Weekly Astrology May 8th 2023 for All Signs – Self Care

Draw on the bank of cashed-up self-worth!
Rewards flow from the past
Enter into the great cycle of abundance
Surprise developments, evolutionary twists and rama lama karma ding dongs spin you around and down a new permanent path this week! We are also now days away from Jupiter exiting your sign and moving into Taurus and your 2nd. Which will allow you to go large when it comes to that self-worth, and should also see your income increase along with this.
However, for now, don’t take any risks with your money as the Sun and Uranus meet in Taurus on the 9th. The reason for this is that Taurus rules the markets – which is why we talk about ‘bull’ markets. But there is the opposite – bear markets too. Uranus awakens and electrifies. It could show us that what we have held on to and thought priceless isn’t actually worth that much at all. Of course, this can be an idea or a value. A path as well as a possession. This meeting tells you not to get too attached the plans – they may change.
Uranus always has our evolution in mind while Saturn does the great karmic accounting. Unlike Uranus, when Saturn is involved, nothing ever happens ‘out of the blue’. It operates by Old School rules. It gives us fair warning. So, in your 12th – come on – you had a sneaking suspicion this was coming as retro Mercury in your 2nd angles to it (12th) and then to Venus in your 4th on the 13th. This is the same day as Venus will make its first, important angle to Saturn in here. So, rewards from the past could feature for many. But again, while it may come as a surprise on one level, it could be what you’ve been working towards, or hoping for, all along. Either way, it’s part of the evolution and freedom cycle that’s beginning with the arrival of Jupiter next week. More than money can buy you, Aries. And still more in your Lucky Jupiter 2023 forecast.
In a nutshell: What appears this week is a direct result of past actions and choices. Karma always pays it forward. This can appear in the form of material gain. But just as easily in a lasting intangible benefit which ends up being worth far more. You’ve earned it, Aries!
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (2nd)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (2nd to 4th)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 12th)
What goes around comes around. That’s karmic ‘currency’
Rewards and recognition are on offer
What the soul wants – the soul wants
Think of all the karmic metaphors you can this week, Taurus. Cliches exist for a reason. Because they have been proved to be true. What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. Pay it forward. Actions we take and choices we make have consequences. If not in the moment then at some future date. Ahead of Jupiter’s arrival in your sign next week, that pay day could be this week, Taurus.
If you’ve worked for it, karma pays you out in interest. Saturn is all about the ownership however. The hard work. The responsibility and the investment. There are no short cuts with Saturn. First we have a meeting between the Sun and Uranus in your 1st on the 9th. And here’s where something that your soul has been longing for – for potentially a long time, can no longer be suppressed. A point where your fate pivots and you surge ahead down a fresh path of evolutionary and soul freedom!
Don’t hesitate, Taurus. Take that momentum and pedal to the metal. You are already feeling the Jupiter effect – arriving next week!
The retro effect drawing up those past rewards is all down to Mercury which sextiles both Saturn in your 11th and ruler Venus in your 3rd across the 12th – 13th.. News is on its way related to what’s been accrued, your path and past efforts, your long term goals and just all the good karma you’ve created, Taurus. If you’ve been waiting for that pay day – it just caught up with you. Now, be ready for a better, bolder, brand new cycle from next week onwards!
In a nutshell: Ahead of Jupiter’s arrival in your sign next week, Uranus and Saturn deliver on a pay day promise to you. With news or an offer which signifies all the karmic credit you’ve accrued. The universe pays you in interest by releasing you onto your soul path, Taurus!
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (1st to 11th)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (1st to 3rd)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 11th)
Take a higher road towards success
Path, passion and purpose fuse
A moment of illumination sets you free
Discover your higher purpose and plug into your reward system, Gemini. You are days away from Jupiter’s arrival in your 12th. And ahead of this have important and soul-validating transits occurring in this house. The kind that tell you that inner voice was the right one to listen to all along.
If a course correction is needed, don’t despair. During Jupiter’s 12 month stay in this house, you will be offered one. Right now, illumination, radical truth, satisfaction, validation and even financial rewards could be on offer. Thanks to your retro ruler’s angles to Saturn in your 10th (12th) and Venus in its ruling 2nd (13th). This is a wonderful window for climaxes, conclusions and to receive. Open your core to abundance. Anything that has been getting in the way of that – you will now see it for what it is. As you could suddenly appreciate an underused talent or resource you have as the Sun and Uranus meet in your 12th (9th).
