Weekly Astrology June 19th 2023 For All Signs – Cancer season
Rebalance and realign
Where do you go from here?
Bring the heat, baby!
Happy solstice, Aries! The longest day in the Northern and the shortest in the Southern Hemisphere, as the Sun arrives in Cancer and your 4th (21st).
There’s a feeling of rebalancing and also reassessment at this point of the year. In astrological terms, we are halfway through it. So, its natural at this point to look at where we are (the place we’re in, ruled by Cancer and the 4th), how far we’ve come and where we want to get to next.
There’s also a lot of other planetary movement happening with Ceres returning to Libra (22nd). The yummy mummy of the zodiac hits the sign of marriage and partnerships. Also balance as symbolised by those scales. Too much mummy and not enough yummy? If that’s your feeling then its sensuality rebirth time! Solstice Day also sees Mercury in its ruling 3rd trine ruler Mars in your 5th. The heat is on and not just because its high summer! Those ideas or just your presence, ignite fires.
Juno enters Cancer asking if you feel ‘wedded’ to the place you are in? That sense of belonging extends to home and family. Vesta enters Gemini and your 3rd the same day (23rd). It asks you reawaken your self-belief. Be this in your ideas or the idea of your hotness, Aries. Believe it and be it this week.
In a nutshell: Serving summer hotness, it’s time to reawaken your smouldering sensuality if its been buried under practical matters for far too long. And believe 100% in yourself and your ideas. Bring it on home, baby!
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (4th)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (3rd to 5th)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 10th)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (7th)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (4th)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (3rd)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
You are the unstoppable force of your own destiny
Important or intriguing contacts feature in future plans
No more thinking, it’s all in the doing this week!
Plans and ideas you have been mulching over for some time now take on a fresh urgency this week. You need to act, to do something with them. The time for examining every facet of them for flaws is over. But that willingness to see them from every possible angle is what ensures a successful outcome, Taurus.
With Jupiter in da house, you’ve a Go big or go home approach to anything you set out to do, have or achieve. Here’s your secret, Taurus and what others forget. It may take you longer than other signs to decide on a course of action. But once you do you are an unstoppable powerhouse of determination and strength. This is the week where you harness this as Vesta moves out of your sign and therefore removes any lingering doubts around your intentions. And the Sun’s arrival in your 3rd simply feeds those ideas.
It is also the solstice and a time when we realise we are halfway through the year and really don’t have the luxury of wasting any more of it. This week also sees Ceres return to Libra and your 6th so if changes need to be made in the name of your ultimate wellbeing – you’ll commit to them without delay.
Jupiter highlights an important friendship or connection for you this week as it aligns to Saturn in your 11th. Watch out in particular for someone older or more experienced whose guidance or wisdom you can use. Others may encounter someone outside of their usual circle who offers entrée to a new one. Accept that invitation if so, Taurus. It’s all part of a larger plan that fits nicely into yours.
In a nutshell: Solstice week highlights the passage of time and the fact you can’t allow it to pass you by, Taurus. Your ability to examine plans from every possible angle is only one key ingredient for success. The other? Acting on them!
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (1st to 11th)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (3rd)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (2nd to 4th)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 9th)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (6th)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (3rd)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (2nd)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
Your truth is in your self-belief
Get a superstar mindset
Can I get it?!
I don’t want to hear any Wayne’s World chants of ‘We’re not worthy!’ from you as the Sun exits your sign and Vesta moves in, Gemini. Cool and above all, courageous is what you are with the Sun in your sector of shining self-worth. Vesta if we are not careful, can sow seeds of self-doubt. But funny as usually it does this via an agent. That person who tells us we can’t, shouldn’t or that disaster will happen if we do. And then reassures us that they only say this because they CARE.
You have your back, Gemini. Along with all-powerful Ceres back in your front-of-house 5th. Ceres is like Adele on steroids. You know it’s arrived. It’s loud, it’s gorgeous, it’s heavenly and unmissable. Do ensure you’re all that now and tune out anyone who tells you otherwise. (Saturn earrings are optional. But seeing as Saturn is in your house of status – bling it on!). Henry Ford once said: Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right. So, opt for the superstar mindset because why would someone as smart as you be lured into wrong thinking?
