Weekly Astrology for All Signs December 20th 2021


Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs December 20th 2021


Go for the gift of experiences

Create your own celebration

Own your power

What’s that Christmas wish, Aries? Hopefully for the experiences which create memories you’ll always treasure. Be your own star and do what it takes to create them now Chiron heads direct once more in your 1st on solstice day. Go pagan or go home as the Sun lands in your 10th marking the shortest day in the northern hemisphere and the longest in the southern.

Honour the light in your own way

Create your own ritual now no matter your beliefs to mark the point of the year when the seasons turn. There’s a memory you can make right there. It’s time to look ahead and imagine where you’ll be this time next year. You have to have a wishlist in order to fulfil them. But make this one based on your values. These have undergone a refinement and quiet revolution since Uranus has been in Taurus and your 2nd house.

This week sees Ceres bring you a timely reminder of what you will and won’t compromise over as it re-enters your 2nd on the 22nd. You also have Saturn and Uranus squaring each other on the 24th and the second meeting between Venus, now retrograde, and Pluto in your 10th. Something now serves as a timely reminder of what is too important to you to ‘sell out’ over. This can be as intangible as an emotional need or a needful as a tangible material thing. Some of you may realise your time is something you are no longer willing to trade for instance. Or you may shift that wishlist to include what aligns with what is too valuable to trade off.

The holiday spirit extends to your belief in yourself and as you look back, no longer underestimating your power. Or the results that show you just what you can achieve when you try as Mars in your 9th trines Chiron and hands you a new dream to chase.

In a nutshell: Solstice week isn’t just about the holidays or the start of winter. It also marks the day light begins to return for us here in the northern hemisphere. For you, it’s a time to tap into the source of your power. Light your own flame, Aries!

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (1st)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (10th) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (2nd)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (9th to 1st)


Take time to celebrate all you’ve accomplished in ‘21

What dream is too important to give up on?

Give yourself the gift of your future

As ‘21 draws to a close, ruler Venus retrograde in your 9th makes its second meeting to Pluto on the 25th. Hopefully, when you look back over the past year, you should now feel a sense of achievement which comes from doing the right thing. Look back at your choices and you should experience the soul satisfaction that comes from staying true to your heart – and your values, Taurus. If you’ve yet to follow its bidding, please make this your #1 resolution for 2022.

Ceres returns to your sign this week bringing with it a reminder of what is truly important to you. While the Sun’s arrival in your 9th and the winter solstice on the 21st (summer in the southern hemisphere), hands you a new dream and purpose for the coming year. There is something specific you want to do, experience or achieve now and it will become your top priority as it is aligned to those core values that you refuse to compromise on.

No more selling out

Your higher self knows what this is and it is the thought, dream or desire that simply won’t go away. Your gift to yourself – and even to others, may therefore be the promise to no longer ignore it. But to push through any fear, resistance or remaining self-doubt and go for it. Don’t ignore the call to adventure, Taurus.

We all lead mythic lives of discovery and challenge. Chiron now direct in your 12th dares you to discover just what can happen if you follow that path as it angles to Mars in your 8th. Don’t ignore what your heart dictates especially if it is unpinned by your values this week. Then give yourself the gift of doing whatever needs to be done to follow that path towards freedom, Taurus.

In a nutshell: The winter solstice always brings up questions around freedom for you. And the pursuit of those dreams, Taurus. Time to heed that inner calling and follow that star where it wants to take you.

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (9th) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (1st)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (8th to 12th)



Doing the right thing vs. going your own thing – time for a new deal

Soul connections align

Goodwill towards all – including your money

You’re giving what you want for ‘22 serious focus this week, Gemini. The future is yours to take in whatever direction you dare to take it in as Chiron heads direct in your 11th and the Sun enters your sector of change and rebirth both on the 21st.

You may also be looking at where you may have compromised too much in the past in your desire to appease others or simply do the right thing. Is it time for a new and different deal for ‘22? Whether this is around your career and finances or your emotional life? This week brings the second meeting between Venus and Pluto in your change sector (25th). Venus is retrograde and this sees you looking back and imagining a new deal on money, love or those personal desires.

