Weekly Astrology May 1st 2023 for All Signs – Dramarama

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

The source of those feels may not be self-evident!

Get sharing

Feel-good deals result in win/win

After last month’s rare and unusual Hybrid Eclipse in your sign, this week puts us back into eclipse season with an eclipsed full Moon in your 8th (5th). This is the Flower Moon. And the eclipse will be invisible to the naked eye. So, the reason that your emotions are likely to feel intense may not be immediately obvious. And run deep one way or another. You’ll discover there is no middle ground. It’s max or meh. You may have to stop and ask yourself: What is really the source of all this?

It’s important you own your feels. But under an eclipse, these are yours and unless you allow others an Access All Areas pass into them, they are not to know what you are experiencing. With Venus and now Juno (3rd) in your house of communication, it’s up to you to do the sharing. Get talking and get closer. And no matter your relationship, don’t expect anyone to automatically know what you’re feeling. More in your Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio Moonscope.

Do also try to separate out any emotions from financial matters. Yes, we talk about the emotional relationship we have to our money. But there should be no sting when it comes to the bottom line. If you are judging yourself by it, this eclipse asks you to stop. And simply do the math – no judgement needed. Ceres direct again in your 6th (7th) puts a feel-good deal back on the table around work and wellbeing.

Good news could arrive thanks to the alignment between Venus and Jupiter in your 1st. Pluto turns retrograde (1st) and begins to head back towards Capricorn and your 10th. You’ve had a taster session for socialising for the Now Age. Now get ready to re-focus on your career. Venus moves into your 4th and if there is extra cash around you now, chances are you’ll spend it on your home.

In a nutshell: Do allow others into your emotional world, this week Aries. The source of those super-intense feelings may not be immediately obvious. But that’s doesn’t mean they should be dismissed. Sharing cuts through confusion – and brings you closer.

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (11th)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (2nd)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (3rd)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 11th)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 1st)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (8th)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (4th)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (6th)


Crush those fears

Love could be the new deal on the table

Plan your next world-conquering move

Reach past any fears and say what you need to say under this week’s eclipsed full Moon in your partnership sector. Don’t have any regrets over anything that remains unsaid, Taurus. The eclipse axis is about to shift as the North Node will shortly move out of your sign and into your 12th. So, under the Flower Moon in your 7th, its time to table that outstanding in more ways than one, topic, new deal or suggestion.

The eclipse won’t be visible to the naked eye. This tells you that there may be more going on below the surface between you and that boo, bae or bestie, than meets the eye. Juno exits your sign this week, heading into your self worth factoring 2nd. While ruler Venus says it with caring, love and compassion as it arrives in your 3rd (7th). This week also sees the Sun and retro Mercuey meet in your 1st favouring anything from unfinished business to a make-over for you. And also with Vesta now direct again in your 5th (7th), there’s never been a better week to talk about it.

Pluto reverses on the 1st in your status driven 10th. That status includes relationships which is why the one you co-habit with someone important may just be the hot topic now. However, Pluto retro and heading back to your 9th pushes the pause button and allows you to reflect on the progress you’ve made since March with those ambitions. As well as now switching your focus to what is preventing you from expanding further. Make those adjustments to anything from your image, your course or the deal around love this week, Taurus. Don’t let fear make you leave the most importamt thing unsaid.

In a nutshell: An eclipsed Flower Moon throws a subtle shadow over one particular union, Taurus. Whatever you’re afraid of saying out loud, it’s time to speak your truth. Ruler Venus assists ensuring love remains on topic this week.

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (10th)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (1st)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (2nd)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 10th)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 12th)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (7th)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (3rd)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (5th)


Take a walk on the wild side

Find the facts – your gut knows where to look

To the daring go the wishes

Retro ruler Mercury meets the Sun in your 12th this week (1st), while the full Flower Moon in your 6th (Mercury’s house) is bathed in shadows as it is eclipsed. This tells you that you will be in full psychic detective mode. Sniffing out the facts and able to make connections between seemingly unrelated areas or even the behaviour of others, that form a very big picture indeed. Yes, you know something’s going on, even if you’re not certain what.

Go are advised to go deeper into any subject which impacts on your wellbeing – mind, body or spirit. And follow that gut which is unaffected by either retrograde mayhem or eclipse confusion. One thing I can tell you however is that once you tease aside the shadows, you will emerge with the clarity you need.

