Weekly Astrology May 15th 2023 for All Signs – A FANTASTIC WEEK!


weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Werk what you have – the way you want to

Experience MORE – be more

Down with beige – in with brazen!

Honestly, there’s something so glorious and gorgeously retro disco Studio 54 heyday, get your fiercest freak on, happening in the sky this week, Aries. Jupiter moves from your sign and enters sensual and pleasure driven Taurus and your 2nd. Rich is a feeling and guess what? It’s not shy. Not with ruler Mars in your 5th from the 20th.

If you’ve got it – whatever category ‘it’ falls into, then yes, show out, flaunt it. La freak, c’est chic! It’s very much about you werking it your authentic way however. With a touch of 70’s glam thrown in for good measure. Down with beige and austerity! In with brazen and glamour. Revel in whatever makes you unique and stand out from the crowd. You are about to be noticed.

You have your very own Lucky Jupiter in Taurus 2023 Forecast so if you’ve not read it yet, do check it out. Along with your specially chosen Tarot card for this cycle in your Jupiter Juice Shot Astro Tarot. Go get your goodies. Mercury moves ahead the day before it is joined by Jupiter. But do remember we have three weeks of retroshadow still to clear.

The new Moon in your 2nd awakens that sleeping desire to have and to hold more. And marks the start of a fresh cycle of relating to the material world in new ways. It’s about experiences rather than how much you have. The Sun in your 3rd from the 21st trines Pluto while ruler Mars opposes it. As the lyrics of the disco classic tell us: Feel the rhythm and check the vibe. News, rewards or even who or what you attract this week, simply match that.

In a nutshell: Feel that retro, glittering, OTT, Studio 54 glam pump that classic disco soundtrack your way. Get your glam on, be extra, expect more. Yes, it’s Jupiter in your 2nd, Aries. Go big or stay home.

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (2nd)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (4th to 12th)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (2nd)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 11th)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 12th)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 12th)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (2nd)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (5th)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (3rd)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 11th)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 11th)


Big up that image

Get ready for your relaunch

No small moves, Taurus!

12 years in the making and a lot of anticipating and here it comes – your lucky Jupiter cycle that’s all about those personal ambitions, your image, brand, style, look. And you, wonderful you, Taurus.

Go big now or go home. There’s nothing about Jupiter in our sign that is about half-measures. And cups are designed to be refilled. So, do ditch any half-full perspectives that may hold you back. This is not the cycle to enter into with pre-formed, self-imposed limitations. New beginnings and a fresh optimism quickly take hold by your extra-special new Moon in your sign on the 19th. Mercury now direct in your 1st from the 15th, should trigger a flurry of activity for you thid week. Sure, you still have retroshadow to clear. But simply see this as a three week experimentation period where you can continue to refine that image and plans as needed.

You can delve deeper into what Jupiter has planned by reading your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus forecast combined with this week’s New Moon in Taurus Moonscope. Plus don’t leave out your Jupiter Juice Shot Astro Tarot Forecast either!

You can also make inroads into professional goals and ambitions. As well as going after anything that adds to that sense of achievement and security. Mars in your 4th can have you discontent with your present home. But it can also give you the impetus to do something about it. From DIY to moving on up. A powerful trine stretches across your entire money and success sectors once the Sun reaches your 2nd (21st). Along with that image upgrade, a professional or physical move is on the cards for many of you now. And any antsy discontent you feel with the status quo – perfectly normal, Taurus. It just shows you’re ready for a bigger cup.

In a nutshell: It’s all about YOU now Taurus. With a new Moon and Jupiter in your sign this is no time to be shy. Step out from behind that curtain and take a starring role in your own life. Limitations and fears fall away. You’re no longer afraid to be anyone but who the universe designed you to be!

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (1st)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 11th)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (1st)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 10th)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 11th)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (1st to 11th)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (1st)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (4th)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (2nd)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 10th)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 10th)


Intangible assets turn out to be the most valuable

Access everything, everywhere all at once

Happy birthday, Gemini!

Just in time, ruler Mercury ends it retrograde in your 12th just before the Sun’s arrival in your 1st. Yes, you of all signs knows you have three weeks of retroshadow still to sift through. But you begin your new cycle facing the future, not the past.

