Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 30th 2020

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 30th 2020
Don’t fall for fake news of the soul kind
Make ‘Just the facts’ your mantra
Ask those angels
Do fact check and take it your most reliable source of information may be that psychic reporter within you this week, Aries. We have a full Moon in your 3rd and an eclipse on the 30th. This may push some buttons for you. But what you hear or are told may not be the truth.
This is Mercury’s ruling house in your chart and Mercury itself enters your 9th on the 1st. It then trines Chiron in your 1st on the 4th. This could mark the point when your gut feelings about something get validated or more information emerges. What does may surprise you. Or simply put a whole new spin on things. For this reason, try to avoid big decisions or jumping to conclusions around this eclipse.
Love has a hidden truth
No matter what emerges or how things appear to be packaged up, take it that even if you can’t see it, what is happening is to your benefit. Eclipses conceal so we are talking about secrets and hidden truths. Because the Moon is involved and this rules our emotions, we may feel things intensely but this does not necessarily make them true. Neptune rules secrets and also your intuition which may be your most infallible guide now.
The 6th has Venus in your sector of change make a beautiful transformative angle to Neptune. The hidden truth being that any changes may have a plan and a purpose. So, this week wait before reacting. You’ve an angel on your shoulder. Ask it for guidance. You may just get to the heart of the matter if you do.
In a nutshell: This week’s eclipse asks you use your inner wisdom when it comes to what you hear. Chances are it knows the difference between the truth and fake news better than you. Listen in now and don’t doubt yourself, Aries.
Your value system is right on the money
Know what is priceless to you
Dare to ask for a different outcome
Above all, avoid making major financial decisions this week. And look more to what your relationship is to your money, income, possessions and even your self-worth. You certainly need to come from the latter as an eclipsed full Moon covers up a key financial or emotional worthy area this week.
Both your money houses are impacted now. Hence the need for caution. Often it’s not about the money but I would say follow it as the saying goes. What it represents or the emotional sting around finances is more important than the actual folding stuff. With Uranus doing revolutionary work in your sign around your values, it could just be that which is at the end of the money trail. What is priceless to you. That which you cannot ‘sell out’ or even ‘sell your soul’ over.
Know you are enough
Insecurities around not having enough or even not being enough, could surface. If so, face them head on. Mercury moves into your ‘other’ money house – your 8th on the 1st. This is your house of your salary, benefits, payments, mortgages, loans etc. Renegotiating something or even asking for a different arrangement or deal could be a positive outcome this week as it trines Chiron on the 4th. You may even ask for something you didn’t have the courage to before.
Ruler Venus sits in its ruling 7th in your chart. It makes a perfect alignment to Neptune in your 11th on the 6th. You could see a new and better deal for the future coming out of this. It could involve anyone from your spouse or partner, to that boss, bank or even that backer. Hold on to what you know is right for you. The price is right when you come from knowing what you’re worth.
In a nutshell: It’s not a week for major decisions. This week’s eclipse may push some buttons when it comes to your self-worth. Hang on to those values, Taurus. Some things are beyond price. Stick to your standards.
Partnerships, duos and double acts feature
If you need to know – then ask
Take your time with love
Confused around love? Understand a direct question usually gets you a clear answer. Discussions with others may take a surprising turn this week. And you need to uncover the truth about your feelings and/or theirs around a key issue. Take it that jumping to conclusions without fact checking first isn’t your best tactic this week. But if you get that icky feeling something is being withheld – hold that thought.
You’ve an eclipsed full Moon in your 1st on the 30th. And we are now in eclipse weather with a total Solar eclipse to follow in your 7th in December. Past, present and potential partners of all descriptions will feature now. Especially as ruler Mercury enters this house from the 1st. If you have questions – ask. And look at the future of love too. Not how you would like it to be but how it is now and what this tells you.
Ask away!
The answers you get to questions you may have hesitated to ask in the past could surprise you. As could you saying yes to an invitation or how one particular connection suddenly becomes more prominent thanks to Mercury’s trine to Chiron in your 11th on the 4th. But give all connections time. Because that’s what the truth needs now.
When it comes to worldly success however, state your terms and know what outcome you have in mind. Be very clear on this. Career matters call for a combination of business-like direction and intuitive intent. Don’t allow yourself to drift off course or be distracted from that routine, schedule or deadline. State or set those intentions and then stick to them as Venus in your 6th trines Neptune in your career sector on the 6th. Your ability to work it like a boss is one area where there’s no confusion this week, Gemini.
In a nutshell: The upcoming cycle is all about your past, present or potential partner. In the dark? Unsure where you stand? Getting the answers you need starts with the courage to ask those questions. Ask away, Gemini!
Link to inner knowing
The truth is in the little things
How does this make you feel?
