Weekly Astrology December 11 2023 Forecast for All Signs

Align that soul compass
Go big
Course correct if needed
Just where in the world do you want to go? Whether your destination is a higher view from that corporate ladder or simply an actual place on a map. Simply pin it for now but plan too along with the new Moon in your 9th (12th) which is all about the big moves.
Also, do look as the Sun in here squares off against Neptune in your 12th on the 17th as to who or what has not delivered on their promise, Aries. You know this could be a professional just as easily as it could be a personal connection. That accountant, lawyer, estate agent – if a name or title jumped to mind, you do need to keep emotion out of your decision and be all business now.
If you believe a second opinion is needed – seek it out. Mercury slamming on the brakes in your 10th where professionals reside along with your own ambitions, supports this move. As it does putting those big moves in the planning or refinement stage. It will return to your 9th shortly. I should not need to over-sell the need to have more than one Plan B if you are travelling now. Or be prepared to wait until January for something to finally be decided. But I can tell you that in a very subtle way you are on the move, Aries. The new Moon promises that. And that direction is towards opportunity – and up.
In a nutshell: Big plans, expansion and opportunities are ushered in by the new Moon in your 9th. But wait! That fresh direction may take a while to appear due to Mercury retro this week. Take it slow, and ask for directions if needed.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (10th to 8th)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (9th)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (10th)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 12th)
True expression gets you the result you need
Replace outworn dreams with new ones
Act to bring about deep, soul-centered change!
The week begins with love-powered shifts thanks to Mercury’s alignment with ruler Venus in its ruling 7th (11th). Your fierce desire to express your feelings acts as a catalyst, Taurus. Leaving others in no doubt of your heart-centered intentions.
The new Moon in your 8th is also the point where your personal power is reignited. If you have felt disconnected from this or that it has been dormant lately, it is now awakened again. You step into the role of the ultimate warrior for love. Use this to look towards bringing about a positive change. Perhaps around your intimate relationship or even your money.
Yes, some of you could see your faithful, seeking heart begin to beat faster at the thought of a new romantic prospect! Others could be eyeing off that promotion or new position. Whatever it is, you feel an awakening, a deep intention forming to have it and/or make it happen. You do have time to adjust and plan. So, hone this as Mercury heads backwards in your 9th. And as this is your house of long haul travel, mass media/transit, big business and studies, do keep those retro rules in mind.
You may make a shift around what you thought you wanted to a better, more soul refined decision as the Sun and Neptune combine to throw a spotlight on your future path (17th). You’re happy to change direction if so. And also make change what you seek to engage with.
In a nutshell: Have a back up plan – possibly more than one, if travelling now Mercury is retrograde and Jupiter remains backwards in your sign. You’re in ultimate Warrior for Love mode this week. More in your New Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (9th to 7th)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (8th)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (9th)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 11th)
If you can’t take it any further – pause for thought
Love unfolds on its own schedule
It takes two to tango in ‘24!
This week sees ruler Mercury reverse in your 8th. Take it that a major issue around intimacy or your money has had the pause button pushed on it until the new year. Hey – you’re the retro boss, not the retro at-a-loss, Gemini. So don’t you forget that.
Do however try to bring work projects or changes to your routine to a stage where they can be released or just parked for now by the 11th when slowing Mercury sextiles Venus in your work zone. You can add one final finishing touch and then let that go. Do all you can up to this point.
The headline for you this week is the new Moon in your 7th. Ushering in a fresh phase of relatedness. Don’t be in a hurry to push forward with that new potential love interest however. The reason I say this is that Mercury will back up into your 7th again before it heads direct in January. Just let things unfold on their own schedule and enjoy the build up. If someone disappears this may be temporary. Don’t panic nor give in to the hysteria of cuffing season. You are beautiful. You are complete – just the way you are and your status is.
Those settleds or even looking for a new type of union – that work or business alliance for instance, can begin to envision what It Takes Two looks like for 2024. This is the start of one of the most important phases of personal attraction and interaction that you have experienced in 12 years. Which gets kick-started in May when Jupiter reaches your sign. It all begins with you and love starts with our relationship with ourselves. Get clear on what – or who, fits you. Just the way you are, Gemini.
In a nutshell: The Sagittarius new Moon ushers in a new phase of togetherness ahead of the main event in ‘24 for you, Gemini. But take this slowly. Ruler Mercury slams on the brakes and reverses. Align with your emotional journey. It takes time to unfold.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (8th to 6th)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (7th)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (8th)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 10th)
Make that loving and healthy choice
Refine that routine
Joy is the soundtrack you dance to
Love gives you pause for thought this week as Mercury retrogrades in your 7th (13th). Before it reverses, it makes a sublime alignment to Venus in your 5th (11th). Attraction, declarations and messages of love or a feel-good moment occurs. It’s an invitation to dance with joy. Don’t RSVP to the negative.
