Weekly Astrology February 27th 2023 for All Signs

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 27th 2023
Bringing forth wings & feathers like angels
After that soaring higher than angels
What you cannot imagine
I shall be that
What Shall I Be? – Rumi
When Saturn changes signs it heralds a permanent shift in what we have accepted as the status quo. This week it is ‘anaretic’ in Aquarius and your 11th. A power position which will focus on one particular friendship or even group content or association for you. It’s either set in stone for your future. Or you decide its no longer for you. This is an inescapable spiritual feeling you simply can’t shake. As could be the inner knowledge that karma is at work. The past and that includes past lives, catches up with the present with Mercury in your 12th (2nd).
I started this forecast with a quote from the Sufi poet Rumi: What shall I Be? Just who are you capable of becoming? Are you ready to astound not only others, but yourself with the bold, uninhibited and frankly outrageous moves that only you can make? What can you imagine yourself doing or becoming? See yourself as capable and courageous. Let go of concerns over what might happen. Dare to unlock your greatness as Venus moves through your 1st encountering Vesta (27th), Jupiter (2nd) and then the object of the dazzling and deep healing – Chiron on the 3rd. Dare to soar higher beyond the influence of small minds. Sprout those wings this week, Aries. You are about to discover you can fly.
In a nutshell: Don’t be limited by the small minds of others telling you what is or isn’t possible. This week dares you to try. Live up to the vision of yourself in your imagination. You already have the wings, Aries. Now – use them.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (11th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (1st)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (11th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (12th)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (1st)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (1st)
It’s now or never
Own your past choices
What you believe to be impossible is all too real
Now or never moves need to be completed this week as Saturn moves to an anaretic degree of Aquarius and its ruling 10th in your chart. Valuable feedback could be forthcoming. Or you receive news around that job, promotion or make a status defining decision. If doors swing open wide for you now, this is your reward for staying the course and your long term devotion to your path. If they remain closed, you have some serious thinking to do ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your 11th next week. Don’t blame the outside world or others. Time for ownership.
Looking deep within you, making a shift and mind and eye-opening changes within you bring you the very things you have been seeking in your outer life. Embrace inclusivity and openness. Ahead of you lies a 2.5 year cycle where who you know, not what, will define your path. Gravitate towards those with knowledge, worldly experience and who may walk a very different pathway to yours. They may also be older or younger than you by some years. Do not put up barriers to connection whatever you do.
Its also time to heed the messages from your intuition or higher self with ruler Venus in your 12th. This week it will encounter Vesta, Jupiter and Chiron. What you think unbelievable or impossible to occur becomes oh-so-real for you. Someone or something can emerge from your past. That person you never thought to hear from again. That missed opportunity. You can re-craft this heading forward now, Taurus. No rejection, no hesitation. Just a willingness to embrace the strange and the new.
In a nutshell: Held in a holding pattern? Or released into something impossibly bigger and satisfying, Taurus? All rests on your past choices this week. Rewards or resistance to change come full circle. Own it either way.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (10th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (12th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (10th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (11th)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (12th)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (12th)
Harness your future
People fuel powerful potentials
Play with uncertainty theory – it’s fun!
Saturn’s stay in your 9th of long distance travel, expansion and opportunity is coming to an end as it moves to an ‘anaretic’ (29 degrees) of your 9th this week. Ahead of entering its ruling 10th in your chart next week. Barriers to movement and progress are about to be lifted. The trick is to know what you want and where you are going. Ruler Mercury encounters it on the 2nd – just hours before it too moves into your 10th. Setting your feet on a road which leads upwards. Get ready to climb to the top and enjoy the view over the next 2.5 years.
We are in big Aries weather at the moment despite the Sun being almost a month away from its arrival in your 11th. This week puts you at the epicentre of a grand social experiment. As Venus moves through this house is meets Vesta (27th), Jupiter (2nd) and Chiron (3rd). There’s an electric charge around who you meet, follow, connect or circulate with now. Friends who are exciting, radically different, worldly or beneficial feature. Don’t stay lurking indoors with that boxset whatever you do. Take a wild, wonderful first step towards that goal or simply shaking yourself out of that rut. This week wants you to explore your inventiveness, uncertainty theory and the unique and unknown. That’s what sets your future and the rest of the year in motion. Make that radical move, Gemini.
In a nutshell: One thing is certain, Gemini. If you make the same choices or stick with what you know all the time, nothing changes. Uncertainty Theory is playing with Quantum Mechanics. Just to see what can change your future – and with who.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (9th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (11th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (9th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (10th)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (11th)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (11th)
Set your foundation stones of freedom
Step up into rewards and responsibility
Decision time, Cancer!
