Weekly Horoscopes September 11th 2023 – Mercury Direct!

Take a slow and sensitive approach to change
Adapt those plans as you go
No more talking yourself out of what’s right for you!
Retro clouds begin to slowly disperse this week – emphasis on the slowly – as Mercury shifts to direct motion in its ruling sign/house – Virgo and your 6th, on the 15th. Keep to the slow lane, Aries. And I do know this can be difficult! You’ve built up those revs and are raring to go. But the outer planets still remain retrograde and Mercury has yet to exit retroshadow.
You can however slowly, cautiously and sensitively, begin to take steps towards initiating changes around your work day, studies, habits and routine. The same day Mercury changes back into first gear, sees a new Moon appear in your 6th. Those daily duties, your workload and wellbeing – all these should have been under review during the retrograde. Whatever changes you have decided to make can now be initiated. With additional time for fine-tuning allowed.
If income, money matters, finances and changes around your day job have been held up due to the intense retro storm front, this week’s break in the weather could allow for the arrival of the news you’ve been waiting on. There’s a sense of momentum returning along with self-determination and empowerment. Deals and decisions are about to feature and the good news is that any tendencies in the past to talk yourself out of doing something are banished from the 16th. There’s more in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.
In a nutshell: Slowly slowly – that’s your mantra now Mercury heads direct again. Yes, you’re raring to go, Aries. But one step at a time. Giant, bold leaps could be covering up lack of belief in yourself. Back up self-faith with small steps instead.
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (4th)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (6th)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (6th)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 2nd)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (8th)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
Change your settings
Ditch the self-doubt
Bust through barriers to love
Change that mindset from lack to lustre this week, Taurus! A new Moon in your 5th along with Mercury direct again in here on the same day, hits you like a sunbeam after the storm. You reawaken to potential and possibilities again. Life regains its sparkle. And yes, you believe in love after love.
A new path opens up but you have to ditch any remaining should I or shouldn’t I’s – and just go for it. And what about that self-confidence? Where does that sit after the long dark tea time of the soul that your ruler Venus retrograde has brought, to preface Douglas Adams? For some this path may have you heading towards something new. For others, leaving something behind you. A fresh professional or love journey. Which requires you letting something go. Perhaps your own lack of belief in yourself.
The 16th – 17th sees Ceres shift into your partnership zone. And the Sun in your 5th strike Uranus in your 1st. The spin is exciting, unexpected and requires you to leap off the edge like The Fool in the Tarot. And you need self belief in order to do that. Venus’ angle to Jupiter also in your 1st, tells you that you need to busta move which breaks through a barrier – possibility self-created, between you and going for what you want. You’re being asked to expand. To grow into something bigger. And to release anything with prevents or stunts that, Taurus. Do the deal and release yourself.
In a nutshell: Self imposed limitations speak of lack of belief in yourself. Or your deservedness. Change that mindset to embrace the possibility of more. There’s an area of life you’ve outgrown, Taurus. Dare you step into something bigger?
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (3rd)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (5th)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (5th)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 1st)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (7th)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 1st)
Get moving
Release in order to make room for more
The way ahead is clear
I can see clearly now! Ruler Mercury engages again from the 15th. This is the beginning of the end of the extreme retrograde weather that has had all of us in a bind of inertia and confusion! Keep in mind Mercury still has to exit retroshadow. You know the rules, Gemini.
All the outer planets are still backwards facing but we now have Venus direct again in your 3rd. A shyly secretive new Moon appears in the Moon’s ruling house (4th) the same day as Mercury heads direct in here. So for you, this means lifestyle, home, property and family matters get that much needed reboot. If you have been waiting on a sale or lease to go through, for a decision affecting your living arrangements, or for assistance with a family matter, this marks the move ahead.
If there is a missing piece of the puzzle or you have been grappling with a choice or decision, the information you’ve been waiting for could appear between the 16th -17th. The Sun trines Uranus in your 12th – the same day as Ceres enters your 6th (16th). This points the way towards acting on insight or new information received. The 17th brings a tightly woven aspect between now direct Venus and retro Jupiter also in your 12th. You may need to reconcile one option against another. Or weigh up having to compromise to bring about the outcome you want. Either way – the choice or direction is clear again. Way to go, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury direct once more clears the way for a new life cycle. If you’ve been contemplating a change of direction, the path ahead is revealed now. Home and lifestyle changes offer fresh starts – and room to grow.
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (2nd)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (4th)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (4th)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (6th)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
Walk your talk
Craft that win/win in love
Add the motion to your ocean!
