Psychic reader India

 Michele says

India is a great asset to the team and I am sure you will love her. Here are some of the comments from India’s test readings ‘I was very impressed, she even mentioned my close friend by name’ and ‘Very good, she was able to focus on the one thing I wanted to look at.’

When she gave me my test reading she got straight to the point and was very detailed. I love the fact she is a trained counsellor and a life coach as she represents the emotionally intelligent reader we are looking for. India links in just by listening to your voice and is Clairvoyant, Clairsentient and Clairaudient. She can use the Native American cards or Angel cards as well.

What people say

  • “I spoke to India tonight and she totally blew me … read more

    - Written by Patricia

  • “Lovely woman who brings to her practice her experience and … read more

    - Written by Susan

  • “I had a reading with India and it was perfect. … read more

    - Written by Jade

  • I had a such a inspiring and soothing reading with … read more

    - Written by MB

  • “I feel compelled to write in to say that I … read more

    - Written by Kate

  • I had my first reading with India.  I was drawn … read more

    - Written by Jacqueline

  • “just wanted to say I have just had an amazing … read more

    - Written by Gill

  • “I just had a great reading with India (pin 2284) … read more

    - Written by Alan