Weekly Astrology November 20th 2023 Forecast for All Signs

Go big and don’t stay home
Boost your self-belief
Crush those restrictions and demolish those barriers!
With the Sun and power planets moving into your 9th this week, the timing for big, bold, brazen moves is here, Aries! You feel a surge of sexy self-confidence beginning on the 20th with the Sun/Ceres entanglement in your 8th. Power moves and power money could well feature. Along with that feeling that there’s nothing out there you can’t conquer or tackle.
Ruler Mars is in its ‘other’ ruling sign – Scorpio, as well as its ruling house (8th) in your chart. We say Mars is in its domicile. That means Mars is at home in Scorpio. But in a slightly different way to it being ‘at home’ in your 1st. As Mars meets with Ceres on the 23rd, this is about your money, what you are entitled to, win/wins as opposed to compromises, and if needed, a redistribution of power within a key relationship. Above all, its about self-belief in the limitless power of YOU, Aries. From the bedroom to the boardroom – you need to know you own it.
Restrictions can be demolished. What holds you back – crushed. Self-doubt – dissolved. You change things up or simply transform something in a way which offers you more freedom as along with the Sun (22nd), Mars (24th) and then Ceres (26th), switch signs into your all-expansive 9th.
There’s a sense of satisfaction accompanying this energy change. Many of you may simply be congratulating yourselves on acting with perfect timing. You waited for the right moment. And you now add up (in some cases literally), the benefits of this. With the planets now in your house of travel and opportunity, waiting for the right moment is a theme you can continue to perfect.
Mercury enters retro-shade in your 9th from the 25th. The usual weather warnings are now in place – especially if you are travelling. But what this tells you is that after the scorching intensity you’ve just experienced, things now slow down and change pace. Of course, you may be quite happy to down-shift. However, when it comes to that timing, remain attuned to it and grounded when it comes to what you can and can’t push forward further with. You’ve come so far, Aries. And there’s even more rewards on offer. If you’re prepared to wait.
In a nutshell: Self-belief and faith in your own inner power is a limitless resource you can call on. Know you have everything you need to get anything you want or anywhere you need to go, Aries. Crush those remaining barriers and free yourself from self-doubt – for keeps.
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 10th)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (8th)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (9th)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 10th)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 12th)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (8th)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (9th)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 12th)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (9th)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (9th)
Passion pivots and love is reborn
Share what’s truly fuelling those feels
Nothing but the truth in relating
Your annual love and partnership peak comes to a climax (no pun intended), this week as the Sun, Mars and Ceres exit your 7th. First however, we have two key conjunctions pointing to new deals or win/wins within one particular partnership. Existing or emerging. Love pivots. Or you do when it comes to your relating perspective.
Hone those communication skills as the planets move into your 8th. Starting with the Sun on the 22nd, then Mars (24th) and finally Ceres (26th) taking up power positions in your dynamic and sexy 8th. Is it time to say what’s on your mind, Taurus? Part of this energetic shift may see you expressing your deep need for healthy boundaries. Especially if you’ve had some difficulty setting these in the past. That’s not to say you expect things all your own way. You’re opening up dialogue in the spirit of cooperation and also listening. As you are aware is not just your healing and journey we’re talking about. But the other party’s as well.
Power on as relationships can now deepen and go to the next level. This is your house of transformation and regeneration. Time to know how much you are worth and are worthy. Of love, respect, sovereignty. And of the truth. As is the other party. So, as Mercury begins to slow in here from the 25th in preparation for Retro 2.0 next month, share the gift of what’s on your mind and truly makes your heart beat. You and the other party have plenty of time for that back-and-forth which leads to better insights all round. You reflect and refine what you have to say. And also deepen your understanding of what others say in return. The truth defines and empowers you, Taurus. Share this deepest form of love communication.
