Free Tarot Reading – Guidance For The Week

Free Tarot Reading – Guidance For The Week Ahead

Hello Gorgeous Soul,

Fancy a free Tarot Reading for your week ahead? Take a look at these four Tarot cards and use your own psychic ability and intuition to sense if one has a message for you. If it has, scroll down for your answer.

Wishing you the most fabulous week

Much love




If you’ve been feeling a little sketchy, Temperance brings you the answer. This week you are advised to seek balance.

No, it isn’t dull! Finding inner harmony will fill you with divine superpowers! Your energy has the opportunity to be directed, honed and fine-tuned. When you focus on your passion, you are unstoppable. Hunt down habits and attitudes that are tipping you off your game. Get zen and watch the rewards pile in.

Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

It’s all to play for this week as a diamond thought or possibility is dangled before you. You’ve been inching towards building your self-esteem and healing past wounds, and it’s now time to take care of the details. Know that you deserve success and that you have earned it.

Influencers, powerful souls, and wise ones are all drawn to you. Commit to your dreams, and fight any fears or self-doubt. You have come this far, and the next stage will likely feel simpler. The Ace of Pentacles assures you that you can and will do it. Ground yourself, look after yourself, and plant your seeds deeply. An abundance spurt is on the way!

The Chariot


Your Journey may have stalled recently. Perhaps your life wheels were stuck in the swamp of others negativity. The Chariot tells you to brace yourself, a surge of energy is hurtling you onwards. Your thoughts and beliefs are petrol, the fuel that carries you forward, turn them into rocket fuel! Prepare for full speed ahead.

The Moon

The Moon

The Moon is our beloved. Like the Moon, we have cycles of being, we can feel energised or need time alone. We can be highly intuitive, and yet sometimes not connect to our inner wise one.

You picked the Moon. You are at a time of deep KNOWING. Listen to your inner voice. Is there an uncomfortable intuition rising to the surface? Do you have a gut feeling you are ignoring? You have the answer to a current dilemma, face the truth and act on it.

knight waite tarot

Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.

Tarot Deck       Guide Book
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