the full Moon in your 1st is partially eclipsed. This is both a cover up and an expose. What does and doesn’t work for you. Your willingness (and the other party’s) to look at this and confront it. Or even your past choices. Same chocolate, different wrapper in other words.
This Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured. As usual, the heart cuts through any confusion so listen as it could have been broadcasting the truth for some time. The cover-up could simply be you ignoring it, Taurus. Chances are you need to take some action on some level be it putting yourself out there more, practising extreme self-love to attract in the love of another, or simply taking action to restore the love balance in an existing relationship.
Do what needs to be done now, Taurus. The Sun shifts into your intense and transformational 8th on the 22nd handing you self-empowerment and purpose. Conversations flow around desires, joint resources, money and va-va-voom – sex, once Mercury joins in from the 24th. Taking charge of your destiny and knowing what you want is sexy. ‘22 promises to move and shake that love and partnership destiny into new territory. Kick start that process this November.
In a nutshell: Do you know what you want from love, Taurus? You’re on the cusp of a fresh cycle where you can drive the destiny of you and someone close to you in an exciting new direction. Just knowing what you want puts a cycle of attraction in motion.
Initiate something bolder
Untangle the past to weave a future tapestry
Bring a fresh emotional strength to love
Jupiter only has a few more week left in its ruling 9th, Gemini. It won’t be back for another 12 years when it exits next month. So, take full advantage of the opportunity creating trine between it and ruler Mercury which occurs at the top of the month. Mercury is hours away at that point from completely exiting that pesky retroshadow. Let nothing dim your light of intention. Or you ability to stand out and reach for what you want now.
If you have felt sidelined or simply held back, this month’s secret Supermoon (4th) in your 6th marks a choice for you. You can continue to play things safe or initiate a brand new routine or work cycle. What’s it to be? It’s time to transform your daily life on a soul and cellular basis. To fine tune your wellbeing and above all, to follow that inner voice. The Sun and Moon will be in opposition to Uranus in your 12th. Insight, intuition and above all, your psychic intelligence can show you a previously hidden connection between two apparently unconnected areas of your life now.
This could result in an intense revelation around your path, your habits or what is influencing you either for better or worse, but which you were unaware of until now. It could be you have been ignoring that nudge from your subconscious. Or that you were unaware of what you really needed. Perhaps you now see why you have made the choices you have in the past and what was in fact, behind these.
Self-forgiveness as well as forgiveness towards others may form part of this journey. You are on the cusp of more revelations to come as well as an incredible period of soul expansion and learning discoveries which I will delve more deeply into in a moment.
Show me the money!
As well as your true motivations, others may show their true colours this month and again, this is theme that will continue on into ‘22. Venus enters your 8th on the 5th while Mercury enters your 6th the same day (and its ruling house). Venus in your 8th asks where’s the heat? It also says: Show me the money! Coupled with a meeting between Mercury and Mars in your 6th, this can bring in work and rewards for you.
It can also see you calling others into account over what they have promised to deliver as Mercury and Mars square Saturn in your 9th. This may or may not be about money but simply what someone has promised in terms of soul or emotional support. Have they lived up to that contract? This is all about accountability – which we all have to step up to and embrace. So, don’t be afraid to call it, Gemini.
The North Node is leaving your 1st and heading backwards into your 12th very soon. Along with this, the eclipse axis is shifting for ‘22 with the next eclipse cycle taking place across your 6th/12th houses. So, think about all those themes I mentioned earlier – your day job (paid and unpaid), studies, habits, health, routine, diet, medicine, pets and responsibilities, the details and daily business or living contrasted with the spiritual, psychic, intuitive and hidden – in other words – anything but the obvious.
Now you see it!
Some of you may delve deeper into areas such as Tarot, astrology, yoga, healing, self-help, psychology and the wisdom of the multiverse and look at how this is entangled with your daily life on a quantum level. Exposing what is real as opposed to what you think reality is will be at the heart of all this. Expect blindspots to be followed to searing revelations that are blindingly obvious once exposed. You’re about to have a taster of this at the time of the full Moon on the 19th which triggers a partial lunar eclipse.
Because this is in your house of psychic skills and intuition, you will need these now to pierce the shadows of what is an almost total cover-up in an emotional sense. This Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured. That 10% is enough to put you on high alert while your gut tells you where you need to get busy uncovering the rest.
Next year’s cycle will have you untangling the past in order to create a better way to live each and every day. The small stuff – and honestly, it’s all small stuff, paves the way for us to really embrace the bigger, better things that life wants to hand us. And unless we deal with the details and what we know we need to get to grips with, it gets in the way of that.
This eclipse can also trigger mini-retro themes due to it touching on your 6th house. Examples can be that device going on the fritz and unexpected snafus at work. But really, this is about attending to the daily business of living and not neglecting the importance of everyday ways to enhance your wellbeing. No more self-neglect, okay?
Let your colours light up
Do the work, deal with the reality of any situation that’s exposed as the eclipse shadows clear as you’re now stepping into one of the best months of the year for love and partnership matters as the Sun and then your ruler enter your 7th house. This doesn’t just turn you into a love magnet but also brings out the social butterfly in you. Are you ready to let those colours show as you spread those wings, Gemini?
The fact is, that eclipse can deliver a long, slow realisation around an area which needs to transform and this is likely to be around your most intimate needs and connections. Which begin and end with the fact that you need people! Now, it does not and should not matter right now if the connection is a love partnership or has the potential to be. What matters is the love you feel and share.
The 23rd – 27th could literally be putting a new spin or deal on a duet, double act or duo for you as we have the Sun and your ruler opposing Ceres and also the North Node in your 1st and meeting in your 7th. This will be especially powerful for any of you with planets or chart signatures at an early degree of your sign. There’s the promise of renewal or the sense of an important emerging connection at this time that reflects any revelations following the eclipse. There’s also your willingness to be incredibly open and honest about your feelings without trying to censure yourself or fearing judgement or rejection.
That emotional strength and fearlessness is what gives birth to something new. Be it friendship, a working union or that deeper honesty you’ve always wanted with someone. Make that effort to spread those wings and the love now, Gemini. In whatever form it takes as we head into December.
In a nutshell: Getting clear about what we want maximises our chances of getting it. Whether it’s that job or that love. Chances are what you once thought you wanted no longer applies. So, when it comes to what the future delivers around love – take it all bets are off, Gemini!
