Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs May 9th 2022

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs May 9th 2022
Begin a new cycle of flow
Big up those goals
Time to be totally, authentically and absolutely YOU!
12 years in the waiting – which we know you don’t do Aries, and Jupiter arrives in your sign on the 10th. Along with fellow fire-sign Sagittarius (which Jupiter rules), your mantra usually is ‘Instant gratification takes too long’. Sure, Jupiter gets that. And makes the wait worth it because it is now set to deliver.
However, what it does bring at the start of this cycle may be something you have been waiting on or that missed opportunity. This is down to Mercury which throws a full reverse in its ruling sign of Gemini and ruling 3rd house in your chart the same day. You’ve also the Sun’s meeting with the North Node in your money zone on the 13th, putting you at the top of a karmic waitlist now when it comes to your cash, prosperity and cosmic ‘currency’ – in other words – the flow into your life. So, the arrival of Jupiter in here can see you almost immediately bring one cycle to a conclusion and enter a new, more satisfying one.
Jupiter will remain in your sign until October when it will retrograde back into your 12th to return again in December. Making the most of it without the wait involves you ensuring that you come across as the most authentic, natural, unfiltered, charismatic and honestly fierce version of you that you can imagine you can be. Give Jupiter your glorious truth to work with and as you showcase all about you, watch it do the rest via the people, opportunities, solutions and sheer bold luck you seem to attract. No more waiting involved, Aries.
In a nutshell: The wait is over, Aries! After 12 years Jupiter arrives in your sign this week. The bolder, brighter and more brazen your personal message now – the bigger the benefits will come your way.
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (11th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (1st)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (3rd)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (2nd)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 11th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
Reclaim those dreams
Retake the missed pathway
Step into soul freedom
Reawaken ambition and the desire to own your path, Taurus. Reclaim the dream or goal you lost along the way. Turnaround, bright eyes and head down the path you really wanted to take. Where you have ended up is not your final destination if you are looking around you now and not liking what you see.
Second chances and course corrections are on offer now Jupiter reaches your 12th this week. This occurs on the same day as Mercury retrogrades in your 2nd (10th). It will now be heading back towards your sign. With the planet of opportunity and expansion in your house of the past and U-turn Mercury this basically adds up to you reclaiming something you might not have wanted to let go of in the first place. Or simply see the return of an opportunity you missed out on. Sometimes we have to go back to move forward again.
The Sun’s meeting with the North Node in your 1st on the 13th points to the end of one cycle and the start of a new one for you. This has its roots deep in your personal destiny now. The universe may offer you a course correction if you have wandered too far off the one you were supposed to travel. The Sun and Neptune offer a high level of connectedness when it comes to friendships on the 15th while asking you just how serious are you about those ambitions and achievements? This week is all about re-framing the past or retaking a path. Of owning that soul purpose. It has to be meaningful for you, Taurus. If is the one you are already on, you’ll feel that sense of satisfaction and power of purpose. If it’s meaning you seek, you can backtrack to the junction where you and what mattered diverged. And head down in with fresh purpose.
In a nutshell: The path not taken calls you to consider re-exploring it this week. One major cycle comes to an end as another begins. What resonates still within your soul deserves reawakening. Answer its call, Taurus!
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (10th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (12th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (2nd)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (1st)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 10th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 11th)
Time for a relaunch
Refine that message
Goals get injected with new glimmer!
Ruler Mercury reverses in your 1st on the 10th, Gemini. I won’t bore you with the retro rules or how to work them. You wrote them. What I will say however is that the upside of this allows you to refine, rejuvenate and revise your look, appearance, style, brand, image or presence. Rebrands and relaunches are some of the best ways you can show yourself extreme self-care during this retrocycle.
You have entered preparation time for your new cycle in any case now. Your ruler reversed just throws more emphasis on this. As does the Sun and the North Node in your 12th. Stepping away from the past, shedding what you no longer need, healing past hurts, showering yourself with self-forgiveness and others with release allows you to ditch old patterns and walk into the future lighter with your soul shining once more.
