Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs April 11th 2022

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs April 11th 2022
Embrace once in a lifetime healing
Travel to the past
Make magic between the dimensions
Once in many lifetimes magic occurs in your mysterious 12th house as Jupiter and Neptune meet in here on the 12th. Mysteries are revealed and you become the dweller on the threshold between dimensions. You can draw on this now for deep, karmic healing and to shrug off wounds that may have followed you through lifetimes. Or harness this potential to turn that dream into a goal to live for real. Above all, harness the forces of intuition, imagination and creativity and allow these to guide you now. Don’t ignore that voice that whispers within. Ruler Mars entering this house just three days later gently encourages action and gives you the soul certainty to follow through.
Travel to the past or places you have visited or lived may feature. This is a transit of the soul rather than one of material gain. That being said, money talks this week with Mercury and Eros now in your 2nd house. You may take an idea and spin gold out of straw from it. The full Moon in your 7th (16th), urges you to voice any insecurities around relationships that you may have been keeping locked inside. This goes in with the intense healing vibe of this week. Above all, the message is that you are a unique soul. This version of you exists nowhere else in the multiverse. So, avoid any comparisons with others. If someone makes you feel ‘less than’ or that you have to compete for their love, you know you’re worth more than that, Aries. Intangible gifts like self-worth are the most lasting. And the most valuable.
In a nutshell: Explore the magical possibilities of imagination, inspiration and creativity. And don’t ignore what that inner voice is telling you. You begin a new phase of your journey. Infuse it with potential, Aries.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (2nd)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (12th)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 11th)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (12th)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (7th)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (2nd)
Goals come within reach
Find your people
Karma get paid forward
Blessings via divinely destined dynamics flow to you this week, Taurus. This is no week to be a boxset hermit. Friends, groups, contacts, clubs, associations hold the keys to goal realisations now. Or perhaps you hold the keys to theirs. It’s about being part of a bigger dream or movement. Or bringing people in to be part of yours as Jupiter and Neptune meet for the first time in over 160 years in your 11th on the 12th.
Friends or who you know or meet may offer all kinds of benefits now. Connect any way you can. Accept all and any invitations that come your way. Whether this is to attend a work or professional gathering or a social one. It’s about who you know and who you have helped in the past. And by that I include past lives. If someone you meet offers entree or assistance with no apparent agenda, then take it you have done the same for them at some point in the past. If you are due good karma, it gets paid now.
Share yourself, your thoughts, dreams and ideas once Mercury enters your 1st and aim higher once Eros joins it. This week brings you a full Moon in your 6th, asking that you look at what is keeping you stuck and stopping you from entering the full flow of life. Fears, concerns about what others will think or that routine which deep down you know is nothing but a rut. Shake yourself free with a certainty and make time to circulate instead. Your people need you to be part of something valu able and soul-satisfying. Don’t stay home, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Who you know or connect to is far more important than what you know this week, Taurus. Connections which stretch back many lifetimes offer entree or a helping hand. Don’t be a hermit.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (1st)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (11th)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 10th)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (11th)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (6th)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (1st)
Free yourself from fear
Success is yours to define
Prepare to move on up
Powerful revelations around your path or purpose are revealed this week. Someone may even offer a helping hand up that ladder of success, Gemini. If this occurs, take it you have earned it. When it comes to career or what you feel is your calling, understand that this now needs to be self-defined as Jupiter and Neptune make their once-in-many-lifetimes meeting in your 10th on the 12th.
This could present some of you with a golden opportunity, promotion or job offer. Entree to VIP circles or even as this is traditionally the house which rules the status of your partner, see you benefiting from their good fortune. Others could attract a potential long term love interest who would be labeled a ‘catch’. Especially when combined with the attraction inducing full Moon in your 5th this week. Romance, celebrations, children and good times feature. As does the intention to fire up a key area of your life. And to show off all you have to offer.
Your 10th is your house of public image so ensure the one you project this week is that of fierce confidence free from fears and insecurities. Look at what is lacking in your life and confidently move forward to restore it. Ruler Mercury along with Eros in your 12th reawakens dreams, visions, creativity and psychic skills. But in a way you can utilise in a practical and worldly way. When you become inspired, act on your ideas. You can aim and reach higher than ever before this week. Don’t waste the opportunity, Gemini.
In a nutshell: What’s your idea of a success story, Gemini? It may be climbing that corporate ladder. Or a personal path you wish to forge. Perhaps it’s success in love and relationships you’re ultimately seeking? A new chapter is on offer.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (12th)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (10th)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 9th)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (10th)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (5th)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (12th)
Explore a new path to opportunity and freedom
Time to take a chance
Sail into the Mystic
What’s your idea of freedom, Cancer? Is it the freedom to live the way or where you want to? Is it freedom to explore a new subject? To travel? To have more experiences? Or would freedom for you add up to a solution to something long standing which has held you back? No matter what it would look like, this week offers it in some way, shape or form as Jupiter and Neptune meet in your 9th on the 12th.