Before Venus heads off into your 2nd, it makes an alluring angle to Jupiter in your 11th. Jupiter is now in its final days in this house. It’s ability to deliver on those goals or friendships which expand your world receives one intense and final boost now. There is an invitation on the table as Pluto heads backwards in your 9th and trines newly arrived Juno in your sign on the 3rd. Dare you? The question should be: How dare you not?! With the Sun shortly heading your way, its time to ditch the safe option. Take a little walk on the wild side, Gemini.

In a nutshell: How dare you, Gemini! A better statement under this week’s eclipsed full Moon should be: How dare you say no! Your soul craves something releasing and energising. And it could just arrive. Dare to accept it. Wild things await.

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (9th)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (12th)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (1st)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 9th)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 11th)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (6th)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (2nd)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (4th)

july horoscopesCANCER

You’re in the mood for love

Simply showcase your style

Truth, beauty, freedom, self-expression – you’re serving it!

You’re in the mood for love as Venus arrives in your sign (7th) and you have a full Flower Moon in your romance zone this week (5th). This full Moon is eclipsed but the eclipse will not be visible to the naked eye. So, we won’t see that usual ‘Blood on the Moon’ effect. Also this means the impact of this eclipse will be more subtle. But as you are ruled by the Moon any eclipse has to be considered of profound importance to you.

This one is in your house of lovers, creativity, babies, children and attraction. Pay close attention to who or what you do attract this week. But please, if its that hot and ardent romantic package, don’t be in too much of a hurry to seal the deal!

This eclipse could bring in a pleasure peak. Your hunger for love, beauty, for self-expression and to get yourself noticed soars. Once Venus arrives in your 1st one way you may express this is to indulge yourself. That new look, makeover or relaunch. The week also sees Pluto retro in your change sector and headed back to your 7th. Watch for returns as the Sun meets retro Mercury in your 11th the same day (1st). Just ensure it will be different this time around before saying yes however. Only accept what adds to that shine, Cancer. Not what could dim it.

In a nutshell: A subtle eclipsed Flower Moon in your 5th wants you to bloom. To create and express yourself. And above all, to attract. Dance in the vortex of pure passion and creation, Cancer.

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (8th)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (11th)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (12th)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 8th)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 10th)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (5th)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (1st)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Owning your vulnerability releases you into freedom

Run towards safety

Own those needs!

Look to changes around partnerships, the home and those you live with this week, Leo. Pluto pauses in your 7th on May Day. While ruler the Sun meets retro Mercury in your status sector. There’s a key shift underway either is a personal or professional partnership. Which could have a knock-on effect to where, how and who you live with.

This week hands us a full Flower Moon in the Moon’s ruling 4th in your chart. This also brings us an eclipse. Although it is a lunar eclipse and will be invisible to the naked eye, like the sign of Cancer next door, you are profoundly affected by any eclipse as one way or another, your ruler is involved. And again, this one appears in the Moon’s ruling house indicating a bigger impact on your emotional/material security than you may initially be aware of.

Do explore where your needs are not being met. What makes you feel vulnerable? What does safety look like? Where do you normally go to find it? What do you need right now from someone to feel secure, loved and nurtured?

Juno enters your 11th and trines Pluto on the 3rd. Openness and frank discussion leads to you getting those needs met. Especially with Ceres now direct in your 2nd (7th). Before Venus moves into your 12th (7th) it angles to Jupiter which only has a short time remaining in your 9th. This could see you on course towards a release into emotional and soul freedom. Opportunity knocks now. Along with the incredible feeling that wherever you are you are loved and safe. Which goes with you no matter where you go. You so got this, Leo.

In a nutshell: This week’s eclipsed full Moon could make you feel extra sensitive and vulnerable, Leo. Look to how to meet your own needs. And do allow others in. Know you are safe, you are loved and above all, you are free to explore what lies ahead because in your vulnerability, hides your strength.

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (7th)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (10th)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (11th)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 7th)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 9th)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (4th)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (12th)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (2nd)


You’re ready to deal!

Prepare for a move into something bigger

Don’t let the real meaning get lost in translation

Ceres heads direct in your sign this week and sees you willing to compromise. But at the same time, sticking to those values. Actually, values and your value system define the week, Virgo. You know what yours are. But should you discover others have no integrity or moral compass, your flexibility will vanish. And when it comes to walking away, you won’t hesitate.