In a nutshell: Enhanced understanding of your own needs leads to you wanting to know more about where others are coming from, Taurus. You’re coming from a fresh sense of openness and willingness to craft that win/win. The truth is your starting point for a change in love perspective.
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 9th)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (7th)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (8th)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 9th)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 11th)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (7th)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (8th)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 11th)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (8th)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (8th)
Be the love you want to embrace
Return to what really relates
Free that scchedule
Your ruler getting retro shady just as the Sun, Mars and Ceres turn up the heat in your partnership sector? Double love jeopardy, Gemini! Crank up that temperature and enter the hot zone where love sizzles and sparks. Rocket fuel propels all kinds of love dynamics forward. Hey – it’s all love, lover! Whether its a work connection, friendship or that collab. Mars in your 7th isn’t about love talk (unless it turns XXX rated). It’s about acting in the name of love. With Ceres wanting the win/win for you and another, or a fresh deal, even if you have no boo (yet), or are seeking to turn back the heat on an existing one, be the love you want to receive. That’s your starting point.
There’s something different and defining about this upcoming Mercury retro. It could see a return of a lost love. Your passion rebooted with that new attitude which results in – woo hoo, the ultimate payback with that revenge hottie! Yes, of course the usual retro rules apply. And you’ll keep them at the forefront of your mind as always, Gemini. But you’ll also use this period for a fresh take on relating. Attraction, dating, marriage and yes, reconciliation in some cases.
Satisfaction on the work front could precede this due to power moves by the planets in your 6th before they land in your 7th. Your energy and performance levels peak between the 20th – 23rd. Major inroads can be made into projects and goals – paid and unpaid. You fire up the pre-party season fitness regimen. That recognition or reward appears. You’re going to have others vying for your attention. So clear your schedule and tick off those tasks.
In a nutshell: The Sun in your 7th shines on duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions. There’s something different, dynamically exciting or more defining on offer between you and another. Whether it’s rebooted, existing or something new – it’s all love, Gemini!
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 8th)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (6th)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (7th)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 8th)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 10th)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (6th)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (7th)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 10th)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (7th)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (7th)
Come and get your new love deal
Pace yourself
No procrastination – just do it!
Your 5th house rules courtship (such an old-fashioned word but it conjures romance rather than simply hooking up – although it rules that too), pregnancy, babies, children, kidults, creativity, how you shine and glorious, unadulterated pleasure. The planets leave this hot zone this week but not before the Sun, Mars and Ceres all bounce off one another while in orb of Pluto in your 7th. There’s a transformation or fresh deal on the table with that lover, revivals, do-overs, recommitments.
If you and someone else have been circling one another for a while in a flirtation dance but it’s not gone to the next step, the Sun/Ceres (20th) and then Mars/Ceres (23rd) meet-cutes could give it the push it needs. Others discover new dynamics between themselves and their followers. Or their adult children. It’s as varied as pleasure itself, Cancer.
The Sun (22nd), Mars (24th) and Ceres (26th) all switch signs into Sagittarius and your 6th. As usual, you can expect to be floored with demands in the run up to the holidays and also your yearly partnership peak commencing on the solstice. So, think of those 5th house transits as preview time.
Pace yourself now but also – don’t procrastinate or let those niggly little tasks mount up. Otherwise you will end up feeling overwhelmed. Or feeling you are surrounded by chaos. You don’t need that kind of confusion dulling that shine, Cancer. It’s especially important to keep doing what you’re doing. In an organised and crush-it-one-step-at-a-time way. Mercury which rules your 6th enters shady time from the 25th. What I like to call Retro Lite. It asks you take a practical approach to whatever needs doing. Including health matters and self-care. After all, don’t you want to be shining bright and free of must-dos when the Sun lands in your lasting love sector? You know the answer, Cancer!
In a nutshell: A new dawn or better deal appears around love, children, adult children or what you adore to do, Cancer. But don’t neglect the small stuff or those must-dos as you bask in that glow. Tick off those tasks and free yourself for more important things.
