Green light, red light!
Make those thoughts work for you
Wisdom whispers direct from a higher source
An end to the retro-weather? Yes and no for you this month, Aries. Mercury heads direct in its ruling 6th on the 2nd, Vesta on the 6th, Pluto the 8th, Saturn the 23rd, and Juno the 24th. Mercury will clear its retroshadow in your 7th on the 17th, finally lifting any remaining speed-bumps between you and someone else when it comes to partnership matters. So, as green lights wink on along your highway to heaven, what could slow you down or stop you?
Trick or treat? Ruler Mars makes a rare retrograde in your 3rd the day before Halloween. In your house of communication and getting around. This will be a long conversation in that the retrograde lasts until mid-January ‘23 – putting discussions of all kinds in the red light district in more ways than one. Hot and bothered? Say it in haste and regret it at your leisure. The same goes for that sexting between you and that boo – potential or otherwise. XXX-sizzles could turn into radio silence. Or simply prove to be a damp squib.
With all this in mind, despite Mercury returning to your 7th of partners on the 10th – joining the Sun and Venus which rules this house, try to get those important conversations out of the way and speak what’s on your mind by the 9th when the full Moon light up your sign. Yes, you do have great love and attraction jujus this month. With highlighted days promising great conversations, important people, and even love of the non-fizzling out kind. But you will need to take things slowly instead of rushing. I’ll hand you those dates shortly.
Now is the time to cultivate patience and let go of the need to be right this Halloween. Instead, as you fire up that broomstick, look to how you can transform your ideas or even change that conversation for a better outcome all round. If this month has anything to show you it is that words are spells.
The words you take are the magic you can create. Or not as the case may be. Come from compassion rather than conflict. Work on seeing the other party’s point of view in any discussion and you will weather this Mars retrograde well. The problem is, it may be all too easy to react without thinking due to the angle Mars will make to Neptune in your 12th as it travels backwards. Do be aware of this during this cycle.
Your restless heart yearns to take action with the full Moon in your 1st on the 9th. This is of course, the Hunter’s Moon. This Moon can stir up memories, issues and unmet desires in relationships. If you don’t have a partner, you may feel this more acutely than at other times. Do however try to avoid looking for love in all the wrong places (or packages!) in an attempt to fill the void. Remember what I said about hot turning into not! You do need to give yourself permission to feel what you feel however. Your emotional truth needs to be heard. So, do convey this – in the right way with those magic words. For more, see your Full Moon in Aries Moonscope.
Now – get juju juiced! And this applies to all long term relationships be they personal, working or friendships. The Sun in your 7th marks your yearly together peak. Where you can enhance existing unions and also are open to embracing the power of attraction when it comes to the new. Venus rules your 7th and we have wonderful duet-enhancing trines between the Sun, Venus and Mercury once it returns to your 7th, and Mars in your 3rd this October. The stars are literally aligning for you when the Sun and Venus trine Mars across the 17th-19th. You are not only open but wanting to share, listen and explore where two can take you or accomplish. This all occurs before Mars heads backwards so take the energy of the 8 of Wands card in the Tarot and use this to push forward with your duet agendas now. The conjunction between the Sun and Venus just prior to both exiting your 7th on the 22nd is one of the best days of the year for bringing you and another together. Whether this is in love or for work.
You have one more agreement alignment in store on the 27th when Mercury trines Mars in Mercury’s ruling sign/house. This could well seal the deal with a kiss or signature for you. Then – step back, know you have done all you can and wait.
The other stuff? You need to be aware of what you don’t know – or at least keep in the back of your mind that you may have an inkling as to what is happening – but not yet the bigger picture. Following the Sun and Venus’s entry into your 8th of sex, money and rebirth, we have a partial solar eclipse with the new Moon in here on the 25th. This is about what you share – everything from a bed to your bank account, salary, mortgages, taxes, benefits, marriage assets/divorce and change. Take it you don’t have the bigger picture – yet. Signatures and agreements need careful consideration. Especially as just days later (28th) Jupiter returns to your 12th of hidden truths – two days before Mars turns retro. In your house of contracts and paperwork.
We’re back to those words and magic spells. Yours may be crafted from the best of intentions. But ensure you are clear about the other party’s meaning before signing on the dotted line. Or signing away your heart now. Mercury’s arrival in your 8th on the 29th tells you there is more information on its way.
Halloween is traditionally when the doorways between this world and the spiritual realm open wide. The 31st has the Moon conjunct Pluto (now direct in your 10th). What’s to be uncovered still for you is powerful magic aligned to your ambitions or professional/personal status. Listen to the voice of intuition before acting. This could come channeled straight from the source of higher wisdom. If it tells you something you need to know rather than what you would like to think, don’t ignore it now. Spells begin with our own thoughts, Aries. Start yours by taking on board what comes direct from a higher power this Halloween.
In a nutshell: A full Moon in your sign shines on relationships and what you are willing to give, Aries. October sees ruler Mars make a rare retrograde. Watch where green lights turn back to red. And be willing to stop and be patient.
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (7th to 1st)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (6th)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (11th)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 10th)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (10th)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (1st)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (7th)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 11th)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (7th to 1st)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 11th)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (7th to 3rd)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (7th)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (7th to 3rd)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 10th)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 10th)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (7th)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (8th)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (8th)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 11th)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (11th)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (12th)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (8th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (7th to 3rd)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 10th)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (12th)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (8th)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (3rd)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)
What’s the big love cover-up?
Follow insight to its source
Store don’t waste, that self-worth
Chances are you are attuned to subtle undercurrents for most of the month, Taurus. Your spidey-senses are tingling and even if something is not yet being verbalised, you know instinctively something is ‘up’. Especially when it comes to significant others. If what your intuition is telling you is that your situation is about to change – for the better, also hold that thought. And see what happens after the 23rd when the Sun and ruler Venus enter your 7th house.
Aries exits their yearly love peak while you begin yours. But first, the full Moon in Aries and your 12th on the 9th is what triggers that voice of inner knowing. Something that has been stalled or simply simmering in the background now comes to a peak or conclusion. Or you instinctively know its time to move forward into something new. Check out your Full Moon in Aries Moonscope for more insight.
Do take your time with love and with money now, Taurus. And I’ll explain why. First, let’s deal with the end of one retrograde cycle – and the start of a new one. This touches on your money, your values and who and what you love. Mercury ends its retrograde in your 5th of lovers and pleasure on the 2nd. But don’t throw the retro rules out just yet as it won’t clear retroshadow until the 17th in its ruling 6th house of you. Vesta, Pluto, Saturn and Juno all end their moonwalk phase this October. Uranus remains retrograde in your 1st and Jupiter also still retrograde re-enters your 11th of social connectivity and goals on the 28th giving you a big boost between now and the years end when it comes to wishes and your ability to live the dream for real.
You might now be saying: Then why the continued caution? Well, two major aspects point to this Taurus. First, once the Sun and ruler Venus arrive in your 7th of dynamic and dramatic double acts on the 23rd, we have a partial solar eclipse in here on the 25th. The new Moon therefore ushers in a new phase when it comes to relating or a relationship, but its outcome or true nature is concealed in some way. All due caution need to be applied to any new liaison. And your focus should be directed at that significant existing one for settleds. What needs gardening or attending to? What are you sensing or putting off doing?
The cover up could be within you or with the other person. Above all, if you are single and seeking, you need to steer well clear of any ‘complicated’ situation. It may be even more complicated than you are led to believe. You need to ask direct questions of any potential love interest. The main one being are they free in status and emotionally to enter into a relationship? And then what are they seeking? Do take on board their replies. And if something isn’t adding up – that’s a red flag.
Of course, this also means that perfect person arrives wearing a disguise. But that doesn’t mean you should abandon caution until you see through it clearly. Now, add to the mix Mars in your sector of self-worth and money, making an all-too-rare retrograde in here from the 30th. This will take you through to 2023. Look above all to your value system now, Taurus. You are the sign renowned for sticking to what you believe in. But I have to ask you, does this include yourself? Do you value your dreams, goals, ambitions and right to love the way you imagine as much as you value those of others? Mars retro in here has you looking at these and also looking at where you have failed to act on this in the past. See this as an opportunity to finally put this right.