With an eclipsed full Moon in your 12th on the 30th, take it you are in the dark, Cancer. This may be around someone else’s true feelings or intentions. Above all, you need to stay connected to those gut feelings. No matter what someone is telling you. If that inner voice is contradicting them, you need to listen.
Eclipses conceal. And in your 12th of secrets, you have to feel your way intuitively in the dark back to the shining light of the truth. This could even be the truth around how a particular situation or person makes you feel. And this may be something you may not want to look at.
The truth takes time
Expect more revelations to come. Above all, if love is on offer now, take it slowly before falling heart over heels. Soul to soul connections can and will occur thanks to Venus in your love zone making that lifting me higher angle to Neptune in your 9th. Just guard against putting that person on a pedestal or simply using love as escapism.
Lucky you has Mercury in its ruling 6th wanting to keep it all real. Where you can move forward with daring and confidence is with your day job, studies, work (paid or unpaid) and your career. Break free of anything from a glass ceiling to that rut as Mercury trines Chiron in your 10th on the 4th. So, this keep, keep your heart safe and your intentions clear. The final outcome is down to you.
In a nutshell: If you’re after the truth this week, stay tuned to that gut feeling, Cancer. The past may reappear. And when it comes to future relationships – give them plenty of time to reveal their intentions.
Solutions may hide in plain sight
People show their true colours
Who’s the name that jumps to mind?
One particular connection, group or friendship needs your attention, Leo. Now, bring that attention to the name or names that immediately sprang to mind as you read that. All I would say is – this is your intuitive Marco Polo moment. Only you can say who is ‘It’ but keep that knowledge close and to yourself during the eclipsed full Moon in your 11th.
Someone may show their true colours. Or you may come to realise the resonance you once shared is no longer there. Others may realise their friend needs them – if so, you know what to do. Or you yourself need to reach out if you haven’t lately. However, use caution if anyone new appears who either wants to friend-bomb or love-bomb you now. The truth is – and eclipses always conceal that, is that friendships like love need time to grow and deepen. Chances are if you go all in, you can find yourself all-out just as fast.
Friendships may surprise you
We are now in eclipse season and December will bring your ruler totally eclipsed in about two weeks. This will take place in your 5th of lovers, children, young people and creativity. Hence the need to be cautious now rather than later. However, this week can also expose a previously hidden route to a goal or someone you thought was just an acquaintance but who is now revealed to be so much more.
Mercury in your 5th from the 1st highlights ideas, love talk, children, pleasure and those activities that you adore so much hours pass like minutes when you are doing them. One discovery could be love right under your nose. Or seeing how what you love can turn into something to sustain you workwise.
Mercury’s alignment to Chiron is asking you to take a chance on this on the 4th. Changes to living arrangements or something you share with another could occur around the 6th when Venus in your 4th trines Neptune in your 8th. You may not have seen the benefits or even the necessity to change things before now. But now you do. The solution to something long term is simple and could have been right under your nose all along.
In a nutshell: One particular link or friendship may take you by surprise as you see it (or them) in a new light. When it comes to something longer term that has been baffling you, the answer turns out to be simple, Leo.
Act with self-assurance
Open the door to real emotional connection
Be Cool
We are in a big mutable weather cycle now which is going to affect you being a mutable sign, Virgo. Take it that you will be subject to changes and shifts. And also, that you may not be able to predict where and when these may occur.
We are in mutable eclipse season. Eclipses always conceal. These will be taking place across your 4th/10th axis of home, family, security, career, reputation and status. You also have your ruler Mercury in your 4th from the 1st. The 30th brings an eclipsed full Moon in your 10th. And please remember this is the house the Moon is not happy in. And being covered up in here even less.
Play by the rules
This is not a time for disagreements with people in positions of authority. Your boss for instance. Or any kind of authority figure. Neither is it the time to lose your signature cool. Or be a rule-breaker. You are the sign which loves the details and to fact-check. So, please before acting or reacting in the next few weeks – do just that. And stay professional and be mindful of who may be watching you at all times. Just remember that s/he who controls their emotional responses, stays in control.
When it comes to enhanced understanding between you and partners however, Venus in your 3rd trines Neptune in your 7th on the 6th. If you want to feel closer, this means opening up and letting others in. So, initiate the love talk. This can also bring in some cosmic flirtation for you if this has been lacking lately. However, don’t take that new lover’s claims on face value. Sure, they may be everything they say they are. But you should know it never hurts to check, Virgo.
In a nutshell: This week asks you to be cool and to keep it that way, Virgo. Especially when it comes to work/career matters and your public image. Playing by the rules keeps others on side. But when it comes to love – make it access all areas emotionally.
Be present
Getting organised hands you the freedom you’re seeking
Is love right in front of you?
