Weekly Astrology October 2nd 2023 Forecast For All Signs

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Intuition gets validation

Say it anyway – but always with love

Real world moves bring real results

Grounding energy brings you a truth telling moment. Your intuition is validated. The facts speak for themselves. There’s no hiding from them. Hopefully you have held on to the lodestone of your gut feelings. And not taking refuge in delusion, making excuses for someone or hanging on to false hope.

We’ve experienced many Mercury/Neptune oppositions since Neptune entered its ruling sign of Pisces. That’s because Neptune moves slowly and is retrograde almost 50% of the time. While Mercury moves fast. So, this week sees both planets in their ruling signs and ruling houses in your own chart on the 2nd. You’re either the one sharing what you think or the facts are simply laid bare.

It’s time to act, for practical, pragmatic and grounded boldness, Aries. This week’s Grand Earth Trine (across 2-3) is about real world moves, working with what you have and the satisfaction and success that comes when we do. The Grand Trine hooks in Pluto back in your 10th telling you if you’re willing to come from a place of realistic personal empowerment and a desire to do the right thing in the right way, the results of your long term efforts arrive.

Mercury is on the move shortly afterwards, bringing the love talk, agreements, flirtations and enchanting conversations to partnerships in Libra and your 7th. Satisfaction in so many areas is on offer this week, Aries. Be this in business and your career or the business of love. If the Venus retro had you feeling left behind, this is the week where you make up for all that lost ground.

In a nutshell: Truth or dare, Aries? When it comes to following through on insight you’re ready to go all the way. Keep it real however in all your interactions. From the 5th – you’re saying what you need to say – but with love.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (2nd to 6th to 10th to 2nd)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (7th)


Faith is your fuel

Take that leap

The heart doesn’t just want – it knows

You’ve got to have faith this week, Taurus. Faith in yourself and your own decision making process. Faith that your heart is leading you in the right direction – if you will just allow it. And faith that if you take that step off the plateau – like The Fool in the Tarot, you don’t fall – you soar.

You are a sign that likes consistency. And there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, this is one of your lost lovable and desirable attributes. But this also means you can cling to something that is long past its use-by date. Or become so befuddled with self-doubt that you end up doing nothing.

This week brings a call to action. And also connects you to heart-centered wisdom and determination. You instinctively know your impulse is the right one. Even if it’s taken you a while to arrive at this point. Yes, the universe has been nudging you to take that step for a while now. Asking you if you want your future to look radically different from your past? That’s the question as Mercury in your 5th opposes Neptune in your 11th. A two day period of enchanted moves and enhanced intentions follows as the Moon lands in your sign and links to Mercury and also Pluto in your 9th. What you’ve wanted or been putting off doing now calls to you with such emotional strength there’s no more ignoring it, Taurus.

Grasp that confidence and don’t allow it to waver. Take that leap of faith that this is the right move. It’s a step towards self-love and even the love you’ve been seeking from others. And no, history doesn’t have to keep repeating from here on in.

In a nutshell: Not a week to second guess yourself. Or become so frozen in self-doubt you end up doing nothing. Trust in what your heart is telling you to do. And place your trust in yourself and your own peerless ability to take that leap of faith.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (1st to 5th to 9th to 1st)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (6th)


Show compassion to those who can’t keep up!

Take that higher, more inspired path

The good times? Now they roll!

Quicksilver you happens to be way ahead of everyone else this week. Your reactions are lightning fast. Your ideas on the cutting edge of inspired. Of course, nothing much will happen unless you give this the critical follow-through, Gemini.

Neptune be slow while ruler Mercury be quick. To you, answers, solutions, the way forward – obvious. So you won’t have much patience with anyone who can’t keep up or whose mindset just seems stuck in the past. Do watch this around anyone from co-workers to family members as your frustration around the 2nd – when Mercury and Neptune oppose, could see you saying something that may be hard to take back.