As for that future – it’s yours to craft! Jupiter’s arrival in your 11th the same day as Mercury reverses tells you to revive a dream. The rule with Jupiter in here is to make three wishes and to expect at least one to manifest during its transit. Because of the retro weather, this is the time to look back and to preface Crowded House ‘Don’t dream it’s over’. This cycle which lasts until October and then again in December taking you on into ‘23. For now, concentrate on friendship and contact revivals. Once the retro is over expect that social orbit to increase. Be on the look out for go-getting, adventurous types who open you mind as well as doors. Spontaneity rules so be ready to head out in the direction of that dream at the drop of a hat, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury slams on the retro brakes in your sign this week. But you won’t allow that to stop you when it comes to going after that goal, Gemini. There’s a new path opening up to an old wish. Make it anew this week.
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (9th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (11th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (1st)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (12th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 9th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)
Revise that direction
Don’t settle for ‘Having it all’ – have what you really need
Write yourself a new kind of success story
The path not taken is oh so tempting this week. But does it still contain what you want or need, Cancer? Measure those goals for relevance and ask yourself those questions around what it is you really, truly want as Mercury reverses in your 12th and the Sun meets the North Node in your house of the future.
Pro tip: Nobody can have ‘it all’. And if you did get it, if you think about it, you wouldn’t have time to enjoy ‘it all’ as there are only 24 hours in a day. You would literally run out of time and if you tried to experience ‘it all’ you’d end up exhausted and also strangely unsatisfied too as your time spent on each thing got reduced to a taster session of everything on offer rather than really immersing yourself in what really mattered to you.
So, keep this in mind as Jupiter lands in your status and achievement sector this week. It’s been 12 years since Jupiter was last in here. Yes, it offers you a potential boost up that ladder of success. But also the opportunity to ‘big up’ your ideas around what success means to you. This may, when you look deeper, be very different to that ‘having it all’ concept.
Maybe your goal is to spend more time with your kids or pursuing a hobby you love. But you have a demanding, high pressure job. Having ‘it all’ therefore isn’t possible. But having what truly matters is what true success is for you now. And Jupiter will hand you the means to have it. Maybe this is a less demanding but satisfying career path which frees up your time. It could be the kind of rewards that allows you to pay someone else to take care of mundane tasks like cleaning so that when you are free, you focus on what really matters. Or simply Jupiter releases you from the hard work of feeling that you have to do so much all the time. You no longer care the house is messy as something now has to give way for a more satisfying priority. Whatever your idea of success is, it should be having what is most important to you. Jupiter is offering exactly that now.
In a nutshell: A new cycle of success beckons, Cancer. Taking it may involve a backtrack and looking at what you are really working for. It may be more than material rewards or what money can buy you. Go for the priceless emotional take out.
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (8th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (10th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (12th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (11th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 8th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)
Time for a No Limits approach
What is yours returns naturally
Aim big for ‘22
Just like fellow fire signs Aries and Sagittarius, you don’t play the waiting game, Leo. However, Jupiter’s arrival in its ruling 9th this week could show you that some things are worth the wait. It’s been 12 years since Jupiter was last in this sector of your chart. It will remain in here until October when it briefly returns to your 8th for one final visit, before heading back to your 9th in December.
How far will you and can you go during this cycle? That’s very much self-determined, Leo. Travel, especially the long distance kind is very much on the agenda now. As is anything which expands your experience. Your inner explorer awakens now and demands a new star to chart a course by. This desire to reach for something bigger could ignite a career dream just as easily as a personal one as this week also sees your ruler the Sun align to the North Node in your 10th. Find your passion, path and purpose.
Don’t be surprised however if the direction you initially head off in takes you back instead of forward. The 10th also sees Mercury active its retro thrusters in its ruling sign of Gemini and your house of the future. Sure, the usual Retro Rules apply and double if you are traveling at this time. But also on offer could be an opportunity to re-take a path or a second time around opportunity presenting itself. There’s a saying: Your blessings have your name on them. The start of this cycle could see someone or something boomerang back to you proving just how true this is.