Pluto’s incursion into your 6th stalls as it heads back towards your 5th on the 1st. The same day as the Sun meets ruler Mercury also in retro-form in your 9th. There’s a sense of going over old ground here. Or re-visting something for one last time. Again, what you will and won’t sell out over, what you consider priceless or more precious than rubies, determines whether or not you and another can come to an agreement. Or simply now agree to call it quits.

Jupiter is at its endgame when it comes to boosting your empowerment and bringing positive change. Later this month expect freedom, opportunities, travel and solutions to come charging in. So if you do end up in a ‘Thanks, but no thanks’ situation this week you should have no regrets. And know something better is on its way. The week also delivers the full Flower Moon. Eclipsed in your 3rd. This eclipse is subtle as it won’t be visible from the earth. Pay close attention to what’s not being said verbally. But may be conveyed via sub-text, body language and actions. They speak the truth around someone’s intentions now.

Venus in your 11th boosts your star power and ability to attract friends. This is a transit which is more about the love of like-minded souls than the one-to-one kind. It’s about joining in, sharing and also letting nothing get in the way between you and your goals. Reconnect and revive those connections which have lapsed. And with Jupiter about to enter your 9th – plan for something bigger.

In a nutshell: What’s not being spoken aloud often says it louder than words, Virgo. Look to the subtext, the body language and the actions to translate. Friends, freedom and the future are themes to explore.

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (6th)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (9th)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (10th)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 6th)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 8th)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (3rd)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (11th)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (1st)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Serve up Now Age love and self-expression

Invisible riches are those you can bank on

Dress for deservedness

How has your Pluto Now Age love taster session been, Libra? This week sees it stop in the name of love and head back towards your 4th again (1st). The Sun meets retro Mercury in Pluto’s ruling 8th so review exactly what you reclaimed mojo and empowerment has brought you this time around. There’s more to come later in the year.

You’re ready to commit to something bigger this week too. Juno arrives in your 9th and trines Pluto on the 3rd. While ruler Venus also in your 9th until the 7th, angles to Jupiter in its endgame in your 7th. This is a delivery – Fat Cupid style. Of a big love or greater passion taking you forward. It could be for a subject or a place just as it could be for a person.

This week also brings you an eclipsed Flower Moon in your money zone. This is a very subtle, almost invisible eclipse which we won’t be able to see from earth. That doesn’t mean it is not there or influential however. Look to your readiness to receive. And what or who adds emotional richness to your life. This is probably about people and experiences more than it is your cash.

Not that the ka-ching variety may not be part of Jupiter’s grand plan for you. Especially when combined with ruler Venus’s boss move into your house of rewards and status (7th). With Ceres now direct in your 12th and heading back your way, the new deal on the table for you is what elevates and hands you the love and recognition you deserve. Dress for success – and deservedness. And guess what? You’re no longer willing to settle for anything less.

In a nutshell: Know your worth – and work it. An eclipse in your money zone combined with ruler Venus’s arrival in your success sector highlights riches and rewards. But your greatest assets may be more than money can buy, Libra.

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (5th)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (8th)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (9th)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 5th)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 7th)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (2nd)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (10th)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (12th)


Emotional communication says it best

Your secret self needs expression

The past resurfaces

A subtle and shy eclipsed Flower Moon unfurls in your sign on the 5th. Just four days after your ruler Pluto reverses in your house of emotional security, home and all things sensitive which you feel you need to protect. We know you are the sign of hidden depths. The dark horse that moves between worlds. Unlike those rodeo show ponies the Sagittarians next door!

As a result, you may be keeping something under wraps. You real feels around a situation, connection, project or plan. If you feel you’re not ready. If you need to sift though that emotional residue in privacy and in sync with your intuition and heart, then do take all the time you need.

You will know when the deep dive is over and you resurface renewed with emotional surety backed up with integrity over what is right. Although you may spend some time in reflection, there is a real desire to gather loved ones closer this week. Sometimes we don’t need too many words, we just need feelings. They say it all. So, if you are stumped for expression this week, go with the heart’s translation rather than just words.

