7th January 2019 Weekly Astrology Forecast
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs July 1 2019
By our astrologer Helen
- The heart knows there it wants to live
- Actions speak louder than words
- Feel the heat!
Feel the heat and the passion this week, Aries as ruler Mars surges into fiery and glamourous Leo. You want to be noticed – and adored. And the thing is – you want to shower someone special with your own brand of adoration in return. It’s time to take responsibility for your love life and take action if it has tipped into the so-so. If you are settled, spoil yourself and your partner with a seductive date night. Single? Do something about it and wear red – or something red to signal to the world you’re ready for love. Mars in here gives you confidence to pull off anything – from showcasing your talents to swiping right on that hot prospect. How you feel valued by your loved ones is also a focus for you as Uranus in your 2nd tightly angles to Juno also in your 5th. Are you being shown the love you know you deserve? Little things mean a lot right now and someone’s actions speak louder than words. You have to know you matter and are a priority for love to last. It’s an equal first basis in romantic partnerships – or nothing now.
Where home, family or long term security matters – especially your emotional security is concerned, exercise caution now. Buying or selling property or anything to do with your career – do your due diligence and above all, beware of anyone pressuring you to sign on the dotted line or commit. The total eclipse in your 4th this week says you are in the dark over family, living or security matters. It may take time for clarity to emerge but please, pay close attention to anyone who appears to want a quick decision or keeps insisting you can trust them. We take trust as a given rather than having to broadcast it. If you intuition says something’s off now – it is. Venus enters your 4th on the same day and this is also about home being very much where the heart is. If you are keeping yourself in the dark or having delusions about where that is – or who is your ‘emotional home’ then time for a true homecoming. This may emerge over time but the heart knows where it can grow and be nurtured. Go where it tells you, Aries.
In a nutshell: Feel the heat this week as ruler Mars enters your romance zone. And feel the love in return, Aries. You want to adore and be adored in turn. Find the focus for that passion!
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (5th)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (4th)
- What do you need to say?
- Open up to heartfelt communication
- Courage and diplomacy bring clarity and solutions
What’s not being said in your life, Taurus? Is it you or someone close to you that’s holding back? This week it’s all about the things you would rather not discuss. Sometimes we can have a non-verbal agreement with someone – unwritten and unspoken no-go areas in our relationship. In other words – the elephant in the room. What I am seeing in the dark of this week’s total eclipse in your 3rd of communication is not so much an elephant in the corner as a full grown hairy mammoth. That’s how big this thing is you are ignoring or simply refusing to discuss has become. Again, this may be a silent mutual contract between you and someone else. You’ve both agreed not to go there. But the problem is – you need to as it will just get bigger. That mammoth will next become a dinosaur which should tell you something about how long it’s been left to grow. That and the fact that extinction is inevitable unless you do something to evolve this.
This has direct links to your security or someone you live with. A family member or even your work situation. Mars in your 4th along with Uranus in your 1st angling to Juno also in your 4th gives you a new perspective and perhaps the courage to face whatever this is in the coming weeks. Starting that difficult conversation – whether it is about work changes which may affect you which you have not taken to your boss despite your concerns, or that issue you don’t want to raise with your significant other or parent, may be easier than you think now thanks to ruler Venus in your 3rd from the 3rd. You’ve courage to air the subject plus a diplomatic approach. When we say what’s on our mind we open our hearts and heal misunderstandings. Get talking and cut that mammoth down to size.
In a nutshell: What conversation are you avoiding having, Taurus? You need to clear the air this week purely because of the effect this has on you. Say it anyway – and cut the issue down to size.
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (4th)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (3rd)
- It’s a now or never week
- Get or make that commitment
- Save don’t spend
We are in retroshadow time as far as your ruler is concerned and in fact, it will enter full retroactive phase next week. This will occur in Mercury’s ruling 3rd in your chart. So, the heads-up is to expect more than the usual serving of Mercury mayhem. Mars’s entry in here this week says do it, and do it now when it comes to business, taking that trip, what you write, publish or intend to sell. This of course includes yourself in the form of your ideas, talents, product, service and suitability for that role. Beneath all of this is a desire for someone to either give you their word or make good on a promise – signalled by a revealing angle between Uranus in your 12th and Juno in your 3rd. Or is it you that is hesitating? This week says love it or leave it, Gemini.