Share the love this holiday season

Ceres backs into your 12th on the 22nd and by the time it returns you will have a new found sense of what needs to be done. Your connections need to resonate with you deeply now. And it’s not just holiday season sentimentality behind this. But the need to feel that intensity returned to you when it comes to what you give out to others. Is this ho ho ho or ho ho hmmmmmm? That’s the question on the 24th.

Only you know the answer now but it has to align with your values and also give back to you as much as you invest in turn. Hopefully this week hands you the gift of glimpsing where the future is taking you – and who is travelling with you into it in ‘22 as Mars aligns to Chiron on the 25th. It also tells you if need be, you’re ready to strike on in search for what’s missing. Jingle all the way!

In a nutshell: The future is yours to direct, Gemini. And to get there you can find that middle path between what you want to do and what needs to be done. Your connections prove to be your greatest gift this holiday season. Show and share the love!

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (11th)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (8th) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (12th)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (7th to 11th)



Love actually is all around you

Give the gift of your presence

Be in the moment, plan for the future

Celebrate the love you have which is hopefully all around you this week, Cancer. It’s your time for extra special relating, love and closeness as the Sun arrives in your 7th bringing the solstice on the 21st. Feeling the love is what this festive season is all about for you. The weather outside may be frightful, but the love you’re radiating is delightful and just everyone will want to get closer and bask in that warmth.

Just bear in mind however that due to Venus being retrograde in its ruling 7th, you need to delay implementing any New Year’s resolutions that involve finding a new love. If what you seek is lasting that is. The 25th brings the second of three meetings between Venus and Pluto in here. So, take it your needs may be transforming now.

Certainly you will be looking at how existing relationships fit into your future plans. Hopefully you’re celebrating the gift of having people around you who you know are there for the long haul. If not or if something needs to be changed or renegotiated, enjoy the present but lay those future plans as Ceres backs into your 11th on the 22nd and Saturn asks if something is standing the test of time as it angles to Uranus in what is its ruling house, on the 24th.

Be bolder with those ambitions

New paths beckon for ‘22 when it comes to work and career and some of you may be contemplating a bold move, job change or even radical shift now Chiron heads direct again in your 10th. The trine between it and Mars on the 25th puts you in a proactive and daring mindset where even as you celebrate you begin to plan how you will go about achieving those goals in the new year. Love who you are with and where you are this week and enjoy the present even as you formulate your next move, Cancer.

In a nutshell: The present is a gift – that’s why it’s called that. Celebrate with surrounding yourself with your people, Cancer. And understand it’s not about what you spend on gifts, but the present of your presence that spreads the joy!

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (10th)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (7th) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (11th)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (6th to 10th)



Glow different this holiday season

Delegation leads to joy

Celebrate in a way that’s meaningful

Despite your ruler the Sun moving into your house of daily responsibilities and wellness on the 21st, you still have Mars serving plenty of the holiday spirit in your 5th and Chiron now direct in your 9th. So, while your attention may be divided between what you have to do and what you simply love to do, none of those responsibilities are looking like a chore, Leo.

Some of you may be opting for a radically different holiday celebration than your usual one. You want to come from a place of joy rather than duty or obligation. If anyone can find a way to keep everyone happy while staying true to what feels right for them, it’s most probably you, Leo.

Venus is retrograde in your 6th and puts you back in touch with Christmas past and how these were spent. Either you adore those traditions and want to keep them going or you can create new ones that are meaningful for you as Venus meets Pluto for the second time in here on the 25th. And if you feel you are shouldering more than you fair share of responsibility but experiencing less fun than others – don’t be afraid to delegate.

Go with the glow and ho-ho-ho!

