Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs December 6th 2021
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs December 6th 2021
Play it for keeps
Destiny + decisions = a fresh fate
New deals and directions are yours to explore
News gets destiny driven this week, Aries. Ceres puts a new or better deal on the table for you as it meets the North Node in your 3rd on the 12th. The Node has only a short time remaining in this house before it moves on into your 2nd next month. Look back 19 years if you are old enough or even 19 year more to decisions or deals undertaken then. Shades of the past come full circle.
Determine your future direction
Others could be on the brink of status setting moves in terms of their career. Please bear in mind that Venus in your 10th is slowing down to retrograde. It meets Pluto in here on the 11th in the first of what will be three encounters in all. This process therefore lasts until January until Venus makes its third pass to Pluto when direct once more. Long term decisions feature be they connected to your professional life or your personal one. And as Venus rules your bank account as well as your heart, do bear in mind this is not the time to enter into anything new around money or romance unless it is now very much in motion.
It’s a week where squares add high tensile emotional energy. With Mercury in your 9th squaring Neptune on the 7th. And ruler Mars squaring Jupiter from its ruling 8th the next day. It’s triggering your sense of connection and belonging in the wider sense of the meaning. As in who may be holding you back and who supports you. The truth is shown up by the final square of the week between the Sun and Neptune – cutting through confusion and showing you a clear path. Whether it’s friends, love or your purpose, what you decide now is for keeps, Aries.
In a nutshell: News could bring a Back to the Future moment for you. What’s not familiar is the choices that are open to you now. Ruler Mars awakens your desire for change. And that’s what drives your destiny this week, Aries.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 12th)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (8th to 11th)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (3rd)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 12th)
Claim that larger love
Shake up the status quo
Make a deal with your future self
Ruler Venus has the first of three meetings with Pluto in your 9th this week. Is this awakening a desire within you for something a little more heart-starting, less restrictive and even comfort-zone expanding, Taurus? Have you put up with the status quo for far too long? Feeling the absence of passion or adventure for instance?
This could see you taking the first step on what is a larger journey. Venus is now slowing down in preparation for a rare retrograde later this month. During this cycle it will meet Pluto twice more. Again when it turns backwards and a final time when direct. This process is going to take you through January. So, see this as an initial stage when it comes to expansion. Which you need, Taurus.
The future is up for negotiation
A process of deep transformation is now underway with a touch of magic and alchemy attached to it. And a new long term purpose forms part of this. This can be changing up something that is no longer working for you. Or else committing to simply making room for something better in your life. It all starts with an inner acceptance that things need to change and that YOU deserve more, Taurus.
This can impact on your professional life as well as your personal one as Mars in your 7th squares Jupiter in your 10th. New goals replace old too this week. What you entered into, promised or agreed comes full circle on the 12th as Ceres meets the North Node in your money zone. It’s either paying you out with interest on decisions made 19 years ago, sees you able to negotiate a new and better deal or sets you off in search of it. That process of transformation includes rebirth and renewal. And putting your future on a new path. Head towards something that holds new relevance for you, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus meets Pluto in your 9th this week asking you to start something new in the name of love! Transform any areas which have become oh so dull or restrictive, Taurus. There’s a new deal for your future on the table.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 11th)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (7th to 10th)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (2nd)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 11th)
Duos, duets, double acts – be part of one!
Rework that love vision
Get a fresh deal on relating
Ruler Mercury and the Sun remain in your 7th of double acts of all descriptions. You are just a couple of weeks away from two major astrological events which are going to impact on partnerships in a big way. The first is Venus retrograde which will occur in your 8th of shared (especially marital), assets, your salary or pay and sex. The second will be Jupiter’s entry into your 10th of career and status at the end of the month. Both of these planets impact on your love life, that bae, your working relationships, your income and your status. As in your job title, married, single, divorced, employed etc.
Time for a soul shakedown on love!
Mercury and the Sun both ask questions of Neptune in your 10th this week. As in what’s the truth around that path or partnership? Does it hold up to scrutiny? Are you playing for keeps? The 11th marks the first of three meetings between Venus and Pluto in your 8th. This is not the time to begin seeking love with Venus slowing down. Something may need to be renegotiated or transform now be it that money issue, that contract or the T&C’s around your relationship.