Commitment is freedom. Ends always contain new beginnings – and a release into fresh possibilities. That’s the paradox of working with Saturn. Which this week reaches an ‘anaretic’ (29 degrees), of Aquarius and your 8th house. Next week it will arrive in your 9th. Those Saturn rings represent boundaries and also closure. It’s decision time, Cancer. You may choose to take on a long term responsibility now. Or close off one cycle to begin another. Paying off a mortgage or taking one on is a good example of this. Taking on a more responsible, serious role and all that entails. Including the financial benefits. As is facing up to the fact something is truly lived out.
Whatever your decision, this is your foundation going forward and the choice is made on the 2nd when Saturn and Mercury meet in here. You sign on the dotted line. Or there’s no going back on that decision. Ownership and the knowledge you are the author of your own life-story and not assigning blame, hands you the solution or freedom you’re seeking.
Fabulous aspects between Venus, Vesta, Jupiter and Chiron this week speak of a soul who is oh-so-ready and prepared for this. Recognition, promotion, rewards or capturing that prize you’ve worked towards for so long could now simply occur after a long wait. Travel could feature for some of you. Or simply that feeling you’re finally moving ahead. Demolish those barriers and in doing so, set the foundation for something freeing and more satisfying, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Boss moves translate into movement – towards long term goals. Time to envision what your life looks like in the long-term. And act accordingly. Daydreaming doesn’t cut it. But moving on up – that’s a given.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (8th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (10th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (8th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (9th)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (10th)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (10th)
No fear love
No more time wasting
Incredible You finds release
Love escapes lockdown this week. And fresh possibilities beckon. Saturn in your 7th of partnerships may have made hard work of long term connections over the past 2.5 years. The good news is it enters its endgame this week as it moves to an ‘anaretic’ (29o) of Aquarius and your 7th. You’ll feel the change of energy and the shift taking place. You’ll also know if its right for you. Or not. With a surety that simply can’t be shaken.
So, it’s either you in for the long haul now or you will head out and seek something more defining and aligned to your need for constancy and commitment. You won’t give your heart to the unworthy, or waste your time on anything that doesn’t support your investment over the long term. Remember, this applies to working relationships, business unions and long term friendships. News or a conversation around this takes place around the 2nd. You know for sure what you want. Don’t simply settle.
The result will be a wondrous, incredible, soul freeing release. The one you may have been waiting for these past 2.5 years as Venus moves through your house of opportunity and solutions. New beginnings and potentials make themselves know as Venus meets Vesta (27th), Jupiter (2nd) and Chiron (3rd). The path you never thought you’d take, that road you thought forever closed, that experience you didn’t think you could have – open up to you. Don’t hesitate, Leo. This is what you’ve been waiting for.
In a nutshell: Time wasters need not apply. That’s your sign this week, Leo. Knowing what you do and don’t want sets new opportunities in motion. Amazing and incredible – those are your labels. Don’t settle for less.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (7th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (9th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (7th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (8th)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (9th)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (9th)
Opt for lasting, long term benefits
Maintain your focus
Follow the Holy Trinity of mind, body, spirit wellbeing
Work, routine, wellbeing. When Saturn changes signs or is about to, you undergo a long term change which there is no going back from. In your 6th of all things Virgo-ruled, Saturn’s journey in here has been to show you what works for you. Your way. Hopefully, all this has been taken on board as Saturn moves to an ‘anaretic’ degree on the 27th. And encounters ruler Mercury on the 2nd. One final adjustment can be made now. The result could be the perfection you have been striving for. And provide you with a launch pad moving forward.
Hopefully those long term habits of yours are ones that truly support you. The holy trinity of wellness should be your main focus – mind/body/spirit. The only thing you can ever change permanently is yourself, your own thinking and your habits and attitude. Keep your focus on this. Saturn loves structure. You’re the Jedi Master of the everyday Force now. Your focus has lightsaber precision. Do work that and don’t allow your thoughts to wander. Ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your 7th when only the most seriously devoted heart will do, Mercury heads in here on the 2nd. Along with Venus’s powerful moves through your 8th – encountering Vesta, Jupiter and Chiron this week, this can offer you a new kind of commitment process. Perhaps where you opt for what simply does you good in the long term or hands you lasting, loving, daily benefits, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Yes, Saturn is all about getting serious. Ahead of its arrival in your 7th of long term love and partnerships, it asks if you are showing that daily routine or body the love it needs. Get fit for purpose this week.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (6th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (8th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (6th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (7th)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (8th)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (8th)
Upside down and inside out love amazes
Fire up your courage to find answers
No more hiding from the spotlight!