Keep in mind we all evolve at our own pace. You may need to draw on tact and empathy to avoid hurt feelings. Or ruffling feathers at work. Minor cautions aside, harness that inspiration or prompt from your intuition across the 2nd – 3rd to bring about one of your most creative solutions yet, thanks to the Grand Earth Trine which includes your ruler in your 4th.

If you have been meeting with opposition from small, stuck minds, this transit slows you the way to go around them. And still keep them on side! Mercury arrives in your 5th (5th), boosting your yearly pleasure peak. It could well be after following through with that inspiration, you now have something to celebrate, Gemini. Others just realise its time to simply abandon yourself to romance and indulgence. Plus you are set to attract via what you say, share and send out. If good times are what you’ve been waiting for – now they roll.

In a nutshell: Delays are now resolved very much in your favour. Or simply opting to take your time over something turns out to be by far the most successful strategy. It’s also a week for making up for lost time in love, Gemini. The rest of us simply play catch up.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (12th to 4th to 8th to 12th)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (5th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Need proof? You’ll find it

Engage your 100 psychic senses

No stopping you now – you’ve got the groove!

Ain’t no stopping you now, you’re on the move and in the groove, Cancer. Mercury is in its ruling sign/house in your chart (3rd). And opposes Neptune in its ruling sign on the 2nd. Travel may feature for some of you. You will certainly feel the need to escape that routine and experience something a little more wild, wonderful and out-of-the ordinary.

Both your houses of learning are activated. For some of you, the extraordinary escape may come in the form of news or information that shifts your world view. And changes what you believe is possible. Messages from the ‘other side’? Proof that something or someone is ‘out there’? Entirely possible.

As well as enhanced psychic senses, do ensure you choose your experience carefully. Wanting something freeing is very different to craving escapism. Some kinds of escapism may be what you need. Fantasy, science fiction, that travel series. All trips you can take. But running away – not such a good idea.

Don’t run away and please, don’t feel overwhelmed, shy, fretful or filled with self-doubt as your ruler the Moon in Taurus and your 11th, triggers a Grand Earth Trine across the 2-3rd. This is a role, a moment, a group, an opportunity that is waiting for you to step into it, Cancer. There should be no hesitation on your part. The Moon links to Pluto back in your 7th and Mercury. This is also about the collective as much as it is about a one-to-one personal dynamic. Are you ready to meet it – or them?

Mercury lands in your 4th (5th), favouring deals and conversations around everything you hold dear. And yes, you may now welcome the recharge. If home is your escape route and what you yearn for, this is one you can take now.

In a nutshell: The missing piece of the puzzle or proof comes spinning out of the cosmos just when you need it, Cancer. Use this in a practical, success-centered way. Above all, don’t run away from the truth this week.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (11th to 3rd to 7th to 11th)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (4th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

The price of selling out is way too high

You + someone else – so on the same page

Do it your way, Leo

Of course being a team player is important, Leo. But there’s also a call out this week to do it your way. And to consider whether going another goes against your values.

Emotional integrity, the ability to deliver and above all, the need not to sell out, are fundamentals your soul relies on. To deviate from them results in guilt, unhappiness and over the long term, erodes your physical and mental wellbeing. You know you can’t go there, Leo. Or if you do, the price you’re going to pay. That cost is too high so don’t be afraid to show others where the buck stops around the 2nd when Mercury and Neptune oppose across the axis of your money/empowerment houses.

Now, back to the need to do it your way. Especially if this week sees you in hot pursuit of rewards or recognition. Mercury also forms part of a Grand Earth Trine linking your money zone with that of your career (Moon in your 10th), and work (Pluto in your 6th). This occurs across the 2-3rd which is right when that Mercury/Neptune opposition is happening. Which basically means knowing what you will negotiate on, what isn’t on the table at any price, and also being fearless when it comes to calling it how you and only you see it. Especially when it comes to those ideas around taking the right approach.

