Weekly Astrology May 27th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

Surprise yourself
Indulge in a little risky business
How dare you!
You’re in a risk-taking mood this week and if something presents itself that you feel is a ‘calculated’ risk, you’re going to take a chance. Bold, brazen moves on your part could leave others astounded as ruler Mars and Chiron meet (29th). This may even just be the start of something that sets you up to do something even more game-changing next week.
Chiron isn’t just the ‘wounded healer’ archetype. Chiron wouldn’t accept what he knew was wrong. So, we can say we channel our Chiron energy when we are willing to play by the rules when we see they make sense, but substitute them with our own when they don’t. Taking a chance, going against the ‘way things have always been done’ or simply finding out what we can ‘get away’ with when we dare, are straight from the Chiron playbook. And that’s what you’re working from this week.
Throw into the mix the Mercury/Uranus conjunction in Taurus and your 2nd house (31st). Mercury rules news, commerce, the internet, trade, communication. Uranus rules technology, revolution, freedom and the unpredictable. Some of you may see a chance to make money – and bet accordingly although most like on your own ideas. It’s a week to innovate and try the daring and see what happens when you do. With Uranus in the mix, the results will come fast – and be surprising.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mars hands you just the right amount of can-do confidence. While Chiron whispers: I dare you! You won’t shy away from trying anything new. And discover just what you can get away with when you do!
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (1st)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (2nd)
No more waiting for tomorrow
Go into unknown territory
Live, act and BE your truth!
The Mars/Chiron conjunction in your 12th (28th) acts like a cosmic wake-up call. Focussing your attention on a particular area that needs your 100%. You have probably secretly known this for a while, Taurus. But you might have been saying you’d think about it tomorrow. Well, now tomorrow or at the very least, the day after that (31st), is here.
It’s honestly very simple. The universe is telling you not to put off anything that needs tackling. Especially if its a subject around which your intuition has been nagging you about for quite some time. If you have said ‘Never will I ever . . .’ in the past – that may go out the window too. You take on an unpredictable quality which may confound others who thought they had you pigeon-holed.
You are prepared to make an outrageous move or do something which feels right but in the past you would have hesitated over. What do we say about Uranus in astrology? If you can predict it – it’s not Uranus! Mercury bumps into Uranus just two days after that Mars/Chiron clash. You are either reacting to news which has a direct impact on you, or the need to do something becomes so compelling, you take a deep breath and damn the consequences! Don’t worry however. Uranus is concerned with evolving you. And yes, you do have to break eggs if you are going to make an omelette. So, no more waiting for tomorrow to think about it, much less do something about it. Tomorrow is today and today brings you a huge awakening when it comes to living your truth.
In a nutshell: The truth will set you free. At least, your truth holds the key to your soul freedom. No more putting off what you know needs to be done, Taurus. Today is your day. Go to the edge of those possibilities. Then – jump.
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (1st to 11th)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)
That Gemini tingle puts you ahead
Enter the unfamilar
Bring your A Game
‘I knew that!’. Yes, you did, Gemini. While the Mars/Chiron conjunction this week (29th), might result in surprises and unpredictability for some, changes are you saw what was coming a mile off. If anyone is prepared this week for the unexpected – it’s you. Yes, you can thank the great protector and cosmic know-it-all Jupiter in your sign for that heads-up. And what may put others on the back foot could very well look like an opportunity to you.
Some of you may break out into new groups or social circles. Others contemplate a fearless move that could put a goal within their grasp. There’s an opportunity to explore strange new worlds. You can take your future down a new and unexplored path. Away from what’s familiar. And if it’s on offer – you’re ready.
Your spidey senses are tingling thanks to the meeting between your ruler Mercury and Uranus in your 12th (31st). Something comes to light in an unexpected way confirming what you already knew. Or you are poised and ready to take full advantage of an opportunity to break free from a past pattern when it arrives. This could be you acting on an idea whose time (and yours) has come due to you having the confidence to follow through. You always knew you could. And just like that – you’re proved right again, Gemini.
In a nutshell: You’re ahead of the curve this week, Gemini. Use that intuition to stay ahead of the game. Getting to that goal may just involve going beyond the tried and trusted. Trust that gut instead.
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (12th to 10th)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (11th)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (12th)
Step up
The only way to see the result is to do it
The only permission you need is your own
Take it you’re ready and exactly the Right Stuff if asked to step into a bigger and more prominent role this week. This isn’t the time to undersell yourself or be plagued by impostor syndrome. Don’t ask, ‘Why me?’. Instead ask ‘Why not me?’.
