Dreaming of Numbers

Dreaming of numbers indicates a need for organization and logic.  When we dream of numbers our deeper mind is conveying a message that we need to reign in our imaginations and begin to forge distinct results.

Numbers are symbolic of formulas, equations, strategies and linear thought.  It’s true our dreams and imaginings are integral to the manifestation process.  So, when I say dreaming of numbers means we must “reign in” our imaginations – I mean it is time to act and formulate a solid plan that incorporates our dreams and strategies.

What kind of plan do we create that will marry our dreams and action for material manifestation?  Our dream numbers will tell us what kind of plan.

We derive meaning from numbers in dreams in the same way we work with numerology in our waking lives. Every number holds a deeper meaning, a harmonic resonates that carries a message.  It’s our responsibility to interpret our dream numbers to glean insight for life-direction, planning and purpose.

Here are a few suggested meanings when we are dreaming of numbers.


When we dream of number one, our deeper knowing is expressing concepts of new beginnings.  Ones are symbolic of fresh starts, starting over and launching in a new direction.  The number one in dreams also points to the Self.  Number one asks you to check in with yourself and your well being.  Number one also speaks to us about unity and unification.  If you’re spread out all over the place, number one may be telling you to consolidate.


Dreaming of number two indicates choice and balance.  The number two in our dreams may be telling us to make a choice about a decision we’ve been putting off.  It may also point to a need to balance our time, our budgets, our resources, etc.  Twos also point to relationships and partnerships.  In this light, when number two surfaces in dreams it may be a time to look at our business partnerships as well as friends, family and romantic relationships.


Three is an extremely creative number, and sacred too.  When the number three shows up in our dreams it is an indication to create something new.  Pull out your pens, paintbrushes, musical instruments, building blocks -whatever gets your creative juices flowing and spurs you to produce something new and magical in your life.  If you’ve dreamed the number three, anything you do creatively will come together elegantly because the number three blesses your productivity.


Dreaming of number four deals with structure, stability and order.  Four is a foundational number and is very grounding.  Ergo, number four may point to matters of the home (as there are typically four foundational corners upon which a house is built).  If you’re in the market to sell or buy a new home, the number four in your dreams is an auspicious sign.  Otherwise, pay special care to cleaning your home, removing clutter, and giving thanks for your residence when number for pays you a dreamy visit.


Number five in dreams is about motion, mobility and travel.  When you’re dreaming of number five you might be compelled to start packing your bags and traveling to parts unknown.  Five is about adventure, and dreaming of number five is also a “green light” signal too because the energy of five is protection – specially during travel.


Number six is a number of harmony, love, union and contentment.  When we are dreaming of six we are called to nurture ourselves and our loved ones.  Number six asks us to spend time appreciating the beauty in our lives.  Spend time with loved ones.  Self-indulge.  Splurge a little.  Enjoy tender moments with children.  Number six in dreams recommends a reunion with the people and places we love the most.


Seven in dreams is a call for higher education.  It is a magical, mystical number and acting upon its presence will insure success in higher studies.  Dreaming of seven is a sign to continue study, start a new hobby, look into alternative healing, investigate esoteric practices, and get more involved with spiritual teachings.


The number eight talks to us about cycles of time, and the infinite nature of life.  When we dream of the number eight it is a deeper message from our soul that says “all is well, you are always protected, and infinitely cared for by the Universe.”  Eight is actually a ‘thumbs up’ from the Universe.  It is a sign that everything will work out, and your eternal nature is true nature.


Dreaming of number nine indicates you are on the precipice of a new adventure.  It the last number before reaching completion (number 10), and so it hints to the ending of one phase of life while en route to the next stage.  Interestingly, nines also talk about happy returns.  In dreams, number nine asks our attention to spiral back into our source – the true core of who we are in order to know our value.  Essentially, it asks us to get back to our roots.

If you are dreaming of more than one number, you can reduce the sequence to a single number to derive meaning.  For example, if you’ve dreamed of the number 10010, you can reduce it (1+0+0+1+0=2) to two and go from there.

I hope you have enjoyed these thoughts on dreaming of numbers.  Don’t stop here.  Continue your education on dreams and numerology by reading through these other great articles on micheleknight-staging.co.uk.gridhosted.co.uk:

What is Numerology?

The Meaning of Dreams

Written by Avia Venefica of www.whats-your-sign.com

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