This week’s new Moon appears in Mercury’s ruling 6th on the 12th. Looking at how you can change up that work/life balance, those habits, your schedule or routine will benefit you in ways you may not yet be able to imagine, Cancer. Think of this as the ripple effect. It’s time to slow down for self-care, to look at what you do each day – your job whether paid or unpaid and your studies if you are undertaking these. Your diet, exercise or lack thereof. Your habits and your down-time. Be ready to refine these over the coming weeks. To make healthier choices and to see those fresh habits stick.
Looking into the secrets of blue zones may hand you inspiration around this. Do also keep the retro rules in mind as Mercury’s ability to deliver mayhem is enhanced in a ruling sign/house in our charts. In particular, travel plans may be impacted. And steer clear of looking for that new hustle until after Mercury clears retroshadow if you possibly can.
If you’ve been telling yourself that nagging inner voice is just background static you can ignore, the 17th proves its anything but that. Dealing with it once and for all delivers the seasonal peace in your own inner world feeling you’ve been striving for.
In a nutshell: Little things mean a lot with this week’s new Moon in your work and day job sector. Small changes add up to bigger shifts. Adjust as needed towards a healthier option which energies. More in your New Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (7th to 5th)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (6th)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (7th)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 9th)
Reawaken the wonder
Reclaim joy
You know what you want from love
Expect a big change ahead for ‘24 and beyond. In your own life or the life of someone you are intertwined with. There’s also going to be a shift in a key dynamic or your relationship status once Pluto moves into your 7th. Check your Cancerian circle to get an idea what this could bring.
This week whispers seasons greetings in the form of rom-com moments, childlike wonder and you set to sparkle with the new Moon in your 5th (12th). Ruler the Sun remains in its home house right up until the 22nd. Time to set something in motion that may have links to something from your past. Or again, work that newly emerging power dynamic as you step into a feeling of creative clarity and empowerment. Watch the 17th for that moment when you step into this.
Elsewhere in the sky Mercury heads into retro mayhem in its ruling 6th (13th). Just days prior to this could see you bring something to fruition. Now its time to rest when it comes to initiating the new and think about what you want to achieve in 2024. Mercury will return to your 5th next week so do adhere to the retro rules especially if travelling. That new dynamic I mentioned could include a reclaim of something you used to love to do or a facet of who you used to be. That’s the biggest gift you could give yourself this season.
In a nutshell: The new Moon in your fabulizing 5th ushers in a season of joy, creativity and wonder. You are filled with the lightness of love and opportunity. Watch for the return of something or someone you loved. New beginnings have their roots in the past.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (6th to 4th)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (5th)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (6th)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 8th)
Home is where the focus is
Plant the seeds for your future
It’s pivot week!
Ruler Mercury’s retrograde in your 5th (13th) marks the beginning of an important change of direction, Virgo. You may not yet see this as you are well aware that a Mercury retro makes everything a little shady and nothing is decided – in this case until the end of January. However, when you look back at what is the final Mercury retro of the year, you will see this wasn’t the usual chaos and confusion at all. But the start of something being formed.
That ‘something’ could turn out to have a touch of delightful permanence to it. Or have been on your wishlist for some time. Do watch for who appears in your DM’s or the news you receive on the 11th as this could mark the point where everything pivots.
This week’s new Moon asks you to put your house in order and look to your home, support structure, living arrangements, lifestyle and path. This is now a time for life/property renovation rather than actual moving due to Mercury retro re-checking into this house next week. If you are presently engaged in buying, selling, renting or leasing property, then prepare for things to stall, reverse or slow down. This happens traditionally without the Mercury retro at this time of year. Mercury backwards in the mix simply maximises it. Your best holiday strategy is to simply deck the halls right where you are. For now.
If you are looking to improve your current property, then do your research into anyone you are thinking of hiring. From that builder to that interior designer. And yes, you might want to hold off on making your decision until Mercury has cleared retro-shade in January. This week or rather Mercury retro cycle, asks you plant the seeds for your future on some level. Sometimes this means sending those roots deeper. Other times it means pulling them up to transplant them somewhere new. Room to grow should be your game plan now.