Time for emotional freedom
Find a new path to an old desire
Happiness isn’t just the truth – it’s a way to live!
If we’re in eclipse season you know it is going to affect you more than any other sign, Cancer. This month marks the start of the shifting eclipse and Nodal axis from your 6th/12th houses to your 5th/11th for ‘22. Next month will close the 6th/12th eclipse cycle when we have a total eclipse in your 6th. November however sees the beginning of a cycle which will affect everything from friends to goals, lovers to networks, children and creative expression, pleasure and play.
Expect the unexpected and also – expect what doesn’t move or evolve your soul to simply be moved out of your way. Your goals will shift along with your values. And also prepare for enticing and exciting people to enter your life. Above all, don’t judge a book by its cover. Starting this month – you won’t have to wait for ‘22 to see this manifesting.
Freedom, truth, beauty, love – your fabulous manifesto!
As the secret Supermoon of the 4th prepares itself to appear, it and the Sun oppose Uranus in your 11th from your supercharged 5th. Time to explore, to have fun, experiment, revel in your creativity and sensuality. To unleash your playful side and above all, to take a chance.
This is a new beginning and a big one in your house of attraction. Showcase yourself. This is the house where dreams begin and also revive. Where you get yourself noticed in the best possible way. It’s where you can shine with your own fierce light. Where you make love not just with someone but via what makes you happy. Do that.
This new Moon asks what do you want? What does happiness look like and what are you searching for? Take steps towards it now. This new Moon especially favours looking for love as the following day Venus crosses into its ruling 7th and Mercury shrugs off its retroshadow garb to arrive in your 5th.
Venus in your 7th adds closeness to existing relationships while Mercury enhances the connection. A significant conversation could take place on the 10th. You’re fierce, flirtatious and fun to be around now. Thanks to the meeting between Mercury and Mars in your 5th. You know what you want, are unafraid to make the first move or opening line and radiate a sexy yet playful attitude. What’s not to love? And what’s not to work, Cancer?
Close one cycle – step into another
Stay with that lightheated vibe all the way up to the full Moon and the eclipse in your 11th on the 19th. Friends and your goals will be mixed up in this. And with friendships or even groups you are aligned to, this new eclipse cycle is going to put the emphasis on aligned values and visions. These are the bedrock of lasting connections now. If you are single, next year will see shared values top your list of qualities you seek in a lover. And if you have children or connections to those younger than you, passing on that value system to the generations to come will also take on fresh importance.
This Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured. That 10% is enough to put you on high alert while your gut tells you where you need to get busy uncovering the rest.
Has one particular connection already jumped to mind when reading this? Hold that thought. And focus your attention there. Maybe a friendship needs some TLC. Or maybe you realise that the old resonance you shared is no longer there. If so, it all could rest on those shared values. Take your time with new friendships. Just like someone love bombing us, friend-bombing can also raise red flags. Connections need time to form so ask why the rush?
A positive approach to an old goal could be what emerges from the eclipse shadows. Or alternatively, you set a new one. This eclipsed full Moon asks you release something which no longer works to begin a new journey towards something which does.
You’re facing that day job, routine, regimen or responsbilities with fresh zeal and a dash of renewed confidence too as the Sun makes a move into your 6th of everyday work and wellbeing from the 22nd. Mercury which rules this house is not far behind. As we head into the fully fledged festive season it’s time for you to establish a fresh set of priorities, dear Cancer. These include prioritising you when it comes to self-care too.
Diet, exercise, habits and yes, that day job whether it’s paid or unpaid, or your studies deserve a fresh focus. You’ll be willing to explore new ways to make what you have to do more enjoyable while freeing up more time and energy for what you love to do. This is an excellent time to establish healthier, more exciting habits and routines. Especially exercise or sports that gets you outdoors more. To combine big picture thinking with daily devotions around how you schedule your way or spend your time.
Expect inspiration around these to appear during the final week of the month. Anything that you change up or begin now is likely to bring lasting benefits. And this is one of those times when if you do begin to take care of the business of being you in a new way – such as exercising more, eating better or simply ditching those habits which eat up your day – you are likely to stick to them.
Think of this as cross training to get fit for love, pleasure or a dusting of adventure as Mars also in your 5th trines Neptune in your 9th on the 29th. The same day as the Sun and Mercury meet in your 6th. News or an opportunity could send you off in a fresh direction. Support freedom, love and pleasure this month by first supporting yourself in any way which feels right for you.
In a nutshell: Your yearly cycle of living loved-up begins this November and will take you on into January, Cancer. Venus in your 7th is all about what you want from love. You have it you have to know what it is. So you know it when you find it!
Watch for tensions at home
Be open about your needs
Kickstart those dreams
Go deep into what it is you want and then – head towards it on the 4th when the new Supermoon appears in its ruling house on the 4th. This may surprise you if you are willing to open up to honesty. This is a ‘secret’ Supermoon so we can say what it sets in motion for you may be what you need – but didn’t know it until now. Remember, this is about your path. Yours and yours alone. It’s not about doing what you believe others want you to do.
Claim that lifestyle or life purpose vision now. It’s time for the ultimate reboot. And do whatever needs to be done to live it. As the new Moon waits in the wings, it and ruler the Sun oppose Uranus in your 10th of serious ambitions and where you lay the foundations of your future success. Uranus always wants to free us from something that just isn’t aligned to our soul integrity. Your big, bold, brave new beginning or what you claim or initiate will be designed to do just that, Leo.
Mercury ends its pesky retroshadow period on the 2nd and it also enters your 4th from the 5th. Just watch out for domestic disturbances around the 10th when Mercury and Mars will meet in here and square Saturn in your 7th. This could see you uncharacteristically narky with those you live with or else simmering tensions erupt into lava hot arguments. Yes, if you are currently looking to move, this transit gives you the impetus needed to do so. Or can simply propel you off the couch to tackle those DIY jobs. Channel that energy for maximum results.
Venus moves into your 6th also on the 5th and will unpack for an extra long stay in here due to it heading retrograde next month. Between now and the end of January offers you the opportunity to revisit everything from your day job – paid or unpaid, habits, wellbeing, responsibilities and your routine and look to ways of enhancing these. Expect a big transformation to take place around one or even more than one of these themes between now and the end of January ‘21. What emerges for you from this could be a mind/body/spirit reboot as how you run your day or even how you worship that body, goes through a radical or alchemical change or upgrade.