Saturn in its ruling 10th wants you to stay true to what is true for you. No more wavering, Gemini. You can have so many ideas, so many options or paths you could explore that like a true polymath, you dilute your focus (and diminish your rewards), simply because you are capable of so much. The secret to success with Saturn now in your 10th is one superpower at a time. Go for your main one, work that. You can branch off later. If you follow this simple rule, then you will not only know you ARE living and working your purpose, but will receive the recognition and material goodies you’ve been working towards. The trine between Venus and Saturn on the 13th could just be your first down-payment on what is, a 2.5 year cycle of personal and professional progress. Focus first, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury retrograde in your 12th has you examining your past. And seeing whether it still measures up when it comes to your soul growth, passion and purpose. You’ll keep what is timeless and relevant. And release back to the cosmos what no longer is, Gemini.
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (12th)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (12th to 10th)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (12th to 2nd)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 10th)
Circulate and radiate!
Get ready for your runway moment
Don’t hide yourself away
Are you ready to put yourself out there, Cancer? With the massive planetary party happening in your social sector about to be gate-crashed by the ultimate ‘Let’s get this party started’ planet Jupiter next week, and Venus in your sign, this is no time to stay home or be shy.
Shake a fabulous tail-feather, grab your glad rags and sashay into fabulousness. This is your runway moment. Know what you are seeking is also searching for you. You just need to make it easy for your orbits to cross. How do we do that? Well, not by being a boxset hermit, that’s for sure.
Do accept all invitations. Especially those of the last minute kind. Or any which take you to places you have not been before or would not normally think of visiting. Because in new worlds, different circles and groups, your future lies waiting. Don’t get too attached to one goal or outcome either. When we do that, we close ourselves off to all the other (and possibly better), options. As the Sun and Uranus meet in Uranus’s ruling 11th, (9th), keep in mind that whatever we can dream up for ourselves, the universe can go one better.
Usually we are aligned with our fate by surprising events which put us on a different path. Hence the need for non-attachment when it comes to those plans. Saturn now in your 9th represents a new and structured kind of freedom. It’s not about escapism. But reality. Someone could appear from your past across the 12th -13th when retro Mercury in your 11th touches Saturn and then Venus. This could be well worth you retaking that lost path.
The cream of the week’s transits is the trine between Venus and Saturn (also 13th). A door is opening to a new world to explore. This can be a topic, a group, a place, a role and come in the form of someone who offers entrée to it. Perhaps it doesn’t look exactly like you thought it (or they) would. But the key to maximising this week’s future re-booting opportunities is not only to let go of ideas or outcomes, but also not to judge a book by its cover. Angels and opportunities arrive in disguise this week.
In a nutshell: Venus in your 1st isn’t a transit for staying backstage or shunning the spotlight, Cancer. Combined with a stellium of planets in your social sector, this is about being close-up ready – and ready to mingle!
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (11th)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (11th to 9th)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (11th to 1st)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 9th)
Stay connected to your certainty
Don’t settle for what dulls your shine
Write your own success story
You are one of those signs filled with surety and fuelled by shining self-assurance. Usually you know exactly what you want. Provided nothing occurs to dim your light or knock you off-kilter, this ability to know exactly what is and isn’t right for you, is what leads you to getting it. If however, the basic out there cause you to give into self-doubt, you end up unhappy. Especially if this leads you to opt for anything you deep down know isn’t what you really want.
Never settle, Leo. That’s the lesson you need to keep in mind. Those who hold out, almost always end up with either what they wanted – or something better. For you settling snuffs out your inner fire, and creates deep unhappiness when you feel you should in fact, feel the reverse. And wastes your time, love and talents. You may even be looking back to when you fell into this trap in the past. And if so, do take on board what you have learned from that. And without blame, forgive yourself and move on. Just don’t do it again.
Retro Mercury aligning to Saturn in your 8th just emphasises you’re now way beyond settling. And smarter than that. Its angle to Venus (13th) is all about how far you’ve come. Stand by for rewards, illumination and above all, a determination to hold off unless the price is right as ruler the Sun meets Uranus in your 10th (9th).
Anything that detracts from your self-worth, inner peace, knowing intuitively what is and isn’t right for you, is out the door as Venus aligns to Saturn promising self-directed, empowered choices and change. Stick to what you know in the deep recesses of your soul, is right for you, Leo. And don’t even dream of settling for anything less.