All this impacts on your sense of wellbeing too. When we ignore what we know is right for us, it has an affect on us – mind, body and soul. So, stand by self-care and compassion – which is about far, far more than bubble baths and quick-fixes which temporarily soothe your soul. It’s about standing by your priorities – which means putting your needs first. Or at the very least, on par with those of others.
Before the Sun, Mercury and Venus move into your 7th they make a series of trines to Mars – now slowing in your 2nd, from your 6th of work and wellness. Plus the Sun and Venus align bringing you the best of both energies in here on the 22nd. By which time, Mercury which is close behind, has cleared retroshadow. This is asking you to get very very clear about what really matters. Time, energy, health and above all – staying true to what you know you need. As opposed to burying or sublimating that in work or other distractions. Get clear and also stand by this before that Mars retroaction. And stick to it for the entirety of it.
Fire up that broomstick and chart a course for soul-inspired freedom on All Hallow’s Eve. The portals between this world and the spiritual one open. And you are invited to deeply connect via insight, instincts and your dreams. Envision what that subtle but building feeling that all is about to change holds for you. The alignment between Pluto now direct, and the Moon in your 9th hands you the power to draw that dream out of the world of imagination and into reality. Just follow through between now and the year’s end, Taurus.
In a nutshell: A powerful sense of knowing is your best guide when it comes to navigating any lingering questions around a partnership matter. You can also use it it bring something from the world of imagination into manifestation, Taurus!
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (6th to 12th)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (5th)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (10th)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 9th)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (9th)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (12th)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (6th)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 10th)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (6th to 12th)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 10th)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (6th to 2nd)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (6th)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (6th to 2nd)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 9th)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 9th)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (6th)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (7th)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (7th)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 10th)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (10th)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (11th)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (7th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (6th to 2nd)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 9th)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (11th)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (7th)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (2nd)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)
Nothing in haste
Harness some retrograde power
Discover what true self care is
Spin that retrograde Wheel of Fortune and prepare to realign your dreams and future course. And do take your time with this process. Be the retrograde boss you are and use the opportunities retrogrades bring you to reboot your life or change a key area. The Wheel turns in your favour and realigns you to truth, purpose and living your message. If you allow it to that is.
But first, ask yourself if you want to end up back-tracking and having to do things all over again, Gemini? You know the answer to that. Which is why you need to take your time and not rush from now until we enter ‘23 in fact. Yes, we have your ruler Mercury stationary direct in your 4th from the 2nd. It then moves forward to clear retroshadow in your 5th from the 17th.
Other planets leave the retrograde party as October unfolds. As well as Mercury, we have Vesta direct in your 9th (6th), Pluto in your 8th (8th) and Saturn in your 9th (23rd). Jupiter will remain retrograde and returns to your 10th on the 28th. Giving you another boost when it comes to climbing the corporate ladder or furthering those ambitions. Do please remember that slow and steady not only wins the race but makes friends and influences people. Stay the course now, Gemini.
And while all this forward motion would usually see green lights re-appearing especially around romance, parenting, creativity and pleasure activities, what you have in fact is a very small window of go getting juice available. Due to the fact that Mars retrogrades in your 1st from October 30.
Unlike ruler Mercury which moonwalks backwards through the skies (or appears to) three times a year, Mars is a planet which retrogrades rarely. This one is set to last for some time and as it occurs in your 1st, will put a hold on personal matters and could if you are not careful, see you rushing in where angels fear to tread. In other words, you take one action and then end up having to try a different one. Just remember before you opt for that knee-jerk one, doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result is its own kind of insanity. Your task under this retrograde is to step back, wait and to find a new approach.
The upside? Because there always is one with a retro – you know that. In this case it’s a reclaiming of personal power if it’s been lost or given away. A rebooting of self-confidence and determination. A new surety rising within you when it comes to setting boundaries and what you are and aren’t willing to put up with from this point onwards. You take affirmative, self-empowered and protective action if needed. Without any hesitation, self-doubt or even guilt tripping that you are doing the right thing! Hates and negative thinkers are not needed. And no longer considered.
The same could be said for frenemies too. This month’s full Moon (9th), known as the Hunter’s Moon, appears in your sector of friends, contact and goals. Does someone give you an uncomfortable feeling? Do you feel your soul leave your body for a second when you see their name come up? You know what I’m talking about, Gemini!
The stand your ground energy you’re beginning to experience now gets channeled into your social life – and your goals. You may choose to break off some connections as a result. Or strike out towards what you want to do. Others approval – well, you know those who are your dream team and who support you. The rest? You’ll leave them to their limitations now. More in your Full Moon in Aries Monscope.
As Mercury returns to your fabulizing 5th (10th) and along with the Sun and Venus in here, it makes a series of soul affirming trines to Mars in your sign ahead of the retrograde. Your power to enact and attract hits a yearly pleasure peak now. You’ve that window to go for it – especially after the 17th when Mercury is out of retroshadow. Love, indulgences, creative ventures, holidays, those younger than you or your own childlike wonder – all reawakened with fresh meaning. Your 5th and 7th houses are your houses of attraction. Set your intentions to embrace fully whatever or whoever you draw to you. Luck is on your side so to take a chance. Make that first move towards claiming what you want. And again, let go of worrying what others may think. You don’t want to stop the flow by taking on someone else’s limitations.
One of the most powerful days of the month occurs on the 22nd when the Sun and Venus meet in here. Sublime energy surrounds you. Send it out and it will return magnified. This is a day to showcase yourself and be seen. To act like a superstar or the star of your own reality show. Just how to you want that reality to play out? You are in charge now. Don’t act the part – live it and direct the flow.
The focus shifts the following day as the Sun and Venus move on into your 6th. This is now about work, daily responsibilities, your pets, coworkers, staff if you have them, your studies and your wellbeing. The term ‘self care’ has been hijacked by the consumer industry so when I talk about this I am not speaking of bubble baths and scented candles. Not that there is anything wrong with those. True self care is about priorities. And being aware of the effects of what we do, where and with who we spend our time, what we eat, exercise and how our habits and routine impact on us overall. Mind, body and soul. Taking care of ourselves – true self-care in other words, not quick fixes, requires us to love ourselves enough to make the right daily choices which support and energise us.
Be very aware of your internal barometer and what your intuition is telling you around the time of the new Moon (25th). This new Moon triggers a partial solar eclipse. You know eclipses conceal. There is a partial cover-up or you only have a piece of what is a much bigger picture. Think of this as a Mercury retro on steroids when it comes to work matters, your health and habits. Do not indulge in office gossip. Ensure if you are offered a new job or position it is in writing and states clearly what your role and responsibilities will be. Hold back on new applications if you can.
This is a wonderful time to think about what you do everyday that you take for granted or simply do out of habit and whether or not this serves you. Watch how your body or energy levels show you the impact everything from food to being around certain people and places has on you. More in your New Moon in Scorpio Moonscope.
Setting fresh intentions and taking them seriously may follow as you establish more supportive and yes, self-caring goals. Ruler Mercury enters what is its ruling house joining the other planets on the 29th helping you sift through the information and gain clarity. The following day sees Mars head backwards. Now you are in a position where you can overturn past thinking and replace it with something new. But road test it for relevance and usability.
Halloween sees so many people across the world celebrate the day when the barriers between our world and the spirit one dissolve. In Mexico this coincides with the Day of the Dead. There’s a powerful resurrection on offer for you on this day as Pluto in your 8th meets the Moon in here. It takes you into deep emotional territory, touching on intimate matters. Be aware of the messages contained in your dreams – especially if people from your past appear in them. Set aside some time for a powerful cleansing ritual – that also comes under true self-care, where you vow to no longer be limited in your actions by baseless fears or wounds from your past. You could emerge with a feeling of rebirth or freed from the negative influences of the past. That’s the true power of the retrograde for you this month.