The right way, leadership and boldness combined with strength turns out to be your ticket to success. Mercury moves into its ruling 3rd from the 5th – indicating you and someone else find yourself on the same page. Or those original ideas find a welcome reception. All because you came from a place of certainty. And left others in do doubt about that.

In a nutshell: Asking you to sell your soul or deviate from your values is like asking your ruler the Sun not to shine this week. You know even the thought of doing this costs you. Do what’s right and do it your way – with pride, integrity and originality, Leo.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (10th to 2nd to 6th to 10th)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (3rd)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Make love real

No more Fix You’s

Ready to get wild?!

We all want the kind of romance dreams are made of and songs are written about. But at the end of the day, what we need is a love that simply works. The real thing. Ruler Mercury’s opposition to Neptune in your 7th shows you the difference between reality and fantasy.

If you are single, then Venus – now very much direct, is days away from arriving in your sign. Use this time to look back and be honest about where the fantasy simply didn’t survive the reality test. And why. If you are in something long term that is working – for you and the other party, you won the relationship jackpot, Virgo. Celebrate your connection. Feel the feels but test them against the reals this week. Remember, your feelings and loving actions need to be reciprocated in kind. Real love isn’t one sided.

Mercury is entangled within this week’s Grand Earth Trine along with the Moon in your 9th and Pluto in your 5th. Have you been thinking of love as an escape route? A fix as in either you rescue or fix someone or need someone to do the same for you? Pluto is in its end times in your 5th and is telling you that you need something far more empowering than that, Virgo! While the Moon in centered and earthy Taurus tells you that these fantasies solve nothing. The only person we can ever fix is ourselves. So if you feel you are the common denominator in an unhappily ever after story, here’s where you begin your re-write.

Others embark on a new journey via a love or someone who expands their relating experience. Watch for those with overseas links, larger than life or involved in academia, the law, mass media, transport or who asks you if you’re ready to get a little wild? Mercury leaves your 1st on the 5th and the great thing about that is you have no problem communicating when love doesn’t match the real value you put on yourself. You are the real deal, Virgo. So, don’t fall for anything less.

In a nutshell: Don’t fall in love with the fantasy, Virgo. You deserve nothing less than the real deal. If it’s lacking, self-love is the ultimate Fix You this week. The real thing could be larger than life. So, who needs the story book for a happy ending?

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (9th to 1st to 5th to 9th)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (2nd)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

You’re nobody’s fool

Wield the steel sword of truth

Cut to the chase!

You are a walking cosmic lie and BS detector this week, Libra. Like Superman you see straight through others. Piercing any veils of confusion, misdirection or even yes, downright lies.

Harness your intuitive prowess. And use it with precision and love to get to the heart of the matter as Mercury in your 12th opposes Neptune in your 6th. Nothing is hidden from you now. This ability to cut to the chase harnesses the very highest vibration of the energy depicted in the higher court cards in the Suit of Swords in the Tarot. When these people function at their best, we love them for their ability to cut away at what distracts and cut to the chase. They hone our focus and enable us to channel our problem solving abilities towards the core issue. Well, that’s you now. Just call this your superpower.

You can use this piercing insight for research, study and strategy to uncover the facts, as well as simply knowing right from the get go if someone is being truthful with you – or not. This week’s Grand Earth Trine (across the 2nd – 3rd) puts you in full possession of the facts. And the truth or those facts are about to shift a situation very much in your favour. Also, someone with these qualities could prove to be very much on your team this week.

Mercury lands in your sign on the 5th so whatever fact finding mission you are on or whatever is on your mind, you’re now in a mood to share candidly and without edit. But again, in your usual signature diplomatic style. Even if that means telling someone you know they’re full of it, Libra!

In a nutshell: No-one can pull the wool over your eyes, this week, Libra. You see straight through any attempts to deceive you. The agendas of others are laid bare and you unearth the facts with superhuman and uncanny precision. Don’t doubt those first impressions are the correct ones.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (8th to 12th to 4th to 8th)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (1st)


Does it still spark joy?