What is still relevant from that however, will be completely reclaimed or shown to have fresh significance for your future. Jupiter arrives in your 12th on the 16th and immediately activates Pluto in Jupiter’s ruling 9th in your chart just days later (18th). Anything that no longer serves will be effortlessly released now. Possibly with very little drama. Or you will simply wonder why it was all such a big deal in the first place? Perhaps because someone else made you think it was. When the reality is very different.

Jupiter in your 12th is all about the learning and the experiences. It’s not the most material transit of Jupiter. But often it hands us something far more richer, lasting and more satisfying. Knowledge, values, the bigger picture. And an increased appreciation for all we have. It’s about more than just what money can buy us. A good exercise for the coming year when we have Jupiter in our 12th is to start a gratitude journal. Why not begin yours at the time of the new Moon in your 12th on the 19th? You will find if you do and note all the things to be grateful for on a regular basis, that what you have to be grateful for not only increases, but by the time Jupiter arrives in your 1st a year later, you are already richer and so ready to receive even more.

So, start your fresh cycle by giving thanks, Gemini. And focus on what you do have rather than what you don’t. That doesn’t mean you are limiting yourself. Just readying yourself to embrace so much more. Mars in your 3rd from the 20th adds pep and persuasion to those ideas. While a journey or opportunity on the 21st kick starts your fresh cycle like a gift. There’s so much more to explore in your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus Forecast, your New Moon in Taurus Moonscope and your Jupiter Juice Shot Astro Tarot.

In a nutshell: The secrets of the multiverse are yours to access as Jupiter arrives in your 12th. Everything, everywhere, all at once takes on a new meaning. Gratitude plays a role when it comes to accessing lasting benefits. Give thanks and you’ll create more to be thankful for.

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (12th)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 10th)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (12th)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 9th)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (12th to 10th)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (12th)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (3rd)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (1st)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 9th)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 9th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Don’t just wish on one star. Wish big

Explore that it is you REALLY want

People power your future

Wish upon the biggest star in the sky. Or rather the biggest planet in our solar system. Jupiter’s arrival in your 11th is all about wish fulfilment.

So, what does the old Disney song tell us? That when we wish upon a star, our dreams come true. Well, Jupiter is no blue fairy. But as it lands in your house of goals and the future, it is time to set yourself three goals that you would like to realise during the coming year. There are two bibbidi, bobbidi boo rules to this process. 1: ‘No biggie’ wishes allowed. So, nothing you could easily achieve within three months without Jupiter’s assistance. And 2: That you take any and all actions you can to reach it. So, dream big and take action. And you can expect to reach at least one of these goals within the next 12 months. The best day for setting them will be the new Moon in your 11th on the 19th.

There’s more goal growing and getting insight in your New Moon in Taurus Moonscope as well as your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus Forecast. And your Jupiter Juice Shot Astro Tarot for your sign.

Friends, contacts and who you know or meet will have a role to play. Your social circle should expand. Unless you are determined to stay shut-in that is. Mercury heads direct in this house this week. While Mars leaves your sign and lands in your 2nd. Firing up those desires for all that money can and can’t buy you. And yes, giving you a nutri-bullet of self-confidence when it comes to going after what you want.

The Sun now in your 12th sees you willing to take a deep dive into your real wants and needs. And to reclaim them from the past if that’s what it takes. Some of you may set new goals. Others may resurrect forgotten ones which they now realise they should never have let go of. Jupiter tells you – you have them for a reason. For them to come true.

In a nutshell: Jupiter is here to remind you – you have your dreams for a reason. So, as it arrives in your sector of friends and your future – don’t just make one wish. Make three. And watch how at least one of them manifests. Via those you know and meet, Cancer.

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (11th)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 9th)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (11th)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 8th)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (11th to 9th)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (11th)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (2nd)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (12th)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 8th)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 8th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Here comes the big money shot

Serve it boss

King of the hill, top of the heap – you rule!

Forget the wolf. Here comes the Lion of Wall Street. You are redefining what rich feels like, Leo. With success setting stars like no other. And what Jupiter in your 10th wants you to understand is that rich is just that – an emotional state. And if you can feel it, you are it. No dying or trying involved.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you don’t have to work or make the effort. But what is important is your own belief in your ability to succeed. Jupiter in our 10th often gives us a big boost up that career ladder. Where we leap frog over the competition and end up several rungs above the one we were on. In one impressive leap. Big promotions, big raises, big wins feature.