Look to what began 19 years ago for you if you are old enough as Ceres meets the North Node in your sign on the 12th. This is an excellent day for discussions between you and someone else especially if it’s time for a change. Ceres always puts a compromise or a new deal on the table. If one cannot be agreed, then you are free to move on. But chances are you are in the mood for changes, Gemini. If the other party is of the same mind, bright, brilliant re-worked love or working unions spring from the seeds you both planted. Single or even seeking work? Get clear and very serious about what it is you need now. To own a goal you have to know what it is.
In a nutshell: Does love need time for a change? You could see a new deal on the table this week between you and a key someone, Gemini. What you set in motion 19 years ago can be remade with the future in mind.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 10th)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (6th to 9th)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (1st)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 10th)
Love, Reimagined
Be a heat-seeker of passion
What goes around between you and another, comes around
Venus is in its ruling house in your chart but is slowing down in preparation for a rare retrograde later this month. Existing relationships may evolve or transform now but it’s not time to go seeking a new one. You could even see a former lover return asking for a second chance during this cycle. But take it new love is a no-no. Just like a Mercury retro has rules, so does a Venus one.
This week sees Venus make the first of what will be three meetings with Pluto in here on the 11th. It will make another one once it turns retroactive and the third once direct again. With Ceres conjunct the North Node in your house of the past on the 12th, the karma between you and a key player in your life could come full circle.
Seek the fire!
This week also hands a series of decision making and high tensile angles between Mercury (7th) and the Sun (12th) in your 6th and Neptune in your 9th. Mercury is in its ruling house so staying practical and pragmatic around what needs to be done (and this includes relationship housekeeping) is important. This tells you don’t ignore the facts.
Mars in your 5th always asks you ‘Where’s the heat?’ and turns up the temperature on this question when it squares Jupiter in your 8th on that day. Perhaps its MIA or hasn’t been present for some time. This is your opportunity to reignite it or else truthfully concede it can’t be rekindled. Either way – that adds to to a choice made with love which leads to freedom, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Reimagine what love could bring you this week, Cancer. If you’re settled, then time to reboot that passion. Single? Not a time to look for who’s new just yet. But getting that action plan together? That’s an act of love you CAN indulge in now.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 9th)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (5th to 8th)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (12th)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 9th)
Who makes it happen? You do!
Take action for your future
Gravitate towards the love that sustains
The Sun your ruler is in its ruling 5th house and along with Mercury also in here intent on highlighting key changes when it comes to you getting what you want for the coming year, Leo. Yes, this week calls on you to engage with the process in order to bring this about. The future is yours to shape in whatever way you can envision. But as both the Sun and Mercury square Neptune this is a reality check for you. And that is that YOU make this happen.
Talking or simply dreaming isn’t enough to kick start that future. And it really does want to take shape in a new way this week. That’s why doing nothing would be a complete waste of the potential swirling around you just waiting for you to direct it where you need it to go. Mars in your 4th wants you to take ownership as it too squares Jupiter in your 7th house. Jupiter has just a couple more weeks in here before quitting for good. So make this most of this especially when it comes to partnership matters of any description.
Decide on the future of love
Venus which rules your love life is slowing down for a rare retrograde but in your 6th of work and responsibility. It doesn’t matter what house Venus does retrograde in. It still puts new love ventures on hold. This week sees it make the first of what will be three encounters with Pluto in here (11th). Your job (paid or unpaid), studies, habits, routines or even wellbeing may undergo a profound transformation during this cycle. Watch out for any alliance that really no longer does you good to undergo profound change.
The bigger picture however is being shown as Ceres meets the North Node in your 11th of friends and the future. One path, goal or connection could come full circle or you set a fresh course in motion. Again, this all comes down to you taking control of your future pathway. No fate but the one you make this week, Leo.
In a nutshell: What or who you love is in focus for you this week, Leo. Look at what is lasting and who supports you. Time to engage with change and to send your future down a self-directed path. Take action and make destiny work for you.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 8th)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (4th to 7th)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (11th)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 8th)
Slow down when it comes to love and money
Children, babies and the next generation feature
Stretch your soul into something bigger
Stop in the name of love this week, Virgo! Venus is in your 5th of romance, lovers and those relationships that could make you a parent, step parent, grandparent. Or your children or adult children could feature in some way. Others could see the ‘children’ of their creativity feature as in their creative works or output. Or else younger people feature in a prominent way.