Just to add to that unshakable belief, Juno also enters your 2nd on the 23rd. This offers an extraordinary solstice season which serves self-worthy and long term commitments in money and yes, in love too. Being worthy means being ready to accept.
Ruler Mercury remains in your sign and hands you a day packed with confidence and passion also on the 21st when it aligns to Mars in your 3rd. Nobody should be able to convince you that you are anything but the headline act this week, Gemini. So, do act as if you are. And if anyone tells you otherwise, they should be water under that bridge.
In a nutshell: The lyrics of Can I Get It are about having the real deal. You are that deal this week, Gemini. So, don’t allow anyone to dull that superstar glow and convince you that having what you want isn’t an option for you.
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (12th to 10th)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (2nd)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (1st to 3rd)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (5th)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (2nd)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (1st)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)
Glow for it!
Keep those promises as you travel
Happy birthday, Cancer
Shine bright like a diamond as the Sun reaches your sign (21st), bringing with it the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Winter in the Southern. You’re far to go and promises to keep in the coming 12 months. The ones you make to yourself being the most important. And unbreakable.
No more self-sacrifice in the year ahead. And no, you are not being selfish, Cancer. Being willing to take your personal goals seriously takes bravery and courage. The Sun along with Jupiter in your 11th hands you that. Funny how just thinking about your right to glow for it, turns up that shine and puts a big smile on your face. And also funny how the knock-on effect is that people simply want to be around you.
The promises you make to yourself will be kept as you begin this birthday season with Juno in your sign (23rd). Before Ceres re-enters your 4th (22nd), it restores the balance of power in a key relationship or area for you as it trines Pluto back in your 7th (21st). This is all about a new deal on the table. The compromise you crave out which allows you to have that birthday cake – and eat it too. This may require a reshuffling of time, priorities, resources. Or see you willing to call out someone over the fact something is unfairly loaded in their favour. Maybe it was okay before but it’s no longer your jam. Especially with Vesta now in your 12th (23rd). The other party may have been happy for the status quo to continue. Don’t shy away from making your first bold act of radiance a move to re-set the scales, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Travel forward into a new cycle of expansion with a fresh set of unshakeable promises you intend to keep – to yourself. That smile on your face when you think about them says it all. So so let others know how important this is to you. That’s your birthday gift this week, Cancer.
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (11th to 9th)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (1st)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (12th to 2nd)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (4th)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (1st)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (12th)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)
Raise that vibration
Explore your inner magnificence
Take a deep dive into your shining potential
Happy Solstice, Leo! Sun shifts are the all-important shining transit for you. In your 12th, your ruler shines its light on the truth, knowledge, creative inspiration and empathy contained within you. A vast resource that very often, contains gifts you are unaware of. The month leading up to your birthday however, is always an opportunity to take a deep dive into just how extraordinary these (and you), are.
Don’t buy into the one-dimensional, old astrology interpretation of the 12th house being all about things you wish you hadn’t discovered. The self-delusion, the bad choices, the places you don’t want to go or people who have gone over to the dark side – suddenly exposed. We can’t deny these are 12th house stuff. But in focussing on these, doom scrolling astrologers forget all the miracles in our 12th. The leaps our imagination can make, the blissful connection to spirit, the recapturing of the very best of our past, caring, higher love, channelled creativity and the ability to tap into the very best parts of ourselves. Doesn’t that sound like the kind of experiences you need, Leo?
Past promises also get paid out or forward with Juno joining your ruler in here (23rd). Watch for anyone who simply seems to want to do you a good turn with no apparent agenda in mind. You did the same for them once. Even if it wasn’t this lifetime. Before Ceres moves back into your 3rd (22nd), it trines Pluto from your 2nd promising rewards or a better deal around money and resources. An offer or deal is held out to you. This deserves your serious consideration.
You are more aware of what others need than usual due to your heightened sensitivity. But don’t ignore your own in your desire to meet them. This week is about showing yourself the same kind of understanding and compassion as you are willing to pour onto other people. This week also offers an effortless let-go of anyone or anything that isn’t on the same bandwidth of sensitivity as you. Moving up to a higher vibration has never been so easy.
In a nutshell: The Solstice brings you a different kind of summer heat. The intensity of all your hidden talents and capacity to live in a higher state of grace, Leo. Tap into caring, creativity and higher love. And don’t leave self-care out of the equation.
