Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 30th 2021

venus in libra

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 30th 2021

By our astrologer Elena


Love talks

Get a better relationship balance

Insight and opportunity ring twice

Mercury puts conversations around love and partnership matters top of your agenda. One connection could literally begin or pivot around talks you have around the 5th, Aries as it aligns to Saturn and the North Node. Don’t be surprised if the topic for some of you is equality in your relationship as Venus in its ruling 7th meets Vesta in here. Balance should be your ultimate take-out.

Answer the call

July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd snares ruler Mars opposing Neptune in your 12th. The Moon is also pulled in to its ruling 4th. What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. The ping of the phone, the ring of the doorbell. Something was knocking and begging to enter. This alignment could cement it or have you make some adjustments.

Because Neptune is involved the past could feature as could a trip to the deep side of life. Mars in your 6th reminds you to factor in your needs in all this and not to put those of others in front of them. Something could even reappear or ask for the second time. An opportunity returns but better. In the words of Wings: Do me a favour, open the door, and let them in.

In a nutshell: Relationship discussions feature with love the hot topic this week. Strive for balance and equality. A Mystic Rectangle could see something which began in July return. Give it serious consideration.


Time to design that work/life balance

Aim for the win/win solution

A connection plays a key role

This week has Mercury join your ruler Venus in Mercury’s ruling house in your chart while Venus is in its ruling sign (6th). Work, wellness, study, routine and habits may be adjusted and a better balance obtained.

If you feel something is unfair or one-sided, or even plain discriminatory, this week says don’t stay silent any longer. Vesta rules gender issues and bias and meets with Venus in here while Ceres in your money and self-worth sector trines Saturn in its ruling 10th. A new and better deal can be done based on recognition, sharing and equality. Don’t hesitate to insist on this.

Expand your circle

July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd with an emotionally sensitive Moon in its ruling sign of Cancer and your 3rd opposing your point of freedom, Pluto in your 9th. While Mars in a placement of passionate intent opposing Neptune in your 11th.

Look at what or who entered your life last month. What was on offer? Who knocked on your door or inbox?

What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. The ping of the phone, the ring of the doorbell. An opportunity. In your case this could now be an invitation to join in. You’re being invited to take a transformational journey perhaps with new people. Or a friend brings news which affects your decision around a path. Just say yes, Taurus.

In a nutshell: Ruler Venus strives for balance in your everyday world this week. So strike a new one when it comes to that work/life deal. A contact could play a key role in opening up an opportunity. News could be on its way, Taurus.


Flirt your way to success

Get ready for Role Call!

A trip back to the past reveals future potential

The conversation moves to flirtation, romance as opposed to sex, creativity, playful or even around children or childlike pursuits as ruler Mercury joins Venus in your 5th this week. Parenting talks may feature for some Geminis as Ceres in your 1st trines Saturn in your 9th as could simply who does what around the home or with the kids if you have them. I’d call the meeting between Venus and Vesta on the 2nd a role call as Vesta rules gender issues. Are you expected to do more or take on tasks simply due to out-dated gender roles around the home or even at work? This is about what works for you in the Now Age. So discuss and create that.

Mercury will also trine the North Node in your sign and Saturn on the 3rd and 5th. Destiny dusted romance or news around children could be part of this. As could be recognition for others. Travel perhaps back to someone you lived or visited in the past could have you seeing it with fresh eyes.

Give something a second look

July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd with an emotionally sensitive Moon in its ruling sign of Cancer and your 2nd opposing Pluto in your 8th. While Mars antsy in your home zone opposes Neptune in your 10th. Again, this may relate to the balance of power and role bias either at home or at work but within that envelope comes an opportunity.

Look at what opportunities for movement and change entered your life last month. Was a new role or better paying position on offer? Were you involved in negotiations? What pinged in your inbox? Who knocked on your door? Pick up that discussion again if its been left in limbo. Follow through.

What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde. This tells you that you can go back over things once more. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. Returns can happen now. Or you have the power to renegotiate. Second time around could just be the charm, Gemini.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury in your 5th puts you in a flirtatious mood. Words or what you send out attract like spells. Flirt with ideas as well as romance, Gemini. Someone or something deserves a second look this week.


Embrace change

Put your needs on an equal footing to others

Refine your role

Don’t shy away from the things you know you need to change this week, Cancer. Because I can tell you that tackling them is going to be far easier than you think.

Sure I know you don’t like rocking the boat. And you tend to put others first. But sometimes we just have to understand that true self-care isn’t bubble baths and cupcake indulgences. It’s putting ourselves and our needs on an equal par to others. And that’s what this week is all about for you.

