Audio Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

Celtic Cross Audio Tarot Reading

Click the start button to begin your tarot reading.


Start by clicking card number one and proceed through the cards in sequence.


Free Audio Celtic Cross Tarot Reading. Michele Knight reads your Tarot

My Free online Tarot readings have been on the web since 2000. I’m constantly asked if I can do a personal Tarot reading, so I decided to record all the Tarot cards and give you this free audio Celtic Cross to Tarot reading to inspire you, and help empower your soul journey.

I have had tonnes of amazing feedback commenting on how accurate this Tarot reading can be. I hope you find it accurate too. Maybe it will encourage you fall in love with Tarot the way I have. Tarot have been my life long friend, supporter, confidant, and inspiration.

Click the start button and click the middle two Tarot cards and work your way around in a clockwise direction. You can choose to click any card but that’s the way I would do it if I were giving you the reading personally. I believe in the magic of synchronicity, the randomised way the cards are chosen for you is similar to you shuffling the deck yourself.

Why Does Your Celtic Cross Have 12 Cards?

Usually, the Celtic Cross only has ten Cards, with one card as your outcome card. In my teenage years, I was frustrated by a one card outcome and started laying three cards for a clearer prediction. My clients found this very useful and it stuck with me. I find you get much more specific and accurate information with the extra cards in the outcome. Don’t forget to keep a record of your reading. One of the many things I have learned in my Tarot journey is that what we least expect to manifest from our Tarot reading can often happen!

Your written Celtic Cross without my voice can be found here.


51 thoughts on “Audio Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

  1. Thank you Michele very good reading it says i am moving house and yes i will be soon a few other things you told me is interesting i am going through a bad time just now and i hope things get better soon .

  2. Wow! Thank you so much! You have helped me make a big decision and move forward with my life in a less fearful way. All that I wish for is on the other side of this fear. Wow. Thank you – taking the leap!

  3. I have been using this reading for a l9ng tine and always find michelle acurate.

    Thankyou michelle
    ..sending love xxx

  4. Tell me about my truth future. My name is kalki. Born in July 31st 1985 18:45 pm. I am from Nepal. City dharan Bazaar eastern region.

  5. Incredibly bizarre
    I believe Michele herself tried to contact me thru the Ether…tonight
    I’m sure you’ve heard it before…

  6. Thankyou l had a celtic cross reading, l am very pleased with my free reading, it answered so many questions about everything l needed to know thankyou so much.

  7. Please give some guidance on my future I am terrified for my life and I have a lot negative energy in my life right now would be massively grateful for your help thank you

  8. I love love the Audio Tarrot cars reading my Michelle even though it’s online I still feel like it’s , one on one. It helps guid my spiritual path, definitely a tool I use more than once a day.

  9. I love Michele Knight’s Celtic Reading. No matter how I am feeling, this reading tends to be spot on about what I am going through and what I may need guidance on. I feel that this is a beautifully amazing tool because it has so many aspects and with honest observation of your life and what the cards are saying, you can easily find solutions. I have been using this tool for nearly five years now and it has been great for me. Thank you thank you thank you!

  10. I love this site! This site is all about YOU!!!! I can see and feel the passion of love and hard work that the staff put into site. This can be shown through every detail within every segment of the site! The best thing is you can use this site to be even more loving, and peaceful person to yourself and to others and even a more happier person. Throughout the site you can feel so much positivity and desire to make the world a better place for all humans to have a peaceful experience. I love how the site can show people how colourful and abundant life can be for peace and happiness.. Also, it shows people what beautiful and positive things are beneath the visual the surface. The site has so many activities that are enlightening to help people be the best person they can be over a lifetime and for a beautiful soul’s journey for human earthly happiness. I am learning that deep within my being, my spirit is as pure and powerful as it ever was. and I am learning from this site (in lightening speed) how to use my human and soul’s gifts for my personal happiness.

    Thank you everyone !

  11. The Celtic Cross was right on! Thank you so much
    as this reading confirmed my own intuition about
    what is going on in my life right now.

  12. Wow! The best reading I’ve ever had. It’s like Michele Knight knows me without even meeting me, I’m shocked at the accuracy. Bloody brilliant!

  13. Does the entire tarot deck get used, for this reading? I get almost same cards every time I do this. With 78 cards in the tarot deck, it seems strange.

  14. Wow! My free celtic cross audio reading today is amazing! I want to save it! Is there any way to do that?

  15. I love this I use this maybe once a month I hardly get the same cards and if I do it is still something that is true all readings I’ve done is relating to my presence timing in life. I’m so thankful to have this

  16. I love this page but I wish it would stop telling me I’m coming into money because every time it does I always lose it…I’m not even kidding.

  17. this was incredibly accurate, especially about things going on in my life, and i feel as if this has given me great guidance and more of a positive outlook on life and that things are on the rise. thank you ever so much Michele knight. Also i find your voice very soothing and positive.

  18. Hi Michele, Love this page & keep coming back to it, thank you for the best free tarot :) :) :)

  19. Can anyone get anything from me as ive searched these kind of sights for some kind of answers from ppl i love i can hear them myself but doubt my self and question if im making it up in my head or not or if they are telling me and its very confusing for me some one said my aura is heavily contaminated of so much negativity .my life has juat been unlucky and it donr get better can anyone tell me if wat this man said about the inner layers of my aura is true

  20. These readings are certainly putting things in perspective for me at the moment,and I will keep using them as a guidance to changes I want to make in my life at the moment too,very clear readings on the subject matter I needed clarity for,makes me feel more secure about going ahead with projects that are for all intentions life changing thanks for such a great free service ,having said this I will be getting a real time reading soon too

  21. Thank you for a very accurate free tarot reading. Thank you to help to see things that you already know, in a more clear way. Thank you. xxx

  22. I have been watching and using this free tarot reading and keeping track to see how accurate it is. With that being said for the last 4 months it has been amazing and accurate I’ve done a reading here and also on real cards and another app and was very surprised to see that I got the same cards in or about the same place each time! Love Michelle Knight voice and help to better interpreted readings. Best free tarot out there!

  23. this reading has never been so spot on, my life is changing and i am moving forward aswell as finding out im pregnant!! never been so happy 24/04/17 baby a

  24. I feel so uplifted and encouraged by my reading today. I am so grateful to Michele for making it available and I have to say she is so very beautiful!

    1. Very nice reading style. I also like your three outcome cards. I’ve not seen that before. Most Celtic Cross readings have 10 cards. I actually like the 12 card reading. I also like that you go clockwise around the center “heart of the matter” and card that “crosses the situation.” That’s how I learned to read many years ago.

      Most readers do an up down left right reading cross layout.. That’s OK, but I find that if you’re reading for someone else who also knows how to read cards, it’s best to have a similar layout. My preference for reading could possibly and inadvertently offset the reading.

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