With Mercury direct again in its ruling sign/house in your chart and a new Moon in the same zone on the same day (15th), there’s never been a better time to state those intentions. And to put fresh plans in motion, Cancer.
All new Moons signal a time where we can set something in motion. The new Moon in your 3rd alongside the ruler of this house tells you to walk that talk now. The planning or thinking stage is over. Now – get doing!
Vesta arrives in your sign the day before this occurs while Ceres enters your 5th the day after the Mercury direct/new Moon event. Ceres is about the power and the passion. Vesta is about having to play by someone else’s rules. Seeing as we still have the Mercury retro-shade to work through, what this tells you is that you can re-write those rules and come up with something more fair, equal or simply craft yourself a better deal (Mercury rules contracts, Ceres rules the deal). Expect negotiations – verbal, written and even win/wins across anything from your job to your relationships. There’s your win, Cancer.
Venus is now direct in its ruling 2nd in your chart. Lifting the lid on money matters but better – that all important self-worth and your values. You’re coming at something from a position of re-worked worth and strength this week. The time for under-selling yourself in any situation? So pre-retrograde, Cancer!
In a nutshell: A new Moon and Ceres in your romance zone add up to new deals on the table when it comes to love – or what you love to do. The time for refining those plans or just talking is over. This week is your starting point. Actions say so much, Cancer.
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (1st)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (3rd)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (3rd)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 11th)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (5th)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
You have the answers within your grasp
Set your ideas free
Fabulize your life budget!
Get a grip now, Leo! Especially on money matters. The long Venus retrograde in your 1st wasn’t just about your relaunch or extreme makeover. It wanted you to get to grips with a fabulization of your budget too. Especially as the final weeks of the Venus retrograde coincided with Mercury retro in Venus’s ruling 2nd in your chart.
Treating yourself right isn’t necessarily about splurging. Of course, you deserve the bling, Leo. No-one is going to argue with that. But treating yourself right extends to knowing when to say no too. Plunging yourself into debt or money worries is the complete opposite of healthy choices. Hopefully all this retro intensity around your worth and being worthy, has bought you an increased awareness of real deservedness. And seen you drawing up a life spending plan. Which doesn’t include over-spending. And saving for what really adds value. The new Moon in your 2nd (15th) appears the day Mercury heads direct, so there’s no better time to put those ideas in motion. Especially if they include attracting more of the folding stuff to invest in what truly matters to you.
Rewards for getting to grips with all this could unexpectedly arrive thanks to ruler the Sun’s angle to Uranus in your recognition sector. You may be asked to step up, take on more or show who’s boss across the 16th-17th. You got this in your grasp. Don’t let go now.
In a nutshell: Glowing Leo – it’s time to set your ideas free. Especially when it comes to focussing on what is most important to you. Investing your resources in what makes your heart sing is what pays you forward in interest from this point on. Direct them accordingly.
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (12th)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (2nd)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (2nd)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 10th)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (4th)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 10th)
Make the obvious choice
Wishes and intentions are perfectly aligned
Welcome in fresh starts and a new you!
One pristine choice or direction emerges with clarity out of the retrograde shadows this week. The new Moon in your sign – which signals the beginning of your new astrological cycle, is perfectly synchronised with ruler Mercury direct once more (15th). Your direction, not to mention your smarts, are perfectly aligned once more. You know what you want, where you’re going – and how to get it, Virgo!
You are the sign with a plan. And yes, you can still tweak this or adjust as needed during the next three weeks as Mercury works through its retroshade phase. Best day for you will be the 16th when the Sun in your sign trines Uranus in your 9th. Ceres in your 3rd from the 16th could bring about a new way of getting there. It’s simplicity could stop you in your tracks as you wonder why this didn’t occur to you before? The pause works as you make up for any lost retro waste.
The retrograde asked of you an entire life edit. So, anything you’ve identified as clutter needs ditching before you go any further, Virgo. That’s stuff, outdated ideas and thoughts, habits, clutter and anything gone dusty, dated or downright toxic. Yes, if someone’s name comes up in connection with that – maybe time’s up around the 17th. This is the start of your new year – so out with the old and in with the new you.
In a nutshell: Your new astrological cycle begins with this week’s new Moon in your sign. It coincides with ruler Mercury returning to direct motion again. One shining path or decision is the obvious, perfect choice. Don’t hesitate, Virgo!
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (11th)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (1st)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (1st)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (3rd)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 9th)
Renew the faith
Welcome in healing and trust
Emerge into the light
Waiting to exhale, Libra? That deep retrograde dive is almost over. And you are about to surface, breathless but reborn. We’re now days away from the Sun’s arrival in your sign. And escaping retrograde depths as the countdown reaches the final week. You not only have ruler Venus direct again in your 11th, but Mercury in your 12th finally flies free on the 15th – same day as a new Moon appears in here.