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 7th)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (5th)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (6th)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 7th)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 9th)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (5th)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (6th)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 9th)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (6th)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (6th)
Attend to matters of the heart and spirit
Don’t be afraid to defer a goal
How are you working that force of attraction?
Your ruler the Sun is never happier than when it enters your 5th house. Except when its in your sign of course! However, you can always count on its transit through here as a second birthday season. What’s more, all the things you love to do, that boost that vibe and make you glow and shine – you get to big them up now. Go extra. Thanks to your 5th house being expansive and loaded with large Sagittarius.
Travel and holidays may be on the cards for many. Just be aware that from the 25th Mercury will enter retroshadow and then go to full reverse in its ruling 6th house before backing into your 5th again. That tells you back up plans and alternatives may be needed. Mars and also Ceres join the Sun in here. Turning up the dial on powerful, pleasurable experiences. Of course these include you in major centre stage mode. But you radiate a powerful, all-compelling magnetism. Yours is the force of attraction, Leo. Watch who or what you effortless draw to you just by being yourself.
Glow is your natural state now. Before the planets assemble in your 5th, you experience a major shedding or let-go in Scorpio and your 4th. So, think of releasing anything that dulls that shine or keeps that glow under wraps. It may be you have been dealing with a pile-up of tasks, responsibilities, feeling you have to wear so many hats and take on so many roles both at home and at work. Family matters may have loomed large.
As your ruler aspects Pluto (20th) and co-joins Ceres the same day and Mars and Ceres become the ultimate power couple on the 23rd, you’ll reassess and reprioritise. Saving for that long term goal, feeling you have to be constantly on and available – yes, all worthy and laudable But you’ll be examining whether it is worth the cost to you mind, body and spirit. You may not let something go, but you may defer, reschedule or strike a different deal over it. Yes, that goal is still in the distance for you. But you need to continue to shine while you head down that path towards it, Leo. So, ditch the overload and get the glow happening.
In a nutshell: The Sun’s arrival in your 5th always feels like an extra birthday season for you, Leo. And this week is no exception. However, looking closely at that schedule when it comes to a long term goal may be needed. Don’t be afraid to move those goal posts.
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 6th)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (4th)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (5th)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 6th)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 8th)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (4th)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (5th)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 8th)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (5th)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (5th)
You know you mean it. But do others?
Be the Magician of powerful intention
There’s no place like home
Hopefully others won’t make you repeat yourself or test your resolve when it comes to seeing if you actually mean what you say this week. Anyone who pushes back or crosses that line will be in for a wake-up call.
Yes, if you say it, you mean it. Your words are your intentions. And you’ll back them with the appropriate action if necessary. This is a week to sell yourself in. To that job, that following, that audience. You have the power of conviction and the strength of your ideas. Others may be rapt and hang on your every word. So use this superpower to your advantage be it in an interview, on a sizzling date, across your social media channels, that manuscript, business plan, screenplay. Pure intention is what fuels all endeavours thanks to angles and conjunctions in your 3rd aspecting Pluto in your 5th. Don’t waste words, Virgo!
Did you know your sign contains over 2,000 galaxies? More stars are in your sector of the sky than almost any other. We know this thanks to the Hubble Classic telescope. So, your sign is one of billions of possible home planets. Far, far away of course. Time to focus on where home is for you on this one as the Sun, Mars and Ceres all move into your 4th house this week. After having your words worth, you now follow these intentions up with focus on your path, where you want to be and how you want to be living in the coming year.
Ruler Mercury gets a little shady in here from the 25th. What will occur is that it will move into your 5th and then head back into your 4th before going direct again. This allows you a rare opportunity to revise and refine anything and everything from removals to renovations, family to your support structures in general. You can take your time with this. Yes, there’s no place like home, Virgo. And you get to define where that’s going to be.
