Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs June 13th 2022
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs June 13th 2022
Heal that timeline
Be a heatseeker for truth
Step free from that cosmic spin-cycle!
C’mon baby, light my fire! With Jupiter in your sign along with ruler Mars which meets Chiron in your 1st on the 16th, plus Mercury finally free of retro-shade, all this tells you that the time for thinking or talking is over. It’s action and follow-through or nothing now. This week hands you a series of ‘If not now then when?’ cosmic events which want you to fire up that empowerment and self-belief when it comes to going after what you want. Ignite the passion within and follow through with those soul promptings.
This especially applies if the North Node going through your 8th house (and the South in your 2nd), has been kicking up old themes around money, joint (marital) assets, who you get into bed with on a both a personal and professional level, your values and self-worth. Anything seem familiar? Patterns repeating? Same chocolate, different wrapper/price tag? The Nodes take us on a moonwalk through old karma in 19 year jumps. Venus triggers them this week. Can you accept more? Or stay with the safety of what you know? Of course, it all depends how old you are now. But very often even if you are experiencing this as a fully-fledged adult for the first time, if you look back or ask what was happening with your family situation back then, you discover the same themes. Because family karma repeats too.
That burn, baby burn feeling extends to ditching repeats if they no longer serve you once you identify them. Astrological knowledge evolves in leaps and bounds – along with our own progress. We now know the importance of the Galactic Centre in astrology for instance. And this week puts the Sun opposite the Great Attractor. Along with the Nodes and all that forward motion along with the full Supermoon in your 9th, you can now look back at your past in a specific area, in order not to repeat it. This includes the past in this life and all others. And future lives too. Fix the past – or at least see why things were, you don’t have to repeat it. The full Moon contains all the promise of freedom, solutions and opportunity. But you need to look beyond your usual choices. For more on this, seek your Full Supermoon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
The Supermoon asks: Where do you want to go from here? Look back and see what stopped you from getting there up until now. That’s your starting point. Get clear about the direction you need to move in. This may involve taking a different route than before. Which is where the fire is trying to take you. Hence the term ‘Blaze a trail’. For more on this see your Supermoon in Sagittarius Moonscope. Something you hear, read or see could provide you the clue. You’re the light in uncharted territory this week.
In a nutshell: Look at your past from a fresh angle and create a different future. Passion ignites within and asks you to follow through this week. That just may mean stepping away from the old (accepted) way of doing things, Aries!
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (3rd)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (2nd)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (9th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (1st)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (3rd)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (3rd to 9th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
Look at what you get for the love you give
Break out into a new cycle
Have you forgotten life’s not meant to be hard work!
Back to those values this week, Taurus and what you are and aren’t prepared to sell out for. Taking a stand perhaps over what you give and get in relationships may form part of this. Of course, there have to be compromises made. But are you giving far too much in order to maintain that status quo? Is there too much one way give give give? Ruler Venus conjunct the North Node in your 1st says time to define those priorities once and for all. Something could occur this week when you have to speak out and make your position clear – once and for all.
Yes, you may be afraid of what might happen if you take a stand on this. But sometimes we are put in a position where we have no other option. This week could place you there. This is a week that is about to confront you with your own personal truth. If you have been denying this, the full Supermoon in your 8th is your searchlight which says there is no hiding place. For more on this, see your Full Supermoon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
Stirring up those secrets and hidden truths are the planets in your 12th house. You may have known for a long time that something has been worn out, lived out, no longer supports you. That feeling of being on auto-pilot instead of passion? You are so good at staying the course you may stay over-long. Or forget how things are supposed to feel and instead tell yourself this is just ‘how things are’. The clash between Mars and Chiron in your 12th may show you just how much you have been putting up with or taken on. Chances are more than your fair share and less than you deserve. This week tells you that if either is the case, you no longer have to continue with what no longer serves you. ‘23 is about to deliver a game changer for you, Taurus. This week sets you up for that.
In a nutshell: Have you taken on too much to the point where you’ve forgotten what ‘normal’ feels like, Taurus? Life (and love) aren’t meant to be hard work all the time. If an area has turned into this, you’ve the opportunity for change now.
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (2nd)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (1st)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (8th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (2nd)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (2nd to 8th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 11th)
Angels and agents of the cosmos appear
People power your future
What is new feels familiar
The past powers your future this week. Not just the one you have in this lifetime but look for people who have that all-too-familiar feel to them even if you just met. You clash or click instantly. Treat both exactly the same. With thanks and gratitude. No, you don’t have to put up with anyone crossing boundaries or showing you a side of themselves you don’t like. You can however thank them on a soul level for showing up to give you a change to prove how much you’ve grown via your response to them. And then move on.