In a nutshell: Home is where your heart and your focus is with the new Moon in your 4th. This ushers in a new lifestyle phase. But take your time with property decisions as ruler Mercury slams on the brakes. More in your New Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (5th to 3rd)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (4th)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (5th)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 7th)
Revise, research – gather the facts
Pack that alternative route or Plan B
Share that loving kindness close to home
Got a plan, a project or simply something to say or places to go? Do slow down with the new Moon in your 3rd, Libra. Yes, this is normally one of the best launch windows of the year for that idea. Or for that application, pitch or major step towards that destination. But slow will be the new fast as the day after this new Moon, Mercury which rules this house turns full retrograde in your 4th.
We can also say you may not yet have all the facts or information you need. There may be a missing piece of the puzzle. Or you are operating on an outdated assumption or insight due to this week’s snarky angle between the Sun and Neptune in your fact-defining 6th (another Mercury ruled house!). All this is telling you there’s something still to be uncovered. Or that you may need to bring that idea to a successful completion.
Mercury will shortly return to its ruling 3rd. So its mayhem creating madness is exponentially expanded. Steer clear of excessive expenditure, those ‘bargains’ – so not, click bait and also know your alternatives when planning any trip. I can’t emphasise that enough.
Someone close to you – perhaps in your family circle, or with whom you live with, may need your special brand of kindness, care and intuitive insight this week as slowing Mercury aligns to ruler Venus in your 2nd on the 11th. Take time for this. As you may take time for a project into which you have poured a lot of love and care. Nurturing pays off in so many ways this week. Soothing and slow steps get you what you – and others, need right now.
In a nutshell: Intuition nudges you to look deeper before taking something further, Libra. It may take time to gather the facts or do that due diligence – but the results will be worth it. Someone close may need a hug.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (4th to 2nd)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (3rd)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (4th)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 6th)
What is worth your investment?
All in or all out
Cash in or cash out when it comes to love
Once you have made a decision, we all know you are going the distance, Scorpio. You can be more determined and in for the long haul than a Capricorn once you make your mind up about something. The new Moon in your 2nd this week (12th) marks a decision to invest in something – or cash in. Either way this is definitive.
The overarching question is where you invest your love. Yes, this is your money zone and right now you are blessed by the ruler of it (Venus), in your sign. But it is about far more than just your cash and income and what you do with that. It’s about those intangible investments of time, talent and yes, love. These resources are precious. And also limited. You may be looking at investing in something to boost your income level. That side hustle, a better paying job for instance. But it has to be worth it in terms of the love you know you have to give it.
If that investment in anything hasn’t yielded what you hoped, you will cut your losses during the next two weeks and look for a better option. What’s worth it will become very clear now as the undeniable truth emerges around the 11th and then on the 17th. Guess what, Scorpio? If all this involves someone else it’s their loss and not yours. You have the Mercury retrograde on your side when it comes to auditing or reassessing those options. And what is worth your continued investment is oh-so-clear now.
In a nutshell: A new Moon in your money zone is more about your cash. But has you on a self-worth and emotional investment audit. It’s okay to calculate if you are getting back at least the same as you put in. Otherwise – invest elsewhere.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (3rd to 1st)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (2nd)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (3rd)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 5th)
Pause for perfection
Keep your focus
What starts slow gains momentum
The new Moon in your sign always marks the astrological start of your new cycle regardless of when your birthday actually falls. This is a Begin It NOW moment for you on the 12th. And particularly powerful for those Sagittarians whose birthday falls on this day.
Yet how is it plans seem to be unfolding at a slower pace than you would like, Sag? For one thing, ruler Jupiter remains retrograde right up until the final day of ‘23. And now Mercury joins it, heading back your way from the 13th. Don’t forget – there’s a season and a reason for everything. This new cycle begins with an invitation to stop and smell the roses. Or the mulled wine. There’s a reason to slow down and that is because you may miss a crucial detail if you don’t.
With both your ruler and now Mercury retro, travel needs pre-planning and also Plans B thru Z. Keep your focus close to home on the 17th because this is a day when you can’t afford to ignore anything from leaving that door unlocked to paying attention to that family member. The start of the week could gift you with something that you’ve been hoping on waiting on. And don’t worry, Sag. Just because the old year unwinds slowly, doesn’t mean the new one won’t fast track you.
In a nutshell: The new Moon in your sign marks a clear demarcation point between your old cycle and the upcoming new one. You may surprise yourself at the fact you’re not in a rush to go conquer the world. Wait and it could just come to you. More in your New Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (2nd to 12th)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (1st)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (2nd)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 4th)
Tie up loose ends
Something asks for a final, finishing touch
Look to your achievements
Mercury retrogrades in your sign this week (13th) and heads backs towards your mysterious 12th where we also have a new Moon (12th). This is a clear signal from the cosmos to follow your insight when it comes to anything that has been nudging at your subconscious for a while.