In a nutshell: If anyone doubts your meaning you won’t mince words this week. You’ll simply act leaving them speechless. Time to redefine where and what home means to you. How you want to live – and where, offers expansion and freedom as opportunity knocks.
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 5th)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (3rd)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (4th)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 5th)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 7th)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (3rd)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (4th)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 7th)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (4th)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (4th)
Processing your past pays off for your future
Maintain the purity of your focus
What’s your big idea?!
If money has been the hold up – or a money issue in general, get ready for a powerful solution this week. Understand that this may not come in the form of cash. Although that possibility exists but through your own efforts. It can also occur via you rearranging your priorities and redefining what is and isn’t important to you. Your time, love, talents – all are valuable. Sometimes simply rearranging how we spend or utilise these releases the very resources we needed. Look to how you can accomplish this on the 20th (Sun/Ceres conjunct) and 23rd (Mars/Ceres conjunct).
Hone your focus and make one idea, path, plan, goal your priority as the Sun (22nd), Mars (24th) and Ceres (26th) move into your 3rd of communication, commerce and getting around. If you spread yourself too thin, scatter your energy or try to juggle too many balls at once, all that will happen is you will feel exhausted and no area will deliver on the vast potential which surrounds you.
Big ideas beckon. You have the ability to complete or drive home one project or plan which fires up your soul. That’s how you choose it, Libra. It’s that idea which keeps nagging you or which when you think about it, gets you all fired up. Many of you may bring a discussion or project to completion now. Others may use the upcoming Mercury retro energy (it’s in retroshadow in here from the 25th), to revise or refocus. So, you have until the end of January to do this. Consciously process the results of what you have done in the past. And the value of moving something ahead for the future. All you need is one big idea to move you ahead, Libra. I could say let the right one in. It’s already knocking.
In a nutshell: Potential and opportunity swirl around you this week. But to take full advantage of this you may have to re-prioritise your resources and focus on just one goal, project or outcome. Powerful results are yours when you hone your vision and channel all that creativity and power!
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 4th)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (2nd)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (3rd)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 4th)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 6th)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (2nd)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (3rd)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 6th)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (3rd)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (3rd)
Explore your sacred link to abundance
Allow yourself to be seen, valued and appreciated
If someone says it can’t be done – you prove them wrong!
Ain’t no stopping you now – you’re on the move and in the groove this week. Yes, the Sun may be exiting your sign on the 22nd. Time to embrace your fierce, full power, phoenix. Especially on the 22nd when both your rulers align.
There’s a sacred link to abundance and receiving you’re able to channel this week. Your divine ability to embrace the new and what wants you is enhanced. We are hard wired at birth to receive abundance. But so often life disconnects us from this. It’s restored for you as the Sun in your sign (20th) and then ancient ruler Mars (23rd) fuse with Ceres. The upcoming month is all about a reset on your ability to receive. Not just opportunities, gifts and cold, hard cash. But precious intangibles such as assistance, love and emotional support. The more open you become, the more flows to you.
The Sun, Mars and Ceres all move into your 2nd and you see their transits through your sign were merely to open you up to receive more. Your abundant core blossoms and opens. It is the season of giving but also the season to receive too. Again, this may not appear in material guise. It can be you allowing yourself to be valued, seen, appreciated and supported. And in you having the courage to let go of any connections which no longer offer that.
Mercury in your 2nd is slowing down. Asking you to re-focus on your values and also the value you bring to your connections too. This may be up for discussion all the way into the new year. Mercury will move into its ruling 3rd house where it reverses. And then returns to your 2nd before heading direct again. Be prepared to renegotiate and continue to open yourself up to more.
In a nutshell: Blockages to abundance are removed this week. You align yourself with your divine right to be treasured, appreciated, loved and supported. Open up to receiving now, Scorpio. Time to know you’re worthy of more. And embrace that.