This brings the final stage of a depth-defining period where you have spent an unusually long time probing your past, your motivations, your yearnings and your dreams for the future. Of aligning yourself with what matters. And releasing what no longer resonates and watching it fall away into the abyss. Allowing you to float, weightless and free, emerging into the light again. Shed any final burdens, self-doubts and lack of trust in your path over the next few days. This is the end of a cycle of deep and permanent healing. More in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.
Ceres rules your money and it leaves you sign this week (16th). The same day sees the Sun trine Uranus in your 8th. The 17th has ruler Venus snare retrograde Jupiter also in your 8th. This is about reclaiming something from the past. Rebooting that money spinning idea or income stream. Or realising that soul exploration you’ve been engaged in led you to treasure after all. You discover hidden talents, life in something you discarded. Or embrace reawakened trust in yourself. You’re coming up for air in a whole new world of potential, Libra. Don’t allow anything to drag you back down.
In a nutshell: You’re days away from the start of your new cycle, Libra. And emerging from what may feel like a deep dive of the soul. The good news is that you float weightless in a sea of immense possibilities. And can navigate yourself anywhere you choose from here.
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (10th)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (12th)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (12th)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 8th)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (2nd)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 8th)
Step into power and potential
Connect and circulate
Know where that sweet spot of compromise is
How comfortable are you with your own power, Scorpio? This may seem a strange question to be asking. You are the sign associated with power after all. There’s a big difference between feeling empowered and resorting to control however. Ceres’ entry into your sign (16th), shows you the subtle difference. While Vesta’s arrival in your 9th (14th) could alert you to where others may try to control you.
Break frees and breakaways are likely if you pick up on any of these undercurrents. That’s the empowerment part as you link to truth and what you instinctively know is right. That’s not to say you’re now not in a prime position to negotiate yourself a new and better deal around money, love or something intensely personal. Empowerment hands you the tools where you know precisely where you can afford to compromise. And also when you need to say: No deal.
Maybe the deal that needs to be done is around your career, your partner or even crafting one that gives you time to pursue that all-important goal or dream. The Sun remains in your house of connections and your future for another week. While Mercury in here shifts into direct motion the day the new Moon highlights the people and potentials that can craft a fresh destiny for you. The next two weeks are crucial when it comes to setting the wheels in motion. Or simply circulating and growing that circle. Don’t waste the potential – or your power.
In a nutshell: The end of Mercury retro plus a new Moon in your 11th re-starts your social life and hands you new tools for goal attainment. But it’s Ceres arrival in your sign that sees you stepping into your full potential, Scorpio. Get comfortable with your power!
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (9th)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (11th)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (11th)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 7th)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (1st)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 7th)
Know your outcome
Don’t fuel those fears
Make a different choice
Career matters get the green light thanks to the new Moon in your 10th. The same days sees Mercury change gears. Shifting from reverse to drive as it heads out of retrograde in the same house. Step free of inertia and back into progress. The retro period should have seen you refining those ambitions. And having got clear on what you want to achieve, coming up with a plan of how you are going to get there. Intention and knowing there are no short cuts, makes for a fool proof plan, Sag.
Anyone or anything undermining this will be swept away. Either by you tackling it in a practical and pragmatic way. Or by you simply choosing to no longer fuel it with your energy, your concern, your devotion, or even your fears. That’s down to a powerful energy shift with Vesta in your 8th (14th) and Ceres in your 12th (16th).
All the outer planets remain retrograde and this includes ruler Jupiter. The Take Your Time vibe that has been with us these past months, won’t completely lift yet. Mercury still has to exit retroshadow. And Venus in your 9th of all things close to a Sagittarians heart, only just went direct. So, take your time with those fresh choices. And do weigh things up from every possible angle. This includes those opportunities. Especially on the work front. Ensure the job you’re being offered is the one you end up doing (read the fine print). And if you are continuing to juggle two in-congruent elements in your life, it may be time to admit they can’t be reconciled. You may have to choose between them. The 17th may highlight this as Venus angles to retro Jupiter. Have you been here before, Sag? Faced with a similar situation – make a different choice this time. What you’re left with will turn out to be the perfect outcome.
In a nutshell: Channel your energy into an outcome you know you have control over, Sag. Boss moves can be made under the new Moon in your 10th. A change of direction could offer the escape route you seek – with success as your destination.