In a nutshell: Your power to attract is amplified this month, so focus it accordingly, Gemini. Above all, don’t be influenced by the limitations of others or their opinions. True self care is believing in yourself – and your dreams!
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (5th to 11th)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (4th)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (9th)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (8th)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (11th)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (5th)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 9th)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (5th to 11th)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 9th)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (5th to 1st)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (5th)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (5th to 1st)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 8th)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 8th)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (5th)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (6th)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (6th)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 9th)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (9th)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (10th)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (6th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (5th to 1st)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 8th)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (10th)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (6th)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (1st)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)
Become a psychic sleuth for the truth
Enter your annual pleasure zone
Cosmic magic and meet-cutes bring pumpkin spice this Halloween!
Do you see yourself as a psychic sleuth, Cancer? Ready to investigate and go deep into the mysteries? Secret whisperer could be your name this October as you could find yourself with the uncanny knack of uncovering them.
These may be willingly volunteered. Or else you launch an investigation to unearth the truth. And won’t stop until you arrive at it. As Mars prepares for an unusually long retrograde in your 12th house from the 30th, do however keep in mind that if someone shares a confidence with you, you need to lock it in the vault and throw away the key and combination.
If you have confidences you need to share – you need to choose the recipient of your deepest truths and even fears, with great care now. While Mars is retrograde in here, people will show their true colours. In this matter you have a lot on common with those born under the sign of Sagittarius. As this retrograde takes place in their house of partners and long term relationships. They too may experience a few eye opening revelations when it comes to others. And yes, this can go one way or the other. You discover someone is not to be trusted or else someone turns out to be an angel in disguise for you. The only way you find out for sure is to use caution and wait for the big exposure. Between now and early ‘23 – it will come.
This also extends to any new or emerging relationship. Do slow down now. Look for red flags such as love or friend-bombing. Or someone who simply wants to get too close too quickly for comfort. As always, part of being a psychic detective is the fact you have your intuition as your superpower. Think back Cancer – it’s only when you ignore it that you misread a situation. So, the answer to this is – don’t.
And do apply this rule to the partial solar eclipse which occurs at the time of the new Moon in your 5th on the 25th. This is the Sun’s ruling house in your chart so expect it to have a powerful impact on you as your ruler masks part of the surface of the Sun. Do ask yourself if someone around you is in fact wearing a mask? Or masking their true intentions? Your intuition knows for sure. Although you might not like what it is telling you, do accept the possibility it is correct. More in your New Moon in Scorpio Moonscope.
The minor caution around the eclipse aside, the 23rd and the arrival of the This month sees the Sun and Venus in your fabulous, free spirited 5th house heralds the start of your yearly pleasure peak! Mercury, now direct from the 2nd, arrives in here on the 29th and you have Jupiter, planet of luck, opportunity and expansion, back in its ruling 9th in your chart for one final visit on the 28th. All this adds up to you effortlessly drawing in new people, solutions and desires. It also sees you ready to circulate and scintillate and opens up that lucky streak. Right place, right time, right move, right person. Time for an extra large serving of Jupiter’s joyful soul food and to ditch anything basic, Cancer. You deserve bigger so act like you already own it.
This month breaks that retrograde storm front. Mercury shifts forward in its ruling 3rd in your chart from the 2nd, Vesta in your 8th (6th), Pluto in your 7th (8th), Saturn in your 8th (23rd) and Juno in your 9th (24th). The first three weeks of the month has the Sun, Venus and then Mercury in your home and family centered 4th and you focussed intently not just on the truth – but the truth around your needs as well. Balancing these with the needs of loved ones will continue to occupy you as you move through October with the 22nd being a star day for handing you solutions or the key to a new living chapter.
You are always affected by full Moons more than any other sign, Cancer. They bring things to a head for you. The full Moon in your 10th on the 9th could highlight the fact that someone values their own priorities or ambitions above all else. Be mindful of this in the workplace as this is your career sector. Of course, this can hit closer to home for some of you. As in what someone is prepared to sacrifice in their desire to get ahead. Yes, it is a good full Moon (Hunter’s Moon) to look at not only your work/life balance but that of anyone close to you.
If you feel anyone is emotionally distant or unavailable, it will be more pronounced now. Or you may even want to spend time disconnecting to think things through. Making lists, weighing up pros and cons as well as options. This will be the best way to deal with any emotional sting you feel under this full Moon. You need to feel with your heart, yes. But act from the head. More in your Full Moon in Aries Moonscope.
All your senses will be heightened to the energy of Halloween as Mars is retrograde from the 30th. Who adds the magic to your mix this All Hallows Eve? That special someone or is there an empty slot to be filled in your life? The 31st sees your ruler the Moon mingle with Pluto in your 7th linking you to the transformational power of love across time, space and dimensions.
If you have no-one to call your own and are seeking them (as opposed to being quite happy flying that broomstick solo), draw in some wisdom from the multiverse or other side when it comes to visualising what love you can magic up. Do however avoid focussing on a specific person or wanting to change someone. That is counterproductive and goes against the Law of Freewill. Instead create a fresh intention in an existing relationship or state your openness to whatever form true love wants to take next. It could be you are answered in a way you may not expect. Chances are your intuition will arrange that destiny driven meet cute if you just follow through as we head into November.
In a nutshell: Want to weave a little love magic this October? You’ll get to the truth in existing relationships and be able to know exactly what you want in a future one. Just allow your intuition to be your guide, Cancer.
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (4th to 10th)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (3rd)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (8th)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (7th)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (10th)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (4th)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 8th)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (4th to 10th)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 8th)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (4th to 12th)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (4th)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (4th to 12th)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 7th)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 7th)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (4th)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (5th)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (5th)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 8th)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (8th)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (9th)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (5th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (4th to 12th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 7th)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (9th)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (5th)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (12th)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)
Increased psychic awareness brings healing
Know your expectations in love
Make R&R your priority
Your psychic self reawakens and is more sensitive this month, Leo. Especially when it comes to those you care about. This enhanced awareness also asks you pace yourself and take things easy. Are you getting enough? Rest and recharge time that is. Let’s explore this as we head into October.
Stops, go slows and starts continue to be a theme. Yes, we are looking at the end of one major retrograde cycle. But then we have the start of another by the time October ends. We are also back in eclipse weather which means your ruler the Sun is impacted. However, the month could start on a positive note for many of you. First we have Venus oppose Jupiter in its ruling 9th in your chart on the 1st. Then Mercury moves direct again the following day in your 2nd which of course, Venus rules. Something that has been held up or hanging could now reboot for you.
You also have two major retrogrades ending in your 7th of partnerships. Vesta on the 6th and Saturn on the 23rd. Yes, Saturn is all about working within boundaries while Vesta touches on gender issues in both personal relationships and at work. This is about realistic real love, not the fantasy. And also as Mercury joins your ruler the Sun and Venus in your 3rd, you communicating what you want and how you expect to be treated. It’s all about deciding what you will and won’t accept. What compromises you are willing to make – and where the buck stops for you. And to ensure that people are clear about this.
Don’t ignore what demands your attention on the 9th when the full Moon strikes your 9th house. There may be a desire to run away or distance yourself. But honestly, Leo, it is time to gather that roaring courage and if needed, leave your comfort zone to take action. Come from your heart-centered truth and you won’t go far wrong. Again, your psychic self-awareness may play a role here. And as we head towards the eclipse in your 4th house on the 25th, keep a diary to record your dreams – and what begins to surface now.
As well as Mercury direct and returning to its ruling 3rd on the 10th, we have Pluto direct in your 6th from the 8th and Juno direct in your 8th from the 24th. Changes can be made now around your work, studies, habits, routine and wellbeing. As your ruler, Venus and then Mercury move through your 3rd house, they will make superb angles to Mars in your 11th of connections and your future. Especially across the 17th – 22nd. This is a period when news you have been waiting on may materialise, invitations are extended and you can confidently push ahead with business plans due to Mercury exiting its retroshadow on the 17th.