We are now days away from the Sun’s arrival in your sign and your new cycle. Yes, the Sun enters Capricorn but the word ‘solstice’ actually refers to the fact that on the summer and winter solstice, the Sun actually appears to stand still in the sky. The Sun is directly above the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere on this day. There is a pause from our perspective, and then the Sun will appear to now move north towards the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere.
This week is asking you to heed what is giving you ‘pause for thought’. Don’t forget – Pluto is preparing to leave your sign, bringing to an end the most definitive transformation process of your lifetime. So, pause, look at the changes that have occurred and then with fierce honesty, confront any loose ends or anything that still needs releasing. The final residue can now be let go ahead of the new and dynamic phase that is coming in.
Take care of that final, outstanding issue during this retro phase. You have the courage to confront it and inspired action to deal with it. Ahead lies lightness – and freedom.
In a nutshell: You’ve come so far but do you appreciate just how much you’ve accomplished or changed? Take time out under this Mercury retrograde to congratulate yourself. One final adjustment or loose end to tie up – and a major cycle of your life completes.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (1st to 11th)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (12th)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (1st)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 3rd)
Friendships are a big deal
Reclaim past treasure
What you no longer need is effortlessly shed
The new Moon in Sagittarius and your 11th house ranks right up there in importance with the new Moon in your 1st and the one in Leo and your 7th. Groups and goals feature. Not only that, this new Moon sets the tone for both your social life and your ability to crush that goal into reality serves of bite-sized pieces.
Mercury retrograde in your 12th from the 13th will move back into your 11th shortly. So, don’t be surprised if part of the new also involves a revival. You may get the band back together – almost literally, when it comes to reunions with old friends or even colleagues now. The new you are about to embark on has its roots in the past and old acquaintances show you that they have not been forgotten.
With Pluto about to re-enter your sign, anything which no longer serves that future path will be swept away. So as well as ‘Hello, again’ – a few goodbyes may feature. Do be philosophical if this occurs. It’s nothing you’ve not outgrown if you are honest about it.
A down-to-earth moment involving a decision or even your money sees you having to leave that ivory tower and deal with something mundane this week. Yes, rewards can also stem from your past or the efforts you’ve put in. But around the 17th you find yourself confronted with the truth about how someone else sees or values you. Yes, you’re above the petty. But you’re not about to keep on giving when nothing is coming back the other way. Friendship is currency. Spend or save wisely.
In a nutshell: Friendship is your most valuable asset thanks to the new Moon in your 11th this week. Ensure those you call friends value you in the same way. When it comes to that goal – its roots may lie in your past. Expect a revival – and a reunion.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (12th to 10th)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (11th)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (12th)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 2nd)
Escape the dream and deal with the real
What’s your success strategy in work and love?
Take the initiative
Ahead of 2024, start thinking about those ambitions and what you want to achieve. Or where you want to go next, Pisces. You have plenty of time to refine those plans. This week hands you a new Moon in your status-setting 10th. You’re feeling the desire to achieve or go places in the coming year.
Take the time now to review your path to date. Is it working for you? Is it rewarding enough – not just in financial terms but in emotional satisfaction as well? There’s no point in selling your soul to attain worldly success if it leaves you feeling strangely empty. And what about that work/life balance? Mercury backwards in your 11th (it will re-enter your 10th shortly), reminds you that a social life and relationships form an important part of any success story. There’s no point in attaining a grand prize if you’ve no-one to celebrate with.
Ensure your path is the one you would choose for yourself. Or choose again if you were starting out now. If not, take time to research and refine and go deep into what success looks like and needs to deliver for you. Over the long term.
And yes, this also includes the kind of partner you want to be involved with over the long term. If you are waiting for a commitment from someone, with Saturn now in your sign it may be time to ask them how they see your future together? The Sun’s square to ruler Neptune (17th) tells you that you can no longer afford to live in a dream world when it comes to what you want to have, do or attain. Time is precious. You don’t have any to waste. In business and in love. And factoring that in is all part of a success strategy, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Time to look at where you want to get to and what you want to achieve for your future, Pisces. This includes the future of a union for some. And your career path or calling for others. Time to refine the dream and deal with the reality.
11 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (11th to 9th)
12 Dec 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius (10th)
13 Dec 2023 Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn (11th)
17 Dec 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 1st)
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