FREE Tarot Reading – 2017

Our Psychic Tanya gives you a free tarot reading on what’s in store for you in 2017. Focus on the 4 Tarot cards and feel which one has a message for you for 2017. Only choose one. Use your psychic intuition to choose and then scroll down to read your message.
Tarot Card 1: KOSMOS
2017 looks to be a year of success for you. You have tied up all of loose ends of the chaotic 2016 and you are feeling centred, powerful and determined. This coming year will be the start of a whole new cycle for you, you are so much stronger and wiser than your were 12 month ago, you have successfully completed any trials and tribulations that were thrown at you and wrestled any inner demons you had which has resulted in an inner belief within yourself which will serve as your driving force within the coming months. You have healed from past hurts, are ready to speak and stand in your truth with ease and have a sense of peace and wholeness that many still seek. The hard work you have endured has not gone unnoticed, so expect amazing rewards to be lavished on you by the universe.Your soul is now strong and ready to start this new cycle with enthusiasm, integrity and vigour. Get ready for an adventure!
Tarot Card 2: SUN
The sun gods are going to smile sweetly on you in 2017 as this card is showing huge potential and positivity surrounding you. This last year has not been easy for you but by experiencing unhappiness and pain you will now fully appreciate the happiness and joy that the universe wants to shower on you. Contentment and creativity are the key words for you along with fulfilment of any wishes you may have sent out. This really is your year to shine, be radiant and allow your inner light to not only engulf yourself but everyone you come in contact with. The warmth that is coming through with this card is immense so this could possibly mean travel to far away countries too, but all in all this coming year looks set to be full of energy and positive times. Luck and the universe are on your side and this could be your best year yet. Enjoy it, you deserve it!
Tarot Card 3: DEATH
Wow! this tarot card is so powerful. 2017 looks to be your year of transformation as a whole new you and life is being bestowed on you. Freedom and your soul’s purpose are pushing you forward and encouraging you to leave your old life behind as you know there is so much more waiting for you to experience. Gone are the days of you playing small and merely existing, you are ready to grasp life by the horns and life it to its full potential. You now realise that life is a gift and are prepared to make the necessary changes so you can live it the best you can. This may mean leaving things and people behind but you know that they have past their sell by date and will now only allow what encourages your growth and not hinders it. Honour your past as you say goodbye to it and embrace the fabulous new life and self-discovery that awaits. Very exciting times!
Tarot Card 4: ACE OF CUPS
Love with a capital L looks set to be the main theme for the coming year, along with peace, blessings and abundance. Your cup will be overflowing with emotion as you finally let true love and self-love into your life. New beginnings are also indicated and a deepening of your psychic abilities too. Your faith in love and life will be renewed and you will have a deeper understanding of the universe and its bigger plan. This looks to be a very powerful year for you where things flow naturally rather than you having to put in too much effort. So just relax, let the universe do its work and most importantly, let love be your fuel and light guide your way.
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.