Connect, circulate, contact, apply , swipe and above all, be seen. Take action on your goals. This is actually a small but intensely beneficial window. The 22nd sees the Sun meet Venus in here bringing with it the possibility of intense fulfilment or a big leap forward with plans. Be in go-getting form, Leo and don’t wait for things to happen. Act with the confidence that says you will make them happen.
Your ruler and Venus enter your 4th simultaneously on the 23rd. That intense psychic sense increases in the run up to the partial solar eclipse and new Moon on the 25th. Do pay close attention to your feelings especially around family members – or those people you consider family and who you feel related to on a soul level rather than a biological one. There is such a thing as soul DNA after all!
Being the eclipse boss you know eclipses conceal and cover up. With a partial eclipse you have a piece of the puzzle – and missing ones. That psychic radar is telling you where the missing ones could be found. This eclipse can impact on your family members, it can bring up changes for them or changes for you with regards to where you live. It can also draw up memories from the past – and this includes past lives, that you were unaware were impacting on you in the present. This is one of the reasons I asked you to monitor your dreams. If this occurs you need to take your time processing these. And if necessary seek out professional help to clear and release them. In this respect, this eclipse can hand you healing.
Friend or frenemy? That’s what Mars retrograde in your 11th from the 30th is about to show you. Are you continuing connections just because of past history despite the fact you now have nothing in common for instance? This Mars retrograde will last a long time and take you on into 2023. During this cycle expect friendships to be tested. And you should not rush to make new ones either. Just like lasting love needs time to grow, so friends need time to prove they are in fact, exactly that.
Expect goal refinement to and you may realise some but release others. But you will still carry forward the experience you gained in their pursuit. In fact you may come to realise that taking action towards goals is in fact, reaching a goal in itself. Make the journey the goal and you honestly can’t lose. And again, craft a timetable and don’t rush it.
Halloween is the night where the barriers between this world and the next become more permeable. If you are dealing with residue the eclipse stirred up for you, this is the night to fearlessly go deeper into it. Yes dive in, soak it up until those psychic fingers go all pruney, Leo!
This night sees the Moon now in your 6th meet Pluto in here. That increased attunement you have been experiencing can now be focussed on deep self-healing, a change in those habits and channeling innate wisdom from the cosmos around what you need to change. Make yourself the recipient of your own healing magic on this night. You can emerge from it worlds away from how you were at the start of the month.
In a nutshell: We’re back in eclipse season this month so look to what emerges from the shadows on the 25th. Family may be in focus as could be where you live or what you truly need, Leo. Is it downtime? R&R? Healing? Serve yourself first this October!
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 9th)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (2nd)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (7th)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (6th)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (9th)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (3rd)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 7th)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 9th)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 7th)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (3rd to 11th)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (3rd)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (3rd to 11th)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 6th)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 6th)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (3rd)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (4th)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (4th)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 7th)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (7th)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (8th)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (4th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (3rd to 11th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 6th)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (8th)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (4th)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (11th)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)
Show you care with detail, focus and precision
Craft yourself a win/win
Guard your reputation
How do you show your love, Virgo? Those who understand your pristine soul know that your beautiful attention to detail, precision and ability to focus is directed towards those you care about. You know this in the way you listen and take on board what people say – remembering what is most important to them. If this superpower is not directed at people, you invest the same kind of caring in what you do, what you love to do and your environment. This is why you not only identify with your ruler Mercury (direct in your sign from the 2nd), but also dwarf planet Ceres.
You also know that being Mercury ruled, you hate having to slow things down or wait. That’s at an end. Something you have been waiting on may get clarified once Mercury moves forward. But do remember it will not clear retroshadow in your 2nd until the 17th. You know what to do, Virgo. The final word or outcome may not appear until then. In particular, watch the 12th when Mercury now back in your money zone opposes Jupiter in your other money house – your 8th. And if you feel the dynamic drive to take action or change something, this is a good day to follow through.
The big, bad retro weather front we’ve all been affected by breaks up in a big way. After Mercury we have Vesta in your 6th (6th), Pluto in your 5th (8th), Saturn in your 6th (23rd) and Juno in your 7th (24th). Juno’s move forward along with the return of Jupiter to this house on the 28th, puts long term love and soul contracts very much back on the menu for you. Jupiter is giving you that double shot of opportunity and alignment across all double acts and duets for one final time before it exits this house at the end of the year. Juno is all about coming together and long term agreements. With the forward motion in the sky increasing, don’t waste this, Virgo. Show this area the kind of love you are renowned for.
The 9th brings you a full Moon in your power-centered 8th house. And the following day Mercury re-enters Libra and your house of everyday cash, income, possessions and self-worth. So, prepare for this full Moon to highlight this area and any work you may still have to do until Mercury is clear of retroshadow on the 17th. Look to shared income and assets – your joint account, mortgage, salary, marital assets as well as benefits, payouts etc. And the all important question of how you believe you deserve to be treated or rewarded. Bring that precision and focus to bear on this now. Or what still needs to be changed.
As the Sun, Venus (which rules your 2nd), and then Mercury move through this house, fabulous trines are made between Saturn in your work zone and then Mars in your section of status, career and reputation. Look closely at what you want to achieve and between the 17-22 make that move, get that application in, present yourself as the most likely candidate to succeed and be ultra aware of your image and how you are coming across. The 22nd represents one of the best days of the month for you for financial or career matters when Venus and the Sun meet just prior to entering your 3rd.
Don’t forget through all the month, Ceres, your secret power planet is direct in your sign offering new deals and win/wins in personal plans and professional relationships, Virgo. The Sun and Venus are in Mercury’s house (your 3rd) from the 23rd and Mercury will follow on in here from the 29th.
However, do use caution and retain your focus when it comes to anything to do with paperwork, contracts, communication, agreements, getting around or the internet on the 25th. This day brings a new Moon in your 3rd and a partial solar eclipse. As you know, eclipses cover up and conceal. You have some of the facts or part of the picture. Not all of it. Fortunately, being a Mercury ruled native, you know to focus on that fine print, go deeper, ask the questions or just buy yourself some more time. That legendary focus of yours can be used to pierce the darkness and get to the facts. Do use it.
If this eclipse isn’t impacting you, it could affect your studies if you are a student, your siblings if you have them, or closer to home – your neighbours or something occurring in your immediate neighbourhood. There may be changes, shake-ups or relatives tell you they are making them. Maybe you suspected this or you may not see it coming. If your intuition is telling you something, you do need to use your superpowers to verify it with the facts now. Don’t cut corners, Virgo! More in your New Moon in Scorpio Moonscope.
Just as you thought you were escaping the retro weather – another front appears this time in your 10th. Mars will make a rare retrograde in here from the 30th. As well as your career and how high you can climb, this house rules your public and professional image and the status of your partner if you have one. This is why during this retrograde, you need to be more aware than usual about how you are perceived or are coming across. Project an aura of someone who knows what they want – and knows the moves they need to make.
Above all during this retrograde which will take you into 2023, and I cannot over-sell you on this, do not get into arguments or confrontations with people in positions of influence or authority. You will only end up stopped in your tracks and even reversing them if you do. Patience is your key to progress now but this may be harder to maintain while Mars is backwards. However, keep your focus. Don’t be surprised however if some of you completely change their path or how you present yourself during this time. If that path or ambitions need a reboot, this is your opportunity to relaunch yourself – seriously.
Halloween sends you back into black – a little bit of black magic love and indulgence in the best possible way. The Moon and Pluto fuse in your 5th house on the night when you can make a little witchy or wizarding glamaspell! Your 5th is all about romance, indulgence, showing off. Your particular brand of magic on this night isn’t the secret coven kind but the showing off, streaking across the sky, reality runway hocus pocus kind. Show off that supernatural side any way that feels right. If you have a fellow spellcaster to join you – be it a friend or a lover or the rest of your coven – so much the better. Dress up, cast your mystic magic and express yourself authentically. That’s the way you can focus your love as we head into November.