Love comes with lasting promise

Move into the truth

Truths are revealed around connections this week as Mercury in your 11th opposes Neptune in your 5th. There may also be questions at the start of the week around just why you are doing something. Does it still spark joy? Or has what used to be fun now turned into something that just seems like hard work?

Do immerse yourself in any questions that may arise. And be honest with yourself about the answers. And then act accordingly. Once Mercury moves into your 12th on the 5th, you have access to the necessary insight you need to do what needs to be done. Or offer up repair and care solutions.

Mercury as well as ruler Pluto back in Mercury’s ruling 3rd hook up with a loving Moon in your partnership sector across the 2nd – 3rd. This forms a free-flowing yet grounding Grand Earth Trine promising satisfaction or a new beginning in partnership matters. Yes, this can be an emerging love union. It can also be a working one or with that Ride or Die or herald a collaboration. It could even get you noticed as Mercury is in your house of the collective. It’s certainly a week to be connecting, circulating and sharing.

Meet and greet, talk and share your thoughts and feelings. Any feelings of misalignment, distance or disconnects caused by the Venus retrograde now vanish. You make up for lost time. Or you see what’s worth your continued investment of your time – or a waste of it. Either way, you’re moving forward in the truth about togetherness. Or simply what you love to do, Scorpio.

In a nutshell: Ruler Pluto forms part of a grounding earth trine which tells you what is said around love transforms your connection. If it doesn’t spark joy – is it honestly worth your continued investment? Only you can say, Scorpio.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (7th to 11th to 3rd to 7th)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (12th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Show up

Just do the work

Opportunity is right now, right where you are

Calling all Sagittarian Jedis! Master Yoda has a message for you via this week’s aspects. This is: Keep your mind on where you are and what you are doing. Especially if you want to take advantage of the money/rewards element to what’s happening right now.

And being in the right now is the other key factor. You need to show up and be present. If you are focussed on the future, on the horizon, then you are not in the here and now. So, you miss out on what it contains for you. Okay, Sag. I am not suggesting you give up on adventure and excitement. Just that if you want to fund them, you agree to function in the corporeal world for this week at least.

Do what needs to be done and give it your full attention. Have a plan and ensure it is a realistic one as Mercury in your 10th opposes Neptune in your 4th on the 2nd. You need to be organised, pragmatic and down to earth in your responses. To anything to do with your career or even home and family matters. Yes, feel and empathise. But act on the facts or simply go with what needs to be done.

Just show up across the 2nd – 3rd. Yes there is work to be done but also recognition and rewards on offer as Mercury forms a key point to the Grand Earth Trine on these dates. This takes in the Moon in your 6th of everyday work and duties. As well as Pluto now in its endgame in your money zone. Inroads can be made to work and career matters. In the here and now. Do you research, arm yourself with the facts or a plan, show up and do exactly what you say you are going to do. And impress as you do it. Those are master Jedi skills. Feel the practical magic of the Force.

In a nutshell: Be present to receive a gift. That’s the message of this week’s transits. The power is right where you are, right now. Future focus too much and you’ll miss it, Sag. Opportunity is fast moving so be ready to catch it.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (6th to 10th to 2nd to 6th)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (11th)


Take that chance

Ditch that inner critic (and any outer ones!)

Activate the Law of Attraction

Pluto in your sign forms part of this week’s Grand Earth Trine between the Moon in your 5th and Mercury in your 9th. You’re filled with a playful, adventurous and fierce daring this week, Capricorn. Yes, if called upon, you can and will bring serious back to the table – especially after Mercury enters your 10th on the 5th. But unless this is absolutely needed, your vibe is very much let’s just see what happens.

Therefore, you’re in the mood to take a chance on something now. Travel may well feature for some of you due to the 5th ruling holidays and pleasure trips. And then there’s the Mercury/Neptune opposition of the 2nd across your entire movement and travel axis. At the very least, this week should signal a lightening of the load, a desire for hedonism, parties and creative self-expression. And a letting go for self-censorship or worrying about what others think. You are too busy having fun to care.