However, don’t wait to kickstart this process. This month is all about taking care of what needs to be done and not getting distracted. There’s more than one kind of change in the air now. We are about to experience a shift in both the Nodal and the eclipse axis. The eclipse axis will take place first moving from your 5th/11th houses to your 10th/4th. We have one more eclipse remaining in your 5th which will be a total solar eclipse which will take place next month.
This month however brings the first eclipse on this fresh axis. Clever Leos – and is there any other kind? – will have already realised that this new eclipse axis will make intense angles to your Sun and other planets in your sign. In other words, you will feel the effects more than most other signs. Of course, no matter what sector of your chart a solar eclipse happens in, you are automatically impacted whether your natal chart is triggered or not due to the Sun being your ruler.
The eclipse on the 19th happens at the full Moon in your 10th. Venus rules your 10th house so all the more reason now to be focussing on that wellbeing and steering clear of energy drains and distractions in the run up to it. Watch for burn out and taking on too much in your desire to impress and get ahead. Be practical and methodical and have a strictly ‘first things first approach’ as the Moon waxes. Above all, stay above workplace conflicts and gossip.
It’s ultra important you keep your cool and take a practical and pragmatic approach. And bear in mind that eclipses conceal – always. The full Moon in your 10th is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured. That 10% is enough to put you on high alert but its important to keep in mind that this isn’t the bigger picture – yet. So, take care not to overreact while you wait for it to come into focus.
This could involve that path I talked about at the start of this forecast. And your take-out from it. Your need to establish something and be recognised and rewarded for that. That all-important status and reputation so precious to a Leo. Perhaps you feel taken for granted, overlooked or underappreciated. Or are simply nurturing that feeling this isn’t for you. Sit with it.
There may be dramas or shake-ups where you work. Above all, don’t get into conflicts or arguments with bosses or authority figures. And own your actions. If you try to sweep something under the carper it will be uncovered later leaving you with a lot of explaining to do!
This eclipse is all about feeling with your heart but acting with your head. It’s about believing in yourself and your ability to author your own destiny or path. No matter what is going on around you or what others may be saying or doing now. And you will return to your key essence of self-belief again and again in ‘22 as this eclipse cycle continues. Think of this as your light in the eclipse shadows – especially when there is a total eclipse and the light goes out!
Cosmic lovers and heart starting encounters
I was saving the best for you until last. Because the final week of November is when the good times roll for you again. Ruler the Sun lands in its exuberant and confidence boosting 5th house on the 22nd. Mercury follows on the 24th. Both are opposing the North Node in your house of the future pushing you to set something in motion via doing something you love. This can be anything from attracting that lover to a way to increase your income via doing something you love.
Love will be the ultimate currency for you now. And it’s essential that you don’t pursue anyone or anything that doesn’t light a spark in your soul. Or at the very least, you take a chance when it comes to making that change to create that. By now, it’s time to emerge from those shadows, shine and stand out in whatever way adds to your bliss and spreads joy.
Time to stretch yourself and explore. Maybe dare to swipe right? Put yourself out there? Apply for that new position or dive into that activity. Something is knocking at your door asking you to open up and let in a brand new cycle of experience. The future flows from this and also from the people you meet and connect to as we head into December. It’s a theme that is going to take you all the way to the winter solstice next month. Make the most of it Leo, that’s why it’s called the festive season!
In a nutshell: Cut to the chase this month and be open and upfront about your needs and vulnerabilities. Putting up a ‘front’ only creates a barrier between you and others. Ruler the Sun arrives in its ruling 5th so time to get up and glow, Leo!
Start a brand new conversation
Set those standards
Radiate for results
Ruler Mercury escapes its retroshadow on the 2nd. If you’ve experienced that round and round feeling with money matters – look forward to forward progress again. Which planet rules your finances? That would be Venus in your 5th of pleasure and positivity from the 5th.
Mercury enters its ruling 3rd on the same day. Plus there’s the power of the new secret Supermoon in this house on the 4th. Why so secret? That’s because unlike full Supermoons we can’t actually see a new one appears so much bigger. But that potential for new beginnings is supersized.
As it appears, this new Moon opposes Uranus in your 9th. What do you need freedom from, Virgo? This is linked to your self-worth and confidence just as much as it could be to your money, income or what you owe that you’ve been processing. See this as in invitation to explore – because your 9th is all about discoveries and escaping that comfort zone. Perhaps when it comes to your money this may be exploring a very different way to earn it. Or if it’s your self-worth then setting some new standards around what you will and won’t accept. And sticking to them. Yes, this may mean entering unknown territory. Uranus actively encourages this. Just as it encourages us to experiment and take a wildly different approach.
Time to act on those ideas. Which are going to feature in a big way as the eclipse axis along with the nodal one, is shifting for you, Virgo. You may have to apply those retro smarts during those times but as the axis shifts to your 3rd/9th this eclipse cycle should feel less tense than the one across your 4th/10th houses. This is because it will no longer be squaring your Virgo chart factors. We have one more eclipse happening in your 4th next month but this then closes that cycle.
Get ready to fabulize!
Venus also changes signs this month. Moving out of Sagittarius and your 4th and into Capricorn and your 5th. It’s going to be in here for an unusually long time due to an upcoming retrograde. Now being the retro boss you are, I need not oversell you on not looking for love and avoiding new financial commitments once it does. For now, it’s time to pay close attention to any changes you want to make to your existing relationship or attracting that new one.
Babies, children and your adult children if you have them, may require your focus too. It’s also time for serious shine. And by that I mean looking at what you love to do and what makes you stand out. Your creativity, taking a passion and turning it into a profession, reimagining that social media or dating profile (You’ve extra help with this from Mercury don’t forget) and yes, back to those ideas and seeing them as a way to showcase all you have to offer!
One rule about Venus in your 5th – take what you want seriously and if you radiate now, you’ll get serious results back. Look and feel fabulous which is the other part of the Venus/5th fabulizing process. This is no time to be shy, Virgo. We can’t work that transit unless we feel it within and with your 5th house you are ‘on show’.