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (8th)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (10th)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (10th)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 6th)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (12th)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 6th)
Let in the change
Walk your talk – away if needed
Embrace the unexpected
Questions around equality, sharing and who does what may come up now Vesta, ruler of gender issues, enters Cancer and your 7th. Are you expected to take on certain roles or duties – maybe more than your fair share, just because of the gender you identify with? Equal pay for an equal job – or job sharing, are typical Vesta issues. And for you, this dynamic could play out close to home.
If it’s blatantly archaic, patriarchal or unequal, you won’t hesitate to voice your dissent as Mercury shifts direct in your 9th – same day as a new Moon appears in here. In fact, if a better or more fair deal can’t be agreed, you’ll walk your talk by simply walking. You’re in a Don’t Mess with Capricorn mood now. Just know you have zero tolerance for small minds and limited thinking. More in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.
Big plans and travel are back on the agenda but Jupiter which rules these is retrograde in your 5th – that rules holidays. So, continue to abide by those retro rules if going anywhere. However, it is now time to take that first step on a longer journey. Or in true Bilbo Baggins style – is this an unexpected one? An unexpected invite at the very least could throw you off one path and into another on the 16th. Something is door knocking – do let it in.
In a nutshell: A portal opens to something bigger or you seek to change up something limiting or simply unjust, Capricorn. The new Moon combined with Mercury direct again in your expansion zone brings opportunities and solutions. Let them in this week!
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (7th)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (9th)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (9th)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 5th)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (11th)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 5th)
Create the change you seek
Craft your image – and your pitch
You need a love to take pride in
All change – literally this week. A new Moon strikes your change sector. The very same day as Mercury heads direct in here (15th). You’ve a fire in your belly and a desire to be filled now, Aquarius. The Sun in your 8th makes a scorching angle to ruler Uranus the following day – firing up that ability to simply make things happen. That’s understandable. You are one of the signs that has been held back the most by the intense retro weather front. Due to Venus being retroactive in its ruling 7th in your chart. This week sees the hurricane recede and blow out.
With power-playa Ceres now in your career sector, a good place to start initiating those changes is around anything to do with your career or which impacts on your status or public image. Do be aware when it comes to love and partnerships, whether you realise it or not, you need to be in a union where you can take a certain pride in your partner. I’m not talking about having unrealistic expectations. Just that being able to admire certain qualities they have is the glue which binds. Love is the one area we should not bring low expectations into. Ask yourself would you like to be someone else’s Plan B? You know the answer. Don’t go there unless you want to become unglued. And don’t resist the opportunity this week to dance in the vortex of change.
In a nutshell: Waiting for your world to change, Aquarius? This week hands you the opportunity to set a self-directed one in motion. No more waiting thanks to a new Moon and Mercury direct. And no Plan B when it comes to love either. Low expectations have no role in that future.
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (6th)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (8th)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (8th)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 4th)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (10th)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 4th)
Get ready for a fresh phase of relatedness
Turn on that love light!
Free yourself of what holds back your evolution
Love lights the way forward for you, Pisces. An all-important new Moon appears in your 7th on the 15th – the very same day as Mercury ends its retrograde in here. You’ll feel the surge and change in the energy. Venus has been retrograde in Mercury’s ruling 6th in your chart while Mercury has been retro in Venus’s ruling 7th. Now both planets are direct once more it opens the way for the pursuit of all partnership matters. But do keep in mind both planets need to clear their retro-shade. I’ve been saying take things slowly – continue to do so, Pisces.
Spins, twists and surprise developments follow the Sun’s alignment to Uranus in your 3rd. Shaking yourself free of something that is no longer suited to your evolution could follow. Something more satisfying and liberating lies ahead of you if you are willing to explore its potential now Ceres reaches your 9th. Ancient ruler Jupiter remains retro in your 3rd and its angle to Venus on the 17th could mean that something you figured was done and dusted, returns for one more go-around. The difference this time is that you have a new set of tools to reach for. And could just turn it into a opportunity this spin of the wheel. Certainly you want new beginnings this week. Not a repeat performance. And you’re out to create that in love – and all areas.
In a nutshell: It’s high beam September as a new Moon and Mercury direct in your 7th lights the way forward again in love and partnership matters for you. But when it comes to re-runs and returns – do you really want a repeat performance, Pisces?
14 Sep 2023 Vesta enters Cancer (5th)
15 Sep 2023 New Moon in Virgo (7th)
15 Sep 2023 Mercury stationary direct in Virgo (7th)
16 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 3rd)
16 Sep 2023 Ceres enters Scorpio (9th)
17 Sep 2023 Venus in Leo square retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
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