Venus meets the North Node in your 12th on the same day ruler Mercury re-enters your sign. What’s making that return, Gemini? But possibly in a new guise or way? Now is your chance to do, choose or act differently this time around. Simply refusing to fall back on your usual responses can often be all you need to ditch some long term karma for good. With effects that ripple out across the multiverse so all the ‘you’s’ out there. In fact, the multiverse may make itself felt this week possibly via dreams, what you see or read or synchronicities that are impossible to ignore.
Alternative options are your keys to changing so much about your life now and your future. Remember, the universe acts via people. Those we know, meet and encounter. One connection has something to show you under the full Supermoon in your 7th this week. They are a reflection of who you are becoming – or a part of you which you need to acknowledge. Look to who this is on the 14th and for more insight, see you Full Supermoon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
This week could see someone from your past pop up unexpectedly or else you collide with someone remarkably fascinating and perhaps from a different background/social circle than the one you usually orbit in. They may be unlike anyone you have met before yet at the same time, even if you see things differently, you feel comfortable with them. If so they are back to do you a favour on some level. Agents of the universe cross your path and soul connections come full circle this week.
In a nutshell: Sit up and take note of who is ‘opposite’ you this week. A particular person or partnership is about to feature. Or a new one enter your life. Remember, we entertain agents for change unawares just like we do angels.
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (1st)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (12th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (7th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (11th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (1st)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (1st to 7th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)
Don’t ignore that insight
People power your path
Clear the way for the new to begin
Just like next door sign of Gemini, people power plays a pivotal role for you this week. Especially when it comes to the help or advice they can offer you. Be open to taking this on board. Leverage your connections especially professional and work-related ones. Implement advice. You have Venus meeting the North Node in your 11th which is all about your karmic circle, group and any larger movements or associations you are involved with. It tells you to be a joiner, not a loner now. If you are old enough, look back at who was instrumental in opening up new pathways for you 19 years ago. And even 19 years prior to that.
You are now days away from the start of your new cycle. With Mercury back in your 12th its time to tie up loose ends, finish projects and attend to any outstanding business. Which includes deciding who goes with you into your future.
This week’s full Supermoon appears in your 6th of work, study, habits, routine and wellness. So its searchlight hits your 12th of intuition, insight, the past, inspiration and hidden truths. All full Moons affect you profoundly. This one wants you to harness that gut feeling for practical, life enhancing everyday change. Anything from that day job (paid or unpaid) to what you eat or surround yourself with. And that includes who too. The other hidden element is that goals are essential to our heath and pursuing them is an act of wellbeing. What are yours? Are you allowing enough time in that schedule for this and if not, what (or who) is taking this up instead? A fresh set or priorities can be implemented now. And you can weed out anything or anyone which no longer supports this. For more on this see your Full Supermoon in Sagittarius Moonscope. Don’t be diverted, Cancer.
In a nutshell: You’re a week away from your new cycle so focus your attention on those loose ends, Cancer. Telling yourself something doesn’t really matter is counterproductive. Especially when your intuition is broadcasting a different message.
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (12th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (11th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (6th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (10th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (12th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (12th to 6th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)
How does your chosen path fulfil you?
Step back into the spotlight
Portals to progress open wide
Path, purpose, opportunity and love. What’s not to like about this week, Leo? Venus meets the North Node in your 10th and has you looking at those ambitions, your career to date, rewards and your public image. What you have dedicated yourself to achieving. Remember, success should be self-defined. You don’t have to be a Silicon Valley CEO to feel that sense of accomplishment. You can get that if you are supporting someone else’s journey. So long as you feel you are fulfilling your purpose in doing so.
So look to where you have arrived at this week. Jump back 19 years if you are old enough – or even 19 years further still. Look for pivotal events which would have brought you to where you are today. What completes or repeats. If a door remains persistently closed no matter how hard you knock, this week allows you to go knock on a different door thanks to a meeting between Mars and Chiron in your 9th.
We also have a full Supermoon in your 5th asking you personally where you shine, stand out and feel that sparkle. Travel, holidays and romance could feature under it. As well as you looking at whether or not what you do gets you the recognition you crave. Yes, you could be celebrating too under it. This is your house of babies, children, those younger than you, conception and creativity. It’s inviting you to make a little love or conceive of something greater now. For more on this see your Full Supermoon in Sagittarius Moonscope. A portal opens to something more success setting. It could begin with a thought, an encounter or see you celebrating a milestone. What it tells you is if there are still steps to take on your journey, you can get there from here.