Money matters may be hard to get to grips with and please, whatever you do, avoid major purchases and expenditure now unless it cannot be helped. You should also steer clear of new financial commitments such as loans or credit cards. Yes, it all smacks of retro time but there is more to it than that. Venus enters its ruling 2nd on the 3rd. It’s all about your relationship to your money and assets. Be aware that Venus in here can bring us more cash – but also ignites the urge to splurge – usually on beautiful things. So, we may spend it faster than we make it! But the real reason to hang onto that cash is the total solar eclipse in this house the day before. This points to that ‘bargain’ turning out to be anything but, something impacting on our income we know nothing about (yet) or just being in the dark about an aspect of our finances. This is also not a good time to invest or speculate with what you have as the advice you receive may be flawed in some way. Even the way you bank and handle your money on a everyday basis may need to be examined. Keep your cash close and watch where the money goes – in the cold light of the days after the eclipse.
In a nutshell: Put the finishing touches to projects and plans this week, Gemini as ruler Mercury prepares to turn retro. When it comes to money – hang on to your cash. Time to save rather than spend.
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (3rd)
3 Jul 2019 URANUS IN TAURUS SQUARE JUNO IN LEO (12th to 3rd)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (2nd)
- What’s that secret self you’re not yet ready to reveal, Cancer?
- Prepare for your butterfly moment
- Lovers and friends – or both? It’s all love!
Usually when the new Moon appears in our sign it’s all systems go and the start of a brand new cycle. Often this goes hand in hand with a brand new us as we relaunch ourselves on some level making the most of our birthday cycle and the fresh start it brings us. Renewal is the name of the game at this time. This year, you are going to defer that on some level Cancer. Think of the new Moon on the 2nd as your chrysalis time instead. Why? Because your birthday beginning comes shrouded in an eclipse and as this is your 1st house of you – you are the proverbial dark horse now. There’s simply something you are not ready to reveal to the wide world yet. It could be an inner metamorphosis is taking place. Your process means you’re looking within and changing your soul DNA. When you have completed this, you’ll burst forth like that butterfly with outer changes that astound others and reflect the inner ones.
Venus enters your sign this week lending inspiration when it comes to your image, appearance and also allowing you to make adjustments to what (or who) you are seeking to attract in the coming year. Mars enters Venus’s ruling 2nd this week empowering you to go get it. You are in retroshadow time when it comes to your money and what you value. This could trigger a soul audit as you focus not so much on your finances but the relationships that matter. You’re seeing that friends aren’t second best when it comes to love that supports and sustains – just a different type of love to the romantic kind. You’re elevating the importance of good friends to the point that a potential partner has to fit in with your social scene – or it may not progress much further. The lover that’s also your best friend? The best of all possible connections this week, Cancer. Refine who you are and as you do, think about who or what this new you will be capable of attracting for the future. Till then – take all the time you need.
In a nutshell: You may not be ready to show the world what you’re becoming – or what you are planning on doing next. That’s okay. Keep those plans hidden until you’re ready to astound, Cancer.
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (2nd)
3 Jul 2019 URANUS IN TAURUS SQUARE JUNO IN LEO (11th to 2nd)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (1st)
- The truth is emerging
- Don’t act on impulse
- Measure intention against action
Your ruler totally eclipsed in your house of secrets? Take it from me – you’re utterly and totally in the dark about something or someone this week. Whatever you do, take some time out and listen to your intuition which is also ruled by your 12th. Also, defer major decisions if you can now. You simply do not have all the facts to hand. Mercury in your 1st is in retroshadow and will enter full retro phase next week. This alone should tell you to hang fire on anything major. Mars in your 1st however may be prodding you into action. Try to resist acting impulsively as Mars fires up your capacity to roar – especially if you feel someone is not being forthright.
Take it that more information will emerge and take a regal stance if necessary. It’s about rulership and yes, you are the royal sign. But this is about self-rulership. Choosing your moment to act or say something and only when you are satisfied you have all the facts you need. This lack of clarity or information – or possibly even confusion over someone’s intentions, could apply equally to your career or a partner. Venus in your 12th is all about past loves and higher intentions. Uranus in your 10th is all about your status and how you are seen. You could even be probing into how you are impacted by the actions of someone close to you. Choose your associations wisely this week. And your confidents even more carefully. Your 12th is the house of hidden enemies – the people we think we can trust but who either work against us or let us down. Secrets may best be kept simply by keeping them to yourself. If you feel the need to unburden yourself or share – consult a psychic reader, therapist or other professional who guarantees your confidentiality and who could offer the insight that’s eluding you. This week tells you, information gets more powerful when kept to yourself. Wait for revelations and the truth to catch up with you, Leo.
