Weekly Astrology August 29th 2022 for All Signs

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 29th 2022
Say it, send it, stand by it
Fuel up with passion
Results follow intention
Hearts on fire this week, Aries! You’re ablaze with self-belief and sparky, soul-igniting ideas thanks to Mars in your communicative 3rd house. There’s a palpable crackle in the air around you. It’s electrifying! That buzz you’re generating be it via your social media feed or what you say or send out. People could just be hanging on your every word or post which is super-charged with your best intentions. Stand by what you say and follow through on what you say you will do.
Mars is your fuel, your conviction and your confidence. You want answers, results and to push forward with plans. This is all happening against a big astral back-drop of heavy retro weather. It’s as if the universe has set you a deadline to wrap things up. Or else to bring you the answer or result you’ve been waiting for as it aligns to Jupiter in your sign at the beginning of September.
Mercury, the cosmic courier of the zodiac, opposes Jupiter from your partnership sector on the 3rd. You and someone else are about to work something out. That fiery heart of yours may have been burning for a change, an answer, an opportunity. Across the entire partnership gamut of experiences. This is most probably the result of something you yourself set in motion. Acting on those words or intentions. The follow through or bold step brings answers and access at last. The wait is almost over. Plus the start of 2023 right up until May brings another prime time window to bring the heat to all you do once more.
In a nutshell: You’re on fire this week, baby! Bring the heat to all you do, say and send out. The response you get back could just turn up the temperature even higher. Opportunity knocks not once, but again in ‘23, Aries!
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 1st)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (7th to 1st)
Be ready to make a key discovery
Unearth buried treasure
Renew your self-belief
What would you say if I told you that you already have everything you need to get what you want, Taurus? Unearth what you’ve missed or an opportunity that’s hiding in plain sight. This week is about working with what you have or have already set in motion rather than starting a search for something new. The reason being the major retrograde weather front that’s affecting all of us. This includes Mercury in its ruling 6th in your chart. It’s not yet retrograde but it is in retroshadow and will pull a full reverse shortly.
You could be tapping into inner resources or creative ideas due to Jupiter retrograde in your 12th. Insight, intuition and acting on this are your superpowers. This week brings two key transits for you. Mars pushing you towards material satisfaction and renewed belief in yourself in your 2nd angles to Jupiter on the 1st. This can lead to a revisit or rediscovery of a project, plan or skill set. Something you may have overlooked but now revealed to have more value than you first supposed.
The 3rd sees Mercury oppose Jupiter bringing about a real heads-up moment for you. This may be around something you have been living with or thinking was beyond your ability to change. Now the way forward or though is revealed for you. You need to remain open minded and above all, adaptive now to make the most of this. Next year is about to bring you the biggest life reboot you’ve experienced for many years. What you unearth this week has a role to play. Don’t ignore that intuition this week, Taurus.
In a nutshell: You have everything you need to get anything you want. Or where you want to get to, Taurus. The trick is to explore the resources or soul assets you may have overlooked. Look closer within.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 12th)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (6th to 12th)
Expand your horizons
Don’t dream it – live it
Goal getting is the big adventure
Globe trotting goals feature this week whether you are traveling via Zoom, for real or simply following where that dream takes you. Mars in your 1st simply adds the get-up-and-go you’ve been waiting for. If you recall your Jupiter in Aries and your 11th prediction, you’ll remember I said to make three wishes when Jupiter entered this house. And to expect at least one to manifest provided you did whatever was in your power to make it real. You could reach that moment this week. When the stars align and you are asked to take a leap of faith in order to grasp that prize. Or just simply enter new, exciting and unknown territory.
Accept all invites now as progress could well be linked to your wider network and who you know and meet. Ruler Mercury is in your 5th of lovers, holidays and what you love. All the world loves a lover. Or that person simply willing to let go of what others think and totally immerse themselves in their experience – whatever this may be. Just remember we are now in big fat retrograde weather. Mercury is slowing down for its full fat retro later this month but is now in retroshadow. Jupiter is retrograde and when they oppose one another on the 3rd this is very much a second time around chance factor to it.
If something reappears or resurfaces – even if it is not so much a replay but appearing in a slightly different form, ask yourself why you hesitated or missed out the first time around? What held you back? Understand that sometimes the best opportunities come in a different wrapping than we imagined. If yours doesn’t look quite like you thought it would, simply ask yourself if saying yes to it takes you into a very different world of experience. If so, you have your answer.