This is also the house that rules the status of our partner. Another common theme with Jupiter in the 10th is that we benefit from our partner’s good fortune in business. Single as a Pringle and ready to mingle? Jupiter in your 10th can deliver Mr. or Ms. Darcy. The catch that’s all cachet with no catch attached.

With Mercury now direct from the 15th there should be no more delays, hesitation or lack of belief that you are the right stuff, Leo. The new Moon (19th) being the perfect day to send that application, pitch, swipe winging off into the cosmos. Bold moves and game face forward.

You must believe however. And part of cementing that belief is dressing for the role. Go for quality over quantity. Better recycled classic than fast fashion new. Image will prove to be a key component as will the impression you make once Mars enters your 1st. Mars removes any social wallflower shyness. Or hesitation around projecting yourself out there. Here to slay, Leo. There’s no other way.

Important contacts and connections also feature now your ruler reaches your 11th (21st). Watch out for what could be a transformative connection in the making. Or an existing one undergoing a powerful shift as the Sun trines Pluto in your 7th and Mars in your i1st opposes Pluto on the same day. There’s so much more in your New Moon in Taurus Moonscope, your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus Forecast for your sign and yes, your Jupiter Juice Astro Tarot. Get fuelled up for your biggest and best shot yet!

In a nutshell: Hit ‘em with your best shot, Leo! Those who may have underestimated you are in for a wake-up call as Jupiter triggers a rapid rise in your career and status sector. Rewards and recognition are on their way. But then – the cream always floats to the top.

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (10th)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (12th to 8th)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (10th)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 7th)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (10th to 8th)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (10th)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (1st)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (11th)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 7th)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 7th)


Opportunity knocks!

Opt for a bigger experience

The world’s your oyster and you’re the pearl

Ruler Mercury is direct again in your house of expansion and travel. And here comes Jupiter which rules it (16th). The world is your oyster plus you get the keep the pearl under Jupiter in here. Horizons expand. Solutions appear. Opportunities abound. And you can go higher, further and above all, bolder, than you have done for 12 years, Virgo.

If money has been holding up those dreams – especially around experiencing the world or say higher education, in Taurus and your 9th, this is when Jupiter is in Go Fund Me generosity. If you are travelling between now and Mercury clearing retroshadow next month, do still pack your retro plans however. Jupiter can buffer you but it can also create even bigger snafus.

That being said, this is one of the most optimistic and lucky cycles you can experience. And do see success in any area as experiences to learn from. By adopting this philosophy, you maximise the Jupiter vibe. There is a special Jupiter Juice Astro Tarot reading available for you. As well as your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus Forecast for your sign. And also don’t forget your New Moon in Taurus Moonscope for the new Moon on the 19th. Which is incidentally the perfect day to launch any big plans.

You may be in an impatient mood to make things happen thanks to Mars in your 12th (20th). 2022 saw a slow Mars cycle due to a long retrograde in Gemini. This year sees Mars making up for lost time. In your 12th Mars has you confronting all that you’ve allowed to cruise or simply drift. You’re done with making excuses for others. Or even yourself. Between now and Mars reaching your sign prepare yourself for potential farewells. Or to discard what you no longer need to take with you into Jupiter’s cycle of freedom.

Watch the 21st for endings but also rebirths when the newly arrived Sun in your 10th trines Pluto and Mars opposes it. Some of you could see a transformation around your role at work or even a relationship status. The Jupiter Effect wants to send you higher. And for that to happen, you need to lighten the load, Virgo.

In a nutshell: Jupiter enters its ruling 9th in your chart, Virgo. Dissolving barriers to progress, offering solutions and opportunities for expansion. Opportunity doesn’t just knock once now either. Embrace a wilder, wider new path.

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (9th)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (11th to 7th)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (9th)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 6th)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (9th to 7th)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (9th)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (12th)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (10th)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 6th)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 6th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

What’s your new mission?

Get access to that vault

You’ve got the power – Jupiter style!

Light the fuse Mission:Impossible style! Big changes are not only on their way but inevitable now Jupiter enters your 8th. A relationship or partnership which has emerged or been in focus during Jupiter’s transit of your 7th, now enters the next, powerful stage.