In a nutshell: Jupiter’s arrival in its ruling 9th in your chart means expansion, luck and opportunity. You begin a bold brazen journey infused with excitement and exploration. Plus anything destined to be yours has the habit of returning all on its own, Leo.
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (7th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (9th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (11th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (10th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 7th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)
Follow those desires
You want what you want for a reason
Take a walk on the wild side!
What does money truly buy you, Virgo? Hopefully your answers are ‘Choices’ and ‘Freedom’. You can also add ‘Experiences’ to that list as Jupiter enters your 8th this week. Jupiter in here wants to empower you by giving you more resources to use and utilise. It also hands you the ability to set boundaries if needed, know your worth and tap into a deep well of self-confidence which may have eluded you previously.
This translates into being able to own your needs, ask for what you want, expand your ideas as to what that is, and also be unafraid to move on if you don’t get it. There’s no more settling or even procrastinating when it comes to the actions you know you need to take now. You face everything with an optimism and sexy fearlessness. And yes, this is your house of hot sex. Jupiter can big that up too.
You are being invited to take a walk on the wild side now. Take that ‘No holds barred’ or ‘No more procrastination’ approach and do whatever needs to be done now to bring you more intensity, more passion and to clear away anything that restricts or confines now. If facing something head-on has you shaking in your shoes – feel the fear and do it anyway. Ruler Mercury retros on the same day as Jupiter lands in your 8th (10th). This occurs in your house of status and career. It is also where you get to ‘author’ your path and future. Its asking you if this is an authentic reflection of you? If so, rewards you’ve been waiting on could appear. If not and you worry about what others may think, time to understand if you can only be true to one person, that person needs to be you, Virgo. That’s what working personal power like a boss looks like now.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury slams on the brakes in your career sector. While Jupiter enters your house of sexy, self-empowerment. Time to re-examine what you want and why you want it. And head out in the direction of desire, Virgo!
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (6th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (8th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (10th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (9th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 6th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)
Get ready for bigger partnership potential
What returns could be sweeter the second time around
It takes two now, Libra!
It’s all about the marriage you may have made, or the partnership choices you may take in the future this week, Libra. Togetherness rules or alternatively, consciously uncoupling from any double act that no longer defines you. And if you are faced with exiting any duet now, you can do so with grace and in the knowledge that you may not be solo for long now Jupiter arrives in your 7th from the 10th.
Jupiter in here is the ultimate matchmaker intent on making that match for you on some level. Whether this is in love, business, friendship or via an activity or collaboration. Whatever direction you want to go in, it tells you that you need a traveling companion now. And your horizons broaden or the possibilities increase when you double up. If something is no longer working, it may now be time to release both of you to explore fresh possibilities. There is also an element of past loves or opportunities in play. Or simply returning to a point in the past where you made a decision about who to go forward with. And now make a different choice this time around. Mercury retro in Jupiter’s ruling 9th along with the Sun’s meeting to the North Node in your house of shared assets tells you – what goes around comes around. And what comes around again could be sweeter the second time around.
Look to what you need for the future by applying the lessons you have learned from your past. In this case with others. Maybe you didn’t ask the right questions from the get go? Maybe you let things slide or ignored those red flags? Or maybe there was the ‘one that got away’? Whatever it is, love takes you on a Back to the Future moment at the start of this cycle to deliver what you need today as we head into June, Libra.
In a nutshell: Jupiter arrives in your partnership sector this week bigging up the potential around duets, double acts and duos in a way you’ve not experienced for 12 years, Libra. Get ready to embrace the Power of Two now!
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (5th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (7th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (9th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (8th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 5th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)
Change brings the kind of love you need
Show that routine the love
Juice up that day for big benefits
One cycle ends and another begins this week. The Sun remains in your 7th of duos, double acts and duets of all descriptions and meets the North Node in here on the 13th while simultaneously squaring Saturn in your 4th and sextiling Neptune in your 5th on the 15th. Time to get real or serious about something between you and another or as Carlos Santana tells us ‘Just forget about it’. You and that boo could celebrate a milestone or commit to the next stage. This could even involve a close working relationship for others. Change is in the air now and without it – well, nothing improves.