You would have had to have been living on well – Neptune, not to know that this conjunction has not happened in over 160 years. Jupiter is in its ruling sign and ruling house. Handing you that extra luck factor or gift wrapped opportunity. Neptune inspires and gives access to hidden realms or resources. You may suddenly see a solution or way forward which you could not before for instance. Above all, this week asks that in order to set this in motion, you take that first key step into new territory. To take a chance and try in other words.
The full Moon in its ruling 4th may push some buttons around this. You may want to stay with what you feel is safe and familiar. What you need to remember is that in ancient times, your sign was associated with explorers and those who ventured forth into unknown lands. This is due to your ruler influencing the tides. The tides of betterment and change want to pull you in a fresh direction. Let go of what anchors you to the familiar and allow them to take you towards something better or opportunity creating this week. Mars in your 9th plus the planets assembling in your 11th push you away from home port and see you meeting those who are on the same course. A new world awaits if you sail off into the Mystic this week.
In a nutshell: Time to take a chance and step towards the unfamiliar. Outside our comfort zone is where the magic happens. You’ll never discover just what is waiting unless you try, Cancer. Luck and heaven is on your side.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (11th)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (9th)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 8th)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (9th)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (4th)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (11th)
Plug into empowerment
Access new resources
Open up the vault of your ambitions
You should have your sights firmly fixed on a new goal and be setting out with confident determination to overwhelm it this week, Leo. Don’t just talk a good game, you need to bring it as Mercury and Eros land in your status defining 10th. Above all, don’t promise what you can’t deliver.
Money, your salary, investments, mortgages, benefits, loans, legacies, taxes, shares and what is shared with you or by you feature. Access to the executive bathroom, jet, expense account or negotiations. The universe wants to hand you the experience of handling or having more resources this week.
Now this could easily take the form of more actual money. You land that promotion or better paying job. Your mortgage or loan application is granted. You receive a payout or windfall. But it could also take the form of another party offering you something you need. Their time, influence or expertise for instance. This can be just as valuable if not more so than actual cash. Watch what is on offer around the 12th when Jupiter and Neptune meet in your 8th for the first time in over 160 years. Mars which co-rules this house arrives in here later in the week. Allowing you to leapfrog fear or hesitation and accept what is on offer.
You’re being pushed to explore how you handle having more. No matter what form it takes. Watch for news around just what this is or give your response at the time of the full Moon in your 3rd on the 16th. This day could bring pivotal deals or meetings to a head or see you signing on the dotted line. Feel empowered as you enter the vault, Leo.
In a nutshell: This week offers you access to a new level of achievement and resources, Leo. Something more sustaining, powerful and ultimately satisfying is on offer. The universe wants you to experience the power of having more.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (10th)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (8th)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 7th)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (8th)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (3rd)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (10th)
You can’t fake that feeling
Dance with duos, duets and double acts
Togetherness rules
Hot or not, Virgo? You have to feel it and there’s no faking that feeling this week as Jupiter and Neptune make their historic meeting in your 7th house. You need real love now. Not the fake handbag variety. Looking for love or that partnership opportunity? This is a time like no other you will experience so please, put yourself out there. And understand that right now there may be no such thing as punching above your weight.
Settleds could enter a new phase where a joint goal or vision they create opens up a new adventure or feeling of togetherness. That being said, if something is broken beyond repair, you won’t be able to escape the truth of this now. And will no longer be able to keep up the pretence all is well. Especially once Mars lands in here from the 15th. Some of you may realise consciously uncoupling is the only way forward. And if this is the conclusion you come to, understand that this influence should make this easier for both parties than at any other time.
Ruler Mercury and Eros now in your 9th are pushing you towards something freeing. For some this could also be travel or a new kind of working partnership. This week’s full Moon in your money house promises love or a union that could turn into a real ‘asset’ for you. Or material satisfaction and professional recognition. What you will emerge with is the knowledge that your world is co-created with someone significant this week. It takes two, baby.
In a nutshell: You and that significant other or new double act dynamic feature this week. Star struck love opportunities and depth defining duos are on offer. Don’t go it alone now. The future takes two.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (9th)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (7th)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 6th)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (7th)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (2nd)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (9th)
Free up that routine
Small changes in a key area reap huge benefits in others
Bring relationships back into balance
Inroads into your work (paid or unpaid), study, routine or wellbeing can be made in ways that may have been impossible until now, Libra. This is all courtesy of the once in many lifetimes meeting between Jupiter and Neptune in your 6th. A new job opportunity or freedom to work in a way that suits you, could be on offer. As could solutions to that time/energy question. Upgrading your daily environment, feeling more energised and solutions to everyday problems could appear by magic.