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 3rd)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (1st)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (2nd)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 3rd)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 5th)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (1st)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (2nd)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 5th)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (2nd)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (2nd)
Bring the magic, don’t wait for it
Make that easy choice
Happy birthday, Sagittarius!
Vast potential that’s been swirling around you for the past month is activated and propels you forward into your fresh cycle this week. With not only the Sun but also Mars (24th) and Ceres (26th) in your sign, sitting around waiting for the magic to happen, isn’t likely, Sag. You ARE the Magician in the Tarot. The catalyst that begins the chain reaction.
The lead up to the Sun’s arrival sees you very clear on what you need to do or where you need to go next. There’s been a massive shedding and release ahead of the planets changing signs. Either something can be reformed, transformed or renegotiated. Or you let it go as Ceres align to the Sun (20th) and Mars (23rd). If you’ve been paralysed by uncertainty, fear of making the wrong choice, lack of faith in yourself, you’ll ditch that too. The decision you make or action you take is powerful, obvious and surprisingly easy.
You are heading into one of the best years you’ve experienced in a long time for love and partnership matters. Ruler Jupiter is due to arrive in your 7th of long term, lasting love in ‘24. It’s been 12 years since it was last in here. Big up those expectations around what you believe Fat Cupid can deliver. You know the rules, Sag – no small dreams allowed.
This week also gifts you with room for manoeuvrer and time to refine if needed. Looking at whether you need something different. Or even to move somewhere different. Mercury’s shady slowdown in your 1st from the 25th, works in your favour. It will enter your 2nd and then back to your sign during its full retrograde. So, do use this to continue to explore what still works. And what asks you to think, act and dream different. Continue to ask questions of your soul, gather information and think about what you need to really love and thrive. You’re not procrastinating. You’ll know when to act, Sag and release all that potential for real results.
In a nutshell: Your birthday cycle frees you from the spiral of indecision and uncertainty. If there’s a choice to be made, it turns into a big easy for you. You’re freshly minted and reborn. Does this mean you need something new and different? Don’t be afraid to state the old simply won’t do it any longer.
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 2nd)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (12th)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (1st)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 2nd)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 4th)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (12th)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (1st)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 4th)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (1st)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (1st)
Know when to be the life and soul – and when to leave the party
Reflection leads to release and a recharge
Reset your priorities
So many choices. So much to do. So little time, Cappy! You’re in demand this week. Do keep a diary and don’t lose track of where you are supposed to be and when. Above all, don’t over-commit out of a sense of FOMO either. Quality not quantity needs to fuel those social interactions.
The party season for you may already be in full swing thanks to a full house in your 11th up until the 22nd. Yes, you may feel you can burn the candle at both ends. But when the planets begin to shift into your 12th, you may then find it all starts to catch up with you. You need reserves to stay the course to avoid greeting your birthday season with burnout. Be choosy as to which invitations you accept. And don’t be afraid to be the first to leave if you feel you’ve had enough.
Looking at how much time you have left to invest in your goals may also dictate your social agenda. Something may be burning away inside you to accomplish, launch, do or complete. Again, this may lead you to saying no on occasion. Set your strata of importance and stick to that.
The Sun (22nd), Mars (24th) and Ceres (26th) all shuffle into your 12th this week. Yes, you are now at that time of annual reflection and release ahead of your birthday cycle. This week may show you what needs to stay and also what needs to go. Or at least give way to other priorities. The 23rd and 25th highlights this very clearly. Saying no – to others or even on occasion, to yourself, hands you power and also the reserves you need for what really matters. To keep heart, body and soul topped up in the next month – don’t be afraid to be discriminating, Capricorn!
In a nutshell: No, you can’t party across the multiverse, Capricorn. You do need me time and you do need to pace yourself. So don’t even try to be everywhere and everything to everyone all at once. Be picky and also – know when to leave.
