20th July 2020 – Weekly Horoscope Video

Weekly Horoscope Video 20/07/20 - How to feel secure

Holy Macaroni! This week we have another New Moon in Cancer, it’s the second New Moon making it extremely powerful. The new Moon in Cancer is reflects messages around self-nurturing, family, and our home environment.

New Moon in Cancer Opposing Saturn in Capricorn

OK, this New Moon in Cancer is tangling in opposition with Saturn the patriarch. Father issues, control issues, and restrictions are forcing us to find our true priorities. Saturn also touches on how our career, our sense of self, related to what we do, impacts our emotional stability.

Sun enters dynamic Leo!

The Sun enters radiant Leo. Confidence is pouring through the heavens giving us a confidence boost.

You’re a warrior of love, a unique soul, there is no one like you on this Earth, or in the entire cosmos. Always remember you’re a divine miracle, you’re precious and worthy and entitled to happiness.

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