If your cry has been ‘Show me the money!’ – this is your ‘other’ money house. The one which rules your salary, shared (usually marital) assets, benefits, bonuses, payouts, legacies, investments, loans and mortgages. Jupiter is about to show you the money over the next 12 months. Or grant you access to more of it.

This week also has Mercury direct in here (15th) and a new Moon (19th). The thing is when it comes to either your cash or that va-va-voom sexiness, you feel in charge of it. And ready to take on anything. Yes, no matter how impossible you may have thought it in the past. Your 8th rules control (you have it). And also power money. Oligarchs, billionaires and Plutocrats (from Pluto which rules your 8th). I am not saying you are joining them. But what I am saying is that at some point over the next 12 months, Jupiter will hand you the experience of having more and being able to direct it accordingly. That’s making money work for you.

Some of you may benefit from another’s generosity. Or that loan or mortgage is approved. Again, that is Jupiter unlocking the vault. As far as sex and attraction goes, it should be effortless now.

You are on a mission and that is to crush any debts you may have or take back your power over the resources you have. Jupiter can provide solutions. And also opportunities to make more. There IS more in your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus Forecast for your sign, your New Moon in Taurus Moonscope and your first bonus, your Jupiter Juice Astro Tarot forecast.

The Sun (21st) and also Mars (20th) are on the move. The Sun into Jupiter’s house and Mars into your 11th of friends and the future. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to step into something bigger. Travel may feature for many now. Just keep in mind Mercury has yet to clear retroshade. But the fuse is now lit, Libra. Power attracts. And you are all magnetism now.

In a nutshell: What you have considered impossible to have, do, experience or attain is now yours to claim or conquer, Libra. Dream the impossible dream. And then go live it for real now Jupiter arrives in your power zone.

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (8th)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (10th to 6th)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (8th)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 6th)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (8th to 6th)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (8th)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (11th)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (9th)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 5th)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 5th)


Big up that love

Duos, duets and double acts expand your world

Just who is the change you have been waiting for?

Come and get your love now Jupiter arrives in your 7th (16th). Mercury is also direct in here this week. Plus you have a new Moon on the 19th. All this marks the start of the most loved-up and loving cycle you’ve experienced in 12 years. For singles, the next 12 months should see Jupiter deliver at least one adventurous spirit out to win your heart. They may just succeed.

Settleds can set new and exciting joint goals together. See your union as a journey you are on. Just one word of caution – Jupiter offers solutions but it cannot fix what is broken beyond repair. It can make facing this easier than at other times however. And if separation is now inevitable, can often bring in a new love for you.

Jupiter always wants to big up our experience. And in our 7th this may see us trying on all kinds of variants of ‘It takes two’ for size. From business partnerships to activity partners. It’s all love. Don’t limit Jupiter or your own journey but focussing on just one kind of duo or double act.

Love may be a little wild, from far, far away as Jupiter rules foreigners and overseas. The person may appear larger than life, well travelled or knowledgeable. Spontaneous and upbeat. A ray of sunshine. Their optimism is contagious. And life certainly won’t be dull with them around. They are generous and loyal. But don’t get clingy or try to fence them in, Scorpio.

Big love insights are in your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus Forecast for your sign. As well as your New Moon in Taurus Moonscope and your Jupiter Juice Astro Tarot. Check out Fat Cupid’s plan for you.

Ancient ruler Mars enters your 10th this week while the Sun arrives in your 8th (ruled by Pluto and Mars) on the 21st. The trine between the Sun and modern day Pluto in your 4th and the Mars/Pluto opposition (21st) can bring in a new phase of living together if you are settled. Or see changes around your money, joint home or assets, your salary or your relationship status. Call this the opening scene of a major production involving you and someone else. Changes clear the way for a deeper, supersized love experience.

In a nutshell: Here comes Fat Cupid! Hearts afire and arrows aflame as Jupiter lands in your 7th. Expect bigged up love and partnership experiences, Scorpio. It’s a magic carpet ride to a whole new world ahead!

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (7th)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (9th to 5th)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (7th)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 5th)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (7th to 5th)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (7th)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (10th)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (8th)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 4th)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 4th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Big everyday magic brings benefits

Passion is your rocket fuel

Where does desire want to take you?