New role dynamics, new deals

Get ready to get talking about equality and balance across home and work as Mercury lands in your 4th. Your needs are just as important as those of others and the trine between Ceres in your 12th and Saturn in your 8th on the 1st not only reminds you of this but eases discussion and opens the way to permanent change. Taking on tasks because you are expected to due to gender is a no-no and the Venus/Vesta conjunction on the 2nd could see roles assigned in a less biased way. Allow others the ability to grow and change by letting them step up to do their share. But know you need to be the one to open the discussion.

July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd with an emotionally sensitive Moon in your 1st opposing Pluto in your 7th. Again, this tells you to tackle issues with your live-in partner. Mars hands you confidence in your 3rd and makes an opposition to release to Neptune in your 9th. Know the result you want, Cancer.

Follow through

Look at what opportunities for movement and change entered your life last month. What did you tackle then and what remained unsaid? Were you involved in negotiations? What solution presented itself? What pinged your phone or inbox? Who knocked on your door? Pick up that discussion again if its been left in limbo. Follow through.

What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde. This tells you that you can go back over things once more. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. Returns can happen too. Or you have the power to renegotiate. The time out or more time to yourself you want could be the result. Getting away from it all is another possibility. That envelope the rectangle represents could contain a ticket to ride. Try that escape route, Cancer.

In a nutshell: The focus this week is on all your favourite things, Cancer. Home, family, nurturing and what sustains you. Look to your role in your home and outside of it. Design one that supports you as much as others.


Destiny opens a new doorway

Set that love intention

Make wellbeing your goal

Fated contacts and connections, new worlds to explore and fresh agreements to be made on an actual and a soul contract level feature this week, Leo. Especially as Mercury trines the North Node in your house of friendships, groups and the future.

Mercury joins Venus in Mercury’s ruling 3rd. All kinds of ideas and discussions are flying around like butterflies. You will be drawn to people who spark your intellectual interest and offer that mental turn-on now. If you are looking for love its intellectual hotness you crave as well as the physical kind. One person in particular could have you looking at something in a fresh way and overturn past thinking for you thanks to Ceres in your 11th trineing Saturn in your 7th and Venus and Vesta meeting in your 3rd.

Partnership discussions could be on the table too. Saturn says set your intention then put a ring on it. Or not. But this is definitive one way or another. It demands you get serious. To know what you want, where you will compromise (or not) and what the deal breakers are. And then stick to that.

Act in the name of wellbeing!

July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd with a highly intuitive Moon in your 12th opposing Pluto in your 6th. In focus are work, study and daily habits/routines. What you put in your body and what you surround yourself with. Atmospheres, negative or positive energy. Soul vampires. Those who lift you up. The other side of this is the Mars/Neptune opposition across your 2nd and 8th. Telling you that something needs to change or you’re worth more.

Don’t ignore this especially your ‘gut’ feelings now. It tells you things must change and you must be the catalyst of that change. For soul’s sake, Leo! Look back at what opportunities for change presented themselves for you last month. Did you follow through or duck out of the exit as you didn’t want the confrontation? Or were you offered an opportunity around work but didn’t think you were up to it?

Mars hands you back your courage no matter what.

What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde. This tells you that you can go back over things once more. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. Returns can happen too. Or you have the power to renegotiate or simply now state your real intentions. This could release you from a long term situation that has had you stumped or simply wondering how on earth you could change it. That envelope the rectangle represents could contain the answer, Leo.

In a nutshell: Get serious about those relationship goals this week. And ensure the other party’s intentions match yours. Your gut feeling is your best barometer, Leo. It tells you where change needs to occur. Don’t ignore the call!


Pursue parity and rewards

Enter a new cycle of experience

Time to give your answer!

All the outer planets may be retrograde but for now, ruler Mercury powers forward into your money zone joining Venus which rules both this sign and this house in your chart. Pay equality issues may feature for some as Venus and Vesta meet in here on the 2nd.

It’s all about parity and rewards as Ceres in your 10th trines Saturn in your 6th from what is Saturn’s ruling house. You also have your ruler making a trine to the North Node in your 10th on the 3rd. Recognition or a role which reflects your self-worth could be on offer now. Time to build on that track record but above all – know your own worth, Virgo.

What’s on the table?