Bring your own star quality to this and really engage with the law of attraction by spending that little extra time on yourself to ensure the outer you looks as good as the inner you feels. You don’t have to go overboard. And as your own original work of art, your creation will be as individual as you are. And fit your lifestyle. But you’ll find you increase the results of this transit by simply making that ‘It’s showtime!’ effort. Get creative and express yourself.
The lunar eclipse on the 19th begins the fresh eclipse cycle for you. There’s a main theme and a sub-theme to this eclipse and I’ll explain why. This only applies to lunar eclipses. Not solar eclipses. This eclipse takes place in your 9th so travel, study, the law, mass media, philosophies and beliefs, publishing, big ideas and the great outdoors are your main themes. That sub-theme I mentioned? Friends, groups, networks both social and professional. This is because the Moon rules your 11th house.
This full Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured. That 10% is enough to put you on high alert but its important to keep in mind that this isn’t the bigger picture – yet.
Plan travel if you have to take a journey as if this is a retrograde. If you are involved in legal proceedings – you don’t have all the facts – yet. Try to delay any decisions if you can. Avoid opening suspicious emails or clicking on that link. Under this eclipse be internet aware.
Most importantly, that sub-theme involving friends may bring up tensions between you and someone you know. Or even a group of someones. You could begin to see your values are very different. Or feel something is being ‘left out’ – perhaps you, literally but also something you should know. This could simply be a friend needs some support or TLC. Because this is all about emotional truth, check within for who or what this applies to.
Eclipse energy only hangs around for a day or two either side of it. Unlike a retrograde where we have shadows as well as the retro itself. So, when the Sun moves into your 4th on the 22nd and Mercury follows on the 24th, you should have pierced through any confusion.
Home can be more than where you hang your hat. It can be about your spiritual home, your soul family as well as the one you are related to, it can be about emotional safety as well as physical shelter. Time to look at what home means to you and whether where you live or what you have created in terms of a support structure does that or continues to feel right.
Decisions made around property, living arrangements, family matters, path or your needs made 19 years ago come full circle as the Sun and Mercury make passes to the North Node in your 10th. Look to the long term future when making new decisions now. Ask if there is a better balance to be struck around the 27th. Are you assuming too much of one role on the domestic front? Is it time to allow others to step up? Or is that work/life ratio simply out of whack?
You’re fast heading towards one of the best periods for love and partnerships that you have experienced in many lifetimes, Virgo. Isn’t that all the more reason to take care of outstanding business when it comes to making time for love or room for it to move in? This month offers a taster experience. Get your head start on ‘22.
In a nutshell: Mercury shrugs off the retroshadow glums and boosts work and money making opportunities for you. Meanwhile Venus in your 5th says get your glam on. November puts you back in the spotlight, Virgo.
Wait for the emotional truth to emerge
Transform your relationship to abundance
Make way of love and empowerment
Career and money are your growth areas this November, Libra. Ruler Venus in your 4th from the 5th is all about creating that foundation and sending those roots deeper. Plus you have a new ‘secret’ Supermoon in Venus’s ruling 2nd on the 4th. In stealth mode, this Supermoon slides opposite Uranus before it appears. Time to transform that relationship to money, how you generate it and even what you spend it on.
This is one of the peak times of the year for you when it comes to your self-worth. You feel abundant, in charge and able to attract what it is you need. Financing a key goal may form part of a fresh financial strategy for you, Libra. How to fund that future and have fun doing it in other words.
You won’t hesitate to initiate those ideas when it comes to boosting that income or pursuing a path to increase your flow of abundance. The best day for this is the 10th when Mercury and Mars meet in your 2nd. Ruler Venus is also shifting – into your 4th of home, family and what creates those foundations from the 5th. Venus will spend an unusually long time in this house due to an upcoming retrograde in here. It’s not just love that goes on hold but property matters too and anything that involves your money. You’ll be going back over financial and lifestyle decisions during the retrograde so now is the time to go off in pursuit of more income or ways to boost it – and then take a step back in December.
We are about to enter a new eclipse cycle for ‘22. Both the North Node and the eclipse cycle shifts from your 3rd/9th to your money houses – your 2nd/8th. You have one more eclipse to take place in your 3rd which occurs next month. But the eclipsed full Moon in your 8th on the 19th will mark the start of the new emphasis. If you can, you should avoid making any major financial decisions or expenditures in the two days either side of this eclipse.
Sex, transformation and rebirth and what you share with another – or what is shared with you in return, are emergent themes of this new cycle. This full Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured. That 10% is enough to put you on high alert but its important to keep in mind that this isn’t the bigger picture – yet.
So, this is the first glimpse of something bigger you’ll be dealing with in ‘22. Because this is in your house of assets and resources, fears around not having enough could emerge. Or perhaps you don’t feel empowered enough when it comes to attracting or managing what you have. Have you given your power to do this away in fact? This can range from anything from not wanting to check your bank statements to giving your power away to Klarna or credit card companies to buy stuff you simply don’t need. But which makes you feel good at the time. Is there inequality in a partnership over money? As in who earns the most has the most say? One, some or all of these kinds of scenarios could swirl around you now. Or even sneak up on you as those eclipse shadows clear.
Focus on the important stuff
See this as part of a larger process where you channel your resources – materially and energetically, towards what you truly need as opposed to what you think you want. This may also mean letting go of anything you’ve been hanging on to that stops the flow. Wait for the emotional truth to emerge. When it does its like a charge of powerful insight that cuts to the truth around anything from your cash to that connection. You won’t be able to un-see it once you do. Or resist taking action. And if you have inadvertently given away your power – this is the pivot point where you reclaim it!
The final part of this month is all about the power of your ideas. And just what opportunities these can generate for you. Travel – real or the learning journey kind, the internet, getting around, commerce with a ‘c’ or an ‘e’, ways to generate money, applications, studies, the media and interactions which open doors take you onwards into December.
The Sun arrives in your 3rd on the 22nd with Mercury close behind on the 24th. Links to people and places overseas may feature now as could projects and plans set in motion 19 years ago. This is Mercury’s ruling house so anything that involves a contract, exchange or communication in other words. The Sun and Mercury oppose the North Node in your 5th along with Ceres also in there. You’ve the opportunity to do things differently this time around if now faced with a similar situation you did before. Or simply to choose differently. Second time around could be the charm for you.