Mars and Chiron meet in your house of status and public image (29th). You could find yourself in a leadership position, spokesperson a or have other,rs taking note of what you have to say. In an area of life that matters to you. Don’t necessarily think of this as connected to your career – although this is your house of rep and ambitions. This can be linked to anything you have heavily invested in. Your relationship, your home, family or even a cause or area of expertise.
What you know, your position on this and your ability to be seen as someone brimming with authenticity and follow-through, is what matters now. Your stance, message, presence, and ideas could go even further.
Back to the ‘Why not me?’ thought. Chances are others doing what you may be thinking about doing don’t necessarily have more knowledge and/or talent than you do. If you are waiting for someone’s ‘permission’ to do it, stop there. The only difference between you and those who do it may just be they simply have more brazen confidence. You may even do it better. But the only way you’ll find out is to now – well, Just Do It. Mercury and Uranus fused in Uranus’s ruling 11th may provide that extra ‘Why not?’ push. Or take something existing further for you. They who dare don’t just win this week. They also get noticed.
In a nutshell: Thinking you’re not ready is a way to avoid failure and success, Cancer. Just take it: You’re done with the excuses. You’re up for putting yourself out there. And in waiting for someone else to say you’re ready, take it: You are.
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (11th to 9th)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (10th)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (11th)
If you’ve a goal there’s more than one route to it
Experiment with alternatives
Don’t imitate – innovate
You’re prepared to go that extra mile this week, Leo. Especially when it comes to getting those ideas out there. Or those moves you want to make. If you find yourself blocked – you’re willing to take an alternative route – a radical detour if necessary, to ensure you get where you want to be.
Mars and Chiron fuse confidence and daring experimentation in your 9th of big moves, opportunities and freedom. You will certainly not sit back and let life pass you by. Your willingness to try something new or go out on a limb if needed, is fuelled by your desire to have something or make it happen for yourself.
Your independent, warrior spirit shines bright. And you are also willing to experiment and innovate regarding your results. If you seek backing for something – now is the time to make your approach. Edgy, innovative thinking sees you blaze a trail. In both your own personal ambitions and any you may hold professionally.
This is your time to redefine what bold looks like. And you get to write the rules. Pushing out into new areas that feed your soul growth should be your over-arching goal this week. Mercury’s meeting with Uranus in your 10th (31st), gives you the chance to get yourself noticed or claim the recognition you’ve been striving towards. Yes, to get there you may try something unconventional. But being like nobody else out there is the secret to your success.
In a nutshell: Mars and Chiron in your 9th adds up to you not taking no for an answer. The secret to your success is your ability to pivot if needed. Or to seek out alternative ways to overwhelm those goals.
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (10th to 8th)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (9th)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (10th)
The only way is to try
Reap the rewards of your daring
Expectation + action = freedom
This week’s star turn is the meeting between ruler Mercury and Uranus. For many of you, this may be a far more pivotal meeting than the Jupiter/Uranus collision of last month. That’s because your ruler is involved this time around. However, something which you kick-started or began back then may get a green-liggreen light,ear you’ve been successful.
Brand new potential lies ahead of you. The question is: Do you dare go live it? It is time to broaden your horizons and big up those experiences, Virgo. And yes, for some this may mean suddenly being turfed out of your safety zone. Unpredictable and sudden change often calls on us to reach for a new set of tools or solutions. Or try something we would normally shy away from attempting. But we’re willing to roll the dice if we feel we have nothing to lose.
You may well dare to experiment, spin that Wheel of Life and see where it stops this week which also brings you a Mars/Chiron conjunction in your change sector. Mars rules this house and sign in your chart. It’s extra potent while in here. While Chiron has you looking at just what you could get away with if you tried. You may come to the conclusion there’s only one way to find out – and that’s to dare to do it. Take it the odds are very much in your favour if you do.
In a nutshell: You’ll tend to get results that exceed your expectations this week. Of course, you have to set something in motion first. Colouring outside the lines – and in bolder tones, could see a brillant outcome.
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (9th to 7th)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (8th)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (9th)
You asked – the universe answers
Love could be your surprise
You want change – but are you ready for it?!
Let’s have a heart-to-heart moment, Libra. Just between friends. You must admit there’s something you’ve wanted to change for a while now. If not to others then certainly to yourself. And yes, it may have seemed daunting, impossible, or even downright crazy and brave to contemplate it. Let alone actually do it. You may even have breathed a secret sigh of relief that while you’d like it to happen, it is downright impossible or improbable that it will. So, you don’t have to do it. Not today anyway.