In a nutshell: Confused? In the dark over something? Secrets and hidden truths are waiting to be uncovered. Your intuition is the light that pierces the shadows this week, Leo.
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (1st)
3 Jul 2019 URANUS IN TAURUS SQUARE JUNO IN LEO (10th to 1st)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (12th)
- Jump into the full flow of friendship
- Soul contract T&C’s need TLC
- For the heart connection
Mars and ruler Mercury are in your house of the spirits and with Mercury in retroshadow and about to head into full retro mode, both are determined to serve you up the unadulterated truth. With a total eclipse of the Sun on the day of the new Moon (2nd) occurring in your 11th this could relate to friends, groups, clubs, bands, associations or even who or what stands between you and your goals. Uranus which rules your 11th house occupies your 9th asking what price you put on freedom? Are you tied or bound by someone or something? Does a soul contract between you and another require renegotiation? Is someone asking for your undivided attention or focus but not offering you the same in return? Energy vampires, frenemies and ‘If you really loved me/are my friend . . .’ one sided T&C’s in relationships of all descriptions may come to light. Or you simply begin to see a dynamic in play you were unaware of in the relationship until now.
Your intuition may be telling you who this is with even while reading this so please pay attention and examine the facts behind that gut feeling. Believe me, the evidence is there. This week also sees Venus arrive in your 11th and the planet of love shows you exactly where those heart-centered friendships can be found. Venus in here promises good times, good company and also luck and benefits via the people you know and meet now. This is your house of acceptance – where your ability to receive anything from compliments to gifts and assistance, is tested. How open are you? It’s a time to say yes to that invite, gathering or joining in on some level. Share yourself and soak up the love that’s shared with you in return.
In a nutshell: Heart-centered friendships existing and new, are drawn to you this week, Virgo. Embrace the love of like-minded souls. And ditch those which drain and demand!
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (12th)
3 Jul 2019 URANUS IN TAURUS SQUARE JUNO IN LEO (9th to 12th)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (11th)
- Act like a billion dollars but don’t fake it till you make it
- Be your own gold standard
- Work that reputation
This week asks you to take a Fort Knox approach to your professional image and reputation and how you want to be seen by those who matter. In other words, you need to be unassailable and to treat yourself as your own gold standard. Your 10th house is one of the houses along with your 5th, where you are very much ‘on show’ to the world. How people see and perceive you has long term implications now so you need to be aware of this. Whether you are aware of it or not this week, you are being watched and you need to be aware of the impression you create. Even if you don’t know where your next penny is coming from, act like you own it – and by that I mean the bank. Cultivate a serious, mature approach to career matters and while you can fake it when it comes to acting like a billionaire, please don’t when it boils down to your talents, expertise or the answers you give. Be authentic. The total eclipse of the Sun in your 10th on the 2nd points to things going on behind the scenes in your career or public image that you may be unaware of. The only thing you can remain aware of is your image, what you know and the impression you create thanks to ruler Venus’s entry into this house on the 3rd.
‘Bullion’ comes from the word ‘bull’ and when we think of this and money, we automatically think about that other Venus-ruler sign, Taurus. Uranus in here asks you state your values especially when it comes to just ‘going along with the crowd’. You cannot afford to do that and again, this may relate to issues around your reputation and how you want to be seen. Mars in Uranus’s 11th sends you off in search of excitement and social stimulation but please, be aware while you are having fun, of your surroundings, who you are with and how what you are up to could impact on how you are seen. Uranus squares off with Juno also in your 11th and this could see you having to go your own way rather than along for the ride. Reputations can take years to build yet can be destroyed in one ill- advised moment. Whether at work or during your down-time, you are very much in the public eye this week. Be seen in the best possible light.
In a nutshell: Image is everything and your reputation and what you’ve worked hardtop achieve is your gold standard now, Libra. Don’t allow anything to undermine this. Work it for what you’re worth this week.
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (11th)
3 Jul 2019 URANUS IN TAURUS SQUARE JUNO IN LEO (8th to 11th)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (10th)
- What’s really between you and following your North Star?