In a nutshell: Focus, attention and detail is how you show love, Virgo. Pour this into your own self worth as well as your relationships – both personal and professional this month. The results – a magic act worth waiting for.
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 8th)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (1st)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (6th)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (5th)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (8th)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (2nd)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 6th)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 8th)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 6th)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (2nd to 10th)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (2nd)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (2nd to 10th)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 5th)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 5th)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (2nd)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (3rd)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (3rd)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 6th)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (6th)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (7th)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (3rd)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (2nd to 10th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 5th)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (7th)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (3rd)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (10th)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)
Restore the love in your life
Get some freshly baked ideas
Fire and fierce freedom propels you forward!
Love restoration is the theme, the gift and the goal you want to attain while the Sun and your ruler Venus remain in your sign, Libra. Because of the intense retro weather front which has impacted you more than other signs due to Mercury beginning its retrograde in your 1st, the start of your new cycle may have felt like going over old ground instead of joyful moving into something freshly baked.
Yet retrogrades serve a powerful purpose. Allowing us to backtrack and then refine what we desire for the future – based on what the past has taught us. Of course, some souls just don’t get the gift and simply continue the same old, same old. With the same results. That hopefully is not you as Mercury shifts to forward motion in your 12th on the 2nd. Gather up those learnings and insights and prepare to move forward once more.
It’s all a bit Cher. Maybe it’s time for you to add a couple of classic tracks to that Spotify playlist this month as they touch on the amazing energy that’s being generated not just by the retrograde but also the fabulous trines between the Sun, Venus and then Mercury in your 1st and Mars in your 9th. The movement of the planets forward – from Mercury on the 2nd to Vesta (6th), Pluto (8th), Saturn (23rd) and Juno (24th), asks what you now believe as part of your love restoration process? Life after love to quote Cher?
Combined with the full Moon (Hunter’s Moon) in your 7th on the 9th,, all this retrograde restoration has you looking at not just your beliefs but that of the other party’s too. Do you need time to move on or need a love to feel strong? That retrograde weather gave you time to think it through, and now the full Moon asks what you are going to do from this moment onwards? Do think back six months to what began or was occurring around partnerships of any description back then. That is when the full Moon was in your sign and the new Moon in your 7th. What themes repeat or something around you and another heads into peak territory? It’s a double act alert under this full Moon. So ensure you tune in to matters of the heart.
You should be looking great and feeling great with both the Sun and your ruler in your sign until the 23rd. Your sense of pleasure, taste and all your senses are heightened. And guess what? As Mercury returns to your sign its time for indulgences again. What’s more you will love your purchases. Some of you may even splash out on cosmetic enhancements as part of your feel-good cycle. The better you feel, the more you are able to attract. Consider this self-love restoration.
The eclipsed new Moon in your 2nd on the 25th plus the feeling of it’s not over until the aria – should have you applying an inner knowing when it comes to personal relationships or even your money. In other words – everything Venus ruled and close to your heart. Your best day this month has to be the 22nd when the Sun and ruler Venus meet in your sign. Creating a wonderful fusion of energy which results in It’s the best of both in fact.
The next day both the Sun and Venus leave your sign for your 2nd – which of course, Venus rules. Karmic bills fall due. As does what you owe and are owed in return. Any extra cash that comes your way during the next month should be channeled into clearing outstanding debts and paying bills. And avoiding taking on new loans or expenditures if possible as that eclipse can muddy the waters. Or see you agreeing to something without being fully aware of the T&C’s. A little like a Mercury retrograde in fact.
Day job, studies, work and habits receive a Jupiter juice injection when it returns to your 6th on the 28th. It will return to your 7th of partners at the end of the year. Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in your 2nd the following day telling you to get your hustle on when it comes to how you make your dough. This includes any ideas of a side one too. What this line up does hand you which you can bank on is increased self-confidence and belief in your ideas.
Mars in your 9th hands you the desire for freedom – but not thankfully, for disconnection. However, if you are seeking love, you will want a partner who allows you full rein when it comes to your self-expression and freedom to be yourself with no filters. As Mars retrogrades in here from the 30th, if there are control issues or you feel stifled in any area, you will be looking at breakaway moves.
This is your house of legal matters, academia, long distance travel, foreign affairs, large animals and big ideas. You will crave expansion, adventure and an opportunity to prove you are the right stuff. Be ready to step up. But don’t act in haste or rush in where angels fear to tread. Which brings me to the second song on that playlist: If I could turn back time. As in: Words are like weapons, they wound sometimes. Whatever you do, don’t fall into that trap with Mars retro in here. The upside? Dial up that fierceness now. Yet another reason to look and feel your best.
Do keep this retrograde in mind if you are involved in legal proceedings. Or any situation where you feel you have to win an argument ‘at all costs’. Honestly, it’s not worth it. Keep the balance. That’s your superpower, Libra. Halloween brings its own kind of balance and intuition. And the ability to craft what you say and even soothe and smooth if needed. The spell you cast on this day with the words you choose can have a transformational effect as the barriers between this world and the magical realm of mysteries, dissolve.
This day sees Pluto and the Moon infuse your words and wisdom with home truths and a desire to open up new avenues of understanding and nurturing with those you care for. Or can see you commit to making a radical change around that self-support system you’ve created, Libra. The end result – flying free into love restoration into November!
In a nutshell: You’ll benefit from the amazing line of up planets this month when it comes to feeling good and your ability to attract Libra. Love and other indulgences could be on their way. But use words with care after the 30th.
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (1st to 7th)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (12th)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (5th)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 4th)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (4th)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (7th)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (1st)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 5th)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (1st to 7th)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 5th)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (1st to 9th)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (1st)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (1st to 9th)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 4th)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 4th)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (1st)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (2nd)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (2nd)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 5th)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (5th)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (6th)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (2nd)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (1st to 9th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 4th)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (6th)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (2nd)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (9th)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)
Show your fearless side
Take time to explore the new
Phoenix – prepare to rise!
Happy birthday season, Scorpio. Like the phoenix you are, prepare for rebirth and to rise into fresh potential.
New beginnings may not be all they appear to be however. The reason being the new Moon in your sign on the 25th isn’t fully unwrapped. It’s a partial solar eclipse so do remember what we know about eclipses. They conceal or cover-up. You only have part of the story, image, desire or puzzle. Now, throw in ancient ruler Mars making a rare retrograde in your 8th of change – which takes you all the way into ‘23, and you’ll see the need for playing the waiting game.
This especially applies to money, sexual entanglements, marriages, divorce, settlements, wills, taxes, investments, income, benefits and anything you find difficult to talk about. This touches on the deep side of life and you’re familiar with that. We are hard wired to avoid ‘difficult’ feelings. When they surface we can go to great lengths to not feel what we are feeling – self medicating with with whatever works to take the edge off. But Mars retro in here is telling you there’s a different way and that’s the way out for you. And the eclipse says you haven’t been able to see it – until now.
So, do bear this in mind with anything that has had you stuck or stopping your rebirth and ascent into the new now. Those painful feelings are showing you what needs to change and Mars retro a new emboldened, fearless way to achieve this. Next year brings you the best partnership cycle you have experienced in 12 years. Isn’t it worth a fierce, bold approach to ready yourself for that?
Do however cultivate patience and know that during this cycle endings and rebirths can go through many stages – as can negotiations. But again, this will prove to establish something better for you in the long haul.
Let’s look at the rest of the month. Yes, we end one retrograde period with Mercury moving forward in your 11th from the 2nd. Your contemporary ruler Pluto in your 3rd from the 8th, Saturn in your 4th from the 23rd and Vesta (6th) and Juno (24th). You will certainly escape that over-arching feeling of replays and reboots once Mercury reaches your sign on the 29th. You’ll see the return of clarity especially in what you say and communicate. However, do bear in mind that up until that date, things can still stall and reverse and you will be going back and forth clearing our that soul closet of yours for the next few months. It’s a process that cannot be rushed.