Running away may seem like a good idea this week. But even if you were lockdown free and able to do just that, it may not be the best idea. This week brings an eclipsed full Moon in your 9th on the 30th. Yes, on one level the feeling you may want to fly away is perfectly normal and natural. You may have a deep emotional need for more freedom or to escape current confinements. The fact this may not be possible may just add to that desire to escape.
As you probably cannot go anywhere right now, watch for other escape routes. Eating, drinking, medicating – prescription and non-prescription, binge watching, retail therapy. The list is varied and endless. But leads to a dead-end this eclipse cycle. Remember being present is like receiving a gift. So, look at the here and now that way.
Ain’t love a surprise!
The fact is, this week wants you to know you have everything you need right where you are. You just need to adjust your focus. It’s all about the power of the local and the now as Mercury lands in your 3rd on the 1st. That love could be right under your nose or be able to be rekindled. Thanks to the trine between Mercury and Chiron in your 7th on the 4th.
Making the most of where you are and the here and now brings you the release you’re seeking, Libra. Can you create the perfect escape when you need it on an everyday basis without tuning out and have the time to do what you love as opposed to what you need to do? Ruler Venus can help you design that life while Neptune in your 6th shifts your focus on the 6th. Helping you to see how you can make your everyday life like a holiday instead of a burden you have taken on that you just want to ditch. Escape that by connecting to what’s right in front of you, Libra. You have more at your disposal that you know.
In a nutshell: How about changing up your everyday routine so each day feels like living your perfect life, Libra? You could just come up with a grand design for that now. Love could be right under your nose. But hidden in plain sight. Shift your focus.
Follow the money
Get working smarter
Get your glam on any way you can!
A situation may transform or be in the process of doing just that, Scorpio. But you may not be able to a) see where this is happening or b) if you do, grasp the implications of this yet.
Eclipses are neither good nor bad. Like any other aspect, they just ARE. We don’t know things under an eclipse. But what we do know about eclipses is they hide stuff. We are now in eclipse season with the eclipsed full Moon in your 8th this week. This is your ‘other’ money house. Salary, loans, mortgages, taxes and joint assets as in the marital home for instance.
Have a resource audit
The next eclipse in December will be a total one in your money zone. So, as we enter this cycle it’s best to avoid entering into new financial dealings. Unless you are certain you have all the facts and/or have 24 carat impartial and professional advice to rely on. Mercury leaves your 1st this week, joining the Sun in your 2nd. And trines Chiron in your 6th on the 4th. This could hand many of you a better way of working – whether paid or unpaid. Innovate that daily life. And understand that some resources you have – such as time, are finite so look at how you are spending them.
Venus remains in your 1st for a while longer. Its trine to Neptune in your 5th could bring you a much needed pleasure break, a soul boost, inspiration or else gown you with glamour and attraction. I say ‘gown’ in a gender-neutral Harry Styles on the cover of US Vogue way. The new attraction factor is how you choose to rock out YOU, Scorpio. Just remember, like draws like this week. So, become your own transformation work in progress.
In a nutshell: There’s a deep transformation happening in a key area. This may impact finances but is just as likely to be around how you see yourself. This is your opportunity to become your own work of art, Scorpio. You’re your own Project Runway this week.
Own your needs as part of who you are
Get ready to unveil a whole new facet of you
Cast your past in a different light
Hidden and deeply buried needs may surface this week. And you may be surprised by how long you have managed to supress them, Sag. Especially as once you become aware of them, you realise how important they are.
We are not only in big mutable weather with the Sun and now Mercury in your 1st from the 1st. But mutable eclipse season too. Which is going to impact on you, your image, appearance, style, brand, look, messaging and how you appear to others, as well as others themselves. As in your partner (past, present, prospective). The 30th brings an eclipsed full Moon in your 7th. So, take it something around you and another is being concealed. You may wonder where you stand at this point. Or is it something deeply person you are keeping under wraps and not ready to reveal?
What does your past look like in hindsight?
People from the past could reappear or a key incident from your past could surface. And if so, you will see them or it in a different light. This is due to Venus in your 12th which trines Neptune, ruler of your 12th in your 4th on the 6th. What you have been led to believe and what the reality is may now shift to be seen as something else entirely. And again, this relates to your needs and what you need to fill them. You could even discover it has never been about this but instead, about meeting someone else’s at the expense of yours.
Mercury zooms into your 1st and then trines Chiron in your 5th on the 4th. taking a chance to get those unspoken needs met may just bring you outstanding and unexpected results. Someone could take you by surprise. Or you receive unexpected recognition and/or acknowledgement which places you front and centre. Perhaps that’s been the real need all along. Simply to be recognised as having them, Sag.