If something has had you trapped or simply searching for a way out, a solution or release could be handed to you but you have to be willing to take it. Someone from long ago or far away could reach out from the past to you in the present or an old abandoned dream comes alive again. But reimagined for you with fresh resonance and relevance. If so, that’s what you need to take with you, Libra. Anything else – especially if it doesn’t empower you – just let it go to make way for what does.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus in your 4th has you putting down roots or getting your house in order. Focus on what matters rather than scattering your emotional truth. An opportunity to escape long term restrictions could appear. Take it even if it means leaving that comfort zone, Libra!
If its fuelled by passion, follow it
Free those ideas
Supersize that love potential
Something or someone new is waiting in the wings to emerge for you like a wonderful birthday surprise, Scorpio. Watch the time of the new ‘secret’ Supermoon on the 4th. It has an unexpected quality about this and this month could mark a key change in an existing relationship or the arrival or a new one!
Your birthday cycle is always a time of new beginnings. No more so when the new Moon is supersized. As it waits in the wings to appear, this Moon and the Sun in your sign draws on Uranus in your 7th. This brings a promise of surprises and shake-ups but around what’s needed in your life. Or what’s missing. Actively engage with the process of beginning something new. Stir that potent brew of unlimited potential that’s swirling around you now.
The following day sees Venus enter your 3rd and Mercury arrive in your 1st. If you’ve got something to say – say it. Don’t just sit on those ideas – act on them or communicate. Venus will be spending an unusually long time in your 3rd due to an upcoming retrograde in here. Your ideas need free rein now. To be given wings and sent out like emissaries of your higher purpose. Then all you need do is sit back and await the response. Which will be coming. So, talk, apply, like, click, create, connect and swipe away. November tells you that the response you get may take you by surprise in the best possible way.
Power moves fuelled by desire and intention follow the intentions you set yourself. Don’t give in to insecurity or simply an unwillingness to experiment. The only failure we can really set ourselves up for is an unwillingness to try. Anything else is a learning experience. So, act in your own future best interests and let go of fear and self-doubt on the 10th and simply act with passionate intent as ancient ruler Mars and Mercury meet in your 1st. Barriers between you and what you want aren’t insurmountable now. Not unless you big them up to be that is. Cut them down to size. Or if you can’t – its all about doing it anyway. Courage isn’t absence of fear. It’s acting in spite of it.
Love enters a fresh cycle
If a relationship has been under strain for the past two years or so, as we enter eclipse season you need to push through any resistance to tackling those issues too. This month’s eclipsed full Moon in your 7th marks the beginning of a fresh eclipse cycle. Along with an upcoming change of signs for the North Node. The axis shifts from your 2nd/8th to your 1st/7th. You have one final eclipse in your 2nd next month but the eclipse on the 19th is all about following the course of that inner emotional compass when it comes to partners – past, present and potential.
This full Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured. That 10% is enough to put you on high alert but its important to keep in mind that this isn’t the bigger picture – yet.
If you have been feeling disconnected from your significant other, please don’t let this drift on any further. If you feel something’s ‘up’ with someone – time to pay close attention. Gentle probe the shadows to tease out the emotional truth. Or is it you who is feeling invisible? Time to rid yourself of this by sharing your feelings if so. As with all eclipses, allow a day or two either side of it for clarity or even what actions you need to take to emerge. As this eclipse happens in your 7th its not a good time to go seeking a new love.
Love is a garden so pull out any weeds now or plant fresh seeds for the future in terms of what you want to give, share and experience. If you are faced with surprising developments around a key union, this could have bigger implications for you even extending to your living arrangements and/or work. One more reason not to rush, Scorpio!
The Sun leaves your sign for your 2nd on the 22nd and Mercury on the 24th. You are now entering one of your most abundant periods of the year. Love and money are two sides of the same coin. Or I should say love and self-worth which would be more accurate. Any work we do around relationships always results in a shift in our self-worth because this sets the bar for our expectations. It’s all about how we believe we deserve to be treated and what we are able to receive.
Beliefs around this and the choices you made because of them in the past could come full circle now. But the best thing is there’s a new deal or bargain to be struck too. Because you are still in fearless mode with Mars remaining in your sign, strike a deal with yourself to face up to any lingering issues around your money, what you feel you can attract and/or deserve, and how you see and value yourself. If you are replaying an old script around money – this is when you get to rewrite it.
Some of you could be looking at what a financial decision made a long time ago actually did end up buying you. You could for instance, be paying off a long term loan or dealing with a cycle of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Know how capable you are and above all, know your true worth. If you are looking to take out a new financial agreement such as a long term loan or mortgage, especially if this involves you and another party such as a spouse or business partner, look closely at the terms.
Others could be looking at changing up how they earn their money or even just setting a new value system to follow. The Sun and Mercury’s opposition to the North Node in your 8th and Ceres also in here point to powerful changes within which set a new standard for you in the outer world. Any changes or decisions you make around resources and receiving should hand you that rich feeling of being in a position to create and attract more prosperity. With results that increase that sense of self-worth too. Priceless.
In a nutshell: A powerful eclipse in your partnership sector could reveal the truth around your feelings. Or the other party’s. But this may emerge in a surprising way. Be ready for revelations this November!
Reimagine that past dream and revive it for your future
Don’t dismiss the small stuff – it’s bigger than you think
Happy birthday, Sag!
Happy solar return, Sagittarius! 2022 will bring you the most loved-up and fabulizing year you have experienced in the past 12 thanks to ruler Jupiter in your 5th. Elemental surprises, romance and scintillating chances to shine, lucky breaks and resplendent opportunity await you! All ready to be unwrapped. November and December provide you with an exciting preview. It’s all about you, you, you now, Sag.
The first shift you should notice as we hurtle towards the Sun’s arrival in your sign is an upgrade of that signature Sag optimism! Chances are there are big plans and dreams you are formulating already. What do you need to revisit from your past? As we begin November we are after all, still in the season of spookiness and the planets in your 12th house. The Sun, Mars, Mercury from the 5th and then a ‘secret’ new Supermoon on the 4th.
Why so secret? Well, unlike full Supermoons which float like huge lanterns across the sky, we can’t really see a new Supermoon. Now, this one comes packaged with surprises. It could be a surprise revelation or even a dream walking again as just prior to this Moon’s appearance it and the Sun oppose Uranus in your 6th.