Jupiter also returns to your 5th this month. You can reignite the creative spark with projects, indulge in activities that give you pleasure and yes, re-focus on that love life. Jupiter hands you one more vital juice shot in these areas which also includes babies and children in you have them. Can you conceive the inconceivable? Perhaps you think you and another are over for good. Well, if there’s still an ember burning, this final transit of Jupiter in here could fan the flames again. But do ensure if so you make this an entire new beginning and start again from scratch. No more repeats of the past.
Go slowly into any love situation and give it time to develop. This Mars retrograde is all about being handed fresh opportunities to do things differently and explore paths not taken. And to enter into love with emotional honesty and no longer ashamed of feeling what you feel. And if someone cannot accept that, then its time for you to accept they are not right for you. And use this retrograde energy to look elsewhere.
The Sun and Venus’s simultaneous arrival in your 1st on the 23rd sees you taking a different approach to your money, your assets and values will also be a signature move for you from this month onwards. Put simply, you put more value what you have than you have done in the past. This includes yourself. You’re not about to give yourself to just anyone. Whether this is your love or other precious resources. New you – new attitude, Scorpio. Now that’s what the retrograde cycle has handed you.
You will also benefit from soul starting trines between the planets moving through your 12th and Mars as October unfolds. What these show you is what and where change needs to take place. But also they point to the tools to enable this to happen. The full Moon (9th) this month – the Hunter’s Moon, appears in your house of day job, habits and wellbeing. Again, this is asking you to look to your priorities. Health and self-care being the top two. What are you allowing to just slide or continue possibly due to it being a habit? Or else you deferring to someone else’s wishes or priorities? This full Moon highlights your needs. Attend to these now and check your Full Moon in Aries Moonscope.
Now you know that new beginnings for you mean mining your past and actively opting to embrace all you feel rather than deny it. That’s the starting point for new beginnings. Your ruler Pluto points to emotional transformation on All Hallows Eve when it entangles with the Moon in your 3rd of communication. This fuses the best parts of emotional truth with the desire to change. Something you hear, read, see or are told results in a shift within. Or you simply communicate to others that you have changed your position on something – for good. If you feel you’ve been taken for granted, the 31st brings a shift in how you are seen. And what is available to you from here on in.
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Scorpio. The year ahead promises to be one of the best you have lived for a while when it comes to relationships and partners of all kinds. Set your priorities and open up to receive more this cycle!
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (12th to 6th)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (11th)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (4th)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (3rd)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (6th)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (12th)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 4th)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (12th to 6th)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 4th)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (12th to 8th)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (12th)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (12th to 8th)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 3rd)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 3rd)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (12th)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (1st)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (1st)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 4th)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (4th)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (5th)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (1st)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (12th to 8th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 3rd)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (5th)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (1st)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (8th)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)
You can’t hurry love
Something old get new life for ‘23!
All treat – no tricks
Is love a rom-com or a drama this month? Ruler Jupiter leaves your love zone on the 28th. Don’t worry, it will be back. But now add in a full Moon in this house on the 9th and Mars retrograde in your sector of long term partners and marriage from the 30th. Is this trick or treat, Sag?
Those close to you or close to your heart – including your children if you have them, could be either the source of pleasure or else just seem to want to turn your world upside down. And not in the way you expected. Take it you have been warned. Add ‘You can’t hurry love’ to that Spotify playlist and do make it your signature beat or theme tune now. And yes, all the way into 2023.
Throwing your heart away – so no now. Expect the start of this cycle to be one where others show their true colours. Like their hue? Or maybe not. What this cycle wants to hand you is alternative routes to the road to true love. Or perhaps an exit ramp for some if the way has become too rocky. It also wants to show you there are so many forms of togetherness and ways to connect or even resolve issues. Or see you going against ‘type’ for results of the lasting kind which may have been elusive until now. Opt for all treat, no trick.
The intense retrograde weather elsewhere in the sky breaks up this month and a sliver of sunbeam appears to light the way forward for you, Sag. Yes, you can still be subject to delays and disruptions so do bear this in mind – especially if you are travelling. In motion this month is Vesta in your 3rd (6th), Pluto in your cash zone (8th), Saturn in your 3rd (23rd) and Juno in your 4th (24th). A fresh sense of determination ignites you. Espe.cially if you used this retrograde cycle to choose to work with what you have available to you right now, Sag. Being present, in the moment, staying focused on what you want to achieve should hand you results by the end of the year.
Two key oppositions occur between Venus (1st) and then Mercury (12th) in your 11th while Jupiter remains in your 5th. This activates your sector of wish fulfillment and friendships. Combine this will the full Moon in your 5th on the 9th, and a series of attraction activating trines between the Sun, Venus and then Mercury in your 11th and Mars in your 7th, bringing you some of the best days of the month for your social life, partnership matters and goal getting opportunities. You are taking steps to claim what you want to do, have or experience now. And that confidence and self-assurance you’re projecting just adds to your signature blend of untamed sexiness and downright fiery vibe.
One of the best days of the month occurs on the 22nd, when just prior to exiting for your 12th house, the Sun and Venus meet in your 11th. This can see benefits flow from those who you know or the appearance of an important new connection. This can also mark a major step or platform from which you can craft a fresh outcome for your future. It’s not a day to be a hermit or refrain from door knocking. Make that move.
The Sun and Venus move into your 12th on the 23rd marking the start of your soul house clearing period. Where you reset your intentions for your new cycle or craft new ones, and release anything that is outdated, outworn or which no longer serves. Take the month to sift through these. You may also come to see the past through a new lens now. This may seem a lot like watching an old photograph developing. Or a Polaroid film. It begins on the 25th when a partial solar eclipse along with the new Moon plays hide and seek in your house of secrets, hidden truths and mysteries. You get a quick glimpse into the closet before the door slams closed again.
Something is truly obscured for you and all you may have to go on is that far-seeing intuition or gut feeling. Your initial feeling or interpretation of what you’ve been shown could well turn out to be the correct one. But what you have to do in the interim is watch and wait, Sag. Chances are more information or the bigger picture will slowly emerge as we move into November just like that photograph.
Ruler Jupiter returns to your 4th at the end of the month. Expect one final boost or benefit around home, living arrangements, path or lifestyle during its final visit to this house. It will return to your 5th at the very end of the year and then spend the first five months of ‘23 powering through it. If you have factors between 0-8 degrees of Aries, Libra or your own sign – and do check your chart for these, then expect anything which emerged or stalled mid year in ‘22 to suddenly be infused with new life again.
Mars stations retrograde in your 7th the day before Halloween. And tells you spells of the true variety take time to cast – and manifest. All Hallows Eve brings a self-worth boosting conjunction between the Moon and Pluto in your 2nd house. Cast your magic in the direction of abundance as opposed to money. Self esteem as opposed to spending. And buying experiences as opposed to ‘stuff’. There’s a alchemical force at work on this night transformation what you feel you have a right to have. What you release may be any remaining limitations around your ability to have and hold on to those or that goal you’re so invested in. It sets you free to fly that broomstick higher, Sag. That’s the treat.
In a nutshell: Trick or treat when it comes to love this Halloween month, Sag? In the run up to your birthday cycle next month, don’t be in too much of a hurry when it comes to double acts. And get ready for a major shift in perspective around having and holding on.
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (11th to 5th)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (10th)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (3rd)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (2nd)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (5th)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (11th)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 3rd)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (11th to 5th)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 3rd)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (11th to 7th)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (11th)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (11th to 7th)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 2nd)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 2nd)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (11th)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (12th)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (12th)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 3rd)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (3rd)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (4th)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (12th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (11th to 7th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 2nd)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (4th)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (12th)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (7th)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)
Love is the alchemy you seek
Who passes the friendship test?
Boss image – rock star soul. That’s you this month!
Friendships, networks, connections and who you know and meet define November for you, Cappy. Especially from the 23rd when the Sun and Venus light up that social circle for you.
You can tackle the everyday stuff or anything you have been putting off with effortless ease now. We have the end of one major retroactive cycle as well as the start of a new one. Don’t be worried however, this month sees you recommit to an all-important path or ambition and offers you the opportunity to renew your belief in yourself.
