3 Card FREE Tarot Reading – What’s Next?

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Free 3 Card Tarot Reading – What’s coming next?

Fancy a clue to what’s coming next in your life? Perhaps one of the three Tarot cards below has an answer for you! Focus on the cards and see if one jumps out at you. Scroll down for your answer.

Much love

Michele x

free tarot


Tarot Card One – The Four of Pentacles

4 of pentacles

This card asks us, are we stuck in a pattern of perpetual repetition? Is nothing moving forward for? It’s time to look at our habits, our thought form and daily routines. We can make a conscious effort to do things differently, and movement in a new direction frees us when we do.

What we believe and think help craft our reality. If we hold onto negative emotions, old gnarly beliefs etc. it can get stickier than a bear paw in a honeypot. Life becomes exhausting to wade through a sea of treacle.

It asks us if we are holding on too tightly to things. If we are too self-protective. When we hide, cover ourselves up or cling on through fear we stop flowing. Let go a little today. Do at least one thing differently. Experience something new and watch the miracles unfold.

Tarot Card Two – The 8 of Wands

Eight of Wands

Life is about to take a fast dash forward. When I was younger, this was one of my favourite cards as I knew that if I received this life was going to catapult me forward. Expect a sudden surge of energy, a cosmic revelation and lightning speed transformation.

The Ride-Waite Tarot deck refers to this card as ‘The arrows of love’ implying a burst of passion. You could be heading into a compelling new relationship or a current love evolves and blossoms. Whatever happens, it will be swift! Enjoy the ride!

Tarot Card Three – The Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups brings with it an outpouring of positive emotion. Your cup really will be overflowing with joy and possibility! Love, an emotional peak experience, and a sense of gratitude abound. Drink from the goblet of life, sip from the well of love surrounding you. Feel the unconditional love of the cosmos enter you.

There’s a sense of fulfillment, wonder, and a surge of creativity. It doesn’t get much better than this!

2 thoughts on “3 Card FREE Tarot Reading – What’s Next?

  1. I know that you are very intuition Wise /you rock as I am getting ready to burst forward in my life thank you so much.

  2. That’s how I’m feeling negative thoughts getting me stuck in past bad relationships trust issues insecurity in my current one even though I love him to bits. I am in fear and need to know I’m loved.

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