Make your intention healthy grow whether this is in love or any other activity. Jupiter hands you everyday magic, boosts your energy and has you working smarter not harder when it arrives in your 6th on the 10th. This is the same day as Mercury reverses in your 8th. And don’t forget, Jupiter is now in Mercury’s ruling house. So, attend to the business of really living. This isn’t about only doing that at weekends or the couple of weeks a year you spend on holiday. It tells you to make the changes that bring you some form of this everyday. Not ‘someday’ – which we know never arrives.
So, if changes need to occur in a relationship – talk about them with your boo. Juice up your work life. Give what you love to do equal priority to what you have to do. Where can you get creative and strike that balance? This can be a grand redesign of your life on every level. A project which takes you through to October and which you can recommence or adjust again in December. It simply gets you living and loving on a grander scale.
In a nutshell: Small stuff is actually big stuff now Jupiter lands in your 6th of day job and routine. Time to tap into everyday magic and joy. Designing a better work/life balance delivers big benefits in other areas. Work it, Scorpio!
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (4th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (6th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (8th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (7th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 4th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)
Get an Access All Areas pass to your personal pleasure dome!
Luck and love are your superpowers
Be the force of attraction in action now
Welcome to your own personal Xanadu, Sagittarius. The pleasure dome is open and what’s more, you have an Access All Areas pass to it. What’s on offer? Well, personal experiences designed with your definition of what you love in mind. By all means think of this as a cross between Aladdin’s cave complete with Genie lava lamp, Santa’s Grotto and a visit to Disneyland. The sparkle is on between now and October and then again from December thanks to the arrival of ruler Jupiter in your fabulizing 5th.
Naturally enough, it is all up to you to set the energy in motion simply by entering. Of course you could stay home and stream binge but that’s not you anyway, Sag. And it would be an awful waste of the amazing luck and opportunity laden cycle you’ve waited 12 years to experience.
All this takes place the same day as Mercury retrogrades in its ruling sign of Gemini and your sector of partnerships – past, present and those potentially to come. So, rewriting the stars or reviving a love may play a role now before launching fully into new beginnings. Parenting, babies, children, adult children, those younger than you or even a lover who could turn you into a parent or step parent will feature during this cycle. If you are single and seeking, expect your ruler to deliver at least one serious contender for your wild heart.
In the meantime, no matter your status, it’s time to follow the yearnings of your wilder side. To express yourself fully, authentically and creatively. To know luck and attraction are following you like heavenly bodies caught in your orbit. And to expect travel, good times, getting noticed for all the right reasons and effortless solutions all experienced with a heady dash of hedonism and good fortune. If you feel you have missed out on something, the start of this cycle could deliver a second chance. The pleasure dome is open for business. Think of this as your personal department store of possibilities, Sag.
In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter lands in your fabulizing 5th of romance, creativity, fun and pleasure. Luck is on your side in any venture now, Sag. Time to take a chance on love again – or doing what you love.
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (3rd)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (5th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (7th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (6th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 3rd)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)
The time is right
Let go of stuggle
Enter a bigger living experience
Everything has its own timing and the universe is too big for us to push around or hurry up. Saturn your ruler rules time after all. This week sees it meet Vesta in your 2nd while the Sun in your 5th collides with the North Node on the 13th. Phil Collins said it: You can’t hurry love. But when its time for love (or anything else for that matter) it happens. So, let go of any impulse to hurry things along this week, Capricorn. A little surrender plus simply enjoying where you find yourself right now, goes a long way to delivering happiness.
Chasing or pushing may get you nowhere now. This week tells you if it’s meant to be, it is. And if it’s not, then all the rushing and effort won’t have any effect. Mercury turns backwards in its ruling sign/house in your chart on the 10th – your 6th. Plus there’s an extra special dose of what is meant to be or simply wraps you up in good vibes promised by Jupiter’s arrival in your 4th also on the 10th. Don’t be tempted to start anything new or chase down that dream. This especially applies to property, moving, your job or signing important papers. Instead appreciate that where you are or how things are in the present moment are exactly right. Look to anything that returns without effort as yes, the timing is now right for you to have it.