You emerge the power player in your own destiny as the planets move forward again. First Mercury in your 9th on the 2nd. On the 10th it crosses back into your 10th joining the Sun and Venus in here. Just remain mindful of the fact it will take until the 17th to clear retrograde however. But as it and other planets move through this house, they will trine Mars in your 6th of work and duties giving you that extra boost, confidence and staying power when it comes to pushing ahead with your plans.
Pluto in your 1st also heads direct from the 8th while two important retro ends occur in your money house. Vesta on the 6th and your ruler Saturn from the 23rd. You should now know not only what you will or waon’t accept around money and in your relationships, but also have a firm sense of working better with the resources that you already have. As you know better than any other sign, Saturn rules boundaries. You work within those and in doing so, become so much more effective. It’s about making what you have do more and go further. And in applying this, you end up with more to do more with.
This month’s full Moon (9th) is in your 4th which is the Moon’s ruling house and fellow cardinal sign of Aries. You cardinal signs create and bring into being. That is your role in the zodiac. And yours within this is to take a structured approach to the process. You may need to check your chart for Capricorn factors at 16 degrees of your chart. If you have them then this full Moon will be extra intense because it will square them. This may call on you to fall back on your incredible ability to focus on facts and the step-by-step process of what needs to be done. Rather than be pulled down by not just your feelings, but other people’s too. Old concerns and insecurities can emerge. Especially around family members. Don’t allow these to hold you back or stop you from making the choices you know are right. More in your Full Moon in Aries Moonscope.
Discipline is your rocket ship to success now. Something you own as your staying power is the stuff of which legends are written about. That retro weather should have handed you more focus and realisation about the benefits of a long-haul approach. Now, this is going to stand you in good stead later this month. Mars in your 6th will make a rare retrograde in here from the 30th. And this is going to last into 2023. Patience, discipline and not giving in to rushing and burning yourself out will be called for. Do not take on more than you know you can realistically handle. Mars in here can have you thinking you are invincible. You’re not. Watch out for inflammation, high temperatures and mind your head while Mars in retrograde in your house of wellbeing.
The 22nd could bring you success and satisfaction when the Sun and Venus meet just prior to exiting your 10th for your 11th on the 23rd. This is also a day to make your very best impression. And not just with your professional smarts. It’s a great day to show the love to your partner but also as this house rules your partner’s status, to attract a suitor of the serious kind too. They could be someone who makes all the right moves as far as you’re concerned. Who knows quality when they find it. As do you.
Love talk, ideas, commerce, communication, writing, pitching, launching, studies and the internet take on fresh significance for you with the Sun and Venus in your 11th. People seem to want to say yes to you. Especially after Mercury arrives in here on the 29th and you have Juno ending its retrograde in your 3rd on the 24th. Joining Juno now is Jupiter from the 28th, handing you one final burst of luck when it comes to attracting what (or who) you desire and selling in those ideas. No time to be shy, Capricorn. You look like a boss but have the soul of a rock star. Let the latter out to perform now.
Just ensure you are clear in your meaning and also ask for clarity when it comes to what you say or what others tell you on the 25th. This day sees the new Moon in your 11th but also a partial solar eclipse. This touches on friendships, contacts, connections and also your goals. Don’t automatically jump to conclusions over something that is said. You are also strongly advised not to listen to gossip. Or spread it for that matter. Take it you don’t have all the facts and you need to continue to ask for clarification or wait for them to emerge. If you do however get a strong feeling around one particular friend or group – one way or another, you do need to hold that thought. But again, wait to act.
Let your personal brand of magic loose and fly with it on Halloween, Cappy. It could be no one is immune from that spell you’re casting! This day sees the Moon meet Pluto in your sign. That’s a powerful other-worldly spell you’re projecting. There’s a magnetic intensity around you that draws in change and charges one connection with a fresh emotional depth.
What emerges between the worlds is you seeking love with extra depth and meaning. You want someone to be the catalyst for love transformation. Hopefully you’re igniting the same desire in them too. Put your own brand of magic out there on this night even if it’s just in stating your intentions or wishes. Chances are, someone or something will answer in kind in November.
In a nutshell: Boss image, heart of a rock star. That’s you this November, Capricorn. You’ve all the right moves available to you to succeed in any area. As usual, discipline, patience and a dose of passion are the secrets to your success.
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (10th to 4th)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (9th)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (2nd)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 1st)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (1st)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (4th)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (10th)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 2nd)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (10th to 4th)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 2nd)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (10th to 6th)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (10th)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (10th to 6th)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 1st)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 1st)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (10th)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (11th)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (11th)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 2nd)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (2nd)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (3rd)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (11th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (10th to 6th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 1st)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (3rd)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (11th)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (6th)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)
Someone’s knockin’ at the door
Somebody’s ringin’ the bell
Do me a favour
Open the door and let ’em in
Ooh, child, let the beautiful people in
You may recognise these lyrics as from Let Them In by Wings. However, this is the Billy Paul version. Only let the beautiful people into your life this October and from this point onwards. And do be prepared to wait to ensure that the inner person matches their stated intentions.
This month brings to the end one major retrograde cycle but also the end of October marks the start of a new one. The 2nd sees Mercury heading direct in your other money house and area of transformation. A release is coming shortly for you. More importantly, you have Vesta (6th) and Saturn (23rd) direct in your 1st as well as Pluto direct in your 12th from the 8th. The combination of all this retrograde weather has hopefully enabled you to see what doors are still worth knocking on or are now opening to you. And which remain closed no matter how hard you knock. This is the learning you are now asked to take on board and put into action. If the doors are closed, you need to choose a different door now. Especially when it comes to career or relationships.
This month’s full Moon in your 3rd on the 9th, throws a light on what is really behind any disagreements or what is being said, Aquarius. You’ve also been dealing with Mercury, planet of communication, retrograde in your depth defying 8th house. It moves direct from the 2nd and returns to your 9th the day after the full Moon. Sure, it won’t leave retroshadow until the 17th, but what this promises is you finally getting the clarity you need. Around doors to knock on especially.
This is the Hunter’s Moon and with Mercury direct again, this lifts those barriers between you and what you are seeking. Or where you want to go. So, travel is back on the agenda again and should be snafu-free after the 17th. Yes, most restrictions will be lifted from the 2nd, but take no chances. But what you now need to take forward with you is where you have been wasting your time or investing in something that simply does not give you the results you are seeking. This can be confronting, humbling but ultimately freeing for you.
As the planets – the Sun, Venus and then Mercury move through your sector of expansion and opportunity, you have an unprecedented opportunity to course correct now. They will trine Mars in your 5th of luck, lovers and what enables you to shine and stand out. The period between the 17th – 22nd being one where you may finally feel you are aligned with the universe again. And most importantly you own true purpose. The 22nd is a wonderful day where something big may literally put your feet on a fresh path towards a big desire when the Sun and Venus align.
Career and money matters will also be favoured this October. Saturn direct once again should have handed you renewed determination and purpose. The Sun and Venus both move into your 10th of career, public image and status on the 23rd. Mercury will follow on the 29th. However, do guard your reputation and be extremely mindful of how you act, come across, say, promise or share and send out on the 25th. This day brings a new Moon in here and a partial solar eclipse. Eclipses conceal and cover up. This one may make you unaware that you are being watched or someone is taking note of what you do. Now, this can be a good thing as you could be chalking up serious brownie points from that boss over your efforts. Conversely, it can have you thinking you can get away with something – only to find you can’t. It can also bring up whether continuing to knock on that door is actually a futile process. So, look at the bigger picture.
However, the good news is that Jupiter returns to you money zone on the 30th giving you one more opportunity to take advantage of its seriously generous cashed-up benefits. This is however the house of what you make. So, don’t sit back thinking you will win the lottery. But Jupiter can be at its most open-handed if you make the effort now. Releasing you into abundance and prosperity. And also reminding you there is more than one kind of rich. And that is being rich in love, talent and experiences.
Combined with Juno in here – direct from the 24th, this can see you enter into new and long term financial arrangements to your benefit.