In a nutshell: Opportunity surrounds you this week especially when it comes to what makes you stand out both personally and/or professionally, Leo. Path dead-ending? A new doorway opens.
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (11th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (10th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (5th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (9th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (11th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (11th to 5th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)
Tap into your true needs
Focus on the long term
Step off the not-so-merry-go-round
Ruler Mercury is back in forward motion and lands back in your career sector this week. It’s not quite clear of retro-shade but what this does hand you is the ability to fire up those long term plans. This week needs your focus on what underpins and supports you. Home, family, stability, security and living arrangements will be highlighted by this week’s full Supermoon in its ruling 4th in your chart. Where do you feel either restricted or else lacking the support structure you need in order to do what you want to do?
This Supermoon will draw those physical, material and emotional needs to the surface. It’s time to be totally honest with yourself and also with others, about your vulnerabilities and insecurities. Or simply where your needs are not being met. Don’t however play the blame game. ‘I feel’ is ownership. For more on this see your Full Supermoon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
Resolving to change things up or move forward is also favoured by the meeting between Mars and Chiron in your 8th which allows for a dynamic and different approach. A situation may transform but via your own change of mind or action. This week also offers a release from a cycle that may have started to feel a lot like being stuck in a tumble dryer. Or simply watching one. There you are scrolling in a launderette waiting for the cycle to end and unable to actually get on with anything until it does.
Venus meets the North Node in your 9th this week promising the end to a restrictive cosmic cycle and release. You do however need to base your actions on your value system in order to now fold up those clothes and move on. Look back 19 years at what was on offer with regards to travel, overseas connections, study, mass media, the outdoors or simply taking a chance. Maybe just maybe those grey undies need to simply be left behind? Know what to ditch and what to move ahead with this week for a big reboot, Virgo.
In a nutshell: If you’re feeling stuck in a cosmic spin-cycle then this week offers a release. But it begins with acknowledging those true needs backed up by what you value the most, Virgo. Be prepared to walk away from what no longer works.
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (10th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (9th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (4th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (8th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (10th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (10th to 4th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)
Welcome to your Phoenix Hour
News you have been waiting on arrives
Get a fresh take on double acts
This week sees ruler Venus meet the North Node in your sector of shared assets, corporate money and personal empowerment. And yes, sex. Look back 19 years if you are old enough or even 19 years before that and see what was going on. Did you marry, take out a mortgage, divorce, move in together, receive a bonus, payout or legacy? Did a long term theme suddenly transform or you transcend it? This is your Phoenix Hour, Libra. A time of rebirth and rebalancing. Of stepping free from one cycle to another if you are ready to tap into your personal power or simply the ability to see things very differently.
News could arrive which is linked to this. And don’t worry, you won’t miss the message. Travel could even feature now as could commerce, communication and the internet. You have Mercury now direct returning to your 9th plus a full Supermoon in your 3rd. Writing, publishing, news, sharing, speaking, studying, commerce and the internet will feature as well as your commute or how you get around. Something arrives which sends you off in a fresh direction. A solution or opportunity. A conclusion or culmination gives you the answer that offers release.
Fierce stars Mars and Chiron meet in your 7th of duos, duets and double acts on the 16th. Don’t be surprised therefore if this involves you and another party. Again, this may see you rising to receive or revive love. Or begin something new with someone who is that. This isn’t a reset however. Know that no matter what things cannot return to how they were. They can evolve to the next stage and be something better however. This week says rise and claim that.
In a nutshell: A phoenix rising moment sees you soaring up, up and off into a new cycle of sexy, self-empowerment, Libra. However, you may not be going alone. As for what lands in your inbox? Too big to miss.
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (9th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (8th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (3rd)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (7th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (9th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (9th to 3rd)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)
Destiny driven double acts feature
Jedi knight, shining armour knight, fort-knight or longer?
Define your day in a new way
What’s your love story to date, Scorpio? Is it Happily Ever After or have you begun to think the lasting variety is all a once-upon-a-time fairy tale? Venus is its ruling sign and house in your chart (Taurus and your 7th) meets the North Node. This is about your long term karma around duets, duos, double acts and even duels. If you were 18 or over 19 years ago, look back at partnership matters and what was set in motion back then. What kind of dynamic featured? It could have been a working one just as easily as the horse and carriage kind.