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (10th to 8th)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (12th)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (10th to 1st)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (3rd)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (12th)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (11th)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)
Celebrate those unique facets
Get real
Acceptance is what real love looks like
How many ways can you think of to share and showcase everything that makes you so adorably and utterly unique, Virgo? In a world of knock-offs, be an original as the Sun along with Juno enters your 11th (21st and 23rd respectively). Time to reveal every precious facet of what makes you like no-one else. And to stop feeling you have to apologise or be anyone else.
Ceres which leaves you sign this week, is about personal empowerment when it is in our 1st. During Ceres retrograde in your 1st, you should have brokered a new deal over how you see yourself, your image and who you are, how you act and what you want from here on in. The arrival of the Sun in your 11th is the ideal time to show the brave, unapologetic version of you that you have been refining. Especially when it opposes Pluto in your 5th on the 21st.
From here on in you won’t be short changed in relationships. Nor stay with one where you feel pressured to be anyone but yourself. Total acceptance looks like real love now. And you offer the same thing in return to that lucky partner. Who can now relax and be loved – just the way they are.
Ruler Mercury along with Vesta in your 10th allows you to express your inner truth. Plus leave others in no doubt of your intentions. The real you and nothing added. Those who matter – your partner, spouse, boss, person whose opinion matters to you – see you as that rare creature, one who delivers and stands for integrity in a world that too often can’t do either. Let the real you show up this week, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Serve your realness this week, Virgo. In a way that only you can. It’s time to celebrate and showcase what makes you unlike anyone else. True love and friendship allows you to do this. Any other kind – just fake. Which you are certainly not!
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (9th to 7th)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (11th)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (10th to 12th)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (2nd)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (11th)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (10th)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)
Work that star quality
Be courageous
You’re up close and personal!
The coming month is going to feel as if you are the star of your very own Keeping Up With series. I guess what I would like to ask you Libra, is how you would act, look, talk and dress if you knew the cameras were trained on you 24/7?
The arrival of the Sun into your 10th puts you centre of that scorching spotlight. You’re on show and it may feel as if the whole world is watching and judging your every move. This isn’t the effortless, centre-of-attraction vibe of your 5th house. You are taking a more aware, refined and strategic approach to how you come across and what you share. You know how you want to come across and will adjust that image in order to convey this.
The Solstice, the day when we are halfway through the astrological year, is always a good point for you to take yourself and what you want to achieve, more seriously. You’re not just the star of this show but the director and producer too. Keep this in mind as it hands you the power to plot your storyline, edit the dialogue and ensure you come across in exactly the right way to anyone who matters. Changes you make around this or channelling your focus into your career can hand you lasting results – or think of it as your show being renewed for as many seasons as you’d like, with Juno joining the Sun (23rd).
Ceres back in your sign hands you a new kind of courageous. In that while you are feeling you are in total HD focus, you also feel quite okay with this. You feel the universe has your back. Or rather maybe just you do. That sense of confidence is what allows you to put yourself out there in the first place.
Vesta’s in your 9th now and you also won’t take kindly to anyone trying to impose their limited thinking on you. As far as you’re concerned there are no barriers to success, travel, progress or achieving what you set out to do. The only thing that could stop you is not trying in the first place. And seeing as this is a No Fear week, Libra, that’s one trap you’re unlikely to fall into.
In a nutshell: Yes, you’re the centre of attention or in focus for all the right reasons this week, Libra. Fears or even the criticism of others won’t deter you from going after what you want. Brave, bold moves are what get you noticed – and the results you’re after.
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (8th to 6th)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (10th)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (9th to 11th)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 4th)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (1st)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (10th)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (9th)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)
Knowing what you don’t want isn’t the same as knowing what you do
Step into something bigger
Love comes date-stamped
The Sun in your 9th unleashes your optimism, desire for expansion and glow-up growth, Scorpio. Travel, studies, solutions, opportunity or simply something soul-warming is on its way. Of course, this doesn’t imply that you are exempt from doing anything. Calls to adventure need answering. And persist until we leave the blanket fort of that comfort zone.
With Jupiter now in your 7th, the Sun and Juno (23rd), in Jupiter’s ruling 9th; fated, dated Saturn and spiritual destiny Neptune in your 5th, this is a cycle under which to pursue those big loves and to ignite those dreams. But only if you dare, Scorpio.