An offer could arrive now that represents all of the above plus could give you entrée into a new circle or cycle of experience. This could also be linked to your goals both personal and professional. July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one has Mars in your 1st handing you fierce desire and searing self-confidence. It tells you time to act or accept. Mars opposes Neptune in your partnership zone. You should know if a connection is right for you – or not. Just remember this includes professional ones.

The other side of this story is the Moon in your 11th and Pluto in your 5th linking you to your larger group, romance, self-expression and even children. It’s about play, parity and passion all in one.

Look at what or who entered your life last month. What was on offer? Who knocked on your door or inbox?

What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. The ping of the phone, the ring of the doorbell, the arrival of that email. You are being asked to give a yes or no answer now Virgo based on your worth. In or out. It’s time for a definitive answer this week.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury joins Venus in its ruling 2nd this week. It’s all about money and self-worth, Virgo. You need to ensure you’re on an equal footing with others in terms of treatment and rewards. A decision requires your answer.


Get a head start on your new cycle

The future comes knocking

Answer that RSVP

The pre-birthday party of fresh starts and new ideas and beginnings has begun for you this week as Mercury lands in your 1st on the 30th Libra. You will be discarding anything and everything now that is simply unbalanced or unfair in your life and moving forward with fresh plans. You’ll speak up now if you feel things are unfairly biased as ruler Venus and Vesta meet in your sign on the 2nd.

New beginnings are on the table. Some of you may find yourself in the spotlight or in a front of house position. Your image is important now and you may update this as a result. Long term efforts could be rewarded. Restrictions may also be lifted thanks to Ceres in your 9th making a trine to Saturn in your 5th at the start of the month. This could be around travel, money, love or your creative plans. There’s a deal to be struck or compromise to be reached on this but the outcome is a release into a freer, more enjoyable cycle. Let go and let love flow again. This could even be doing something you love as opposed to someone!

Party invitations and new beginnings

Someone’s knocking on the door, somebody’s ringing the bell! So, let’s get this party started, Libra. Something could return now for a second look or second chance offer. July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd with the Moon in its ruling sign of Cancer and your 10th of recognition and rewards opposing Pluto in your 4th. You also have Mars in your mysterious 12th opposing Neptune in your 6th of work and wellness. What’s the yes point or change that will do you good? You may have been at this point before but now you can opt for a different choice.

Look at what or who entered your life last month. What was on offer? Who knocked on your door or inbox?

What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. The ping of the phone, the ring of the doorbell. An opportunity. In your case this could now be an invitation to join in or move on up. Something you set in motion 19 years ago could return to you but re-envisioned. Simple more authentic and apt for who you are and where you are now, Libra. RSVP without hesitation.

In a nutshell: Time for the new this week. And that includes a newer, more vibrant version of you. A fresh cycle hands you an invitation this week. In the form of an offer, opportunity or person. Time to RSVP to the positive, Libra!


Self belief makes goals reality

Toss what no longer serves, take what works

If you can dream it, chances are you can make it real

Get a head start on that declutter we all engage in just prior to our birthday cycle, Scorpio. It’s a week of powerful changes which I will go into shortly. As you adopt an ‘Out with the old, in with the new’ attitude, you’ll experience a rush of the fresh replacing what’s worn or which you need to discard.

Going back over things is favoured by all the outer planets presently retrograde including ruler Pluto. You also have an early planetary get-together occur ring in your 12th as Mercury joins Venus and Vesta in here on the 30th. This week could bring an enhanced awareness of something not right or simply unfair as Venus and Vesta meet. Dealing with this or simply discarding it for good could form part of your declutter process.

Changes which open the way into a fresh cycle of living occur as Mercury in your 12th brings closure as it trines the North Node in your 8th and then Saturn in your 4th. Which occurs after Ceres also in your 8th also trines Saturn on the 1st. New dawns and new deals approach as could a new cycle of living.

Live the dream

Both your rulers ancient and modern are caught up in something special on the 3rd. Back to those changes I mentioned at the start of this forecast. July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd. Contemporary ruler Pluto in your 3rd and the Moon in your 9th start a conversation towards emotional freedom. While ancient ruler Mars in your 11th opposes Neptune in your 5th. Destination dreamtime, Scorpio? This could be about a goal you desire which represents a deep emotional satisfaction for you and also freedom at the same time.

Look at what or who entered your life last month. What was on offer? Did an opportunity begin to emerge? Who knocked on your door or inbox? What’s different this time around is that all that retrograde weather. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. The ping of the phone, the ring of the doorbell. Even a solution to a desire stated yet unspoken. This could involve you, another and something you love or would love. You’ve imagined it or dreamed about it, visualised it and the way to have, experience or get it could now open up. Perhaps via a human conduit. Go take a chance and explore this, Scorpio. Time to replace the worn out ways of doing things or even getting to those goals.

