Weekly Horoscope 20th August 2018 (written)

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 20
- Give mundane tasks spiritual meaning
- Intuition provides answers
- Take a Zen approach
You want to find the purpose behind your work or what you do. Time to turn those daily chores into a spiritual practice that nourishes – no matter how mundane they may be. It’s also time to look at how what you do and how you approach it and your money are linked. There’s a sense of new mindfulness settling over all of this as the Sun enters your 6th this week. Do watch out for stress and tension. All the more reason to practice being in the moment, present with one task only – the one you are doing. Cultivate a Zen approach and you’ll be amazed at what you are able to achieve, how you impress others doing it and most importantly, how much better you feel.
This week’s full Moon illuminates your 12th of spiritual truths, psychic abilities and dreams. You can channel inspired creativity under this Moon and also a deep, inner knowing. If you are seeking insight into a situation, prepare for sudden flashes. The first name or the first idea that pops into your head could be the correct one. You’re joining the dots of a complex, cosmic puzzle the solution to which is now so obvious you wonder why you could not see it before. This Moon reveals secrets and the true colour of people’s souls. Be the observer now but stay connected to the moment.
In a nutshell: Make work more meaningful for youself this week. And watch the knock-on effect in the form of benefits in other areas. The truth is illuminated for you now, Aries.
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (5th House to 2nd House)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (6th House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (6th House to 2nd House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (6th House to 10th House)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (12th House) Sextile Saturn (10th house), Uranus (2nd House)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (7th House to 10th House)
- Be open
- Break free of restrictions
- Opportunity or what you need appears where you least expect it
Surprises and thrills add sparkle to your week, Taurus thanks to the Sun in your 5th angling towards Uranus in your 1st. There’s a feeling of breaking free of chains or whatever has been holding you back – possibly for a very long time. Chances are you’ve been looking for a way to lighten the load but have been uncertain how you would be able to achieve this. The universe may just magically step in this week, unshackling you from cares and propelling you out into the spotlight where romance, opportunity or just plain no-holds-barred fun can find you – even if you are not looking for it at that precise moment.
Put it this way – the universe knows what you need even before you do. Embrace an attitude of acceptance and also be willing to suspend judgement about what turns up. There is a world of difference between what we think we want and what we need. Being open-minded brings you more choices and more ways to succeed. This week’s full Moon appears in your wishes and goals sector. It’s more than just dreaming about the future, it’s about taking steps to manifest it. Friends, contacts, networks feature – not so much in a wider sense but in a smaller more intimate one. Get together where you can talk and share – that small quiet bar or restaurant rather than somewhere loud and crowded. And strangely enough, where you least expect to, you could make an important new connection. Be open this week.
In a nutshell: When it comes to opportunity – especially around romance or going after those goals, suspend judgement this week. The universe is set to surprise you. Not perhaps with what you want – but what you need.
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (4th Hse to 1st Hse)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (5th Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (5th Hse to 1st Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (5th Hse to 9th Hse)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (11th Hse) Sextile Saturn (9th Hse), Uranus (1st Hse)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (6th Hse to 9th Hse)
- Commit to what is right for you
- Create your own success story
- Get a new sense of belonging – and ambition now
Are you grounding those ambitions and making the changes you need to this week, Gemini. Or are those plans just pie-in-the-sky? The Sun arrives in your 4th this week and whether you like it or want to admit it or not, you need to take some time out to contemplate on what you want to achieve for the rest of the year. And also how you intend to do it. Your home, your family, your roots, the people you like with and also your family history will be in focus. Either you are proud of your roots or your background and feel you ‘belong’ or else you will see the need to create your own heritage and sense of place. The Sun in here is often a time when we have to look at whether we are living a life modelled on our parent’s expectations – or our own.
This week brings us a highly grounding Grand Earth Trine which means you can literally bring those plans ‘down to earth’ and discover a practical way forward. See recharge time as a necessary part of your progress. Uranus in your 12th wants to reveal new ways to get what you want and even paths and opportunities you did not know existed. Don’t be afraid to look at alternatives. This week’s full Moon in your career sector asks if you are on the right path or whether you feel you are getting what you need from it. The parent of the opposite sex may also be on your mind. Did they fulfill their ambitions or did they seem them dashed? How does their story compare to yours? Something could make you re-think your choices or else realise you have made the right ones after all. Get that sense of belonging both at home and work now, Gemini.
In a nutshell: When it comes to career moves and your plans for the future, taking time to recharge could fast – track success, Gemini. Get clear on what you want to achieve. Then bring it all down to earth.
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (3rd House to 12th House)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (4th House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (4th House to 12th House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (4th House to 8th House)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (10th House) Sextile Saturn (8th House), Uranus (12th House)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (5th House to 8th House)
- Cultivate confidence
- Who is joining your crew?