You may not be short on them however if that is what you know is the best way to get across all that’s stored within you. The Sun’s meeting with retro Mercury in your 7th wraps that discussion with the promise of love and mutual agreement. Especially now Ceres is direct again in your 11th. What conclusions you come to, what and how you ultimately communicate to those you care about, brings a sense of release as Venus moves into your 9th. Once you find that way to express that truth, there’s no going back, Scorpio!

In a nutshell: Deep emotional needs surface and the past plays a role under this week’s eclipse weather. How are you when it comes to showing that vulnerability, Scorpio? Self-protection creates walls that love cannot scale. Let down those defences. You’re strong enough now.

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (4th)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (7th)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (8th)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 4th)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (8th to 6th)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (1st)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (9th)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (11th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Appreciate what you have in the moment

Surprises bloom in the shadows

Gratitude is the strongest force of attraction in the universe!

Your sector of daily living, responsibilities, routines and wellbeing is about to receive all the benefits of Jupiter’s magical workings. It has days left in your 5th so do make the most of the Venus in your 7th love and attraction activating angle to it on the 5th.

What this draws to you may come as a surprise. It may re-emerge from the past thanks to the darkly blooming eclipsed Flower Moon in your 12th on the same day. What you had given up on, a secret path to the truth, keys to mysteries are shrouded in shadows, but waiting to be discovered by this full Moon. So, look deeper.

Pluto puts on the brakes in your 3rd while Juno which rules marriage, unions and promises we keep – or cannot back away from easily, moves into Gemini and your 7th. It trines Pluto and what’s agreed or begun this week involving you and a key figure, has powerful and long term implications. Especially when it comes to your status, public image and what adds to that cred or resume as Ceres heads direct in your 10th. There’s more than one indicator this week signalling you are heading into a cycle of forceful and passionate change. Perhaps related to your relationship status. But it could also indicate rewards and resources on offer.

Venus moves into your 8th and ‘other’ money house (7th). The term ‘feathering your nest’ comes to mind with Venus in here. It’s the satisfaction we see in the card of the 9 of Pentacles. You earned the money. And now you spend it on abundant beauty and sensuality you appreciate. And also want to share with those you care about. Even if right now there’s no one vying for your wild heart, you’ll feel content knowing right now, you have exactly what you need . And your gratitude and appreciation merely acts as a beacon so what what’s seeking you, knows exactly where to find you.

In a nutshell: Superpower me! The strongest force of attraction in the universe is that of gratitude. As ruler Jupiter reaches its end days in your fabulizing 5th, give thanks for all you have. The mere act of appreciation could deliver you more to be grateful for, Sag!

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (3rd)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (6th)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (7th)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (7th to 5th)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (12th)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (8th)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (10th)


What do you need to release to get there faster?

Who is in your orbit?

Love is the question, the answer and the future

You may not know where you stand with one particular friendship or connection this week. Or even a group, club, band, association or movement. This week brings an eclipsed Flower Moon in your social-centered 11th (5th). Plus the Sun meets retroactive Mercury in your 5th (1st). The same day coincidentally, as Pluto moves back towards you in your 2nd.

All this may add up to that feeling of not quite knowing where you stand. Or indeed, if you still belong. Questions around resonance may follow. Is it still there? Even if you are out, about and happy on the night of the eclipse, you may feel strangely outside the normal flow. Don’t jump to conclusions under any eclipse. And do stick to well-lit places you know.

The night of the eclipse is an excellent one under which to review your goals. And to sift through those future plans. Do they remain relevant? How far away do they feel if you have yet to reach them? A great exercise under this eclipse is to meditate on the card of the 10 of Wands in the Tarot. In the card, a figure heads towards a castle but carries a heavy load. Is there something you need to release in order to reach your goal faster or more easily? Be ready for revelations! This card in the Tarot is especially linked to your energy as it shows someone unafraid to keep on their path. Even when the going gets tough. However, the flip side is about lightening the load if you can.

Of course, I was saving the best till last for you, Capricorn. Which is Venus’s arrival in its ruling 7th in your chart (7th). Bring on the love and attraction. Partnerships bloom, take on fresh meaning and if you are seeking to be part of any kind of double act – including the working or collaborative kind, then now is your window to go seek it out. Especially with Juno now in your 6th and Ceres direct in your 9th. There are new beginnings and new options to explore. Just wait for them to emerge.