Going with the festive spirit or simply celebrating the turn of the year in whatever way is meaningful, is more important for you this year than previous ones, Leo. Strangely enough, it sets the tone for how you want to experience the year ahead. You need authenticity now. You’ll be very much aware of time passing in some way and how some things are too precious to waste. Even as you enjoy yourself chances are you’re decking your inner halls with plans for your future thanks to Ceres re-entering your 10th. If you dream of a different kind of Christmas next year, this one lays the vision and the desire for that. Today’s party spirit kickstarts tomorrow’s dreams.

In a nutshell: Keep what you love from Christmas’s past but don’t be afraid to come up with a way to celebrate that feels right for you, Leo. And please, don’t take on the lion’s share of duties either. Get those elves helping!

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (9th)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (6th) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (10th)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (5th to 9th)



Be a Yuletide superhero

Not so secret Santa? That’s you!

Are you dreaming of a different kind of Christmas?

Prepare to deck the halls, Virgo. Mars in your 4th needs action. Put it in charge of something this holiday week if you want to spread seasonal goodwill. If its something you can get everyone joining in – so much the better. Yes, anything from basting the roast to competitive jigsaw puzzling. Or simply suggest something different for once as Mars trines Chiron now direct in your 8th on the 25th.

The Sun lands in your joy to the world 5th on the 21st. And while it should be all about fun, festivity and celebrations, understand that Mars without a job to do slays – rather than the one-horse-open kind. Questions as to why you’re still single or your smug cousin’s yearly festive rant about how well they are doing, could rub you up the wrong way or see you opening another bottle of Christmas spirit while wishing you were home re-watching Bridgerton. So make it all jingle and plan how you can avoid any scenarios like this ahead of time and keep it on the ho-ho-ho.

Venus retrograde in your 5th makes its second meeting with Pluto on the 25th. If you are dreaming of a different kind of Christmas, then take action and magic it up. Take action and make it real on some level. Harness the transforming power of love which is the ultimate holiday magic. Love the ones you’re with – quirks and all.

In a nutshell: Love the ones you’re with this holiday season. Yes, quirks and all, Virgo. Above all, you need to keep busy so take charge like a festive superhero. You’ll find the Christmas spirit flows so much more easily if you do.

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (8th)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (5th) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (9th)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (4th to 8th)



The ghosts of past, present and future loves come visiting

Love is a quantum state

Ask for the gift of new beginnings

Ruler Venus is in a quantum state – retrograde in your 4th. Einstein said past, present and future exist simultaneously. Time is something we’ve created to stop everything happening at once. So, play with that concept as part of your holiday gifts, Libra. Past and present loves exist alongside any future ones. And while it’s not the time to ask Santa for that new lover while Venus is retro, it is time to ask where you are or where you want to be in terms of love.

Venus’s second meeting to Pluto on the 25th, opens up the quantum potential. Play with the present, thank the past for getting you to where you are now, and what you can imagine, you can bring into being by simply doing just that. Chiron direct in your 7th foretells a love shift happening for you in the near future. Watch for enticing meetings, journeys or news on the same day as Venus meets Pluto when Chiron tines Mars in your 3rd.

Wish different

The winter solstice (summer in the southern hemisphere), sees the Sun join Venus in your 4th. Stability, home, roots and above all, your values are what create your satisfaction with the here and now. And also hand you that little bit of quantum mystery from which to create that love future. In order to get this you need to engage with the potential of change which Ceres back in your 8th hands you. Freedom from something is on offer for you or simply room to move for ‘22 if you dare to take it now. That could turn out to be the best gift of all.

In a nutshell: It’s not a time to go seeking new love with ruler Venus retrograde. But what it is time for is to plan for what you want love to bring you in ‘22. That includes loving where you live and who and what surrounds you, Libra.

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (7th)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (4th) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (8th)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (3rd to 7th)



Explore that emotional wishlist

Open the gift of going after those dreams

Gratitude defines the present and shapes our future

Solstice time is always a good period to ask ourselves what it is we want. No, I’m not talking about what you hope Santa is bringing you Scorpio. But what you want or need on an emotional or soul level. You’ll review this and continue to do so even as you celebrate the holiday season and head towards ‘22 at breakneck speed.