- Choose a destination and set sail!
It’s the season of ideas with the Sun entering your 3rd of communication this week. It’s time to be a little more forward, a little more confident than you might normally be. Speak up and share those ideas and plans. This week is very much how you come across to others via what you communicate. Your siblings will feature if you have them and it’s a funny thing about the Sun in here. This is an excellent transit for anything to do with written projects, business, study or for getting your point across. It’s also great for attracting new people with whom you can share ideas. But as far as romance goes what tends to happen with the Sun in here is that if you do meet someone new the ‘feel’ of the connection is very much like a strong sibling connection as opposed to a romantic one. Friends, yes. Lovers – especially with Venus in your 4th at the moment – probably not.
This week’s full Moon, however, promises a release into something bigger. One path may come to a close with a new one opening up to you. This is a magical full Moon under which you can imagine yourself setting sail towards unchartered territory. But this is most likely not going to be a solo voyage. If it’s not a lover sailing with you, then you should have at least one loyal crew member – be it that sibling or a very good friend, willing to undertake the journey with you. The Moon in here shines of faraway destinations, big plans and having a vision. You could just attract someone who will share that with you. Remember – the journey is the destination and love takes many forms. Set sail this week.
In a nutshell: Give them something to talk about, Cancer! Share your ideas. You may be surprised how far one idea can take you – or who wants to buy into it with you, this week.
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (2nd Hse to 11th Hse)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (3rd Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (3rd Hse to 11th Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (3rd Hse to 7th Hse)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (9th Hse) Sextile Saturn (7th Hse), Uranus (11th Hse)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (4th Hse to 7th Hse)
- Define your values
- What does your money say about you?
- Don’t sell out
With your ruler the Sun entering your 2nd this week, it’s time to interact in new ways with your money and the material world. Make no mistake, Leo. Handling money, enjoying the finer things of life (which this house rules) and exploring our relationship to all this, is as much about spiritual growth as it is financial. In any relationship, we are here to learn about ourselves. So, what is your financial situation telling you and what has it got to teach you? This is our house of values and our talents and the price we put on these. Certainly with the Sun in here you should experience at least one opportunity to increase your back account – and to feel good about your ability to attract abundance. The Sun will also trine Uranus in your 10th for the first time and this could bring you a breakthrough or unexpected opportunity in your work or career which comes packaged with a financial bonus. Rewards could flow from what you and only you, bring to the table. Work that unique angle.
This week’s full Moon in your 8th links to Saturn in your work zone and that Uranus while, a Grand Earth Trine could just see you looking at real, tangible results and rewards. Suddenly you could have more resources, more money or even more power at your disposal. How will you use this? It will all come back to those values and while money may come to you this week, it’s also going to be about what money can’t buy. Don’t sell yourself short this week and most importantly – don’t sell out either. Define your values – and stick to them.
In a nutshell: It’s a week of upgrading your relationship to the material world. Your ability to attract money and the good things in life are part of your spiritual journey. Bank on some soul exploration this week, Leo.
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (1st House to 10th House)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (2nd House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (2nd House to 10th House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (2nd House to 6th House)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (8th House) Sextile Saturn (6th House), Uranus (10th House)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (3rd House to 6th House)
- Open the path to passion and pleasure
- Start a journey
- Happy birthday, Virgo!
Welcome the Sun into your 1st house and the start of a year like no other, Virgo. This birthday season comes wrapped up with the promise of expansion. Of a big idea that can take you further than you ever dreamed possible. Of lucky breaks and unexpected opportunities. Above all, the coming year wants you to embrace a new freedom you may not have experienced before. Pack your bags and have your passport ready. This week sees that newly arrived Sun in your sign make an adventurous angle to Uranus in your 9th. The first time this has happened in your lifetime! Get ready to step into a larger life experience and expand your horizons in the coming year. The only limits could be the ones you place on yourself.
Along with all of this – a new sexiness is emerging. Chances are you want more from your existing relationships and more from love in general too. This week’s full Moon in your 7th has you wanting to express this and if you are settled you could surprise your partner with your passionate intensity and spontaneity. You may not even mind getting those 1000 thread count sheets rumpled! Single? A new connection could sweep you off on a hedonistic and irresistible pleasure trip under this Moon. Plus you could just have the spooky feeling the two of you have shared a similar adventure before. It’s up, up and away this week so set your direction for the coming year, Virgo.
In a nutshell: A birthday cycle like no other could send you on a journey towards adventure or even hedonistic pleasure! Get ready to embrace freedom and discover how far an idea can take you, Virgo!