One word of warning despite all this forward motion in the sky. Be wary of lover’s tiffs or getting all excited over nothing. As it what’s hot turns out to be so not later. Do put on your brave pants and tackle any issues between you and that boo or you and your children head on. Before things get too heated. The key here is timely communication. Resist any inclination to withdraw or simply hope things will fix themselves as Mars makes a rare retrograde in your 5th on the 30th. This goes back to only letting the beautiful people in when it comes to lovers or even friends. Do take your time to get to know something before you open your own door to your heart and your life, wide.
Halloween sees the Moon conjunct Pluto in your 12th house. Of all the signs, you have the Access All Areas Pass to the other world this All Hallows Night. Mysteries and answers are reveled. You plug into a deeper level of knowing, psychic truth and also creativity. If you have been holding yourself back by wasting time knocking on the wrong doors, you will now not only see which ones but will understand why and where this all started. And walk away towards those opening wide like the portal does between this world and the other realms on this night. This is powerful magic to own. Open a different door as we go into November.
In a nutshell: Doors are a powerful symbol. Are they opening for you this month? Or remaining closed no matter how hard you knock? And if you are the one answering a knock – let only the people bearing love in, Aquarius.
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (9th to 3rd)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (8th)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (1st)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 12th)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (12th)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (3rd)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (9th)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 1st)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (9th to 3rd)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 1st)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (9th to 5th)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (9th)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (9th to 5th)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 12th)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 12th)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (9th)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (10th)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (10th)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 1st)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (1st)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (2nd)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (10th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (9th to 5th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 12th)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (2nd)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (10th)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (5th)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)
Make your move
Explore fresh paths to goals
You are the change you have been waiting for!
Mars in your 4th is in there for a long staycation. It will take you into ‘23. And as you know, Mars in here is not the happiest of housemates. This is a feeling, relating house. And Gemini we can say is a non-binary sign as planets tend to express their energy in the way they want to rather than be tempered by that sign. So, what you have here is the assertive, determined and restless side of Mars in what is a house that is all about intuition and security. Mars does none of those.
Mars in here says: Get a move on. Now for many of you this may express itself in exactly that way. You feel confined, stagnant and want to quite literally up sticks and move on from your present home. Or it can make you unusually cranky, antsy and irritable with those you live with. It’s never a good idea to spend too much time at home, with family or have houseguests with Mars in here. Especially after it heads retrograde on the 30th. Or when it squares your ruler Neptune on the 12th for that matter.
How to live with Mars retro and over-staying its welcome in here? Do move it on another level. Take action. Renovate, redecorate, declutter and attend to DIY tasks, spend time in the garden if you have one. Count to 10 before reacting to that laundry left on the floor, the dirty dishes or simply the sound of your significant other chewing. Spend time outside the home if you can – especially exercising or in physical activity. Although in the Northern Hemisphere as the colder weather approaches this becomes more difficult. Focus that energy into outer ambitions and career which actually enhance your security or living arrangements in the long term. Strangely, Mars retro in here gives you a competitive edge.
Channel that excess energy – and you do have plenty of it now, Pisces, into lifestyle plans. Ancient ruler Jupiter is back at the end of this month (28th) giving those personal plans and that image one
final polish and refinement before exiting for good at the end of December. Do make the most of your rekindled power to attract between now and then.
Mercury in your 7th moves direct once again on the 2nd. Hopefully you have emerged from what has been an intense retrograde experience, with the perspective where you no longer compare your personal love journey to that of others. Be you single or settled. It’s your heart and you determine its path. Without compromise or comparison. You also have Juno which rules marriage, partnerships and promises you make which you cannot easily back out of (and may not want to), direct in your sign from the 24th enhancing relationships and moving them forward once more. You got staying power, Pisces!
Embrace the power of self-initiated and long term change right up until the 23rd. As well as Mercury direct we see pauses and then you change your direction as first Vesta in your 12th (6th), Pluto in your 11th (8th), and Saturn in your 12th (23rd) move forward once again. This brings you a shifting point around money, partnerships or a fresh perspective heading forward again. Do harness this. Especially when combined with the fabulizing trines which occur all month long as planets move through your 8th and Mars in your 4th. This is about knowing what you want to change and not being at the mercy of changes.
This may also mean being willing to explore previously untried solutions or options you may not have been aware of. The means to access them come via you researching or simply asking people you trust or with the relevant experience. You may come to realise you have more resources at your disposal that you first thought. Look to these at the time of the full Hunter’s Moon in your money zone on the 9th. More in your Full Moon in Aries Moonscope.
One of the best days for satisfaction with the transformations that are occurring comes on the 22nd when the Sun and Venus meet handing you a powerful fusion of self-directed and positive change. Especially around your bank account and what you share with another. The next day, both move on into your 9th of freedom, opportunity, learning and fierce independence. This is why it is so important for you to direct the forces of change before the Sun enters this house. Expansion, options, opportunity and even travel lies ahead for you as we head into November.
If you are travelling at the time of the eclipse and new Moon in here on the 25th, do bear in mind there may be some factor you are unaware of relating to your journey. Eclipses conceal something. This is a partial eclipse so take it you either don’t have all the information or are being told something incorrect. As this occurs in your house of the mass media – there’s your clue. Don’t believe everything you read, hear or are told now. It’s all shades of Mercury retro – which is now well out of its retroshadow and enters your 9th on the 29th. Take it more information will come to light.
As the planets move through your 9th as we head into November, they are going to trine both your rulers, so do ensure you put yourself into a position where you are ready to accept the new coming your way. Big up those dreams, be willing to take a chance. Above all, set yourself up to step into previously unexplored territory to claim what you want.
All Hallows Eve is a time of gathering for you. If you can party or trick or treat with like-minded souls – so much the better. Assemble your coven for a shared ritual or honouring of the night when you can see into the next world and get answers to mysteries. If not in person, then Zoom or facetime.
This is a wonderful night to set some fresh goals which you can embark on next month as Pluto Lord of Transformation meets the Moon, bringer of emotional insight in your 11th house. Create your own ceremony to mark this night in a way which feels right for you. You can make an altar, light candles or honour loved ones who have transitioned. If you are seeking answers, you may receive them if you are open to their truth. Write down your most desired goal and meditate on it. Ask to be shown the best path to manifesting it. And be prepared to accept the opportunity to go down it once November arrives.
In a nutshell: Change within results in the changes you are longing for in your outer world this month, Pisces. You’re on the brink of an important cycle of satisfaction and expansion as ruler Jupiter returns to your sign!
Oct 1 2022 Venus in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (8th to 2nd)
Oct 2 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (7th)
Oct 6 2022 Vesta direct in Aquarius (12th)
Oct 7 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 11th)
Oct 8 2022 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (11th)
Oct 9 2022 Full Moon in Aries (2nd)
Oct 10 2022 Mercury re-enters Libra (8th)
Oct 12 2022 Sun in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 12th)
Oct 12 2022 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)
Oct 12 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (8th to 2nd)
Oct 14 2022 Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 12th)
Oct 17 2022 Sun in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (8th to 4th)
Oct 17 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Libra (8th)
Oct 19 2022 Venus in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (8th to 4th)
Oct 19 2022 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 11th)
Oct 20 2022 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 11th)
Oct 22 2022 Sun and Venus conjunct in Libra (8th)
Oct 23 2022 Venus enters Scorpio (9th)
Oct 23 2022 Sun enters Scorpio (9th)
Oct 23 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 12th)
Oct 23 2022 Saturn stationary direct in Aquarius (12th)
Oct 24 2022 Juno direct in Pisces (1st)
Oct 25 2022 New Moon in Scorpio – Partial Solar Eclipse (9th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra trine Mars in Gemini (8th to 4th)
Oct 27 2022 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 11th)
Oct 28 2022 Retrograde Jupiter re-enters Pisces (1st)
Oct 29 2022 Mercury enters Scorpio (9th)
Oct 30 2022 Mars stationary retrograde in Gemini (4th)
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)
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