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 1st)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (11th)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (12th)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 1st)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 3rd)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (11th)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (12th)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 3rd)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (12th)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (12th)
Show you’re The Right Stuff
That traditional playbook shows you the steps to success
Take care of business before play
Take care of business. Clear debts. Pay bills. Deliver on projects and promises this week. Above all, be cooperative especially when dealing with bosses, managers or authority figures of any kind. This isn’t the time to revert to your signature default setting of colouring outside of the lines, Aquarius. Not if you have a particular result in mind and need the cooperation of any of the above. Or gatekeepers in general.
Bring your best, boss game as Ceres meets the Sun (20th) and then Mars (23rd) in your status-setting 10th. Something you have been working towards can see you recognised and rewarded. You realise your potential. Someone who appears remote, powerful and even a little intimidating, opens a door for you. Turns out they have been taking note of all you’ve done for a while. Here’s your validation.
A job well done means you get to step clear of serious as the Sun (22nd), Mars (24th) and Ceres (26th) shift into your All Aquarian, All the Time 11th house. Now you can celebrate, circulate and party and what’s more – you know you’ve earned it. The festive spirit flows early.
Get ready for a revival as Mercury throws some shade in here from the 25th. It won’t shift to full reverse until it reaches your 12th. At which point it will return to your 11th once more. Old acquaintances could be renewed and even past lovers reappear. You return to that familiar stomping ground. Revive that goal. Even as you’re ready for something new. 2024 brings you the next stage in your evolution here, Aquarius. For now, simply enjoy all you’ve already accomplished and the company you’re keeping.
In a nutshell: Someone you thought stern or remote turns into a surprising ally this week. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, Aquarius. Do play by the rules and deliver on what you promise however. After which – party on with a clear conscience!
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 12t)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (10th)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (11th)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 12th)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 2nd)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (10th)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (11th)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 2nd)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (11th)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (11th)
Be sovereign
Don’t be afraid to dictate the pace
Change up those perceptions
There’s a lot of dynamic, powerful energy around you this week, Pisces. And this could coalesce in the form of one particular person or relationship for you. How powerful, independent and sovereign you feel when in their company is the important factor now. Do you feel equal? Or are you allowing them to call the shots too often?
If this is a lover – whether potential or a current one, don’t be afraid to set the pace. They may be truly lovely but also they may need you to occasionally put in strong boundaries. The funny thing about them if this is the case, is that they will respect you more if you do. They don’t like pushovers or for things to be too easy. No, this isn’t game playing. This is you asserting your right to self-determination and mutual respect. Watch for who you’re dealing with – be this a personal or professional relationship across the 20th – 23rd when Ceres in your 9th meets the Sun and then Mars.
The 22nd onwards sees the Sun and then dynamic duo Mars and Ceres move into your 10th of career and public image. There’s a fresh success story in the re-write stage now. Or it could just be you determined to be taken more seriously by those close to you. Look to any disconnects between how you may be regarded or treated at work or in your profession, and how you are seen and perceived within your family or your personal life.
Money and rewards are on offer. As is the ability to change course or how you are regarded as Mercury begins to slow in here in preparation for retrograde next month. You can adjust the vision others have of you in any way you want now, Pisces. Allow your serious side full authority. Achieve, attain, adjust.
In a nutshell: Explore the sovereign state of Pisces. How comfortable are you working your power or with ensuring you get the R.E.S.P.E.C.T you deserve? This week explore the power and the kind of success setting your boundaries or your own agenda brings you.
20 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 11th)
20 Nov 2023 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (9th)
22 Nov 2023 Sun enters Sagittarius (10th)
22 Nov 2023 Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 11th)
23 Nov 2023 Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 1st)
23 Nov 2023 Mars and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (9th)
24 Nov 2023 Mars enters Sagittarius (10th)
25 Nov 2023 Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 1st)
25 Nov 2023 Mercury retroshadow begins in Sagittarius (10th)
26 Nov 2023 Ceres enters Sagittarius (10th)
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My New Tarot Deck
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It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
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