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (12th Hse to 9th Hse)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (1st Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (1st Hse to 9th Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (1st Hse to 5th Hse)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (7th Hse) Sextile Saturn (5th Hse), Uranus (9th Hse)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (2nd Hse to 5th Hse)
- The heart wants what the heart wants
- No more compromises on your dreams
- Create something which supports you – body & soul
Time to be honest with yourself about your feelings, your needs and what it is you truly want, Libra. The month before our birthday when the Sun reaches our 12th house always asks for some soul-searching. Make no mistake, this is deep soul work and takes courage. Small wonder that so many of us choose denial or escapism rather than do it. But the benefits if we do, clear the path towards our true goals for the coming year. So, this week begin the process and acknowledge what it is you really want rather than pushing those desires aside. And make a promise to yourself not to compromise or settle for ‘It’ll do’. You know it won’t so why do it?
The fact is, you should know by now you deserve so much more. And it’s actually your permission you’re seeking to go after it – not anyone else’s. So give yourself it now. This week also brings you a full Moon in your 6th and a powerful Grand Earth Trine along with this. Look closely at any situation that comes under the heading ‘sustainability’. Does it sustain you or can you sustain it in its present form? This applies to your work, your wellbeing, your money and your home/living situation. Chances are you need support or something you know you can fall back on. Maybe just that comfy armchair in an oasis of calm in your home. Be honest if this is what you need. And get clear about all the big stuff too. Claim those feelings to get what you need, Libra.
In a nutshell: Don’t deny what your heart wants, Libra. Instead go deeper into it. Own it and explore. You’ll be paving the way for goal success if you do!
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (11th House to 8th House)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (12th House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (12th House to 8th House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (12th House to 4th House)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (6th House) Sextile Saturn (4th House), Uranus (8th House)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (1st House to 4th House)
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (10th Hse to 7th Hse)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (11th Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (11th Hse to 7th Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (11th Hse to 3rd Hse)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (5th Hse) Sextile Saturn (3rd Hse), Uranus (7th Hse)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (12th Hse to 3rd Hse)
- Attract and receive
- Romance has a touch of déjà vu
- Be in the moment
Be prepared for surprises as the Sun enters your 11th this week, Scorpio. This is your house not only of friends, groups, teams, organisations, networks and tribes but also your house of goals. Life will get a little bit more unpredictable in a way that is designed to shake you free of any dull routines you may have created. Those surprises however – they could play a role here as this is your house of reception as opposed to your 5th which is your house of attraction (more on this in a moment). Be open to what is sent your way or arrives now. This could be that unexpected invitation, an opportunity or a fascinating new connection. It’s time to embrace spontaneity and to be present in the moment. Don’t get too attached to plans or cling to routines. This week could see you soar like a phoenix away from anything that has been holding you back.
This is Uranus’s ruling house in your chart and the Sun angles to it in your 7th. This is the first time this energy has been available to you in this lifetime. Expect a love revolution as you look for more freedom in your close relationships. The opportunity to form a new one for some could be but the flap of those golden wings away as a full Moon shines from your 5th of romance and attraction. So, you are in the flow of attract and receive this week. Past connections, past loves and past lives could add that touch of feeling you have known someone before. Whatever you receive this week – be it news, an opportunity, an invitation or a connection, is what you need now. Suspend judgement and go where it wants to take you.
In a nutshell: What are you attracting this week, Scorpio? Don’t try to second guess the universe. What arrives is exactly what you need no matter what it looks like at first glance.
- Project a professional image
- Work now, play later
- Get ready to impress
You’re on display in some way this week, Sag. Look after your image and make sure you are seen in the best possible light. Project confidence and authority now. Above all, although the Sun in your 10th may seem somewhat restrictive, please remain focused on your work and what needs to be done. Whether you realise it or not, people in positions of influence or authority are taking note and you are in a position to impress. This is your house not only of reputation, but how you are seen and also rewards. Working diligently, with quiet authority, not promising more than you can deliver and above all, seeing a task through to the end, could put you in line for that promotion, raise, new position or public or professional recognition. Yes, it demands you set aside your own agenda for the time being. But consider this an investment of your time.
This week’s full Moon in the Moon’s ruling 4th in your chart is not just about home and family but about your plans and visions for the future. Saturn which rules your 10th house is in your money sector plus both the Sun and the Moon make positive angles to Uranus in your 6th this week. All this could add up to you leaving past problems behind you when it comes to your income, work or career path. Your superpowers this week are self-control, staying focused and a job well done. It may be all work this week, but it could fund that all important Sag play later.
In a nutshell: Time to believe in yourself. And project that belief when it comes to your work and career, Sag. This week may demand your focus, but the results and the rewards will be worth it!