In a nutshell: Deep down you know what you need, Sag. And you also know if your needs are being met or not. This birthday eclipse cycle wants you to own them. In order to get them met. It’s truly that simple.
Where your energy goes – your focus needs to flow
Is that a routine or a rut you’ve created?
Fact check before you act
We are in a big mutable cycle, Capricorn. Plus, we are about to see the ‘heavy’ weather which has impacted on your sign, break up this December. For good. So, there is a shift happening now. It’s taking you from the focus on your closest relationships, to looking at your daily life, work, habits and responsibilities.
What you do, your routine and even the environment you inhabit as part of this – that workplace or for many now, your home, needs your attention. It’s all in the details. You may be missing something obvious. The mind/body/spirit connection. The link between how you spend your day and what you do with it, to your energy and how you feel. The 30th delivers an eclipsed full Moon in this house. You need to carefully monitor that body and mind barometer under it. Do you feel drained or energised? Who or what is making you feel this way?
Find that missing link
In two weeks we will have a total eclipse in your 12th of secrets. So, take it then you will be utterly in the dark. Your 6th is all about details, facts, systems. So, take notes if necessary and refer back to them. If you do, you’ll find the links so much quicker. Mercury rules the mind and ideas. It lands in your 12th on the 1st and trines Chiron in your 4th on the 4th. Look close to home for ideas and answers.
Some of these could literally be inspired. Especially if they are linked to your goals or creativity. Others could hear from someone they have not heard from in a long time as Venus in your 11th trines Neptune in your 3rd on the 6th. Or you could discover a piece of information that enables you to make that link that’s been eluding you. If so, this is something (or someone) heaven sent this week, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Creating your best life begins by looking at what boosts and then what steals, your energy, Cappy. It may boil down to the details. But hidden in the small stuff is a deeper, bigger truth.
Love’s true form may take time to reveal itself
Clear the way for the new
State your T&C’s
See you on the dark side of the Moon, Aquarius. The Moon rules our intuition along with Neptune. Both have nudging yours this week. As the full Moon in your 5th on the 30th comes wrapped in mystery and enigma thanks to an eclipse.
We are in mutable weather and also mutable eclipse weather which is going to hit your 5th and 11th house axis. Along of course with the Nodes. Children, your adult children, parenting or relationships with the potential to make you a parent or step-parent could form part of the mystery. I would also say if you don’t want to be a parent now, take extra precautions.
Take time for love
Because eclipses conceal, it may also not be the best time to look for that new lover. They may not be what they appear to be. December is also going to bring you a total solar eclipse in your 11th. So, this touches on your larger social group. That circle, association, band, network, party or club. Mercury in your 11th trineing Chiron on the 4th in Mercury’s ruling 3rd could place new and potentially fascinating people on your radar. Even at a social distance.
Venus remains in your career and status zone for now. And the 6th sees it trine Neptune in Venus’s ruling 2nd. What this tells you is that underselling yourself personally and/or professionally is a no no. Surety of self-worth is what you need now Aquarius. Don’t be vague about that outcome you seek. When it comes to success making moves now, state your terms and make everything clear.
In a nutshell: Love may take a while to reveal its true form. Or even where it can be found. Don’t go looking unless you can help it now. Chances are this will be in all the wrong places. Instead, wait for it to find you.
Be yourself
Inner wisdom kick-starts new beginnings
The cycle is about happiness – that’s the truth
We’re in mutable weather and also mutable eclipse weather. This week brings an eclipsed full Moon in the Moon’s ruling 4th in your chart. December will also bring a Total Solar Eclipse in your 10th. You have probably already worked out that this along with the Sun and Mercury in your 10th and the North Node in your 4th will square your Pisces factors at some point. One of our astrologers can guide you through this.
You may be feeling more sensitive and vulnerable than usual under this eclipse. But also under pressure to bring your best game at the same time. Mercury in your 10th trines Chiron in your 2nd. One thing you need to remember is to know what you want but be open to how you get it. Also when it comes to progress: be yourself. In advertising they talk about USP – Unique Selling Point. What’s yours?
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Link to this in all areas. Being ourselves is our key to yes, happiness. Ruler Neptune in your 1st isn’t about tuning out. It’s about new beginnings which come from linking to your inner wisdom. And that is telling you now to be you and none other. If you can do this your result will be inescapable happiness. Release yourself from trying to be anything other than what you are as Venus in your 9th trines Neptune on the 6th. This is one of the best feel-good, happy transits of the month for you. It’s a Pharrell Williams moment. Feel like a room without a roof? When it comes to loving yourself and attraction – the sky’s the limit.
In a nutshell: Feel like a room without a roof? Neptune in your 1st is all about linking to your deep sense of inner wisdom. Follow its advice and you’ll end up with a fresh cycle built on happiness. Clap along if you feel this is the truth, Pisces.
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