In a nutshell: Travel or expansion lures you into a new worldview this week, Gemini. Above all, don’t let opportunity slip through your fingers. It may not look like you thought it would however. That’s because the universe dreams bigger.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 11th)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (5th to 11th)
Opportunity opens a new door
Big up those ambitions
Determine your future path
Sharpen that success strategy now, Cancer. And above all, craft that image or approach. If you have been knocking on one door without gaining entree, it’s time to think about knocking on a new one now. You have a short time remaining of Jupiter in your 10th of career and status. It returns to its ruling 9th for a while but will be back in your 10th at the end of the year. You also need to be planning ahead for 2023 when Pluto begins the end of its long term stay in your 7th and moves into its ruling 8th. Power moves can be made. But you need to know what they are going to be.
Mars will be spending until 2023 in your 12th due to an upcoming retrograde. And we are already in retro rain due to all the outer planets backwards and Mercury in your 4th in retroshadow before reversing later this month. This hands you an opportunity to step back and assess what has worked for you and what hasn’t. Especially when it comes to what you want to achieve. Again, this may see you acknowledging that something is no longer working or bringing you the results you hoped for. But this in turn, leads you to explore alternatives that could turn out to be much more rewarding.
If it’s worth it, you’ll know it on the 1st when Mars aligns to Jupiter. The 3rd sees Mercury in your 4th oppose Jupiter which could lead to you making a critical choice or decision around your home or your future path. You may need to weigh up what’s right for you vs. what may be right for your family. You’ll know for sure if the path you are on is the right one for you. And if it’s not – another direction will present itself between now and October.
In a nutshell: If you’ve been knocking without gaining entree, time to change direction, Cancer. Opportunity is a portal opening wide for you. But accessing it may require knocking on a different door.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 10th)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (4th to 10th)
Buy that return ticket
Retake the path
Go getting plans take you further!
Return trips could feature this week due to Mercury in retro-shade in its ruling 3rd and Jupiter fully retrograde in its ruling 9th. Also the reappearance of solutions and opportunities for you. Travel is highlighted especially if this involves heading back somewhere you have been before. Try to complete your journey before Mercury heads into full fat retrograde later in September.
Jupiter in your 9th is at its most generous, open-handed and excitement generating. Simply put, the Force is with you. Especially combined with Mars in your 11th. You’re willing to venture where you may have hesitated to tread. Or simply have the confidence to got for it as Mars and Jupiter align on the 1st.
By the time 2023 rolls around you’ll look back in wonder at how your world has changed or your horizons expanded. This week also lifts any residual feeling of heavy going. Especially around partnership matters. Mercury’s opposition to Jupiter on the 3rd could see you heading out on that return trip. Or towards a destination that’s been beckoning you forward for some time. It could be the journey itself that you are on is the goal to be lived. In focus: universities, the law, foreign connections and far-flung destinations, airlines, the mass media, the great outdoors, lucky breaks, beliefs, big loves and large animals – especially horses. Chances are you’re up for a wild ride if you opt to take it, Leo.
In a nutshell: Travel may feature especially to somewhere you’ve been in the past. Set a goal in motion by taking that first step on your manifestation journey. It could turn out living the process is a goal in itself.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 9th)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 9th)
Get ready for a climax change!
Have the moxie to ask for what you want
Work that winning streak
There should be no uncertainty around what outcome you want this week, Virgo. This despite the fact your ruler Mercury is in retroshadow now in your 2nd. As a result there’s an urgency surrounding what you do and the need to get on with it or bring something to a conclusion.
You are upfront and fired up thanks to Mars in your success sector. People can’t help but sit up, take notice and above all, give you their serious attention. This is a good week to just be direct and ask for what it is you want. The 1st hands you the ability to come out on top when Mars aligns to Jupiter in your 8th. If you are in a competitive situation – an interview, pitch or where you need to ‘sell yourself’ – you’ll actually relish it because you are fired up with the surety you got this.
We are now in major retrograde weather with all the outer planets from Jupiter backwards. This may simply add to that desire to bring something to completion, get your answer or emerge the victor now. It’s not just the end game but your best game that’s called for. Of course, you’re prepared. We expect nothing less from you. The 3rd sees you counting the result of what you’ve been pushing so hard to achieve as Mercury and Jupiter face off across the axis of your money zone. Again, don’t be shy about stating your expectations or the outcome you are seeking. Surety and certainty changes everything in your favour this week.
In a nutshell: Climatic conclusions occur thanks to you own determination and effort this week, Virgo. You could be counting up the win at the end of the week. Bring projects and plans to completion now.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 8th)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 8th)
What’s that double act you’re joining?