Vesta moves into your 8th and Juno joins the Sun in your 9th (23rd.) You suddenly see that knowing what you don’t want isn’t the same as knowing what you do. Also, have you been using work, money, prestige or simply emotional distance to self-protect or substitute what you really DO want? And you’ll also see what this is all too clearly. Which sets you free to go for it. Minus the distraction.
Both your rulers fuel your edgy fearlessness on Solstice Day thanks to alignments between Pluto and Ceres and Mars and Mercury. Make this your day to be empowered, to apply, to do as opposed to simply trying, and to take that step into the bold and unexplored. Ceres back in your 12th hands you a fresh way of seeing something. And due to finding this, you may propose a solution or find a way through to gaining what you need. Don’t be afraid to suggest this if you are at a stalemate with a particular person or situation. Or strike that new deal with yourself over what it is you’ve really wanted all along.
In a nutshell: This week shows you that knowing what you don’t want isn’t the same in terms of attraction, as knowing what you do, Phoenix. Once you are clear on that difference, getting what you want is a whole lot easier. Especially when it comes to partners.
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (7th to 5th)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (9th)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (8th to 10th)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (12th)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (9th)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (8th)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)
Grow those dreams in the dark
What is under wraps you reveal later
A horse of a different colour? That’s you!
When the Sun moves into your 8th, you become the Dark Horse of the zodiac, Sag. You are usually so easy to read. Heart on your sleeve, up front and direct. But not now. Don’t be afraid to keep ‘em guessing for the next month. Don’t share what you intend to do. Instead broadcast it when it’s done and you’ve succeeded.
You could be keeping something under wraps now. Anything from that emerging relationship to that goal or business plan. Or the action you intend to take. Goal growth and attainment comes from guarding our energy. You’ll not just understand that but work the truth of it like a superpower now.
Of course, there’s the rare instance where someone actually no longer deserves to know your plans or what’s on your mind. In which case, you are right to keep things to yourself. Especially as well – misery honestly does love company. And that’s not the kind you want to be keeping, Sag. Next month offers expansion, travel and all the things that spike that heart-rate. That’s when you get to reveal what you’ve been working on behind the scenes. However, a win or tangible boost could be on offer as Ceres in your success sector trines Pluto in your 2nd (21st). If so, those results have arrived early.
Watch for a lover whose focus isn’t entirely on you. Maybe this suits you right now as you’re focussed on something intensely personal that isn’t them. But that workaholic or boo with a few outdated ideas around your roles in a relationship may not be to your taste later. You’ll see what I mean by next month if so. But what you’re working on – it’s simply okay if you’re not ready to reveal that. Or even your true intentions right now, Sag. Just keep doing what you’re doing – your way.
In a nutshell: Keep that energy close and those future plans you’re nurturing, closer this week, Sag. Something deserves your intention and focus in order to blossom. But do watch for that person whose attention isn’t entirely with you. Focus is where the heart is this week.
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (6th to 4th)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (8th)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (7th to 9th)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (11th)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (8th)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (7th)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)
Partnerships shine
Find that sweet spot
Love has its own timing
The most loving, balanced, giving and true hearted version of you always emerges at the Solstice when the Sun arrives in your 7th. This year the vibe is promise boosted when it comes to unions of all kinds as Juno, astral object of marriage and commitment, enters just two days later.
You’re seeking something lasting. Be this a relationship or even a solution, Capricorn. It’s not just the Sun lighting up that past, present or potential partnership. But the path ahead for you and another as Pluto now back in your 1st, trines Ceres in your 9th on the same day.
If love is what you are seeking, your best course of action is to give it all the time it needs. What’s your rush? More to the point, what’s the other party’s? This should be an eight course banquet. Not a McHurry. Next month sees Venus make a rare retrograde. In other words, don’t get all excited over nothing much at all. And wait to ensure promises are delivered before throwing that sensitive heart into the ring. Yes, you have one. But some of you hide it very well.
You have Jupiter in your 5th acting as Fat Cupid and its in there for almost a year. It’s alignment to ruler Saturn is all about love timing. You know you can’t argue with your boss planet. It will either put a ring on it or bring the person who will when the time is right. It’s all destiny. But you know that.