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (9th House to 6th House)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (10th House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (10th House to 6th House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (10th House to 2nd House)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (4th House) Sextile Saturn (2nd House), Uranus (6th House)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (11th House to 2nd House)
- Long terms plans and partnerships feature
- Keep control of your resources
- Make yourself understood
Creative opportunities open up for you but be sure you are organised to take full advantage of them. Also, make sure someone doesn’t take over when it comes to your ideas or that evening you have planned this week. There’s a tendency for others to try to take over this week. You’ve a talent for big picture thinking now – broad visions that require sweeping brush strokes. But you may be less good with the small details. And here’s where things can go awry if you are not careful. You leave something out or you find someone has changed something without so much as a by-your-leave. Just ensure you make yourself clear as this week’s full Moon in your 3rd could either see you with a great deal of satisfaction from the way something has turned out – or else lost for words!
This week also sees the Sun arrive in your expansive 9th adding to those ideas and big picture thinking. Normally this might lead to a desire for escapism and provide yet one more distraction. However, anchoring aspects to ruler Saturn in your 1st plus the ability to reach for unexpected solutions allows you to take advantage of any opportunity that appears now. This could result in you establishing something – from a project to a partnership, or a lasting change for the better in your finances. Act like a boss – or a CEO, of your ideas and your path this week, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: You need to keep track of your resources like a CEO this week, Capricorn. Everything from your ideas to your plans. Ensure others don’t take over that unique vision you’re creating.
19 Aug 2018 JUPITER TRINE NEPTUNE (11th Hse to 3rd Hse)
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (8th Hse to 5th Hse)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (9th Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (9th Hse to 5th Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (9th Hse to 1st Hse)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (3rd Hse) Sextile Saturn (1st Hse), Uranus (5th Hse)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (10th Hse to 1st Hse)
- Choose experiences that enrich you
- Get living
- You don’t have to go it alone
Changes to your home, your living arrangements or even shifts around family or who you live with – flatmates for example, give this week a Changing Rooms kind of feel. You’re feeling the pull of strong forces at work this week and for some of you, any insecurities you have may surface now thanks to the Sun in your 8th. Unexpected developments could play a role here as the Sun angles to ruler Uranus in your 4th and Saturn in your 12th. This could result in literal moving experiences for some of you or just you realising that something around your home or those you live with, needs to change. Bear in mind with your ruler that no matter how unsettling, unlooked for, or disruptive things may initially appear there is always a Grand Design behind it all. And that’s to get you truly living. So remember this.
This week’s full Moon angles to both Uranus (4th) and Saturn (12th) and it’s time to be practical and down-to-earth when it comes to money matters – or anything else for that matter. Emotional security – whether this is providing this for yourself or for those you care about, will be your priority now. Yes, this relates to your money and you will be willing to work harder to get it this week. But it’s also about quality of life too. Emotionally enriching connections and ‘me’ time. You’ll be working out ways to achieve this and enriching those connections means involving others. Don’t be afraid to ask for emotional – or any other kind, of support if you need it. You’ll be richer for it now.
In a nutshell: Your home, apartment, family, living arrangements or those you share your home with are in focus this week. Time to enrich your quality of life, Aquarius. Support is available if you just ask.
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (7th House to 4th House)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (8th House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (8th House to 4th House)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (8th House to 12th House)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (2nd House) Sextile Saturn (12th House), Uranus (4th House)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (9th House to 12th House)
- Get set to attract
- Time for emotional truth
- Who or what mirrors you?
Single? Seeking? This week marks the start of a cycle of attraction as the Sun arrives in your 7th of partnerships and all joint ventures. You’ll attract the ‘opposite’ to you and with the Sun making invitations to Uranus in your 3rd and Saturn in your 11th, it’s time to discover who or what that is. It’s not just a new lover, partner or potential close friend that you could draw into your orbit. This house is ruled by Venus which also rules money and possessions. So, a new job or source of income, financial benefits or that object of desire you have been coveting could turn up too. If you’re settled then the Sun in here is all about enjoying your connection. Entering into a new agreement, joint finances or anything that requires both signatures – yes, that includes signing the registry, are all favoured for the coming month.
This week’s full Moon in your 1st makes you realise that whatever is being projected out there is reflected back at you. Hence, the opposite attraction principle. Others mirror your mood or even your ability to attract. This Moon makes you even more attuned than usual to the feelings of others. And you’ll wear your heart on your sleeve in return. This full Moon is all about emotional honesty. If you want the honest truth – you’ll get it under this Moon. No more fakin’ it.
In a nutshell: Step into a cycle of attraction especially when it comes to love. This week also opens you up to emotional honesty. You can’t hide your feelings – just as others can’t hide theirs from you.
20 Aug 2018 SUN SQUARE SEDNA (6th Hse to 3rd Hse)
23 Aug 2018 SUN ENTERING VIRGO (7th Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE URANUS (7th Hse to 3rd Hse)
25 Aug 2018 SUN TRINE SATURN (7th Hse to 11th Hse)
26 Aug 2018 FULL MOON (1st Hse) Sextile Saturn (11th Hse), Uranus (3rd Hse)
26 Aug 2018 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO (8th Hse to 11th Hse)
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