But just when you thought it couldn’t or wouldn’t, or that day would never come – it does. Expect the unexpected and perhaps for what you’ve hoped for and feared in equal measure to happen this week as Mars and Chiron meet in your 7th. Love could be the ultimate twist in your tale.
Just take it that this is in answer to what you’ve wanted and have been consciously or otherwise, asking the universe to fulfil. Embrace it free of any remaining worries about what you will do or whether or not it will disrupt others. Quite frankly, if you’ve been wanting it but dreading it too, the latter only springs from your desire to maintain the status quo and not upset other people. It has nothing to do with your ability to run with it. And do also ditch feeling guilty over it as well.
If change sweeps you up and away this week, it is because you’ve been stuck. And that secret longing is really all about escaping THAT. The Mercury/Uranus meeting in your 8th (31st), points you in a new direction. One that offers growth and evolution. Keep in mind that anything that’s built to last is coming with you. But what holds you back isn’t. Freedom feels oh-so-good.
In a nutshell: Mars and Chiron increases your desire for change. Are you ready for when it appears, Libra? What you cosmic ordered or been focussing on, responds. Now you know the power of those thoughts!
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (8th to 6th)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (7th)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (8th)
Love differently
Celebrate authenticity
Let go of perfection. It just has to suit you perfectly
Do different, think different, make that different choice this week. And above all, embrace different, Scorpio. Your differences and those of others.
A wise friend in Los Angeles once said to me: If you wait for the perfect friend you remain friendless. If you wait for the perfect mate – you remain mateless. Now, we all have our deal breakers. And we should never compromise our core values. But this is a wonderful week to love the quirky crazy unique things that make you so unique. And also those in others. The more you love your eccentricity and authenticity, the more you appreciate what unique qualities other people bring to the table. You don’t have to share all the same interests and opinions to be perfect for each other. So long as your values align.
Someone enticing, exciting and ,yes,, perfectly imperfect may cross your path now. It may not be a lover. It could be a friendship, a co-worker or boss, a collaborator. They may be unapologetically and unashamedly themselves and revel in what makes them different. Their role could simply be to make you love your own unique traits more.
Don’t judge a book by its cover this week. Don’t reject someone because they are not your usual ‘type’. And don’t take anyone in your life for granted either. The Mercury/Uranus meeting in your 7th (31st) could see a relationship spinning in a new and different direction. A sudden chance meeting or a conversation that takes an unexpected turn opens up a different worldview or outcome. Love is loving different. That’s perfect now.
In a nutshell: The surprise could be your own take on what adds up to attraction and compatibility. You may just love someone because they are different. But you still share what really matters. Get a taste of unrestricted, indefinable love.
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (7th to 5th)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (6th)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (7th)
The dream is in the details
Go bold or go home
What won’t you do for love?
You don’t do boring or repartition even at the best of times, Sag. You’re a brilliant, broad strokes visionary. The details? Those are for others to work out. You’re off in pursuit of the next big idea.
Mercury is in its ruling 6th house. It rules the fine print, the proof-reading, the minutiae. If signing contacts this week, do read them carefully. Don’t be in a rush and do be certain of what you are getting into. If in any doubt at all, get professional advice. Especially if signing on the dotted line means you are agreeing to something long term.
Although details are for dudes, don’t skim over them. One visionary idea could be your ticket to success. You need to make certain everything is correct and give it your best shot on the 31st when Mercury and Uranus act as your platform. Check, recheck – then launch.
The highlight of the week for you is the Mars/Chiron meeting in your 5th. That attention span of yours is taken up with big, bold and brazen plan that allows you to shine or fly free. Which is why it may be all too easy to ignore the small stuff. You’re at your most outgoing, optimistic and also magnetic now. Your 5th is after all, one of your houses of attraction. The more you dare, the more you attract back in kind. This is a week to do it in the name of love. And the details, Sag. And one thing I can promise you – your results won’t be boring!
In a nutshell: Jupiter in your 7th bigs up the desire for that love experience. While Mars and Chiron in your 5th push you to new levels of fierce flirtatious daring. But don’t allow pleasure to distract you from taking care of the details, Sag.