It’s always a very big deal for you when ruler Jupiter changes signs. It moves out of your 5th this week and into your 6th of day job, studies, everyday living, habits and health. And pets if you have them. Bosses, being your own boss, co-workers, employees if you are the boss, your routine, what you do by rote without even thinking about it, diet, exercise, wellbeing – all get the Jupiter uptick now.

Jupiter wants you working freer – not harder. The goal is always the feelgood experience. It your 6th this is about every day and every way. The small stuff which makes up the big picture of your life is revealed to be a very big deal indeed. And the benefits from making even the smallest adjustment ripple out into other areas. Mercury rules this house and is direct once more in here just a day before Jupiter arrives (16th). Plus you have a new Moon in initiation on the 19th. This is your best day to seize Jupiter’s jujus and start that diet, new exercise regimen, apply for that new position, launch that side hustle, business or idea or to declutter your environment. Start small and watch the big Jupiter effect take place!

There’s more everyday, practical magical tips in your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus forecast for your sign, your New Moon in Taurus Moonscope and your Jupiter Juice Astro Tarot. Get the facts, Sag. Then apply those insights for daily benefits!

All this coincides with your yearly love and partnership peak as the Sun enters your 7th on the 21st. Along with fiery, confidence boosting passionate Mars in your 9th you are so done with ruts, dead ends and repartitions that get you nowhere! News, a meeting or a conversation could send a connection – past, present or enticingly emerging, spinning down a new path of potential for you on the 21st when the Sun trines Pluto in your 3rd and Mars and Pluto oppose one another. The attraction could be immediate. The desire undeniable. Worth being on top form for, Sag.

In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter hands you benefits of the every day kind as every little thing you need to do becomes infused with practical magic. Expect to work smarter, freer and not harder. As for that rut – routine hands you the wings to escape it, Sag!

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (6th)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (8th to 4th)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (6th)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 4th)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (6th to 4th)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (6th)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (9th)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (7th)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 3rd)


Conceive the inconceivable

Be your own source of attraction

Those good time – just keep rolling

Are you ready to embrace big, beautiful transformations, Cappy? So ready. Around romance, creativity, pleasure, children and what makes your heart soar? If that sounds good – it’s meant to. Jupiter supersizes everything it influences. And do see fun, self-expression, standing out, success, attraction, luck and good times as valid spiritual experiences as it arrives in your 5th this week.

Mercury also in here ends it retro period the day before. Plus you have a new Moon of conception in here on the 19th. Whatever you can conceive of, no matter how inconceivable it may have appeared up until now – do understand you can no have it in some way, shape or form. The only limitations are those which you place on yourself. Do believe in the power of love and the passion of creation now. Wanting more is natural with Jupiter in this house. And I’ve already anticipated and answered that need before you ask, Capricorn. Your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus forecast, your New Moon in Taurus Moonscope and as an added bonus, your Jupiter Juice Astro Tarot is waiting for you.

If you radiate, you will effortlessly attract. It is now time to shrug off restrictions and take a chance. A caterpillar has to transform to become a butterfly. Don’t resist the desire to change things up as Mars in its ruling 8th (20th) serves sexiness, passion and the confidence to go after those desires. Double threat sign!

The Sun enters your workaday world sector on the 21st seeing you focus on that routine, day job (paid or unpaid) those studies, habits and self-care. What’s worth your continued investment, what adds to or subtracts from your shining path, now gets a critical overhaul in the month ahead. Rewards could fall due as the Sun trines Pluto in your 2nd and Mars opposes it on the same day (21st). You’re willing to rock with the changes. Or set them in motion when it comes to going after what you want.

In a nutshell: Rock and roll to free your soul, Capricorn. Time for star quality, to attract effortlessly, to take romance, creative self-expression and what you love to the next level. You’re winning hearts in the process. Just by being the way you are. All thanks to Jupiter in your 5th.

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (5th)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (5th)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (5th)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (8th)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (6th)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 2nd)


Unlock the door to next level living

Claim your path and purpose

Time to fly!

Keys to a new door or to living large are part of Jupiter’s Grand Design and largesse as it arrives in your 4th this week. If Escape to the Country – or even another country, is your plan, expanding your space or upgrading your home, over the next 12 months, Jupiter should give you more house room.