Love invites you on a journey
Open to new horizons of relating
There’s an invitation on offer to enter into partnership dynamic, Libra. This doesn’t just apply to singles seeking a romantic union. The whole world of different versions of duos, double acts and duets is yours to explore and experience thanks to Jupiter in your 7th. So, this could be a working relationship, significant friendship, taking an existing union to the next stage or key collaboration on life’s next stage for you.
What I can tell you is that entering into it opens your horizons or broadens your experience no matter what enticing form this opposite number appears in. Or where experience of what two can do takes you. It will be a learning journey for you and shift your ideas on what love can do or be. Mars in Jupiter’s 9th angles back to it on the 1st indicating a big, bold step to be taken and possibly even someone doing the asking who appears ‘larger than life’, well-travelled or has overseas roots. They blow in like the west wind and sweep you up with their sheer enthusiasm and optimism.
The 3rd sees Mercury, now slowing down in your sign in preparation for retrograde later this month, oppose Jupiter. This is when a yes or no answer may be required from you. Jupiter always invites, never insists. The RSVP is always up to you with fat planet playing matchmaker in your 7th. But chances are, the meet-cute or match is perfect for what you need to learn next about doubling up. I’d say yes, Libra.
In a nutshell: Jupiter in your partnership zone is playing fat Cupid. There’s a match to be made this week. It may be around love. Or what love wants to show you when it comes to all the forms it can take.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 7th)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (1st to 7th)
Ancient ruler Mars is on home territory in your 8th. It just feels right in other words. There’s no topic off-limits now or subject you shy away from exploring. You could start the week wanting answers or actively seeking change.
Your need to know sees you asking those difficult questions around anything from your cash to your wellbeing. Your search for more information involves a combination of fact-finding and acting on prompts from your intuition. Perhaps something has been bugging you for a while. You now see it’s too important an issue to ignore any longer and look deeper.
Jupiter in your 6th is set to bring beneficial changes to your day job, studies, routine and free you from that rut if you’ve fallen into one. It’s alignment to Mars on the 1st shows you it’s time for a change and to actively participate in the process of creating that. The 3rd sees Mercury, now in retroshadow and slowing for a full reversal later this month, oppose Jupiter – also retro. It’s all for your benefit now and the truth or an opportunity sets you free.
In fact, the background noise from the cosmos is a lot of retrostatic due to all the outer planets – including ruler Pluto in your 3rd, in reverse. This can be no bad thing however as it may see you reassess what changes you need to undertake. But also release you from indecision or procrastination when it comes to what you need to look at again or uncover. Certainly, don’t dismiss that recurring thought that you need to go dig deeper into a specific area. Answers are waiting for you if you do.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (8th to 6th)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (12th to 6th)
Love has to live up to the promise
Opt for realness in relating
Bring the heat!
Love reality should be your goal this week. And if you’ve been engaged in any kind of flirtation or appy interaction, it now needs to make good on the implied promise. You won’t be content with fine words or even hot talk. You’ll need action as Mars in your 7th angles to ruler Jupiter in your romance zone at the very start of September. If the expectation created exceeds the reality – you’ll quickly move on.
Mars is set for a long term stay in your 7th. Some say that Mars is not a happy houseguest in our 7th due to this being traditionally ‘feminine’ and relating house. But it’s slightly different for you as your 7th is Gemini – and all a bit non-binary due to the Mercury rulership. That warrior for love energy is still there. But a lot more gender-fluid. Sure you know what you want – realness in all relating. And you also stand by how you expect to be treated in them. But you are able to temper Mars’s usual ‘My way or the highway’ approach with a big picture outlook that takes in both perspectives.
We are in high grade retro weather with ruler Jupiter and all the outer planets backwards. Mercury is not yet retrograde – that happens later this month. It is slowing and in retroshadow however so do keep this in mind. So, stick to the goal of keeping it all very real. Whether this calls for action, a conversation or your participation. Reconnections, reunions, reaffirmations could well feature when Mercury opposes Jupiter from your 11th on the 3rd. Someone may need to make good on what they say. If you have to have a conversation again on a past subject, this may be the final time it takes place. Or someone significant crosses your path. One way or another it has to get real this week.
In a nutshell: If love is the answer, what’s the question? With Mars in your partnership sector for the next seven months, you need to ask if the feeling is real, Sag. You won’t be able to fake it. Ensure the other party brings the heat.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (7th to 5th)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (11th to 5th)
Tune in to 100 Heightened Senses
Follow where energy goes
What’s your body telling you?