Those you live with especially. Your partner, spouse or live-in boo. Family members or close business connections as ruler Mercury squares Neptune in your 7th on that day and the Sun does the same on the 12th. Some of you may be moving as a result of this. Or moving on up as Ceres meets the North Node in your 10th on the 12th. Stepping into an unfamiliar but stretching role may challenge you and take you way out of your comfort zone when Mars squares Jupiter in your 6th. If you are asked to take on more responsibility, then take it you are more than ready now.
That’s the power of retroactive love
Venus is presently slowing down to retrograde later this month. I don’t need to tell a retro boss like you what this means, Virgo. Love and money matters are on hold. Past loves could be up for resurrection, rebirth or simply a major transformation and this may be a process that takes you to the end of January.
This week sees Venus and Pluto make the first of three encounters on the 11th. So, they will meet twice more. See this as the ultimate revival tour where you test for relevance or decide you’re going in a new solo direction. Everything old could be new again or else you clear the way for the new to emerge. Love could look very different by the time we get to February, Virgo. To quote another song title: That’s the power of love.
In a nutshell: Stretch your soul comfort zone towards something bigger this week, Virgo. Transformation is on offer if you’re willing to step up. When it comes to love, get ready for a reboot. Or to decide exactly what it needs to deliver for your future.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 7th)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (3rd to 6th)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (10th)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 7th)
Push Pause on love
Add up the facts
Time for the head – not the heart
It’s a week to weigh up the facts and allow them to speak for themselves. Work and living arrangements loom large and you need to let the head take over rather than your heart, Libra. Yes, the heart wants what it wants, we know that. But sometimes what it may want may not hold up under scrutiny. Or even turn out to be in our best interests.
Love – interrupted
Let’s just say the signals may be scrambled now. Ruler Venus in your 4th is slowing down in preparation for a rare retrograde. Now, it doesn’t matter which house Venus retros in. There are basic rules that apply exactly like a Mercury one. Love and money matters are now on hold. It’s not the time to go seeking that new lover. Or to splurge, take out a new loan or credit card. Renegotiations, refinancing and yes, re-conciliations are favoured however. Because Venus is in your 4th of home and makes the first of three encounters with Pluto in here on the 11th, between now and the end of January, some of you may be looking at a major move or career shift. Again, try to leave emotions out of any decisions you need to make now.
Mercury is in its ruling 3rd and squaring Neptune in Mercury’s other house – your 6th on the 7th. The sun makes the same angle to Neptune on the 12th – same day as Ceres in your 9th meets the North Node. Chances are if something is ending or changing, it has become restrictive or simply too small for you, Libra. This can apply to relationships as well as your role or actual living space.
Examine the facts. Above all, don’t take on too much or overspend. And look to what situations or even relationships are actually ‘costing’ you in terms of emotional expense as Mars in your money house squares Jupiter in your 5th. You are the sign which strives for balance and this includes balancing those books. Either on a soul level or in practical terms. If something is worth your continued investment, then stick with it. If not, be prepared to cash in if it no longer adds up for you.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus slows down in preparation for retrograde. Love and money matters follow. Be prepared for changes around your home, living arrangements or family, Libra. If something doesn’t add up – act accordingly.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 6th)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (2nd to 5th)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (9th)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 6th)
Words are you superpower
Say it and mean it
Value add that love
Venus in your 3rd meets your ruler Pluto on the 11th. This is the first of what will be three encounters between the planet of love and the planet of yes, sex and magical alchemy. As well as changes, rebirths and endings. Any dealings between you and someone else may be undergoing a period of intense transformation or renegotiation now. With Venus about to retrograde, nothing is set in stone, changes can and will occur and are inevitable when coupled with the meeting between Ceres and the North Node in your 8th this week. But your words have power so say it and mean it. No matter what others may say.
