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Your interactive Angel Card reading

This week I am sharing an interactive Angel Card reading with you. Play the introduction video and then focus on the 6 cards. Use your intuition to pick the Angel card that you are drawn to.

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Spirit Guides – Make The Most Of Your Own Spiritual Google

What is the best way to work with your Spirit Guide? It can be bewildering when you first meet your guide and even further into the relationship it can be confusing. What to ask and how best to use your own personal spiritual google? Guides are full of knowledge and their job is to awaken us to ours! Here are a few tips to help enhance your experience.

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Protecting your aura

Living in city or being around groups of people can sometimes drain your energy. Energy vampires, negative people or angry work colleagues can impact our mood and well being. Here is a simple technique to help protect your most important sacred space, your aura.

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Secrets of the Archangels Revealed.

Archangels – the ‘higher’ angels, are closer to our everyday lives than we think. Find out the secrets of the Angels including which Archangel relates to your star sign and the hidden Archangels in the tarot.

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Archangels & Our Angel Guides

Angels are intelligent beings, capable of feelings who have their existence on a slightly higher vibrational frequency to that which our physical senses are attuned. Some people believe that angels are the thoughts of God. Others, however feel that they are connection to spirit.

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