This isn’t just down to the Sun’s entry into your 3rd on the 21st but also the second meeting between retro Venus and ruler Pluto in here on Christmas Day. Something or someone could take you back to the past or provide you with the counterpoint to measure what you have in the present with what you actually need and desire. Hopefully you have it. If not – engage with the most powerful force on the planet which is gratitude for what you do have.

The best gift you can give yourself

It’s not so much about that warm and fuzzy feeling although you have that now, Scorpio. But what keeps that fire burning within. This week also sees Chiron in your 6th direct and trine your other ruler Mars in Venus’s ruling 2nd on the same day as Venus meets Pluto. This highly charged day could bring a sense of satisfaction or hand you the gift of knowing what you need to do to get it. And making that promise to yourself to go do exactly that. This should bring you into alignment with what you know truly matters to you. It’s the gift that will keep on giving.

In a nutshell: Dreams are what keep the winter chills at bay. They heat up our passion and fire our future. Give yourself the gift of feeding that flame of desire as this week shows you the path towards what you want, Scorpio.

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (6th)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (3rd) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (7th)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (2nd to 6th)



Get ready to open surprises

A door between you and desire opens wide

Give freely but be ready to receive too!

Your birthday season comes to an end on the 21st when the Sun leaves your sign for your 2nd house. However, you’ve plenty of holiday spirit left thanks to Mars in your 1st which will trine Chiron direct in your 5th on Christmas Day. You’re entering an exciting new pleasure zone now. Or should I say the pursuit of happiness is #1 on your To Do list, Sag?

This can be a surprising and delightful week for many of you. Sure you are aware that there’s work to do and adjustments to be made once the holidays are over. Ceres back in your 6th from the 22nd and the Saturn/Uranus tight misstep on the 24th could remind you of it. But for now, you’re in true giving mode whether it’s your love, time or free-spirited inspiration. Don’t forget to set to ‘Receive’ either as something unlooked for could come your way.

Explore the hidden path between desire and reality

This week also sees the second meeting between retro Venus and Pluto in your 2nd on the 25th. Venus is in its ruling house here. See this time as one that opens a powerful portal between you and what you want for ‘22. Sure, it’s not time to begin something new but to celebrate and be in the moment. But this tells you that soon it’s time to go for it. It just may be this week you get the message what you want is preparing to meet you halfway, Sag. Wait for next month for the final chapter.

In a nutshell: Love and the pursuit of happiness or what makes you happy, should top your holiday wishlist, Sag. Sure, it’s not quite the time yet to go seeking out the new. But a pathway opens up between you and that desire. Go down it.

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (5th)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (2nd) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (6th)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (1st to 5th)


Take time to refine

Having it all? So last year

Happy birthday, Capricorn!

Happy birthday to all sea goats! The Sun’s arrival in your 1st brings the Winter Solstice and summer to the Southern Hemisphere. You begin your new cycle very much aware of the one you have just left. This is down to Venus retrograde in your 1st until next month.

See this as the season of reinvention, rebirth and refinement. And to realign yourself to what you want. Knowing when and where to compromise in order to have it is all part of this picture. By now, thanks to Uranus in your 5th you should know that ‘Having it all’ isn’t the goal at all. It’s having what is right and aligned with your values that’s the goal. Sure, ruler Saturn in your 2nd may have asked you to tighten your belt or simply pay more attention to where the money goes. But your ‘Pop goes the weasel!’ moment should have resulted in the revelation that less CAN be more when it comes to love or what money can and can’t buy you. You only need one if it’s the right one. Watch for this on the 24th with the Saturn/Uranus square.

It has to be right

The 25th brings the second of three meetings between Venus and Pluto in your 1st as well as a trine between Mars in your 12th and Chiron now direct in your 4th. This puts you in a sentimental mood, Cappy. But it also highlights what truly matters to you and which emotionally supports and nurtures at the same time. Hopefully you’re finding that where you are and/or in the company you’re with. Build on that foundation. If not, the good news ahead of ‘22 is that the new year allows you to find the one that’s right for you.