New Moons always ask us to begin something new. But in your 12th this is likely to stem from something from your past. A resurrection of a dream or rebirth of something you once believed in. Your inner voice may be prompting you to return to something you used to do. If so, heed it. This new Moon also favours an exposure of some kind. Of framing something in a fresh light for you. An electric charge of insight that shocks you into taking a radical step you might otherwise have hesitated over. Leap now once you’ve seen what the reality actually looks like.
If someone has been misleading you or withholding the truth, you will be taking no prisoners around the 10th when Mercury and Mars meet in your 12th. Your energy will be at a peak mid-month when it comes to dealing with anyone or anything that needs clearing up before your new cycle starts. Simply ask yourself if you want something new or else more stale, reheated, recycled excuses? You know the answer, Sag.
Just know promises are meant to be kept now. Whether they are yours or someone else’s. Don’t continue to make excuses for others. But at the same time, if you have to let a connection go, please be kind. This is your house of empathy and higher love too. But not your house of being a pushover!
Venus is up for an extended stay in your 2nd – which is one of its ruling houses in your chart, due to the fact it will turn retrograde in here early next year. So, this is about your long term financial future as opposed to spending in the moment. Which can be difficult due to your birthday and holiday season in general. Is it about giving the love instead, Sag? And also opening up to intangible gifts in terms of love and experiences that the universe wants to send you way? This is where that optimism gets an upgrade. You expect to experience more. And that mindset puts you on course to get it.
You are also on the cusp of a shift in the nodal axis and eclipse cycle. You have one more eclipse which occurs in your sign in December. This will be a total solar eclipse. This month sees the axis begin to swing from your 1st/7th houses to your 6th/12th. So, many of the themes you have been navigating this past month will be prominent as we head into ‘22. Eclipses conceal and don’t forget – the 12th is your house of secrets.
The first eclipse on this new axis occurs at the time of the full Moon in your 6th on the 19th. This full Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured. That 10% is enough to put you on high alert but its important to keep in mind that this isn’t the bigger picture – yet.
Your 6th house is naturally the house where you ‘beaver’ away at your day job (paid or unpaid), your routine, responsibilities, habits (good and bad), health, diet, exercise, wellbeing and even your pets. So, pay attention to these areas and especially those inner whispers to attend to certain tasks. This is a Mercury ruled house and certainly anything to do with your workload and details needs extra special almost retrograde like focus from you. Don’t ignore the signs and don’t dismiss anything on the grounds it isn’t important. It could turn out to be more important than you think.
Get a ticket to love!
Doing the work and getting it out of the way means you are ready to get the party started once the Sun lands in your sign on the 22nd and Mercury follows on the 24th. The North Node has only a short time left in your 7th before it switches and both the Sun and Mercury oppose it along with Ceres. Plans and destiny driven unions, duos, double acts and duets. This is all about your past, present or potential partner and a new deal on love.
Love could literally come full circle when it comes to a union you entered into 19 years ago. Karma around you and another is in ‘What goes around, comes around’ return if you are old enough. This will be especially powerful for those of you with your Sagittarius Sun at an early degree of your sign.
When it comes to what you need to revive or head towards next, ruler Jupiter has heard that unspoken request and an opportunity or solution requires your response at the end of the month. Jupiter always invites and we have to be ready to grasp that opportunity when it appears. This is no exception so be ready. 2022 will bring you solutions around home, lifestyle and living arrangements as well as romance and opportunities to shine. Your birthday marks both an end and a new beginning. Let go of the past to allow fresh possibilities to enter.
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Sag! You’ve both a ticket to ride into the future and a ticket to love as your new cycle begins. Love comes full circle or opens a new door to opportunity. Abundance and celebrations takes you on into December. Time to party – and play.
Baby – you’re a firework!
Friends fuel the wish fulfilment process
Fire up that new year vision
Venus lands in your 1st on the 5th sparking fireworks while the new Supermoon in your 11th the day before is all about making a wish and shooting dreams across the sky. Oh oh oh! This is a ‘secret’ Supermoon. That wish therefore is even brighter than the Moon as unlike full Supermoons, we can’t see the new kind. Hence the ‘secret’.
What are you wishing for? Romance, children and creativity feature now as the Nodal and eclipse axis shifts. We have Uranus planet of surprises and soul evolution in your 5th and as the new Moon waits in the wings to stealthily appear, it and the Sun oppose Uranus in this house. So, make that wish but then be open to what form the fulfilment takes. Uranus is asking you to embrace a radically different approach when it comes to how you get where you want to go. Time to think outside the box, Capricorn.
Mercury puts you in a social mood when it too lands in your 11th on the 5th. Just watch for tensions between you and a friend or even a group of people when Mercury and Mars meet on the 10th. Who pays for what or someone not paying for their share could be trigger points as Mercury and Mars square your ruler Saturn in your 2nd. The 12th promises free flowing conversation and encounters thanks to a trine between the Sun and Neptune in your 3rd.
Take a visionary approach
Chances are you are already looking towards ‘22 and what you want to achieve, Capricorn. Venus in your 1st doesn’t just add that extra shine to your image or what you say and do, but stirs those ambitions and has you looking at what worlds you want to conquer next. But beautifully of course! You could be investing in yourself, your image or even your professional credentials.
Venus in your 1st tells you looking and feeling the part is an essential key to success. Venus is going to be spending an extended period in your 1st due to retrograding in here from next month. So, you may become your own incredible work in progress as you try on new looks or even potential roles on for size. Enjoy the opportunity to experiment.
When it comes to love however, please bear in mind that as Venus begins to slow down and during the retrograde itself, it’s not the right time to go seeking romance. Or to be This will be about investing in what you already have. Enhancing the glorious canvas that is you in other words. And finding new ways to showcase all you have to offer.
Making the most of what you have, blazing a trail both personally and/or professionally, attraction, goals, friends and love as well as children if you have them or simply younger people in general, will be the areas that will feel the effects of the shift in the eclipse axis which begins this month. The Nodes will also shift along with this. Changes around lovers, children and creative ventures could be triggered by the first eclipse in this new cycle which occurs on the 19th in your 5th.