In a nutshell: Goals demand you find a way to make them real this week, Scorpio. This may mean exploring alternatives you didn’t even realise existed – until now. Someone could provide you with entrée to this. Go with them.


Get a new deal on love

Build on that foundation

Find your people

This week lights up both your 11th (friends, networks, communities, goals) and 7th houses (duos and double acts). Now, normally I would be telling you that intense focus on your 11th and especially Venus in here was not a time for romantic love but the time for the love of friends. But not so this week as those rules don’t apply thanks to Ceres and the North Node sitting in your 7th.

Fresh deals on love

Just bear in mind your 7th rules professional and working partnerships, collaborations and long term friends as it does marriage partners and long term lovers. Your bestie, bae or boo too. Mercury’s arrival in your 11th is about connecting to like-minded people and you should see that social circle expand now. Linking to those who have the same gender identification to you could also open doors to what you are seeking as Venus in here meets Vesta on the 2nd. The flip side of this is that you find yourself the only representative of your identification in a group solely comprised of another. If so, don’t feel the odd one out. There may be huge benefits of this. What matters is what you share in terms of ideas, beliefs and resonance. Entering into a new and very different milieu does you good. of others.

Click and connect

Groups, the internet, that app, connections and your wider social circle could play a key role in sending love down a fresh path as Ceres in your 7th trines Saturn in your 3rd and Mercury trines the North Node in your 7th this week. July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd with an emotionally sensitive Moon in its ruling sign of Cancer and your change sector opposing Pluto in your money house. Neptune in your 4th of security is opposed by Mars in your 10th of status. This is about establishing or building on something you have already started. And being fully empowered in the role you need to take in directing your path.

Validation or recognition could now be yours or be within reach. Look at what or who entered your life last month. What was on offer? Who knocked on your door or inbox? Or did a door begin to open for you?

What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. The ping of the phone, the ring of the doorbell. An opportunity. Saying yes to it brings change but you need that. A change of scene, a social change, a sea change in work or living. Time to step through or answer that door and let change in, Sag.

In a nutshell: Cosmic clicks and connections across all kinds of relationships feature this week, Sag. Something that begins as a friendship could turn into so much more. Or who you know holds the key to what you need. Get connected.


Change offers solutions – and liberation

Be an advocate for your ideas

Tie up loose ends

Changes linked to expansion, solutions, opportunities, liberation and freedom are on their way this week, Capricorn. Be ready to step into the flow.

Time to get behind those ideas and sell them and yourself effectively. You are your own best calling card, PR rep or walking advertisement now thanks to the line up in your 10th of all things Cappy Strong! Mercury is all about ideas and self-promotion when it arrives on the 30th. Venus already at the boardroom table enhances your professional image. So its image and smarts working together. Needless to say, try to time those applications, pitches, interviews, important meetings and presentations for this week if you can. Especially as we have Ceres in your 6th trineing your ruler Saturn in your 2nd on the 1st and then Mercury doing the same on the 5th. New and better, affirming deals could result.

Venus and Vesta meet in your 10th ensuring equality, parity and fairness and if you are not getting this or feel you are being discriminated due to a gender bias, now is also the time to do something about this too. Mercury trines the North Node also in your 6th bringing in an important new cycle and one that contains nothing that detracts from your path or wellbeing.

Time to follow up and follow through

July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd with an emotionally sensitive Moon in its ruling sign of Cancer and your house of partnerships of all kinds including working ones. This opposes Pluto in your 1st. Mars sits in your 9th of self-initiated opportunity and expansion. It opposes Neptune in your 3rd. Know where you want to get to and take the first steps. Or the final ones in some cases.

Look at what or who entered your life last month. What was on offer? Who knocked on your door or inbox?

What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde including Pluto in your 1st. This adds up to you being able to backtrack, course correct, choose again or refine that deal. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. The ping of the phone, the ring of the doorbell. An opportunity. In your case to move on up or cut you loose from something confining. It could involve a past, present or potential partnership. It points to something earned and deserved so don’t sell yourself short this week, Cappy.

In a nutshell: Time to get behind your ideas and be your own best advocate. There’s a new chapter to be written in a success cycle. The result could just take you up, up and away from confinement and back into opportunity.


Time for a little respect

Break away from restriction

Fierce, fearless self-love demands your participation!

What you want? Baby, I got it!