In a nutshell: The solstice marks the beginning of a new cycle. As you exit the old one and step into the light. Possibilities, potentials, relaunches and reinventions are yours to explore. Take your time now to go for what feels right.

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (4th)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (1st) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (5th)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (12th to 4th)



Go deep into that mystery

Explore imagination

Where and with who do you truly belong?

Play with mysteries and possibilities this festive season, Aquarius. Tap into hidden potentials and explore the vast well of your dreams and desires! That’s your gift as the Sun enters your 12th on the 21st bringing the solstice.

Belong to the past but don’t live there

It’s a time to revisit the past, but also to avoid sentimentality over it. Don’t forget, this is the season that can trigger that. By all means go back and re-examine it. But also look at how you were or the way we were if this involves someone else, was about who you were back then. Not who you are today. If you could repeat this, it would need to be reimagined for you in a different form. So, look at how you and your needs have evolved. Especially on the 25th when retro Venus meets Pluto in your 12th for the second time and could re-deliver a theme for you.

You also have a tightly woven transit between ruler Uranus in your 4th and Saturn in your 1st occurring the day before. Themes around boundaries and belonging could be triggered. Perhaps asking you if this is how you want to be spending your holidays in the future? If you want to make changes in the year ahead, new deal Ceres reworks an existing one for you as it re-enters your 4th on the 22nd. Watch for any themes around guilt-tripping/emotional manipulation. Those are the gifts that can keep on giving in all the wrong ways. You don’t need them now.

The right kind of gift you’ll want to unwrap presents itself also on the 25th with a trine between Mars in your 11th and Chiron now direct in your 3rd. This could even be in the form of news you hear or can’t wait to share. Someone could offer you the opportunity to enter a new phase of experience for ‘22. The present could turn into a future gift, Aquarius.

In a nutshell: Solstice season always marks the time where you head within to re-examine your past and set your direction for your future. Where you belong or want to be forms an important part of this. Set that direction and follow that star, Aquarius!

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (3rd)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (12th) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (4th)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (11th to 3rd)



Rebirths and reunions light up your future

Get ready for expansion

Dream the impossibly possible dream!

Renewals ahead of ‘22 are happening right now, Pisces. You’re engaged in a fascinating winter solstice dance now featuring friends, contacts, networks, communities, bands, clubs and groups. As well as those goals for the new year! This all begins as the Sun lights up your 11th on the 21st.

Keep that focus on friends however due to Venus still retrograde in here. The 25th sees it make its second meeting to Pluto. Something could be reborn for you now. That includes love but a new love? Wait until the end of January to start that search.

Nothing is impossible

I should not need to remind you that you are set for a year like no other due to your other ruler Jupiter returning to your sign next week and meeting present day ruler Neptune in here later in the new year for the first time in 165 years! This will bring you a once in lifetimes opportunity to reach your desires and dreams. In the interim – stay with the magic of the moment.

New direction setting aspects appear this week that could see you deciding once and for all what you will and won’t accept for your future thanks to Chiron now direct in your 2nd trineing Mars also on Christmas Day. Combine this with Ceres backing into your 3rd and Saturn’s full circle angle to Uranus also in your 3rd. This is about no longer compromising on your wishes or sacrificing those dreams in favour of other people’s, Pisces. Wish upon that lucky star that’s heading your way, this holiday season.

In a nutshell: Friends, groups and goals propel you on into ‘22, Pisces. You are set for a once in many lifetimes year ahead. Time to chart a course into new territory. If you can imagine yourself doing it, you can live it for real.

Dec 21 2021 Chiron Direct in Aries (2nd)

Dec 21 2021 Sun Enters Capricorn (11th) Winter Solstice

Dec 22 2021 Ceres Retrograde Re-enters Taurus (3rd)

Dec 24 2021 Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

Dec 25 2021 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)

Dec 25 2021 Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries (10th to 2nd)



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