This full Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured. That 10% is enough to put you on high alert but its important to keep in mind that this isn’t the bigger picture – yet.
A child or young person may need your attention or reassurance. Follow up on that feeling around a lover or significant other. Someone may need you to reach out and show you care. Or is it you in need of that extra level of emotional support? If so, understand no matter how close you are, nobody is a mind reader. When there’s an eclipse in your 5th be it solar or lunar, it’s not the best time to seek out romance. Nor is it the best time to take a chance. Your usual caution may be thrown to the winds or your intuition turns out to be off at times like these. This only applies to two days either side of the eclipse however.
Certainly by the time the Sun (22nd) and then Mercury (24th) arrive in your 12th your link to your insight is flowing once again. There’s deep changes occurring on a soul level now. A spiritual shift within that also clears away any past debris that’s between you and what you want for your future. Yes, this is part of your annual soul stocktake which always occurs at this time of year. And which takes you right up to your birthday next month.
The North Node only has a short time remaining in your 6th. Both the Sun and Mercury will oppose it as the month draws to an end. What you believe in, a version of what you thought of as the truth, your past, a parental figure or even a guru or teacher may feature now and be instrumental in bringing about a shift in your beliefs or how you see things. Expect the truth to come out if you have been handed an edited version of it. And for people to show their true colours now.
If thoughts of the past intrude as we head into December, don’t get sentimental about them. Chances are they are surfacing so you can process them once and for all and release them for good. Take it if so, all this part of your past was doing was tarnishing that sparkle, Capricorn. Let nothing get in the way of you creating fireworks.
In a nutshell: Like an early bird invitation to party, Venus arrives in your sign. Time to blaze a trail, stand out and be noticed. November jump starts ‘22 for you. Ignite and own your light, Capricorn. And watch others go ‘Oh-oh-oh!’.
Find your people
No drama
The long haul gets lasting results
Llama drama ding dong! Stay out of politics at work and please, don’t get into battles with superiors or authority figures and let go of any need to be right or have the final word. Honestly, it’s over-rated. Keep your cool as Mercury and Mars meet in your 10th and square Saturn in your 1st on the 10th. Is someone being a drama llama? Or just seeking attention to to have their own way?Don’t indulge them or fan the flames by over reacting yourself.
Up until the 22nd, the main focus of November for you is on your career, rewards and reputation. Looking at what you have worked so hard to achieve and then leveraging that. But this month is also asking you to pace yourself too. Don’t overdo things or in your desire to get ahead, take on too much. You’ll only leave yourself depleted and curiously empty even if those rewards follow.
It is however an important month when it comes to your career and also home matters. With family or even those you live with, again, don’t take on too much or necessarily put the needs of others above your own. You need equal billing when it comes to self-care. There’s a lot of misunderstanding around what self-care actually is. Yes, it’s become a buzz word since the start of the pandemic. But it’s too simplistic to reduce it down to bathbombs and carving out that ‘me’ time. Lasting self-care is ensuring you see your needs as being every bit as important as those of others. And knowing when you need to put yourself first for once!
You need to keep in mind that a long term success strategy requires we do pace ourselves. The new ‘secret’ Supermoon in your 10th on the 4th opens a portal to a new cycle of achievement and searing potential for progress. But it also tells you: Don’t rush. That’s the secret if you like.
This new Moon opposes ruler Uranus in your 4th of home, family and your roots as it waits to appear. Radical shifts and changes around living arrangements, where you live and how, or even your path mark a change of direction or even priorities for you. More on this shortly.
Venus in your 12th awakens your full capacity for compassion, creation and your psychic abilities. You are drawn to beauty, higher love and see only the best in people now. Just be aware that Venus will be slowing down shortly as it will retrograde in here next month. This is your house of the past and so it isn’t the time to be looking for that future love. In fact, you are advised to put that search on hold until February.
Also, just remember if the past comes knocking in the form of that blast from it, it can often be a trap. Before you give someone another chance, look back at patterns from the past and ask if they are likely to repeat again. Venus in your 12th links you to your very highest expression of love, empathy and forgiveness. Just ensure however that others don’t seek to take advantage of this.
Conflict warnings aside, Mercury and Mars together in your 10th hand you smarts and self-confidence and the ability to get your point across in any situation. Especially competitive ones like interview, pitches etc. In fact, you openly welcome the chance to prove yourself and to show just what gives you the competitive edge.
This isn’t a cycle under which to be shy or undersell yourself. Or to close yourself off to trying a new direction or approach. The 13th is perfect for radical moves as Mercury opposes your ruler. Mars will do the same on the 17th and inbetween we have a tight square between the Sun and Jupiter in your 1st. This is telling you to reach into your toolkit and try something you might not have attempted before. Perhaps its that inner fear of failure that simply needs you to push it aside. Don’t let a thought especially around how things ‘should’ be done, hold you back.
Move on up
That move or change of direction I spoke about earlier will feature prominently for you in 2022. The upcoming new eclipse cycle and Nodal axis is changing. Moving from your 5th/11th to your 4th/10th. Bear in mind that when you have a lunar eclipse in your 4th like you do at the time of the full Moon on the 19th, this is the Moon’s ruling house. So, emotions may literally ‘get in the way’ or obscure the facts or you may be faced with family dramas or simply feel extra-sensitive at these times.
This full Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that means something is 90% obscured and your feelings are 90% magnified too. The 10%? That’s where the truth or basically what is behind any inexplicably intense emotions, can be found.
Because chances are, there are good reasons for you feeling the way you do. Or even for someone else’s reactions. That 10% is the gap between what you (or they) feel and the truth. Take your time and please, watch for over-sensitivity at this time – two days either side of the eclipse. There is a real potential to misinterpret someone’s actions or what they say. Or for them to misinterpret yours.
Long term planning includes bearing this in mind as this cycle continues into 2022. But it also holds the promise of increased satisfaction around your work and home life if you do.
The Sun’s arrival into your 11th on the 22nd with Mercury not far behind it (24th) lights your social beacon as others now flock towards you like moths to that social flame. Ruler Uranus is still retrograde this December. But the arrival of the Sun and Mercury in your 11th signal a time where you are focussed on your future and what you want it to bring you. And also in spreading your wings and socialising. This is the time to be setting new goals, catching up with old friends and making new ones. While Uranus remains retrograde visualise and plan but wait until next month to put them into motion. No such embargo exists on your social life however – Covid restrictions in your locale not withstanding.