Allow until the end of January for matters to be finally settled. Like a Mercury retro, a Venus one comes with its own set of rules. It’s not the time to look for a new love or to indulge in major purchases. Avoid taking out fresh loans or financial dealings if you can.
Because it needs to be worth it
This week hands you a series of high tensile squares which get you looking at where changes need to take place. Or whether something or someone is aligned to your personal value system, Scorpio. Mercury (7th) and then the Sun (12th) square Neptune in your pleasure zone. Cutting through illusion and also asking if something is literally ‘worth it’. Watch your spending and also don’t be guilt-tripped into blowing your budget when it comes to that gift budget.
Also, don’t be guilt tripped emotionally either. Or allow anyone to get away with something because they pull the pity card when your other ruler Mars in your 1st squares Jupiter in your 4th on the 8th. Someone may push your buttons on this day and no matter what they are saying or doing, you need to stand firm and above all, stick to the facts rather than feelings. Have they done this before? And is this a ploy because they can rely on you to react a certain way? This week may just see you implement a new set of rules if so, Scorpio. Venus and Pluto simply add up to power behind your words. Even if others don’t live up to theirs.
In a nutshell: Venus gets entangled with ruler Pluto this week. You’ll mean everything you say now and conversations can be game-changing. But just because you stand by everything you say doesn’t mean others will. Act accordingly if so, Scorpio.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 5th)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (1st to 4th)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (8th)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 5th)
Say it anyway
No procrastination
Love is up for renegotiation
Birthday this week? You could be contemplating changes around your home or living arrangements, Sag. Both Mercury (7th) and the Sun (12th) square Neptune in your 4th. Plus you have Mars in your 12th squaring ruler Jupiter in your 3rd. Putting off what needs to be said and done or procrastinating isn’t your style at the best of times. So you won’t hesitate to say or do what’s needed now.
Partnerships or decisions around close personal ties could be up for renegotiation or renewal too. If you are old enough look back 19 years or even 19 again this week as Ceres and the North Node meet in your 7th. Something repeats or comes full circle now with release or renewal on offer.
What’s the deal on love?
When it comes to new love however – now is not the time to go seek one out. Yes, I understand you are filled with plans for ‘22 and eager to put them in motion, Sag. But Venus presently in its ruling 2nd is in the process of slowing down to prepare for retrograde later this month. This house rules your cash too but also relationships which are ‘assets’ to you. People you can ‘bank on’. So, when Venus is backwards and you begin something new, chances are this won’t be one of those.
The 11th delivers the first of three encounters between Venus and Pluto in here. A financial matter may go back and forth or simply change between now and the end of January. The first change or shift isn’t the final one. Take things slowly and don’t be too eager to sign on the dotted line either. However, some of you could literally be looking at a birthday payout, windfall or bonus.
If this involves your money and someone else’s – the terms of the deal can also change. It needs to remain relevant to move forward now, Sag. Whether this is where you live, how you earn your money or simply who you love.
In a nutshell: Push forward with any plans for home or lifestyle changes. But when it comes to love or even your money, the outcome isn’t yet set. You have until the end of January to turn this into the ultimate work in progress. Or work of art, Sag.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 4th)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (12th to 3rd)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (7th)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 4th)
Get a high speed download of inner knowing
Your point of power is the present
Explore your options
If ever there was a week to stay tuned to what that inner voice is telling you, this is it, Cappy. Yes, you are still in your annual soul house clearing. A time when you are at peak power. And also when that inner voice can be heard most clearly. Don’t ignore what it is telling you now. Dates for soul searching clarity are the 7th when Mercury in your 12th squares Neptune in Mercury’s ruling 3rd. And then the 12th when the Sun does the same.
Begin it NOW
If you’ve been letting something slide which basically you know deep down is simply eroding your energy or emotional wellbeing, this is the week you will face it and tackle it once and for all. First we have the first of three meetings between Venus and Pluto in your sign on the 11th. Venus is slowing to prepare for full retrograde later this month. Combined with the planets in your 12th and in proximity to Pluto this is telling you to slow down, pay attention and above all, don’t put off what you know deep down needs to change. This may simply be the first stage in this process and one which takes you up until the end of January to see through. But this is your call to action to begin it now.