Someone could appear to help you with this now. That new employer, trainer, physician, fitness instructor, shaman, yoga teacher, organiser may cross you path to guide you. If you are seeking work or to change jobs, this week could well deliver the opportunity or offer you have been waiting for. Mars in here from the 15th propels you out of any rut or bad habits you may have fallen into. Many of you could start a new diet or exercise regimen. And stick to it for the long term while watching how its benefits ripple out into other unrelated areas of your life.
This week also brings a full Moon in your sign on the 16th. Your innate nature is to find the perfect balancing act. You can do this with your everyday life. But again, this ripples out into your most intimate relationships or your wishes for one. You may be focused on your past, present or potential partner now. Pushing past fears around asking for or getting what you need from your relationship – now or in the future, is helped by Mercury and also Eros in your 8th. Drag those unnecessary insecurities out into the open and see them for what they really are. Barriers to achieving that perfect balance you seek. Just be aware this also includes your fears around any area of not having enough – in other words your cash or income. The answer is in your everyday routine or attitude. Upgrade it all this week for keeps.
In a nutshell: A powerful full Moon in your sign calls for balance in relationships. And in every area of your life. Bringing that routine back into sync hands you the energy and time you need for what’s truly important, Libra.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (8th)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (6th)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 5th)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (6th)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (1st)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (8th)
Love actually is all around you
Embrace the power of attraction
Measure anything that returns in the light of the present
Love is in the air and yes, all around you this week thanks to the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune in your 5th and the arrival of Mercury and Eros in your 7th. Mars’s arrival in your 5th on the 15th brings heat, desire and passion. But it’s that massive love-in between Jupiter and Neptune on the 12th which activates the power to attract like no other time. It’s not happened in here for over 160 years. So, if you are seeking that once-upon-a-time kind of love, this is your opportunity to go find it.
Travel, holidays, attracting rewards or attention for what you are effortlessly good at, red carpet events and babies and children may feature for others. This is your time to sparkle and shine. Dress and act like you are the star of your own reality TV show. You are in fact. Abandon yourself to enjoyment and pleasure and let go of any worries around what others may think. Time to embrace joy. Luck is also on your side and this week could hand some of you a lucky break. The only word of caution as you hurl yourself headlong into hedonism and pleasure is to take extra precautions if becoming a parent is not your plan right now. Others however could welcome news of the stork heading your way.
This week also sees a full Moon in your 12th. If you have been yearning for a second chance or something to return from your past, this could be your trigger. Just ensure that this is not clouded by sentimentality however. The way we were may not be the way you are now. So, hold up any returns to the light of the present. Your creativity and insight should peak under this full Moon. Chances are if something good is on its way, you get that feeling that it is. Expect a peak experience and let the good times roll.
In a nutshell: A once in a lifetime opportunity to attract is handed to you this week. Just ensure the magic you weave is based on your present and future needs and not coloured by the past. Time to create and begin anew this week.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (7th)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (5th)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 4th)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (5th)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (12th)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (7th)
Open a door to a new living experience
There’s no place in the world like home
Find your support group
Prepare for moving experiences, Sag. Ruler Jupiter in your 4th of home, lifestyle, security and family meets with Neptune this week (12th). This is about the freedom to expand your living space or live your life your way. Where you want to call home features or home may call you if this is in another land. It’s been over 160 years since this meeting occurred in this house. Jupiter as you know, always wants to expand your experience. This could well take the form of the keys to a new home, an upgrade to your present home or the expansion of your family unit.
Neptune brings with it visions and dreams. It awakens your emotional spirit and points you towards where you can receive the most satisfaction. Of course, dreaming isn’t enough. You have to change things or quite literally, make your move. Relocating may follow as could shaking up your routine or work/home environment following Mercury’s entry into its ruling 6th (11th) and Eros (17th).
Mars adds you the fuel to tackle any changes when it too arrives on the 15th. It ignites your desire to take action and when we take action, that is when the universe moves with us. This week also hands you a connection or goal highlighting full Moon in your 11th (16th). If a new home or way of living is on that wishlist, this full Moon could simply highlight the way forward for you. Who you know or feel connected to is in focus. For some this could be the ‘family’ you have created as opposed to the one you grew up with. Those people who offer you acceptance or the support you need. It tells you living your life your way is not only possible, but the only way forward for you. Get moving, Sag.
In a nutshell: Get ready for a homecoming, Sag. This can take the form of a new home, upgrading your present space or even finding your place within a group of people who feel like family. No matter what form it takes, there’s no place like it.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (6th)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (4th)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (4th)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (11th)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (6th)
How far can that idea take you
Have a plan
Next stop – the stars
Travel, learning and expansion opportunities offer much needed change this week, Cappy. Ideas take you further. Or you could be faced with news that’s too big to miss. You’ve both the map and the compass to get wherever you need to go now. And it’s important to have a clear outcome or destination in mind as you set out this week.