Your hundred heightened senses pick up so much information this week. Especially around how you feel and what impacts on you mind, body and spirit. You need to take notice of the messages they deliver. Even in one-to-one human interactions, the majority of communication is non-verbal. This week and the angle between Mars in your 6th and Jupiter in your 4th takes this one step further. Look to how your energy field reacts to everything externally it encounters. What boosts it and what simply drains it. How your body reacts. What you sense and smell. Base all your decisions around this now and don’t ignore the subtle (or not so subtle) message.
Those heightened reactions serve a purpose. Gravitating you towards what you need. Changes could occur around your work, career or home which simply put you in a healthier position. Either from a lifestyle and wellbeing perspective or from how, where and what you spend your time working on or at. Mercury, now in retro-shade in your career sector opposes Jupiter on the 3rd. Is it time for you to make your move on some level? Perhaps towards something which both supports and frees you at the same time?
The information fed to you this week by everyone you meet, places you go and what you pick up around you is allowing you to tune in to the wisdom of your body. It know exactly what does you good. So, follow though on what it tells you for a new kind of success story. The daily feel-your-best kind.
In a nutshell: Your heightened sensitivity is in fact gathering information this week, Cappy. It tells you what boosts you mind, body and soul and what has the reverse effect. Do take how something makes you feel into consideration now.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (6th to 4th)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (10th to 4th)
Expect a positive outcome
Travel, opportunity or solutions appear
Enjoy fun, flirtation and freedom!
There’s a massive conversation occuring this week between Mercury in your 9th and Jupiter in your 3rd. You’ve probably instantly realized the significance of these planets in each other’s houses in your chart. That means that while we have an opposition occurring between the two on the 3rd, they both speak the same language or are aligned with the same outcome in mind. So, the odds are in your favour when it comes to news you have been waiting on, where that idea or conversation takes you or simply, you attracting just the person, opportunity or solution you have been searching for.
One tiny detail you should not ignore however is that we are in heavy retro weather now with all the planets from Jupiter outwards backwards and Mercury is in retroshadow in preparation for reversal later in September. As both your travel houses are impacted, do put those retro rules in place early if you are going anywhere. This is just a precaution. Better to have a Plan B and not need it than need it and not have it.
Mars is set for a seven month stay in your 5th of flirtation, flings and fun. It too angles to Jupiter on the 1st adding freedom to the mix. Again, this is your house of holidays and pleasure. As well as attraction and luck. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there now. Whether in person or on-line. Your presence is literal ‘hot stuff’ and your confidence scorching. As a result you are willing to take a few risks you might usually hesitate over. A fierce, bold approach could just seal the deal for you when it comes to that outcome. Yes, flings can be flung. But whether something serious or long term emerges depends on your personal chart. One of our astrologers can enlighten. But no matter what, this week tells you to live a little – or a lot, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: Fabulizing feelgood factors, flirtation, freedom and fun feature this week thanks to Mars in your 5th. Let go of worries and don’t be afraid to take a chance. Aquarius. Second chances hand you a better outcome than first.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (5th to 3rd)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (9th to 3rd)
Boost your resources with fresh empowerment
Hone in on home centered change
Use what you have in new ways
Embrace positive and empowered change this week. Your areas of security, family, self-worth and yes, money are ignited. Ancient ruler Jupiter remains in your money zone. It is heading back your way for a final visit and will return to your cashed up 2nd at the end of the year. But for now it’s offering you the first of three opportunities to bring about positive changes to your income, assets and resources. The first on the 3rd when Mercury in your 8th opposes it.
Mercury is slowing to retrograde later this month. So, when it heads backwards it will oppose Jupiter for the second time and then a third when it heads forward once more in October. So think of this as an opportunity to work your worth. For all you are worth. And in doing so increase what you have at your disposal. Be that cash or less tangible yet priceless assets like your skills and talents or even the support you receive from others.
Mars has unpacked its bags in your 4th for a seven month stay. It too makes a positive angle to Jupiter on September 1. Sure, Mars is not the best airbnb guest in this house. But it’s restless vibe ensures you undertake whatever you need to do to ensure your needs are met. Emotionally, physically or materially. You’re not afraid to ask others for help if necessary nor to shake up the status quo to bring about something better in the long term. You haven’t lost track of others’ needs in the process however. But you also give your own equal consideration. Making better use of what you already have is one aspect you may explore this week. As well as simply doing what needs to be done to have so much more at your disposal.
In a nutshell: Ancient ruler Jupiter wants you to have the experience of handling more abundance. This week could open opportunities to access this. And also see you using what you already have in so many new and empowering ways, Pisces.
Sep 1 2022 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (4th to 2nd)
Sep 3 2022 Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries (8th to 2nd)
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