Jupiter should bring you solutions, enhancements and expansion around home, lifestyle, family, emotional satisfaction and path ownership during its stay in here. But sometimes moving experiences begin with simply taking the time to smell the roses and give up the chase temporarily at least. And to know that if something does return or turn up now, the time is exactly right for it to do so, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Jupiter’s arrival in your 4th of home, family and security ushers in a grand design for living, Capricorn. Above all this week, don’t rush or push things. Chasing down a dream or struggle won’t work. Surrender allows flow to return once more.
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (2nd)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (4th)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (6th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (5th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 2nd)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
Define your own path
How far can an idea take you now?
Big up that message
Down to earth, down to home. There’s an element of what you have invested in over the long term, your support structure (physical, material, emotional), and what you do for others in play this week. Vesta always brings up gender politics and meets patriarch Saturn in your sign this week. We also have the Sun in your home centered 4th square Saturn, sextile Neptune and conjunct the North Node too. Are you expected to fit into a given role or continue it based on your gender identification? Or do you feel your contribution or what you do is diminished as not quite so boss as what someone else does – again, based purely on gender?
Time to shake this up and even escape this if it has become confining or restrictive. As Mercury heads backwards in your 5th look to where you are not allowing yourself time for pleasure or expression. Above all, look to where you have lived up to the expectations of others rather than your own. This week tells you a big change is on its way.
You don’t get much bigger than Jupiter changing signs. The planet of fortune, opportunity and expansion enters your 3rd on the 10th. It’s been 12 years since its last visit in here. In focus now: trade, the internet, short journeys, siblings, neighbours, writing, publishing, speaking, study, teaching and yes, starting that conversation. What you say, getting behind your message or intention, crafting a new one and above all acting on your ideas can free you and take you further.
Remember, Jupiter is in Mercury’s ruling house in your personal chart and Mercury is retro. So, this means starting this fresh cycle but taking care of outstanding business and having that talk you may have been putting off. Above all, Jupiter represents freedom and always brings the opportunity to attain just that. So, don’t put up with confinement now based on anyone else’s ideas or expectations. Rule your future again and join the escape club this week!
In a nutshell: Escape restriction and confinement this week. Jupiter in your 3rd invites you to join the escape club but initiating a conversation or acting on an idea. The internet is your playground as is your neighbourhood. Get exploring now.
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (1st)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (3rd)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (5th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (4th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 1st)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
Join the new rich list
News you have been waiting on arrives
Join the soul revival
Jupiter leaves your sign this week, Pisces. But don’t worry. The planet of solutions, luck and open-handed opportunities will be back for a final visit in October! Jupiter now cashes up that self-worth and should be offering you ways to feel richer and more abundant now it arrives in your 2nd on the 10th. Don’t just limit your thinking to money however. Yes, Jupiter in here can boost your income and earning power. But the benefits it offers can be emotional or intangible too. From the appearance of someone who has your back to valuing yourself more, Jupiter invites you to get that rich feeling.
What soothes and sustains you or provides you with a sense of security forms part of your support system. You may be enhancing this as the 10th also sees Mercury retrograde in your 4th. Just be aware that if you are seeking to move home, this is not the time to do that unless a) it cannot be helped or b) a home you missed out on reappears on the market.
In fact, revivals, returns and reapplications could feature as could the arrival of news you were waiting on. Because Jupiter’s move into your 2nd coincides with Mercury retrograde in your 4th, there’s a second time around or delayed gratification aspect to all of this. This could see you being offered something you missed out on or even hearing from someone you thought gone for good. As the Sun and North Node meet in Mercury’s ruling 3rd, if something returns now it could be in for a serious resurrection. Or just shows you that you can’t miss out on what was destined for you in the first place.
In a nutshell: Ancient ruler Jupiter leaves you sign this week and lands in your money zone. It’s about a fresh sense of soul worth as well as your bank account. Time to get that rich feeling back as abundance and flow return, Pisces.
May 9 2022 Vesta and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (12th)
May 10 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (2nd)
May 10 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Gemini (4th)
May 13 2022 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (3rd)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 12th)
May 15 2022 Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
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