In a nutshell: You are days away from Jupiter’s arrival in your sector of public image, career and status. Time to big up those ambitions. You know what this means, Leo? No longer punching below your weight. Or simply settling for what basic says you should!
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (10th)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (10th to 8th)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (10th to 12th)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 8th)
Reality bites – and rewards
Watch for what is below the horizon
Dream a dream of love – but bring it down to earth
Love which truly serves you. And which frees your soul even as you go deeper into a commitment is what Saturn in your 7th and a plethora of planets in your 9th is all about.
You are now days away from Jupiter entering its big love ruling 9th. The first time you will have experienced its no limits, expansion and opportunity creating generosity for 12 years. Now, some traditional astrologers may tell you that Jupiter’s barrier crushing, access all areas, go boldly vibe is going to be tempered by Saturn now in your 7th. Not so. These two can work together once you a) get clear on what you want and b) become your very own Buckaroo Banzai and understand: wherever you go, there you are.
There is no running away or escapism. And that’s not true freedom anyway. Sooner or later, reality catches up. There is no rescuing or being rescued in relationships. Just the real deal on love. Do you already have that? Congratulations. If you don’t, stop looking for it in all the wrong places this week. And do use all due caution if travelling as the unexpected can and will occur due to the meeting between the Sun and Uranus in your 9th (9th).
Ruler Mercury is also retroactive in your house of long distance travel and foreign affairs of all kinds. Don’t be tempted to buy online unless you have done business with them in the past. And as Mercury aligns to Saturn (12th) and then Venus (13th), even if the site looks legit, again, do check it is what it is. If it’s a UK or well known brand claiming to be running an 80% off sale, contact the brand off their main site or FB page to verify before putting those items in your cart.
Others can see someone or something important returning and if so, ahead of Jupiter’s arrival next week, you actually can and should give it or them serious consideration now. Best day of the week for love revivals, reunions with friends or meeting someone who has the potential to become an important part of your future is the 13th with a truly beautiful ‘Put a ring on it’ alignment between Venus in your 11th and Saturn. Don’t look to escape. Run towards what’s real.
In a nutshell: With Mercury still retrograde in your 9th of long haul travel and foreign dealings of all kinds, take extra precautions travelling or even ordering on-line. Barriers to progress are about to be removed. Just wait a week, Virgo!
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (9th)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (9th to 7th)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (9h to 11th)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 7th)
Dress for success
How high can you fly?
Get ready for a beautiful transformation
Ruler Venus is busy being your best advocate this week. Enhancing your public and professional image. Boosting your self-belief. And ensuring you don’t sell yourself short when it comes to those ambitions, Libra. Be they related to your career or your goals in love.
Your 10th doesn’t just rule your ability to attain. And your public image. It also rules your relationship status. And the status of your partner too. Look to planets in your natal 10th house. Or where the ruler of your 10th house is in your chart. This will tell you a lot about your ability to achieve. And also how high your partner is capable of soaring. And how far you can climb together.
This week allows you to come across as the right fit when it comes to that position. Be it the head of the boardroom table or someone’s #1. Do your due diligence if applying or interviewing for any position now. And yes, in the early stages, dating is honestly nothing but an interview for the most important role in our lives. Change in your status on some level is in the air. You are days away from Jupiter leaving your 7th and entering your 8th. Ahead of this the Sun and Uranus collide offering an electrifying change around money, status, position or yes, your love life.
Retro Mercury in here angles to Saturn (12th) and Venus (13th) – another reason you should have done your due diligence and research. Do dress for success and to be taken seriously this week. Go classic and classy. Ditch trendy or too obvious no matter the situation you are interviewing for. Craft your message as someone to be not only taken seriously, but says you are a keeper as Venus and Saturn align. The results will speak for themselves.
In a nutshell: How high, butterfly? Unfurl those wings and soar this week. Success setting aspects and powerful and beneficial transformations are on offer. Above all, look the part whether you’re going for that job – or that position as someone’s #1.
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (8th)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (8th to 6th)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (8th to 10th)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 6th)
Ready for bigger, wilder, bolder love?
What still stands between you and what you want?
Make your move!
Ready for a bigged-up love experience, Scorpio? Jupiter is just days away now from entering your 7th, Ready or not, here comes Fat Cupid. Jupiter’s 12 month stay in here should hand singles at least one serious contender for your deeply sensitive and loyal heart. Take down any remaining barriers to you getting the love you know you deserve ahead of this.
