Your New Years Tarot Reading 2023 – What lessons will this year bring?

12 tarot cards

Your New Years Tarot Reading – What lessons will this year bring?

 Happy New Year for 2023, wonderful one,

Here’s a little Tarot reading that will hopefully give you a few clues on what’s in store for you. Focus on the 12 cards and use your intuition to determine which cards resonate and how many. What cards hold the information for your year ahead?

Please scroll down and read the Tarot in the order you chose them.

Wishing you a year full of love, abundance, and magic

Much love Michele

12 tarot cards

the worldTarot Card One – The World

Hooray, Divine Being,

You are about to reach a peak experience. You are coming to a milestone, a reward, a moment of ‘all is well. Praise the moment, breathe in your triumph, and revel in your well-deserved arrival.

The World reminds us that it’s all just a dance, and we should step lightly. We dance with the entire cycle of existence to different rhythms at different times, flowing with all of the energies that swirl around us. The World tells us that you might be at the end of one chapter, but a whole new book is about to start.

chariotTarot Card Two – The Chariot

Hang onto your cowgirl hat. Life is about to get very interesting. The Chariot suggests a change of pace, a shift of energy, and a huge spurt forward. Why is this happening now? Because you have earned it.

The petrol for our Chariot is our thoughts and beliefs, determination, and inner strength. When we change routines, patterns, and destructive ways of thinking, we liberate ourselves a layer at a time.

3 of pentaclesTarot Card Three – Three of Pentacles

Hey Strong one,

Look at the mountain you’re going to climb! Don’t be daunted. You’ve already laid firm foundations and have the proper support around you to complete your mission. You’ve been studying the map and worked out a clear pathway to the top. You have done important work. Just keep going! 

 Do not fear. If you fail the first time, you can bounce back and give it another go.

Strap on your crampons, grit your teeth, and get going! The next phase for you is clambering towards your dreams, reaching the peak. Be practical, and your determination will take care of the rest. The Cosmos believes in you.

6 of pentaclesTarot Card Four – Six of Pentacles

Hey Warm One, 

Your open heart and generosity of spirit are likely to be rewarded soon. You are one of life’s givers. Even if you have very little, you will always share what you have. Of course, being generous is not all about money, your vast heart is constantly available to your friends and family.

A karmic reward is coming your way, and potentially, a flow of abundance. The 6 of Pentacles heralds a time of flow, of giving and receiving. You deserve a break and have earned it. Your honesty and compassion have not gone unnoticed. It’s time to open your arms and receive.

7 ofpentaclesTarot Card Five – Seven of Pentacles 

Yay! The 7 of Pentacles are reaching for the sky, and so are you. You have laid the groundwork, you are probably doing quite well, and you feel a sense of relief that you have made it this far. You might be feeling a little tired or overwhelmed by your journey.

 The 7 of Pentacles reminds you not to rest on your laurels, as there’s much more to do.

Whatever karmic harvest you are receiving now, it’s time to dig the ground for the next step so you can climb the Pentacles through to the next challenge and reward. The good news is that you can do it! You have already proven to yourself, many times over, that you can achieve things you once thought impossible. Many more self-made miracles are to come.

strengthTarot Card Six – Strength

Last year was likely a challenging time. Strength comes to you today to remind you that you are safe, that you have an unconquerable spirit. If there are situations in your life where people are trying to repress or dominate you, if you feel angry or stressed out, reach into your inner warrior of love.

The Strength card shows that true power is gentle. Losing your cool is not necessarily the best use of your energy, in fact, you could that could mean you are falling into someone’s trap! Watch, learn, think before you react.

Awaken your compassion for yourself, know that your vulnerability is also your strength. Whatever has been causing you to feel ‘weak’ or bogged down can be overcome now. Take time to think outside the box and see the different ways you can handle any challenges around you. You can transform a situation.

temperanceTarot Card Seven – Temperance

If you lost your balance or felt out of sorts, Temperance is guiding you back to yourself. A healing, soothing, nurturing energy is pouring from the Cosmos into your being.

This year is the time to restore balance, to look at any extremes in your life and love yourself enough to let go of any destructive patterns.

Temperance whispers that you can build your dreams and spin them into reality when you find stability and calm. Choose you!

the starTarot Card Eight – The Star

Happy days! 

A great emotional tonic is coming. You may have been through an intensely emotional time. If you’ve felt drained, uninspired, and a bit lost, the Star talks to you of hope. A creative boost is on the way. It’s the sunshine after the storm.

Your creative juices are flowing, and a sense of calm and balance returns. Be prepared for brilliance to tumble out of you. Look out for flashes of intuition that show you how to step into your power. This can be an indicator that your energy is opening to the next stage of your development and you have renewed faith in your life path. Optimism, balance and inspiration await.

foolTarot Card Nine – The Fool

A leap of faith is going to propel you into a new dimension! The Fool is the dice in the Tarot. When they show up, things change! There’s a powerful boost of cosmic energy that will catapult you into fresh love experiences. Be spontaneous and as trusting as Kiki the dog!

OK, the Fool appears to be a bit of a clown. They look like they are walking towards a cliff edge, oblivious to the danger. However, don’t be fooled (you see what I did there ;) haha!) This dude/ess has been around the block a few lifetimes and has total faith in their soul’s journey. They are as innocent as a child and wiser than any sage. Be the Fool, and let go of fear, open to the myriad of possibilities life and love have in store for you.

heirpohpantTarot Card Ten – The Hierophant

The Hierophant is all about structure and learning. I used to have a block with the card as its traditional meaning is all about the Patriarchy/restriction/the power of society.

 Until I realised that one of the fundamental building blocks of my success happened when I learned to embrace structure. The Hierophant is coming to tell you that you have the opportunity to transform your life. Let your curiosity seek new ideas, learning and the extraordinary. 

Create foundations for your ideas to blossom and grow. You receive a clue to the next step. Read, enroll in a course, create a life manifesto to structure your expansion. 

A personal manifesto does need to be dry and rigid, it’s a reminder of how to contain and fertilise your brilliance! Check out how to do it here. Encourage healthy boundaries for yourself, and You can still be a wilding and join forces with a structure that you decide on, it’s your rules!

8 of pentaclesTarot Card Eleven – Eight of Pentacles

You’ve been working hard not only externally but also internally. Finally, you are in a groove that is leading you towards success. You might feel that you haven’t got enough playtime or perhaps you have a perfect balance?

Either way, if you keep focusing on what you want to create, you achieve your goal.

Yes, you might have to put a bit of extra effort in, especially in the immediate future, but it should all be worth it! You are about to be rewarded for your hard graft.

2 of wandsTarot Card Twelve – Two of Wands

You’re currently reflecting on your own cosmic Universe and where you’re heading. There’s a surprise revelation coming, it’s time to step out of the known and into a wider experience. Let your visionary side out and plot your move.

You’ve been cosmically sprouting ideas, and now is the time to act, have faith in yourself, beautiful soul, it’s a New Year and a fresh start. Oh, and an offer is coming your way, which might be a heap more valuable than first thought.



knight waite tarot

Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.

Tarot Deck       Guide Book
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