Think about the Knights in the Tarot this week. Knights in shining armour – as in the Knight of Cups, but also the other knights – filled with a purpose and each bringing a different kind of potential with them. So, whether your experience is a one knight stand or a fort-knight or longer, then one cycle may complete with a new one emerging. Destiny driven double acts and the love that goes around are what this is all about.
If you are single and seeking, then ensure you update that list of qualities the knight in question needs to have to win your heart. This needs to transcend hotness and include shared values if you no longer want love to disappear in a poof of fairy dust. The full Supermoon in your 2nd shines not just on money but on self-worth. What you believe you deserve and how you value yourself. Which sets the benchmark for how you are respected, valued and treated by everyone from that boss to that boo. Audit and upgrade as needed. For more on this see your Full Supermoon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
Ditch the dulls with that day job or routine, phoenix. There’s more to life that living it on endless repartition. Ancient ruler Mars meets Chiron in your house of everyday routines and responsibilities. Yes, we all have to do the work. But we can however innovate and get creative about it. We can also choose to prioritise in new ways. Decide what is most important. Do the essential stuff and then make time for what’s essential for our souls to thrive. Be in fuelling up with a better diet – so taking more time to cook, no longer putting off exercising or simply and ruthlessly recharging. Mars adds action, Chiron the ability to stand an issue on its head. We all only have so much time to live. Ensure you work yours to work for you, Scorpio. And become your own shining knight by doing so.
In a nutshell: Waiting for a knight in shining armour to end that long night of soul boredom? Become your own rescuer this week, Scorpio. That being said – that double act dynamic could begin a new story for you.
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (8th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (7th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (2nd)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (6th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (8th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (8th to 2nd)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)
Extend your reach
See yourself anew
Work that lifestyle
The full Supermoon in your sign this week (14th) illuminates something deeply personal for you, Sag. A key area or even a connection that is both unavoidable and truth revealing. Perhaps someone shows you a facet of yourself you have overlooked or ignored? Awakens you to your immense, shining magnificence? And gets you looking at just what you are doing to live that truth of your being.
A pivotal realisation dawns around how you are seen and perceived. How does this chime with how you see yourself? You can adjust accordingly now to bring your vision of who you are in alignment to how others see you. Are you allowing yourself to be seen most importantly? Or inadvertently doing things to hide or dull that glow? This week could also hand you a surprising, stand out opportunity where you can showcase yourself, shine or attract whatever you need. Simply by daring to defy convention or your own self-imposed constraints as Mars and Chiron meet in your 5th. What you attract could be exactly what you need be it a person, opportunity or solution. For more on the full Supermoon, see your personal Full Moon in Sag Moonscope.
Your day job (paid or not), co-workers, bosses, being your own boss, health and habits, pets if you have them, that schedule, routine and all your daily details, the hamster wheel or the release from it, are contained within your 6th house. This week also sees Venus co-join with the North Node in here. What has your working life or wellbeing been like these past 19 years? If you set a routine in motion back then how has this changed or not? This isn’t about time management, it’s about life management. You only have so much of that. The average is 4000 weeks. Now you know the number it should take on a new significance. You need to make the most of it. So set yourself free from anything that doesn’t support or streamline your existence or aid you in what you need to do. You can set a brand new cycle which may simply support that new window on your true self every day and in every way if you do.
In a nutshell: This week’s supermoon in your sign highlights how others see you. How does that measure up to how you see yourself? Or want to be seen? It’s a light under which you can change your self-image. And your focus, Sag.
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (7th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (6th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (1st)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (5th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (7th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (7th to 1st)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)
Let your intuition do the listening
Conceive the inconceivable
Love makes destiny go round
Mysterious elements come to light under this week’s supermoon in in your 12th. What have you been choosing to ignore, Capricorn? This is your house of hidden truths, your intuition, psychic skills, inspiration and also what you may instinctively know – but are choosing not to acknowledge. In Gone with the Wind, the character of Scarlett O’Hara states: ‘I’ll think about that tomorrow’ when it comes to issues she knows full well exist, but refuses to face up to. If this is you and if this involves failing to deal with something that pushes emotional buttons for you, this full supermoon has you unable to avoid this any longer.