Your card in the Tarot to keep meditating on in the coming year is the 8 of Wands. This card is linked to Jupiter and the next door sign of Sagittarius. The wands are often said to represent Cupid’s arrows. The other interpretations are movement – hence the link to travel, fast moving and positive situations coming in. Expansion and the return of optimism and confidence. So, if you have felt stagnant, stuck or restricted – especially around relationships, expect break-frees, breakthroughs and break-outs, Scorpio!
Ahead of Jupiter’s arrival these can arrive this week. Unexpectedly and with resounding clarity. You receive a call to adventure. Or see a path no longer holds true as the Sun and Uranus meet in your 7th (9th). If something is past its Use-By date it will be swept aside to make room for something new.
The general retro rules apply no matter which house Mercury is backwards in (your 7th). Its angles this week to Saturn in your 5th (12th) and Venus in your 9th (13th) could see a lost love return. Or open the way to you reclaiming a key piece of your past. However, do keep in mind that unless something now revives without you having to push to make it happen, it now needs to be consigned to the past.
Your best day for serious, future options and the kind of love and experiences which expand your soul, fill you with inspired possibilities or lock in love for the long term is the 13th and the alignment between Venus and Saturn. Romance could take a serious turn. Your creativity unlocks an opportunity for you. Returning to a place, a hobby or recapturing a lost aspect of your soul sets you up to open up to receiving more. Saturn doesn’t turn off the joy. It simply grounds it and makes it real.
In a nutshell: Ready for evolutionary, heart starting love? Or a journey of discovery around something you love? Jupiter is now days away from arriving in your house of duos, duets and double acts. Time to tango, Scorpio!
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (7th)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (7th to 5th)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (7th to 9th)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 5th)
Work that practical magic for breathtaking results
Be the innovator and creative thinker in your own life
Kick start that future!
Ruler Jupiter is on the move as of next week. Leaving behind your fabulous 5th. And bringing you big everyday magic when it comes to mining every ounce of joy from your day job (paid or unpaid), studies, wellbeing and routine.
A better way of working. One that liberates, innovates and ultimately frees you will be on offer. As will more energy. If you have wanted to switch to a four day week, hybrid or remote working, or even set up a side hustle, this week lays the foundations for that to happen. Home and property matters, your roots and working for home also factor in to this weeks innovate and can-do, must-do transits.
The Sun and Uranus in your 6th bring you a much-needed and even radical approach to how you work and spend you day. You inject innovation and the ability to bring blue sky thinking to bear in ways that see you working freer as well as smarter. You’ll do whatever it takes to accomplish this. Even during the Mercury retrograde in here. You can plan even if you don’t yet act. Redesign your lifestyle and your working day. It is time to update that CV or LinkedIn profile now. Redesign your website. Draw up that business plan.
Beautiful change is in the air around money and income stemming from all these areas thanks to not only Mercury angling to Saturn (12th) and Venus(13th). But the trine of the times between Venus and Saturn also on the 13th. You may commit to making changes around your living arrangements, lifestyle, work life, business ideas which hand you more space, time and that all-important sense of freedom. Without sacrificing quality or your ability to get the job done. Satisfaction, recognition and yes, rewards too, could be on their way. Declutter to make way for the Jupiter effect this week.
In a nutshell: Sending those roots deeper or commitment is what frees you now. As will taking care of the everyday business of living. Living is a full-time occupation after all. And ruler Jupiter is about to hand you the tools to live it larger – and better, Sag!
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (6th)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (6th to 4th)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (6th to 8th)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 4th)
Gather your feedback – it could be valuable
Go by insight
Are you ready to say ‘Yes’?
Do take any feedback you receive seriously this week, Capricorn. But only if it a) comes from a source you trust or b) comes from multiple sources all saying the same thing. You can’t afford to ignore it now.
The truth is not ‘out there’ somewhere. But demanding to be heard and taken on board this week. So, whatever you hear, even if this is old news or you’ve heard it all before, do stop and ask yourself why you are hearing this again or right now? Because there is a good reason.
Ruler Saturn in your 3rd is all about that blue tick when it comes to what you are told. And also what you say in return. You will leave others in no doubt about your intentions. Or that you mean what you say now. If surprising news or a revelation comes your way this week, this is something you need to know. And if this is an offer or invitation – go with it as the Sun and Uranus meet in your 5th on the 9th.