Just remember as you circulate and connect, that while the Sun and Mercury will oppose the North Node and Ceres in your 5th, this is more about good times with friends or the love of friends than it is with that lover like no other. This is due to Venus in your 12th. Kicking back, letting your inner child out to play, getting together with like minded friends and even opportunities that come via friends or contacts you make now, should be your focus. Revive that hobby or pastime. Share experiences with others who enjoy doing the same things you do.
Above all, don’t be a hermit in that ivory tower, Aquarius. The future you’re designing between now and the end of January needs a big cast of supporting characters. They’re waiting for your call.
In a nutshell: You’re on display this month both professionally and personally, Aquarius. Time to make those moves and understand image and reputation are key ingredients for success. It’s also not just what you know – but who that counts.
Imagination draws the map
Set your sights higher
You decide what success looks and feels like
Ready for the next level, Pisces? You are a month away from ancient ruler Jupiter’s return to your sign. This month, Venus lands in your social and wish fulfilment sector on the 5th. The house where dreams turn into goals and goals propel you off into a new, untamed and unpredictable future. The thing about the future is that its the ultimate adventure. We never know where exactly we will end up. But we buy a ticket to it anyway every time we set new intentions for ourselves.
Free up your sense of wild adventure now. Your 9th house which rules travel, journeys, big dreams and the opportunities that come about simply because we decided to take a chance on doing something, is lit up. Unexpected news or an unlooked for opportunity or solution provide the gateway to release and a fresh cycle of experience from the 4th.
This is the day the ‘secret’ new Supermoon appears in here opposing Uranus in your 3rd. Why so secret? Because unlike full Supermoons which are obvious, a new Supermoon can’t be seen. So, think hidden potential. Keep an open mind to what opportunity may look like. It’s a test of the imagination (of which you have plenty as we know, Pisces!). It’s just that when it comes to goals and dreams, whatever you can imagine the universe can do better.
Mercury also appears in your 9th from the 5th meeting Mars in here on the 10th. This is a powerful transit where you have the courage to venture into areas or simply try something out that you might not have had to confidence to do before. But also, it is telling you not to rush in without having all the facts to hand. If travelling or even out and about, you need to avoid dodgy, dark or unsafe areas. And this also applies to areas on the internet too!
Aim higher
But indulge your yearning to experience, explore and expand. This also isn’t a time to restrict your imagination when it comes to what you believe is possible for you. Especially as you are now just a month away from ancient ruler Jupiter returning to your sign. It’s all about tapping into your potential, and coming up with new ways to realise this, Pisces. Allow your imagination full creative flow. Then – bring it down to earth as you come up with the steps to make it real. And again, keeping that open mind about what the way to accomplish this looks like.
You’re the sign which says limitations are for those lacking vision. Ensure your vision for yourself includes communicating just what sets you apart from everyone else however. Venus in your 11th connects you to those who can help you and who see what makes you stand out. Just remember however that Venus in this house is about the love of friends – not the romantic kind. Venus will spend a long time in this house due to the fact it will retrograde next month. This means that love is on hold. So, for maximum enjoyment – don’t go seeking anything more. And don’t see it as being Friendzoned by the planets either. It’s all love no matter what form it comes in!
Gateways to those dreams and getting noticed open on the 12th,18th and 29th when the Sun, Mercury and then finally Mars trine ruler Neptune. The trine of the 29th being the one that may see you make a bold and frankly fierce move which breaks you out into new possibilities. Kick start something.
The eclipse and node axis is shifting this month and will bring in a new one for ‘22. You’ve had the North Node in your 4th and the current eclipse axis across your 4th/10th houses. This may have brought up tensions around your home life, family or career progress due to these eclipses squaring your Pisces factors. The shift into your 3rd/9th will lift this tension if there is any still hanging around. You have one more eclipse on the old axis which will take place next month in your 10th and then this closes this cycle for good.
November ushers in the first eclipse of this new cycle which is a lunar eclipse in your 3rd on the 19th. This full Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon due to it being the time when beavers are busy ‘beavering’ away at shoring up their dams for winter. This is almost a total lunar eclipse but not quite. So it is classed as a partial. But that still means something can be hidden or covered up. In your 3rd which is communication this relates to the small print or the sub-text if you like. Body language may be a clearer indication of what someone really means and actions speak louder than words so this is what you need to watch.
Treat this eclipse and the two days either side of it like a Mercury Retro Lite. So, try not to sign important contracts or papers – certainly not without going through them with a fine tooth comb. Avoid major purchases especially anything to do with technology or cars. And allow extra time to get to your destination. Above all, if someone tells you something but your intuition is saying something different – take it the latter is the one to listen to.
Between now and the end of December you are entering your yearly career peak as the Sun (22nd) and Mercury (24th) arrive in your 10th. Now is the time to get serious about those visions when it comes to success. And also to live by example the truth that success is and should be, self-determined. This is your path and purpose now and your life to live. You don’t have to live up to someone else’s definition of what a success story is. That is for you and you alone to author.
Get very clear in your own mind about what this is or means to you. Success does not mean sacrificing one area of your life in favour of another. And real success comes by embracing our failures or owning our past mistakes too. Look to your past choices, act in the moment but have an eye on your future because it’s a combination of these that leads you towards achievement and attainment now.
Just as the eclipse axis shifts, the North Node has only a few weeks left in your 4th. It’s asking you to look at what you have created which supports you for the long term. And to ensure that the story you write for the future and the lifestyle you are creating today is yours and not anyone else’s idea of how you should work or live. If you are still living in a parent’s shadow – time to step out from it. And to cut ties of dependency too.
Choices you have made in the past come full circle as the Sun and Mercury oppose the North Node. While an opposition between the Sun and Ceres also in your 10th on the 27th asks you to make a different choice or compromise based on what you have learned or your real needs.
You will be in world conquering form from late December onwards and on into ‘22 Pisces. And as with any expansion you need a plan to carry it out. This month hands you the ideas and also the visionary self-assertion to put them into motion.
In a nutshell: Draw a map to the stars, Pisces. Take a leap of faith and imagination and create a vision worth pursuing. How you get there? Taking one step after another. Know what you want first, then draft the map.
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