- Explore where your heart wants to take you
- Unconventionally unlock partnership potential
Where does your heart want to take you, Scorpio? And what is stopping you from going there? This week has a little test for you and it comes with a trick question. What is holding you back? Are you living as large as you possibly can or are you secretly afraid to go after what you want? Clues you may be ignoring your what you heart is trying to tell you include constant tiredness, lack of enthusiasm and passion, a range of hard to diagnose symptoms or chronic health conditions which debilitate you, and a feeling there is nothing to look forward to but more of the same. Is your life expanding or shrinking? Usually the new Moon in your 9th marks the start of a journey either real or metaphorical. It restores your optimism and ignites your desire to explore and have or experience more. But this new Moon in here wraps the Sun in the mystery of a total eclipse. You’ve lost track of where you want to go or may be telling yourself going there is impossible. Re-read the symptoms above . They are all signs you are off course and your soul compass is trying to course-correct. You know you are heading in the right direction when passion, energy and a desire to explore send you sky ward again. And those other symptoms alleviate of just plain clear up entirely. Go in the direction of your dreams.
Ancient ruler Mars asks you take control of that career direction too and wants you to be rewarded and recognised for what you do. Mars in your 10th reignites ambition, sees you confident enough to take on a leadership role if offered or pro-actively seek out that spotlight. Time to test what you are capable of so apply for that promotion or new position. Its also time for some serious thought to partnerships. A long term but dramatically different kind of working relationship could be the outcome of being more daring thanks to Uranus in your 7th. Time to shrug off convention in both love and professional unions and go what works for you instead as Uranus and Juno ask for a new dynamic in partnerships. The heart wants you to explore what the heart wants this week. And what it wants may surprise you.
In a nutshell: Are you listening to the call of your heart, Scorpio? Time to tune in if not. Head in a new and possibly unconventional direction. What you find there is the answer.
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (10th)
3 Jul 2019 URANUS IN TAURUS SQUARE JUNO IN LEO (7th to 10th)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (9th)
- Feel the fear – and send it packing!
- Share the vision – feel the love
- Reach for that bigger, higher, bolder goal
What you owe, borrow, own or are owed or what you share and what is shared with you in turn is governed by the 8th house. As are your deep seated fears and insecurities, your power and your passion. It’s the house where we delve deep and journey far below the surface. It’s also the house of endings, death, alchemy and transformation. This week is preview night for larger events which may amplify these themes in January 2020. The secret hidden by the total eclipse in your 8th on the 2nd, could be you are more powerful than you think. Along with the fact you have nothing to fear but fear itself. Liberation from fears – especially around not having enough or someone who makes you feel you are not special or good enough, could be the emerging light in the wake of this event. But it may take some time for you to work your way towards this point. What you may be unaware of is that you are in the process of simply outgrowing any fears so they no longer have the power over you they once had. This begins with Venus’s entry into here the day after the eclipse.
Mars in your 9th sets your sights higher. You are also looking closely at how your intimate ties impact on other areas. The secret of togetherness for a Sag is to find someone as adventurous and curious about the world as you are. With one extra helping of long term love magic – you need to have a goal or a vision you both share. If this is absent – chances are sooner or later the passion will leave. Juno in your 9th is all about this for you while Uranus in your 6th asks you look at how absence of passion or your heart simply not being in something affects every other part of your life. Togetherness for you means sharing a vision. For a relationship to go the distance you need just that so create one to share and if starting something new with that hot love prospect – ensure you have a dream to pursue.
In a nutshell: Lasting togetherness for you means sharing a goal, dream or vision. Commit or create one. Two hearts that share the same desire, beat as one, Sag!
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (9th)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (8th)
- It’s a total eclipse of the heart week
- Discover a hidden side to love
- Does passion need to be renegotiated?
Get ready for a total eclipse of the heart this week, Capricorn. Remember those eclipse rules: they cover up. Are you hiding your true feelings around someone or do you feel someone is hiding something from you? What an eclipse hides is not necessarily sinister or scary – it’s just we don’t have the big picture – yet. A total solar eclipse which this one is, is always triggered by a new Moon and this one is in your 7th of dynamic duos, toothsome two-somes and opposite numbers of all descriptions. Venus rules this house and it arrives in here the day after the eclipse occurs. The possibilities around what’s hidden could even include the start of something special – but you miss the significance to begin with. What will occur however as the shadows of the eclipse are replaced by light, is you seeing love in a different light – or literally, that person who reflects something back at you. The end result being you know yourself – and them, so much better.