This applies across business, your work or academic study and even the internet. Don’t go out there without a check list or a plan. Mercury and Eros in your 5th this week could see you flirting up a storm with someone. But don’t get lured in by mere sparkle. Know what result you want and ask the questions so you know Cupid is aiming true and not simply using a scatter-gun approach.
Writing, publishing, that job application, your vlog or blog, your website or Insta-feed, commerce or getting around provide expansion, solutions or a highway to success as Jupiter and Neptune meet on the 12th. This is the first time this has occurred in 160+ years. An offer or opportunity could be held out to you. This is an invitation and how you answer is up to you. But what we regret the most is not taking a chance rather than rejection. So remember that this week.
A status setting and satisfying full Moon sails into your 10th on the 16th. Which is when you could see tangible results or a payoff from what you have shared or sent out there. It’s important you active those plans or ideas by taking action. Just thinking or talking will get you nowhere and waste the energy. It’s all in your confidence to walk your talk this week. You’ve no need to fake it either. Just stick to the plan to make it real, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: News or an opportunity that’s simply too big to ignore or miss could arrive this week. Time to say ‘Yes!’ to life and jump in if so. Ideas or what you say or send out has wings and take you further than ever before.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (5th)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (3rd)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (3rd)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (10th)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (5th)
Cash up that self-worth
Access new resources
Abundance means dancing with life
Get access to the soul-vault of self-worth this week, Aquarius. Your values and your ability to receive abundance get a once in a lifetime upgrade thanks to the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune in your 2nd.
Getting access to a new income stream or handling more of the folding stuff is only part of the picture. Although this may well happen for many of you. Your possessions or what you own or have could increase. A better paying job or big ticket item could fall within your grasp. You get recognised for your talents and skills. Or you discover new ways to utilise these. Along with this comes a new sense of what you are or aren’t willing to put up with or accept from this point onwards. Especially when Mars leaves your sign and enters this house from the 15th.
For some of you, access to greater resources may see you investing in something to sustain you for your future. Such as your home and property for example now Mercury and then Eros move into your 4th this week. Others could see funding appear for travel or the pursuit of that business or learning dream thanks to a full Moon in your 9th on the 16th. A searchlight picks out what you need to focus on now. And this could well be something which is keeping you stuck. It also picks out the path to release or the way forward for you. If this involves resources – anything from confidence to cash, take it you’ll be shown exactly where or how to access what you need under it. Others could see the funding for a dream appear this week. Time to set sail towards a bigger experience.
In a nutshell: Upgrade that value system this week as once in a lifetime aspects in your money zone are about more than just your cash, Aquarius. Abundance contains the word ‘dance’. Dance with the flow and receive now.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (4th)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (2nd)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (2nd)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (9th)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (4th)
Rock those changes
Improvements lead to freedom
Believe in your magic
It seems strange to talk about change with the magical line up this week in your 1st, Pisces. But what you need to remember is that without change, things cannot improve and wishes remain unfulfilled.
The word change can bring on a knee-jerk reaction. We automatically think of something we don’t want to happen or which we are powerless to control sweeping us up like a tidal wave we cannot resist. We forget about the positive aspects of change. Going from single to being coupled up is a change. Moving on to a better job another one. Becoming a parent yet another. All these are fabulous examples of the kind of changes we wish and hope for. So then why fear the ‘C’ word?
This week wants you to dance with change as both your rulers ancient and modern make a once in many lifetimes meeting in your sign on the 12th. You have never experienced an opportunity creating alignment like this one. It’s up to you to initiate the kind of change which attracts in something (or someone) better for you, Pisces. Breakthroughs can be made now. Inaction or inability to follow where change wants to take you will be impossible once Mars enters the fray on the 15th.
A change making full Moon in your 8th tells you to feel the fear and make the change anyway. Don’t stop believin’ in your ability to create the changes you need to see in your world. Or to initiate them now. Some of you may be handed a solution that sees you effortlessly transcend a situation that has kept you stuck for far too long. This too is a change for the better. Take it that whatever form it takes, it’s the one you need this week.
In a nutshell: A once in 160+ year alignment between your rulers Jupiter and Neptune takes place this week. You are invited to engage in the process of change. Your willingness to go with it brings big improvements, Pisces.
Apr 11 2022 Mercury enters Taurus (3rd)
Apr 12 2022 Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (1st)
Apr 13 2022 Sun in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)
Apr 15 2022 Mars enters Pisces (1st)
Apr 16 2022 Full Moon in Libra (8th)
Apr 17 2022 Eros enters Taurus (3rd)
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