Even if you are renting, Jupiter can see you able to move to a better area or hand you more bang for your buck. Jupiter is all about the ruby slippers and you clicking your heels together. There’s no place like your place. It’s about what works for you and your lifestyle. Not anyone else’s.

This week has Mercury head direct in your 4th the day before Jupiter’s arrival. And a new Moon in what is the Moon’s ruling house in your chart (19th). This lifts delays and restrictions around any kind of move or property matter. You sign that contract or lease. Draw up those renovation plans. Start that search. Define clearly what you need. And where your soul feels both secure and free.

If you have been living with your parents, or under a parent’s shadow for far too long, Jupiter can and will set you free. There’s more moving information in your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus forecast, your New Moon in Taurus Moonscope and your Jupiter Juice Astro Tarot.

Mars always asks: Where’s the heat? In your 7th it increases your desire for connection and passion. Spice things up if you are settled. Single? You have the confidence and the va-va-voom factor to swipe or make that first move. The Sun enters its ruling 5th in your chart (21st) and you’re serving fierce, sexy daring and simply radiating bold, brazen, naked attraction. You know what you want. And that’s something so genuine and authentic, others cannot help but respond.

It’s certainly no time to be shy as the Sun trines Pluto in your sign and Mars opposes it all on the same day. What’s more, you can no longer be bothered to love or live by anyone else’s rules but your own, Aquarius. And if someone has a problem with that – it’s no longer yours.

In a nutshell: You’re entering the Hot Zone one way or another now Jupiter reaches your 4th, Mars your 7th and the Sun your 5th. If you can’t stand the heat you need a bigger kitchen as Jupiter offers expansion and living larger. While Pluto in your sign turns up the heat on love.

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (4th)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (6th to 2nd)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (4th)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 2nd)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (4th to 2nd)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (4th)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (7th)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (5th)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 1st)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 1st)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Ideas take you further

Be a conversation starter

What you need to know is revealed

Mysteries are unearthed this week. First however, let’s talk about how far an idea can take you. Mercury direct in its ruling 3rd lifts barriers to plans around communication, commerce, contracts, content and sharing from the 15th. The next day Jupiter arrives in here. For the next 12 months what you hear, say or send out, what you write or capture, travel and the internet are areas which will open doors and take you further than you ever imagined possible.

Now is the time to launch those projects and plans. To apply, submit and pitch. To share your content across as many platforms as you can think of. To start that conversation. To embrace new ideas and concepts. Best launch date is the 19th when the new Moon asks you apply, swipe, get talking or send that idea live.

It’s no use talking a good game however. You do need to bring it or you will dilute Jupiter’s magic. We’ve all met that individual who is always talking about how they could do something so much better. Or they bang on about their big plans. But years later they are still talking about it. And still stuck in the same dead-end role. Don’t be that person.

Lucky for you, Saturn has your back now. And ensures you come across as filled with serious intent. Have a plan and stick to it. Your compass for putting your ideas on course can be found in your Lucky Jupiter in Taurus forecast for your sign, your New Moon in Taurus Moonscope and your Jupiter Juice Shot Astro Tarot!

Mars in your 6th (20th) sees you able to crush that To Do list. But do pace yourself, sweet Pisces. It’s easy to miss important details in your desire to get something out of the door. The Sun enters your 4th this week bringing your yearly focus on home, family and security. If there is something you know you should tackle but have been putting off – perhaps out of fear of rocking the boat, the boat and those who share it with you, could be well and truly rocked and put on a new course now. The Sun aligns to Pluto in your 12th (21st) while Mars opposes Pluto on the same day. You’ll so whatever needs to be done now. The same goes for acting on those ideas.

In a nutshell: Just talking won’t cut it. When it comes to ideas, projects and plans – run with it, Pisces. Ancient ruler Jupiter makes the internet and what you share, say or send out your personal cosmic ordering system. You are the idea whose time has come now.

15 May 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (3rd)

15 May 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 1st)

16 May 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus (3rd)

18 May 2023 Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 12th)

18 May 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)

19 May 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 1st)

19 May 2023 New Moon in Taurus (3rd)

20 May 2023 Mars enters Leo (6th)

21 May 2023 Sun enters Gemini (4th)

21 May 2023 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 12th)

21 May 2023 Mars in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 12th)


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