This happy-go-lucky approach activates the Law of Attraction and puts people, opportunities and solution in your path. Solutions and breakthroughs as well as lucky breaks are on offer. Just remember, you need to be ready to grab opportunity when it appears. With Mercury and the Moon involved this energy moves fast. And opportunity can quickly head in another direction.

Let go of worries about what could possibly happen and go with what is. And yes, if you need to bring that serious vibe back even temporarily, Mercury’s arrival in your 10th on the 5th hands you the right moves and words. Just think of the week as serious fun, Capricorn.

In a nutshell: Pack up those cares or worries about what others may think. Make time for playfulness, flirtation and romance instead. Sure, you can turn on serious again if and when you need to. But maybe it’s just time to take a short vacation from reality for a while.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (5th to 9th to 1st to 5th)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (10th)


Re-runs and returns work in your favour

Look at alternatives

Don’t be afraid to walk away

Did you honestly really and truthfully think something was finalised, done and dusted, Aquarius? Mercury’s opposition to Neptune in your 2nd on the same day has you realising that what you believed to be a done deal or conclusion still has a chapter left to it. This time do keep an eye on the fine print especially when it comes to anything to do with money and finances. If someone reneges or reverses, understand there may be no going back to the table.

This opposition has a slight Mercury retro feel to it even though Mercury is direct. Of course, discovering something has been left out or renegotiating can mean you end up with a better deal or outcome and you may well end up welcoming the delay.

Mercury forms part of this weeks Grand Earth Trine (2nd-3rd) which also includes the Moon in your 4th and Pluto in your 12th. Is someone being stubborn and refusing to budge? Take it you will be the one ending up the winner thanks to Mercury’s move on the 5th into your 9th. In the lead up to this, if you are faced with stonewalling, too many delays or excuses, or simply no wriggle room to manoeuvrer, don’t be afraid to walk away like the figure in the 8 of Cups in the Tarot. The other party will either offer a concession at this point – or they were never going to anyway. Either outcome is in your favour as if it is the latter, don’t doubt this happened because there’s something better out there waiting for you.

In a nutshell: You may be surprised when something you had thought a done deal or dealt with shows you there’s still more work to be done. Delays or going back over old ground yield a better outcome – or an even better option for you.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (4th to 8th to 12th to 4th)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (9th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Keep asking

No topic is off limits to love

Conversations deepen and define that connection

You truly do need answers to any lingering questions around you and another now, Pisces. Since your ruler Neptune arrived in your sign, you’ve experienced many oppositions of it to Mercury in its ruling sign of Virgo – and your 7th house. That’s because your ruler is slow and Mercury is a fast mover!

Each one represents an opportunity to gain clarity into a key connection. Be this with a past, present or potential partner. A spouse, live in lover, working dynamic, your Ride or Die, that collaborator or even that opponent or rival. We gain this by asking questions and continuing to ask if needed. Go directly to the source. You need this straight from the horse’s mouth. Even if you have previously gathered insight from other sources.

This week hands a grounding and all about the reals Grand Earth Trine which includes Mercury. And also the Moon in your 3rd and Pluto in your 11th. If you are getting to know someone – ask away to form that complete picture around who they are and what they are seeking. And do understand that listening to what is really being said is the key.

Baring your soul, talking honestly about your own needs, wishes and goals encourages others to bare their souls in return. As Mercury moves on into your 8th the conversation can go even deeper. Keep asking, Pisces. No topic is no off limit when it comes to love.

In a nutshell: This week’s key alignment between ruler Neptune and Mercury sees you clarifying any unanswered questions around love. No topic should be off-limits and lack of transparency should be a red flag. Yes, you do need to know where you stand.

2 Oct 2023 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)

2-3 Oct 2023 Grand Earth Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus (3rd to 7th to 11th to 3rd)

5 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Libra (8th)

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