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (6th to 4th)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (5th)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (6th)
Connect to your people
Search for your place
Go in search of your love
We are family! Just who or what comprises that – or doesn’t, could see these dynamics in focus as Mars and Chiron meet in your 4th (29th). If you share DNA of the genetic kind but not the soul kind with your actual family, you will go in search of the relatives who share the latter. Sudden and surprise changes could impact on your home, lifestyle and living conditions. A surprise decision to move for instance. Especially if once again, you feel no real sense of connection to the area or neighbourhood you are in.
The fact is, you may be feeling restless and seeking what answers that. You are willing to go in search for it. It is a week of surprising twists and turns. Of revelations and awakenings to your real needs and what fulfils these. Not just in terms of what underpins your life. But in loving, doing what you love, friends, mates and what you create.
A skyrocketing alignment between Mercury and Uranus occurs in your 5th on the last day of May. Life and possibly love, changes direction for you in an exciting way. Something new enters with a big fanfare. The offer or opportunity is impossible to ignore. You just have to go with it. There’s fireworks happening around a lover, news, that following and even children. Is it that younger lover who entices? That chance to showcase your work? Perhaps you are expecting a child or your grown up child moves out – handing you your freedom. What you imagined impossible or off-limits now invites you to explore its deliciousness. It’s all about the places, the people and the things you love that move your soul this week.
In a nutshell: Don’t be afraid to strike out in search for the place or the people who can sustain you, Capricorn. Love or doing something you love may have seemed an impossible dream. But now it feels all too real.
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (4th)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (5th)
Watch for the green lights – steer clear of the amber/red
Sudden changes contain hidden benefits
Go in the direction you need to take
You of all signs live the Uranus rule: that there are none. Except Uranus’s manifesto which is always ‘Set me free!’. Take it liberation is on its way this week. But how this transpires may be in a way that initially takes you by surprise. And has you thinking on your feet.
One door may close suddenly just as you were about to walk through it. This has you scrambling around seeking alternatives. And being willing to look at these has you discovering something so much more suited to you. Which you would have missed if Option A had not been taken off the board. Go for the Greenlights.
This could well be one of those weeks where what looks initially like a set-back is in fact a blessing in disguise. Hey – you of all signs know how Uranus in all its unpredictability, always has your best interests close to its maverick heart. Prepare for home and lifestyle changes and renovations, moves and freedom around your living arrangements and family dynamics as Mercury and Uranus move in together in your 4th (31st).
The other wild card element in the sky this week is the Mars/Chiron conjunction in your 3rd. It tells you the time for procrastination is over. You know what needs to happen. If someone else represents a situation that is unmoving – as in you want changes and they don’t and no amount of persuading works, then you could come to the conclusion you have to act in your own best interests. And if there are others involved – theirs as well. No matter what, this all adds up to a liveable and liberating change.
In a nutshell: Ruler Uranus always offers liberation. News that reaches you this week opens the way. Even if it initially looks like one path is closed off. If this happens, look for the green light in an unexpected direction.
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (3rd)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (4th)
Take it to the next level
Trust your gut – you’re ready
Protect what’s priceless
Ideas which are grounded in practicality and fit for purpose flourish this week. You could also be looking at an offer on the table Pisces. Mercury rules contracts and commerce. Its angle to Saturn in your sign from Mercury’s ruling 3rd could see you signing on the dotted line. And committing to taking something forward into your future.
Everything you do or take on board this week is likely to enhance your future in some way. Even if to others, it may seem like you are making a radical or unusual choice. The more conservative amongst your family and friends may voice some concerns. But provided you have done your due diligence, and your gut is telling you this is the right path for you, then act with confidence. It’s always important to remember that often when others voice their reservations, they are coming from a place of caring rather than trying to hold us back. And what is right for them may not be right for you. It’s your right to choose what that is. And this week gives you the freedom to do just that.
The Mars/Chiron meeting in your 2nd (29th), could signal a change in how you earn your money, a fresh new source of it (which you have engineered), or a major shift in your priorities when it comes to where you direct your precious resources. Not just your cash but your time, your love, your abilities.
You see your passion as a priceless asset and one you’re not about to just give away. The fact is – it’s not finite. And what you do have to give needs to be invested in something or someone worthy. That may be the point you need to get across when it comes to that decision. The right choice for you this week is the one you are willing to keep investing in for the long haul. And the one that breaks you free into something so worthy of your love.
In a nutshell: You have an innate sense of what the right choice for you is. So, don’t allow others to sow seeds of self-doubt. Yes, they may be coming from a place of caring. But take it you know what’s right for you.
28 May 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
29 May 2024 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (2nd)
31 May 2024 Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (3rd)
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