Lasting, long term love. Put a ring around romance, creativity, your children if you have them and duos and double acts of all descriptions. Adult children in particular could have news or reach a milestone. They move out, marry, present you with news of a grandchild. You enter a relationship with someone who comes as a package deal. You commit to your talent or no longer shy from standing out. You ask the question of that boo: Just what do you want and where do you see this going?
Saturn moves to a powerful, ‘anaretic’ (29o) in your 5th this week and you want to get clear on someone’s intentions. Or that impression you have made has a lasting impact now. Sealing the deal or simply clarifying what the future looks like between you and another could occur around the 2nd, when Mercury and Saturn meet. This ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your 6th next week.
Ruler Venus is in its ruling 7th favouring anything partnership related. It’s a week when serious attraction can occur or that union goes to the next level. The 2nd – 3rd – when Venus encounters both Jupiter and Chiron in here could bring about a wholly impossible, improbable outcome. What you imagined love would never have in store for you or that sudden twist leaves you breathless and amazed. Plus that potential partner could be radically different to anyone you have encountered up until now. Never say happily ever afters can’t happen, Libra. Or are just reserved for someone else. This week turns love and possibly your world, upside down.
In a nutshell: Crazy, unpredictable love moves or partnership opportunities turn you inside out and upside down, Libra. Never say never when Venus, Jupiter and Chiron are at work. Don’t shy away from getting answers either.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (5th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (7th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (5th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (6th)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (7th)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (7th)
Set it in stone
Choose future sustainability
Home truths move you into a better era
Look back over the past 2.5 years. What have you established for yourself and those you care for which sustains and supports you? Where, what or who is your emotional foundation? The bedrock of your life? One final commitment or decision is being asked of you this week and you need to leave emotion out of it and look to your long term needs as Saturn moves to an anaretic degree in your 4th. This isn’t about instant gratification but long term satisfaction.
Big decisions can be made around living arrangements, property, family or business. You send those roots deeper or else get ready to transplant them in more fertile soil. Contracts and agreements could feature as Mercury meets Saturn on the 2nd – just prior to turning up the sunshine in your fabulizing 5th. Once Saturn joins it, you know what you want and how to get it.
Venus in your 6th is about balance, equality and also your need for satisfaction, privacy and recharge. A more rewarding way or working or enhanced environment to work or study in may be on offer. As could redressing any imbalance in these areas. This may also open the door to moving or enhancing that lifestyle as Venus meets Vesta (27th), Jupiter (2nd) and then Chiron (3rd). What works for others may no longer work for you. Home truths, job offers, changes to your habits – take a pragmatic, personal-prioritised approach to all these. Sticking to the facts around the changes you need to make, sets it all in stone.
In a nutshell: Do the work and bring that focus close to home. Home truths also matter when it comes to what you need to support and sustain you. The divine details form a bigger picture than you think. And this is the week to piece it together.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (4th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (6th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (4th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (5th)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (6th)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (6th)
Dare to go there
If you say you will, follow through
Go beyond your own limits when it comes to love
Truth and dare this week, Sag! Stand by what you say and above all, don’t make empty promises. Saturn now anaretic in your 3rd is all about ‘authorship’ and doing actually what you say you are going to. That’s living your truth and acting in the name of your authentic self. Backing your own ideas. No talk, just determined action. Or leaving others in no doubt that you are serious. Do craft what you say, share and send out with care on the 2nd when Mercury and Saturn meet. Say it with meaning and also understand that anything you agree to now requires you keep your word and follow through.
This will prove to be to your benefit. Good things are on offer this week which is where the dare but comes in. They who dare win or get the result that exceeds all expectations. Gather all your self-belief, expansive magic and signature bold optimism and make your most outrageous moves. Knowing that luck and attraction are on your side as Venus in your 5th meets ruler Jupiter in here (2nd). Then moves to meet Chiron the following day.
You know you want to find the answer to that ‘What if . . ?’. And you’ll never know unless you try. Or go there. Yes, you need the dream. But it stays just that unless there is the follow-through. Do what you dare, Sag. And the love or out-of-your-imagination results can and will follow.
In a nutshell: Luck is on your side this week in love and whatever makes your heart shine. But you need to take a daring step to claim it. If you say it, follow through. And leave no one in doubt of your intentions. Especially in love and claiming the spotlight.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (3rd)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (5th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (3rd)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (4th)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (5th)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (5th)
Make your move
Dig deep into that self-worth reservoir
Investment in your time, talents and tenacity pays dividends
Ruler Saturn moves to the final degree (29) of Aquarius and your 2nd house this week. Over the past 2.5 years you should have compounded a rock-solid and unshakable sense of self-worth. And made serious strides when it comes to financial matters. A payout moment could occur this week where you reap the rewards, benefits or interest on you investing in your self-esteem and belief in what you deserve as Mercury and Saturn meet (2nd).