Mercury retro in your 5th can serve up lovers past. But also as it angles to both Saturn (12th) and Venus in its ruling 7th (13th), which could equally see a replay of something you heard in the past but may have ignored or dismissed. Again, if this occurs, you do need to listen seriously.
Long term commitments can be made however. You enter into a era of promises to keep and serious offers extended. Between you and another as Venus aligns to Saturn also on the 13th. Proposals, offers, acceptances and agreements feature. Are you ready to say Yes, Capricorn? Use the information you have to hand to make the best possible choice. There’s no going back on your word. That answer’s a keeper and determines where you go from here.
In a nutshell: Ruler Saturn delivers the unfiltered, un-redacted truth this week, Capricorn. It’s about what you need to know. If it comes from more than one source you trust, don’t ignore the facts. Love wants to know if you are all in – or the opposite? It’s a commitment either way.
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (5th)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (5th to 7th)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)
Get the keys to living large
Sea changes, tree changes, me changes open up options
What simply adds value?
Are you ready to expand your space or your lifestyle, Aquarius? You are days away from Jupiter’s Grand Design for your home, family or living arrangements. This will involve anything and everything from changing rooms to relocations to what adds or enhances your sense of security – physically, materially and emotionally. Property dealings will feature during this cycle and many of you will upgrade your home. Jupiter offers a key to a new door during this cycle.
Ahead of this, ruler Uranus knocks as it meets the Sun in your 4th (9th). This could bring a surprise change around where you live or around your family which sets a move or expansion project in motion. Mercury is retro-active in this house and sadly, we cannot rule out reversals either. That buyer backs out at the last minute. Someone changes their mind. If this occurs, do understand that no matter the inconvenience in the moment, this is because something better is on its way.
Where you belong takes on new significance. If somewhere from the past is calling you back, you may think seriously about returning as Mercury aligns to Saturn in your 2nd (12th) and then Venus in your 6th (13th). Working from home, relocating because of work is yet another element in play. Take care of business and do what needs to be done. There are rewards on offer as Venus aligns to Saturn in Venus’s ruling 2nd also on the 13th. A better paying job, or lifestyle that simply adds value on a soul level is on offer. It’s not just about material gain but emotional prosperity. Make the latter the take-out you aim for.
In a nutshell: Sometimes a no-frills approach and simply focussing on what really matters is what hands you that rich feeling. And sees you living better. Focus on what’s most valuable to you. And ahead of Jupiter’s arrival in your 4th next week repeat after me: There’s no place like home. Or what you make it.
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (4th)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (4th to 6th)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 2nd)
Your time is precious – so don’t waste it
Those who ask receive their answer
News, an offer, what you hear – puts a new spin on your future
There’s a twist in the tale or even the facts this week. But don’t worry, you’ll arrive at the truth or know what action you need to take, Pisces. All courtesy of Saturn’s surety and certainty in your sign.
Revelations, surprises and offers you didn’t expect leap out of your inbox or what you hear puts a new spin on something as the Sun and Uranus meet in your 3rd on the 9th. Your first reaction is the correct one.
You are now days away from ancient ruler Jupiter showing you just how far your ideas or a conversation can take you when it too lands in your 3rd next week. So, what you hear or are told this week, is really a prequel to that. It could well be news you have been waiting on due to Mercury retro in here. Which angles to both Saturn in your sign (12th) and then Venus in your sector of all things glowing and fabulous (13th).
Maybe it’s you doing the asking this week. And yes, you not only need to know the answer. You want the answer. Saturn in your 1st is all about knowing where you stand. And also no time wasting. You and it are too precious for that. That’s the Saturn surety at work again. So, being upfront about what it is you want and asking the other party what it is they want plays a role in you getting it. If you are interviewing or pitching for business, ask for the job or business at the end. If you are dating, ask what the other person is seeking and lay your cards on the table. That way, neither of you wastes their time. If you are in a relationship and need more – that promotion at work, that promise from that significant other, it is time to be direct and ask for it. You’re ready to commit, Pisces. So make sure they are too.
In a nutshell: With Saturn in your sign its time to realise you are your most precious asset. And you don’t have time to waste it, Pisces. If you have an unanswered question, then it’s time to ask away. Whatever your answer, it was always going to be that.
9 May 2023 Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (3rd)
12 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
13 May 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer (3rd to 5th)
13 May 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 1st)
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