In a nutshell: Becoming the observer in our lives, if only for a few hours, hands us powerful insights. Maybe you feel you are the viewer tuned in to your own reality show this week, Cappy. If so, you get to direct how it plays out for the future from this point on!

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (2nd)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (5th)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (6th)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (6th to 4th)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (11th)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (7th)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (9th)


Keep connected to your source

Go in the direction passion prompts

Act like you are in the spotlight (you are!)

Your Now Age Pluto taster session is about to expire. May day sees it reverse in your 1st and begin its journey back in to your 12th. Stay plugged in to your newly found power, Aquarius. Just because Pluto reverses doesn’t mean that someone stole your superpower.

Let’s talk about love of the lasting kind. To get it we do have to know what we want. Which is different to knowing what we don’t. Keep that distinction, Aquarius. This can be the love for a person, for a passion, a place or activity. A hobby. A persuasion. You are at your most magnetic and persuasive thanks to the Pluto effect! And it can be lasting now Juno arrives in your 5th this week. And trines Pluto as it does. Venus remains in your 5th up until the 7th, angling to Jupiter in your 3rd. This could deliver excitement, romance, or an opportunity to dance with passion in the form of a holiday, creative self-expression or an experience.

This week also serves up a secret sauce of an eclipse in your house of career and status. The full Flower Moon in your 10th is all about your profile, public and professional image and how others perceive you. A powerhouse of integrity and promise. This eclipse is almost invisible – we won’t see it from earth. But that does not mean we should ignore its effect. You may be unaware that you are being assessed. Take yourself seriously. You could find yourself in the spotlight in some way. And yes, DO know what it is you want now. And don’t be afraid to be direct about it.

Ceres direct in your 8th removes barriers to change and puts negotiations back on the table. The same day (7th) as Venus moves into your work and wellbeing sector. Show these areas the love, Aquarius. Be seen as someone ready to deliver whatever is asked. And spread the joy as you do so.

In a nutshell: The secret to your success this week is all in how you are seen, Aquarius. So, boss face forward at all times. Someone could have a role in mind for you. Stay plugged into your power as Pluto moves backwards in your sign. Commitment is on the cards in a key area.

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (1st)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (4th)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (5th)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 1st)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (5th to 3rd)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (10th)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (6th)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (8th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

The signal is lost. But you’re on the right track

What dims that shine should be left in the shadows

Love offers a heady sense of passion – and freedom!

Being able to tune in to the emotional field of others or even situations, is part of your superpower repertoire, Pisces. But under the full eclipsed Flower Moon in your 9th (5th), someone or something is hard to read. This eclipse can’t be seen from earth. But of course – it’s there. Maybe you are picking up on something – but are not certain what.

Combined with retro Mercury and the Sun in your 3rd, avoid rushing into anything this week. And do travel with a full set of retro back-up plans. Yes, like an out of focus shot, the details of this one will eventually coalesce. And if you do ask questions, watch for anyone who uses what I like to call ‘Defensive Deniability’. It’s related to ‘Plausible Deniability’ – which relies on the other party not examining the facts. Defensive Deniability however is all outrage. How could you even for a moment think the other party would do such a thing? If that surfaces with anyone – you should be on high alert.

Eclipses conceal and this one an emotional truth which obscures a road to opportunity and freedom for you. Maybe simply a hesitation on your part to go down it. How about a bigger love, Pisces? Or the truth around what you need?

This eclipse can clear the way for you because as your spidey-senses start tingling again you have Venus moving into your 5th of romance, attraction and allure. And Ceres direct again in your 7th. There’s a new deal out of the box when it comes to an existing or emerging relationship, your shining path, what allows you to feel passionate, alive and adored. Leave what detracts from any of that, back in the shadows where it belongs, Pisces.

In a nutshell: Eclipse static may get in the way of your usually infallible insight, Pisces. Don’t allow anyone to tell you that you’re wrong however. There’s a new dawn on love and what lights up your soul occurring this week. Anything that prevents you embracing that needs to be left in the shadows where it belongs.

1 May 2023 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (12th)

1 May 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Taurus (3rd)

3 May 2023 Juno enters Gemini (4th)

3 May 2023 Juno in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 12th)

4 May 2023 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)

5 May 2023 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (4th to 2nd)

5 May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (14 52’) (9th)

7 May 2023 Venus enters Cancer (5th)

7 May 2023 Ceres direct in Virgo (7th)


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