As of next week, you’ll be invited to walk that talk when Saturn moves into your 3rd. Ahead of this, Mercury arrives in what is its ruling house on the 2nd again. Commerce, communication, writing, publishing, getting around and the internet will feature. Set those ideas free and allow them to fly.
Venus in your 4th blesses all endeavours related to your path, your lifestyle and home and what adds up to emotional and material security for you. Property dealings or moves on up thanks to Venus’s meeting with Jupiter on the 2nd. Jupiter in your 4th wants to open the door to living better and larger. So, this also includes home improvements and extensions. As well as renovations or upgrading your living arrangements. With all the planets direct now, why not put in that cheeky offer on that dream home as Venus and Chiron meet on the 3rd? If doors have remained locked, this could hand you the key. Looking outside your usual area or criteria, being open to radical solutions, takes you to a new place. Make your move this week.
In a nutshell: Stand by that value system this week. Ruler Saturn wants to deliver on what you know you deserve. The result of this investment could see you living better. Or entering new territory when it comes to emotional satisfaction.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (2nd)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (4th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (2nd)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (3rd)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (4th)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (4th)
Restrictions fall away
Set those future intentions
Play with that improbable result
Last orders, Aquarius! This week sees ancient ruler Saturn move to the final degree of your sign (29o). Next week it will move out into your money zone and won’t be returning for the next 28 years. It’s not that you may feel older for this experience. Just more sure and certain of yourself. When it comes to those personal intentions and long term, serious goals, recommit to them or set new ones. Above all, be clear and certain around what it is you want and convey this as Mercury meets Saturn on the 2nd. Others should be left in no doubt about what you are going to do.
You are set to become a force to be reckoned with. An alchemical catalyst of self-determined change when Pluto arrives in your sign later this month. For now, ideas, news, projects and plans take on a life all their own. And to places or opportunities you might not have known were possible as Venus in your 3rd meets Vesta (27th), Jupiter (2nd) and then Chiron (3rd). What you never thought to hear, be told, offered or experience expands your choices or leaves you gob-smacked at the result. Throw your hat in the ring for that dream job, book that trip of a lifetime, swipe on that hottie, start that conversation and launch that idea. You’ll never never know unless you dare to go there, Aquarius. 2023 is the year where everything changes. And confounds those expectations.
In a nutshell: You’re the Magician, the Alchemist, the wielder of wild imaginings this week, Aquarius. The only surety is that you’ll never know if you never try. Ready to find out? Just make that outrageous move.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (1st)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (3rd)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (1st)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (2nd)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (3rd)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (3rd)
Saturn House Rules
The truth paves the way to new beginnings
Are you ready to accept so much more?!
You are now days away from Saturn’s arrival in your sign which occurs next week. Saturn has not paid you a visit for 28 years. Are you having your Saturn return? Do check your chart to see. As Saturn moves through your sign – which takes approximately 2.5 years, it will encounter your Pisces factors. Saturn makes the rules. We have to work within them. There is no colouring outside of the lines. Time to adhere to this. Saturn asks you get serious and above all, stick to its rules. Otherwise we find doors closed and progress halted until we do.
In-and-out astrology applies this week. We feel the influence of a planet the most when it turns ‘anaretic’ in a sign. So, either 29 degrees in the sign it is about to exit, and then 0 degrees of the one it enters. Something comes to light as Saturn hits 29 degrees of your 12th on the 27th. Denial is a place Saturn won’t allow you to go. But the good news is that by taking what it exposes as an inescapable fact – that’s your pathway to freedom and new beginnings, Pisces. Just a paradox of Saturn for you.
Fabulous self-worth, cashed up aspects fill up your money zone. Abundance is an experience the universe wants you to have. Accepting more and knowing you deserve this. Be this around your cash, respect or relationships. Venus in its ruling 2nd meets ancient ruler Jupiter (2nd) on the same day Mercury arrives in your sign. Venus also collides with Chiron on the 3rd promising a touch of outrageous fortune which can test your relationship with plenty. But only in the best possible way. Are you willing to accept and embrace more? When you’re standing in your full Saturn surety, you know you’re ready for it, Pisces!
In a nutshell: Ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your sign next week, you get to grips with the reality around a key issue. Is this your own ability to embrace more abundance, love and soul-defining satisfaction, Pisces? Open up your limits.
27 Feb 2023 Anaretic Saturn in Aquarius (29 Degrees) (12th)
27 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Vesta in Aries (2nd)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (12th)
2 Mar 2023 Mercury enters Pisces (1st)
2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (2nd)
3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (2nd)
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