Shared resources especially those you share with a partner may form part of this and these may be subject to renegotiation now. Mars in its ancient ruling 8th is also busy conducting a passion audit. Has desire left the building? Take time to invite it back in if so. What you share over the long term or are prepared to share or is shared with you in turn by either a lover or business partner, shows you either the potential in a new relationship or what really matters to you in a current one. Is your connection open-hearted and generous or controlling and a minefield of conditions which put the dampener on desire? Time to take control and not be afraid to suggest a new and possibly revolutionary approach to whatever you share. And feel the passion return as you do so.
In a nutshell: A total eclipse in your 7th this week could leave you in the dark about love. It’s could be a lover’s intentions. Or an emerging love you simply never saw coming, Capricorn.
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (8th)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (7th)
- Passion demands expression
- Give love house room
- Make that connection between how you feel and what you’re feeling
Love is either a battlefield or a we belong moment this week. Okay, enough of the Pat Benatar references. Mars in your 7th is a make love or make war transit. It brings passion but if that passion doesn’t find a positive outlet or if you don’t feel the love back, you’ll experience the opposite instead. If a romance has been on simmer for a while, it now has to ignite or fizzle out completely. Ruler Uranus now your permanent roomie in your 4th for the next seven years is asking Juno which rules commitment and marriage type relationships whether this is domestic disharmony or bliss and whether or not love has house room for the long term – or needs to move out?
Defer decisions around this or anything that impacts on your emotional health or wellbeing however. If you feel any tension at home, spend time outdoors and find a creative or physical outlet for your energy. You need to step back and look at the long term implcations around how love makes you feel – or even the lack of it now. More insight is going to emerge over the next few weeks but those synapses may not yet have make the link between your overall health and wellbeing and what happens at home and in your personal life. This is further obscured by the total eclipse of the Sun in your 6th of work, wellbeing and routine on the 2nd. There’s a connection here to your emotional world you simply don’t yet see. Venus enters this house the following day and is asking you if you day job or those everyday tasks have become a rut which dims your light rather than allowing you to shine. You’ll begin by making adjustments here and as more clarity emerges, bring these to bear in your personal life. Don’t judge love by where it is right now – give it time to be seen in a new light, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: There’s a truth emerging around how your relationships affect your overall wellbeing. You just don’t have the big picture yet. Give the light of love clarity time to emerge now.
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (7th)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (6th)
- Open-hearted love requires boundaries
- Work your passion
- Go on a romantic quest – for the truth!
Tread carefully when it comes to new love this week, Pisces. Your loving heart is always open and believes in the best in people. Ensure they are capable of living up to this before you plunge head over heels in. You can be both open-hearted yet protect yourself, you know. Your heart is a precious treasure and what the eclipse in your 5th this week is hiding is a powerful truth. That anyone granted access to it needs to be worthy of it. How do you ensure that this is the case? That this really is your Shrek, Fiona or even Dragon and not a Farquaad instead? By taking your time and guarding your heart until you do. This is a total eclipse so take it you are totally in the dark for a while. This could also relate to a child, step child or young person or even a creative project. This eclipse is on a blind spot and at its epicentre is someone or something you love. Venus sashaying into here the next day wants you to express this love – you can. Just don’t allow hand just anyone that Access All Areas pass until you’re certain they deserve it.
You want variety, change and more excitement when it comes to your daily routine or your work. While you wait to see whether that love is a worthy one, focus on injecting some much needed passion, change and innovation into these areas instead. Mars in your 6th gives you the confidence to tackle any task – and to initiate changes if needed such as applying for that more stimulating position. Uranus in your 3rd offers original ideas and fresh ways of doing things. As it nudges Juno in your 6th it’s asking if something has been allowed to go on for far too long. If you’ve fallen into a rut or that job is going nowhere but a dead end, you have what you need to make that break for freedom now!
In a nutshell: Treat your heart as a precious commodity you don’t just allow anyone access too. Give them time to win your love and that Access All Areas pass. Don’t make love your blindspot.
2 Jul 2019 MARS ENTERS LEO (6th)
3 Jul 2019 VENUS ENTERS CANCER (5th)
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