Vesta now in your 6th is asking you to look at love and relationships in terms of your wellbeing. Have you been making enough time for them? Adjust your priorities if not. Combined with Ceres back in your 10th, this week offers the perfect point to strike a deal between those worldly ambitions and those the heart wants to fulfil. There’s always a compromise to be made. But the deal you strike could just lead to you having it all, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Ambitions of the heart and world feature this week, Cappy. The cosmos says both should receive equal attention. There’s no point in pursuing worldly success if you’ve nobody to share it with. Can you have it all? Yes, with the right balance.
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (7th)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (6th to 8th)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 1st)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (10th)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (7th)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (6th)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
Have you heard this all before?
Work those assets
Passion, love, devotion needs to be part of the package
Someone may be handing you what sounds like legitimate excuses this week, Aquarius. But I do urge you to look beyond the obvious. Especially if this is not the first time this has happened. This could be around cancelling a date at the last minute. Yes, we know stuff happens. But if the excuses seem well – outlandish or a little tired, it may be time to stop accepting them and move on now Vesta lands in your 5th (23rd) and Ceres re-enters your 9th (22nd).
Only you can make that call. But if you feel put-out, taken for granted or simply inconvenienced, it may be time to walk your walk. This weeks beautiful alignment between Mercury in your 5th and Mars in your 7th shows you that expecting heat, devotion and passion – as well as sticking to plans, isn’t being demanding. Just showing love and respect. The key alignment between Pluto back in your 12th and Ceres in your 8th is a Truth or Consequences moment which says you see things for what they actually are – as opposed to what someone is saying.
Take a dive into your inner talent well as the Sun reaches your 6th (21st). Solstice time always asks you just what you are doing with your gifts? Hopefully using them and not underestimating them, Aquarius. No, of course not everyone is cut out to be a dotcom billionaire or brain surgeon. But you have assets, baby. And ways to work them unlike anyone else. Doing this in a meaningful way, feeling you are using your skills, is an essential part of staying well. So, appreciate those assets and if needed, channel them in a fresh direction. Juno’s dedication and devotional vibe in here from the 23rd, means you will stick with it. Don’t just talk about getting that better job where you use your talents, starting that side hustle or upskilling with some study. Go do it. You’re no longer allowed to make excuses either this week!
In a nutshell: This week sees you get your hustle on. Plus you won’t accept anything less than true devotion and heat in love. Have you heard the same old excuse once too often? If it’s tired you’re off in heat-seeking mode, Aquarius. The same goes for the ditching the dulls around that day job.
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (6th)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (5th to 7th)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 12th)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (9th)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (6th)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (5th)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
Rise and time to shine!
Do you need to cut a fresh deal on who does what?
Love has that long term allure
What’s that freshly baked deal on love that needs to be signed off on, Pisces? Time to get talking on moving on it whether this involves family members, your partner, love life or home. Even though the Sun crosses from your 4th of home and security into your 5th of shining attraction on the 21st, we remain in Big Fat Mutable Weather.
Mercury in your 4th is joined by Vesta on the 23rd. Be wary of taking on too much on the home front. A family member may be extra demanding. Or you may be expected to take on a responsibility simply due to your gender identity or marital status. That’s a no-no and you know it, Pisces. How good are you are saying it?
Mutable weather means shifting parameters. The one between Jupiter in your 3rd and Saturn in your sign is working in your favour. But don’t allow yourself to be put in a position or backed into a corner where you feel guilty over saying no. You want to take full advantage of your yearly pleasure peak. Romance comes dusted with future promise as Juno joins the Sun from the 23rd. Those already dating could see things get serious.
The trine between Ceres in your 7th and Pluto in your 11th is very much about being in the right place at the right time for that meet-cute. Or as Ceres moves off into your 8th, of striking a better deal with that individual if a compromise is needed. You may not need to give an absolute refusal. But do know where there is wiggle room. And also where you need to stand firm. Yes, you can discuss moving the goal posts if you need to, Pisces. But do watch for others doing it without your say so.
In a nutshell: Don’t be guilt-tripped into agreeing to something you know is fundamentally unfair, Pisces. Besides, you’re entering your yearly pleasure peak this week. Love or doing what you love needs your participation. Free yourself to embrace that.
19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)
19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (5th)
21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (4th to 6th)
21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 11th)
22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (8th)
23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (5th)
23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (4th)
25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.