This week is all very Aretha Franklin, Aquarius. And if you dared ask ‘Who dat?’ then shame on you. So, channel that inner Aretha and yes, we all got one, and get yourself a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Put it on your Spotify playlist if needed to up that vibe, tune in and project exactly that if you feel you need that extra shot of attitude.

A lot of this week’s planets will bring up themes of respect and how you expect to be treated. And if something is not right then doing something about it. Knowing and be unafraid to state where the line is drawn. And if someone keeps crossing it, well, then gathering up your self-respect and being prepared to cross them off your list in turn.

Fierce, fearless respect driven love

We’ve a lot of freedom and opportunity creating energy as Mercury joins Venus and Vesta in your 9th this week. The meeting of Venus and Vesta in here on the 2nd could demonstrate clearly if you are receiving that respect or not. We have two key trines occurring to Saturn in your 1st. One on the 1st between it and Ceres in your 5th and the second on the 5th with Mercury in your 9th. Mercury also trines the North Node in your 5th on the 3rd. Saturn is the great ruler of timing and Ceres rules deals. It may be time for a new one between you and a lover or another now or else time to get a new one elsewhere.

July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd with an emotionally sensitive Moon in its ruling sign of Cancer and your 6th of work and wellbeing opposing Pluto in your 12th. Mars in its ancient ruling 8th is like the ultimate espresso shot of respect and empowerment as it opposes Neptune in your 2nd. You’ll know if you’re getting your due or if you’re not now.


Look at what or who entered your life last month. What was on offer? Who knocked on your door or inbox? Or alternatively, what entered your awareness about how you are treated by someone in particular? Maybe you chose to dismiss it back then. But now you’ll see this is more important than you realised. Especially if you are not getting that respect you deserve. What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. The ping of the phone, the ring of the doorbell. An opportunity. In your case this could now be a greater insight and also an ability to set clear boundaries. Someone could however demonstrate they have the utmost admiration and respect by holding out an offer. Respect could equal yes, Aquarius.

In a nutshell: You got it so own it this week, Aquarius. And if you’re not getting it, time to step up and demand it. I’m talking R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Self respect and what you receive from others. Unleash that inner Aretha!


Become an agent for change

Tap into empowerment

Attract the answer to that dream

Something needs to change and this is the week you will be the instigator of that, Pisces. The planets assemble in your 8th of empowerment. Therefore this week brings us a Mystic Rectangle which includes your ruler Neptune plus the two rulers of your 8th – Mars and Pluto.

It is time for change indicated by Saturn in your 12th but this should be embraced rather than feared. Saturn is trined by both Ceres (1st) and then Mercury (5th). While Venus and Vesta meeting in your 8th on the 2nd points to empowered negotiations around what you share, your money or even property. Mercury will also trine the North Node in your 4th on the 3rd. This relates to path, roots, family, home and lifestyle.

A fresh cycle could open up now and deals can be done. A move is possible if this is what you have been waiting for which could be the change some of you want to welcome in. Is it love you have been waiting for? Ruler Neptune is a major player on your team this week telling you to take practical steps towards what you envision as it aligns to Mars in your 7th.

We are the music makers. We are the dreamers of dreams

This can be a joint dream or one you will create with another. July delivered a rare Mystic Rectangle. And now August does too. This one appears on the 3rd with an emotionally sensitive Moon in its ruling sign of Cancer highlighting your emotional desires opposing Pluto in your house of the future. It’s all about attraction when fused to that Mars/Neptune opposition too. What is it you want or need from love? Doing what you love? Experiencing love? Or even the self-love of success and creative play and expression?

Did the last rectangle touch on any of these themes for you? Look at what or who entered your life last month. What was on offer? Who knocked on your door or inbox? Was there an invitation? Did love, travel or the chance to stand out feature? Did you get noticed for what you have to offer or who you are? Who was ‘opposite’ you then? Which relationship stood out for you? Or was a new one emerging?

What’s different this time around is that all the outer planets are now retrograde. At the time of the last Mystic Rectangle people reported news and arrivals. The ping of the phone, the ring of the doorbell. A hello or swipe. A response to what you sent out. It or they could reappear if they vanished. Or someone new approaches. Settleds could get a second change at what they want. There’s a message or a messenger on its way this week. Anticipate its arrival, Pisces. It or they bring the change you seek.

In a nutshell: You’re the dreamer of the zodiac, Pisces. This week could bring you the key to a long held dream and an opportunity to turn it into reality. Or else you attract a fellow dream-maker. Weave that vision as a Mystic Rectangle holds the answer.


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