Others may want to spend time contemplating the big questions and turning to the Tarot, astrology, self-help, therapy, a psychic reading or spiritual practices to get answers. For more on this see your full Supermoon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
Shifts could occur around home, family, your living situation and lifestyle as a result of what this Moon reveals thanks to Mars and Chiron meeting in the Moon’s 4th on the 16th. Making taking action unavoidable and inevitable. Romantic possibilties, a stroke of good luck or chance to promote yourself and what you do as well as babies, children, Generation Z set you off into a new cycle of shiny, love evolvement thanks to the meeting between Venus and the North Node in your 5th. Look back 19 years if you are old enough – to 2003. What began or was a theme then comes full circle. Perhaps you met the person with whom you fell in love or had a child with? Or saw yourself enjoy the limelight in some way? Began an important creative cycle that saw you stand out? Look to that era if you are old enough and see what completes or repeats. For those of you experiencing this for the first time – lovers may be like no other you’ve encountered previously. Or you conceive of something new and wonderful. Perhaps even the inconceivable this week, Cappy.
In a nutshell: Don’t ignore that inner message this week. Who knows – it could be giving you a heads-up on what’s about to enter your life, Capricorn. An important cycle of love, loving and creativity begins now. Conceive something new.
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (6th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (5th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (12th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (4th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (6th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (6th to 12th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
Go boldly on your own path
What adds to that feeling of security?
Don’t ignore those goals
Let’s talk what you love, Aquarius. Dreams, wishes, goals, your future. You know you always have one eye on these along with who you know. Expect surprise news and shifts associated with the latter this week. Maybe one door closes on a friendship or group connection but which sends you hurtling into a fresh and exciting new scene. That could be the effect of Mars and Chiron meeting in your 3rd on the 16th.
This week also delivers a power-packed full Supermoon in your 11th of all things Aquarian focussed. Yes, everything from your friends to that obsession with UFO’s, your goals and your technology. Embrace your inner nerd under it. Go boldly. Getting together with like minded souls could feature – on line or off it. That big idea gets a massive inspiration injection. You answer a call or invitation to step up into something mind or eye opening. For more on this see your Full Supermoon in Sag Moonscope.
Venus and the North Node entangle in your house of home, family and moving experiences. Did you move or change addresses back in 2003? Take out a mortgage, see your family dynamic change or even a career shift? Look back at that period if you are old enough. Even if you were under 18 at that point, did your family move and what occurred around what hands you that feeling of safety, security and stability is back full circle. What needs to be done now to cement this? Are you at the point of say paying off your mortgage or do you need to strike out on your own path that is related to one of those goals I mentioned earlier? If in the long run it will hand you that feeling of you being in the right place – or that square peg in the square hole – go for it this week, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: The full Supermoon in your 11th highlights like minded souls and also those big goals you can’t ignore any longer. Especially if attaining them enhances your feeling of living your purpose and belonging, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: It’s not about denial when it comes to your money, Aquarius. It’s about establishing spending priorities. When it comes to love however, this week could cash you up!
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (5th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (4th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (11th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (3rd)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (5th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (5th to 11th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
Work it like a boss
Have a plan
Kick start your quest!
Keep a close eye on money issues and where it all goes now. I don’t like the word ‘budget’ as it sits right up there with ‘diet’. It comes pre-loaded with wagon-falling off potential from the outset. ‘Spending plan’ on the other hand says you are watching those pennies and prioritising without the associations of denial and austerity. Focus on what buys you spiritual sustenance or learning experiences as Mars and Chiron meet in your 2nd this week.
Along with the full Supermoon in your 10th on the 14th, how you make your money and success stories have a major role to play now. It’s important under this full Moon that you remain aware of how you come across to anyone who may be in a position of influence and/or authority now. Be seen as someone in charge of their emotions and their destiny. It doesn’t matter how you feel within, it’s all about the image you project. Remember, very often people who get the results they want say one thing while thinking another. Bear this in mind and for more insight see your Full Supermoon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
This week also sees Venus which rules your money, aligns with the North Node in your 3rd and also sextiles ruler Neptune in your sign on the 19th. Look back 19 years if you are old enough to what was on offer, the internet, writing, publishing, ideas, siblings, your neighbourhood, your studies, commute or commerce. What changed or shifted? What important news, invitation or offer arrived? This opens a fresh portal to ideas, business, your day job, thinking local, what you share, social media or simply selling yourself personally and/or professionally. Design, photography, moving pictures, your CV and yes, that personal profile could feature this week. Is romance on your mind because this is one of those weeks where flirting becomes an extreme sport for you. That hot confidence you are projecting along with the aura of someone who knows what they want gets others sit up and take notice of that message now.
In a nutshell: You’re not waiting for things to come to you this week, Pisces. You are off in hot pursuit of those dreams – romantic or otherwise. Take action – and keep your funds for what you really need to bankroll now.
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (4th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (3rd)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (10th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (2nd)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (4th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (4th to 10th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
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I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.