This truly does apply if this soul searching exposes the truth that there is a pattern here which goes back a long way. Does it support and sustain you? If not, time to change things up when Ceres bumps into the North Node in your 6th on the 12th. Work, your commute, what you do on a daily basis needs to feed you and recharge you rather than leave you depleted. It could be time to explore other options. Something that rewards on a soul level. As usual, your higher self knows what this is. Tune in.
In a nutshell: Your higher self knows what needs to change. So, follow its guidance this week, Capricorn. Above all, don’t put off what you intuitively know needs to be done. Your power moment comes – right now.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 3rd)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (11th to 2nd)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (6th)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 3rd)
Reconcile your past
Second time’s the charm
Your higher self knows the truth
Choices from your past come full circle this week. There’s a reckoning and even rewards on offer for making the correct ones. If you feel you missed out on something, or would like a second chance to explore a path, that wish could manifest. If faced with the choice again – anything from the one who got away to the path not taken – what is your choice today?
Karma around lovers, what you love to do, your talents, children and what was always meant for you, comes round as Ceres and the North Node meet in your 5th this week. When it comes to that new lover however – not the time now to go seek them. Not until February anyway. Venus is slowing in preparation for retrograde in your 12th. The 11th sees it meet Pluto for what is the first of three encounters. While it may not be time to start something new, this could lead to the love that lives again for some.
What rings true now?
Others however may discover someone is not for them after all. And if someone is telling you something now that simply doesn’t ring true – don’t allow yourself be to convinced otherwise. You have the Sun and Mercury still in your 11th of contacts, community and your future. Both square Neptune in your 2nd this week and it’s time to see what you do and don’t want to continue to invest in.
Mars in your 10th of status and recognition squares Jupiter now in its last weeks in your sign on the 8th. Is it time to make that move towards something more satisfying? Or to let something go for good? Your confidence to make changes is reawakened now. As is your ability to ask or go after what you want. You may see you have been settling for less than you deserved all along. Recognise that if second chances or revivals appear now its because they were meant for you all along.
In a nutshell: Your blessings have your name on them. And if you feel you missed out on something, fate has a way of seeing it return. Take it that anything that comes full circle now was always intended for you.
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 2nd)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (10th to 1st)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (5th)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 2nd)
Get ready to deliver
Time for homecoming
Bring it, baby!
Game face on this week, Pisces. The Sun and Mercury light up your 10th this week and nudge ruler Neptune in your 1st. You need to bring your best game this week and work whatever you have to offer like a boss. Ensure yours or anyone you interact with who is in a position of influence and authority, sees you in exactly the right light.
You need to ensure you come across as someone who delivers and has the game plan to go with it. Talk won’t get you all the way. You have to back this up with action.
Image matters
How you are seen and perceived by others is going to be important now. Watch your pubic image and also what you share on social media too. Chances are someone may check you out and you need to remember the internet is forever. Friendships and goals may shift too as Venus meets Pluto in your 11th on the same day. This is the first of three meetings between the two in here as Venus is slowing for a rare retro. Old friends may feature as could past contacts. Venus in retroshadow or full retro is not a good time to put up that Tinder profile. Neither is it great under which to go seeking new friends if its your 11th house. Mine the past instead.
Where you live or call home, who you live with, property choices made 19 years ago, your roots and family karma – what calls to you or calls you back, are all themes triggered by the North Node in your 4th. Along with a call towards expansion or to break free of the past when Mars in your 9th squares Jupiter in your 12th on the 8th.
This week favours property deals and moving on or returning to what sustains or supports you as Ceres meets the North Node in your 4th. Know who or where you belong with or to now. This can also hand you a fresh sense of purpose and a desire to forge your own path free of past limitations. That homecoming theme could just extend to reaching a key goal. Game on, Pisces!
In a nutshell: There’s a homecoming happening this week, Pisces. Perhaps around family or living arrangements. Or even to your own power and abilities. Time to take what you want a little more seriously. And you ability to get it too!
Dec 7 2021 Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 1st)
Dec 8 2021 Mars in Scorpio Square Jupiter in Aquarius (9th to 12th)
Dec 11 2021 Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)
Dec 12 2021 Ceres Conjunct North Node in Gemini (4th)
Dec 12 2021 Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 1st)
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